Previous thread Tomorrow there will be people who will see the end from what I know (Amex Members) and with that perhaps we will obtain the first testimonies. Will they confirm the leaked act 3? We'll have to find out
Arcane: Family Edition
*appearing seconds*
mogs every other retards in terms of presence & directing
fujotard trannys still seething to him even after 3 years
It feels kino when the power of art overcomes everything
source? what time tomorrow?
Episode 6 was horrendous but people are giving it a pass because the lesbians got back together, but that in and of itself is part of why it was so shit
the leaked act 3
Again, it's beyond suspicious that the ''leaked act 3'' lines up with just the shots of the teaser, and the actual meat of the story is ''lol I forgot xD''
What the fuck is Amex Members?
I'm Kino
You're not Kino
lost to Ekko
lost to Vi
lost to WW
This is your Jinx. She is going to lose again, but probably this time she will be able to kill herself for sure and win at least once
viktor/jayce fanfic recs?
S1 talking with S2.jpg
The season so far is CARRIED by this fuckin guy
The act 2 in general doesn't give the characters or audience time to breathe. The changes their relationships go through make sense, but need more time. One more episode would have done wonders.
S1 carried by the guy writers don't want you to like
S2 carried by the guy writers don't want you to like
what is a Amex member?
cait is suddenly fucking stupid
I watch this with my brother. He says his favorite character was Vander, and he didn't like Silco but thought he was the best central villain they could have and killing him off so soon was stupid. He thinks this season is trash because there's too much new shit happening that doesn't relate back to Jinx/Vi's struggle, and said it's like what happened in Korra after Season 1 was done and Amon was defeated, they are struggling to find a purpose and a good villain.
Think about how much more time for character and plot development we would have had if the Cait/Vi romance was cut down to the duration the Jayce/Mel romance is.
We all know where it ends and the path there aint particularly compelling.
in tact
Stopped reading there
someone who has an american express credit card
I cant handle how pretty Mel is
What was Viktor even dying of anyway? Magic exposure?
Or was it his crippled virgin status?
You were warned, Ishafrogs (filename)
It eats up SO MUCH FUCKING SCREENTIME jesus christ
Yes, let's allow a rouge general from the most evil country on earth who's almoust openly states she's here for personal gain integrate into our law enforcement and government, what can possibly go wrong
Are pilties unironically retarded?
where is leblanc where is leblanc where is leblanc where is leblanc
Unrequited homolust
Without a doubt, yes.
built for Rape
you think that's cons for a girl?
he posted it again
was asking this the whole Mel section
if i don't see at least a glimpse of Leblac or Swain in the final episode i'am gonna be dissapointed
so its bait
What's her endgame?
Even his flashback couldn't save this season because it opens up so many plotholes
And then he "No way fag"d outta there to bring his hippie commune to life whilst dooming the physical realm.
Good job tricky Vik!
I was gonna save it but then I remembered she dies next week and seeing it on my drive will just make me feels sad.
I want s1 Jinx back.
Stuck in psychosis, schizophrenic, talking to the voices, abuse on animals, committing murder and arson,
What do we make of this
The Zaunite Zucc
that's the only thing i've been excitedly waiting for in this trash season
In Friday's thread a few hours before the release of Act 2, there was an anon who claimed to be an Amex member, mentioning that there was an exclusive Act 3 preview event for card members, for an amount of money (not I remember). Can that anon come back and explain to us how it works?
Isnt it weird that he showed her daughter to Ambessa and Cait? Now he has a weak point that they are aware of
happy ending inbound
Men unironically claim they find this creature more attractive than Vi or Cait
Cope because they are gay TBQHWY
that people should proof read their fucking posts
Shame they enhanced every waifus (even Ambessa) and wasted for amanda
Ekko better be in every single episode of act 3
Caitlyn walks in with Vi captured
Ambessa: "Good work, Caitlyn."
villainous monologuing to a character she's never mentioned or spoken to prior
they have not even shared a screen before, Ambessa was just in the room when Vi walked out with the rest of Caitlyn's squad
Jinx says "two of Piltover's most wanted walk into a cult" like Vi is also wanted
the voiceover where Vi is saying "I have a plan to save Vander, but you're not going to like it" while Jinx is on the screen overlooking Cait and Singed standing near Vanderwick, implying that Vi ran back and told her the plan after meeting Caitlyn (unless she just knew Caitlyn was going to be there and would switch sides before she started following Singed?)
the plan is to just put Ambessa in a net and Caitlyn's going to "get him out of there"; was Ambessa being quietly shocktrapped in a secluded tent supposed to be the big distraction to draw the Noxians away
What the fuck was even going on, man?
They killed my previous baby girl and are about to kill my other favorite in e9 I cant deal with this shit, fuck this show nothing is every happy t_t
Simping for lesbians is pathetic, bro
Victor is gonna be the final boss, calling it now.
Caitlyn betraying Ambessa because of delicious sweaty smelly Zaunite pussy is very believable
It is. But I'm also guessing he's banking on A. Cait's sympathy and B. His own skills being too valuable in Ambessa's eyes to waste.
Of course the writers are probably retarded and used it as "le uwu woobieboy has sad backstory".
mfw I'm down with all three.
Jinx for rough correction
Vi for tender but teasing love (that may or may not exacerbate her daddy issues)
And Cait for straight molestation.
Reminder Jinx's VA cried after end of recording her lines. Will Jinx really end up dead? Lol
Photoshop Cait into this picture and you've condensed the worst of S2 is dogshit into a helpful visual format. It's unreal how badly these five characters have tanked the series' quality.
This, re-fucking-tarded
This season has been a huge stepdown from season 1 but episode 6 takes the cake
What a huge let down of a series if the big black lady is the final boss.
Here's your full ep 7-9 leak
He was right, he was right all along
I have seen lots of good proof posted here, and it makes sense for her arc. What else would she do? Running off is cheap as fuck.
well the good news is, there is a 90% chance of amanda getting fired after the season.
Crying because your character dies
How pathetic.
Jinx has to die to save the world because she is a perfect soul who did literally nothing wrong in her entire life
So is Maddie dead here
how did you know I'm into autistic girl
Retard opinion, you're clawing at the symptoms when you need to be searching for the cause
"These 5" alongside the Wild Rune slop are bad because the show didn't have enough time to adequately explain and explore them.
The reason is not in that image: it's Ambessa. Ambessa being important to the story means Noxus is important to the story which is a fat blob in the middle of Arcane, pushing everything else to the side and causing every little plotline in the show to wither and starve from lack of available screentime to toy with.
Yes, she betrays Cait and Cait kills her.
The reason is not in that image: it's Caitvi
Ep 6 must have been remade a bunch of times. The duct tape holding the new story together is ... alternate dimension and timelines.
is this how she loses her rifle?
the characters in this show have no right to be this sexy
Yes according to leaker Maddie betrayes Caitlyn and almost kills her
ahhhhhh Vi quite the specimen, I was hoping you'd join us because you're so cool but you're also too dangerous because you captured Caitlyn's heart
yo big bitch shut up, he's what my daddy taught me about getting people to trust you
Embarrassing fucking dialogue, jesus christ
she is merely resting
The only way this happens is if Maddie is a Black Rose copy or something, because prior to this she was suggesting that Caitlyn could revoke her position and reinstate the council, which is the opposite of what Ambessa wanted, meaning she's not on Ambessa's side.
god, that would suck so hard
Even putting aside the fact that she's an OC, taking away such an important spot from some established character.
She isn't even formidable, piltover's army can handle her on it's own even whithout protagonists
And the stupidest fucking part?
Cait tells her not not underestimate Ambessa
She just leaves her tied up in a net, didn't even think to slice her throat or anything
or Maddie simply tries to kill Cait/Vi in a wild bout of pussy envy
i liked it cause the twink got his hole blown out
did feel like a lot of the dominos being set up though. not a lot actually happening but im still hyped/hopeful for rictus becoming urgot
gasses Zaun
arrests hundreds of innocents
terrorizes Zaun for months
Vi "so I'm here to rescue my dad"
betrays Ambessa in the middle of a fucking war zone where she has no backup
Caitlyn is fucking retarded
There are people on Twitter that think Piltover will go to war against Noxus
Wrong. Ambessa and her Noxian police state could've been fine antagonists for the Che Guevara Jinx they were building up to until episode 5. The hard pivot into "muh werewolf dad" derailed both Vi and Jinx's plots into trash.
And she just got taken down by Vi in the last episode, and it should be Mel's job to outmaneuver her mother (not someone else's job to defeat her). The final boss fight should really be an upgraded demi-god Viktor
Orianna... my beloved.
The dialogue was copy and pasted out of a cliche hero comic book. It was cringe.
but how tf tho? like how would ambessa know that caitlyn is in love with Vi? maddie is someone who already knew Vi, Ambessa never saw Vi before
what’s making Jayce so wonky? is it velkoz?
why didn't she have her own enforcers there anyway, is she stupid?
literally everyone down there are loyal/tied to ambessa, what reason she gave cait to trust in her so much?
I thought the implication was that Caitlyn divulged this information directly to Ambessa. She even warns Caitlyn about "professional entanglements" and requests to speak with her in private without Maddie there.
Jayce is on a perfectly rational brutal crusade to save life itself, that he clearly feels deeply guilty and conflicted about but will do anyway because whatever he's witnessed has convinced him that everyone who ever warned him as a kid was right about everything
If true that Maddie is a spy then Maddie must've told her things that Caitlyn would only tell her in private
After the attack at the memorial Ambessa and Vi exchange a look. I guess Ambessa knew that Vi saw right through the plan and labeled Vi as a potential danger.
WW is undefeated.
Is anyone going to post a mega or am I better off torrenting?
this show is so much better with zero knowledge of league
Velcoz is data collecting machine essencially
it's probably the watchers themselves
if we ever get arcane cinematic universe they'll be ultimate overarching antagonists i recon
But why all the weird scenes of his face glitching out in an expression of rage? And Viktor says "that's not Jayce" and that a new will is driving him or something.
Someone posted one yesterday
This guy is xitter addict and the showrunner, no wonder it turned to shit
Pretty much where I'm at. I don't play the game
Have a link? Couldn't find it last thread or the thread before. But I may have missed it
hope so
Why on earth would she be fired, people are loving this season.
maddie is neeko
the meathead tomboy with a heart of gold who gets the shit kicked out of her by life itself
the boring rich girl with the problematic parents
Jesus fucking Christ, it just hit me. Amanda grabbed the singular worst aspect of Korra and stretched it out to an entire series with a budget of a quarter of a million dollars.
Not for cyborg Vik
I'm triggered
Asami is barely a character compared to Caitlyn
Korrasami but it's two seasons long and it overshadows every other storyline, instead of a last second kiss
this shit is so ass
I found the gofile link for episodes 4, 5, and 6, but does anyone have a link to Act 1/ep 1-3? Much appreciated.
Right when asked I found it. I feel silly. Thank you though, anon. Trying to find the other 3 episodes too
Amon dies, LoK goes to shit
Silco dies, Arcane goes to shit
I'm calling it (fuck the leak): everything we've seen in the trailers is just from episode 7 & 8. They haven't shown anything of Episode 9 because the invasion in Episode 8 will end in such a bad way with the Wild Rune/Anomaly that it forces everyone to work together to stop it in Episode 9, leading to enough unity to have them establish the two cities as separate and the champs to go on to their roles in the game.
Korra with a micro penis
we already have murals to Jinx
”We can rewrite your story”
Jinx known for killing her family and anyone who gets close
Yep, Jinx is dying in a fight with Warwick
We will get a scene where Vi revisits the mural of Jinx and Vander.
Nonironically I have a fetish for broken mentally ill women like Jinx.
by that logic people also love mcdonalds.
that being said im still enjoying the series. has some weird dialogue but idk
I don't believe the leak is just because of Viktor. We saw it was Ryze, why would they suddenly decide to change that? Also no mention of Sky, who had lived in Viktor's mind for a year.
Jinx will die of exhaustion from having lesbian sex with Maddie and Cait. Vi watches.
i could get behind this
I'm not even trying to shill Amanda but this level of shit writing is insane, it feels like whole writer crew got raped before skinned, behead alive by cartel or what and entire crew replaced by middle school kiddos, I can't grasp any shit what's happening, s2 is the brain-coma itself
reminder to always stick your dick in crazy and never use a rubber because having a child instantly fixes them
Am i the only one who thinks it would be cooler if Cait continued to spiral into a tyrant and became unrecognisable instead of returning back around to being her ususal self?
Characters don't move anywhere anymore, those are not arcs, those are loops
That's why this season sucks
You're not the only one, she was actually going somewhere with her character but it suddenly got swept under the rug because the script said the lesbians had to get back together
Their whole government seemed to be 7 people that appointed each other, killing 3 of them was such a power vacuum that there wasn't anybody left to prevent dumbness
Yes, said that in episode 1 when Jayce was back to being bitchmade and crafting weapons after telling the council he doesnt give a shit what any of them think at the end of S1, which was him growing out of being a people-pleaser.
Jinx is on the 4th psychotic break.
We've also seen nothing of Viktor and his cult. We've only seen Ambessa's army and the shimmer zombies. Maybe Viktor goes his own way and breaks away from Ambessa and Singed (since Singed is probably responsible for the shimmer zombies). Why does Caitlyn say "Viktor is at the center of all this"? What is "all this" referring to? Perhaps Viktor opens some arcane void portal shit at the end of the eighth episode and they need to find out how to deal with it in the ninth?
dude just torrent
CaitVi ticks off a myriad of typical romance clichés but so does every other romantic relationship in fiction doesn't it.
why did they turn Jayce into Michael Myers for act 2
Yes, but its very time-consuming and uninteresting because its obvious to everyone they end up together.
Caitler should've lasted a whole season. I don't care if Caitlyn switched sides for Vi but the way it happened was way too sudden like the rest of this season.
Characters don't move anywhere anymore, those are not arcs, those are loops
That's why this season sucks
I agree
He underwent conversion therapy
There's still time for Caitler!
Ambessa and singed put him inside a cocoon and hooked it up to Warwick's blood. The final trailer has everyone fighting at the hexgate tower. In the preview there's a little scale model of the hexgate tower in the basement council room.
I really don't like it when discussion is held on social media like that
Characters don't move anywhere anymore, those are not arcs, those are loops
That's why this season sucks
there it is
There's this shot from the first trailer for S2 where someone says "The Arcane is waking up." Couldn't place the voice, but the shot seems to be shortly after the events of episode 6 looking at the lighting.
I think Viktor's flock is gonna get schlorped into him like Skye was to the Hexcore to start healing him, with that making the cocoon we see Singed hooking tubes up to from Warwick in the trailer.
Viktor's gonna fully transform from the Warwick infusion and then come out as the "apex" that Singed wanted. Don't think he'll be helping Ambessa though since she only has the shimmer soldiers in the trailer, so he'll probably go do his own thing leading to like you said some kind of arcane void portal.
Yes, trite boring clichés.
People are just pretending this one is brave and stunning because it has lesbians and it's on the fancy french cartoon.
It's not even unique, even cartoons for toddlers these days have lesbian couples.
"You know I can make monsters like Warwick, so you know what I can do to you if anything happens to my kid."
Writers are dumbasses. Realistically, another lesser House would take over the empty spots. Would've been a great way to introduce Camille. They'd most likely reinstate Heimerdinger to lead again. At very best Ambessa would've gotten some control on security and military.
If Maddie + Ambessa equals betrayal, then wouldn't that imply that Maddie betrays Ambessa?
isha? dead
vander? dead
rictus? dead
viktor? dead
maddie?......... maddie still kickin baybee
are they going to an ionia arc? weeb stuff would be cool but kinda iffy if everyone is trans/lesbians/interracial couplings all the time
Ambessa is Cait’s final boss
Viktor is Jayce’s final boss
Vander is Vi and Jinx’s final boss
Prepare to cri
every other romantic relationship in fiction
"Every other romantic relationship in fiction" for like eighty consecutive years had girls kiss or maybe kiss and then one/both of them got fucking murdered
Go on ao3, sort by kudos, ignore fics with 10+ chapters, find fics with a kudos:views ratio of around 1:10.
this new arc has anons having actual back and forth discussions
about how the show became so ass
Normal people dont watch “adult” cartoons, so the audience demands LGBT love
We really thought Caitlyn would hunt down Warwick and Jinx huh
fuck the weebs.
freljord is where its at.
unfortunately, the amount of unwashed socially rejected neeted weebs is too high to not do ionia
the drug dealing cat person's voice sounds so off and gross
was this not the case before?
It giving me vibes entire scripts rewritten after they decided to pander to fandom, adding warwick, their scriptworks might be given only months bc it takes awfuly long to produce with such technique and 3 years aren't that long considering it's 6 hours long animated feature film
i wonder if they keep crappy modernn sountrack in other regions
here you could at least somewhat justify it by zaun's punk aestetic, but it will suck so hard anywhere else.
Plot twist: Viktor's followers turn into Kogmaw
Cait is the top and Vi the bottom right?
ok, i can buy that
I hope Jinx doesn't die. It's just too predictable, "die to redeem yourself" stuff that doesn't ever sit right in eyes
Episode 6 at least had stuff happen which is more than you can say for most of season 2.
even cartoons for toddlers these days have lesbian couples
Owl House, Amphibia, Hazbin Hotel, Tomb Raider, Adventure Time and so on and so forth. It's not new anymore.
No they switch
trying to be objective outside of my own preferences Piltover/Zaun bullshit was always the most popular with western audiences and Ionia bullshit was always the most popular with their native gooks
League of Legends has two main characters and if it continues you're going to get The Yasuo Show starring Yasuo and Friends and everyone who says "There's so many epic stories to tell about the space monster people or the egyptian gods and shit" is a retard
>villainous monologuing to a character she's never mentioned or spoken to prior
>they have not even shared a screen before, Ambessa was just in the room when Vi walked out with the rest of Caitlyn's squad
Obviously Cait hasn't been able to shut up about Vi this and Vi that and "we can't defend ourselves from violent criminals, Vi wouldn't like it!" for the past 3 years or whatever the fuck.
Declare martial law in a city that isn’t yours
It works
I would have loved that! That would have been great television
Caitvi might become the first lesbian couple to have on screen sex
They're vers and flip fuck
the way Caitlyn felt after hearing 'cupcake' again hahaha I don't know anymore
Hazbin Hotel is not a cartoon for toddlers m8.... I agree with the rest though.
the first lesbian couple to have on screen sex
Are you legit retarded? Or are you the type to fall for Disney's continued "first ever gay character" spiel they roll out for every new turd they shit out?
What are you talking about?
I have been watching lesbians have sex for years.
worked in dark ages sometimes
Vander is Vi and Jinx’s final boss
Prepare to cri
At how dogshit this garbage is?
i would like to see ahri, akali, irelia, and the rest but I don't really want them all gayed
Piltover/Zaun bullshit was always the most popular with western audiences
that's not Demacia/Noxus, retard
If you were to make the next show about any Region you want, what would it be and how would you make the first scene?
Buffy the Vampire Slayer had two girls fuck in the same glossy soft-focus-no-nipples way straights have sex on network television, 23 years ago
And lesbians fucking hated it because it was the lesbian hero with her shitty lame new girlfriend, not her autistic dump truck assed true love that got murdered like a month earlier
maybe back with the old lore where Piltover and Zaun were actually separate cities but not with whatever retarded retcons they have going on now
got so depressed after watching s1 I had no libido for 2 months and my coworkers were asking if I am sick
Thats how much I got attached to Powder and “What could have been” fucking broke me.
I am not ready to see her die.
Singed is not a man you want to give nothing to lose
am I the only one who only JUST realized silco is jinx's actual dad???
grave and tf having gay anal sex with the camera pov on graves beard
League of Legends has two main characters
Katarina and Lux?
this reads like pasta
are you a fucking retard?
They REFUSE to give this man a character arc or importance. They have since season 1. They hate Ekko Chads.>"two of Piltover's most wanted walk into a cult" like Vi is also wanted
She's talking about herself and Isha, anon. The rest are right, but c'mon.
Piltover/Zaun bullshit was always the most popular with western audiences
That would be Noxus and Demacia, retard-kun
rictus? dead
Everyone memed about him becoming Urgot, so they chose to make him Dr. Mundo instead.
katarina and ahri
is there any doubt?
For Dumbassia!
Game of Thrones has been over for a decade loser, take that shit back to the Renaissance Faire
she's my wife's daughter!!!
muh daughta
shotgun dad
Hell nah, he's utter shit, fucking cringe
Silco is kino bc he saw Jinx as his other self, not because he's a fool for his daughter, he's twisted, a menace, a villain, he approached to powder with a dagger literally, even though he knew who she was, that's what makes him special
btw no wonder entire generation has gone to utter shit & aids, they had absolute zero chance from the start thanks to faggot fathers
Fathers with daughters must oppress her to be coercively passive and Fathers with sons should release boys, build self-esteem, that's the way the world works, and all carnivores do
First gay couple in LoL
wanting the retards responsible for Arcane to give us more of Noxus' multiculti LGBT imperalism
I am just being open on the internet :(
I have lots of emotions
I'm prettt sure that everybody hated Kennedy, not just lesbians
Stupidest thing you've seen normies on Reddit, Twitter, and Tiktok say? I keep saying them say that Isha says "Mama" when Sevika is taking her away from Jinx, but all she actually says is some garbled moaning sound. Why are normies so insistent that Isha is like a daughter to Jinx and not like a younger sister which she is obviously portrayed as? So weird.
So the usual twitter retards are dilating in joy because the dykes got back together in the most contrived way possible.
What are they saying about Jayce massacring the people commie commune? He was right by the way
Valid gripe tbqh. Kennedy was trash and Tara was built for it.
never said that. was just pointing out that the most mainstream LotR/GoT/muh fantasy shit is Noxus vs. Demacia, not Piltover vs. Zaun (which are cool)
by that logic people also love mcdonalds.
It's not the same thing. Those are ratings, not watch numbers. People only "love" McDonald's when you go by the volume of people eating, not by the quality they perceive it to have
Ezreal and Taric in a cruise ship tragedy
Jayce is based and did nothing wrong
Weird how her career just fizzled away
Why do you guys figure everyone is just watching them fight
Let's doublecross Singed! What could possibly go wrong?
Why are normies so insistent that Isha is like a daughter to Jinx and not like a younger sister which she is obviously portrayed as?
Because she's kinda both. Jinx explicitly says isha is to her what she was to silco
Most common take I see is “He better have a good explanation!” Followed by “Fuck you, Jayce!”
her autistic dump truck assed true love that got murdered like a month earlier
Tara, my beloved...
i have absolutely no idea why you would ever choose this dipshit festival to do that in
Cait is killed
Vi marries Mel to get one on Ambessa, impregnating her many times
Jinx is forgotten
Jinx VA cries.
they're a great team :D
theyre blaming him, but hes right
obv its a duel and Cait loses it (and her eye)
We will see her trying to hold back ambessa’s arm as the cold blade penetrates her socket, then someone will bail her out.
writers don't want you to like
They do too much to humanize them for this to be the case. They even do it the same way.
luv me daugh'er
Whats the timeframe of Jayce/Heim/Ekko teleporting inside the core and Jayce coming back all roughed up?
A new season came out earlier this year, retard.
I dont have other social media.
Let them fantasize. The lesbians are actually discovering their desire to be a mother. Season 2 is literally deprogramming the anti-natalist propaganda they learned from college.
youre pretty retarded if you think silco and singed are written to not be liked, the writers go out of their way to force sympathy for them
By far the best line in S1
Yes, and this time around it's about lesbians.
Plus black valyrians with mops on their heads
How will they even kill this thing?
fund new Ionia/Noxus shows
can't be bothered to fund 1-2 extra episodes so that they don't have to speedrun the closing season of Arcane
This is so retarded that I have no doubt it's already in the works. One day someone will research the brains of these decision making corporate types and will discover they are rewired entirely different. Worst part is that I'll eat it up regardless...
don't want you to like
This place is populated by actual fucking retards.
do you have friends?
It's endemic to modern writing, the diverse nepohire writing room designates one character to be the bad guy, audience ends up loving him.
Someone tell my ADC to stop fucking playing in melee.
Jinx kamehameha using energy gathered from Silco, Milo, Clagger and Isha standing behind her
Yes but they dont watch cartoons.
you joke around but in act 3 Jinx does build a new fishbones with spare parts from her old minigun and vi's gauntlets
OK guys how do we delay next week's episode and force them to change the ending so Jinx lives?
Noxcucks would still find a way to lose bigly
isn't Demacia supposed to be allied with Piltover or was that retconned too?
won't save this wreck as far as i'm concerned.
No, no, guys, let ME think like an executive for a minute here
next series is set in Ionia
Vi is still the MC because she's gone on a fish-out-of-water journey to a strange distant land to search for a fabled legendary way to bring Jinx back to life
Think about it
She can be the Dumb Rude Gwailo to get all of the unfamiliar eastern mystic concepts explained to her/the audience
And there can be flashbacks to her breaking up with Cait to go on her quest because Cait can't leave her obligations to the city
And she can become best friends with Yasuo and flirt with... who's the most dyke coded Ionia character? Irelia?
where is leblanc
she’s everywhere she’s everyone
next series set in Mary Sue land
pls no
"two of Piltover's most wanted walk into a cult"
a sentimental ex-con(vict)
won't answer more you're retarded
Normies are hating on it
Perfect. She'll have new lesbian love interests.
a dumb dyke with a dumb haircut and dumb goggles traveling to faraway lands being a dumb dyke along the way
I've seen this one before
Demacia and Freljord is far too straight so it's gonna be Ionia
less of a retcon and more of a "these things shouldnt even exist in the same setting so nobody actually gives a fuck" situation
ahri, akali, irelia, karma all dyke bait
Riven is canonically buck broken and can't get hers up.
zoomertrannies rooting for father figure in mgs, Singed, Vander
zoomertrannies rooting for schizophrenia drama in Jinx
zoomertrannies rooting for lesbiandrama... forget it lesbiandrama is cringe itself from start
oh boy things were amply bad back then but you don't have chance at all
Wait are those reviews for the finale? Or ep 6? If they’re for the finale, yeah then the leak is true
e6 top rated
It's the worst episode in the whole series even if the next one salvages the situation.
In the leak says Caitlyn will kill Maddie?
If they make a Freljord serie you just they're going to fill it with disfunctional yuribait of Sejuani and Ashe that devolves into a love triangle when Tryndamere appears.
If they make a Freljord series
Then it will have a 20-30% black population.
Man I hate the idea of Caitlyn losing an eye SO much and idk why. Maybe I’m too used to her with both, the lack of eyepatch Caitlyn in merch doesn’t help. If they spoiled short hair Jinx, why didn’t they do anything for eyepatch Cait.
Riot's co-founder's self-insert is Tryndamere. He wouldn't tolerate his boy getting cucked
muh Amanda
Ep 6 was written by Alex Yee. can you fucking read?
Am I suppose to recognize them in the center?
Sylas x Lux
Garen x Katarina
Lucian x Senna
Tryn x Ashe
Jarvan x Shyvana
much too straight
Braum for the barafags
Anivia and Sejuani's pig for the furries
Lissandra for mommydom
When was the last time there was a Freljord champion?
Honestly I'm down for whatever dumb shit they do if we keep the same cast. I'm too attached to them to give them up so soon.
And most of the LoL cast bores or just plain annoys me.
Vi has to put on one of those constrictive to the knees dragon lady dresses and hate every minute of it to infiltrate a party at a palace full of gong noises and geisha girls
but then it's time to punch bad guys so she rips the dress at both outside thighs to free her legs
Amanda is such a dogshit writer jesus christ
Riot has gone full gookshit, it's over
We already know how riot likes to make their shows
Strong, independant, woman protagonist
Lots of blacks
Lots of women
Am i the only one who thinks it would be cooler if Cait continued to spiral into a tyrant and became unrecognisable instead of returning back around to being her ususal self?
I wanted this too desu pushing the ship so hard is the worst thing that happened to Caitlyn’s character
Bolivear rework i think? But completely new, Ornn
When was the last time there was a Freljord champion?
Literally the last champ, Aurora
s3 focused on freljord and braum
unbridled kino inc
Sure, but at least they use them better than any other mainstream publication.
They've stated unequivocally that this is the end of the Piltover/Zaun story
But every spinoff show in history does that by having a contrived reason to drag two or three popular characters into the new setting, like O'Brien and Worf getting jobs at Deep Space Nine after their adventure on the Enterprise ended
So Shurima or Ionia. Got it.
this isn't Taco Tuesday
i don't dig mudsharks that much, that said, so i'm reserving my POV on this sexy topic.
introduces a character voiced by a trans
quality of show plummets
In hindsight, I shouldn't be surprised.
Lots of blacks
But its okay because Mel is fuckable
Who would be the woman protagonist of Shurima?
It will be Ionia. They will cut on the blacks and bring on the chinese
I remember in BTR they said they rewrote episode 6 because it ended differently fuck and also that article saying they changed stuff from the script multiple times as the season was being animated or something I’m starting to have the feelings Caitvi wasn’t even supposed to end together originally and Caitlyn’s character was going that route
||I feel like I didn't find the end of episode 6 as sad as some people did because I watched episode 7 of Dandadan 2 days prior.||
Sivir or Taliyah, obviously.
Mystery meat
Strong independent rebels
Take no shit from the patriarchy (Azir)
Shurima show
Switches between Cassiopeia and Sivir exploring the desert and flashbacks to Azir's time
Yuribait between haughty noblewoman and brown tomboy
Cass stabs Sivir in the back and becomes a snake
Fujobait with Azir and Xerath, have everyone in the fandom side with poor little slave boy Xerath
Gets mad cause Azir won't free the slaves fast enough and becomes one of the most monstruous people in the setting
Nasus and Renekton are there too
Season One ends with Azir returning
Season 2 Azir tries to be a cool dad/grandpa and Sivir cringes
Sivir runs from her legacy and the mess she started and slowly learns there is more to life than gold as the world she knew changes and she can't ignore it
Azir tries to force Sivir hand in a metaphor of him clinging to his past and wanting to make everything exactly as it once was and having a kino revelation scene with the broken bowl
Tragikino Renekton VS Nasus
How does anyone in these threads genuinely support Viktor or think he is objectively in the right? He is definitely well intentioned in every sense of the word and believes he is doing good, but every single one of his followers acts like a brainwashed soulless zombie without a shred of their former personality. Huck and the Samoans every other member of Viktor's cult we see is exactly the same, to where when Jayce looks at them he seems to "see through" their exterior and sees only bizarre magic void constructs.
None of this is Viktor's actual fault because again, he does believe he is doing good work - but there's no way you can actually blame Jayce for opposing him. Regardless of what Jayce saw when he was raptured away by the anomaly, Viktor's cult is some real freaky shit by anyone's standards.
This sounds plausible, the whole thing felt so retardedly rushed
Discord spoilers
Fuck that's embarrassing
Oh well
This show desperately needed a third season and now it's suffering from terrible pacing.
hopefully Demacia is too white and straight for these retarded writers to ever dare touching
It will be darkly hilarious if we return to game canon and it turns out that Viktor's Void Demon Cult didn't work out so he creates a Dr. Robotnik Cult instead because surely cutting off everybody's limbs and turning them into cyborgs will usher in a new age of compassion and justice
this shit is so stupid
Jinx blew up Cait's mom out of pure spite over a situation she herself engineered
You don't forgive shit like this, and since Vi wants to make amneds with her psyco bitch sister it should cause a massive rift
But no, lesbos simply HAVE to stay together
I meant Salo, this is what I get for being a filthy phone poster.
they wont do shurima sadly because:
too many non human characters
It didn't need a whole new season, it needed to trim the useless arcs from this one.
in a way it is
this is 100% maddie, is she dead? idk but she's most likely dead
Singed is gonna collect VanderWick & Viktor, didn't you follow the dialogs & actions?
Singed is gonna use VW's blood to make Viktor ever-green.
and make WW to please the nigger BDSM mistress.
Cait's mom was a homophobe and Jinx killing her freed Cait to go full Kristen Stewart on the world
A shurima show would be too fucking kino. They would ruin it with Ksante or Taliyah going
"Ayo, Azir, back off ya colonizer! We don't need empires anymore!"
*Gets eaten by voidlings*
your picture made me laugh so i won't call you a discordtranny just this once
So why did PowPow went back during this scene?
I just realized that WotC didn't release any story content for Foundations. Some side stories checking in on the multiverse would have been nice.
it sounds really off to me. like a bad voice over with different sound quality or something
No you got it wrong all you have to do is look at them to know Vi is the top and Caitlyn the bottom
range champion
doesn't measure distance
doesn't move
always goes melee when all her weapons are range
picks a fight with all melee jungles
never goes back to base, always decides to feed
she deserves to be called all racial slurs in existence on the chat, what a fucking noob
After the went fart that was March of the Machines they should stop bothering
I think this has to be shortly before the duel with Ambessa we see in the trailer.
Noxians beat her squad and Ambessa gives her a honorable death in a 1v1.
Jinx blew up Cait's mom out of pure spite over a situation she herself engineered
Jinx blew up Cait's mom as a direct result of Vi ratting out her sister to the Piltover council.
Sad song in foreign language plays as kid only added for "mug misery" rushes in to pointlessly kill itself
Borderline comical.
No idea how reviewers are giving this show 9s, unless they completely ignore the story and just focus on the gorgeous visuals.
literally "literally me"
kek you don't understand women
says the yuritard
Not really. There's only four ascended, the rest of the Shurimans are humans
"Caitler" was never shown to be a ruthless killer, except against Jinx because it was personal
Vi tells her WW isn't a monster and is about to be cured
"also he's my father, you wouldn't kill my father?"
appeal to emotion
also Ambessa would have zero actual proofs of Caitlyn's treason if Riktus hadn't followed her. Singed's testimony is worth nothing.
Jinx isnt a person
its a state of mind
and at that moment - Isha outjinxed her.
Vander's death is what created Jinx
BULLSHIT. The series itself has Jinx saying it was Vi leaving what created Jinx. Why are these writers burying the very shit they wrote in the show?
Don't make excuses for this contrived bullshit
Vi didn't leave. she was kidnapped. because Vander died. because Powder blew him up. and Jinx knows all of this.
I don't know guys this season has been pretty fucking shit so far
it's shit because I'm a speedwatcher who can't understand subtext
Vi was kidnapped because she CHOSE to walk away. After battering her little sister. When Vander's dying words were to protect her. Vi is the single biggest fuckup in the entire series and has absolutely zero cause to be acting so fucking self-righteous all the damn time.
le piltover commander
walks around noxus forces without one single man of her own forces
S1 emphasizes that Vander and Silco went soft over having daughters
Jinx goes soft from having Isha around
I don't get the "Mama" shit, but Isha is somewhere between a sister and a daughter to Jinx
Writers making Caitlyn lose her eye when she’s supposed to be a sharpshooter and THE champion whose whole thing is that she doesn’t miss? Worse than death for her whole character. Just make Ambessa kill her at this point
guys, whatever happens next week, just remeber to
Idiots are seething over Ambessa and muh lesbians but anyone with a brain knows the retarded Warwick subplot is what's derailed this season.
i have things to say to Alex Bachelor.
PM me Alex.
cum to Jinx's bullet-ridden corpse
I liked season 1 but season 2 is not to my taste. The musical parts have been good and the show looks gorgeous. Ambessa is such a shit character, she was the worst part of s1
I just remembered there’s a shot of the Noxians soldiers in this same scene in the trailer
Nah, it was the Anakin-tier lesbian romance
Powder didn't know any of that back then when Jinx was born. And arguing this is pointless because it's not headcanon or theories, it's a fucking line that was written, voice acted, and then added into the show
This is the ending
Trust the plan
Ambessa is such a shit character, she was the worst part of s1
It amuses me that this show has multiple different black woman characters and she's still the worst one
She's even the worst "big angry black gorilla woman" character, the show has exactly two of those and somehow makes the other one likeable
when caitlyn goes to 1v1 ambessa she doesn't have her armor and she's full of bruises, plus you can see from the trailer she doesn't use her rifle the whole fight, idk but it seems like maddie actually being a spy isnt that far fetched
All of those are straight only Irelia might be queer
Not saying you're wrong on this count, but characters in this show say stuff based on faulty assumptions all the time.
Vi was kidnapped by surprise because of a totally anodine and reversible choice that was made irreversible by circumstances completely outside of her control and impossible to predict
therefore she's a monster
the absolute state of Silcopers
I said it either here in Anon Babble or in Anon Babble, but even S2 were absolute garbage, you'd still have people rating it 10/10 and shit. They've already managed to grab their captive audience
Also the show is even prettier this season than last season, even if the writing took a nosedive, people are too entertained by the pretty graphics and ADHD flashing fight montages to say anything.
You have to realize 99% of the people who watch the show don't browse reddit twitter or Anon Babble, they don't think deeply about it
The bunny is now Isha's symbol tho
using foregin force as your personal guard is actually not that uncommon
tho in this context it makes little sense for a few reasons
reminder that Isha died the most pointless and retarded death and that according to the leaks, it will also be in vain because Jinx will go fucking die to the same person Isha tried to save her from
How many of you are going straight to ending on Friday
The leaks are fake, but the death is still pointless except to just get rid of her for no reason. In order for Jinx to heal fully, she needs to not be codependent on other people, like she was with Isha. She will throw a big fit about Isha's death, but eventually come around to being a good person again, because it's what Isha would have wanted.
end of arc
characters makes plan
plan works exactly as intended
plan suddenly goes horribly wrong at the last minute because of another character doing something crazy and totally unanticipated
big explosion
repeat 6 times
I might if no one from the premiere spills the beans.
I just want to know if the leak is true, so I can enjoy eps 7-8 knowing 9 will disappoint me. If the leak is not true, I’ll just watch with an open mind.
The thing that seems worrying is it feels like Jayce is being compelled by some other eldritch force. I can't help but wonder if it's basically like some void predator that couldn't get in to Viktor's hive mind while he was still around, but now that it's not, it can move in.
Isha is literally Powder, and Powder's big explosion was also in vain.
I really miss S1's storyboard.
isn't there a event tomorrow for act 3? that anon might spill the beans
viktor apologists are fucking retards with 0 intuition
Her mom wasn’t homophobic she was classist. Amanduh said Caitlyn thought “what if I dated someone my mother would approve of?” (Maddie)
You would think making Isha a parallel to Powder would teach some kind of good lesson, instead the lesson is "even when you succeed in saving someone you love, you will fucking explode into ash and die, then the bad guys will still use the big monster you tried to blow up for their own purposes and nothing you do actually matters, fuck you"
still alive
Sevikabros, we can make it. One more act and victory
yes, the hivemind commune seems like a perfect place!
Its funny how you can tell their political affiliation immediately
all this cope over the time travel dogshit l,eaks
search your feelings, you KNOW it to be true.
They really nailed it
I am looking forward to Saturday!
Looking forward as if its a dentist appointment, I fucking hate it, but I need to be done with it.
Fuck this show.
How much are they paying critics? 100% for this and 30% for Joker 2?
Powder didn't know any of that back then when Jinx was born.
she knows it now. which is why it's relevant to Linke's original quote about how saving Vander is saving Powder.
getting new info (Vi didn't actually abandon her, Vander isn't actually dead) doesn't change what Jinx felt before but it changes how she feels about it now.
The one leaker who got the ending right is tittyslash/Eileen.
Imma be disappointed if they actually make her lose an eye..they’re literally her defining points but I wouldn’t be surprised if they do since they can’t kill her off so they gotta make her lose something
Vi leaves Powder when Powder needs her most
But it doesn't count because Vi meant to come back
If Vi hadn't left Powder, she wouldn't have needed to come back.
even when you succeed in saving someone you love, you will fucking explode into ash and die, then the bad guys will still use the big monster you tried to blow up for their own purposes and nothing you do actually matters, fuck you
well, that sounds KINO
the mom is called Felicia tho
he was full of shit
an adc in a melee range kek melee caitlyn rework confirmed
And Vi didn't get her titty slashed.
It's up in the air whether Jinx actually becomes a feral retard again
The real question is if Isha saving her is permanent, whether she's alive or not
I think it's really easy if Jinx just plunges off the cliff again but really compelling if she doesn't
Also it's sort of tacky and unrealistic that when she's with Isha, Jinx is still violent and reckless and cheerfully sadistic but she literally just goes sane like the fuckin' kids pores excrete antihallucinogens or something, it's a feat that neither Vi or Silco were never capable of no matter how hard they tried to help her
one of the staples of the show is characters fucking things up while being certain they're doing good. they've been teasing since the very beginning that the Arcane is deceiving. there's even Ambessa saying that guile is the tool of mages at the beginning of the episode.
jinx has mental schizo breakdown
stone cold sevika genuinely looks terrified
Silco was succeeding, he just needed more time. Jinx was doing okay, then she schizoed out when she thought she saw Vi, then Silco takes her to the lake for the baptism, then she's fine until she sees Vi for real.
Needing versus being needed, bro.
Being a child versus being a parent.
She doesn't go completely nuts, she'll go to The Last Drop to give it a viking funeral, change her look and fly her turbine into the final battle.
Sevika was terrified at the prospect of the child being hurt because Sevika is secretly a fucking saint
All of the characters except one are saints.
Salo doesnt have vapor coming out of his nose
all that coping to make walking away 3 meters sound like a big important choice
funny thing is when someone mention that Silco shouldn't have armed a gun near Jinx when she was having a schizo meltdown all the Silcopers are bending backwards to pretend it wasn't really his fault.
there, now stfu
Yeah Silco was a fhcking monster and I'm happy he got put down like a dog.
Be zaunite woman
Be on your period
Warwick busts into your house and slaughters your family
Zaunites have a difficult life....
Silco and Sevika were totally fine with murdering pillar of the community and his adopted kids for no good reason
I swear to god, why do people have the memory of a goldfish
the dykes got back together, thanks to the shitty script
yuritards are still seething about silco
Even they yearn for the quality of season 1 lmao
If they have the same second hand information as others then they were telling intentional lies to make it seem that their leak for act 3 was incorrect. They don’t care about an act that was already leaked they care about act 3 and act 3 only.
it clearly needed three
All of this coping to try to deflect away from the fact that Vi is responsible for the things she did to Powder
what the fuck are you talking about?
It's so bizarre, like I'm on another world, that people defend S2 or say it's anywhere near S1's quality.
Have we seen anything even half as good as Jayce meeting the mage? Or Powder's hextech monkey bomb? Sevika's "mutiny"? Young Caitlyn with the Sheriff at the shooting range outside of town? Cait and Vi at the brothel? The Guns for Hire montage? S1 was overflowing with fantastic, memorable moments that looked as good as they narratively felt. That's not even an exhaustive list.
By comparison I can't recall a SINGLE scene in S2 that approaches this. I just sat here for two minutes after that last sentence thinking and I came up with nothing. It's all hollow, rushed, and unmemorable
I hate Arcane S2, but I think I hate the delusional freaks who defend it even more.
are they schizo or are we just haters
I am astonished that Jinx can read
Although at least they didn't stretch credulity too far and say Vi can
Someone add this webm's subtitles to this webm
We will see her trying to hold back ambessa’s arm as the cold blade penetrates her socket, then someone will bail her out.
Mel, 100%.
Do not repost
uuuh bro?
Silco encouraged her to be Jinx even more without realising she wasn't literally him. Vander just delegated everything to Vi and probably never realised what effect Mylo had on Powder.
but Isha is Powder x Jinx, all good parts of both combined in one. and she's not a parent telling her what to do or to be, she's just there showing her how to be.
More if we're being honest, a fast pace is good compared to its boring opposite but some stuff in the story doesn't hit as hard because it clearly needed more time.
It's like anons said months ago; they changed the writing team and it shows.
So basically Caitlyn loses her eye, accomplishes nothing and Mel saves the day.
Sounds right.
the flag of zaun looks vaguely like the US's
what did they mean by this?
You should watch S1E3 again since you've clearly forgotten the events. Silco doesn't give the order to kill them for a full 2 minutes of screen time after his factory is bombed.
we don't give up one of our own!
shortly after brutally murders a fellow Zaunite when he is already beaten in combat
How do we know the leaks are fake if those same leaks were correct about all of episode 6?
What sticks out in my head as most frustrating is that the Slot Machine Arm is the shittiest fight Sevika ever had when the two Sevika fights were high points of S1
And then there's that Jinx vs Ekko fight that had shitty animation (there's a bit where it's clearly literally two frames with tweening) and a terrible song and it's still memorable because there's so much creative pathos to it
A bit of both
Silcopers don't care about the actual show. they live in perpetual headcanon.
didnt expect that ending on that video
Yeah I don't get it either
Shimmer is void-influenced
Void has used prophets to spread its influence and then turn everything to shit before
The void has a very bug-like aesthetic and look at all the bug wings and cocoons around Viktor's place
The hex core became all purple and voidy when Viktor infected it
Viktor is unwittingly laying the grounds for Void incursion, creating dormant drones, and Jayce saw that
This shouldnt have been part of this show LMAO, it needs way more time
Maybe it was an ambush
Amex viewers might confirm or disproof the leaks tomorrow, just need to find them tho
how could Vi tell it was a message from Vander to Silco if she can't read, retard?
Silchads don't give a fuck about the non-canon lesbian trash spawned after his death.
She didn't hand him over to the pilties. Also he was going to hand Jinx over to the pilties. Also he straight up inted, it's not her fault he dived her instead of backing.
Mel will get to save Caitlyn from the fate that little girl in Mel's nightmares suffered at the hands of Ambessa. Mel will be able to give us all a sneak peek with her new powers while also confronting her mother which has been foreshadowed. It makes sense. Also, Caitlyn losing her eye is solid narrative punishment for her actions.
where the fuck this happened
Not to sound like a pseud, but most people appreciated arcane on a more shallow level, so for them nothing significantly changed
Simmilar thing happened with GoTs decline, where casual viewers only started noticing that something is wrong at season 7 at best when it fell off at 5
a lot of illiterates know the vague scribblings that a name looks like
Not inside Vi are two wolves. They are both gay. She will die a virgin.
are you fucking retarded? its caitlyn and vi
they changed the writing team
why the fuck would they?!
arcane was praised for writing as much as for animation if not more
Sevika knew about his deal and plans by that time. This is a traitor, only execution
why the fuck would they?!
Certain big nosed creatures see something healthy and good and they get an urge to snip it.
There is a specific moment at which GoT went to shit, and it's s05e09.
Silco and Viktor are by far the best characters in this show, from a characterization standpoint. Silco especially. He'll be in top villains lists for many years to come. And Viktor is just a good character period, but i swear his arc has been done a massive disservice by the pacing of this season. He needed a couple epsiodes worth of focus to get the most out of the tragedy and potential of him.
I say all this as a pathetic caitvi shipper.
Because there's always a live preview of the act one day before official release on Netflix. Anon was there for the preview, spoiled it, and added supposed act 3 leaks because he knew people were going to be retarded and believe him as he'd get everything right about episode 6. It's that simple. Friday night there will be another "leaker" with act 3 spoilers.
pos the bukkake shot
Vi, put the phone down and go back to your court ordered anger management class
what difference does it even make if all theyre going to do is lick each others pussies?
If this was a real thing, we wouldn't be hearing about it only on Anon Babble. There would be advertisements elsewhere, promos to sell you Amex cards
Also, Amex has never partnered with Netflix for early access before (they have with Hulu, HBO and Amazon), because Netflix doesn't allow them. The only Amex/Netflix deals that have ever existed are subscription discounts and membership bundles.
He planned to capture the kids to blackmail Vander into fighting
well it seems it was too deep for your average joe
Looks ugly desu
Is this in Sao Paulo?
it clearly needed three
Season 1: Vander taking care of the kids, Silco in the shadows plotting, more encounters with enforcers and random gangs, Jayce and Viktor playing with Hex Tech, flashbacks to Powder and Vi's parents more (actually establish the mom's name as Felicia), Silco and Vander actually mention Felicia, end with Powder blowing up her family and being adopted by Silco
Season 2: An episode of Vi in jail before being rescued by Caitlyn, Jinx fucking shit up for Piltover, more slice of life Silco/Jinx moments, more Chem Baron stuff and Jinx taking out Silco's enemies, end with Vi and Jinx meeting then being separated
Season 3: More of Ekko's gang versus Silco's gangs, Jinx going crazier, full on war with Piltover and Zaun, Silco strikes the deal and gets killed by Jinx, end with blowing up the council and the direct results of it
Season 4: A full episode of Vi being a pit fighter, also she gets to bang cute Zaunite pussy in her shitty apartment, more time with Isha and Jinx, more Sevika trying to mediate with the gangs, introduce more Chem-Barons besides the boring ones, more Viktor/Jayce angst, more glorious evolution, less Ambessa, end with Isha jihadi explosion
Season 5: whatever happens next except even more of it and less of Ambesssa.
Lol, i guarantee you no amex card individual will give a flying fuck to go on Anon Babble and spoil arcane. What will happen is retards will take this as an opportunity to troll and "leak" act 3
Fuck you guys stop talking about sutff like pic related non stop.
I'm not sure if it qualifies as a nitpick, since it's kinda important, but Viktor's cosmic mind space adventurers feel exactly like the lack of subtlety a writer downgrade causes.
Here. This is from the Official Trailer seems to be the same scene Ambessa and Caitlyn are going to fight while the Noxians just stand there
Thanks for the explanation. The supposed act 3 "leaks" were total ass so I'm relieved.
I challenge you to 1-on-1 combat
This just keeps getting more and more retarded
15 years
It's really just not the same without him.
although he did mentioned ep. 7 title, "lets pretend like its the first time"
jesus fucking christ s2 is a steaming pile of shit
was i in the wrong to expect the same quality as s1?
i miss 5 hours ago when i didnt know how fucking awful s2 is
i actually kinda hate the fact that Silco and Vander closely knew Jinx's and Vi's mom
It would have been better if they were merely familiar because tight community and both adoptions happened as completely spontaneous bonds
Post Vanderwick
Not really if you consider Ambessa got betrayed by Caitlyn and will blame her for Riktus' death. She wants to be the one to kill Caitlyn personally.
how far ahead is the amex early access? usually?
And where the fuck is Vi?
As much as I'd literally kill for more Silco & Jinx shenanigans this is a terrible idea.
Season 1 is perfectly paced, hell they could have even left it at that and ended Arcane right then and there and it'd be hailed as a masterpiece.
isn't she getting beaten by the noxians shimmer guards? it seems like it, the real question would be were the fuck is jayce
Jinx says "two of Piltover's most wanted walk into a cult" like Vi is also wanted
She was talking about herself and Isha
Season 1 was literally perfect
It's season 2 was felt crammed
and will Caitlyn beat Ambessa in a hand to hand? Even worse, if only it were Vi
I can see this being their new relationship following this. Neither together nor apart.
were the fuck is jayce
with Viktor
The most common is a day early. Rarely two days before. And the only time you get early access sooner than that is when there's a special event intended to generate buzz for the show, which is obviously not the path Riot/Netflix took here since we know what they did do for PR (send boxes to influencers, and let the reviewers watch eps1-6).
The Amex "leak" is a plausible cover if people don't know how the system works, but it's the achilles heel of the theory if you do.
i think vi will jump to the fight to save caitlyn otherwise caitlyn is fucking dead
we get it you want to bounce and moan on his dick
Mel is one of Azir's descendants, btw. That's what those golden tattoos glowing at the end of season 1 are about, and thats why the black rose wants her. To open up the tomb and tease Shurimakino.
I'm gonna say something powerful and brave. I like Vanderwick's design more than Warwick.
Thanks for serving us more shit on a plate, alex yee. These 3 got too big for their britches, shoulda kept their season 1 guys and edited harder
thats what i think, even ekko might help her cause mel, knowing about the attack, seeing her mother, why would she even let caitlyn TRY beating her mom in a 1v1
Isnt that shit in china or something? cant someone just use a vpn and check if its legit
Speak your truth anon, don't let anyone break your spirit
Getting her ass handed to her by Roid-Noxx
Why are Brazilians such huge Arcanefags?
LoL is massive in brazil, Russia and other such shitholes
I wonder if they are gonna make a Vanderwick skin for LoL.
Like I know we are getting Punished Jayce, Caitler and brawler Vi, along with some gatcha super rare Jinx one.
Why do I watch this miseryporn shit instead of something that makes my days better?
Vi loses her identity by fully committing to becoming an enforcer and staying with the enforcer girl she only knew for a few weeks
The ginger creature is more evil than the void and must be destroyed
Jinx league of losers exalted skin
Piltover/Zaun is a giant Brazil metaphor, with Noxus as the USA.
She was injured and jinx was waving that gun around, she may not have been able to stop jinx if she pointed it at her while freaking it
Miseryporn? Cool-shit-is-happening bros, do emotional-attachment fags really?
Because the west has fallen and this is one of the best pieces of media this creatively bankrupt industry had produced
the writers know lesbians well
any maddie caitlyn fan art?
That whole enforcer elite squad was goddamn useless.
dont even know what i am looking at
I don't hate it.
Sevika's arm turned into a cannon.
I hate it.
miseryporn is a necessary step to reach true hopekino.
You can't throw a rock in Brazil without hitting a leaguefag
the kagurabachi curse
because you'd let Anon Babble ruin those things for you
She did nothing wrong. Caitler shouldn't have given her pussy so freely like a slut
after seeing Jinx lose two fights in a row because of her braids her makeover starts to make much more sense.
She's so fucking gay.
Girl just wants pussy, she probably would've fucked Vi if she wasn't crying in a sewer after the breakup
No. Amex is American Express. All of its rewards are tailored to American audiences.
Episode 6 was the best one yet Champions only a fight choreography that’s sensical and good dialogue. Ambessa S2 is still a whiney fool that likes her own voice too much.
practicality makes sense
visually looks disgusting
no braids
I think there were a lot of iconic and memorable moments in act 1 but act 2 is a mess.
this is quite literally impossible. vpns dont even have china as ip locations, its completely illegal. the only way to have access to chinese internet is by being in china lol, or through illegal process maybe
Why the firelight green markings on her though? How gay.
Vi will always be the sloppy seconds.
Keeping the sidebang looks fucking stupid
It would be so weird to give her a new look and promote it just to kill her off X minutes after she reveals it.
Yeah, I'm thinking Zeri won. Cutest zaunite confirmed.
So here Jinx is dying next to Warwick?
one end is fishbones
the other end is pow-pow
vi's gauntlets in the middle
This is the night time during the big final battle so it seems likely yes.
never got to see Jinx with her hair unbraided, long, loose and free
why must we suffer so.
Chronology African, please save me
The whole Caitler part was solely for Cait to go through speedlearning warfare from the best to be more like her more experienced LoL character. The moment she got skilled enough it eas time to go back to rich unhinged mongoose
Could be Caitlyn too
Why would they do this?
Kinda pointless since the lore has been thoroughly destroyed by now.
Most likely yes, would be towards the end of the battle as you can see its night out and also the teaser shows Vi reaching out towards a falling Jinx
Does she die fighting Warwick? Leaks say so, and even ignoring them it would make the most sense, since Jinx always ends up killing those close to her, so her killing her dad as her last act, but it being a "good" thing, works out.
Then as Vi says, her story will be rewritten and she will be seen as a hero instead of as a terrorist. Pilties will chill out with her gone, and Zaunites will have a martyr.
Thats my take on the ending.
Ekko, please save Isha, Ekko if you can hear me, please save Isha, I'm asking you, get these people away from me.
Don’t diss Noxus
vi gets tits and ass nerf (yes, her ass is even bigger in game)
jinx gets a tits and ass buff
what was the goal? vi needed all the help she could get with that haircut.
The lore is in such a weird place right now.
When Arcane first started everyone figured it was an AU, only for Riot to declare its actually their new canon and they were going to rebuild the rest of the lore around it.
NOW they are going to allegedly be killing off champions despite that making no sense canonically, its so dumb.
I’m hoping the act 3 leaks are just a fanfic, but idk it seems real enough it could happen. Guess we’ll have to wait until Friday, then it won’t be ‘leakers’ but lots of fans who went to the LA premiere. They’re easy to find on Reddit. Some anons too claimed they would be going.
there are two good characters left
one is a joseph mengele fused with silco and the other lost his dick to hextech aids
this says a lot about piltover society
Vi got a nerf during her alcoholic phase. She'll grow back.
This would be the cheapest shit.
But I hope either Jinx or Isha lives by the end. Unless they want some gay “they are together in heaven now” ending.
The ass game is still strong
what time at friday?
They are fanfic. After the 'leaks' happened, Amanda herself confirmed that Maddie is a good girl and was acting as Angel on Cait's shoulder.
Whole leak is fake as shit.
So I'm done rewatching the episodes and it is obvious that Ekko is freezing time after the explosion happens.
Isha lives. But then what happens with Warwick?
And is Jinx cremating Vander's body so it won't be used for creepy science after his death?
wolf with two heads
just like the one that was fused with Vander to create Warwick
it's nice they can still fit those kind of details.
because it's what Isha would have wanted.
when will it be because it's what she wants?
How about Vi’s ending? And Caitlyn. With one eye, the sheriff thing won’t be happening so she’ll either have to find a different job or live off her trust fund.
Vi is such a babe. If only she liked men.
That butt looks like it's rock hard (which it probably is)
Isha lives.
Again... listen to me
I was expecting her to be a mole of some sort as a nod to this story. Shame she's just a nothing character.
Vis ending
“Boo hoo my family is dead but I have endless supply of princess pussy”
believing those fake leaks that don't even mention Mel
5pm LA time, so actual leaks should come out around 3-4hrs after. I don’t need a full recap, just a yes-no to whether the leaks are true.
Also, is this the same anon with the 7-9 predictions?
no, the event is happening in china. it's part of the american express experiences. believe it or not arcane is insanely popular in china. however there is no way to have access to info about the event because china blocks vpns and has firewall. unless you live in china and have complete access to chinese internet.
Sheet did he also write in detail about 7-9?
no, this motherfucker seems like he watched the whole thing
the weirdest thing is that in all interviews ard reports Fortiche staff seem to genuinely think they did better with S2 than S1.
Honestly the only believable way for Vi to end up with Caitlyn is if Jinx dies or fucks off forever. Any other ending and the writers would shoot themselves in the foot.
"Pretend Like It's The First Time"
Is this Caitlyn's answer to Vi when she asks if she's a virgin like her?
happens all the fucking time
im so sick of this shit
leaks get posted
its fucking dogshit
everyone starts inhaling hopium that its fake
thing releases and the leaks are confirmed
she can't just change the blame into someone else just because she received new information.
You see joining Silco made me Jinx
No nonono you see, now I know that Vi leaving me is what made me Jinx
You know what I think that now it is that Vander's death made me Jinx
When will it be Mylo's turn to get the blame
no you see mylo's bullying is what made me Jinx actually
it's so ridiculous
S2 is objectively speaking superior to S1 animation-wise.
It’s all about their twist ending
Thats when the event itself starts, not the watch party. I doubt it will finish before it airs on netflix
Elden Ring DLC was the funniest version of this. The leaks looked so bad
all I read was
These fucking idiots fucked up at picking the champions featured in the show. Now they have to cut their shit short and start production on the show with the REAL CHAMPIONS WE WANT TO ENDORSE AND PROMOTE.
Bruh, season 2 is rated higher than season 1. There's no way
Brazil apparently
Even if Jinx lives, she is fucking off forever. She doesn’t want to be close to anybody because she always gets them killed.
But I think she’s toast, she just has nothing left.
So, did Silco know the extent of what the fuck Singed was doing to Vander or did Singed do all of that on the down low?
Fortiche did amazing job.
all just a bunch of randoms who got act 2 and pretend to have act 3. "I forgot what happens" "don't ask me what happened in act 3" sure bud.
Spectacle > substance
There's no way the event runs through midnight. Eps 7, 8 and 9 are 2.5 hours tops. The event goers are gonna be out of the theater by 10 pm at the latest, at least two hours before Netflix airs it.
singed responsible for killing Noxians and Enforcers alike on masse
caitlyn and ambessa decide to work with him
are the faceless foot soldiers in this show just disposable
Leaks say Cait is trans so you're halfway there.
so... well have to wait until saturday anyways?
i think vi will jump to the fight to save caitlyn
Sick of this shit
Caitlyn was distrustful from the start
Bro Caitlyn was chill with both Jinx and Vander an episode later. Its insanity. Nothing makes sense if you have a functioning brain
i'm shocked too
it's not about becoming Jinx back then, it's about staying Jinx now.
Time to get the Poppy show we've all been waiting for.
I like this leak because he's the only anon who was man enough to confirm that stupid sex scene never existed
Are we sure that those who watch the event will share information?
bro cardboard sex was disproved before this retard even show up
how long was the act1 -> act 2 timeskip?
yet there are far less space for facial animators to express themselves, not to mention the far inferior storyboard.
tree fiddy
All the retards and embarrassments who said cardboard sex leaker was legit, I hope you're feeling like a pathetic clown now.
excuse me..
what is this?
it's all other the place...
seems like a signature...
seems like someone wants to be taking responsible for these assassinations?
don't you think so?
who could that be?
LOL is free and run on potatoes PCs,and we are a poor country.
no fucking way this is the sociopath stone-cold killer we all knew from S1. just no way people can become that different.
maybe a year
Poppy, Tristana, Zoe, Lulu, Annie, Vex all in 1 show. KINO
the moment he mentioned that in ep. 8 "jinx would do something with shimmer which was never shown up, with fantastic animation" people should've known its fake
she wasn't chill with Jinx, she didn't have the time to react to her presence.
as for Vander, Singed said he controlled him, she only learned later there might be a chance to save the human part of him.
He went through his walter white arc
3-6 months as confirmed by Amanda
Jobbing shouldn't be a good enough justification to slap Jinx with a game dev haircut.
i will forever chrish s1 in my heart
why do people always ruin the good things
Loris can speak yet he is more mute than isha the entire season. Where is he and what is the point of his existence?
no argument
typical of a speedwatcher getting exposed
I might if I feel like it. Depends on how pissed off I am after I get out of the theater.
I knew it!
But the braids are fucking cuuuute!
Be the hero we need anon
Where’s the other screenshot that says Jinx dies
This. She would've blown her brains out if all that shit wasn't also happening at the exact same time
you cant call me a speedwatcher when you missed the scenes of them side by side.
Never @ me again.
He is masturbating to vi pics
obviously the plot had to be rushed to fit the 2 seasons and Loris' character suffered for it
eye candy
So it's true that Ambessa stabs Caitlyn in the gut.
PTSD can change people pretty drastically
you can be our hero
god bless you
she didn't stab her, she punched her in the face, look at the teaser
Will she lose a front tooth too?
probably with her free hand
My copium is that he reveals himself to be a very important character in the last 3 rushed episodes.
there will be no sex in act 3. cope.
I'll try. I'm guessing cell service is going to be shit at the theater, and I have an hour drive home to make before getting access to my PC again. But if there's still significant time remaining between being home and the episodes dropping, or if I manage to get decent cell service, I'll be here.
so what was the point of the fish guy at all
I thought they'd have gone toward a more ambessa mole angle with maddie, which I guess is fubar but she still did 'something'
and loris is wasted potential
but fish guy says nothing and does nothing
It’s been months..there were important things to worry about at the moment and she probably had the time to cool down and be less obsessed with jinx. It feels off because of the time skip and writing
We see in the trailer she has a wound in her stomach and according to that leaker anon she will lose an eye
Think that after the show you could just quickly confirm/deny the fuck ass leaks?
nah, the creators confirmed it already.
Here's what ACTUALLY happens.
Isha in critical condition like Jinx was in S1
Jinx, like Silco, brings Isha to Singed who is conveniently making a house call at the cult commune
Singed saves Isha's life and sciences her into some kind of superpowered abomination in the process, but she gets to stay cute like Jinx and not an actual monster like Vander
It's like poultry. It's fowl.
It feels like him and the rest of Cait's strike team were originally meant to be more fleshed out before act 2, but then an entire arc got aborted.
in the trailer she's still wearing her armor and she doesn't have the face bruises, the fight happens after that
but fish guy says nothing and does nothing
Some of Silco's goons in S1 had distinctive appearances and also had exactly 0 lines
there will be no scene where Vi kisses Jinx in front of Cait as revenge for Maddie
They should have let the French cook
Sure. Shouldn't be too hard.
Here's what ACTUALLY happens. Jinx becomes my wife and Isha becomes my daughter.
my god, just stfu
all because they had to add warwick.
This must be after the sex scene right
I remember being so impressed with the facial animation in S1 I would rewind to catch every little twitch and micro expression. Nothing like that has really caught my attention this time around.
Nah, it's just blood on her teeth.
One of the animators really liked Thane from Mass Effect
She doesn't know about Maddie yet.
Isha is still there and time has passed. I don't think Caitlyn would coldly assassinate Jinx now. she would still arrest her though but didn't have the time.
shut up Vi
He was a softie with Jinx around, too.
he said himself that he turned like this while drowning in the river.
Duh, I mean when she finds out.
The point of his existence is to be big and beautiful like a gorgeous fish in a rich man's aquarium
there were a few, but only one or two in each episode. the rest is just plot, plot, plot or montages or fight scenes.
Are these MF-ers for real?
How else are they gonna pay the bills?
And to think that we had laughed at that leaker that day. I will be afraid with the following assumptions, because now you never know
I’m just saying Caitlyn all beat up with a stab wound a missing eye and she will have strength and be in the mood to fuck? So unless there’s another timeskip that Ambessa Caitlyn duel must be after the sex scene
idk, i think there's been a lot of moments this season where subtle facial animations are peak
nearly every scene with viktor is great, jinx and hobojayce are also really good
i do think the reliance on montages and amvs this season really bit into how many those moments came up though
Caitlyn has really a lot this season if you pay attention to her.
Does Cait even know about Maddie yet?
seek medical help
screentime anon here with an updated graph for eps 1-6
ekko still sitting with the fattest L
I give a fuck about Time Nigga and Jayce
If they are fine - I am fine.
the buildup of the strike team being something big and cool made me think that they'd have a little more
maddie at least had something, and loris was less than that but there's hope he *might* come back in act 3
fish man didn't get shit
fuck, even the tatted up silco thug had more of a presence this season than fish man did so far
Next episode will be mostly his I’m sure
Almost hard to believe Heimer as as little screen ti- Oh, it's only covering season 2, duhdoy.
It's not a leaker retard
Reminder that Isha literally elbow-dropped directly on Jinx's head from two stories up and the massive concussion trauma apparently knocked a few of Jinx's loose screws back into place
Why would I pay attention to a wasian?
Jinx on top as always.
Even if they weren't sisters they feel like such a dysfunctional ship
I just realised there have been zero scenes to show us how Catilyn feels about Jayce's disparition. even though the arc starts with a monologue of her about how she feels about being leader, zero mention of Jayce, not even to complain about hextech running out.
Some of the dialogues don’t make sense, or is it just me? For example, the whole conversation Vi had with Ambessa about trust—was it random? Was she referring about the trust between her and Caitlyn? And the part where Jinx tells the joke to Isha while they’re looking at WW—who is she referring to? I think I need to watch it again.
Ekkonation takes L after L
Vi and Cait fuck in Caits office so yes
None of the leaks fucking mentions that weird LB shapeshifting figure, or whatever happens to Mel
why would anyone need a therapist to break this down kek
They mean mainstream western animation.
Lesbian sex on screen in these is practically non existent Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy is the only one I can think of
Isha having more screentime than 6 of our champions is brutal.
S1 Cait did have some rather suspicious proportions.
I still think they chose the wrong one unless they're both.
she will have strength and be in the mood to fuck?
yes she is that horny
It seems to me that the little black boy Ekko will return from the abyss and rewind time with his drive.
And the part where Jinx tells the joke to Isha while they’re looking at WW—who is she referring to?
that Vi told her to stay there to save Caitlyn, a piltie enforcer. That's the joke.
because it's all bs.
We don't see anything of Caitlyns perspective . I think this is something that will be addressed in the next act.
because isha is a champion
she’s teemo
she ain’t dead
subtle facial animations
My favorite frames so far this year: Jinx seeing the slot machine arm start the "smile" combo and, while they've been constantly cutting to her mugging at Sevika the whole fight, this time she just lets out a little heavier than usual breath and the corners of her mouth twitch
My favorite frames last season: that unusually casual, almost lazy way that Jinx raised and cocked her gun as her duel with Ekko started
Is Jayce being mind controlled by Lucifer?
they have a scene in act Three. calm down.
Did they ever show us what the creepy shadow thing was from that one trailer? Anyone remember that thing? It almost looked like Silco or something? I don't remember what trailer they showed that in.
that Vi told her
when?So, I was supposed to figure it out?FFS
People like being spoonfed
It's LeBlanc and appears to be in the Noxian throne room.
She's quite good.
When she's planning with Caitlyn, she says: "I have a plan, you're not going to like it" = It's Vi talking to JInx
If by lucifer you mean Viktor's delectable twink bussy, then yes
this is the jinx show, not the Cail show.
I told her once that she looks really good in those clothes and that she's cute and she liked my post.
which is conveniently also the only thing that doesn't really get shown in the act 3 trailer.
i'm gonna be honest, i don't get isha's insane stunt at all. clearly we've seen before the girl has no sense of self preservation, but i'm not sure how her suicide bombing helped anyone
Her analysis of S1 is very good
I haven't seen the ones for S2 yet
so she knew that jinx was there?
Because the way she said "you," it felt like she was surprised to see her? But maybe the "you" was actually referring to "you saved me"?
Right? Jayce is her best friend and his disappearance isn't even something she tries to investigate?
Many things don't make sense because this show should've had at least 1 more season.
so she knew that jinx was there?
Caitlyn? Nope
I'll know how to feel about these episodes once a youtube doctor and youtube lawyer break it down for me.
I know this season is shit because I havent seen women cry as much as they did during S1
Feed the transcripts into AI and asked it to give me the key 5 ideas.
Here are five key ideas from the sources, with the most meaningful one in bold:
* **Isa's unwavering devotion to Jinx stems from Jinx saving her life and showing her kindness, leading Isa to view Jinx as a protector and role model.** Isa mirrors Jinx's behavior, adopting her style and emulating her actions, including using a gun to protect Jinx, even though it goes against her nature. Isa's self-sacrificing nature is driven by her desire to protect Jinx, mirroring Jinx's own attempts to save those she loves.
* Jinx experiences a shift in her emotional state due to Isa's presence. Initially despondent and reckless after losing loved ones, Jinx rediscovers a sense of purpose and protectiveness through her relationship with Isa.
* Caitlyn's greatest perceived weakness is her love for Vi, which she believes clouds her judgment and hinders her ability to stay focused on her duty. Caitlyn struggles with the conflict between her love for Vi and her sense of responsibility.
* Trauma bonding plays a significant role in the intense relationships between characters. Jinx and Isa's bond is strengthened by their shared experiences of fear and vulnerability. Caitlyn and Vi find solace and vulnerability in their relationship, providing a sense of safety amidst the chaos.
* The sources analyze character motivations and actions through a psychological lens, exploring concepts like empathy, grief, attachment styles, trauma, and the impact of childhood experiences on development.
The most meaningful idea is Isa's devotion to Jinx because it highlights the transformative power of love and protection, even in the midst of violence and chaos. Isa's willingness to sacrifice herself for Jinx underscores the profound impact their bond has on both of their journeys. This idea is central to understanding Jinx's potential for change and the complex relationships that drive the narrative in Arcane.
I think so too, that she didn’t know Jinx was there. But someone else before said that the plan Caitlyn wouldn’t like has to do with Jinx.
It’s so confusing—everyone comes to their own conclusion.
Caitlyn didn't because Jinx would just watch from afar if something went wrong. They didn't expect Rictus to follow Caitlyn, which is why Jinx appears in front of Caitlyn.
How about using your brain to give us five key ideas
And the part where Jinx tells the joke to Isha while they’re looking at WW
What joke? what did she said I don’t remember
He's more of a parental figure to her. Which Ambessa took the lead as.
And Vi's speech about trust? Is she referring to Caitlyn? That there’s trust between them? It doesn’t make SENSE.
psychology is a meme science
Not wasting my time with youtube slop. That AI is custom built for note taking, it's extremely good or that and even it struggled to find a 5th key point since the source material is a lot of rhetoric without substance.
Ekko deserves his own show far away from this gay dyke fujo trash misery porn bait show. Riot can go crazy with making up creative situations to use his time powers and Fortiche can go nuts with different styles of animation to represent his powers and him traveling through time. Story could be very versatile since you can throw Ekko into any kind of story and he will fit.
sure he is a science guy with time travel powers.
Definitely, he deals with horror in Zaun everyday.
You bet, he can be a serious guy and his life is enough shit to get any kind of drama.
Of course, he can be a goofball when he wants to.
Leader of a group of rebels, hello? His story is pretty much there from the start.
I don't wanna get into speculating this shit but of course you can.
He also has an actual cast of characters of his own: Ajuna, Lem, Bo, Shomi, Kay, his parents Inna and Wyeth, Zeri, Red, hell you can even include Scar and the other firelights to his cast.
Series writes itself.
Perhaps, in another life... you would have been friends
Man, didn't expect to have Singed be so good, as much as he's a selfish piece of trash, releasing vander into a prison full of his people, i understand him, i want to see Orianna alive so bad
women are crying over Isha and warwick.
I understood that it was as if she realized that Ambessa was not telling the truth, which is why Caitlyn trusted Vi's word. But it was really confusing.
Everything was happening at the speed of light in this episode I don’t remember any speech of trust
Clock negro is a pretty fun character in the setting, he is wasted here
He is even a bad fit for the show, because his powers can kinda ruin a lot of the depression bait drama.
Void bugs scream when Jayce squishes Salo
How did I miss this the first time?
It's not even a science, their academic papers shy away from math and the overwhelming majority cannot be replicated even when you're spoon feed every step the original researchers did.
It all started as a footnote into early-mid modernity philosophy books, but without understanding the underlying philosophy. The very first in their big fields were fedora tippers with the most retarded ideas about human cognition.
Why are you guys so convinced it's bs? It seems pretty real to me, it nailed episode 6 and it mentions things we know are likely to happen in 7-9 based on the trailers and promo content.
We've been talking about the AU world for a while, it makes sense. Caitlyn losing her eye? There's foreshadowing in ep 6 when she's training with Ambessa. Jinx dying to kill WW? Same thing Isha did, so foreshadowing too. Idk man, I hate the leak but also it seems pretty damn realistic. If no one is mentioning the Ambessa / BR / Mel stuff that's because that's going to be left open ended for the next show, which is pretty damn likely to be set on Noxus and follow-up on these two.
They said the ending would be bittersweet, that no one would feel sad after watching it. It's all coming together and as much as I hate it, the leak makes sense. No one gets a happy ending. The dykes are alive but that's hardly a happy thing considering Vi loses her whole family and Caitlyn is maimed for life - which is a fair punishment for basically setting the chain of events leading to the war - I think it's best for us all if we start accepting the shitshow ending a real possibility, because it might just be.
Nowhere near as much as S1E3 and E9. But when jinx dies E9 there will prolly be lots of tears
New thread
gay dyke fujo trash misery porn bait show
Trying to fit in as many buzzwords don't ya
Maddie must be a spy, if she gives the coordinates to mark both and Cailtyn fails it is because the information given is wrong on purpose
its sad that you are sharing this here my guy.
I don't think so. I find it funny.
I saw her videos spammed here, clicked it, saw her clothes, commented that forgot about her existence then saw the notification.
what the fuck are you talking about?
so so confusing
I don’t remember any speech of trust
When Vi was tied up in Ambessa's tent.
But you are right episode 6 was SO RUSHED
have sex incel
what? i dont understand, she felt like Ambessa was lying to caitlyn thats why caitlyn trusted VI?
so so confusing
Or that Vi realized that when she and Caitlyn went after Jinx it all went wrong in the end because she lied saying she would be able to kill Jinx and now she decided to be truthful with Caitlyn about the situation. But even then it's still confusing because she didn't tell Caitlyn about Jinx watching her with Isha. Anyway.
Well, there are quite a few inconsistencies. For one, so far press has only gotten access to episodes 1-6, and the snippet to 3. Pretty much only employees, cast & crew have watched the whole season.
Second, the anon hardly says anything new we haven't theorized about or that can't be deduced from the trailers (ex, Cait losing her eye). Maybe it sounds familiar because or theories are right. But still.
Leaving out Mel and Ambessa's fates is weird too, Ambessa is the main villain and Mel is a wild card, we don't know if she'll side with Ambessa, BR or Piltover or what her endgame is. Those are too big of plot points not to mention at all, and coincidentally, they happen not to be revealed in any trailers.
Maddie being a spy is kinda retarded too. She seems to be against whatever Ambessa is doing, and tries to sweet talk Cait into dumping her. Was that just a loyalty test? Doesn't seem like it. Plus Amanda already said Maddie is a good girl, and the 'hating' her part was because of ep 4.
I think the anon will get some things right because they can be inferred from the trailers, but that doesn't make the whole fanfic true.
Another thing, is the 7-9 leaker the same as the ep 6 super accurate leak? You know, the guy that revealed ep 7 name and asked "not to go ask him for leaks later"
they can call it a science because they can do studies, ask people questions and run some numbers, perhaps with fancy statistics, but the thing is so shaky and worthless armchair psychologists and academic ones are one and the same when it comes to actually understanding people, psychologists just use fancier words
Caitlyn was already suspicious of Ambessa since ep4
She didn't change sides just because of Vi, she contributed a lot but she was already against Ambessa's actions when they arrived at Viktor's camp
It was Vi saying it to Jinx. Jinx would not like Cait to be involved in saving Vanderwick. That's why Jinx asked Isha to bring back the gun and played backup if Cait failed and didn't neutralize Singed. Jinx was a surprise Cait didn't know about in case things went wrong aka Cait being still loyal to Ambessa. Things went wrong but for a different reason.
when 90% of their practitioners are quite dumb, have no sound worldview, none of the data ever yields any insight to them plus the more rigorous analysis of what data can tell showed that those surveys are quite useless and you hardly get any meaningful correlation with hard data and what people say
she'll go to The Last Drop to give it a viking funeral, change her look and fly her turbine into the final battle.
all this after Vi goes and begs Jinx to help the Pilties and her moronic gf fight off the war-mongers they let into Piltover in the first place and the cause of Isha and Vander's death.
but of course to "rewrite her story" not cause Vi wants to end up with Cailtler. oof. Vi really retarded
conceptualize how much dick that orphan girl must've sucked before she meet jinx just to survive, like 90s Russia
naw guys, lets just make two seasons but make them really REALLY gud so we go out on a high note and don't overstay our welcome
oh Rito yeeeew
Jinx wasn't gonna stop trying to reach out to Vander and probably would've gotten herself killed.
like 90s Russia
I get your line of thought but what a specific analogy to make
1. you're gay
2. your mom is gay
3. your dad is gay
4. I'm gay (for you!)
5. the person reading this is gay
None of them are that good, that the Vi fight with VW was a sideshow makes the whole act fucking irredeemable. We cut away through a lot of action or from any interesting discussion, do people even care that Heimer, Jayce, and Viktor are all missing? Why does Cait just change allegiance to ostensibly help Jinx when she still hates her? Do the topsiders even care that they've been turned into a Noxian Vassal state?
It happens worldwide especially in orphanages and public institutions that deal with orphans, New Zealand particularly has a big problem with it but in 90s Russia we had westerners flooding Russia for cheap loli and filmed them, we countless footage of kids talking about it, being interviewed in the streets and asked how much they take for a blowjob.
ever thinking Arcane was deep & not a string of every basic storytelling trope known to man weaved in between a series of overwrought emotional beats
not mostly enjoying it for the visual choreography and art direction
Funny example of le redditors having it right for the wrong reasons and you dorks getting BTFO