fight comes out in about 15 minutes
Death Battle
Bowser wins. Eggman loses.
3 - 0
Eggman wins. Bowser loses.
I asked my dad who he thinks will win and he told me that bowser because eggman is fat and old while bowser is pure muscle
Kratos wins. The haters lose.
Just as a reminder that Eggman's army outside specific units are all completely and utterly useless and have never displayed the ability to LOCK IN like Bowser's has on numerous occasions, being able to defeat Fawful in Minions Quest and challenge even Bowser himself in Bowser Jr's Journey, even overcoming mind control easily by the end of Minions Quest (the entire army mind you).
Eggman's army has no concept of teamwork and coordination.
Next Time
Among Us vs Fall Guys
Doomsday vs SCP-682
Pick your poison
Doomsday vs SCP
Amonguys sounds fun as fuck.
SCP is autistic shitter bait.
I hate SCP's spic fiction wank, I'll take the dated amongus jokes
Doomsday vs SCP-682 but only if Doomsday wins
Is this the Eggman loses again party?
SCP won't appear ever on Death Battle because it is simply too OP of a verse and every fight is a stomp in favor of it
Shit Cum Piss would just scale their rep beyond whatever their losecon in the episode would be, invalidating the outcome.
-in terms of losing
"You never took the time to understand my minion's spirit!"
"All minions with true Spirit desire only to serve me"
SCP dwarves Cthulhu mythos in sheer scope by several infinities at the very least
Bowserxisters... Our response...?
Reminder that Moro took down his "No gore and profanity" post regarding this fight's animation
Final calls! Who wins? What's the next episode?
Who wins
Next ep
Tom VS Coyote
No lies detected
How do I steal autist's money?
forgot about the CHAD magician that turns entire universes into books on the turtle's side
Yog-Sothoth can't lose to anybody in fiction. He is literally everything and everyone.
Time for some scrambled eggs.
Kamek will buff bowser into his other forms with magic, King bomb-omb is going to cause the scene change. also I hope scratch and grounder and the elite trio make an appearance
More like turtle soup
Who wins
Next ep
Jack Skellington vs The Grinch
Tom VS Coyote
Huh, I didn't think about that. Good guess.
My girlfriend has a cuck fantasy. If Bowser doesn't win I'll let another man fuck her
4 additional minutes for the premiere's countdown
Your girlfriend is a cuck queen? Bas-
>>>>>>>>another man
Fish Sticks
Fish Sticks
Are they giving Eggman the Time Eater for this? If they are, what does Bowser even have to counter it?
Jack vs the Grinch isn't a fight. Jack has fucking rockets and interdimensional ftl travel. Grinch has a dog and tights, fuck.
Grinch is for Oscar the Grouch.
It's weird that Archie Eggman isn't allowed, he isn't as busted as other characters in that comic
it's a bowserfag what did you expect
Eggman's based on Roosevelt instead of Taft (though he does have the weight)
If he was based on Taft he would've stomped Bowser since Taft loved turtle soup
Why would you include the jobber who has literally one good item and it’s something that can be swiped.
Bejitabro btw
Doomsday vs SCP
Bowser is actually fucked bros
Did they-
Reveal a [BIG THING that kills opponent] too early in the preview?
Doomsday vs 682, if only because I think they will genuinely do the Among Us episode later on as an episode sponsored by the Among Us tv series thats happening.
All this Bowser hype up
Bowserbros, I genuinely don't really like how this is going.
they don't want Bowser stealing the Super Genesis Wave
also it's kinda boring and fucky anyway, not even really a weapon it's just a button that made a comic reboot
Eggman is so fucked LMAO!!!
nope, you're still gay
where are the pure hearts
I think there was a little box mentioning paper mario
It’s in his arsenal. They mentioned it in his weaponry section.
Gdi this is our first actually debatable fight that we're getting the victor as we watch the episode without any leaks or RT release spoils
gambling ad before the fight
Dude, I owe someone so much money
Agent Stone
Giorno vs Joker was just shit posting so I agree.
I mean the blog vote difference was only in 3 votes, and Death Battle tends to be unpredictable in how retarded their scalings and what they buy or not, so personally see it as about 55/45 right now.
So how are feeling now that it's confirmed Bowser loses?
They didn't mention the minions negating mind control in the pre-summary
Yeah Bowser's gonna win against Eggman, and that will be in the post analysis.
korone cameo
Infinite is part of the army
Tails Doll
It's over
Infinite is part of the army.
It's over, bowser bros.
Scratch and Grounder slander
fuck death battle, aosth rules
Scratch and grounder are going to win the fight for eggmna.
YTP-scaling would allow them to speedblitz neg-diff Bowser's entire army, so DB had to downplay them.
still projecting
So is the fix in? They riggin’ it for Eggdunce?
They are scaling The End above Time Eater and Solaris
felt called out
solaris scaling
solaris scaling
oh fuck off
Gotta say the editing for this one has been far better than the last two.
Multiversal Sage confirmed!
Are you sure? Bowser would trap Eggman in his seven koopa hotels.
Bowserfags already melting down lmao
They are scaling The End above Time Eater
The End saw Sonic's Memories and said his previous threats were inferior in that long ass monologue in the normal ending fight,
It's Bowsover.
Eggman instantly loses against Bowser just for this.
Dragoon is a decoy
Elite trio mentioned lets fucking gooo!!!!!!
RRRRROBOTNIK would trap Bowser in a invert-colour paulstretch ear-rape trap for eternity.
Aww no Super Eggman
Yup yup
The ending was never in doubt.
Bowser wins
BOWSER CHADS WE WIN!!!!! no scratch and grounder tho
You did? Kek
Sage lived but Bowser won
Truly the best outcome
Soniccucks, get those fucking rags off. NOW.
While I was for Eggman; the episode was definitely fun and outcome was at least reasonable since it was a good matchup
High - top tier episode
Oh thank fucking God the living creatures won.
Based Bowz stomp
SHARTfinite jobbed instantly
Eggman's army is now jobless
They're just like Shadow
Sage is now Jr's sexslave
be grateful they don't give her to Jeffy
Eggmanbros... But our Solaris and The End scaling...
no Eggman Nigga
they fear the camera
Metal Sonic gets outedged
Paging Alvin-Earthworm. Alvin-Earthworm, to the animation studio.
Bowser only won because of Mario Party shit
I don't disagree with the outcome but come the fuck on
Animation bits not part of the actual animation
cuts I suppose
Alternate Scenario animations
FUcking hell that's so cool
If I had to rank the episodes I’d go
Omni-Man Vs Bardock: 6.5/10
Giorno Vs Joker: 8.5/10
Eggman Vs Bowser: 10/10 easily
My husband won!
If Bowser won why were some of you guys lying saying that Eggman would win?
The overrated turtle won because simps kept asking for a easy win
Episode is a 4/10 then?
Reminder he can solo Sonic
Eh kinda fair analysis this time. Well "they can get any power up stuff" is dumb but the other bits are fine
Jr. is for his step sister
Sage is for the Goombas
the next episode is uter fucking SHIT
back to sleep with us
Amogus vs Fallguy
I'm out.
I will find and kill you.
they gave Bowser mario fucking party
they didn't give Eggman Archie scaling
Shadow vs Wario when?
Amy vs Peach when?
WTF, an actually good episode?
Amogus vs Fall Guys
Oh brother.
Fall Guys VS Among Us
Ah fuck...well guess they gotta follow a banger ep with a shit one to cap the shit year off with.
goodbye forever
Archie isn't canon.
what scaling, retard? The only thing he has in all of archie is the le genesis wave which is easily countered by everything
Amogus vs Fall Guys
A little late for this bandwagon
Mario Kart is closer to canon than Archie Sonic.
murderTROON is an eggKEK
Holy FUARK fellow sonicbros i'm letting Jamal fuck my wife right fucking NOW. I know you're all doing the same as we discussed on our Discord!
The fuck were they smoking? Infinite only casts illusions? He made Shadow disappear for months.
Chance time BITCH.
If they gave Eggman Archie Sonic Comics, Then Bowser gets Super Mario Kun Manga, which then King Koopa becomes the author itself.
Mario Party scaling
Fall Guys vs Amogus
Death Battle is dead
Glad it ended with Bowser gaping RO-BUTT-NIK
Sage lived
Literally the only thing I cared about in this match-up
Please do
Shadow was frothing at the mouth hallucinating for months, you mean
I think they showed em in the animated post analysis along with other stuff that didn't show up in the fight
Kamek GODS...
Bowser wins but Sage is still alive
Literally the golden ending
They showed it beating the Time Eater in a alt scene
dogshit episode.
She doesn't deserve to suffer just because her dad is a weak loser
The animation was pure kino holy shit
Amogus stomp incoming
Eggman VS Bowser Army Battle
Based episode, match up, and animation
Follow it up with Shit Guys and Among Shit
Sage didn't die
Damn, missed the golden ending.
Now she's getting railed by an army of turtle dicks uwu
At the first I thought that the sound at the beginning of next time trailer was a danganropa theme start jingle, had a mini heart attack.
No bingo
KINO party scaling
True MVP. King Boo was Bowser's infintite kek
Good episode
btw did they bring up Sonic Shuffle since Bowser got Mario Party?
I know Infinite is a bitch and all, but did he really deserve to get dabbed on by King Boo INSTANTLY?
if Sonic and Mario swapped enemies how would it play out? Would Sonic fair against Bowser? Would Mario stand up to Eggman's mechs? this isn't a "to the death" question I'm just asking how would that play out
Koopalings and Hard Boiled Heavies weren't shown
Also, did the Egg Fleet do anything in the fight?
I didn't see the wooden ships
I don't think Archie would have helped in this case since they basically make the chaos emeralds multiverse reality warping tools that Eggman can internalize as Lightman.
I think this Eggman might actually be stronger than Archie Eggman.
she was ultimately useless and is now Bowser Jnr.'s cumdump since her dad is dead
Boo KINGS??????? we won.
Lord Bowser is proud of us as always.
They already ignored 9800IQ canon for your benefit.
That's why I was so salty about the match-up being announced, because it's like
oh cool all these side characters I like are going to get needlessly slaughtered in a match-up where they don't even get top billing.
As an Eggmanfag, that was a fantastic fight. My only, and I mean, only complaint is that they didn't use Sonic Shuffle stuff since that'd be relevant
Both would probably be fine in each other's settings
Somehow Tails, Amy Rose and fuckin Silver have won a Death Battle
Sonic's win was invalidated and he lost the rematch against Mario
Archie Sonic and every Sonic got paradoxxed out of existenc by Wally
Shadow has the most humiliating loses and got a pity against his waifu
Knuckles got KONGED
Eggman got Uber Wanked and still lost
They should rematch Luigi vs Tails for more humiliation.
She’s just data though. 1’s and 0’s
No the Egg Fleet just dropped off everything else and Bowser’s armada wasn’t present
they're kids you sick fuck
Match up was only made because Bowsercucks desperately wanted turtle dick to get a pitty win
What was even the point?
I loved the episode, loved the outcome, shit was kino as fuck but they're incorrect about Infinite's power only affecting you at illusion level. Not just that, they forgot to use the Void or even talk about it.
Probably would both lose. Sonic has a bad track record against magic bullshit and Mario isn't fast enough to keep up with eggman's superfast mechs.
Battle initiator loses, again
b-but not when it's our golden boy Joker!!! n-not him!!! he gets to act and perform cool!!!
Who'd you prefer Eggman to fight?
It was a fun animation and army vs army matchups are more entertaining
Do you really think the Sonic Vs Mario of villains only existed because Bowser lost to Ganon some years ago?
To dab on you.
a kid cumdump. Eggman should've protected her but he was too weak, this is his fault
New sonicfag cope jus dropped lmao
no Grinch vs Jack skellington
Kek. Even light vs columbo would be more hype than this.
You are a pedophile
Considering how bad the research for Bowser vs Ganondorf was, it's deserved.
Giorno was le bad guy because mafia bro
this has to be one of my favorite episodes so far, honestly. i'm surprised.
How the actual fuck are they even going to do Amogus vs. Fall Guys? Do Fall Guys even fight? Is it going to be a deduction game where the Fall Guys have to find the imposter? If its just a straight up Death Battle I would imagine it's just a standard Fall Guy vs an Imposter which is going to end badly because Fall Guys can't fucking fight
Metal Sonic's part was so kino. I need to rewatch that shit.
You're on Anon Babble. How do we know you aren't one?
Did you see the beam struggle between bowser and super metal sonic?
Well, the same, but Super Sonic.
Good, and those are both garbage.
None of their arguments for why bowser won were valid
Yeah nobody needs that ugmo Sage for that when Junior exists.
King Bowser-Sama, mercy please - I beg - I have always been loyal to you
How many times do I have to teach you this lesson you stupid turtle
She's currently deserting and plotting though
The person defending themselves loses too at times. I don’t know what this cope is about.
I think the episode was great but I feel like it was lacking some stuff
Like exploring Sage predictions and Eggman using plans to deal with Bowser while Bowser and his team need to quickly adapt
Besides that great episode I like that showed examples of What Ifs
You know I was despising the idea of Doom vs SCP-682 but honestly it would have been better than a meme matchup AS THE FUCKING FINALE OF THIS MINI SEASON
>>>>>>>>>>>>>eggman eggcope
BowserBITCHES needed a pity win
He still will NEVER beat CHADnon
Le fortnite scaling lmao
unlike we Sonic enbies, we're heckin valid
kill yourself pedophile. you will never be accepted by society
Oops, newest sonicfag cope just launched!
It's the only reason it got as much traction as it did. It's the same as the Doomguy vs Chief rematch. People only wanted it as a run back for their preferred character to have a win.
Comedy match, like Dan vs Satan or Kool-Aid vs Macho Man.
He's THAT guy
Like exploring Sage predictions
They explained they're not perfect and with Bowser's vast variety it's gonna be harder for her to come up with the perfect way to win
Fall Guys has some silly background or WOG lore where they are actually pretty strong with funky bodies.
Not like it matters since AU has fucking laser eyes and shit that'd just kill em. That one trailer of one of the imposters blowing up planets pretty much makes this whole fight moot
They're heroes fighting villains, they'd be fine, maybe they'd struggle at first because they're fighting new unknown enemies, but would eventually adapt and beat them.
On DB Bowser would beat Mario in a stomp. Same with Eggman against Sonic, but not Metal Sonic. He would still lose.
Bowser's a Star Child, he has holy magic weapons by default. The runback will have Ganon crying.
About what I expected
Bowser's powers are mostly naturalized to him, rather than needing specific equipment, even his transformations usually happen by him integrating the power up into himself
better army due to having a cult of personality and Eggman not building his robots with too much int
Bowser having better generals
Sage couldn't even predict anything about Sonic, it's all just meaningless mouthwash
Fair enough
GG Bowser fans you won fair and square
The penultimate cope.
This MU that’s been popular for years is only popular because of a relatively recent event!
Swing and a miss.
Best part of the fight. I knew Bowser had it in the e bag when the phantom ruby got BTFO. Based King Boo I knew he was going to be important.
The scaling was bonkers as always but the arguments did seem good.
I'm not even a sonic fag, I just really wanted to see the fucking koopa get shit stomped.
Come back after you've measured the strength of your army.
Dracula's midnight snack
Oink oink piggy
He's gonna die to piss off Bowser
He exists the same way Pan exists in Gohan fanfiction
He has more death flags than a C-List mutant at an X-Men event
To be fair Sonic's whole schtick is "muh chaos" and doing impossible things
I mean, they update characters all the time.
Thor's speed is a clear example
Yeah, Game!Eggman easily outscales Archie at this point
In fact, I think the only Archie characters that outscale their game counterparts atp are Sonic/Tails/Knuckles
Both would probably do fine, although they'd struggle initially.
I feel like Tails would somehow still win despite Luigi having way more bullshit this go around. If they pull Archie Tails it's 100% a stomp but even Game!Tails they'll probably use some of the Tailstube stuff to give him some absolute bullshit
Yeah I'm shocked we just never saw any of the Titans
But also seriously why wasn't one of the rematches slotted here? I get why no Tom vs Wily because lmao 2 hand drawn eps back to back, but you couldn't have done Chief vs Doomslayer?
Eh, I'd say there's a bit more of a legit basis to Bowser vs Eggman here since "2 big platformer villains" is an easy sell, as is the fact both of them have gotten WAY more stuff since their initial appearances and it isn't subject to weird polling stuff
What are the chances of Among Us getting Vampire Survivors scaling while Fall Guys gets Final Fantasy Scaling?
Because that would be really fucking funny.
Sonicfags already coping
Every time they do mario they keep insisting on conflating cartoonish exaggeration with actual feats
You first, predator.
They did not. DB lied about Infinite's powers.
I feel bad because actually like Infinite. Cool design, cool powers, cool speeches, and cool voice actors in Japanese and English. People ignore the fact that prompty trounced Sonic at the beginning of the game, mindfucked Shadow at Green Hill Zone, wrecked Infinite, and would have defeated the party with the fake Sun if not for OC having a phantom ruby shard.
Metal Sonic did good and put in the work here. WEAKfinite deserves ridicule though. Fucker jobbed and fumbled one of the best items for his team.
Metal lasted longer than Infinite and honestly that's sad. but seeing him knock out kamek and jr. was funny as shit
they don't count because... THEY JUST DON'T OKAY?!
Eggman deserved to win solely because Sage is cuter and deserves to protected a lot more than an ugly turd like Bowser Jr.
One griple i have is that they didn't use metal madness
But i guess they alredy did in wily vs eggman
Metal did extremely well in this episode. His part was the best part for me.
Well too fucking bad, loser.
No Scratch and Grounder, Metal Overlord or Time Eater... the battle was still awesome though. Would have been cool if they had a little sprite fight with Eggman going to Bowser's NES past. Next episode is retarded meme shit that's several years too late and with an obvious result (the one who actually kills people). Would unironically rather have Skibidi Toilet.
He wouldn't be Infinite if he didn't job pathetically
Don't prefer but a Wily rematch with better animation would be cool
whoooo i'm a spooky ghost whooooooo
Hey now don't shit on Metal. He kicked ass in this fight.
Oops, newest sonicfag cope just launched!
Are you retarded. I'm saying Bowser needed a good show of his abilities? How is that me supporting Sonic?
But is she real?
With Knuckles, I 100% feel like he's getting another match, because the low hanging fruit of "Archie Knuckles" is wayyyy too tempting
Also Scourge at some point maybe
Why should they count?
I'm very surprised they used mario star children lore this time around, it was a long time coming.
I need to expand this
is there anyone in this general who isn't schizophrenic over fictional hypothetical scenarios
I can see Archie Knuckles VS Juggernaut happening at some point.
Infinite jobbed, but DB also lied about his powers. He made Shadow vanish from reality for real.
but you couldn't have done Chief vs Doomslayer?
They probably haven't even started the production given that it was chosen as a rematch a few months ago
The fight was about 5 minutes long not counting the bonus alternate scenario snippets
For what we did get, it's fucking astounding as is
He's not gonna fuck you bro, no matter how much you gape your ass.
you gotta stop thinking everyone's out to get you, homo.
amogus vs fall guys
what year do they think it is
Metal pulled his weight around, infikek jobbed immediately after he appeared.
I would like to remind you all that Yoshi as a babysitter (star level) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 99% of Shartman’s army.
See the Phantom Ruby actually does effect reality because how the fuck does opening portals to other dimensions qualify as "illusions".
wonder bowser saying he can take over the universe is bought at face value
no he didn't, canonically just an illusion. Shadow himself says so.
I feel like while Eggman does have the intelligence edge, it feels like they kinda played it up too much.
In terms of conventional intelligence he's smarter, but tactics wise, he still suffers a lot from tunnel vision, impatience and whatever led him to think Egg Dealer was a good idea.
this KEK. it's gonna be the lowest viewership count episode EVER. basically threw away for free grinch vs jack lmfao. what a fumble
Fake it till you make it...?
Dream Stone didn't have concrete proof of poofing things out of existence for starters.
Eh actually somewhat fine analysis this time around even if overblown for both sides as usual. Animation is one of the top ones in the whole show and was a fun matchup to actually talk about without spoilers happening. Good time for once
The best part was SHITfinite getting nodiffed by a Thwomp
Didn't use Dreamy Bowser OR Lightman in the fight
Missed opportunity, holy shit. This was just a kaiju battle in disguise.
CHUDnic games: Get the 7 Emerald
GODario games: Love and friendship
Fuck you. Your little shit computer program whatever will never match the worthy successor and LEADER that is Jr.
*Tanks your erasure*
Ive done enough research to know he's a power bottom.
he does feel called out
Oh well, can't stop your tears :)
No, we don't know what Shadow was doing for those 4 months, but he wasn't banished by Infinite.
There were animated bits for them in the post analysis so that was nice at least.
Animation takes an ass-long time. The real test of time will be Aang vs Genshin Hero.
I'm a Tailsbro and even I don't want this. It was so cringe, and he can't even do it again it was a once in a lifetime thing thanks to Zonic
It doesn't. Also, Eggman had the real one inside a robot it wasn't even with Infinite.
This shit was a screw job.
STILL going
wow the cope is real, sorry faggot, you'll die of aids or ass cancer
They have alternate scenario animations in the analysis
Bowser won
How is anyone surprised?
Metal was Eggman's MVP. He even killed base form Bowser. Infinite might be the biggest loser in Death Battle history. He showed up just to die to a cartoon gag.
Jr I kneel.
Because he did so already in Galaxy 1 & 2.
Why must Mario and Sonic fans endlessly fight?
I find it kind of funny that The Power of Love and Friendship literally gave the win in both this fight and Giorno VS Joker
I drew this 2-3 years ago, came in handy
I was kinda surprised, since Eggman has to put up with a lot more bullshit than just a fat plumber.
The Winners club
Amy Rose
Archie Silver
The Jobbers club
Archie Sonic
SOA marketing
Sonicfags are delusional, news at 6
p-please s-s-s-stop...
Has to use Non Canon Archie Nonsense to stand a chance because he knows Game Tails has been a little bitch since Unleashed
This is silly.
It was a fun debatable matchup depending on how you viewed things for both.
gets Solaris scaling
still loses
What a fraud
So, what Sonic fights are left?
Knuckles vs Piccolo (too much of a stomp even if you allow Hyper Knuckles)
Archie Knuckles vs Juggernaut
Blaze vs Starfire
Metal Sonic vs Cell/AMAZO/Insert evil copy here
Sonic vs Goku
some Tails fight
Shadow vs Vincent
None of their arguments were valid
Infinite might be the biggest loser in Death Battle history.
Didn't Spyro have a teammate also died real quick?
Sega started a war they could never win.
murderTROON melty
Yeah, that's the matchup most likely. Juggs is a semi popular character who's gotten no rep, and what better character to pit him up against than the Immovable Object known as Archie Knuckles?
Ah, fair. Still, we could've had literally anything else to close out the year
Don't think about the Phantom Ruby too much, it'll give you a stroke.
Also shocked they didn't give him the Warp Topaz since he technically did have that at a couple of points (the Fang mini, Starline when he was part of the army, end of Metal Virus)
Not that it'd make a lick of difference, but still
Okay but consider: imagine the poor soul who'd have to animate this, and Wiz/Boomstick desperately trying to hype it up
It could also lead to a cool animation vs Dream Luigi
Ah well. Good fight Eggman. If nothing else you got to show off in one of the best episodes in the show's history.
Hate this little shit so much.
i didn't ask to stop, anon. you're projecting. again.
Infinite jobs to a Thwomp summoned by a mischievous King Boo
The Phantom Ruby chase with Metal Sonic soloing and culminating in Chance Time
Fury Bowser vs Death Egg Robot
love and friendship win the day
oh yeah, and here's a list of all of Eggman's allies that did an about-face on him
They'll study this battle in colleges across the world.
he's an even worse little bitch in archie, i don't care about scaling even Unleashed Tails would think he's a pushover
Kudos little guy was tough than I though
I hope Bowser takes Jr to mcdonalds cuz the boy thought he was finally gonna get a mom but then he entered a war zone
JOBnic verse is fodder
Back into the vault of rejected characters.
no argument
Knuckles could stand a chance based on the scaling they gave Eggman
super metal sonic jobs against bowser
super eggman jobs against bowser
boohoo who would've thought yet another instance of superman beats goku booohoo good one death battle do not let that favoritism show
doesn't matter skibidi toilets solo both
they have canon superman scaling and he's merely sacrificial fodder for them
defensive babbling
So, what Sonic fights are left?
Shadow vs Zero (Mega Man)
Silver beat Trunks though, and Xeno Trunks > Orange Piccolo
Luigi can fight Shaggy.
Tails can fight Diddy Kong (or Gohan if you want another Sonic vs DBZ fight)
What the fuck are you even saying.
9 or 10/10. I might lean towards the higher as the bit that irked me (like "where was super Eggman in the animation) was partly rectified immediately as he and Dreamy Bowser showed up in post battle simulation animated scenes so that was cool. Stilll would have liked to See Super Eggman in the animation proper duking it out with Fury Bowser even though the Movie Mecha made more sense I suppose.
So was Jr out of the blast radius when the shot reduced Bowser to a skeleton?
Stomp vs Knuckles
I wanna say Archie Knuckles wins because Enerjak's powers are so vast and absurd and his lose conditions are so hyper specific it becomes a Kratos vs Spawn thing of "One just doesn't have the means to kill the other in any way"
Very close but Starfire wins because DC. But if they give Blaze Egg Wizard/Game!Sonic scaling she could pull it off.
Cell wins
Goku probably wins
Tails is getting a Luigi rematch which the latter probbably wins
Shadow stomps the shit out of Vincent Valentine so hard it's actually embarassing. Also I would ask for no more Shadow fights but I'd love to see shit like Doom Wings animated
Lord, Sire, no, KING Bowser, have mercy on me please, I only fought with you as a jest, so you could show the world your unparalleled strength! Even a fool like I always knew I could never stand a chance of actually hurting you. I only wish to SERVE you, my lord, so please don't HURT me!
Prove that the dreamstone can poof things out of existence
Dead series.
Magic vs Science always ends up stacking the deck against each other, so you need something like Love & Friendship to even things out.
murder TROON meltdown
Silver was given Archie scaling. Piccolo doesn’t have a Xenoverse/Heroes equivalent to justify using Archie Knuckles.
Time Eater got to show up and get btfo’d in an animated bit at least.
isn't paper mario canonically a separate universe because of M&L paper jam
Kamek countered Metal Virus AND Metal Sonic
Lmao. GODekbros, we SHAT all over the furries so hard.
That was before the fight itself though.
How do you respond without sounding mad?
Speaking of 6, they're apparently trying to history revision the idea that Sonic 06 wasn't really THAT bad. Sonicfags are extremely mentally ill.
nope. i'm willing to keep going, homo-anon
Nah, so long as Piccolo could be put at least close to SSG, he was gonna cosmostomp Knux.
scalies beat furries
Yup yup
yikes, no way, not even they could sucking off their corporate masters that much
...the loser!
Yes, they shamelessly composited characters across canons, while ignoring other stuff they deemed non-canon.
Shadow vs Zero (Mega Man)
As a Shadowfag and Zerofag, Shadow stomps. It's not even remotely close
Zero has more durability anti-feats than feats, and Shadow just raw outstats him barring insane outliers
Actually, Vincent stomps Shadow.
They literally said they lost connections with him. His body wasn't just laying around unconscious for 4 months. Also, the Void. There wasn't a single mention about that.
Or Infinite's abilities to make clones.
Infinite was screw jobbed hard.
Shadow vs Vincent
Does Rebirth give him anything new to work with?
Bowser has been both.
Archie Knuckles is just real lucky that Dark Enerjak was actually just full power Green Knuckles, otherwise his best form died to a ceiling falling on him.
He's Archie, but you might as well add Snively to the list.
Bunnie vs Deathlok is insane and I love it.
Sparx was killed before the fight and was the instigation for it.
He learned how to grovel from Wiley.
They're mirror universes with the same events.
Juggernaut probably scales higher, but at his strongest Archie Knuckles is literally larger than the universe, so I doubt Juggernaut has the range to kill him
Funnily enough he literally couldn’t be put at that level pre-Orange. The best you could argue for is him being 17 level who contended with Blue, but Gohan (who was fighting with the U7 Sayians who’re blue level) is explicitly stronger than Piccolo.
What is a, Ganon? A miserable pile of JOBBING!
>Blaze vs Starfire
This is a fucking stomp
<>Sonic vs Goku
Only if it's Archie Sonic vs. CC Goku
This happens every time they get a game that isn't totally garbage. In this case, it's that recent remake, so now they pretend every single Sonic game was actually amazing all along.
Archie Knuckles VS Juggs seems like the last big one. Maybe Archie Blaze VS Starfire because anything less is a waste of time because of DC wank
Well other than Mario VS Sonic 3 of course but yeah
Gilgamesh scaling
endless homosexual fantasies
You are very gay.
inb4 n-no u-u-u r (senpai)
Among Us VS Fall Guy
Well, here's the first stinker!
You know, I thought there wouldn't be too much seethe either way with this fight. I clearly underestimated sonicfags.
That time meat-verse mario learned how to curl himself into a tube to slide under barriers
Body Horror Mario
No Bowsette
No Chef Pee Pee
Bowser's dad stomps Eggman's pawns
Really? I mean, Shadow does get Solaris scaling and all the shit from Shadow gens. Is it some weird Dissidia shit that gives Vincent the edge?
Green Knuckles was so fucking dumb, I'm glad that form will barely be considered.
Bunnie vs Deathlok is insane and I love it.
As probably the PREMIER Bunniefag...Bunnie gets turned into fucking mulch unless you give her absurd VSBW "She kept up with Sonic in 217-218 that means she's MFTL" shit that nobody would ever give her.
murderTROON melty
Shouldn't Blaze win with the sol emeralds?
Kamek was always going to be Bowser's ace. I'd even say Bowser winning was partly dependent on whether Kamek got merk'd early or not since he is a bit of a glass cannon.
Kamek: "Sir shouldn't we finish the child of the doctor as well?"
Bowser: "Nah I'm tired let's go home"
Kamek: "But Sir"
Classic Sonic was just a group hallucination
Tranny Bowser will never ever be canon.
you're the one who posted the oh no spam after i said who ever posted it was a faggot. you basically gyrated your faggy ass out of the closet and said 'HEY GIRLS MAKE WAY FOR THE TRUE COCK SUCKER' and then you vanished after i called you out on it, until the next thread
I want Juggernaut vs Jiren
SHITfinite jobbed to a Thwomp
You love to see it.
I just think lying about Infinite's abilities/phantom ruby's was bad on their end. The fight was good otherwise.
Allow us to check the new copes
This is just Superman Vs Goku (what?)
They got Infinite’s power wrong (they didn’t)
Bowser Vs Eggman is only popular because Bowser lost to Ganon
Archie should’ve been used (lmao)
Maybe Archie Blaze VS Starfire because anything less is a waste of time because of DC wank
Making it Archie Blaze actually nerfs Blaze harder than it helps her. Archie Blaze is probably the definitive Sonic jobber
Body Horror Mario
Always has been.
So we all know what's on you're mind, homo kek
I actually don’t think Infinite betrayed him, he’s probably the most loyal follower Eggman ever had, and then Eggman killed him because he jobbed.
Nope. Starfire recently got upgraded and btfo True Darkseid and some not!Celestials (but who hasn't?)
Death Battle ignored canon information. Infinite would have soloed Bowser and his army
Greenckles has a busted Accelerated Development
Oh right also forgot the obvious Archie Sonic VS Goku thing even though we kinda already know what they'd do for that based on Archie Silver VS Xeno Trunks. Then again their winners and logic fluctuate constantly.
It's closer than you think if you use the original Deathlok and not one of the 616 versions. Bunnie can fly, he can't.
Bowser army sets up worker's comp for the wounded. No wonder they like working for him so much.
you literally worship a gay youtuber's ass and say it has powers
Eggman betrayed Infinite. He was sucked inside the phantom ruby and died in that instance. I think it was confirmed in a different game.
The finally broke the curse of the one who uses their ultimate technique first loses!
Don't forget ' u r pedo' and 'u r gay' lmao
They really showed Bowser's intelligence there kek.
all of Sonic's enemies are this WEAK
oh nonononono...
INFINITEbros.....not like this.
That time Bowser got tricked by a literal poster of Peach in TTYD
All job to a thwomp
Infinite punching down on the low-level henchmen with the Phantom Ruby.
Bowser stops fighting entirely and prioritizes defending his low-level subordinates with his magic instead.
Immediately blows out Metal Sonic for DARING to lay a finger on Bowser Jr.
Putting himself between the Death Egg beam and his minions without a second thought.
The way they all rally behind him at the end.
Absolute KINGly behavior.
Yeah at least they didn't buy "muh super IQ" shit like some people thought they would.
has some gay youtuber's literal ass literally on his mind
I pity you, anon.
Fanon character, also a Toadette.
Gives Bowser Paper shit like Star Rod and Pure Hearts
Bowsercels, explanations, PRONTO.
Infinite didn't even got to use his clones or summon the sun.
Fucking DC. Give it a few years and they'll have Ralph Dibney one-shotting The Super Spectre or some shit
It was also one of the dumbest fucking arcs in that entire comic and that's saying so, so, SO much
Bunnie is also not that durable, since her prosthetics canonically run off of her own life force. Her best actual strength feat is I think the battleship from 131
If he's more durable and stronger, he should take this. Granted, I don't know Deathok, I just know that, for as much as I love Bunnie, she's really not that tough
What Bowser has against all this???
I still think Dream Bowser vs Nightmare Eggman should have been the final battle
I mean come on dreams vs nightmares Bowser being less evil than Eggman it would have been great
Based Junior getting Sage wife
no wonder his minions are so insanely loyal
Egghead could never understand Family
all this deflection and projection isn't good for you.
Archie Tails only notable feat is that he literally got cucked by Sonic and seethed about it for like a year.
Rebirth has a Gilgamesh fight, so Vincent also gets Universal-Multiversal scaling through crossovers. And Chaos Vincent is supposed to be up there in terms of FF7 characters lorewise.
Vincent also has the ability advantage due to how varied Materia gets.
Him getting in front of his troops to tank that laser was one of my favorite moments of this show
It made me want to kneel and pledge my loyalty to KING KOOPA
murderTROON meltdown
The 7 Koopaling would be a bigger stomp
Bowser Vs Eggman is only popular because Bowser lost to Ganon
That's always been the case. You're a liar if you believe otherwise.
Egghead could never understand Family
He's 'starting' to maybe with Sage whom he only just got
flick the eggs
they break
walk out
Damn, try harder please this is boring
Are these "Murdertroons" in the room with us right now?
Who the fuck is that ugly bitch on the left
I’d rather be a liar than a literal retard. You’re delusional if you think SHARTnon was ever Bowser’s biggest MU.
He had to die to do that though
I'm doing fine, daughterson.
You sound very upset and needy, though. Reply if I'm right.
How you not gonna know Crash?
That's funny because only trannies, gays and cucks like Bowser
spics are mad about the result. lol
Blaze vs Starfire
JoshScorcher is already doing that one.
Nina cortex
Niece to dr neo cortex from crash bandicoot
Bowser vs Eggman was always popular because Mario vs Sonic is popular.
Fuck, you know, just fucking do Bowser vs Eggman vs Ganondorf vs Dedede vs K.Rool vs Ridley vs Sephiroth
Hmmm, true. Wonder if that trumps Super Shadow+Solaris Scaling+the bullshit that is Chaos Control though
Shit, you've sold me on this fight
I think that's Nina Cortez from Crash Bandicoot
Eh, it's from a Crash game that isn't the first 3, so it's entirely fair
Death Battle forgot to show the Romeo and Juliet scenario
Refer to Everything that happens in the Paper universe happens in the main one and vice versa.
Irrelevant dead franchise
Wait, I didnt realize the Death Battle actually referenced this.
Would you?
Bowser shitstomped Eggman with "the real superpower of teamwork"
How ironic
Feeling called out?
Halo Jordanbro btw
Eggman wins, death battle is inaccurate and shit.
Doesn't it somehow come down to Sephi vs Bowser, with Dedede just barely trailing behind?
In the end Teamwork and Friendship are the strongest powers of all
Wait a minute this is my fetish.
I guess Bowser took the worst of it
This just in, the nation of Japan is currently invading Mexico and spanking every Sonicfag in the country with a paddle
I didn't see N Cortex on the bottom and didn't put two and two together. Didn't know he had a kid. Nice. Good on you N Cortex
As an Eggmanbro I can't be mad at the result, one of the best fucking fights this show has ever produced.
GGs Bowserbros
He was lied about, cucked and betrayed by Death Shartle.
Would this count as the second time a combatant has won because of power of friendship?
Bro's fucking tired
dry bowser
I told you all last week that's what would happen.
majority of sonicfags are spics
Besides Miyamoto outright saying it, there's been references to the mainline verse in Paper Mario, and references to Paper Mario in the mainline verse.
Did not expect this much art
What the fuck would a tranny care about Bowser for? Most of your kind are "mtf lesbians" which is just an obnoxious way of saying straight male with a lesbian fetish obsession. None of them cared until Bowsette.
He also didn't do much for all the hype he was getting.
Actually, they're black
Everyone harping on about he'd be the big game changer and would mog everybody
Gets btfo by Metal
He did cuck Infinite though I suppose.
has tranny fantasies
uh oh bad news, you'll never biologically be a woman
I always cared for Bowser desu
Идy нaхyй пидop, aмepикaнцы вoнючиe и тoлcтыe.
Eggman has joined the Bowser empire
Skibidi Toilet won.
Bowser immediately jumps in front of his army to stop the death laser
He literally dies because of it
Bowser Jr standing in front of Dry Bowser
Give Bowser a mushroom and he'd be fine.
Eggman is dead
Sonic's World is more peaceful
Sonic goes insane at the lack of challenge because Eggman was his main source of Waku Waku shit
Same with the Sonic book series from the Wii games. Those were outright ignored.
Xhe says while posting something that isnt Bowser.
What the fuck would a tranny care about Bowser
Who do you think composes the main target audience for all your shitty cuck porn? It sure as shit isn't people like you lol
He one-shotted Infinite and the analysis mentioned he'd be a danger in the long run
A problem for (You), troon.
DB lied about Infinite's abilities and didn't use all of them either.
Where was the Void?? Not even a fucking reference to that?
I'm not super familiar with those, but I thought they only happened in books of classic stories or something?
Also the characters aren't the actual Sonic characters, they're just being played by them for convenience.
Rooski is mad
Don’t you have a war to go die in?
reminder that all of those paper mario feats are reliant on a universe that gets destroyed from a fucking book being burnt
Felt called out so bad two threads ago
R-REPLY TO THIS IF I'M RIGHT (please stop responding to me, my mental health, i'm gonna ACK if you keep replying!)
Ho-ly shit.
I highly doubt you could name even 1 Bowser artist without googling it right now, nevermind a tranny one.
Almost. Eggman's ultimate move was the Death Egg. Bowser's was a Dry Bowser revival.
He's a good bad guy.
proves how upset xhe is immediately
Here's your /dbg/ Sonic Forces bro!
at least 5 spics
1 malding russian
sage coomer
at least 3 furries
I like to kinda just imagine how fucked Sonic would be fighting Bowser by just imposing him over what metal does in the episode.
And yeah, pretty much.
Bowser wouldn't chuck Eggman because he has principles, Sage would be free to try make one of those Rick Sanchez things to resurrect the egg
Reminder that allegedly Billcord just BARELY won over Among Us vs Fall Guys
Bowser sacrifices himself to protect his son and army
Jesus, The Father and the Holy Spirit grant Dry Bowser their protection to TANK the Death Laser
Based Based Based Based Based
Chaos Control is mostly a time stop and depending on your Materia set up you can make yourself immune to Stop which should counter that.
And he takes over the whole universe!
The one where a planet is smaller than a house and you can fly from one to another in about 5 seconds
Nope, you're fat burger eating zionist, shouldn't YOU be dying for Israel right now?
No, they're canon to Sonic. And so is the gatcha game where Eggman emprisions the guy that was destroying that universe and can grant wishes.
But DB doesn't seem to care because they truly wanted Bowser to win this shit.
nice trips, but i've been male since 1985, and been happy to be male and will continue being male. you on the other hand?
love to spam about a faggot italian
replies to yourself multiple times
posts gay fanfic of hulk raping godzilla
are convinced anyone who tells you to fuck off is a kaijufag
easily gets offended cause someone tells you to stop shitting up these threads
the tranny is you, xir.
you're also a fucking faggot and retarded
murderTROON AND kaijuTARD melty
Literally the only thing that would give Zero even a chance is Dive Armor since it lets him just reduce enemy speed to 0 and steal any stat boosts, but since Dive didn’t go long enough to give him an Ultimate Dive Armor he’d just get fucked anyway.
I won’t insult your race any further since I have Russian friends. However I will still call you a seething fatty lover.
Bowser won because of his army.
They're alternate dimensions Sonic travels to, but the ones living in that world are not the character. Sinbad is not Knuckles, Lancelot is not Shadow, etc. They're different continuities. Sonic is the only one to reference them because he's the one who was actually there.
Depends on standart vs all equipment battle.
In character Bowser has a good chance of losing due to preferring to go h2h rather than use his magic hax, but overall yeah, Sephy probably takes it.
she's not ugly, meanie
Isn't it great when shills find each other?
He would also stomp solo, Sonic has no resistance to magic. This just proved his minions would ALSO whomp Sonic.
If you’re in a coma in a ditch somewhere and can’t answer your phone people have lost connection with you.
and here's the replying to yourself shit
i d-didn't
literally a fucking minute apart. down to the fucking second. stop being the nigger faggot and take the cock out of your ass
isn't paper mario canonically a separate universe because of M&L paper jam
Nope, M&L SSS confirms Paper Mario is a past adventure for Game Mario. Paper Jam is a double retcon that got retconned through Miyamoto later. Even in PJ, Kamek confirms the worlds are exactly parallel anyway.
Ever later remakes after the fact confirm this and wasn't taken out (The remakes are after PJ).
Well, shit. I guess chestlets really can't compete with Stacys.
Original Deathlok has the same limitation. And didn't she kick Rouge's ass?
Because of friendship.
Why wouldn't the mobile game be canon? It was written by the same guy who's been with Sonic since the beginning. And developed by Sonic Team.
timelimit on this site are more than a minute apart i think
What Eggman feats did Death Battle ignore?
This whole thread is for a shill series. "Please give us money!". Shocked they didn't take the money and run.
The only thing that could make the animation better would be using all those "alternate scenarios" as part of a scene of Sage looking through all possible outcomes trying to defeat Bowser.
His ability to kiss ass at Mach 500.
I like my women a bit chubby not obese.
When Bowser punched Eggman there's a frame of their original sprites
Nobody show this guy Bowletta.
The Egg Dealer giving whoever beats it up a huge power boost
Dude, it's going to be a scaling battle.
Blaze is going to be at the upper limit of what they put for Eggman here. Starfire is gonna be chain-scaled to some random herald level character.
Anon says you're a schizo and I agree.
the option to post again is literally blocked out by a timer that counts down from 60. a minute. and it'll post exactly one minute after if you press said button to change it to 'auto'. holy shit, a tranny, a faggot and a newfag?
Mostly just lore and scaling.
And i think there is some dream corruption stuff from sonic shuffle
Orbot and Cubot immediately defect.
Sage already working out how to revive Eggman.
Cute. And I guess they didn't kill either of the kids.
Don't be ridiculous. He went to a different reality. And DB had to lie about it.
Haven't watched the episode, and I don't think it would impact the outcome, but hearing that they gave Bowser Mario Party stuff, and Eggman didn't get Sonic Shuffle stuff is a bit odd.
I never thought they would surpass Courage Vs Scooby Doo...
literally samefags
"no you're the schizo"
am i missing something here?
eggman doesn't do anything in shuffle, he just occasionally drops by on his ship and pesters them on their way to fight Void
Sonic Shuffle
Isn’t that the game where super forms die to crocodiles?
Paper poster
Paper Peach
That guy basically put a real doll in his window to brag about it to any passerby.
Yes. Intelligence, and discernment.
hyperversal crocodiles
The comic relief characters survived
Eggman wins because of his outerversal crocodiles
Outerversal crocodiles
What happened to all that big talk about Solaris sonicbros?
well, yeah, its just that kinda stuff mostly.
There are not that many feats they missed, but just lore interpreatations of those universal feats being multi+ or complex multi.
Yeah, that's what I figure. Plus Shadow can just stop time
That is true, but Chaos Control can also do other shit like teleportation, but Vincent should be able to deal with that
Guess it comes down to scaling
It'd def be all equipment, but Sephi just has way, way too many hax for Bowder to deal with, I think.
Though I wonder if Bowser is technically more durable
Not using this thing. They had to pretend Infinite had the real Phantom Ruby, when that wasn't the case.
They screwed up hard with the research
Kamek magic hax the slot machine
Eggman: No! Not Bowser fever!
Sage: Why did you even make this?
The Sonic Dash / Speed Battle ones? Is there dialogue that implies the storybooks take place in the same world as regular Sonic? Even the characters keep their names instead of being "Shadow (Lancelot)". Most likely than not they're just cameos, there's movie characters in there too. I'm not saying they're not canon either, because they are, just not the same characters as mainline Sonic.
The thing a hedgehog beat?
Reminder, any thing Bowser gets, the bros also gets as well.
Riz, they might as well be a tranny at this point. They want Bridget to chop his dick off.
I'm gonna miss party game shitposting
SHART Battle was too scared of it
She tied with Rouge
well ain't you cheeky using those three dollar words. you look em up on google champ?
Speedy made Billcord win so he could rig it.
Now do the sequel Bowser Jr vs Sage
extremely based.
List of casualties in the fight? Not going to watch the episode, because I don't want to give DB views
Eh, to be fair, she technically tied with Rouge but she easily outclasses her
But hm, I kinda thought since he was a Marvel character, he'd stomp easily
But this does make things more interesting. Does he have any hacking fuckery?
Mario vs Sonic 2 real quiet right now
Is a third grade reading level too high for you, 'champ'?
Why ARE you so upset?
Infinitefags were insufferable so they deserve this
Sage is a good girl.
i ain't upset at all, i just want you to stop spamming the same shit no one cares about godzilla here but you
I dare you to name even one person who wants to fuck Bowser and wanted Bridget to chop his dick off.
NTA but posting the same spam for over a year and sperging whenever called out kind of points to you being very butthurt
Friends through eternity, loyalty, honesty
We'll stay together through thick or thin
Friends forever, we'll be together
We're on top 'cause we play to win
I know I can depend on you
To show the way and see me through
Friends through eternity, loyalty, honesty
We'll stick together through thick or thin
Friends forever, we'll be together
We're on top 'cause we play to win
Friends through eternity, loyalty, honesty
We'll stay together through thick or thin
Friends forever, we'll be together
We're on top 'cause we play to win
Metal Sonic
King Bob-omb
Goomba King
Metal Sonic
Surprisingly not that many deaths
I just told you faggot
That wasn't even Bowser's full army.
None of his minions from Galaxy, Galaxy 2, Odessey, Wonder, World, 3D World, or the New series
He didn't even have his airships from 3. What a joke.
We all knew Sage would never sell out her pops.
39 years old
Getting into heated powerscaling flamewars regarding villains from children's videogames
*steals it*
uh oh eggbros
ludonarrative dissonance :)
Now that I think about it, was Fury Bowser CGI? It looked really good.
Riz? That's a person? Who the fuck is that?
Metal Sonic died twice
I'm sure you meant Mecha Sonic (unfortunately)
I don't think robbing a character this blindly should be allowed.
Plus it deprived Eggman from using the fucking phantom ruby himself, when he should have.
Are you really sure you're not upset?
You claim 'muh spam', but KIIIINGTOOOOOSSSS and all other ACTUAL spam you don't remark on at all. Strange.
Eggman: Don't question me Sage this is part of the Master Plan
Nah Mecha wasn't in it
I just added Metal twice by mistake
Power scaling is literally the least consistent mental exercise, might aswell pull absolute bullshit.
They made it seem that the chaos emeralds are stronger than the PR. Anyone who's played Sonic Mania knows that isn't the case.
Not fair, BJ has a whole history, Sage only has one game.
Now that we see this, does composite Mario actually beats composite sonic?
Archie fags do not apply
The posting will continue until morale improves. Cope.
It's because of the Channel story which confirmed they're stronger
Mecha wasn't in
Best outcome for him.
Eggman uses the Ruby
The edgelord from SMBZ ate a Thwomp to the head.
Absolutely, I also noticed Orbot and Cubot were amongst the minions who Bowser protected by sacrificing himself. I love how Bowser is depicted defending his minions, even the weak small-fries and how they all have got his back when he's reassembling back into Dry Bowser, cutting off Eggman's escape and dealing with the Death Egg before it can attack him again.
Bowser or Doom
Which one's the better example of an evil tyrant who's actually good to their people and them loving him in return?
Teleportation isn't that much of a problem, especially since warping assholes is normal for action game FF fights.
King Bob-omb
I really wonder if every new one is like, a clone, or if this is some kind of immortal hivemind, that guy is the Kenny of Bowser's troops.
Not going to watch the episode, because I don't want to give DB views
Anon you are pathetic
Sonic Shuffle mechanic activate
I never actually played it so I wouldn't know
Yes. Death Battle been paying for their mistakes
He's in the virtual reality world trying to figure out his way out.
Orbot and Cubot were amongst the minions
Really? Kino if so
cause kingtoss is a fucking joke.
Pre-Sticker Star.
Prior to that game, most of the Paper elements were gameplay related rather than connected to the actual logic of the world.
Composite Mario vs Composite Sonic
But let's not actually composite Sonic because he shit stomps the gay plumber
An artist that draws Mario ntr and tranny Bridget porn
The gaijin are not ready for Super Mario-Kun
They summed it up nicely. Eggman's only really barely conquered a planet. Bowser conquered GALAXIES. Twice!
Yeah the best thing Zero could hope for is someone finding a way to scale him to Thanos or some shit thanks to MvCI, or really wanking the fuck out of Dove Armor being made out of the Deep Log.
People cheering that their sex offender king finally gets a pity win
xhe can't take a joke about godzilla losing
Well that's your problem, loser. A bientôt!
Give Sonic Archie
Mario proceeds to suffocate the rat to death by stuffing his face in a dream pillow and kicking his ass in the dream world
Nah, Death Battle is for gay retards, regardless of the episode.
Trump won.
Bowser won.
Just one planet? He was literally pushing two universes apart in Sonic Rush to make a new one.
Is "rizdraws" the guy? No wonder Ive never heard of him before, he's never drawn a single piece of Bowser-focused lewd in his life. An artist who draws 99% straight art and 1% futa and 0% gay Bowser art, and isnt trans, is the best you could come up with for an artist who wants to fuck Bowser and is trans?
Skibidi Toilet won.
i don't fucking care about godzilla i'm sick of seeing your spam why are you so fucking obsessed with godzilla?
Why do you know about this guy exactly?
Eggman voted for Kamala.
Archie scales higher than Paper Mario btw
You're the only poster who brought him up, anon. Because you got upset.
God I wish we got the Egg Dealer.
No wonder they defected right after.
the maybe bi-weekly kingtos spammer, that gets dog piled on and called out and shuts up for a good while
the threadly same stale post because big lizard make me angy it's banter please stop calling me out
Yeah no, you're schizo and butthurt.
A man in a Godzilla suit molested him when he was in the third grade (a year ago)
Still using the Eggman is a feminist mistranslation
Granted, I don't have much context for Doom, but Brothership had the denizens of a Bowser controlled island content to live under him due to protecting them from Zocket.
Then, during the ending, Bowser goes back and grabs two Goombas who tripped and were almost the portal back home.
In general, the M&L games heavily stress Bowser's relationship with his minions.
…in my dreams, which is the same place Sonic gets flushed by Mario. Just like he does in reality!
no the fuck i didn't, you absolute nonce. you felt out cause i called you gay not once in my fucking post did i bring up a fucking b-movie monster, you mentioned him by name, you fucking nigger
Composite Mario vs Composite Sonic has Mario upon extreme scaling, becomes a gag toonforce god that is above the author with Super Mario Kun. Archie is toast and so is the asexual hog.
Hope they never make a "Man behind the suit" episode, he would go apeshit on that one
KIIIINGTOOOOOSSSS is every fucking thread, multiple times, with intent to derail. You're exposed as an actual retard, or the KIIIINGTOOOOOSSSS spammer (most likely).
Different flavors. DOOM is more professional while Bowser is more banding together a band of misfits and making it into some great. Bowser is most likely more personal with his minions
Four more years! Cry more feminist!
Yeah. And hopefully they lie about the Phantom Ruby only being able to create illusions again.
Want to try again there, super slugger?
Totaly not a butthurt response kek.
didn't give bowser the de-evolution gun
COWARD battle
He tanked a hit from super metal sonic in this very fight
What can sage even do
Bowser is a powerhouse and has defeated people who are basically the Eggman equivalent in the Mario series (Fawful).
Your gaslighting doesn’t work, it never has. You’re most likely a middle schooler given the fact you just post Twitter memes on Otto’s discord all day.
Play more mario games than just paper jam, even with it included, Bowser still gets everything because of Mario and Luigi superstar saga and kamek and later miyamoto interviews basically saying everything is canon.
and it gets promptly shit on. but as soon as someone tells you to stop spamming, you throw a fucking tantrum and shit your pants in rage and scream that everyone who is sick of your shitty spam is the boogieman that lives rent free in your head? this is fucking psychotic behavior. you need help. like actual help. get therapy. or use my solution, off yourself. if you this get mad over the mere prospect that a dinosaur can beat some green guy who punches hard, you need to kill yourself
posts his usual spam
I-I-I c-couldn't be the spammer
Sure thing. Wanna post some mumbo and avatarfag shit, while you're at it?
So, are we team Amogus or team Fallguy?
Holy shit.
Didn't read.
How is that even a fight? The fall guys are athletic, sure, but the Impostor has a fucking gun
Nigga were going to die for the next 2 weeks. We want Kingtos vs Weaksura.
Among us at least has the IT alien parasite thing and they can use guns and knives
The fall guys have jack shit
muh thread culture
There you go.
Idk about any of that but Gojo solos
not once in my post did i exhibit rage, seek help. no one is mad at you. we're sick of your spam.
is this the faggot that makes you seethe?
That is literally all it does. Play the fucking game.
Why didn't Infinite spam clones? Where was Null Space?
Maybe don't literally DM the Anon Babble jannies and tell them to stop bullying you, because they delete your muckbang youtuber's asshole images? And then run to different boards to try and shit them up too?
no one is mad
So you won't be upset at next thread fpbp, right?
Something tells me you will be, though.
Wait he actually did those things? Lmao
They say in a black box clones don’t matter because both sides can make perfect clones, Null Space isn’t really gonna do anything since Bowser could just warp out of it.
Holy fucking shit, kaijutard. Did you really?
I don't even know DM'ing jannies is a thing. Tell us more.
This episode just confirmed what I’ve always known and that’s that Mario would shitstomp the faghog.
Would not be shocking, that faggot’s the most obnoxious person in these threads and this is coming from somebody who also hates the fucking kaiju talk.
Nah, this is better.
Clones would make Zavok be in the fight. Zavok and his friends were toying with the bad guys from NiGHTS in Sonic World. Any mention to that? Why not if Bowser was granted literally everything under the sun?
Song is out
No crossover shit
Can you post a link to that happening? If it’s from Archie they didn’t use it because it isn’t canon.
admits he DM'd the jannies over Nikoposting
tries to project onto others what a BITCH he is
Does this work for you? Nobody else is fooled.
Sonic World is canon.
Even the image for the song is the Death Egg getting owned
Oh so that's why the song took so long to release
So many good moments in the episode
Eggman trolling Bowser with the wedding
Metal styling with some nods to Mario Bros Z / Mecha
Bowser defending his boys from the Death Egg and 'dying' in the process
All the minion interactions
10/10 even though I was pulling for an Eggman win
It's the Nights DLC from Lost World
The only thing I can find on Sonic World is that it’s a fan game and also the name of a mode in Sonic Jam.
Don't think illustrations always spoil. Wasn't Trunk VS Silver the Keysword cutting the time stones or emeralds in half? I recall some other ones implying the other one winning when they lost.
He literally threatened some dude over asking the Kamen Rider thread if the recent Kamen Rider was worth watching. With 'Niko's Shit Pussy' and that he'd hunt them down and harass them on social media.
I haven't reported shit.
The Lost World.
Loved Jr. reviving daddy as a skeleton.
Victor Borba
The Bury the Light guy
Wow this guy is fucking psychotic
Extra kino on top of an already kino episode
i guess not much was really stopping bowser from turning eggman's army into blocks or kamek from turning every bowser minion into a giant or shrinking eggman's mecha into mini figure size
I wanted one thing out of this DB, and I got it.
Infinite getting fucking punked.
Friendship CHADS win again
New Episode comes out
come to Anon Babble to laugh at it
see my name brought up
as a boogieman in a mind palace
I'll have you know, I've been on Anon Babble all week.
for some reason shits on the avatarfag
I ASSUME you mean the guy who posts as the Space Ghost Quartet? The guy who's been on Anon Babble since 2011, role playing as them in the Legion of Doom Threads?
KEK. i love thwomp
The real winners
What the hell is coinslotting?
So long GAY Bowser.
Spamming the threads until they're at their limit and move to the 10th page then get archived.
The saving grace in this is simply that the Fall guys can be extrapolated with calc-ing extreme survivability because of how prone to ragdolling they can be. Getting launched by object collision and crashing into a wall at 250 mph is just how that game works and it upscales the usual Amongus kill methods
If amogus gets to use the Henry stickman eye laser though all will be well.
No real small girl is jealous of big tits
We can lie on our stomachs
Use stairs without dislodging vertebrae
Sleep on our backs
If they lie about what the Phantom Ruby does it's easy, yeah. Also Yoshi being sun level for some reason. I never saw him destroy any sun.
This is the kind of death battle you love even if the character you were rotting for lost
The best kind
new episode actually happened
Holy kek
Imagine the absolute state of that poster that kept trying to get DB threads deleted after Rooster Teeth died
Where was it?
Under the thwomp.
Jr returning the favour to his father and protecting him after he TANKED Metal Sonic
Kamek destroying his Death Egg
headmate posting on queue
Groundless accusations and samefagging
'thread culture'
I don’t think just standing on top of some guys is really that great a feat. There aren’t even cutscenes so it’s not like we see the Zeti taking control of these guys or anything.
Bingo status?
I was agreeing with that but they lied about what the Phantom Ruby does on purpose. And somehow gave Infinite the full thing when he never had it.
Shit, what, really
It shows they could control them.
You lie. No girl likes vs battle.
Oh I thought it was Junior who took out the egg since he seemed to do another stray shot upward
You know, that was a pretty solid episode. Had no dog going in, but that was pretty good.
gets called out
backs to 's-samefag!'
all in your head, xir.
Regarding the Phantom Ruby, this is what Tails reads from Eggman's files.
Take from it what you will.
Nightopians are robots
Deepest lore
Jr got the Death Egg.
Sadly no bingo
Tho i guess they did *kinda* give em immessurable speed, but not thru solaris or the void zone
New episodes have been happening since October, where have you been?
Ben sounded so unenthused during the marvel snap ad
There's that obvious projecting again.
Groundless? No one else but the Nikofag threatens people with his asshole, you dunce. Admit it. You got caught. On Anon Babble. Hell, even last year, the tokufag said you've been shitting up Anon Babble, posting assvoid shit in the /m78/ thread.
Wouldn't you want to kill yourself if you made a living shilling gachashit?
yeah, you really need to stop doing that, it makes it easier to tell you're on the defensive
Flat is justice.
And sports gambling, apparently, next it'll be crypto
Sounds like you know all the same terms, even post alike.
Army and toon battles are always the best ones
Careful anon Rubycoper might kill himself.
Never been on Anon Babble; never will.
You got better proof than a post saying 'niko'?
9/10. Going to need to rewatch it a few times to see where it lands in the all time rankings. But it was good.
Wow, imagine, learning what words mean when they're used by a faggot multiple times. You got caught, bro.
Kaijutard is a notorious falseflagger.
nice deflecting.
i've never been to Anon Babble. never will.
and you're replying to yourself again
It's just Black Mercy, huh
Ther're not words I use, so. <shrugs>
It can do that, but it can also send you to different dimensions.
proof you don't use them?
Yeah, you're clearly off your meds.
At some point it felt like a Metal Sonic episode
My ISP on the backend.
He is the strongest robot Eggman usually has on hand, I kinda expected to see some of the Shadow androids though too.
no one brings up kaiju or godziller at all
posts about how godzilla will lose
does it multiple times, multiple threads, on the daily
screams that it's one guy 'fighting' against you
start saying multiple people are this faggot
go to different boards and shits them up
starts accusing others of samefagging and falseflagging
deflects and projects when called out
this is actual schizo behavior
bullshit, you said yourself you post from a ps3 like some nignog third worlder
It's just a sneak peak for the future Metal Sonic Vs Cell episode
Got a warning for posting 'off topic'
post being refered to was the one with 'nikofag on m' image
Holy shit.
Make a new thread already, troons.
all this has to be true because I'm not schizo
But you clearly are schizo. Look at you, nothing but histrionics and tears, over a SINGLE. FUCKING. POST.
And it's clearly been effective. The posting will continue until morale improves.
I wouldn’t be surprised if nikofag was a janny or is friends with one of them, I’ve been banned for far, far less than what he’s done.
You get a free pass for being a sex offender when you're cute.
The troons fear fpbp.
I'm just sorta disappointed we're not going to hit post limit. I guess we need another Dragonball episode for that. Maybe Cell vs Zygarde or Goku vs Sonic or something will do it.
Kratos wins the "biggest loser" contest.
Every FRAUDnic match should be reexamined. A lot of completely fraudulent wins.
Goku vs Sonic would be spammer autist heaven
we need more infinite getting bullied by thwomps
So they did mention Erazor Djinn in a black box along with Antasma so the scaling from those two pretty much negated each other.
I hope they do it, and tie it to Bowser vs Eggman. Make it a sequel of sorts, as an earlier poster brought up. Sonic goes insane at the lack of challenge, and in an inversion finds and challenges Goku.
sonictards whining about JOBfinite jobbing
he's a bum and a fraud in his own canon
Friendly reminder that Conker vs Shrek is a shit matchup with little to no thematic similarities and absolutely no chemistry potential. Not to mention that Shrek gets stomped by Conker.
9.5 probably Definitely top five episode at the very least if not the best
It does suck, yeah. Unfortunately the underage tourists from the official discord like it. Hope they get bored of it and forget it, and we get Conker vs Postal Guy and Shrek vs Sulley.
Would Ganon vs Bowser becoming an army fight provide any benefit to Ganon or is it all just ups for Bowsers?
Bowser won so 11/10.
h-h-he's j-just t-too strong...
the absolute state of that poster
1. Excuse you, it's posters.
2. Everybody's been calling out DB threads for being a general for shartyfags and /dbs/fags to spam low-quality posts thread after thread.
Both sides are laughing at him, stoopid.
It’s Infinite. He exists to be mocked.
Loses to Bowser
They show how much he lost through alternate scenarios
basically calls him a nerd with no friends
he's still here
I can't see much benefit unless it's his forces from the Wild duology and he gets the Blood Moon, turning it into a bout of endurance.
I want to see the Alternate where Sage or Infinite got dimension wank then STILL get punked by the fucking Boo
In canon, Eggman has a pretty good friend. An equal he trusts and collaborates easily with. It's Bowser.
Holy shit Otto was right about Sage losing to boos hacking.
I'm already feeling sorry for YuGiOh fans because Ash's Gengar is able to do this too.
Laughs in Monster Reborn
Man, I hope Ash vs Yugi is as good as this episode was. Make Kratos vs Asura absolute dogshit in exchange. I'd take that trade.
Didn't ash get possesed by several evil spirits and fought back all of the as well
Why didn't Eggman use any of the Whisps despite them being mentioned in the preview?
We already know Kratos VS Asura is going to be shit since it requires nerfing or buffing one of them to insane degrees to make the fight even work
Kratos vs Asura is going to look good. Are you insane
A minor cut thing. Some scenarios were shown in the after battle stuff in mini animations like Super/Nightmare Eggman and Dream Rod / Stars Bowser
Maybe it'll be the next Omnilander.
Based on Gioker and Eggser, the 2D fights this “season” are going to be top tier, no questions asked. The only thing to really worry about are the 3D fights animated by DA.
Eggman and Bowser both had literally too much stuff to use all of it.
[you've lost the battle before it has begun]
Awesome moment and awesome voiceacting. And I always thought Sage was lame but still
It was really weird how they calced that it would be impossible for Bowser to cremate 6 million Eggmen in only 4 years
Its animation is most likely going to be led by DevilArtemis and that's never a good sign
Go to VSBW thread
Sonic wankers having a melty
Ahh, what a lovely Sunday it is.
Devilartemis can't animate a melee fight for shit. Look at Nolan vs Bardock. And compare it to the original storyboard animatic. Hopefully we get a travesty on par with Jason vs Michael, because the matchup deserves it.
Solaris got shat on by proxy with this fight.
I disagree with you but have the rest of a nice weekend anyway.
The actual combat between Nolan and Bardock was fine. The issue was the stuff in between like the mouth movements, the flying, some of the “normal” movements.
When are you cutting your balls off, bleachtroon?
New thread
they should feel glad they at least kept saying it covered timelines
Both bad guys so seeing either one win or lose is still fun
Both powerhouses
Big army with shit loads of stuff to talk about
Also canonically friends anyway
Best kind of match
The Chaos and Solar emeralds were pushing apart two universes. Bowser won because he can rewrite a single universe. Yeah ok.
Also he somehow beats the time eater despite that thing being able to freeze him before he even gets the power up. Bowser can travel through time but that's irrelevant because so can Silver and he was affected.
Both set of emeralds only affected their own universe
This upsets the sonic tranny
Time Eater can freeze Bowser, despite being unable to freeze SHITnic
Ignores that Bowser has a billion ways to get free
Soon as you can fit them into your mouth, bitch.
It's always annoying that if you have any problems with their pages you basically can't do anything about it since it's almost impossible to get 3 staff to show up to a thread, let alone vote against the status que
Why didn't he freeze Sonic in place?
The biggest loser wasn't Infinite. It was VSBW.
Boy was just that down bad.
Silver canonically just finds time portals he doesn’t have time powers.
Blah Blah Bullshit
Blah Blah Autism
Suffer transbattlewiki. Suffer.
b-b-based, fuck vsbw. Mario won.
I always forget the Time Eater isn't a robot that the two Eggmen built, it was some weird ass alien that Sonic just kills
Pretty out of place for the series that has always shown Sonic freeing animal slaves when it could
That one guy on G1 that argued that Infinite was the ace-in-the-hold for Eggman must be pretty mad right now.
I'm not inclined to take you at your word, retreatfag.
Honestly it is just refreshing to have a fight not be decided purely on who blew up the bigger thing. Also being correct in my prediction and Death Battle actually being correct for correct reasons.
It was never Infinite. It was always the Phantom Ruby. Infinite himself is a shitter
True. Infinite's really just a tryhard edgelord.