I agree that there is a huge overrepresentation of gays and trannies today. But most of the shows that have tons of woke shit (HGS, The Owl House, Moon Girl) really aren't that popular, and the ones that are (Steven Universe is really the only one I can think of) are very subtle about it. Really I think it's silly to extrapolate the issue to children, since that age bracket no longer watches cartoons on TV and mostly watch whatever dregs are on TikTok or YouTube Kids. Is woke a serious issues in cartoons, or are there bigger factors in play? When does the issue end and culture war shenanigans begin?
How big of an issue is "woke" actually in toons?
Luz was better as a born female, a lady. girl woman, she her.
Honestly woke is only a problem the mentally talentless talk about.
Look at critical drinker always going in about it but when he finally makes a movie everyone's can see he's a hack who huts hit kids.
And she grew up to be a beautiful well-endowed woman.
Woke is an umbrella term used to identify people who live in a toxic positivity environment where you can't shoot down any bad ideas and remain employed.
Wokeness is something that isn't a real thing that rightards delude themselves into thinking that it's a real thing like the cringe loser incel schitzos that they all are!
It makes me really happy to know that even when they win, they still lose like Vietnam and Afghanistan, lol!
And most of those shows are made for the type of people that like that representation so the ones that get mad about it are kinda dumb
Trvke. While some kids watched these shows, the truth is most of these shows are created for people by woke people for woke people. That's why most of these show creators support each other and share the same politics. I can understand why this is irritating to conservatives with a lack of conservative representation in toons but back then they actually created shows like VeggieTales and had more control of the media. I remember a long time ago during the SJW phase conservatives were telling libs to "just make your own shows instead of turning established characters gay!" Well, they did, and look where we are now.
No, these shows are made for children and only an idiot would put those themes in a children's series.
Luz is a proud black transgender man. His pronouns are he/him.
Political leanings aren't the issue, you could make a right leaning cartoon and it'd probably be even more boring because they've always ruined everyone's fun.
The real problem is that they gave up trying to appeal to kids entirely. Instead of reverse engineering what kids want to watch and making that, they seem to make whatever they feel like making and blame the kids for not showing up, and then act like there's nothing they could've done to prevent this. 8 years ago you could've compared the industry to a sinking ship, now they're just treading water with life jackets talking about how fun the cruise is.
Are those the same person years appart?
Is this a cartoon for children/pre-teens? That’s really the only question that matters.
I think a lot of criticism levied at “woke” is silly and misplaced, but there has been a glut of grown people using children’s cartoons as therapy sessions for their own weird issues. I’ve no doubt in my mind there were gay people and left wing folks working on the Batman cartoons back in the day but we never got a “very special episode” of Batman coming out as bi or whatever.
However misplaced some of the criticism is, there is a real phenomenon of irrelevant personal dramas being shoehorned into cartoons nominally produced for children. It’s weird and creepy.
children are easily manipulated and impressionable
luz was born a human wizard, it's pronouns are apache/AH-64
Wasn't Matt Braly pestered by alphabet people for lack of alphabet representation?
And the industry blaming YouTube is such a self own. It's announcing that they know precisely what kids want to watch, and then making something completely different.
She/Her vs They/Them
Here’s the truth of it, woke doesn't matter if the characters and story are good. If both those factors are positive than who the hell cares. Story is where the Owlhouse failed more than anything else. Regardless of if you like woke or hate it if the story is entertaining enough it wont matter, now if the story is good but the characters are insufferable than its just as bad. Sometimes shows try to hide from this criticism with the term woke saying you don't like it because it's woke. If you're writing a story focus on the story and the charge ters the message you're trying to show should come up organically if you're a good writer. A character should never state they are trans or hay that's a mistake. Instead, have it shown through out the story. If you want a big out of the closet moment where they flip someone the bird and say I'm alaphbet soup not Hungreyman or Betty crocker deal with it! Than I'd suggest having that as a flash back or make it a surprise to a charecther. Personally I wouldn't recommend it though its such a cliche in gay media. Anyway rant over inforgit the point I was making I'm not a good writer.
You just lost the election fagwipe
I feel it was ok when Steven universe did it cause it was subtle, cute, there was more substance there than just girls kissing and fucking. Same with TOH with certain degrees however I do agree the fucking lgbt talk in children’s shit is getting so old and pretentious.
I watched the trans moon girl episode and literally was fucking cringing on how stupid as fuck it was and how the plot made little to no sense and the fact that not even the voice actors want to be apart of the show they sound so forced with the lines with the coach villian woman sounding like the only bitch who knew how to voice act. Making a character being gay or trans their only substance is NOT cool anymore and they need fucking stop.
Other media has done rep better (Scot pilgrim does it extremely well) and I’m pretty sure certain gay people are sick of the constant pandering and stupid shit.
Just make something good and entertaining. All I ask from any creator.
God... luz in S3 was so fucking ugly, and it was worse on the finale.
Why didn’t he just ignore them?? These people have a lot of fucking cartoons catering to them. Like bro? I’m bi and I literally don’t care for “le gay person in my cartoon”, I just want a well written and entertaining cartoon.
I think a lot of it speaks to the conceit of the artist, which is a big problem in a lot of fields.
Cartoonists have their heads shoved so far up their asses nowadays that they think that they were selectively chosen by God to create content that solely appeals to themselves and their cadre of like-minded morons, that they have been chosen to barf out tepid political takes as if they are revolutionary, and to bask in the accolades of their buddies patting their asses for doing so. They don't care what the audience thinks, they are smater and know better than them, they only care about extolling their virtues and massaging their own egos. Part of it is going to be due to corporations making increasingly soulless projects that are simultaneously bloated in cost yet threadbare on quality, and this is somewhat of a backlash against that, but this phenomenon is so insufferable that it just poisons the well for generations to come.
It happens in a lot of fields, you see it in architecture too.
People relate bad experiences to things and since all projects, series, games and movies with woke or inclusion themes are failing or being terribly received by the public, then the general public relates everything woke as something of poor quality that is not worth seeing (mostly true statement)
in conclusion.
woke = bad quality series.
Keep it for the secondary and almost never recurrent characters, making the main character "woke" changes the perception of the people on the show, mostly because this is a personnal issue of the autors that for some reason want to tell to all the world about his/her inner struggles.
And regular people don't care or feel related to that shit.
Its almost always a her
Hey Arnold was a “woke” show in the sense that it featured a diverse cast, explored a variety of real issues, and had tons of episodes with blatant political themes. I think the reason it worked is because it was made by people who understood kids and who understood the world.
Arnold was never patronizing and never lectured. He was wrong on occasion. None of the characters were perfect - they were victims and victimizers. Helga’s horrible home life contextualized her behavior in the show but the writers never gave her a pass for it. I think writers today are scared of their characters having real flaws because the creators (Sugar et. al.) see the characters as extensions of themselves. It’s part of this idea of representation, but it’s more about representing yourself rather than a real issue or problem.
The irony in that is therapy is all about identifying your flaws to try and overcome them one day at a time.
Hey Arnold was a “woke” show
i prefer the term slice of life in the city
Literally this^
I believe "Woke"/LGBT in of itself isn't the problem, but how it's displayed.
Like said, no one has a problem with it if the story/characters is good and like what , if it's subtle and not in our face 24/7 + not the only reason why a character exist, then there's no problem.
By modern standards. I don’t think it’s “woke” in the transgressive political sense. I think made a great point here. People have tried and failed to replicate diverse shows that had heart and often labeled it “woke” themselves. The negative association is entirely self inflicted.
An under-appreciated aspect of older cartoonists is that they had lives. They were authors and teachers. They had families and businesses and hobbies. They traveled and they lived. Shit, Joe Murray just made his own animation studio when he was like 20. When they made cartoons, they had a life to draw inspiration from. TOH and SU don’t seem to draw from anything. Their creators are pretty infamously incurious and isolated people.
Anon, are you telling me gay people don’t inject themselves into every conversation to lecture strangers?
Is this a cartoon for children/pre-teens? That’s really the only question that matters.
Why? Is there an age that kids should learn gay people exist?
I agree, but too many conservative see the inclusion of LGBT in a show as 'forcing an agenda' no matter how it is done.
No. Writers should make what the want and let the audience find it.
regular people
Is 'regular people' pictured in your post?
Real life gay people that aren't from that shit hole California yeah.
Hi anon, I’m sorry you didn’t get to finish the rest of the post. If you go back, I think you’ll see that I’m not saying or implying what you seem to think I am. Best of luck, xoxo
I've never met one that's done that (At least irl)
Only the crazy ones dude I'm conservative and I could care less if its done well.I freaking loved Mr. Simmons From Hey Arnold he reminds me of my gay uncle. The whole all conservatives hate gay people nonse is pure bullshit watch any sport in America and they'll play queen, go to any small town on Halloween and they'll be playing Rocky Horror picture show.
luz in S3 was so fucking ugly, and it was worse on the finale
Everything about the Owl House is straight up garbage and terrible. I recall even that show's finale completely shit the bed too.
Writers should make what the want and let the audience find it.
That only really works out if you have writers who want to make good work and be proud of it standing on its own merits, less so when it's writers interested in only massaging their own ego and getting a communal jerk-off from their buddies about it.
Again, you see this pattern emerging with how garbage modern architecture is, or the world of garbage fine arts. When a medium becomes something being ran by and for the artists without any consideration for the common man, then it becomes an incestuous slope that exacerbates the divide between the artist and their audience as the medium declines in quality until it's just pure garbage.
Cartoons don't really matter in general. Like, Phineas and Ferb had 10 million people watching the premiere, now Disney premieres hover around 150k. They can hide behind "you grew up and you're just nostalgic", they can say cable in general losing relevancy but that's comparing the 20% decline most channels faced to the 98% decline kids cartoons have had. Gaslighting the audience won't bring your jobs back.
Also its not fun and I don’t like it.
Any gay shit in a kids show is cringe no matter what. Sincerely, a gay.
Modern artists are embarrassed by the idea that something they made can be fun and enjoyable in an earnest way. Unless it's something that is so distinctly absurd that nobody can take it seriously (or criticise it for being silly), the modern artist is more interested in creating content that'll serve as jerk-off fodder for their contemporaries.
And ya'll never stop this so called "wokeness" so what's your point, virgin?
Trump bitched out of 2000 election (look it up) and lost the 2020 election, lol!
Better question would what would you Trumptards do once Trump is long gone?
What cult of personality will you follow in his inevitable death?
98 percent of this shows fanbase are overweight millennial femcels.
I have never seen a single kid talk about it, they talk about Skibidi Toilet and that nugget guy. Grow up losers.
Past is the past the present is now, who knowsnwhatbeill happen 4 years from now we’ll see what the world looks like than and decided inelce again on the lesser of two evils. Until than though currently, trump will take office in 2025 so by all means cope.
only good posts. "kids shows" nowadays aren't really made for kids anymore. as other anons pointed out, the creators nowadays use the shows political/nonsensical soapboxes to preach aberrant shit to kids which is weird since I assume the current creators nowadays grew up on the morals of saturday morning shows or at the very least shows the non-terminally online people wouldn't consider "woke" (specifically shows pre-Obama administration). something just went wrong along the way since serious topics like drug addiction, stranger danger, mental illnesses and crime got replaced by stuff like strangers are okay as long as they're gay because your kids might be gay, drugs being therapeutic, ADHD and ADD not being problems but hindering one's self-growth (which is another issue entirely) and thinly veiled political stances going on in the real world.
Wizard? It's Hare/ie
That's insufficient evidence given that art made by critics to prove themselves always turns out shit
It's never an issue if they keep sliding the overton window.
Instead of reverse engineering what kids want to watch and making that
Kids aren't watching it either so they haven't actually changed anything.
When does the issue end and culture war shenanigans begin?
This is such an odd thing to say. "Woke" and the culture war are inextricably linked, just like "DEI" and "political correctness" and a dozen other descriptors that have been invented since the 1990s. There isn't some platonic ideal of woke that exists outside the contemporary context
Go back to sleep, sheep.
Of course they haven't. And they never will. They'll work their way down to 10 watchers and 2 employees and still have them draw Beast Boy lecturing the audience about how critics are wrong while selfie twerking.
trump will take office in 2025
And millions will suffer.
I did watch S1, I found it boring for the most part, if I have to be honest I found he designs really appealing, and I keked when I saw drawfriends throwing Luz with Marco and making the fans seethe, when S2 was in I barely paid attention to it and as far as I heard (even from the fans) the show didn't really get good until midway S2.
So yeah, I can believe it when people say that it shat the bed and it just sucked
Political leanings aren't the issue, you could make a right leaning cartoon and it'd probably be even more boring because they've always ruined everyone's fun.
See The New Norm
The real problem is that they gave up trying to appeal to kids entirely. Instead of reverse engineering what kids want to watch and making that, they seem to make whatever they feel like making and blame the kids for not showing up,
Because two reasons
What they want is genuine slop that is Skibiti Toilet and Fortnite dances. Call me an oldfag or a faggot in general for defending shows talking about validating one being non straight or whatever, but these shows at least teaches shit no different from Captain Planet or other educational media about acceptance and tolerance of differences in people and the removal of fearing over the unknown, none of that thought provoking content exists in gmod head in a toilet model.
Basically, Kids ARE retarded and deserve adult material. I mean that in real honest. Jap kids can handle mundane shit like swear words but over here, you get so much obvious hypocritical nonsense where in a shitty comedy and even outright advertisement you here uncensored swearing all the time but in "kids media" they are so devoid of "corrupted" material it's like talking to someone not even human instead of treating them as potentially intelligent adults. Even fucking Tiktok has rotted kids minds so much thanks to this hypocrisy we now have to deal with generations of kids saying "unalive" because dead is now censored on the level of saying "dogshit". It's gotten too far, all in the name of "the children".
This site pisses me the fuck off, because rightoids and lefties have done nothing to actually convince me you REALLY care about children and just want the planet to be gaslighted to be "clean" just so you don't actually spend time being a real parent/adult and educating your child into being a respectable human being.
This is correct, but there *are* nozzles through which the workplace can get out their Two Minutes Hate and it’s either white, men, or something totally childish like food preferences or sports affiliation.
Millions will suffer, those who ruined the life of tens of millions.
I’ve no doubt in my mind there were gay people and left wing folks working on the Batman cartoons back in the day but we never got a “very special episode” of Batman coming out as bi or whatever.
Instead, that was used in Static Shock in the literal first episode about black and white racism. I guess the difference was "irony poisoning" and "pretentious messaging" wasn't detected by the populous yet to call that "woke".
I can believe it when people say that it shat the bed and it just sucked
Nobody says that, and the few that do arr wrong
Telling children that it's possible for two people of the same sex to fall in love is fine, on paper. The homosexual community, however, is a bad place for children, and the neediness towards getting children to get into the homosexual community is more of an issue than people want to engage with. Mostly because we're so far down the slippery slope that older homosexual men grooming younger boys doesn't really bother people as much.
Putting anything trans in cartoons for kids is legitimately a problem. That's a one-way street and the support network to mutilate a kid is far more powerful, influential, and manipulative than any hypothetical detransitioner network that could tell a kid that they don't need to get on puberty blockers and HRT as early as possible *just in case* or properly diagnose that the kid is autistic, mentally ill, or possibly the victim of molestation. And that's actually the extreme majority of cases. Autistic, mentally ill, and/or molested kids being groomed into thinking transitioning is the only way they'll ever be happy, with every adult in their lives telling them this is true because any adult who says otherwise becomes an abuser and a bigot who should be removed from that kid's life.
Nonbinary and pronoun stuff in cartoons is less dangerous, but it is legitimately made up nonsense. It's an easy and danger free queer identity that anxious idiots who drank their own kool-aid can adopt to be part of the queer community. It is mostly just confusing and meaningless and injects an added layer of silly, abnormal bullshit to try and condition kids into using, so they are indoctrinated in as many ways as possible and grow up believing that they can only believe people who support those ideas.
Not in real life, just like political nonsense about trump winning. I've literally never seen what I see on this site replicated in reality. Maybe because people that venture outside knows what piss people off and keep it to themselves.
Fucking king shit, my brother and his wife are raising their kids on those “western standards” and they’re severely stunted both mentally and socially. While I could argue his wife’s genetics are dogwater, the truth of the thing is that Americans have completely given up on societal child-rearing or the belief that kids can, and should, experience adult content to grow. Every time my brother tries to hush me when I’m about to say something “adult” to the kids I cringe. Garrett, whatever you’re doing isn’t working!
But yeah, western animation is mostly for gay faggots and women, so it’s not a surprise the content reflects that. Just watch anime if you want red-blooded content.
Except for Lightbringer, of course.
Honestly, what I enjoy the most from this shitheads ITT is that the first cartoon about Felix the Cat was never at ALL for children. It was even more "woke" with how "shocking" the subject matter was about than the "gay corruption" is doing right now in todays media. Honestly I'm convinced everyone here are just the very soccer moms you'd bitch about censoring titty in anime or whatever.
But the fact we've gaslighted ourselves into thinking cartoons are for kids only is basically why animation has died in the west but not in the east. It isn't quality, as it's been documented to hell and back it's made at a lost without international funding, the funding that gets their media censored for the western market in the first place, but why it stays alive as a medium in Japan is because they don't see anime for children, they expect their children to cope and deal with it as it's made for adults/general audiences. OP's image is like one of the most tamest examples of the kind of shit that kids over there would be subjected to on the regular but in America just not existing as a straight white male alone causes pure chaos.
which is weird since I assume the current creators nowadays grew up on the morals of saturday morning shows
Grew up watching straight cartoons, still turned out gay. But watching 'woke' cartoons will make you gay. The power of teh gay is truely awesome.
Still way too popular
The fandom shit is brainwashing kids
There's also "Drag culture" which is just outright degeneracy. People want to pretend that it's not a feitsh for extremely mentally unwell people whose entire community is wholly built around doing a ton of drugs and drinking too much, in addition to be overtly sexual and pedophilic more often than not. It would unironically be safer and healthier for a kid to get into child beauty pageants than the child drag queen and taking kids to drag shows thing they've been trying to normalize for the last several years. All of them are fucking horrendous and society would benefit from destroying all of the above, of course.
Then there's race-baiting bullshit. Aside from being needlessly divisive and couched in the academic ghost hunting language that tries to find "colonialism" and "white supremacy" in all things, cartoons that try to tackle racism as a topic are often rife with historical revisionism and most of them are reading from propagandist playbooks, and citing completely bullshit organizations like the 1619 project to outright lie to people and fabricate historical "facts" to make people believe that the only moral and correct agenda is one that exists primarily to remove white people from everything.
Along with all the previous issues combined, "Woke" content gives children more boogeymen and less understanding of the world and society as it really is. It's dangerous to their physical and mental well-being and the more pervasive and common it is allowed to be, the more harm it will do.
Sure they will just like he brought us into world war 3 last time he was president. Oh wait no he didn't get us involved in any wars while he was president. Unlike the Biden-Harris administration. Hell maybe I'm being harsh, I mean its not like you're only worried about a small percentage of people compared to the overall population.
Alfred Hitchcock could explain why kids watch YouTubers play Battle Royale games. It's off the shelf tension. Everyone knows the possible outcomes, 99 people will lose, 1 person will win, and if the dyed hair guy loses he might throw a tantrum, and if he wins the audience vicariously feels like they won. Compare that to modern cartoons which should be capable of blowing Let's Players out of the water with good cinematography and sound design and writing, yet they destroy it every chance they get by ironying it away.
Rightoids don’t want you to know that the number of gay boys between 2000 and 2024 has remained almost entirely stable. The “explosion” in LGBT among Gen Z has been mostly women identifying as bisexual or non-binary. In other words, what men have always known and clear signs that women are chasing the trend that being queer is “in” among Americans. You put Chad in front of those women and their “they/them” will become “please/harder” in no time.
Owl House is so garbage lmao
Jap kids
You mean those that are educated in a COMPLETELY different way than western kids, the same kids that are taught from an early age to be a part of society and even their pariahs, the otakus have enough understanding of it as to know to keep their antics at bay?
The expression on that bulldog’s face when the ball was in the air got me smiling. I love bulldogs, if they were a little healthier I’d even call them my favorite breed.
Just watch anime if you want red-blooded content.
I mean, the real question of the matter is why has this so called "anti woke" done absolutely nothing to make a show on their values, to prove a point if they believe kids aren't interested in the stuff you call bad, instead of constantly bitching about it online? Not a single creator worth salt seem to be actively against what's been coming out lately, so where's the people that claimed to be's work? Where's the good animated shows in the style of Batman TAS? Or Teen Titans 03? What about shows that truly feel like those old black and white picket fence shows with a family of 2-3 kids in a healthy environment living a good life? Why aren't people making shows like that right now?
You can't say nonsense like "they aren't allowing it" when Youtube is right there. That's where all the indie content is, and something these people don't seem to wanna accept yet but kids are terminally online. Not a single child doesn't have a tablet in their hands at the age of 2, how they going to watch satellite television on that thing? If you want change, be that change. Bitching does nothing worth any salt without a product attached to it.
Please tell me there were other anons at the time these shows aired that noticed they’re all about brown teenage girls? Why is that the most common hero for TV?
Wait, I answered it myself. Because those are the people watching these shows. Because most American kids are brown, now.
Really? Because I could swear I didn't see this many faggots 20 years ago, and I do have a couple of pals that are gay, one of my friends at school was clearly gay, but we never cared about it as to push him away or something like that, now it is impossible, you see a dozen boys saying they are gay or identify as woman and want to be trans and it is all fault of weak parents, usually mothers that want to have attention as "hey, look that supporting mom"
Wokeness is just a side effect of cartoons being shit no one cares about anymore.
As they became less relevant, the suits became more lax and allowed more bullshit to make its way into the shows.
Whether or not they're woke won't matter because cartoons may not even be made outside of indie productions and adult sitcom cash grabs 5 years from now.
That's right. We gotta support our brotha
educated differently
Yeah, don't Japs teach their kids that almost everything has a soul and therefore they are somewhat afraid to damage things and end up cursed?
Smiling Friends, Digital Circus, Unsolved Mysteries and plenty of others that I can’t name in the middle of traffic are probably made by those anti-woke types. Hell, shit like Analog Horror and the Backrooms too. I’ve never heard of anyone involved in those genres trooning out or getting caught in LGBT posturing. If anything, I’ve only ever heard of them getting caught trying to fuck tight-pussy teens, which is the most masculine thing you could do short of having a dad that likes you.
You mean those that are educated in a COMPLETELY different way than western kids
That's not a problem to you? The fact that we actively decayed the art of animation to being nothing more than a plaything for kids? Even LEGOs at this point has more substance to what can fuel creativity a childs mind, while what gets past as "acceptable kids media" is so mindless starting at paint drying is more thought provoke and less restricting by compression.
I'm not going to pretend le glorious japs are teh best and doesn't have any issues, but what I AM going to believe is how this clear "le children" activism is pure bs and is doing more harm than good. Focusing on removing more about reality behind layers and layers of irony and "whateverisms" just because it doesn't fit the worldview you thought was "normal" doesn't change the fact you're still doing absolutely nothing to provide anything meaningful for said children in place of this "woke" content. Especially when animations like Zootopia, Elemental and Arcane are still examples culture has said were great forms of media handling "sensitive" matters. Anime, too, since there you still have your otaku slop with sloshing Orihime tit animations with your "power of friendship" messagings about dealing with real life.
Why are we still having this thread?
Ugh, again, so horrible, so hideous, no wonder those "artists" that draw every character as ugly as possible were so happy with this.
faggots don't belong in cartoons
My opinion:
It's bad because I don't like [group] being depicted in my media!!
It's sometimes bad because it often feels patronizing and forced and not a natural decision made by the creators
There's a difference to me between "I want to make a story using XYZ" and filling quotas for XYZ
I’ve only ever met one Transwoman in-person and she was far from the “passing” ideal they love to claim. Gays are like 3-5% of the population so everyone’s going to know a couple - hell, the “gay uncle” was something even boomers knew about. It’s not rare, just uncommon.
The bigger issue has always been the death of fatherhood. Over 30% of American children are growing up without a father - and the number’s likely higher if you fine-tune it to biodads. 30%! The highest rate of fatherlessness in the world! Yes, the world! You want to fix children? Give them their dad.
Because faggots won't shut the fuck up, lower their heads and say "yeah I admit it, our time in charge was absolute shit", so I think we need to bully them until they are a sorry mess of piss and shit and beg for pity.
Because Anon Babblefags are forever virgins that have nothing better to do in life so they latch onto identity politics and treat it like it's an actual personality.
Orihime’s tits have gotten bigger with every season. The girl needs to stop eating bread.
death of fatherhood
90% of the time it is because the woman in question fucked randoms, got pregnant and then picked whichever one he recently fucked, then when the marriage fails they are all like "Oh my baby, your father didn't want to man up so I'll search for another".
Again, blame women, simple as.
Digital Circus
uhhh chuddy you might wanna sit down for this
Smiling Friends, Digital Circus, Unsolved Mysteries and plenty of others that I can’t name in the middle of traffic are probably made by those anti-woke types.
Just to clear the room, the DC creator is literally non binary and one of the characters in that show is explicable about gender dysphoria. The fact you either didn't notice that or just didn't watch what you're using as an argument proves one thing I believe in, as long as you don't use actual human beings as characters to represent these "woke" values, people apparently stop noticing the "wokeness" and it becomes milder in discourse pertaining to it.
Also, it's a pet peeve to me but if you want me to take your arguments with complete earnest, don't say "probably" to descript something being "likely the truth" when claiming something is or is not something, because then I am to believe you're making shit up now just to sound like you know something you clearly don't. It's something I've picked up over the last year now, and it's always said by people that seems to lean rightwinged because they themselves have to stretch half truths as genuine facts because they themselves don't actually believe in what they are saying. Say "this are indeed clearly anti woke shows". Not "this MIGHT be antiwoke, but just pretend they actually are so I can look right here".
And everyone is fucking happy with it.
I think the issue is that all the people in the west advocating for "more adult themes for kids" only ever argue for gay stuff or more cursing.
It's not the same as it is in Japan where properties aimed at tween boys will feature elements like murder or rape or actual violence (a good example being The Elusive Samurai, which depicts the siege of Kamakura as the borderline massacre it was and has no problem showing things like a child being beheaded or people committing mass suicide).
I thought that was a black culture meme. You're saying all men are failures now?
raised by a single mom
piss poor
becomes a tranny in the end
Like pottery
Don't forget that one time when libtards found out about black dog knights and they believed the author was a nazi, a woman hater, and that the depiction was aiming to create a generation of brutes.
Is Luz actually trans
I think the issue is that all the people in the west advocating for "more adult themes for kids" only ever argue for gay stuff or more cursing.
I think that's what news media is presenting, not actually actual animated media. They talk far more than just being gay and accepting that they exist. Moon girl is basically talking about talking piece after talking piece like a modern day Captain planet, but more focused on "bronx culture" as the forefront.
The author herself decided to come and say "yeah, all this characters (which some right fans are liking for being a girl and a boy in a ship) are also part of the lgbt community, oh and other characters also have flags here and there.
I thought that was a black culture meme.
I think you might want to sit down for this, but the rates of fatherlessness among Whites and Blacks has equalized in American society. Asians and Hispanics are the ones that still keep their families together.
Nobody will ever connect the viewership of a channel to the quality of the shows on the channel. Ever. You could have kids in focus groups screaming "TURN THIS OFF! THIS IS AWFUL!" and the execs will think "Wow that kid is really poisoned by nostalgia, but the kids at home are gonna love it"
Gilf pussy
tfw my sister puts on Youtube for the nephew to watch
tfw it's some man that's way too happy wearing a shitty costume and "swimming" through a gif sea while singing a meaningless song without any sort of melodic tune
I remember when baby shows used to be about talking bears or going to the playground.
These examples connected well with an important mater, leftists/libtards/dems/socialists, when reading/watching any media will no longer take a neutral side, they will always take it from a very far left position and will always believe they are "superior" or automatically "on the right place", but then you had people going crazy for the masks during covid and some even looking to destroy others for not wearing it, they want the chance to feel that they are in the high moral ground, so when they destroy lives of kids with trans shit, they believe they are saving a life.
No, that's just one obsessed Amphibia fan that cant resist the urge to go into every thread that is even slightly TOH related (like the thumbnail in this thread) and shitting it up.
The Elusive Samurai is downright gorgeous. The animators had a vision and wanted to express it.
A mix of white guilt impaled in the mind of men, and bitch women who have way too many sex partners, I've seen in the last year 20 different cases, couples that first separate, then either the woman decides to apply as hard as possible and ruin her husband's life or a man that breaks apart because the one baby he believed was his is from some other man, man the worst case was one where he suicided... like seriously it made me feel so sick, the man really loved that boy, he loved taking him out to the park and what not.
Luzer Transceda is canonically a tranny. This is what he looks like at the end of the series. Owl Housefags love to self insert as Luzer because they too are troons like he is.
Anyway guys, I think it is time for this thread to get nuked, right? It has been turned into Anon Babble for long enough.
Baby shows aren't really a volunteer audience
This chart actively lacks the info that clearly shows how this corolates to Minecraft Let's Plays completely replaced kids attention spans from televised animation.
Like, serious, if we be rational for a hot second and realize all 90s kids where in their teens by the mid to late 2000s, and the earliest zoomers were teens by the mid point of 2010, you instantly see a connection to how many fucking kids were glued to their seats playing minecraft for literal days straight making dick statues and meme builds with their online friends/family members, and then uploading their play sessions online for even more kids to watch that over shit like "CN Real" or Amazing World of Gumball and Adventure Time, then it all starts making sense.
People just can't accept kids have so many more options than sitting in front of a tv now over looking at memes and YTpoops than something more "thought provoking" and action pack like Ben Ten or Naruto. It's not that people hate the content of said animation like the polchuds keep claiming, because if it were that, the countless trannie flags in Minecraft servers would be a instant turn off and they would lose players playing the games and watching the Let's Plays like flies in a zapper, but they don't. They actively love it. The facts are, when it comes to animated media, you can always just watch it online at any time you want, not when it first go live like on tv. Back then you either got a chance to see the episode of a show or not. Now as long as it's not a Hailey's On It situation and gets deleted from their servers, it will always be available to watch at any time, making immediate numbers to gauge quality not so clear cut anymore.
None of that is "liberal" behavior. Nosy losers who want to regulate the behavior of everyone around them have always existed. Hell, do you remember the 2000s when everything was produced through a veneer of neoconservatism, and not supporting the troops was seen as traitorous? You got looks if you didn't put your flag up.
People will latch onto the doctrine of whatever popular culture exists and use that to make themselves into petty tyrants. The Mask Gestapo of 2020 would've been the Christian mothers of 2003.
This chart is also outdated. Cartoon audiences today are 1/5 of what they were in 2018.
So, as someone who's really not one for Troon culture, i don't believe that the "Dreaded Woke!" is as big a problem as people claim it to be.
Realistically, it's new ways of telling stories, something to shake up the formula. And if you really don't want people taking advantage of stuff like that, then you are probably someone who wants to have the exact same 6 stories spoon fed to you over and over. In which case, go watch fucking Anime. That's all that shit has been for the last 20 years.
I think it's funnier that Moon Girl just had a episode banned for having a confirmed trans girl as the subject of the episode then immediately gets leaked when news broke out, but because Amphibia's creator Matt openly shilled people to watch the leaked episode in support of the animators work he said nothing about it.
Almost like this has nothing to do with that and he just hates Dana as a person and doesn't wanna keep it to that and use the show as a punching bag with shit not even in the show itself.
Being new but shitty isn't exactly a good thing.
That's why cartoons are dying.
that just looks like a cute tomboy
Realistically, it's new ways of telling stories, something to shake up the formula.
You have to be joking. Amphibia and Owl House are so identical in story that the only difference between them is one's about frogs and the other's about witches. There's nothing about Moon Girl that shakes up the, "smart kid in a whacky school" formula either.
it's new ways of telling stories,
I seen that leaked Moon Girl episode and it was awful.
the number of gay boys between 2000 and 2024 has remained almost entirely stable.
So LGBT representation in cartoons isn't turning kids gay and all the 'woke' bullshit is, in fact, bullshit and just an in for conservative to try to control media. Thanks.
That's a tranny and you have a shit taste.
Don't compare the last good Disney show like Amphibia to that garbage canceled shitshow Owl House.
Woke/Anti-Woke has always been a grift to keep a captive populace busy because they can't effectively challenge the wealthy elites that own them. Putting "Black Lives Matter" on a bomb probably used to kill children says everything you need to know about the veracity of these people and their "cause."
Nice trips, but you're unfortunately retarded. Jamming queer shit into kids cartoons amounts to preaching a pseudo-religion at them and always positioning queers and troons as paragons of morality and justice. They aren't telling stores in a new way. They're preaching in a sneaky way