What was her bodycount before she finally settled for Ron?

What was her bodycount before she finally settled for Ron?

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One million

Two billion

six million

Three trillion


She's some suburban ass white girl who doesn't get in social scenarios at all
Exactly zero

She never killed anyone

Back when the show aired?
Anywhere between 0 and 1.
These days she'd be well into double digits.

settled for Ron

As one of God's chosen people he settled for her. Shalom.

Its Cannon that Kim was terrible at social situations, so maybe 1 or 2 at most before Ron but most likely 0.

Is she even consider attractive?

attractive ginger cheerleader

terrible at social situations


Yes, why wouldn’t she be?

0, because most guys were intimidated by her (she said it herself)

Don't you have eyes?

May sound crazy but back then redheads weren't considered the cream of the crop like they are now.


Kim's a femcel. Hell she didn't even fuck Ron, just became his Cuckqueen.

isn’t she supposed to be flat as a board in universe?

Tfw Ron had canonically more people who were attracted to him than Kim had during the show

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Presumably for clobbering Shego so hard in the So The Drama finale that Kim's lucky she knew her too well to die from that.

She had sex with seagull and then one had sex with seagull.

You can be attractive, top class at everything yet socially awkward
Kim was all of those, which is why she closely paired with a guy like Ron, he was as awkward as her

Ron doesn't count. He doesn't follow kosher food laws most of the time and even celebrates Christmas with Kim. And last time I checked "Stoppable" isn't a Jewish surname.
Maybe he's one of those "Jews for Jesus" people.

why do you think so many helicopter pilots and other old men owed her favors

500 cigarettes

I have eyes and she has a moustache

They don’t call her Kim “Rim” Stoppable for nothing.

The real question is if Senior Senior Jr got to hit it before Ron did.

That doesn't mean she's unattractive.

The real question is if Senior Senior Jr got to hit it before Ron did.

No. He didn’t even get to hit Bonnie before Ron did.

Aye nice thread and all but uh
I'm making this about Bonnie Rockwaller now mkay?

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They dont call her Kim pussyble for nothing

Her and Courtney from total drama island, man. Something about these mocha colored brunettes. . .