Coitus is good for stress relief after battle, Padawan

coitus is good for stress relief after battle, Padawan

how do you react?

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Doesn't she speak with a French accent though?

sehks iz good for ztress releef, moi Padawan

What's with blue skinned french sex addicts? Also brb gooning to Widowmaker

I tell her to stop recycling the same thread every month on the confederacy economics advice forum.

I rarely say this, Padawan, but I could use a good fuck rn



Jedi are ALLOWED to have sex. HOWEVER, there should be no attachments. Basically you're there for the sex to relieve yourself, but not anything romantic.

imagine all the casual one-night stands between padawans, knights, and masters

That sounds like the worst of both world.
Doesn't prevent dynasties like celibacy does, does train people to kill and suppress their own emotions.
Having sex but trying not to develop feelings sounds like a hellish tightrope to be honest.

yeah i always assumed Jedi were celibating like most monks

It's mostly a biological thing. I like Imagine the jedi council's thought process would be like this:

Must have sex, the jedi

Not confused, they will not be.

Part nature, it is.

To resist seduction, easier it is.

Form a bond, they cannot.

If a Jedi knight knows sex, they wouldn't be caught off guard by seduction or any mind games, or be infatuated to do stupid shit they don't understand in their biology. A one stand with a jedi is basically the jedi using a person just to get off, but only if the person consents that is, with no strings attached.

It's a prevention measure to stop people fron school shooting the temple

In hindsight, that kinda backfired

by this logic shouldn’t be there a group of Jedi cougars who bed padawans when they turn 16 ?

Only if they teach the padawans not to have any emotional attachments when they're doing it.

Like saying, it's only done in certain situations, under specific circumstances to get a clear head.

No emotions.

That's what the Rey trilogy is going to be about. Written by, directed by, and starring me

i need to lick that tummy

too ticklish

ok im gettimg ahsoka

No words. Just sex.

I dont want a female jedi master

You will never have a horny twi-lek wife.

you will never have a pantoran wife

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damn it, Padawan, I told you: no kissing and you can’t cum inside me *sighs* we will need to have this session tomorrow night again until you get it right

sounds legit to me

Jedi Temple sitcom fucking when?

why would Tsuchi shoot a Taaz when she was the one making diplomatic peace with them?

It's a pinup made by clones, who want to shoot fucking T*lz.