Crashing Out Edition
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Crashing Out Edition
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the kid is obviously not dead, that's why they ended it in the cliffhanger to make you think she died when she didn't
*appearing seconds*
mogs every other retards in terms of presence & directing
fujotard trannys still seething to him even after 3 years
It feels kino when the power of art overcomes everything
Have you watched S1?
We are severely lacking in the misery department this season and we are about to catch up quick.
This show needed more Caitler episodes.
Post Vanderwick
slowed down, haunting "Dear friend across the river" at 0:23
This entire scene was pure fucking kino. My favorite fight in Arcane so far.
this show needed at least one more season
<3 Jinx <3
Speaking of fights, why have all the fights been so shit so far?
Compare Sevika vs. Vi in S1 episode 5 to Sevika vs. Smeech and there's a world of difference.
Its so over for us Jinxbro
really disappointing how they handled Cait this season, one moment she hates Vi and the next she immediately teams up with her to defeat Ambessa and they never even show any substantial in-between character development
Caitvi sex when?
The child is dead, anon, and so is Jinx in Act 3.
It's their overuse of slowmotion shots.
It's over. Dead in Act 3.
retards actually think a champion will die
b-b-but muh non-canon show
yeah sure
Only in your dreams
should singed be forgiven?
Fuck no. The dude is utterly psychopathic.
Caitlyn's distrust of Ambessa had been brewing since episode 4. In fact, I think even before Vi came in Caitlyn was already snooping around following Singed. She doesn't trust Ambessa nor singed one bit at that point.
Coping Jinx fans think Riot cares enough about their favorite champion
This is the new canon now, when Act 3 releases Jinx will be canonically dead.
RIP Jinx :(
Whoever made that Warwick model should not be forgiven.
Will Jinx really die? Is there any proof of this?
They think the audience would be too stupid to "get" that Warwick = Vander
Forgiven for what?
He is beyond based. He is one of the few people in the show who has a goal and conviction and takes the steps necessary to achieve it.
Most of the other characters fail to pick a lane and feels inconsistent and retarded.
The leaker was right
Congratulations on your craptastic writing, Amanda.
"Whatever I do, I just can't seem to die" - Jinx in act 1
She's gonna make it trust me bro
Yes, this was posted 2 days prior to episode release and got everything in EP6 and fits 100% with the teaser.
The only cope left is he only saw act 2 and the act 3 teaser, but its pretty weak cope imo.
Something along the lines of the creators saying they had a fixed ending for Vi/Jinx and they have never deviated from it + this old storyboard of a dead Jinx.
all these shotgun reposts because nobody gave them attention in the previous thread
actually kill yourselves
has she tried gunshot to head?
RIP literally everyone, except for the lesbian couple.
sex in prison cell
people believe this
Does anyone have a webm of this scene?
Jinx is just gonna fake her death and fuck off because she thinks Vi's better off without her and is sick of Pilttover and Zaun
Just Heimer, Jinx and Warwick
Jayce and Viktor are bait for sequel/other stories told via books/comics/shorts/whatever
It’s called ritualposting newfag
the only cope left is if he saw the things that are confirmed to have leaked months ago
not that weak of cope imo
didn’t feel anything while watching the last minutes of 6th ep
for some reason I've been feeling bad since the ep ended
I don't want Isha to be dead. This is the character who didn't deserve it at all. This is even worse than what I felt after watching the 1st season, so weird
The Arcane model doesn't even look like Vander. That's what makes it even worse.
when the CIA niggas say they will let you go if you suck them off
There's no mention of Leblanc or the Black Rose. That's how you know they went with what they saw in the Act 3 preview and made up some extra bullshit
nobody has ever appreciated it no matter how long you have been posting on this shithole site so I don't care to remember what it's called
This show is pure misery porn/depression fetish/sadness bait jesus fucking christ how much trauma do we need to see lets kill Vander AGAIN after reuniting with his family and lets push Jinx even FURTHER. My GOD these poor characters lol.
Few questions though:
1. is this the last season of Arcane? Or will there be more focused on different part of Runeterra?
2. What the actual fuck is this trippy cosmic cancer mumbo jumbo, I thought Hextech is just magic and science combined?
3. Did the last 3 episodes leak somewhere? Don't want to wait a week like a retard.
It's very weak cope, considering that this / is a thing. She's 100% going to die in Act 3.
Why would you want Jinx to live?
Death is the only satisfying end to her arc.
noway the animators don't picture her sucking a huge cock when they worked on this shot
bioluminescent semen
What did Fortiche mean by this?
being a glowie comes with a lot of benefits
She's been unreasonably hot this arc
ritual cringe & attention whoring posting
fixed 4 u
blowing up everything is more fun
It says here that Ekke will use the Z-Drive to save Jinxi from suicide, but in the trailer, Ekke uses the Z-Drive in the air.
1. is this the last season of Arcane? Or will there be more focused on different part of Runeterra?
Yes, to both.
2. What the actual fuck is this trippy cosmic cancer mumbo jumbo, I thought Hextech is just magic and science combined?
They're taking hextech into a very different direction from the previous canon, but the current rule seems to be "you fuck with magic, it's gonna fuck back"
3. Did the last 3 episodes leak somewhere? Don't want to wait a week like a retard.
There are leaks but no one knows for sure, we'll see.
I want her to suffer
I think the flaws of season 2 can be felt mainly by the fact that now things have to start falling in line with game lore
I know they're rewriting some of the old stuff to match Arcane but still, season 1 for someone who's never played LoL is a lot more digestible than season 2 so far
It's not impenetrable, just that there's a lot of elements that would leave the casual viewer confused (Orianna, Black Rose/ LeBlanc, etc)
NOBODY saw act3 even the press only wrote articles about the first 6ep claiming they only had acces to the first two act. (maybe they will have access to it this week but till now no one has it) This person only had saw act 2 + preview early that's all.
Jinx dying is a given. A happy ending for her was always unrealistic. It's the rest of the shitty writing from leaker anon that's the problem.
I want to bury my face in her pussy, GOD
That kid is dead as a doornail anon, they couldn't have laid it on any thicker
God bless Fortiche for giving us what we want to see
Jayce and Viktor are bait for sequel
Perhaps, but might as well consider them dead (in military terms, missing in action).
If the leaker is right, both will suddenly disappear mid fight without an explanation.
I would.
The theory is that the WW we saw got his head blown off by Isha and Singed will fix it creating the in game WW
Yes, but the only main cast member that'd be dead is Jinx, and she is the most predictable one to go.
People have been saying she will die ever since S1, because thats where her arc seemed to be heading - either dead because she is a full on villain terrorist or some redemption through death bullshit.
She kinda has nowhere else to go at that point in the season. They COULD have told a different story with her, but they didn't
See and keep coping.
if a joke is real
doubt it lil bro
It's fake.
Viktor was KILLED by Jayce, Singed will revive him.
There was no caitvi reconciliation in 206, Ambessa didn't realize shit, she was defeated and then invided the camp.
Isha sacrificed herself and KILLED WW. It wasn't trying, she succeeded and Singed is reviving him in a teaser.
Viktor isn't Ryze.
There's some surprise for caitvi shippers in 207 and jayvik fans are supposed to like this episode too.
Noxian soldiers will be imbusted by Singed. Vik's zombies will be taken by arcane and it's clear in the trailers since the beginning.
How can you people believe this crappy leaker, I have no idea.
character who ruined everything gets killed
Mentioning nothing about Mel is a little sus considering we see her in the trailer with the rest of the gang in Piltover
the unrealistic happy ending is exactly what I would prefer actually
Ascends beyond mortal limits
Nothing personnel, Heimerdonger
Jinx catching (you) in a leg-lock that sees you buried face-first firmly between her thighs.
Facing toward her groin.
hfw she realises her mistake.
There was no caitvi reconciliation in 206
Did you watch that episode wearing a blindfold, anon?
Spoilers aside, what ending would make YOU happy and say that it was all worth it?
I'd say "you will never be her disposable twink boytoy", anon, but I can't argue with those numbers.
Are you sure about what you said because this guy's scenario is just so realistic? It is said that Ekko will use the Z-Drive to save Jinxi from suicide, but in the trailer, Ekko uses the Z-Drive in the air.
jayvik make out session
is donger not considered main cast? leakfaggot claims he will sacrifice himself to send ekko back to the main timeline, but that could be something they made up off of his "to go forward you have to leave something behind" quote from the preview
last 3 episodes is time travel and multiverse bullshittery
Caitvi fucking like rabbits for 5 minutes
ain't gonna deny her younger form was pure sexo
tfw pure sexo design wasted for hagpussy
If thats the case the show will go into the trash
angry fuck
He barely has screentime, I wouldn't call him main cast.
Jayce, Viktor, Vi, Cait, Jinx are the main cast.
There's a few holes there that don't really add up. Lack of mentions of Mel or Ambessa's fate in the final fight. Lack of information about the epilogue which is the one thing you would remember out of it all. Also the info on episode seven sounds too ridiculous. Like why would Riot waste a whole episode fleshing out an AU when there's so much story left to write in the main one? Also, why there isn't a single image of this supposed AU episode in the teasers? I don't doubt they want to keep it a secret but why? Something super important must happen there but this leaker just brush it off the episode as if nothing happened there? That's odd.
It really shows they can't carry a show past season 1.
Lack of long-term plans really has killed many a project.
As a total casual I'm frustrated by the break-neck speed at which they're doing everything and not explaining anything.
oh no victor's encased in some shit
eyy he's free again!
aaand he's gone
oh hey some shit's going on with ekko's tree
let's send ekko, jayce and oppenheimerdinger to investigate
aaand they're gone
oh look victor's been building some healer cult around himself
oh shit here's jayce back
and he kills victor because ???
and ekko and humpterdinger are where?
This Black Rose stuff is similarly confusing
ok so some magical guys can possess people and they have a grudge against Mel's mom
welp there they go, not relevant to Mel's mom anymore
oh shit now Mel's gone
there she is! she's imprisoned
but now she's freed herself
like fucking hell, SLOW DOWN
Jinx dies
Cait and Vi make up and have awkward hate-love sex
Noxus recruits Singed for war crime fun in Ionia, setting up the next series
All in all, i'll probably walk away satisfied.
Who is ruling Noxus at this point of the timeline?
Pretty sure the whole thing will be about Jinx dying but (with the murals and all that) remaining a symbol of freedom and liberation.
A martyr for Zaun who brought them independence.
Thats the best end I can think of for her.
did they update any lore bio's after act 2?
Also, why there isn't a single image of this supposed AU episode in the teasers?
What the fuck did he see to go this nuclear?
We don't know, since Leblanc is involved with both Boram Darkwill and Swain later on.
And ? I wasn't saying that Jinx will not die, just that these leak are not legit. Maybe Jinx will die maybe she won't but until the ep comes out it will only be theories.
Look at the reflection.
Some AU where everything is destroyed/corrupted.
He went to a future where there were only ginger people and no black queens
Forgiven ? He's just daughterpilled.
Lore accurate Warwick kills Ambessa and a couple thousand Noxian soldiers
Singed revives Orianna and also gives Viktor extra powers, he's now immortal
Mel fucking disappears, Jayce/Viktor become a couple and have a sex scene
Heimerdinger helps Ekko build the Z-Drive, both watch Jinx commit seppuku a hundred times
Caitler marries Vi and both become dictators of their home cities (Caitler in Piltover, Vi in Zaun)
There is a different view of the echo in the trailer, that part may be AU
just stupid to randomly kill off the characters like that or make them disappear. no one will be happy except caitvi shippers.
>Caitler marries Vi and both become dictators of their home cities (Caitler in Piltover, Vi in Zaun)
but wat about dat made up leak?
stop shitting the thread
This Act was weird. Felt like the end of the show.
>Heimerdinger helps Ekko build the Z-Drive, both watch Jinx commit seppuku a hundred times
my sides
the PBE background shows an alternate piltover as well
That last one
More ginger QTs like Maddie
If I was Jayce, I'd have stayed there.
With this user script you can hold down the x key then click w/e you want on any post and it's going to be hidden. I've macro-ed it on my mice and It changed my Anon Babble experience. You read a post then make the habit to hide it always.
Based on what?
nta, you clearly did.
3 people
2 of which are Heimer (who? LMAO) and Warwick (an unhinged monster at that point, so expected)
The third is Jinx which has been the most obvious shit since S1.
Caitler and Stalvi...
Noxian pig make excellent test subject.
The truth, that viktor is being manipulated by the void and Salo wasn't still in there. Viktor must learn this so he can become the character he's destined to be by replacing the tainted void body with pure machine parts. Plus more torture when he has to say goodbye to Sky for the greater good.
Justice for Maddie
This is a miseryporn show.
Jinx will lose her family. Her sister. Her adoptive father. She will become suicidal and try suicide by cop.
Then she will briefly have a child she loves dearly. But it will die horribly couple episodes later.
Then she will become suicidal again but be convinced to commit it so that she also takes out her dad (all she ever does is get those close to her killed, so her only use is to kill him too)
At that point her arc is pretty much stepping into the "so retardedly miserable it's comedically edgy" territory.
Explain how the alternate universe thing makes sense? Thats a middle finger to the audience imo, like there are no consequences and it was a wate of time caring for any of the characters
I remember this image and yes, it confirms an AU might exist. But my question was why is it the only image we have? It's supposed to be a whole episode. 40 minutes and Riot hid every single frame outside of this one? They would rather spoil the final battle than some AU episode? That's odd. The only way I can solve that is by thinking that the AU won't have a whole episode. It is just a small part of an episode so there was no need to reveal much info and that makes sen. Again why dedicate a whole episode to an AU? Why is it so important that you dedicate 40 minutes of story to it?
vi says "we can rewrite your story" in the act 3 teaser
ugh. it's lame but yeah, that's how it's gonna end.
silco just wanted jinx to live and thrive and now she's going to die for his dream of zaun anyway. mild pottery i guess.
the alternate universe thing
The multiverse thing is very popular right now, so clearly everyone is just trying to shoehorn it into their IPs at all costs.
??On the articles you can read on internet...
A martyr of Zaun
Literally dies to save Piltover
It gets funnier everytime
I believe this. It's way too much coincidence with Act 2 and the Act 3 preview. Not to mention the various other leaks with Ekko. Arcane Jinx will definitely die but Jinx fans will have a "consolation prize" that other multiverse Jinxes are still alive. Riot's next TV show will probably be about Noxus but on a different universe so they can say "Look Jinx is still alive in this universe so there is a chance to see her again". Yeah it sounds shitty but I have very low expectations now.
I know its popular, that doesnt make it less shit
I can't really think of a better way to wrap her arc up.
She saves the city, which is currently both P&Z, and her act of sacrifice earns Zaun its independence (currently Piltover is convinced she is the culprit behind all the attacks and Zaunites rally in her name)
Next show
Act 1 felt like unfiltered visual kino, but i feel like act 2 took a nosedive. It doesn't look worse but it just doesn't have that same spark of act one
I'm on the same page there for sure, but I imagine it will still take up the majority of an episode even if there's 10 minutes of B plot going on to break things up. If the leaker is accurate (dubious) then Ekko and Dinger are in a different alternate universe/timeline from where Jayce just returned from, so we need to have Jayce explain what his universe is all about and what he was up to for a year, then also have Ekko do the same.
In this Noxus AU Darius and Draven arent brothers but gay lovers instead
Sorry, wrong image. Haha
Darius is one of the few champs who smashed puss and fathered children
What were the most kino moments in Arc 2?
Mel's brother mentioning the hole is for false prophets being a reference to Viktor and his commune in the depths of Zaun
Vi punching Isha and giving her a nosebleed right after she started to look like Powder.
I love how many kids die in this show
Oh snap, wrong picture again
i guess i don't mind her dying quite as much as her getting there. which is doing nothing, attempting to suicide (twice, if the act 3 leak is true), and going through the loss of her plot device sidekick.
jinx slowly losing her mind for good over the course of the season after losing silco would have been enough. a tiny glimpse of hope of getting a chance at having a family with vanderwick showing up and that hope being snuffed in the end could have been enough to send her on her death spiral. no need to involve a shit non-character like isha.
Jayce and Viktor supposedly kill/delete each other from existence so count them in as well.
Darius is one of the few champs who smashed puss and fathered children
Yeah, in one of the multiple universes.
They can just come up with whatever reality they want apparently
people online unironically shitting on Jayce for blowing up the creepy hivemind commune
Arcane onlies can't even handle Caitlyn
They'd tear Leona apart
Vi pregnant with the next generation of Kirammans
Singed telling Viktor "i wish that I could see the world as you do" and then grabbing his hand to show him his motivation being his daughter
shows that he has nothing to hide, knows that he would be justified in mulching WW
shows that he understands the abilities of the hex core
just a plain gigachad move
1. Singed
2. Viktor
3. Jinx
We all agree these are the best characters, right?
The lesbians the only ones with a happy ending would be pretty bases ngl
singed is unironically the last kino character of the show. can't wait what an arcane-upgraded werewolf vander will look like.
I believe that in ep 6 there is a shot of Jinx running towards Vander and Caitlyn running towards Vi. I just think that it was supposed to show that no matter what happens Jinx is always incapable of moving foward, she is uncapable of letting go of what happened and the memory of her family to the point that if caitlyn wasn't there Vi would've been dead. I just think that Jinx will die cause thats her whole thing, even if she leaves there isn't a purpose to her, why would she leave? there isn't anything, its sad asf but that is what they're been building up to, she tried with silco and it didn't work, then things almost worked out with aisha/Vi/Vander but it failed again, after ambessa dies what will be left to her? i dont think Vi is enough for her, especially since she misses Vander alot
Just like IRL
Reverse bury your gays trope. Kill all the straights
People like this are too obsessed with "Muh precious twink Viktor" instead of seeing the big picture
Why would maddie insist on reinstating the council if she's ambessa's spy? Isn't maintaining martial law crucial to her plans?
is it confirmed the timeskip was a year between act1 and 2?
Oh look, it's deckard
Cool outfit
4. Sevika
The leaked Warwick icon tells another story
Jayce being a schizo
"Perhaps, in another life, you would have been friends."
She was testing Caitlyns loyalties.
Jinx = no boobs, anorexic, super pale skin = SEEEEXXXXX
Random girl = strong body, big thighs , big ass = meh
vi and jinx are alienated from one another, they will never be family again. jinx did move forward with silco but it ended when she killed him in a shimmer-haze moment. jinx wants love and acceptance, isha gave her that, whatever remained of vander did too. with them out of the picture there's finally no reason for her to keep living anymore.
guess this is what bothers me. i would have liked to see jinx at least try to do her own thing even if she failed and died in the end. might be because of the "get jinxed" song that my expectations were that as soon as cait starts her manhunt for her jinx would take it as a game invite and start fucking with them before death spiral begins.
meh. whatever, i'll give S2 a 3/10, and those 3 points are for animation only.
provide link pls
Man shoulders
I just realized Jinx is going to die a virgin
Most scenes with Viktor and Singed
there was no need for shimmer or hextech weapons or fear or political negotiations or rallies or rebellion guys, all it took was for a girl that Piltover considers a criminal to die against some beast in order to convince us Zaun is fit enough for independence
kek sounds like all revolutions across the history were stupid. Those wannabe revolutionaries should've just brought bears to the cities and fight them to save the poooor citizens instead of all those boring ass revolutions.
They are taking it well
Shurima show
Switches between Cassiopeia and Sivir exploring the desert and flashbacks to Azir's time
Yuribait between haughty noblewoman and brown tomboy
Cass stabs Sivir in the back and becomes a snake
Fujobait with Azir and Xerath, have everyone in the fandom side with poor little slave boy Xerath
Gets mad cause Azir won't free the slaves fast enough and becomes one of the most monstruous people in the setting
Nasus and Renekton are there too
Nah she fucked that one bartender
The fact he did purposefully and that it was a calculated move was really a chad move. The man is a fucking menace. He walk around people who can can slaughter city block or outright blow them up, and he's still feel like the most dangerous.
I already said it back in S1 when he droped "Please understand this is for your own sanity. I too, once had a daughter" but I never believed that series would make me care for fucking Singed of all people.
I don't think they released act 3 to anyone, besides production peeps.
They will only release it to everyone next week. Not even reviewers had access to act 3, so I don't think leakers are real.
personally I think this could just be a poor interpretation of what we just saw in act 2 but the idea is that he's more cured/infected by hexcore magic at this point
>Jinx = no boobs, anorexic, super pale skin = SEEEEXXXXX
>Random girl = strong body, big thighs , big ass = meh
cait starts her manhunt for her jinx would take it as a game invite
that could've been a thing but honestly? idk how tf they would keep this up after ep 6, caitlyn hates jinx and will never forgive her but there is 0 chance she will manhunt jinx after seeing her,vi and vander reunited.
Forgive the average viewer, too stupid to pick up on the obvious cues that Jayce saw something when he hopped dimensions that made him understand how dangerous hextech is, from their perspective all Viktor has done is be nice and try to help people, this is true, but it also leaves out how everyone healed by him acts suspiciously different from how they used to behave, that there's little reason for Skye to want to help propagate the thing that killed her and Viktor is most likely being manipulated by some greater force
This one, it also supports the leak claiming that the final fight is Vi + Jinx vs arcane-enhanced Warwick (he's clearly infused with it).
It's looking more and more like the leaks are correct.
Nah. Jinx raped Silco when she got horny.
So the critics will see it at the same time as everyone else? Mhhh, I find it interesting, but I honestly don't know, there is something about this confidentiality that doesn't sit right with me.
nigger go back to xitter and never come back
Looks disgusting
i don't see how cait needs to be there at all in my proposed hypothetical plot. jinx could have kidnapped vi like she did at the end of S1, then explain that vander's still alive and they need to try together to save him yadda yadda. no need to unite 5+ show characters in every single plot line at all times.
iirc the person who originally shared the leaks said the rest of the eps would get uploaded too but then it didn't happen. some people probably got access to them somehow.
shes just like me fr
How did they manage to make Jinx sexier than she was in season 1 when her model didn't even change?
by making her a single mom, giving every beta the subconscious pull that they are destined for her
Caitlyn will be fighting with Ambessa. My theory is that there will be a 1v1 between the two where BST will play, here she loses her eye but is saved, either by Mel or by the power of the plot
thanks anons
goddam thats awful looking though
they better not fuck up WW ingame
here she loses her eye
nope, its so cool to be real
I just caught that in S1 he says the exact same thing to Vi but pussies out when she says "You'll have to kill me" and lesbian powerwalks past him anyway
God forbid a woman has an active sexual life.
Jinx doesn't and she's the best
With a junior subordinate?
bullet or snu snu
silco took the easy way out.
Wrong image again? Sorry
why do i have the feeling they are going to kill maddie?
You can't tell me Jinx hasn't fucked half the guys in Zaun
I hate this mindset that a woman has to be a perfect virgin. Its even more mindblowing considering these are lesbains.
It's just a scratch, he'll walk it off
Before getting her sanity partially restored by Isha landing on her head, Jinx wasn't even able to interact with anyone long enough without killing them to have the opportunity to have sex with them
what do the focus groups say we need to appeal to this season?
goth / muscle / mom seems to be what's being forced, so they completely changed both of the main characters looks and motivations to suit the coomer dollar. Shameless shit, honestly. There's no reason to waste so much time on Jinx being a mom just so she could have a catalyst to be crazy and Jinx again. She was already crazy and Jinx at the start of the season. Vi with a similar story hitting rock bottom for no reason other than selling a new goth pit fighter skin. Shameless shit. People wonder what's wrong with season 2, it's the fact that this season is so motivated by making money over telling the story.
The difference is that she is 17-19, not 50
Vi's ryona stonks soared
It gave Jinx some humanity.
forcing Vi to huff her pit while punching her in the kidney
what a nasty move
Yuribait between haughty noblewoman and brown tomboy
Sivir seem to be into men, but I guess it could work.
But it would have to continue a bit after Azir return otherwise
No dorky moment between Azir trying to be a cool dad/grandpa and Sivir cringing
No sivir running from her legacy and the mess she started and slowly learning there is more to life than gold as the world she knew change and she can't ignore it
No Azir trying to force Sivir hand in a metaphor of him clinging to his past and wanting to make everything exactly as it once was and having a kino revelation scene with the broken bowl
Tragikino Renekton VS Nasus
this "Arcane-enhanced" thing basically confirms it yeah, its a very fitting description. Still, someone could've looked at this leaked icon and made their prediction based on it, but its very unlikely. And even it was the case they'd be bound to get some stuff right just cuz its all very logical (except Caitvi sex in Jinx cell)
I'm so happy for Maddie, bros. She won
I know redesigns are often shit but I can't help but enjoy when a show totally redesigns a character to show time passing because people IRL don't wear the same clothes our whole lives and animation tends to be afraid of this
This was Jinx at her most SEXO
It's weird, on some shots of this scene Cait seems happy, on some so distant and sometimes her body language suggests apathy toward Maddie. Caitlyn really used her just for sex?
This was disturbing. The show even acknowledged it wasn’t kino
Makes it less of a cartoon, yeah.
writter said that she got involved with her trying to get over her mom's death, she wanted a girl that her mom would've approve it. I dont think she hates her but she's not much present with maddie as she is with Vi
Salo never caught he break. Being constantly man handled by Ambessa, dismissed by everyone and only getting sex from a prositute who he paid because she was good at acting like she cared about him. Salo had a hard life.
Jayce won
not to mention the hooker was a tranny
This is awful, poor Maddie doesn't deserve this
Maddie should have thought of that before she decided to not be Vi huh
this is just a assumption but it DOES seem that Maddie might be a traitor, idk (this is weibo tft)
Please this would be some cheap ass writing in a plot that's already so packed
well what did you expect. styled dreds and the chin-simulation beard are 1:1 k´sante.
generally, some franchises just go for this modern soulless look, basically everything that tries to go for the broades audience and wants the diversity stamp. so, he is perfectly in line with LoL. if anything arcane surprised me with the little details that redeemed some of their characters: vi having a ugly angry face and a non perfect nose, vi having beads on the edges of her mouth and wrinkly eyes with dark circles, cait having a slightly recessed chin and generally a-typical hapa face. because LoL is real fucking soulles, especially when it comes to female champs. the only popular game thats worse is overwatch where 90% of the female cast has a bad case of sameface.
nearly all female LoL champs look like k-pop idols. recent releases also have the male champions look like fucking k-pop idols. i´m still fucked up by swains and mundos redesigns like holy shit man whats wrong with you people
This is why they're gonna make Maddie a traitor, so that Caitlyn doesn't look bad dumping her
Warwick needs to be more doggy
The second "I understand now"
Wasn't Arcane supposed to be one huge advertising campaign for LoL? The autists that actually play that won't be happy that their fave champ they've invested years in is canonically dead and will have no input in the lore moving forward. I mean not that they had much lore to begin with, but if the leaks are true Jinx, Jayce, Viktor and Heim fans pretty much have nothing to look forward to beyond AU stuff, which ends up just feeling like copium anyway.
She could've ran off somewhere with the kid to make a new life with Cait turning a blind eye for her role in saving the city, that would've been a good ending. But the writers already seem to have decided they want her dead, so reverse engineered the kid to create more suffering to justify the fact that death seems like the only out for her. I like the show but they forget that audiences need SOME sense of positive closure in their entertainment, otherwise they just leave jaded. If she does end up dying I think I'm pretty much done with Fortiche and Amanda's miseryporn fetish, the show is getting hard carried by the animation at this point
Agreed and Caitlyn is a cunt.
Jinx stop!!! You are my daughter!!!
Jinx's hand slips inside Silco's pants
In her earliest incarnation Jinx herself was sort of ugly to underline how genuinely deranged she was but the world immediately ignored it because her being a crazy fucking homicidal pyromaniac retard was THAT attractive
Now there's the perfect little waif in Arcane and there's the modernized/Wild Rift game Jinx that's essentially a Disney Princess Who Murders People
I like the show but they forget that audiences need SOME sense of positive closure in their entertainment
Cait and Vi get together
After Cait has physically assaulted Vi like six times
CaitVi shipp ruined Caitlyn’s arc should I kill myself anons
Only the lesbians survive
I said positive closure
Wasn't Arcane supposed to be one huge advertising campaign for LoL?
It was but it was years ago, they even tried to make small spinoff games to promote this game, but I heard that they are considering every single one of them as a failure, even development of their MMO project is back to square one.
In her earliest incarnation Jinx herself was sort of ugly
Low T homosexual detected
Yes you should Amanda, but thank you for acknowledging your mistake
Yeah but Cait loses her eye and Vi loses all her family for like the third time.
That sounds like a personal issue
cinematic trailer
It's hard to tell because Riot went through the same post-COVID firing spree that literally every large company on earth did, regardless of whether what they were doing at that moment was profitable or not
Don’t insult me like this anon
Yes, its a bittersweet ending. What did you expect from a show known for its high-impact misery ever since S1E3?
We get a sliver of positivity in that Zaun will have independence and Vi and Cait will be together.
Season 1 ends with his return
Season 2 is all about that
Where's Zac?
reminder that Jinx was controversial when she came out because she was the first adult female LoL character without huge tits
This would be funny actually
It's a Jinx gets yanked by her braids while attempted an escape
You'd think she'd considering cutting those fuckers off, or at least pinning them back while fighting.
I missed a few threads did something important happened?
it's not gay if she's this fluffy and cute
We know Jinx dies
leak is real as fact checked by the fact checkers
first arcane general faggot got buckbroken so hard to shitty writing and ran out, can't blame they/them
Randomly decides to kill herself for no reason
Yes we know the ending of Act 3 based on a leaker accurately describing act 2.
Jinx dies.
Anon who leaked 6 also leaked 7-9 and we’re coping because this shit is so ass
This show sure loves killing little kids.
So you're saying the show accurately captured a bronze scrub inting and feeding?
who cares anyway, s1 is pure kino and that wont be taken from me
go next, noxus or freljord focused
also release the fucking mmo i want to explore runeterra
I still don't understand the """people"" that think God Emperor Azir is a villain for not freeing the slaves, and plunging Shurima into a civil war, the millisecond he got in power.
More like Jinkies.
Vijtor saved child Jayce with Ekko time travel
Bring my boys back!
yfw you hear all complaints about Vander's look through the filter of that female enforcer that said Jinx wasn't Jinx because she was wearing pants
caitvi angry fuck ep7 and ep8
did anyone saw the new wr art? it shows Jinx falling and Vi trying to reach her, isn't that a huge fucking death flag?
no choice but to be a prostitute, a single mother, or kill herself as she's zaun
just kill herself asap
iq 200 movement for me
I hate this part so much
Jinx dies, Heimer dies, WW dies, Jayce and Viktor vanish from existence.
Vi and Caitlyn survive, Cait loses her eye and adopts a pirate look. Ekko survives too. We don’t really know what happens with Ambessa and Mel.
Isn't rotten tomatoes supposed to be reliable? should I trust Anon Babble more?
I'm not saying it won't happen but Jinx falling to her death feels really stupid when in like 60% of all scenes she's ever appeared in, she has casually jumped off objects multiple stories high the way you or I would step off a curb
At some point I just sorta started assuming she was immune to gravity or had turned off Fall Damage or something
Don't care about Jinx dying, just not on board with my boy dying and never going full wolf
That's why I choose not to believe
I can’t take a whole week of this shit, is any of you going to the act 3 premiere? If so can you just confirm if the leaks are true or not..?
if my favorite character dies, the show is bad
Actual menchildren
Yes we've been saying this for a while
Ekko bred Jinx nonstop
Normie ratings are meaningless, they start to resemble reality only if the content is just utter shite like GoT S8, until that point everything is great and each season is better than the last.
yes, arcane gone to clustershit after silco died, deal with it
is any of you going to the act 3 premiere?
Will this happen a day before or a few hours before act 3 is released on Netflix?
nice BTS image of Vi and Maddie's mocap session
I'm coping until the moment those episodes drop, until the fucking end I refuse to accept it.
Look at the facts, he mentions nothing about Mel or the Black Rose because these would be the hardest to predict without it sounding like pure fanfiction. The rest of the shit could be loosely predicted just by looking at the teaser and what we currently know from the leaks in the various games.
He also mentions arcane noxian soldiers, while the teaser CLEARLY shows them being high on shimmer.
And why would Viktor agree to weaponizing arcane when he's been so against it up until now.. in exchange for being brought to the hexgates? Sounds like a very strange deal.
And remember the leaks only dropped on the 14th, i.e. the day the early screenings up to episode 6 were released. Why was it not leaked earlier? His credibility is reliant on him having accurately predicted episode 6 yet we are overlooking this fact?
there's more but I'm too lazy to remember
We. Are. Fucked. Cause no mention of Mel and the black rose is cause that plotn
is super boring
Heimedinger is Vi's and Jinx's real father
Jinx going LE CRAAZY for the 5th time
Just kill her already, this shit is getting too repetitive. What even is her arc?
Cait gets an eyepatch
reminder that Riot literally created Brown Jinx to keep Ekko's monkey paws off of Canon Jinx
Friday evening.
I just want to know whether the leak is accurate or not so I don’t feel tempted to rush and skip to the finale or speedwatch. If the leak is true, ok, I’ll enjoy 7 and 8 and watch 9 knowing this is the finale they went for. If the leak isn’t true, I’ll be more excited and probably enjoy the watch more knowing there more possibilities.
Powder, but not insane
Mogs Jinx
no caitvi sex
Nobody seen act 3 yet. These are all assumptions kekwg2xk
Why didn't Heimedinger just move to Demacia?
Arcane proved that The Maxx is still the most well made kino dark - gritty cartoon even after 30 years
That or the sex will be some artistic montage of oil and water mixing together and we re supposed to infer from that that they did it. With how much they love these artistic music sequences I'm betting 100% on that.
I believe the leak but I gotta say this bit can be easily predicted just by the act 3 snippet
Caits eyes are pretty red. Was she crying because Maddie betrayed her? Because Maddie got killed?
ok, so friday night no internet for me
His credibility is reliant on him having accurately predicted episode 6 yet we are overlooking this fact?
Ge got like 80% of the episode correct, not a whole thing. But Anon Babble is too dumb to get it.
or cause she's fighting for her life?
Will Jinx and Warwick fall to their deaths here?
its too good to be real
deal with it
Double kill yes.
It’s gonna be something like Mel and Jayce’s sex scene, it’s enough to trigger a sex content warning but if it’s not explicit (aka no visible tits/ass or scissoring) they can get away with ga
How will we react if this is all real?
Cause I'll be happy if Jinx is put out of her misery for good.
Jayce and Viktor kinda hugging in some cosmic reality and disappearing will make the fujos go crazy.
Caitvi happy ending likewise.
Nobody cares about Heimerdinger.
You've never been in a relationship you're just not super into? I think she LIKES Maddie but doesn't LOVE her. Plus when Maddie gets all cuddly she probably feels guilt/disgust with herself for not feeling it as much.
They're racist against Yordles
Why doesn't Jinx fall to her death every day when she jumps off a skyscraper or bridge and then lands on her feet to walk away cool/murder someone/punch her sister
anyway it doesn't make sense because on Netflix it is rated 16
Trips of truth
Yes, no corpses or death confirmation.
The whole meme is that Jinx has a lot of people dressing and acting like her so maybe there is cope she lived. Before her death she says again that anyone close to her dies (jere she kills Vander) so maybe she is dead or maybe she is purposefully evading Vi who keeps looking for her.
if its not explicit they can get away with it, ep 4 didn't get sex trigger same for Jayce/Mel, and lets be honest they wouldn't do some explicit like EVER
Tbh I’ll be satisfied as long as the execution is good
I don’t think it’s terrible, it depends on the execution I guess. Also I really want to know what happens to Ambessa. Like wtf? How do you leave out the villain’s fate?
Ekko only wants Jinx for himself.
inb4 some mad scissoring happens and they forgot to make the screening 18+
For real? I quit League before Zeri's release.
even if it was some mad scissoring its still A16 for netflix so idk
ep 4 didn't get sex trigger
it's not a sex scene
Here's my shitty theory. Jinx won't die. In the chaos of battle she will be presumed dead. When she realizes people think she's dead she will decide it's better that way for Vi, Cait and everyone else, and go in a self-inflicted exile. She will become a symbol Sevika wanted, and Zaun and Piltover will be rebuilt and live in peace, for a time.
They're going to roll around kissing
And then Vi is going to kiss Cait's neck
And Cait is going to grab Vi by the scalp, yoink her head back and lick the FUCK out of her neck in retribution
What's that even mean
Shes a smart cute inventor girl who works with Ekko and fights against chem barons. Basically normal powder.
the majority of what the leaker said can be predicted with the trailer for act 3 plus all the other info that was available. everything that anons shared on here was public knowledge (heimer and jinx dying, ekko au, ww icon)
should I trust the screeching sperg-pot?
no, case in point the second you hear the word "normie" you can safely flush everything that idiot has to say down the fucking toilet. If he's saying it's bad, it has nothing to do with quality, and everything to do with a watch criteria of "please suck off my biases and hate who I hate or else I'll die mad about it," and then scream bloody murder when the world doesn't give them the My Little Pony: Hitler Was Right Holiday Special.
then why was purnell devastated?
Yeah, maybe normies get fooled but all of the fights have been slide shows
Huge cope sadly. Jinx is very clearly dead here and pic related probably happens after
the stuff he said about maddie wasn't tho, the tft weibo pick came out a day after he said maddie was a traitor
She said its 5/10 sad so - who knows.
That's bullshit, she never said that. Nobody knows why they wrote it like this. Go look for the whole interview on youtube. She said it's beautiful and worth the wait.
just caught out jinxXecho fag only came after someone lusting for jinx or grief over jinx's death, damn, vicucktranny's seething at batshit insane level
Jinx is very clearly dead here
one second later she winks at the camera
Canon ekko wasn't going do that anyway. He outright says he doesn't like Jinx anymore
Literally just Neon from Valorant, same VA too
Jinx, Heimer, Jayce, Viktor all get shitty endings but at least there's happy lesbians!
waiting for the last act
knowing it's the Last act
it's already starting to hurt.
You stupid motherfucker, it's pretty obvious this Warwick is not the final form
What does it matter if they are lesbians? You are clearly ideologically poisoned
No problem with lesbians , I do got a problem with CaitVi , it's so forced that I can't believe only they get a happy ending
anon idk.... wathever gets out of the cocoon will be ww last form, why would they make him a humanoid and them turn him into a wolf?
Sevika getting called big mama
Jayce flattening Salo
Vi choking Jinx out
Jinx slapping Vi
Vi giving Caitlyn the old HAWK TUAH
Warwick, in pants like THAT!?
okay Stillwater enforcer, give us your clothes now.
They both came out at the same time too. I'm pretty sure the same person designed both as well.
what shit?
got a dl link?
Sevika not dying is the true win here.
Why are you assuming I'm some kind of poltard that hates blacks and praises Hitler? I just said the normie ratings are meaningless, and it's true.
the maddie theory was all over twitter. it's not hard to predict that.
the Final Glorious Kinolution was when Vi tried to give Jinx the same "I told you to stay away" swing from episode 3, and this time Jinx is ready and fucking ducks it.
Same camera angle and everything.
hawk tuah spit on that piltie
I'm giggling like a retard thanks
At least my boys zac and blitz aren't part of this miseriporn
It was even funnier because there was already this card in the League card game as a support card for Ekko. Though this protoZeri was Australian or something instead of Filipino.
vi mogs jinx by billions miles (she built for gaperape) but don't want to be associated with her ugly obese landwhale fans even for a second
it's not directed at you specifically, it's just the flavor you get around here in this day and age.
it's not about "lol I made an inappropriate funny" anymore, it's genuine "REEEE there are WOMEN on my television" retardation in this shart echo chamber.
The King fucks a Dragon
The King's protector fucks a Noxian
The Founder fucked a Yordle
Demacia has fallen...
people seething that only lesbians get a happy ending
Sucks to suck lol
Falling to their "deaths" with no confirmation I could definitely see happening desu
Leaves enough room for them to do their own thing and evolve into their League selves becauses Vi would go after them immediately if she wouldn't think they'd be dead
Riot trasvestites the original girl into a tranny.
she's still there. at hand. for non degenerates.
I'm mad that they ruined my favorite character in 1 episode
Ekko creates the Z Drive in the world where there's no hextech
the more I see this, the less believable it gets
the problem wasn't just a episode lol, lets be honest ep 3,4,5 aren't caitlyn they are a different character, ep 6 is just caitlyn turning back in a milisecond to her old self.
Did the female VA at least get paid?
Also recontextualises Vi always chasing after Jinx in her story. She has (probably false) hope she can meet her sister again but its all imposters.
Yes, that's how leaks usually go
Take it from an /alter/ regular
LoR dialogue says otherwise
It feels weird fr when my fav is vi/caitlyn while I want to behead every fanbase of them, huh
Take it from an /alter/ regular
This Warwick still had Vander's mind in there, present enough to stop his blood just. But after Singed injected the weird thing to make sure his humanity gone for sure, we got Warwick's characteristic red phase and also it kind of falls perfectly woth his old lore.
"Toxins leaked from his eyes in place of tears. He coughed up gobs of caustic phlegm that sizzled against his chest, before burning shallow holes in the floor of the lab."
Also Isha shooting his face + after Vi blown up his face while fighting him and the shadow creating a wolf-like face, I think it's pretty clear we will jave the WW we know and love in act 3, the change to wolf face will also signify the man in the creature is gone.
yfw companies that scream "HOW DARE YOU YELL AT US FOR THESE CHOICES" literally undo those choices to get the chinese $$$
Disney editing black people out of eastern versions of the movie with its three left hands, and editing red-heads out of western versions with its three right hands, like some kind of hypocritical dirt-bag hindu god.
They probably the only one who deserved it. Vi was beaten up throughout the whole series, she's constantly dragged back at the very bottom of her life.The whole plot can be summarised by Jinx and Jayce fucking up everything and everyones life.
Plot twist. Z Drive is made from tech based from Pulsefire Ezreal. No hextech needed.
I don't get why people don't like Isha. She is cute! Being mute is irrelevant because she adequately signs for herself and conveys plenty of emotions wordlessly. She has as much "character" as can be expected of a 10 year old girl, and I care about her even separated from her relationship to Jinx. She is not just a cheap plot device to move the story along, because the story was moving along just fine without her, and would continue to do so.
But Poppy...
She was just there to give Jinx some false hope then torture her some more so she kills herself in the end
Caitler marries Vi and both become dictators of their home cities (Caitler in Piltover, Vi in Zaun)
Really starting to think that these "wild runes" is actually just all voidshit, the same type of stuff which spewed out Cho'Gath, Kog'Maw, Kha'Zix and all other horrors beyond comprehension. Jayce simply became aware of the fact that messing around will lead to more of what we've seen before.
didn't kill Jinx upon seeing her
instantly forgives Vi
double-crosses Ambessa because Vi flirted with her
Character assassination
I was hoping also that we're seeing like Warwick v0.9, and once the Vander part is gone his face will change to full of wolfman Warwick.
Understandable reaction
I hate myself for it too
so she kills herself in the end
Not happening.
These 7-9 'leaks' are fake as shit and just extrapolated from act3 trailer. Anon never seen anything past ep 6.
this is correct
I hope it is like that, I hope it is as you say.
I also hoped it was fake
I mean that's not even headcanon now is it
The show's big reveal is that there is no good magic because all magic is by its nature stuff that Cthulhu shit out, you can't fix it, you can't use it with pure intentions, everyone who wanted to ban it and kill everyone involved with it a million years ago were acting perfectly rationally from hard-lived experiences
I still don't get why she had to commit sepuku. At the very least, don't be so happy that you're running to your death.
Next series is going to be in like, 6-7 years. So these three episodes are the last bit of content we're going to get in a long time
You are absolutely right, I've never seen a singular clip of Act 3, only retarded vagueposting with 0 proof.
"Ermh, x and y totally dies btw!" Oh yeah? Where are the vids, faggot? You got any clips from your dad who works at Netflix?
I was never that attracted to Jinx in her original League artwork, she looked like a coked out crack whore. Arcane Jinx is so fucking hot though.
Why won't Isha be happy when she's going to get 72 Jinxs in the afterlife?
The million dollar question:
-If the leaked plot of act 3 is true, what is your opinion on the ending?
It seems kind of shit to me, not cliché but quite surprising that they kill half the cast, and if we think about it, it would make sense with the bittersweet ending that they promised us. What seems stupid to me is that Caitlyn loses her eye (knowing how important it is for a sniper and yet they make her sheriff
French people are very good at making unappealing things seem appealing, I've never liked black women or transvestites and now Lest is in my head rent free.
Back in the day Warwick was just a Zaunian piece of shit who got cursed by Soraka after destroying a church. Maybe we'll see some of that brought back.
But assume he'll just be further mutated in order to get rid of his humanity
being attracted to the transvestite fox
There's no hope for you, anon.
introducing Ezreal this late into the game
they wouldn't be this retarded, would they?
"Being an autistic retarded mute kid" aside, this is so in-character that the little fucker literally tried to make Vi kill her instead of Jinx
She made a conscious decision to try to shield Jinx with her body not because she thought it'd move Vi to mercy but because her instinct in that moment was "I don't know what's going on here but maybe if the big mean lady crushes ME to death with her metal hands instead of Jinx, Jinx will be okay"
if the leaked plot act is true
It isn't.
Vi dies?
Since the fake spoilers are spreading, I'll give you the real one
Warwick regains himself immediately next and then fucks off ashamed of what happened
Jinx is depressed but Vi talks her out of it
Jinx and Cait fight but then forgive each other after
Mel escapes with her new powers and has a meeting with everyone
Flashback to what happened to Ekko, Jayce, and Hiem
Jayce is being influenced/possessed
Vi and Cait sex before the final battle
Victor comes out of a cocoon but isn't involved in the battle
Warwick shows up to help but doesn't have much interactions
Mel defeats Ambessa
Ekko and Hiem show up to save Jayce
Jayce splits with the thing that was possessing him
everyone fights the monster
Vi does the finishing blow but gets caught in the explosion
Vi survives but has amnesia
Cait doesn't tell her about Jinx and resumes their relationship
Mel leaves with Ambessa as her prisoner
Victor is now like his video game version and he turns singed daughter into a robot
he tells him that flesh is obsolete and that it's time for a glorious evolution
the end
It's fake and the act 3 will be worse than the fake leak
I'm putting in the hypothetical case, idiots. And accept that this shit could be the end
jesus christ youre a colossal faggot, shut the fuck up larptranny
much better ending anon, you clearly put more effort into writing this than that other faggot leaker
still sounds like bullshit though, so fuck off
Is this what you are referring to?
I think it’s an ok ending. I also think Caitlyn losing her eye is stupid, especially in the last episode of the show. It’d be like making Vi obese, it just…no. Also her losing to Ambessa twice kinda sucks, in the training montage she was missing something, but in the battle she’s really fighting for something important so it’s lame she loses to Ambessa.
Anyway, I think no matter what they do expectations are too high to please most people.
Cause she didn't know she was going to die? She's never seen the result of what she did so she Probably just thought she was going to save the day with a huge blast
I keep switching my opinion on act 2 am I actually a grown man autist?
First watched I hated it, second watch I loved it and now I'm back to hating it.
Wonder what terrible life that Jinx saved Isha from so she's THAT attached to Jinx. Cute relationship.
you realize she can lose her eye yet still kill ambessa
Ok, I'll give my opinion.
It wouldn't be a bad ending if they had developed the characters more with more episodes. As someone said here yesterday, they took a project from S2 and S3 and asked the GPT chat to turn it into one. I really liked act 1, but episodes 4-5 and most of 6 were horrible for me.
I totally disagree with the part where Jayce and Viktor disappear, they should have made them both villains. And where's the part about Mel?
I really like hobo Jayce, but it made the whole thing kind of pointless.
Like, Caitlyn, Vi and Ambessa don't interact with him at all. Basically all of Episode 6 would have ended identically, since Jayce would've shot Viktor anyway (causing the meltdown.)
Can they really explain this in the three episodes remaining?
Ambessa has a novel coming out. She’s not dying.
I just want to know how they're going to reconcile the characters with their League of Legends portrayals.
Maybe spend less time here and you will keep liking it longer. Or try to form your own opinions.
Are we sure Caitlyn is only losing an eye? I don’t think Ambessa is the type to leave people live especially after that betrayal
The novel is a prequel, but she's in the game now. She's totally going to survive.
I have very low expectation after seeing Act 2. They may as well summon Cho'gath as the final villain.
By retconning League of Legends to fit the show like when the Cait rework gave her all new lines about how she was gay gay homosexual gay for Vi
I have a strange feeling that this will all be resolved with time travel.
Those were all storyboards for early drafts of act one.
I honestly don't notice much of a quality difference between S1 and S2 like people are complaining about. After the first three episodes and especially ep 3, I felt like it did a lot of meandering around while nothing interesting happened unless Silco was on screen. Jayce and Viktor too but once they invented Hextech and Jayce sold out to install the gates, only Viktor did anything remotely interesting with the rest just arguing over le hextech good or le hextech bad.
In comparison I think S2 has set up a variety of mysteries and such that are more interesting to me than a lot of S1, and for better or worse, found the Warwick Vander stuff more emotionally engaging than any of the Vi/Jinx sister stuff in the first season except for when Silco was involved. Both are fine, good but not great.
Anyone retarded enough to care about League lore would already find CaitVi abhorrent because it's literally like if these two just started fucking out of nowhere
the lesbians will have a happy ending, Caitlyn will be fine
BUT I think Mel kills Ambessa
I think the frame is misleading, it will look like Caitlyn lost but she won’t, or someone will save her or some shit like that. I’m 50/50 on the eye thing.
I expect all the battle survivors to end up fucked up looking after fighting shimmer noxians.
Has godly aim with the rifle at long range
Doesn't use it to her advantage and instead fights a brute face to face
Is she fucking stupid?
How does their story end?
Same anon, I think it will be Mel saving the day and either killing/capturing Ambessa. I think the Noxus series will follow up Mel.
I don't understand why they would make a unified canon, including Arcane, and then go kill popular champions. They would be shooting themselves in the foot with this. What happens if they have an idea to make a story focused game starring Jinx. All of a sudden they can't because she died in Arcane so now they have to bullshit their way into reviving her? And they can't say it's an alternate reality tied to Arcane because at which point do you diverge from the main story? It would be a mess. If they were planning to kill champions from the beginning they would've kept Arcane as an AU itself. I don't get it.
her rifle might be fucked, maybe maddie fucks her rifle up? if she's actually a traitor i mean
Singed telling Isha they'll only be locked up for a second.
mfw wasn't paying attention
Figured the CaitVi shit happened while I wasn't looking.
Go back
It did somewhat come out of nowhere.
Or perhaps my autist hat just grew three sizes this week.
I dont watch TV shows or anime, I am more of a movie guy.
Is Arcane more depressing and tragic than most of the other popular series?
You retard, he's literally just making up his own story based on the Act 3 teaser, of course he's ''too lazy to remember'' anything else because he hasn't seen shit
desu i can KINDA see jinx dying. Her new skin is like 100$ or something, it could be the final tribute to her character plus she wouldn't stop being popular cause she died
Women can't have a friendship like that which is why female writers even tend to interpret men doing that as homosexual
It's comedically tragic. To the point of absurdity.
Everyone's having some world-shattering breakdown every two episodes with slow-mo and silly music to accompany it.
Anyone retarded enough to care about League more would know that since Vi's launch over a decade ago people were shipping them because of Vi's vaguely-flirty lines towards Cait and the cupcake nickname. Cait/Vi has been one of if not the most popular League of Legends pairing for an extremely long time, with some of the most lip service from Riot even if it was never outright stated.
The funny thing is, nobody was complaining about multiverse back then. People already accepted that each universe is somewhat self contained. But Riot autism made Arcane canon for marketing reasons.
Gods, the writing was strong then...
First lesbians in League of Legends
All they had to do is just-
use another professor x vs magneto trope for jayce vs viktor
caitler arc till it corrupted by yuri till ep8 or 9, cause I love power hungry bitch trope
delete black-rose
Vi try to save Jinx in spite of all she's done and some 'accident' happened, she goes to full amnesia mode, a cheap K mello drama or early 00s japanese mello anime, or whatever is it intensifies
Jinx belatedly reflects and makes a little fuss to undo her memory, Caitlyn goes back to sheriff to stay by Vi's side, all of which fits the game
Jinx's Lines : "You think i'm crazy? You should see my sister!"
"She's such a loser, always ready to cry! Ta-ta-ta-taa!"
"Vi? Stands for stupid!"
They gave up easy road
Somehow she managed to survive until the third arc, oof
here for Mel and Jayce, the best written relationship
gets nuked for no reason
thank you lesbians, very cool!
I think of stuff like how Goku or The Joker just fucking die onscreen constantly in spite of being money printers or how Halo killed off Cortana for real at the exact moment they were also making a massive Cortana brand push
The whole meme is that Jinx has a lot of people dressing and acting like her
Literally Joker tier
Well you are a movie guy which means you watched a lot of sad and depressing stuff so my answer is no. Only young people who get blind sided will get sad and depressed.
Caitvifags do we prefer the sex scene to be in Jinx’s cell or Caitlyn’s rich bitch office?
Cait doesn't tell her about Jinx and resumes their relationship
This would make even the xitter trannies seethe
Can the person who wrote these be a Netflix preview club member? because they have the opportunity to watch in advance.
Exactly. It was for marketing reasons. Which is why I don't believe that marketing would just let the writers kill characters that can be useful for future products that easily. Hell, how come Linke, a guy who is very tied to the production of the games as well, just accepts killing off Jinx knowing she still has potential for future stories in games, comics, books, live action films, anime. It would be like killing Iron Man at the end of Iron Man 3 just because that's the ending of the Iron Man trilogy. It doesn't make sense.
This act 2 was great because it purged the dyke and tranny tourists from theses threads
If you like good movies, there are moments that will hurt you, but maybe not enough to make you depressed.
To me the measure of "what the fuck, this was edgy and haunting" is the ending of "The Mist" where the whole family kills itself and the protagonist has to kill his child while screaming in pain because its preferable to the alternative and there is no hope for salvation. Then out of nowhere he gets saved and the whole thing was for nothing.
So Arcane isnt there yet. But with how repetitive the tragedy is I am kind of not affected anymore, because I know it will all go to shit anyway, so the positive scenes dont hit me either.
For example, in S1 when Vi hugs Jinx after the scene with the blue smoke signal, only for it all to go to shit - it felt bad because there was some hope for reconciliation.
Now when Jayce shot Viktor and the family got broken up again - I didn't feel anything at all because I knew Isha was going to die and the happiness wasn't going to last.
Okay but the talk Ambessa gave Caitlyn about sacrifice didn’t feel like foreshadowing to you
Yeah, Kubrick really is a hack, stealing that scene from the Joker.
It's about Isha/Jinx
Free Jinx BJs
I only see media released after i was born (2005)
it will be neither. They will start making out in the office and Caitlyn will take her to the bedroom. "Let's get out of here"
Episode 6 was horrendous but people are giving it a pass because the lesbians got back together, but that in and of itself is part of why it was so shit
Over Maddie's dying but still alive body
This act 2 was great because it purged the dyke and tranny tourists from theses threads
Saddest thing is that I like vi/caitlyn's new design more than ever, monkey-paw happened again
A lot of Von Trier movies make Arcane look mundane and happy.
She said its 5/10 sad
Yeah, the sisters live but they part. All of the suffering was enough for them to understand each other and accept their quirks, but they still recognize they can't be together.
Based retard
I love how the supposedly ''big moment'' of Caithlyn becoming a commander led up to fucking nothing.
Then you should probably try not to be offended when modern works reference older ones since it's the only way you'll be able to experience the classics.
Do we even know what the situation of the Zaun versus Piltover thing is, at present?
Or does that not matter now that Viktor has his hippie commune?
No its 5/10 sad because only 1 of the 2 sisters die
girl hot
been in jail for awhile
may as well kabedon
listen to these fucking brainlets pretending they have a degree in media literacy now, because "GUYS ROMEO AND JULIET HARDLY KNOW EACH OTHER. IT'S NOT REALLY LOVE GUYS COME ON." It's a story you fucking morons, told in 3 acts. We don't have 56 episodes to spin our tires before the nutless MC asks his waifu if he can hold her hand.
Honestly, everyone knows the real complaint: "Yuri bad, goo goo gah gah," but please stop dressing it up as being bad storytelling. By your standards every fairy tale ever written is bad media.
episode 6 was great appart from the dyke part
Is Arcane more depressing and tragic than most of the other popular series?
It can be. For me it's just poking my emotions in interesting ways.
People wouldn't give a fuck about Jinx dying if she wasnt a hot manic pixie dream girl
if she was a guy, fat or unattractive - you wouldn't care
have you considered dying mad about it?
I do feel it's very strange how this series is mainly female-focused. League in general is something that's aimed mainly at teenaged boys, but every important character is a woman.
Ekko and Jayce are just sort of there, and Jayce's plot has taken a back-seat to most things in S2. Even his love interest spends most of her time away from him.
Like usually the 'love interest gets kidnapped' arc culminates in the hero wrecking merry havoc to save her, but Jayce is probably not even aware that she's missing. They're on entirely separate plot tracks.
Not even they have seen ep 7-9, that guy likely is a member though because he knew ep. 6's plot. No one has seen anything past that point though.
game is for boys
because it makes my penis hard you fucking idiot.
stay focused! on Vi's ass!
This webm continues to age like fine wine
I care about Silco dying and he's not a manic pixie dream girl.
Not to mention they're all dykes or have big dyke energy
Sort of like how Ambessa's husband isn't a thing, when he would 100% be some big brutal warlord.
You know, the metafictional problem is that stories suck in real life. Iconic people don't really exist, only iconic moments do.
The guy that died in the big battle is greater than the guy that fought just as hard as him, killed more enemy troops than him, went home, got married to some fat bitch on a farm and expired withering from lung cancer at age 76
The politician who got his head blown off young and smiling at a podium just when he was about to introduce reforms to save the country is greater than the same man who served for decades, filling his pension and betraying everything he ever claimed to believe in to pursue power, privilege and a sweet lobbying contract
The musician who killed himself at 27 is greater than the one who released 16 albums, the last 12 of which were fucking terrible, and is currently doing supporting vocals for trendy Soundcloud rappers between Botox sessions
The actor who perished in a fiery wreck during postproduction of his biggest blockbuster is greater than the one in a wheelchair, surrounded by black-and-white photos of his famous cinematic adventures
Humans are LESS than our stories, and there's something unfair and infuriating about that but it's true. It's better to burn out than fade away except for the part where you're fucking dead so you don't even get to enjoy how awesome everyone thinks you are
I don't really have a problem with Ambessa being how she is. A character who is a hardened conquerer just fucking whoever they find appealing and not taking no for an answer makes more sense than settling down with a husband.
we're running out of episodes and we need the dykes to get back together
quick, give Cait a lobotomy
breed Jinx
anorexic girls can't ovulate
like some kind of hypocritical dirt-bag hindu god.
Close. It's YHWH, the jewish god of traumatizing foreskin removal, and the ensuing insane death cult coping methods.
I love it when chuds make little self-congratulating jerk-off pieces like this
completely throwing away the idea of humor or cleverness and just making it about a fake crowd applauding their shitpost
it's so deliciously pathetic.
Im not offended, just pointing out that it lacks any creativity. It has been done, and better, before. Same type of character too
My tinfoil hat says a Hollywood executive producer did some behind the scenes shenanigans. So how come they have such power over Riot's own creation? Because Hollywood will never allow an outsider to gain distribution and positive media clout unless they have people within the Arcane production. If they don't get what they want you won't get what you need from them. It's been like this since forever. Example: Godzilla 1998 fiasco happened because Toho won't allow Jewish producer and director royalty fees on Godzilla toy sales so they turned Godzilla into a female Iguana. Toho has powerful Jewish lawyers since the 70s but that didn't stop them from self sabotaging the movie. So back to Arcane, I bet one of them wanted the credit of being part of Arcane and doing all these crazy shit at the expense of Riot's pockets but never thought of the consequences to the parent company Riot and Tencent.
Even better.
and yes he's right, they let one into the writer's room and she ruined the entire show
Zeri breeding Jinx is hotter and better.
don't reply to me you actual schizoid, I don't want to read your hebrew fanfiction. put your idiot crown on, be careful, I've heard its heavy.
where the FUCK are those babies supposed to have come from
gas the undercity with the grey
declares martial law
dictator for months
vi calls her cupcake
she goes back to being autistic
amazing writing amanduh
it's three little Vi clones, representing her total inability to focus or retain her motivations as a character
Vi raped some loser (me) so she could get pregnant and raise her children with Cait
Nah it’s gonna be in jinx cold jail cell after she escapes
they just let her keep the gloves
"ugh the rich are so mean to meee"
Vi you got to keep the company van AND the ipad they left inside, what the fuck are you bitching about?
Know what the worst part about it is?
Maddie is still a factor, we saw she's fighting alongside Cait in the final battle so get ready for even more insipid lesbian melodrama
The Piltover Boys....
The then that must mean Vi's ass is alone and unprotected!
If you dont play the game what even is the selling point for you? For league players its obvious, we get to see our characters come to life, but to non player i dont see whats so appealing about it.
Dont get me wrong, its a decent show, but its not memorable at face value, its not something people will be talking about in a year let alone a decade.
Plus if you are a coomer aside from Jinx they all look like men
I'm waiting for her to continue being little Chaddie Nolan by being super chill about it.
Maddie will betray and try to kill Cait. She’s been sleeping with her to get keep her in check and give info to Ambessa.
A hundred Enforcers took that tuchus...
Caitlyn has a type.
"Heh.. don't sugarcoat it, Cupkek"
It's one of those rare "mature animation" shows that comes along every decade or that lets certain people pretend they're not manchildren for liking cartoons.
Bojack Horseman basically
what killed the dialogue of this series?
Is it just the lack is Silco?
Viktor in game looks like a cool character, kinda like Dr.Doom or just random mad scientist. But I kinda mixed about Victor in Arcane, I'm still waiting when this character will became as cool as his ingame coutnerpart but he's still irrelevant.
they either kill maddie (there's a trailer shot which she's on the ground) or they just call it even and say "welp caitlyn broke up with her"
But Ambessa is the one that told Cait to stop sleeping with her
He just got torn apart Anon, he is about to have his final, glorious evolution.
I don't believe that, I think it's more likely she's involved with Black Rose. She's argued directly against the Noxian involvement in Piltover.
Is this really such a complexly written story that such reverse-psychology romantic pressure is necessary?
No friend, we're still here lmao, the place gets good over time, unfortunately as an anon said, you can never leave Anon Babble again when you enter
it's not what we lost
it's what we gained
have to wait 2 years for the steelbook with the actual 4K output
Or worse Maddie turns on Caitlyn and wants to kill her after finding out she cheated on her with Vi you know some fanfic level writing
My spiciest take: Maddie doesn't have ulterior traitorous motives but she will go absolutely fucking yandere and have to be put down because Cait's hapa pusy is the most powerful resource in the universe, the talisman that decides the fates of nations
remember when writers desperately changed their words after fans assume Vander = Warwick? and even put roar to teaser trailer? it was just easter egg, they had absolute zero idea how to properly introduce Warwick into Arcane misery porn, They pulled out complete script and quickly added Warwick, the end result is total disaster
I was agreeing with you.
Baby torture cultists do what their god / g-d wants them to do
They are like robots, so slavish and predictable.
I didn't even think about this, jesus fucking christ
resolution to Mel's storyline and how it ties back to her mother
Ambessa's backstory
whatever happened to Jayce
Ekko and the gerbil
Singed and his daughter
Nope, we don't have time. But let's make some cuck jokes at Vi's expense
The lesbian was a minor part of the S1 writing room. For some reason they expanded her role for S2. The correlation is obvious.
still living happily in sub-4k
haven't tasted the god's nectar so I can't miss it
Feels good, living on earth.
Writing is bad and Maddie being loyal to Ambessa the whole time and trying to kill Caitlyn will let people forgive the whole caitmaddie shit
I just love Imagine Dragons, anon.
I don't want your endorsement.
But it took him almost two seasons and several years, even if they'll let him be cool at long last it would be way too late. At this point I expect one "I'm evil now"-scene from him before he fuck off from the series and nothing else.
I just want them to be happy. I'm a simple person.
Jayce x Viktor duet when?
So fellas, what's the tier list for the soundtrack so far?
S tier - S1
F tier - S2
here's your top 1
The only solution is faking your death
this, tranny seething to jinx again
By the look of it, the next Demacian king will spit fire.
And the chink spook will make sure you like it, or he will take you for a walk in the petricite forest.
clag died
people cried
your argument is defeated.
It's a blessing in disguise they ended it at 2 seasons, with the way this one is going half of the audience would have bailed out for the hypothetical season 3
Useful flashbacks they could’ve done at the start of episodes instead of unnecessary music videos
Caitlyn and her mom flashback
Mel and/or Ambessa flashback
heimerdinger witnessing magical brutality flashback
Heimer and Singed flashback
Singed and Orianna flashback
Silco and Jinx flashback
So much shit down the drain for nothing
Literally nobody cared about Milo and Clag to the point where you dont know how to spell his name.
Claggor? Clagor? Clager? Claggar? Who the fuck knows or cares.
we have ai-4k
On the other hand, maybe if they'd taken their time, S2 wouldn't have been shit. Doesn't seem likely though, most of S2 has been wasted on shit like the Smeech subplot that goes nowhere and does nothing.
this AI will watch the video in 4k
so that you don't have to!
I'm gonna miss her, she was the heart of this season
That butt is rock hard, there is no plap. It's like trying fuck a block of granite.
Silco and Jinx flashback
Ekko and Jinx flashback after she joined Silco
Linke and Alex promised it but they lied
Arcane died with Silco, they don't have enough balls to make Jinx a new villain. And without a proper villain the whole plot just running without a course.
The was a drastic drop off in viewership between act1 and act2, even in the middle of the season people are bailing out
She was too obvious
Just like Jinx
This was so pointless man. They literally could've evacuated no problem.
murder-suicides her grandfather because he hit Jinx and gave her a bloody nose
The saddest part of this whole story is that Jinx isn't even a fuckup, it's all the fuckups around her trying to help her that fuck everything up.
Still wondering why she do that is this kid dumb
Zaddy birth
they don't have enough balls to make Jinx a new villain
I am both amused and dumbfounded that Jinx is considerably less evil than she was in all of S1 post-childhood, especially because S1 surprised me the first time around with how evil they were willing to make her
Pic related, it was her genuine reaction on being reminded that she once pretended to be a little girl trapped in a fire so that she could murder the people who charged into the burning building to try to rescue her
Rushed plot ins't the problem bc it's anime, fags will forgive anything when it's anime, the real problem is how cheap these dramas were, even every reaction potcast has awakard reaction to S2, it feels like it squeezed out from chink ai, they should have cut out every warwick aisha thing no matter what xitterfags saying "muh I waited this kino for 3 years muh sheet" fans are retard
Chinese govt likely didn't like the endorsement of violence against police.
Silco wasn't a villain, either. All they had to do was have Jinx take up the mantle and have war between two understandable and justifiable parties, with Jinx and Caitlyn mirroring Jayce and Silco from S1.
the frogs are really saving this show imagine all that work for just a plot device
I think its pretty stupid that even after just the half point of season 1, it was obvious that this is a “no happiness allowed” show, except for Cait and Vi.
For me it cheapened both Isha existing and Vanderwick reuniting with the girls, because it was sooo obvious it was gonna turn to shit.
Same with the Caitler arc, her hitting Vi and sleeping with Maddie - it’s obvious they will end up together, so I feel nothing.
The only character arc that surprised me is Jayce and Viktor so far. And its the only one that still holds my interest.
Isnt it Ambessa?
Pick one.
but xitter love it?
This guy knows. Cait is a goddess of love and that pussy warps the mind. Vi knew her for like 2 weeks and was willing to put down her own blood like a dog and bare her children.
heard what they thought was a little girl trapped in a burning building and immediately kicked their way in to save her
even xfags hate it
idk I came here just for collecting cut jinx pics
OK and?
were about to do nothing until Caitlyn shamed them into following, then were too stupid to follow Caitlyn out when she escaped
By friday there will be reliable leaks right?
How did Ambessa survive VW without a scratch?
huh, good point
She didn't trust Ambessa, but what motivated her to betray Ambessa? Was it Warwick? If it was, that's fine, I just wish they concluded it properly instead of leaving it ambiguous
She's not dead retards. Time stops just 1 millisecond after the explosion
Nah, it's like anons have stated. The review show is ep 1-6, and the leaks so far have been accurate to that point and then predictions based on the preview.
its not ambiguous tho, she choose to betray ambessa at that moment cause warwick is vi's dad, its not that hard
coping about time negro
That's unbelievably fucking retarded coming from Caitlyn, an alleged intelligent character
Pic related, it was her genuine reaction on being reminded that she once pretended to be a little girl trapped in a fire so that she could murder the people who charged into the burning building to try to rescue her
not at all.
she's happy being relevant anew, and primus inter pares.
So how is she a cheap plot device but Milo and Claggor aren't?
tfw no cute yuri/fag porn
every community just got mad to shitty writing
not even lesbian domestic violence
At least joker 2 threads were Comic Relief
Isha isn't dead
Jinx and Sevika take her out for ice cream
The shots of Jinx in her new outfit were just her playing dressup with Isha
she risked her life out of sympathy bro thats it, sure she doubted and her caitler facade was cracking but what drove her into taking the decision is the fact that Vi already lost her mom,her sister and she herself knows how painfull it is to lose them, so she chooses to do something.
Oh my god, you can see her bare hip
Will there be more seasons? Or are we done on 23rd?
I'd like more seasons, even if they changed the location to like Noxus or Freljord or something. At the end of the day, this is one of the better media these days. S1>S2 tho
They’re all plot devices
Dont know why this skinny schizo crackhead is so hot to me
all alone down there with noxus
now is the perfect time to spring into action
they gave her a lobotomy
She's not. She's just like Powder, and all the anons who liked Pow-Pow but dislike Isha are demonstrating the loss of their own humanity which occurred to them sometime during the 2 year gap between seasons in which they no longer appreciate the innocence of a blue haired orphaned girl.
Shame they enhanced every waifus and wasted for amanda
Isha aint dead
Jinx in act3 preview is crying for vander
She dresses like isha because kid asked her to
Ekko rewinds and isha is saved
Jinx and isha become a family with ekko as the father
Happy disney ending
SImply not good enough, she's just opportunistic warlord.
Yes cause of the premiere but u might as well wait one more day to watch
She got added for cheap emotional thrills and was the most obviously dead character ever before the show aired (from her song and music video).
huh, even Ambessa was somewhat fugly for me, french knows how to animate
Probably but we wont know whats real and whats made up.
She's not a plot device because she isn't dead
In act 3 sneak peek Jayce is still talking about Viktor, as if he hadn't killed him already
That's because Ekko rewind
someone answer this guy i want to know too
She's not, retards here just think
she le no speak, she le no chaercter
A lot of the trannies who came here from discord and reddit during the leaks also have terminal tvtrope brain and think they're smarter than they actually are
Viktor gets revived by Singed.
“The specimen must survive”
we answered this a million times. yes there will be more seasons but not about arcane. it’ll be about other regions
already rewatched ep 6 like 3 times but ep 4,5 are too cheap to rewatch
No this is the last season and we dont know anything about there being more shows with this studio. They said they want to do other stories but thats about all we know.
ty anons
so Isha magnaged to survive and become teemo?
Report Isha for being an inting idiot
i don't watch series.
Arcane S1 is not more depressing and tragic.
Arcane is low pressure.
the actual one.
It will be canceled after this season gets panned by reviews. Act 3 will have to be even more rushed than Act 2 to wrap everything up.
Dives fed Warwick
I am supposed to feel sad
Jinx is me looking at my ELO
So, It will be a different studio, a different animation?
This. Isha is a representation of all the same steps Powder took to become Jinx, right up to "You put way too many of those glowing blue magical thingamabobs in the doohickey, kid!" and all the good intent behind those actions, reflected back at Jinx near the end of her journey.
This is what's going to break her, and it runs parallel to Viktor's final message before credits: Everything Jinx did to make that the best time of that kid's life, is what ultimately drove her to get herself killed. Jinx inspired Isha to this act.
It's like Vander said to Vi, all the way back in episode 1. When people follow you, you don't get to be selfish. When you say run they run, you say jump they jump, you say light a fire, they show up with oil.
how the fuck did a show this good devolve into le werewolf dad melodrama
this vi/jinx/vander/retarded child shit is so ass
I just watched episode 1. Why the FUCK did they give Warwick a weird anthro face???? It looks fucking awful, there was no need
*dyke melodrama
literally projecting.
it’ll be about other regions
If they continue to make these shows it certainly will heavily cut back on the quality.
It's just too much and Netflix probably wants to pump out these shows fast. Not once every 3-5 years. They'll do it in a style that allows faster production.
Dumbass bitch, what a slut. Cant believe this is how Caitler arc ends
Too much focus on emotions and relationships rather than ideals
Yeah. Tbh I don’t need full leaks, I just want to know if the leak is true. If yes, then I’ll just mentally prepare for it. If not, then I’ll just watch with an open mind.
ESG has always been about forcing uglyness, and Beauty being outlawed.
are you retarded?
I like it. The League face looks like the stock werewolf model which I've seen fuck Assumi and the Battle Nun like a hundred times.
Netflix just as it on their platform, they dont fund its creation or own the IP.
The cait vi will they won't they bullshit got old 3 episodes ago, yet we're still doing this retarded song and dance
Renni builds healcut against Jayce
Support Isha dives fed WW while ADC and jungle watch helplessly
The writers really need to try playing the game for a bit.
probably, edgerunner costed 300k per episode , it's 1/45 of arcane and still that cost was expensive for Japanese animation
They didn't come up with anything better. After they established that Jinx actually lauched a rocket right into the counsul tower, killed and injured a bunch of high-ranking people the only logical continuation for it should be a hunting for Jinx's head.
They’ll still pressure Riot into speeding shit up.
No, appreciate the concern though.
I despise it, personally. It just looks so awful, and ties into the complaints that Riot has recently seemed shit scared of having actual monster champs. Like I'm enjoying the season so far, but Jesus Christ seeing his face is distracting.
Considering men are the sex that seeks to procreate with beauty, mutilating the male sex organs and subsequent male sexual trauma, inbreeding and such.. It's clear why they hate beauty. It triggers them.
You have no clue what you are talking about.
S2 took so long because they were building systems to streamline future seasons. It would be silly to throw all of that away without using it.
"I've always liked the name Violet."
names first born daughter Violet
names second born daughter Powder
Was it Silco's idea?
Don't come crying in a few years when they announce several shows produced by different studios.
That edgerunner shit animation costed that much? lmao
S2 took so long because
Most publishing industries were toning down after 2019. For whatever reason. Very few new games for Anon Babble, no successful blockbusters for Anon Babble... All of the society was toned down for maximum pain.
but Fortiche want to make another yurislop with witch named amanda overton, wish it flop like legend of Korra
You sound like you are. How do you not understand it's an intermediate phase of his transformation and Singed will complete it in act 3? They even showed it in the preview.
Imagine naming your daughter after what the random bartender friend said you should name her instead of consulting your actual husband... yeah she was definitely getting eiffel towered by Vander and Silco behind her husbands back.
They can do that, I am just telling you Netflix cant and wont pressure them to stop creating products with the current studio at the current budget. Only Riot will make that call.
There are people on Twitter that think there's gonna be a war between Piltover and Noxus
They were all plot devices, but at least Millo and Clagger felt like they had characters. Isha is adorable, but they used her cheap emotional thrills. You can replace her with a cat or dog and nothing would change It's disappointing cause Isha is cute :/
That edgerunner shit animation costed that much? lmao
Yeah, couldn't believe it, they just shat on Gainax's name and prestiage
Isnt Korra super popular and iconic? Never watched it but see it talked about online more than even the original.
It's going to be a girl
How do you know?
I chose it.
Blue haired revolutionary mothers...
Goes to show how good of an idea it was to start with a grounded setting.
whaT did you expect
it's made by STUDIO TRIGGER
they're a prestige name among all animation in japan, probably the world.
people pay banks just to have trigger animate stuff in their unique artstyle
are. How do you not understand it's an intermediate phase of his transformation and Singed will complete it in act 3?
I never said I didn't understand what it was, you illiterate mong. I'm asking why they consciously chose such an awful design choice, when they could have just not. They could write the story to justify him looking however, I'm not looking for story reasons. I don't even mean "ugly", I mean just bad.
also freindly reminder that trigger is hack
You're confusing twitter pervert drawing porn of Korra because she's cute with actually success.
Legend of Korra was a gigantic flop, even the new shitty projects coming out of the franchise are linked to ATLA, not Korra
Korra was absolute ass compared to the first series.
Only the first season was passable because the writers intended to end it there originally.
It won't be cancelled, Arcane story will be finished with season 2.
They gona do more stories from other parts of Runtera.
vi's ass was FAT in those black pants.
can you really blame her.
even had a little spiderman mask scene
even reddit saying they hope Clock Nigga doesnt rewind time because it would be too cheap
Chances it happens?
panned by reviews
that chart
Yup, I can see Arcane doing the same
When will it be her turn?
Time travel is always a plot device waiting to happen.
Penelope Achilles Helen Agamemnon Circe Deimos
mfw this woman is a professional writer
Will we get a montage where Ekko goes back in time to save MLK, Tupak and Mandela?
>even reddit saying they hope Clock Nigga doesnt rewind time because it would be too cheap
Chances it happens?
man this Arcane tortanic is... absolute gold
be Connol
neither of your daughters remember you
are at most a blurry painting in the memory of the man who actually raised your daughters
Turns out everyone except Anon Babble is enjoying Arcane.
Would the next series naturally focus on Noxus because we already got familiar with it in this show?
lesbians front and center
Nobody is gonna admit it fucking sucks out of fear of being cancelled
man named hiroyuki imayashi is absolute disaster no matter what fags think, this guy's style is cheap af
New thread
In the lore Songed gives Noxus chemical weapons which they use ton the Chinkojaps of Ionia so - probably
Sadly Ekko rewinding time to save Jinx has been established since his release a decade ago.
Because Anon Babble is based
if it brings my baby back, then I'm good with it.
She and Jinx will be happy together again soon :'(
No joy allowed in this fucked show
is the amex members stuff truth?
I don't know if there's leak lore that's been heard, but if they fucking KEK Arcane by having it be "lol multiverse, this doesn't matter," that's next level retardation.
For fucks sake ekko, just let her suicide
This season feels considerably worse than the first one so far. Animation wise is still amazing but the writers probably needed another year or so to edge out the script.
Victor got to see that Jayce was violently going to destroy Hextech and the genius he is, didn't even think that he would come for him?
Maybe I missed the subtle foreshadowing but Mel's plot seems weak and bit nonsensical to say the least.
Milo and Claggor were obvious plot devices, but it didn't feel as hackneyed. Giant bug-eyed little girl made in a lab for cute appeal, complete with a little Teemo hat, just kind of showing up out of the blue to give Jinx her own kind of surrogate daughterfu/new sister to soften her was just way too transparent.
I don't think anyone had any doubts that Milo and Claggor were going to die, but they were just "other orphans" living with Vi and Jinx and didn't get nearly the amount of screentime and focus Isha did.
I think the fact that she's mute is just super annoying to people because there were a handful of other characters introduced that are also mute. It just makes the supporting cast feel super insubstantial.
They definitely could have used a little more buildup, but not that much. What's cool is this was the character thinking EXACTLY what we're all thinking. "This bitch is moving into my roost and getting wildly bloodthirsty. I need to drop this hammer."
I really like CaitVi and I'm a happy person
you aren't
when arcane ends you'll go back to self loathing
It really is crazy how much worse their story is being a lesbian chicflic. It'd be better if they were fighting over Pantheon's cock or something. Like, it's still the whole cult schism bullshit, but Pantheon also is this demigod figure that has to be shamed by his sun cult to proclaim that it's crazy to genocide all the moon people. And then just have Diana and Leona off to the side in thongs or something idk.
Anons here theorized about Maddie being a traitor since day one. Based om a shot from trailer with Cait looking up and dead Maddie next to her that Cait was stabbed by Maddie and she clutches her wound. Leaker could use this theory
It would be stupid if Maddie was a traitor since the only time we see them together, Maddie is trying to convince Caitlyn not to listen to Ambessa.
She's not a traitor or any spy. Amanda calls Ambessa the devil on Cait's shoulder and Maddie an angel on Cait's shoulder. This is all you need to know. She's good.
Vanderwick from the preview. Still flat face
Maybe Madde was checking on Cait this way. If she agreed to stop occupation Ambessa would eliminate her. But yes, it feels stupid, especially with Amanda saying that Maddie was like angel whispering to Cait's ear in opposition to Ambessa who was like devil whispering
That ruins all of League lore and stories. Ashe? Can kind of use magic or at least her bow is 50% magic 50% bow. Sejuani? Magic flail. Lux is a mage who uses light magic. Janna is a happy wind spirit or something that helps people. Fucking Sona?
I don't know if this is gonna be their canon moving forward for magic, but it's beyond stupid if it is. Just have it be that the first time Jayce accidentally bled on a hexcore it started an infection because they didn't destroy it immediately because it's chaotic blood magic, like Dragon Age. I can not stress enough them ruining hextech is fucking retarded let alone their whole magic system in universe.
Are people gonna stop complaining about the lack of blood now
Ekko's time travel stuff has been teased forever and it's a perfect opportunity to stall out the cliffhanger by starting Act 3 showing what the actual fuck happened to him and Heimerdinger in the Arcane leading up to the Z-Drive's creation
I understand League's got to make money, and whales are sadly very profitable, but $100 dollar skins are fucking disgusting. That's so sad. Is it at least tied to a pro like that Ahri Faker skin or whatever? I can ALMOST understand a skin if it's tied to something actually relevant and timeless to the game like Faker's skill and relevancy.
She has scratches on her face, she was saved by her mask
Hahaha, that's a comical way to look at it, you're right.
good & happy people don't want Maddie to be cucked
It's worse, it's a fucking gacha with a hard pity of around $250.
Arguably they all are but mylo and claggor provided some nice stability and a domestic backdrop for powder (before exploding them to smithereens) whereas Isha literally fell out of the sky without any context of who she was.
warwick can break solid steel doors open
can't scratch past a bronze mask
Maddie was just keeping Vi's half of the bed warm while she was gone, Maddie will go back to being Vi's fangirl when she comes back.
Look at that, Cait will use grey at people again and everyone with cheer
It's magic armor, like the magic armor that saved Mel from Jinx's ult.
I enjoy lesbians the most. Jinx was cool too, but now she will be miserable and I am not a fan.