I'm glad we have people taking comic adaptations so seriously.
I'm glad we have people taking comic adaptations so seriously
the boys
punk rock
kek, sadly troo.
punk rock
The Boys wasn't even an original idea when it came out and it was just worse at doing the exact sort of shit that Watchman already did with Superheroes being trainwrecks.
Can't believe the balls on this guy to weep about selling out while giving an interview to collider about his Amazon Prime exclusive streaming show that spends 11mil per episode.
yeah I work for the biggest corporation on the planet, I'm totally punk rock
do you think they ever get embarrassed
literally works for Amazon
"working hard to not sell out"
does selling out mean something different these days
It's punk rock
Nigga you work for fucking Amazon.
Fuck I hate these people so much.
Gen X'ers convinced themselves that they could still be rockers and rebels from inside the system and never once tried to fight the system they became part of.
we're working hard not to sell out
making the homolander actually appealing to both incel chuds and the general female audience isn't selling out
generally grinding the tone down to a pussy-ass nub isn't selling out
not a single actor cast is of the right nationality
Crazy. Just glad he lives happy in his delusion.
We're anti establishment
Make propaganda and talking points for the establishment
"Punk rock"
Works for a shady corporation like Amazon
Is also very rich and supports the IDF
Obsessed with making superheroes an allegory to evil conservatives, but still paint Butcher in the wrong for his justifiable methods against them
Adaptation completely drops the theme of consumerism and corporate lobbying after season 1
God lord, I'm tired of producers, directors and now actors telling fans how they have to like the series, otherwise you're doing wrong and we hate you
They need to know what real punk is
Reminder that punk rock was basically started by a fashion designer and retailer using rock bands as advertisements for his product. Malcolm McLaren basically mapped out punk rock as an ad campaign/captive market for his business ventures.
The next season is literally going to be about the covid vaccine with superheroes dying off from the virus from refusing to get vaxxed
What the hell happened to this pathetic hack? He seemed normal while doing Supernatural
You've already sold out. Working on 3 fucking spinoffs at the same time and cameos in games and other media out the ass.
You, Eric, wanted this. You were just upset at first that others were reaping in mainstream benefits and you weren't.
Nigga is 50 and still trying to be 18 bet he posts about all the teenage pussy he's getting on Anon Babble.
>Obsessed with making superheroes an allegory to evil conservatives, but still paint Butcher in the wrong for his justifiable methods against them
It's a very feminine show. Strength is bad, you should defer to women, they can't actually do anything but you still should or it will hurt their feelings.
People were making fun of that shit before the boys was even consideved.
Fellow punk rockers where we at?!
Maybe in his mind he totally fucked Amazon over. They gave him a handful of cash to adapt a silly comic book about making fun of MTV and the Bush administration, but he turned it into something that took a shit on them, their friends, the guys they liked, and through his immense creative genius it turned into something too big to fail.
they can't even fire or replace him anymore, they HAVE to keep funding and airing his stuff and they HAVE to make spin-offs because what the fuck else is there on Amazon Prime anyway, normie shit for normies ? He carries them now, not the other way around.
Which is probably what every sellout thinks, stuff like "I hate those fascists at Sony but at least now I get to say it to ten thousand people instead of six randos at the pub".
Or he knows exactly what he's saying and it's viral marketing to get people to talk about the franchise because Gen V's next season drops in three months or something.
Strength is bad
Correction, strength for womyn is good. Kimiko wanting Annie to steal permanent V for her is good, Hughie wanting the same thing to help protect Annie is bad.
Anon, The Boys IS normie shit.
That's his point, the whole point is that the guy is a sellout doing mental gymnastics as to why his edgy consoomerslop isn't exactly what it says on the tin.
It's edgy in a middle school way. Saying the F-word as many times as you can with the occasional penis and sex stuff. It doesn't have anything edgy to actually say, it's just a subversion of superhero norms where it eventually became a norm itself.
Yes, Minister is a more biting satire than The Boys ever will be, it has nothing provocative or new to say and re-treads every lazy low brow political trope that we already saw in the 90s
punk rock
We all know what "punk rock" really means in 2024, you fucking conformist
Didn't Goku almost die of a heart attack because he forgot to take his medicine?
sure if you have a very basic understanding of the history of punk
Punk rock was a bunch of dick sucking junkies playing fast in NYC clubs. Then when the Ramones toured England, you see a bunch of bands rise in their wake when people get inspired by the ethos of punk being "anyone can create it."
But yeah, Malcolm McLaren saw the kids hanging around his shop and made a boy band just to piss people off and rake in the cash in controversy sales. When Johnny Rotten left the Sex Pistols, Malcolm attempted to replace him with an actual train robber. After the Pistols dismantled, his next pet project was Adam Ant. So while he saw it as a fashion trend, at least we got PiL as a result.
The issue with punk is it didn't last a decade until people learned to play their instruments and we got post-punk and new wave out of it. But that's also why there was a revival movement in the 1990s, people just like catchy simple songs for crowds to sing along to together.
The Boys is Punk
I mean, Punk was created by a homosexual british Jew fashion designer to commercialize teenage angst/rebellion
McLaren was born on 3 September 1946[2] to Scottish-born[3] engineer[3] Peter McLaren, an upper-middle-class[3] Londoner who was at that time serving with the Royal Engineers,[4] and Emily Isaacs, the daughter of tailor Mick Isaacs and independently wealthy Rose Corré Isaacs, whose father had been a Portuguese Sephardic Jewish diamond dealer.
In January 1975, McLaren and Westwood designed red patent leather costumes for the New York Dolls and used a Soviet-style hammer and sickle motif for their stage shows in the US as an attempt to attract attention through provocation.
So yes, The Boys is 100% Punk.
There is nothing punk rock about the Boys.
The creator of The Owl House recently called herself "part of the rebellion" because she's not a Trump supporter. So no, they never get embarrassed.
Dude, this is embarrassing. Stop. Even the bio shows he's doing shit for the Dolls which implies there's already a movement going before he decided to drum up some cash by parading a half wit junkie around in a swastika t-shirt doing disrespectful Frank Sinatra covers. Punk comes up from bands like MC5, the Stooges, and Velvet Underground but doesn't get codified until Village Voice writes off a NYC "fest" as "Punk kids playing their punk music" and it becomes Punk Rock. A punk is a junkie who is gay for pay. If the Ramones got to name it, it would've been called cretin rock which isn't much better.
This was pre-Trump Manhattan. Times weren't good.
times weren't good in post-Trump Manhattan either
Hating Trump is understandable, but doesn't make you special. Most of them just bitch about him on Twitter but refuse to lift a finger to help the problems they think he's causing.
It's the bare minimum, an acknowledgement.
There are NO good times in Manhattan.
it's been fine since Rudy showed up
muh immigrants is a meme
Career politician for longer than hes been alive
Punk rock as hell manz
Hashtag epicness
I picture a character as dumb and unaware as Po saying this after some whitehouse handlers gave him some americanized dumplings.
Wow, he's almost self-aware, but not quite. It's kind of funny.
Based and Ministerpilled
I fucking hate American attempts at political satire
Nah he works for Amazon and those fuckers don’t give you any privacy if you’re not on screen. I wouldn’t have had the chance to fuck an 18 year old for nearly 5 years now.
I wonder what Tigress's political beliefs are. She lives in ancient China so she's probably a Confucian Legalist.
punk rock
I don't think he forgot, but rather he didn't want to. But I don't know why you mention it, it has nothing to do with the topic of the thread.
fuggin' lol!
The Boys might be the worst show in history.
nah, that's Skins after season 3
It got two spinoffs and three more on the way.
It already sold out.
I hope his career is over after this year.