Reach a certain age

reach a certain age

start finding Marge attractive

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I always found her attractive

Something happened to me but with Homer.

It feels disrespectful to fap to Marge.

She’s dressed like Donald Duck.

verification not required

a certain age

This is called puberty

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marge could pass for a twenty something year old with her hair down. homer just looks older because he's bald and fat.

I want to worship Patty and Selma's feet and tits


isn't one a gay now.


That was almost 20 years ago

She'd probably still enjoy having her feet pampered

drawing Patty and Selma without hairy legs

This isn't even a one-off joke they're shown to have hairy legs multiple times, at least in the early seasons. It's the grossest thing about them.

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Mind not be animated but I know it's still there.

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after a while they started showing her boobs and body more.

She’s dressed like Donald Duck.

She needs to lose the pants and underwear to complete the look.

They can shave

*Simpson women

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Only with homer or also with other masculine figures?

how do americans find such ugly drawings arousing?

I am sure it is ESLs who do

Edna's toes in my mouth

Your beauty standards are partially shaped by what you grew up with. "Lola Bunny made me a furry" is not a joke at all.

but Lola Bunny was drawn well

For fuck's sake, OP.

Too old

Too young

Don't you get tired of asking this question in every single Simpsons thread?

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Selma sure does

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Hottest Simpsons woman without a doubt


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Same, the show has never shied away from depicting her as sexy.

t. has had a 103 fever for the past six months

They would be too hot if not for those legs

Marge thread

Patty/Selmafags decide to show their awful fetish

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