When did you stop liking Scott Pilgrim, or did you never like it?

When did you stop liking Scott Pilgrim, or did you never like it?

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I just like the cute art

The art is nice, but the characters are all unbearable millenials and the writing is garbage. They all suck.

Never. The live action movie and the beat-em-up game were fine, but I never would have bothered with them if friends who did like the series hadn't convinced me to try them. The anime boom of the 90-00's didn't take for me, so when the Western faux-anime trend came around I couldn't stomach it.

Something about this art style is hornier than actual porn comics for me

I loved it as a teen, didn't look back after i turned 17 for some reason. I guess i found better media to watch or read

I haven't seen the movie since I was 13. I wanted to read the comics, but I put off doing that for years and I don't care to read them now.

Never did. I read the comics. Then forgot em, then saw r34 and remembered. Now im trawlin for fanfics and hentai.

Btw is Scott Pilgrim the closest to a school days story?

I liked the comics, I despise the live action movie and hate the last one that netflix shitted.

This is the most accurate statement I have ever heard about Scott Pilgrim.

A friend tried her best to get me into it, I just thought it was retarded at the time
Never thought too much about it other than Anon Babble being horny about it all the time

I'll give them that there's at least 2 pieces of art with the redhead that are nice, but other than that and the meme song I can't bring myself to care

I've never stopped

I read one volume and found the soap opera stuff boring and the wacky vidya geam stuff unamusing and never read any more.

I think it was like book 6 when the plot became "Scott is literally brain damaged and has no memory of his life but everything is his fault somehow"

I've actually never read it. I thought the art style was unappealing and the subject wasn't interesting. Although, I recently saw the netflix series and I really liked it so I'm reconsidering my stance.

Never stopped. Actually just re-read it recently.
Ramona best girl.

It's fine
I don't own it currently
Don't like the movie one cause I don't like to look at M. Cera for too long. He's only good in This is the End

I prefer the movie, I like the pacing in it and find it shows Scott being a douche the best out of all the media there is for it. Also I love the joke that NegaScott in the movie is a good guy because Scott sucks so much his negative is a positive.

Immediately after I saw the movie and also no

Shitty, mediocre artwork

ramona best girl

You couldn't have ruined your post faster then with these three words.

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When did you stop liking Scott Pilgrim

When they shipped Kim with Knives. I hate lesbian ships, and I hate how Kim didn't get any backlash for making out with Knives, but Scott does and never wanted to do anything sexual with her.

Doesn't even Bryan dislike it too? I've heard/read he isn't a big fan of it either.

Society says that it's ok when women prey after really young people.

He was on a huge coke bender between volumes 4 and 6.
The 40 page sequence where Scott violently rapes Knives on her 18th birthday while Kim masturbates in the last book was a bridge too far imo

God I wish kim would assault 16 y.o. me.

and then slowly bond over each other
Yes that was fucked.

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Listen man, I just wanna rub my face against Kim's large, freckly ass, preferably while she's nude or bottomless

unbearable millenials

and worst of all,they are all canadians.....

streets are completely blocked by hordes of punjabs

girls able to wear skirts and shorts (or anything, really) without being stalked by a dozen of said pubjabs

Doesn't represent modern Canada

Goddamn I wish

Lisa <3

Me too and more.
This gives me questions. Would scotts grandpa be a ww2 veteran? And now just imagine him telling that scotts adventure was boring pile of shit or something.

2004 canada isn't modern canada anymore

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I know literally nothing about this other than it's about a bunch of quirky queers and it has an annoying fandom that never shuts up about it, so I see it on the same level as Homestuck or Hazbin or Murder Drones

It's better then all three.
Because I've actually read it.


When the movie started the punjabi shit.

when 2 - electric boogaloo on ice the musical

When I gave the comics a chance and found out Scott actually IS an unlikable, insufferable cunt.

Shame really, because I love the artstyle.

I always hated it. I read two chapters and then walked away with a burning desire to drop a nuke on Toronto or wherever this crappy comic takes place in. Every character is a hipster, a whore, or a hipster whore. I HATE IT!

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drop a nuke on Toronto

not a bad idea to be honest,in all of Canada actually. But in a way that all non-human things from there remain unharmed,if possible

Scott Pilgrim ruined an entire generation of women

Kim pine saved a whole generation of men

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