Toonami General #3

I hate Mashle and it's not funny.

Am I cool?

Two episodes in and Mashle is still giga kino

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Best girl.


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literally the only good part of this anime

Mashle's not funny and you're also not cool.

Coolest guy in /toonami general/.

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I miss early Toonami when like every show had Papenbrook as the MC. He is truly /ourVA/

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Are you blind?

Little nigga, you were standing out in the middle of the road.

What are those two dots on Yugioh's face?

tumblr sexy man the anime

not this dude again

Exactly, so the driver should have seen him.

He's only been dead 1 day, dude.

feet/legs trumps all

True Cross Academy Town

Is building cities around schools a Japanese thing? It was done in Kill la Kill, too.

Might as well enjoy some demon girls while we're at it

The fujoshi energy is beyond the pale, how did we survive this back in the day

Mangaka for Blue Exorcist did character designs for Godzilla: Singular Point

Singular Point was so fucking good, but MAN is it not for everyone.

another magical school the anime

if i had a nickel for every time that happen i would have 4 nickles.


Haven't you ever heard of college towns? Colleges are full of idiots who have their first taste of freedom and lots of money, so towns form around them to accommodate the students. Some towns are pre-planned around colleges.

Devil Child.

Godzilla's female, right?

What are the other two?

That one Godzilla comparison video made him look cool as fuck though.

Is that ever going to get a sequel?

There will never be a singular point season 2

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It always kinda bugs me when school uniforms have completely different color schemes for the male and female students. Like part of having a uniform is so that people can identify what school you go to at a glance. Feels weird to add gender specific color schemes on top of that.

You haven't seen Magical Index/Scientific Railgun. They literally live in a place called Academy City




I think the original one was. But usually not.

that enormous classroom

a bad sign, honestly

Soul eater
Black clover
Blue jazz

True Cross Academy and Honnouji Academy are both high schools.

It's almost time for the flower lady~! Yay~!

ass and thighs like that

no pussy

They can't do this to me.

The environments in Blue Exorcist really are impressive.

Is it this or Zero no Tsukaima that Narou writers crib settings like this from?

harry potter power hour until 2024

idk how to feel

exorcists have to do normal school AND exorcist school



When I was in college, I was in a room where I needed binoculars to see the board. The professor asked me if I wanted to move closer, but I was stubborn and the binoculars were convenient.


I bet he still remembers you.

only know that dog demon guy thing was speaking german because of Marisa Stole the Precious Thing


say what you want about your ears, fangs, and tail

If they can accept that why would the flames be a bridge too far?

What did the people next to you do? Was your eyesight just particularly bad?

keep the whole son of satan thing a secret

Rin scowls

That seems like a really reasonable request to ask someone in an exorcist school to do.


Why is he so fruity?

KING of the Monsters

No, anon. Godzilla is traditionally male. 1998 is an exception.

The screenwriter and the director hinted there's a chance there will be a second season last year. Fingers crossed. Godzilla is on an upward swing in terms of releases, after all.

Show is about the son of Satan

Goes to True Cross Academy

A good chunk of the series magic and spiritual stuff will be either made up or typical japanese folklore

So did they involve the initial christian/chatholic stuff to look cool?

I like those little eyebrows some anime girls have.

Funny, I actually just started rewatching this show. Starting with Railgun but I think I'll swap back and forth between Index.

Blue flames are the signature of Satan in this show.
Be like putting a sign on him that says "Satan Spawn"

To appeal to high school girls in the early 2010s

There she is, my shortbrows wife.

I'm German


I'm the son of Hitler

Blue flames are apparently Satan's trademark.

and the tail/ears/fangs aren't?

miss them

wouldn't wanna kiss them

that's how you know yugioh is unusually handsome despite rooking same as arr other anime boys

It's weird watching a post-Naruto Toonami. I guess it being on Rewind lessens the blow though.


The peeps next to me had a giggle at first, but we were all grad students, so we all had our own idiosyncrasies. My eyesight in my good eye is perfectly fine, but the professor did write small and it was an engineering class, lots of math, so I couldn't afford to miss anything.


Any demon can have a tail/pointy ears/fangs.
The fruity academy director is a demon himself, he's got pointy ears too.

was he horny when he made this design?

What do you think of Mephisto?

Yeah, I love that too. It's really cute. The woman voicing in this anime also voiced Mitsuri Kanroji.

Are narutards the worst fanbase?
Or is just borutofags who have a stick up there ass?

The peeps next to me had a giggle at first, but we were all grad students, so we all had our own idiosyncrasies

My question was more "how were they all seeing the board?"

Because they're blue.
I trust him.

A wise man learns from everything.

I thought he was Beelzebub.

Author's attempt at making me gay not working on me.

Creator's a woman
And maybe

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Pretty much.

Rin fucking B T F O

Not my Faust

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Yugioh is being a dick.

Nigga this is class!

What the hell is his problem?

Imagine eating non-seedless watermelon?

I mean yugioh probably shoulda said something

everyone knew but rin


Why is Eren screaming at Lelouch?

that stinks

Toonami stinky confirmed.

Would Lelouch be against the Jagerist?

Pop Pop make the demons drop.

they're supposed to hate demons with a passion

Nice job Paperback.

why didnt they just tell rin he was the spawn of satan from the start instead of treating him like a clueless idiot

Nah, this is just Danganronpa 2

He's decent enough, but I hate effeminate trickster types on principle.

Why the fuck is he still spazzng out when goblins are trying to rape his classmates.

Did the good father bless those guns?

Gee thanks bro

are all the kids hearing this outside?

This is the second time Johnny Young Bosch voiced a gunslinger.


His mom wanted both of them to live a normal life as a last request before she died, without having to worry about the burden about being the son of satan


damn, yugioh is a bitch
he has a lot to learn about the power of friendship

Fujosisters... I'm crying so hard right now

Blessed Silver bullets.

Most powerful exorcist of all

Jobs episode 1

So this seems like a war they already lost.

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So he would grow up as a human with human moral/cultural norms.
Also while Yukio should've come clean, it's only been like ONE day since Rin found out and they haven't had a chance to talk this shit through.

what set off the baby dick spammer

You're not supposed to draw that sword, Rin. That's like...the one rule.

everyone in the hallway listening to the yelling and gunshots

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Wasn't he supposed to never draw that sword?

Nah, they have a big tiddy exorcist whore so the war is still on.

hes janny app was rejected in like a minute because he tried this shit before
these eternal cookie things might be a good thing afterall

Can't let in the fear bro

They have a very normal brotherly relationship.

Probably got upset from being clowned on in the first thread like the bitch he is

You should just die

The mangaka REALLY did not understand Catholicism, did she? Forgiveness and redemption is kind of the whole point.

That was last week, or he'd stop being human
He's pretty much good to at this point

Now that the first episode is over it's just a cool edgy powerup and not the literal power of satan that his dead father spent his life trying to suppress

Only most demons.
Like I said, Mephisto is a demon and everyone knows it.

Don't draw the sword

the sword is literally the only worthwhile power he has

Did they not see how this was a problem?

Honestly, these days I'm pretty sure 90% of practicing christians don't really get it either.

Yeah, praise the Lord for large breasts~!!!

Maybe she believes in one of the heretic sects. It's mostly protestants in Japan, isn't it? They're all about fire and rapture.

Would you recommend it to me? I skipped over the first anime movies on netflix because no one has anything nice to say about them.

So who is Yugioh's dad?

They're so fucking gay, bros

you and I have the whole building all to ourselves

Seems wasteful.

Yukio and Rin are both sons of Satan.

What happened in thread one?

Only a fujo would give a man beauty marks.

new episode

Yukio is a two-faced bitch.

Also Satan.

It's the OLD building. All the other kids are in the new one.

Singular Point? I'd recommend the hell out of it. Don't expect it to be a monster fight fest, Godzilla isn't the main focus or even really in it much, but there's a Jet Jaguar robot that's central to the plot. It can be kind of obtuse and "Cerebral", but if you like weird sci-fi shit it's cool.

Incestual gay sex needs an entire building.

Is it really jobbing when he was up against the grand daddy of all demonkind?

fucking demons and their gay lovers are jacking up housing prices!!!

great ED

You're a demon and i haete u

but I also luv you lots and want to kept you safe

To be fair he Jobbed to Satan himself. It's like the final boss running up to you while you're in the 4th town.

Yugioh literally looks like a frog. What's with his weird fat nose and his puffy snout

Also Satan, but as a baby he was too weak to handle the Satan power, so all of it went into Rin.


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Uhh the announcer said 'on the next episode', sweaty

The usual. He got called out and as usual went to his usual accusations

Godzilla barely shows up. It's mostly about Jet Jaguar and time travel. But it's still super fun.

Depends on if Lelouch has the founding titan or if it's still Eren. Lelouch was only ok with murdering millions of people for the greater good if he was in charge.

Whole building to ourselves

I swear stories like this do that kinda shit so the horny teen boys can project and come up with doujin ideas

id attach myself to shiemi's legs and feed off her soul too, if you get my drift


Having read the manga
It's sorta funny Yukio hates Rin considering he's the reason he's still alive

Thank you Eren. Saving us from this idealistic bullshits

Okay enjoy Wan Piss, I am going back to sleep for another 12 hours. Good luck to those going for gold, and keep fighting the good fight.

Have fun, everyone, and see you all next week.


Basically every episode of one shit.

So he got no a lick of Satan besides his brother's dick in him?

and I'm the warden



So, the thing you have to understand is that Singular Point is high concept science fiction. The main writer has a Ph.D and studied physics, and it shows. There's a BUNCH of theoretical physics, all of it scientifically accurate.
So if you're into really far out there hard sci-fi, you'll love it. If not, well... you might get lose in the mumbo jumbo.
That said, it does have good action and gives new life to some kaiju who haven't been featured in a longtime. As a longtime fan, I love that kind of shit.

horny teen girls*
this shit is not for dudes homie

The wait is over, time for best girl's show, baby!

Sounds good to me.

Only the best of breasts.

No. It's way too masturbatory with the characters just vomiting jargon and monologuing for entire episodes. The writer couldn't keep it in his pants to make a great story and had to show off how smart he is.

Fair enough.


Does Lelouch still has his geass because Erenists are gonna be fucked.

It's all about family

Actually, it's not until the final premiere ends, which is a half hour from now.

Keep telling yourself that, tardo

Your stock is going to go CRAZY when Rooster Fighter airs

Link to the full picture, brother? Robin is my favorite OP lady.

The anime movie trilogy is... Difficult. It's really fucking weird and I'm not a big fan of the way they executed it, but I don't think I regret watching it, either. At the end of the day there was some interesting ideas about how some of the monsters worked.

Godzilla has basically become the spirit of the planet itself
Mechagodzilla has turned into a city built out of sentient metal that corrupts people who try to use it
Ghidorah is an extra-dimensional cosmic horror that fucks with space and time itself
Mothra lives on in the hearts of native humans who are still alive on earth or something, I forget some of that plot





Sickness... almost... defeated... but... at... great... cost...
Can't have alcohol due to some of the drugs I'm on.

My favorite OP opening.

He always has his Geass. Even in the movie, somehow he gets both a code and his geass.

That's the Urobutcher Godzilla movies, not singular point.


Is the manga for that any good?

Fight Together was great too. This isn't a bad choice though.

I love sequels literally nobody asked for!

Yes, the anon I quoted said he skipped those movies, and I was putting in my two cents about them.

Fight Together and Hope are great too but something about Hard Knock Days pumps me up.

Didn't he already draw it the last episode? Or am I already getting things mixed up?
Is that you, Vin Diesel?



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What? How the fuck? I am on a vocation this week, do I need to watch the movies?

I love movies the media tells me I should love.

It was fun enough but I didn't read very much of it.

Do you have more of the Snake Princess?

Not really.
I just wanted to post a girl who I rarely see in these threads.

At last, best girl returns!

I sadly do not have it, as kemono remains dead and I haven't found it anywhere else I like to look for Robin.

Ah, yeah, I thought they were good, though they need a different mindset than most other Godzilla media.

This shit arc is still going?

This is gay.

Gayest dude in OP

the treasure in my heart

Could that be the one piece?

Did anyone get the screenshot of Rebecca talking to Bart? Her breasts looked especially nice for that moment.

One Day is pretty great too. Arc is a SLOG, but it's a catchy song. Wonder if Toei will do more of these Kai cuts for other arcs like they are with Fishman Island

Bart's the only character in anime who can have a gay fantasy and it's still not gay.

Get yourself somebody who loves you as much as Bartolomeo loves Luffy.

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Thanks to the anon who posted the Shirahoshi pinky gif for me last week, I really appreciate it. I saved both versions.

Rebecca's boobs are back


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The Naughty Room

I also love movies that claim the public love despite the movie not being released to the public yet

There's a whole island of homosexuals that would like a word with you.

man imagine being in the naughty room with wicke

Yeah, it sucks we skipped her arc...we'll see her again in some filler.


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i-is horsey gonna be okay bros?

Tried to eat the horse.


Luffy punched out it's stomach plug.

That can't be good.
I mean I'm not doctor or anything.

jesus christ

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that really fast flyby of Robin's chest

FUCK, I hope someone got that screencap! F for horse.

The bite of 87?

That actually looked fucking metal for the horse.

Shut up, puppetfag.

Truly, you have become one of the undead.
Good to see you here, Necromancer!

What? How the fuck?

I can't tell you much without spoiling everything, but it has to do with how he destroyed C's world at the end of the original series.

I am on a vocation this week, do I need to watch the movies?

The reboot movies aren't really worth watching unless you need a refresher. There's a couple new scenes, but it's basically just a highlight reel of the most popular scenes and they don't really make an attempt to make the over all story coherent despite so many scenes being cut out.
You need to watch Resurrection if you want to watch Roze because they take place in the same timeline.
But it's a good movie. It was nice to get some new CG after such a long time.

Can't they just... cut the net that he drew?

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No one can withstand my special Facial technique.

All these diaper and naked boy post

Did I miss something?

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I'm sorry I helped your enemies

As long as you don't do it again, Kanjuro, we're good

lol PTSD

all yours sin will be clobbered away

Somehow...Sugar has returned

she prefers chodes

long nosed bastard

Just some fuckboy spammer.

Resident schizo. Just ignore him like the mods and janitors do.

Sugar has woken up

This arc is taking so long people defeated earlier are able to return!

Sperg anon is mad.
Not sure what he's mad about.

hes the threadsplitter being bored. no one was paying attention to him and oh wait you are him because boy penis was not working.

its ok i fell for it as well

Not him, but I thought the reason was because he got Charles'/VV's code instead of CC's, so it didn't erase his geass like what happened with CC when the nun bamboozled her

Long nose bros, it's over.
We lost our opportunity.

Something tells me she wont be in the mood for a dicking anytime soon.

Is she gonna react this way every time I get my penis out?

Sugar's scream sounded like the VA was trying to avoid waking up her parents.

damn violetta sideboob

her tits are huge even for one piece standards holy shit

Or popping the filter on the mic.

It's some tardo who shits his pants every week and spams shit since it's all his dumb nogging ass can do

She'll grow up never craving vaginal satisfaction thanks to being traumatized by Ussop's nose

split second of that guy falling to his death

Sugar gets PTSD whenever she sees long objects now

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damn straight

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She only freaks out about long things, you're fine.


Honestly, it's funny considering her VA has huge boobs too. She's just voicing herself.

Anyone else notice Usopp's pupils were two different sizes for a moment there?


Oh shit, kino moment incoming. This is definitely one of Usopp's finest hours coming up. Though given the pace, it'll likely have to wait until next week.

Sugar is pretty cute

It's a drawing.

She'll grow up

No she won't.
She's shit.

If there's one compliment I can give to the pacing, it's that stuff like Robin and Rebecca hanging in the air with their big boobs on full shapely display gets to last like a month.

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but is she also funny?






It was something special to find out she and her sisters weren't wearing skinsuits but were naked the entire time

It's because the immortality that was granted to code holders came from C's worlds, so now that it's gone, their immortality is no longer functional.
C.C. still has a bit of immortality left over only because she had enough "spare parts" left over in C's world, having lived for as long as she did.
But Lelouch got his code after C's worlds was destroyed, so there was nothing to take his geass away.
This is why his soul got trapped in C's world. It's basically a dead end now.

i need an adult


How did the G puns work in Japanese?


Oh no, it begins. The Baby 5 arc.

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Oh look, it's The Kick Man.

I am legally an adult.

Old men running the world

Robin has pleasant breasts. Just saying.

Seems weird just tying C's world into Geass, when it seemed like they were unrelated before, given Charles' was certain Lelouch couldn't tell all of humanity to turn against the Ragnarok connection

Robins tits when she was falling just now was nice

lol that terrible Robin line delivery

That will be my day to day life when I become that old.
Minus the triangle skull hopefully.

True, brother. Also, there was another great screenshot of Robin and Rebecca.





I want to rough grope robins big massive milkin mammeries

her cups

Robin uses her devil frouit to shove her armpit in your face.

Holy moly, Robin's boobs were enormous in that shot.
Like 50% of the mass of her torso.

Do.... Do I want to know what Barolomeo's "elaborate fantasies" entail?

Can't Robin just actually fly for at least seconds at a time?

Can't Robin just make wings out of hands or something?

I need to get up early, so goodnight everyone.

Gum Gum UFO

Does One Piece have UFO sightings?
Does One Piece have aliens?

Holy Robin keyshots.

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Might be difficult to conjure stuff on her body when it's moving so fast

there ya go

Not flight, it just slows her down to make her glide.

Sleep tight.


Yet another demonstration of Robin and the angel she is.

bless Robin's tits

conveniently robin gives law's key to rebecca

anything to keep law from being useful

Couldn't she had use those with the Yellow Cups to fly faster?

Who is distracting Robin's VA from reading her lines properly?

This is peak waifu, tits are made to be groped


goddamn this padding

Yeah, it does. It's a manga only thing though.

2020 record from home
remember mha?

all that stalling just to say alright

Is it me or does Luffy look paler?

they all just stand there for 5 minutes

Realistically speaking, Robin could solo that whole field just by sprouting huge hands and smashing the toys against each ohter.

Oh hey, Robin fight. Those don't happen too often.
She's actually going to get to fight this time, right?

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aaaaaaaaaiiiiieeeee I MUST PAD


at least 30 arms in each wing

That shit would weigh hundreds of pounds.


puppet shambles

reaction shot

puppet shambles

reaction shot

reaction shot

reaction shot

puppet shambles

reaction shot

I wish we had the reanimated section they're doing now.

I thought her delivery was really good.

It's like every villain in DC having kryptonite.
The problem with making such a strong character is you have to keep inventing reasons why they can't just solve the plot.

One Piece over

Welp, that brings an end to our Necro-posting for this week.
So Sugar is back. Feels like just a quarter of a year ago she got knocked out. Really like her taste in toy soldiers.
Still waiting on Luffy vs. Doffy though. Hopefully this Robin fight will be fun.
I leave you all with the Wishing Skeleton. Until next week, stay spooky.

although I don't really see how he'd be any more effective against the giant toys. his whole power is about taking things apart, but they can just put themselves back together.

Still sucks only watching two shows

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There were at least a couple that were hilariously awful, not everything.

oh no. I'm falling. aaaah.

Can anyone else post more Rebecca art? I had a pretty busy day at work, and I just want to enjoy looking at my wife. I'd really appreciate it.

Bulma doesn't have enough lewds. Just saying.

Are they gonna actually bother airing MHA season 7? It's starting to not feel like it

the flesh wings creeped me out
sorry robin fans

CR is probably locking us out.

It was a fun night.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend gentlemen.
Until next week.

Yeah, in the original series they were unrelated. But also, in the original series, Lelouch is dead. I guess establishing a relationaship between the two was all they could come up with to retcon his death and keep the story moving forward.
To be honest, I think I would have preferred if he just lost his Geass. But then that would basically eliminate the entire movie plot.
I don't hate it. After so many years, they could have done worse retcons than this.

It's okay, they honestly would be uncanny in real life.

I imagine she can control her bone density in the arms. She also can't actually fly, just slow down her decent.

Anyone else ever read that one lemon where Robin makes a copy of her ass on the side of the ship and takes a shit while she's in a meeting with the other strawhats?

Not this year.
Maybe next year.

Basedgeta moment

they're not a threat to anyone like this

Yeah but it's still not exactly ideal to let them go to a healing pod and bolster their numbers again. They still pretty handily beat your best friend, Son and Vegeta with very little effort.

we didn't need to worry about those guys anymore

Yeah, until they heal up and come back stronger or poison you or do some other sneaky shit.

yep, this is the top, no more powerful than this

What the hell is a Shenron!?

Huh, I remember hearing there was some manga that was meant to be canon to the new series and the original anime, but maybe that was a misunderstanding. But yea, that's kind of lame they would retcon that, but I guess they wanted to bring in some way for CC to still get her wish to die, except now she'll only want to go out when it suits her after having her time with Lelouch

Burter deserved better

I disagree.

It is really surreal watching the Namek Arc go by faster than the Dressrosa Arc. I know that's because this is Kai and not the original show, but still.

Bulma's only purpose in this arc outside of the beginning really is just being a self-centered bitch.

man idk how you guys do it anymore
adult swim these days is just so zzz including toonami
bring me back to wee hours of the late 2000s when inuyasha and GITS was replaying nonstop

Heeeey hey, Toonami General! Deep Space Radio here to take you through a bit of the rerun time slots here.

Tonight we'll start off with a bit more Saxsquatch, with this smooth original number called Footprints.
If it involved music like this, I might not mind going to a club or something. Well, probably not. A concert, though, that's a different story. We had that one guy who opened for TWRP who did smooth jazz, folks love a sax, man. You can definitely count me among them. Also, this kinda sounds like a weird but cool Donkey Kong track.

Sorry for the delay, had an issue with the pond outside making weird noises at 2 AM. Ugh.

I like when the series remembers that Blooma is Goku's oldest friend.

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Even original Z would be significantly faster
It's funny that DBZ used to be the "standard" of long anime, yet now it's barely even a fraction of some long-runners


You just described Bulma's entire role in the series.

That was a stylish landing, Ginyu

Have the DB's having passwords always been a thing? I just thought that was the exclusive to the Namekian set, how does Goku suddenly know about it?

Its a huge oversight on Ginyu's part to not only have practiced poses for the whole group, but also have plenty of lesser poses depending on the number of members present, specific to each combination

I just thought that was the exclusive to the Namekian set

Don't the Earth ones have some phrase like "Come forth Shenron" or something?

Yes? You have call for Shenron to come and grant your wish. Not just gather all 7 Dragonballs.

Just realized Mobile Suit Gundam predates Dragon Ball by five years.
Time is weird.
Really wishing we had a mecha show on Toonami right now.

one of the few times Vegeta is offered an easy win

he runs away

spends the rest of the series jobbing, losing and dying

I'm guessing Goku was going to let Krillin and the others keep watch over them now that their energy is spent and interrogate them on how to beat Frieza.

Yeah, I thought she did a good job with that one.

you've been near death a few times, you should be up for this

How does Goku know about the zenkai boost?

I mean, he does beat/kill them later

I love how many characters think Goku is like gifted or special and he is literally just the runt of the litter. He's just worked his ass off.

Yea, you'd think they would have practiced for at least a minimum of three members. Two doesn't seem really easy to pull off poses for no matter what

You must defeat him to stand a chance.

space shovels

Didn't remember that.
I mean, the ones on Earth are voice activated at least. Not sure if there's a specific thing you have to say word for word, but just getting them all together won't give you a wish.
Same way he read Krillin's mind.

It's been literally a decade since Toonami got DBZ Kai


best you can do with 2 is just copy and mirror each other's poses

He spent the entirety of the ride to Namek abusing it during training, remember?

The earthlings are assuming Frieza isn't saying "come forth shenron" or anything of the like. Not realizing that the Namekian "password" is actually a bit more strict than the earth dragonballs. So they're technically right but also not.

Next up, it feels a little cheap to do this but Duran Duran put out an instrumental version of their Evil Woman cover, then put out a bunch of remixes too.
The instrumental version's swell, really gets you that disco goodness. Excellent rhythm guitar, violins, etc. Pretty fun.

And, chosen at random, is the Medusa Mix Night Version.
Feels like the differences are more in the front part of the song, but it's still cool.

It's kind of weird having Kai on in the middle of the block. It doesn't really fit with anything around it.

You could theorize that a lot of Goku's success, at least up until this point, can be attributed to that much of the Turtle Hermit techniques are designed to let a fighter punch above their weight class. Even his time with King Kai kinda has that theme too. After this saga, then they fully fall into the pit of power levels.

how to beat Frieza

If the Ginyus knew that they'd probably do it, themselves. No honor among thieves, as it were. Ginyu probably woulda body jacked Frieza day one.

It needs to go away, especially if it’s gonna be at 4x speed on Rewind in a few weeks

bros we watched this last night on rewind what are we doing

I don't watch rewind
maybe if they showed Gundam I would

Who's we?

I truly think I prefer this song as an instrumental. Just never could gel with the OG, but this is amazing. Especially once the guitar starts.

You mean you watched it. I don't watch Rewind's Kai airing.

You will rewatch the DBZ episode multiple times and you will like it.

maybe if they showed the faulconer set i would

It's a good show and I'm here anyway.

4x speed on Rewind

Wait what?

I remember people calling him the Johnny Bosch of the 2010s, Blue Exorcist actually takes me back a lot I guess Toonami Revival has been out long enough that we can get nostalgic like that, if it ever goes off the air, I hope they play all the classics one last time like Space Dandy, Inuyasha, Cowboy Bebop, etc.

Come December Rewind is all Dragonball Kai episodes.

They aren’t getting any more Sailor Moon and are just turning the block into a DBZ block

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Next up we've got more from Tom Cardy... And at the risk of feeding into my repetition tonight, I'm gonna include two songs, because I've damn near gone through his whole catalog at this point and I've got too many of his songs to go through. Many of them are really short anyway. First up is Lo Fi.
True to its name, it's pretty laid back and chill, and that fucking sexy bass gets me going, baby. Bro man gets out the fucking clavicord and that synth action and I'm gone. Plus, it's funny. I love how he always breaks out the eyepatch and hook for "villain" characters, and his sunglasses are dope as hell.

I also wanted to throw in Jurassic Park 12: It's Dino Time!.
Wherein a sick and feverish Tom binges and tries to explain the entire Jurassic franchise, with delirious results. My personal favorite was the one where the dinosaurs had to put aside their beef with mankind to stop dinosaur satan from coming back to life.

True. A lot of the aliens just work out really hard and just care about raw numbers. The earthlings by comparison are a lot more technique based.

The new movie is canon only to the reboot movies and Roze. There is a Resurrection manga that sort of follows the plot of the movie and is canon to the Rebellion manga, which was based on the original series. Maybe that's what you hear about.
C.C. and L.L. can travel the world as gypsies and grow old together. Good end.

Because he kinda was. He was in a ton of stuff, many shows that did not air on Toonami. Then similar to Bosch, after a couple years he faded away from new shows and only started doing reprisals

They're either not getting the next season of Sailor Moon, or they're waiting until the new year starts to run it

But was he doing that intentionally? Or was he simply training until he couldn't anymore and then using a senzu bean purely because it allowed him to continue training?
The fact that he was zenkai boosting could've been accidental.

She was really just going to leave them all for dead, wasn't she?

Screwing over everyone who died to Vegeta/Nappa just so she can go home.


Fuck you Bulma.

I was asleep last time

So who is the Bosch/Peppercock of the 2020s?

Another Full Nelson.

Pretty confusing with there being so many series. Hell, aren't there like three separate manga too that are self-contained? I know there's that Nightmare of Nunnally where Lelouch's Geass literally gives him power armor or whatever

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It's weird in the namek saga where the art style takes this turn for the more angular and edgy where they still have little forays into Goku still being a silly monkey man, and then just have him art style shift back into a beefy hulk. The manga's simpler style I think allowed goku to transition between those two a bit more seemless.

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Oh no... It's THAT scene...

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Intelligent to see Goku is holding back

Ginyu is an underrated villain

Then we've got a new one from Vulfmon and Evangeline called It Might Have To Be You.
And ooh boy it's got that feel good kinda R&B vibe? Evangeline's voice is a shot to the heart for me, and those humble piano strokes and downplayed percussion keep me in the mood. I really love these guys collaborating.

Honestly the VA world has gotten better about now allowing one person to hijack so many lead roles. Deku and Tanjiro’s VAs are good examples, they have one extremely prominent role each, but many of the other roles are niche or supporting cast

That being said, Zeno Robinson has been using the race card to try to take this title in recent years

It feels really weird that they bring up that Ginyu is also able to raise his powerlevel like Goku when a later plot point is that Ginyu can't bring out as much power in Goku's body as Goku did. And like sure, the Kaioken contributes to that quite a bit, but it just feels like it's an unnecessary trait to give his character.

Power level autism was a mistake.

Well, that was a long, fun night of asskicking (and laughs), but now the last good show is over. Time to go to bed. Remember that every true warrior craves not more war, but peace and a chance to rest. There are no treasures greater than those close to you, like you, my good toonami general friends.

They can’t air something like Trigun that early in the day.

I didn't. I only watched the shows that aren't going to be on regular Toonami.
It's one of the strongest techniques in the universe.
That'd be kinda neat if it was true. maybe.

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Well, that's enough this week for me! See you folks next week!

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That's interesting, wonder how they'll censor it since Trigun only ran on ASA way back where it didn't need to remove anything. Granted I know the series wasn't too gory beyond a few bits, and fanservice was pretty sparse too.

Deluxe edition volume

Oh yea, those red books like they did with Hellsing
Anything in them that's special beyond just having the manga in xbox hueg size?

unions are a fucking cancer
glad to see their power in the VA world wane

And now he's beating him with Bobby Nelson!

He isn’t even telling the truth. They won’t censor anything, so if that’s a factor they won’t air it

Now this is the stuff. Dat voice.

Zeno Robinson

Does AS even edit anything in their earlier slots? Trigun is unironically a lot more family friendly than most of the other shows AS airs, so I can't imagine content would be that huge a concern. Especially for the first episodes.

I wasn't sure about what to end on this week. I had enough to populate a playlist without the repeats, but I hadn't gone back over them recently enough to be sure. Anyway, here's Cory Wong and his crew jazzing up some Willy Wonka songs.
Basically it's a Charlie and the Chocolate Factory medley with some funk/jazz interludes. The dude on bari sax is fucking crazy, that guy on the bass can slap that shit, and Cory himself is, as always, on point on that guitar. But seriously, can a bari sax sound like a distorted guitar? Is it a filter? Is it the mic? Does he just sound like that? Mysteries of the universe. Also, this one's about nine minutes, for what it matters.

Anyway, that's it for tonight! Until next time, this is Deep Space Radio, signing off!

Even back in old Dragonball, they reached a point that characters moved so fast that it appeared to be instant, and characters could destroy the moon on a whim. Visually, how to make things seem bigger and faster? Powelevels are a way of giving up on visuals, and letting expositional dialog take over. At this point Krillin is only hanging around because they need someone that is able to be impressed by the stuff that the audience can't see.

Aside from a few scenes, there's not terribly much to censor in Trigun. It's a lot more serious than things like DBK and SM, but it's not like Fire Force or Food Wars where those would be impossible to play on something like Rewind

Anything in them that's special beyond just having the manga in xbox hueg size?

Well, they translated the onomatope's (as small text between the panels, not translating the SFX's on-panel like Viz sometimes does), and it's the first time the manga's been in print since forever. It's basically the most affordable way to own the manga officially.

You will never knock up Froppy.

from the famous One for All successor

Isn't it supposed to still be a secret that Deku's quirk is All Might's quirk?
All their classmates are standing right there.

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Not with that attitude you won't.

Before they became Toonami? I think they did alter a few things, but only a few instances of nudity and some swearing, I recall GITS had to censor Batou's cursing in the final episode during the early airings.
After it became Toonami? We did have a few odd things, like an episode of Fire Force freezing on a frame and then "skipping" around a bit of fanservice, though that got called out since it was Faggitman being a faggit

It was misdirection. You think Ginyu's going to be a major threat in terms of raw power, only for him to switch body's with Goku when the latter outclasses him, only to find out he can't use Goku's body to its fullest.

It's just another way to showcase the villain's shortsightedness despite whatever abilities they have over the heroes.

Nunnally in Wonderland

It's shitpost incarnate and it's great

what would sex with captain ginyu be like

It's Barto.

Didn't know the manga went out of print, I remember collecting it about ten years or so back

But I'd rather have Jiro.

The problem is airing it at 5pm. That increases the amount of things that are a problem.

Trades bodies at will so that he gets to feel climax twice and you get nothing.

Would she just spawn a ton of eggs all over your cock as you both came?

When all your friends have to gang up on you to tell you to go the fuck to sleep

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So he's basically a meth addict?

They deserved a more committed ending together. I didn't hate the ending, there was stuff pre-finale that was nice and all, but it really should've ended with a real direct focus with them being lovey dovey. I get that wasn't the main point of the series, but if you're going to tease a main couple, you gotta follow through man. Don't leave people hanging. Blast that love into the last chapter and celebrate it on your way out. You've got such a big audience, celebrate cute love and make them all see it.

Toru must be freezing in the rain

It's a marketing thing.
So you rush out and buy the final volume with 60 pages of EXTRA content.

Just show him your tits!

Well the final volume is apparently gonna have extra pages, so Hori might toss some people a bones.
Plus there's almost a 100% chance he'll answer a question about the both of them from the world voting thing

Do we know if the extra content is really going to include it yet?

If we're lucky, Bones might fix that. I remember how FMAB added a few neat extra scenes that either sped by in the manga or didn't exist, like Father screaming out before he was pulled back into the Gate realm, which really helped add a nice bit of nuance to him

I really hope so.

You think nico robin is genrous lover like, randomly spawns hands on you?
Or you have to do most of the initiation?

She's spawned hands on Chopper quite a few times to play with him, so if she really likes you, then she'll probably do it for you

They won't air anything that isn't in HD.

on you
If she's feeling kinky, in you.

Didn't Japan get an exclusive BD release, or I'm I thinking of another series that aired on AS/Toonami?

I just tuned into MHA and Deku started crying right away lol

That's a good perspective, Toriyama liked his consistency. In other manga using a simple style, they'll just transition to something more serious for dramatic panels

She would use spawned hands etc to tease and flirt with you. But would refuse to use her powers during sex so she knows it's HER you're making love to.

oh really, what ep? or remember the arc?
I believe you just wnt to see if i can find the clip

you're thinking of something else

I bet her naked body would practically be visible when covered with running water. Like seeing water on a pane of glass.

60 pages

I hope it's an epilogue that just 1/1 Deku pulling the opening scene to the Incredibles before marring Ochako

That scene where Ed beats the door back open.

Pure kino.

See all the weird little fantasies she always has? She probably spends all day thinking of freaky shit to do with her powers

I hope she spawns her feet so i can massage them and stuff....

studying or working on a desk

spawns boobs for you to sleep on

Nico robin is best girl

Honestly, she would be a bit of a mix. She has a bit of a wild side she holds back on from what we saw when she fought Black Maria.

Shit, it was way back. It's like the first episode when she revealed herself stowing away on the Merry, using her hands to tickle Chopper and win over him, Luffy, and Usopp with goofy "antlers" on Luffy's head

wouldnt landing into rockman at that height and speed be bad?

The idea of a voice actor union is funny, you guys are threatening a strike, what are you gonna do, stop talking? GOOD

Aw man you made me think they'd air Trigun, although we'll probably get Stampede

I have to agree wtih anon hereI like idea she gets freaky and teases you but when it comes to sex

She doesn't uses her powers, So treat her like the best princess or breed her like one.
maybe round 2 after she gets off several times she gets freaky.

Yea, it'd be fun to see it again, same with the first anime too. Both were really fun.
Definitely one of the inspired changes made in the anime

Same...i need to get physical,

That would be nice but I know it's best not to get my hopes up.
Right now I'm already hoping Dr. Stone covers the epilogue so that I can see Ruri get married. I feel like that's a decent bet, though I haven't checked in on anything happening with the anime outside of Toonami.

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What is nico robins type?

fit body?
cute and brainy?
don't care?

Still weird 13 had a body when the season 1 episodes made it seem like she WAS the suit

the UA barrier to be exa[CLACK]ct

what was that and why was it ten times louder than everything else? did a wire in brain snap? did do it don it? t

True, true

Yep. The 0079 was just a stand in for 1979.

She is 28 so she doesn’t have much room to be picky

and legs
I want to hold them

Shit, that was the on the show, wasn't it? I thought my fucking tablet cracked suddenly, sounded just like a screen cracking


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Seethe, Dekucel

They should air 03.

I don’t think it’s ever once even hinted at what kind of men Robin likes. She is often paired up with Franky as the crew “parents” since those two are the oldest but I don’t think they work as a couple

I'm guessing the audio loudly peaked for some reason in the broadcast itself, damn glad to know it wasn't just me.

Robin will never tickle you into submission then begin jerking you off

Zeno Robinson has been using the race card to try to take this title in recent years

Any actual source on this?

watching on a tablet

West Coast, best coast!

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She prefers animal penis

final Deluxe Edition volume.

They're doing a deluxe release of Trigun?

Oh boy, 3am!

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Didn't really sound all that loud, more like something broke in the audio. Don't recall that happening during the original broadcast of the episode, so I'm guessing this was something with tonight's feed or whatever. Incidentally, things froze during DBK last week, but it seems like that only happened on my end, and yet my internet never read as being knocked offline, it was just like the net "froze" for about half an hour

better than watching on a phone

Yes. First two of Maximum are out now. V3 comes next month, V4 in Febuary, and the final volume in June.

Well in the anime, she seemed happy to have Jinbe join because he was exponentially more mature than the other straw hats. She'd probably want a guy who can understand all her archaeology stuff when she feels like talking, but is also fun to tease. Also he has to be over 6 ft. and look like Chad, ALL FOIDS ARE THE SAME. Nah but she is 6'2, so that's kinda true.

is not a tablet a phone?

NTA but I have my original copies of the Trigun mangas and all I remember of it now is how I could only tell who was even talking half the time because the manga did a bad job of clarifying that.

I mean, unions had some point back in the day, the problem is that now they're just clubs for people to show off their entitlement in and impose stupid "rules" like "you can't act in x amount of shows" for whatever fucking reason

Know thee English?

My dude the only reason unions are useless is because they have no fucking power outside of the cops or the entertainment industry.

Can't exactly carry a tablet in your pocket

bros, not being able to get drunk anymore is starting to take a toll on me

>Nunnally in Wonderland

I haven't heard that name in a long time. A long time.

Are you the necromancer, or somebody else who I didn't notice mention not being able to have alcohol earlier?
Or somebody who just didn't share that information?

Unions worked when the company was owned by Dave who lived on the other side of town. They don't work when it's owned by Megacorp.

When did captain america start coming here

If I recall, there's a second Wonderland Code Geass thing, right? With some of the cast in different roles and whatever?

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if i drunk too much, i get sick
but my limit amount isnt getting me drunk anymore

you couldn't carry various phones in your pocket until they became cellphones
a tablet is more portable than a plugged home phone. a lot of people have carry cases for their shit and casa si nintendyos

still can't fit a tablet in your pockets
Checkmate, paleontologists

Meh, I love SEED and Destiny myself and think they’re both awesome shows
I’d rather have a mecha show on Rewind

You can if you buy the right pants.

I used the Wii U gamepad as a tablet for close to a decade. I still would be if the security certificates for the internet browser weren't out of date. Fantastic experience. Getting a smartphone was one of the worst moments in my life.

Man, now I'm just remembering how they yanked the OG Gundam from Toonami out of nowhere one day. And I think it was the very same episode when Char's mommy/gf got exploded. Though I think I heard that it did "finish", just on the graveyard shift where hardly anybody knew it had been shuffled to since it was like 5am in the fucking morning

DBZ always had good hype men, Krillin was good at acting surprised but you were kinda used to it, Piccolo however had all these dramatic speeches. On that note, you now remember Shakesperean Piccolo, this was an official Viz translation, he calls Raditz queer multiple times.

Would nico Robin love me even if my cock was 72cm?

yea, clown pants, you clown

Are you me?

5 am saturdays.
It was a death slot.
Yuyuhakusho, Rave Master ended up there too.

Hollywood is already a club, so that's rough having an extra layer of politics.

Imagine what scabs would look like during a VA union strike, like they get undocumented Mexicans to do DB Daima. It'd probably be better

IGPX too if I'm not mistaken, or maybe that was midnight. Seems like so many fucking things just carted off because AS had to be little bitches

New Nejire drawing for the Nejirefag

Dub Morty has such a shitty voice

It’s just how it is sadly

Doesn't happen nowadays. Closest thing I can recall is Boruto being yanked off, everything else just seems to get to run its course these days.


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Boyos, as always. Love being here with you. The highlight of my weeks, every week. Have a good one. LATER!

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Idk, Andy is pretty cute
"Invincible Fight Girl" is still a dumbass name though

Eh, at least it sounds like cartoon Morty compared to everyone else.


See you all next week.

Was fun everyone
See you next week

They wouldn’t need to. Plenty of amateurs who would gladly take the roles just to get a credit

Time for the best show of the night

Oh yeah, it’s much better nowadays

IGPX was such a slog and waste of cool ideas and music

So this wraps up another week of Toonami fun, but man it feels so slow in these threads. From Andy vs Mbrandon in pure Shonen goodness in Invincible Fight Girl, to Mash mashing his way through magic exams, mazes, blond shy girls, and top-tier Dumbledor magic in Mashle, to Rin and Yugioh hashing out their brotherly differences at True Cross Academy in Blue Exorcist, to Robin and company sailing along in the air, Luffy fighting more nutcrackers, and Usopp getting ready to shoot his shot in One Piece, to Goku vs Ginyu in DBZ Kai, ending off with the rerun hour, Toonami is done for this week. It's a shame that Sailor Moon isn't getting its next season on Rewind, and they're quadrupling down on Kai for that block, I sure hope they get Season 2, or another nostalgic anime, because it almost looks like Rewind's days are numbered. The regular Toonami schedule seems pretty locked in for the rest of the year so if we get any New Years surprises, we should get news of it in December, but it's all up to DeMarco at this point. Once the die is cast nothing can be done to change its outcome. Have a good week Toonamibros, and always remember to sing a song for the Toonami Man!


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I think it's supposed to have the same ring as Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha or Creamy Mami, the Magical Angel, where it sounds like a really pronounced, straightforward title. I don't mind it regardless

Night I passed my class! Wish me luck getting a job

I keep watching south park for rick and morty, sorry.

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Awesome, thanks a lot anon. I love the crazy flow of her long hair, and it has a lot of great texture work on the suit too.
Goodnight all.

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Good luck wagie.


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I like it

I recall hearing how Doc and Jackson apparently had to pay out the nose to get this song

i went to alseep almost instantly after the block ended last week

what happened to the boys in venture bros?

dead, blown up by the two idiot henchmen

JJ really mellowed the fuck out

They died in the season 1 finale

Thanks DSR, Willy Wonka's my favourite movie.

Do NOT get a job. I'm serious.

I saw something I can't unsee during that pre-opening theme montage.


Marie Kanker's belly.
I know it probably wasn't literally that, but it looked similar enough.
If somebody has a screenshot of the part I saw it in, I could point it out.

Andy's insanely sexy and cute. I like the show to be honest. I think a lot of haters were REALLY caught off guard by her losing the fight this week. There's no way to swing it negatively - they embraced a lot of common anime tropes, but didn't succumb to MCwank like most anime do.

I imagine a lot of people here have problems letting go of things from 2012. NO IDEA why, just a hunch.

Of course a waifufag for this show of all things would think her losing one fight automatically denotes every other complaint.
She isn't cute, she's really annoying.

Still not watching your garbage show

Student loans are due anon

I think being too tropey is a normal criticism, but then there's genuine autist/OCD people who identify that and don't pay attention to anything else going on in the show like the visuals or wrestling themes, same with the Mashle hate last week. And it's natural, with a recurring thread this old, you'll only have nostalgiafags and autists hanging around.

Andy is in fact cute and sexy
Probably stinky too


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They can't take your money if you have no money.

luna's face when she sees horny posts about her

you look pensive

It was fun learning some new words from this show back in the day

I don’t like stinky girls, I like clean ones
Preferably ones I can shower with and help clean

Just don’t pay them bro, it’s that easy

I really like this little tirade from Doc. Yea, he's still a dick, but he clearly loves the boys, even if the cloning thing is pretty fucked up

21 and 24 were always the best

Yea. Still, gotta love Gary's growth later on. May have come with a steep price, but seeing him become a total bro for the Monarch is just amazing. The show really does a great job with its various duos

helicopter circling over my house

What do

Shine a laser pointer at it, they love that.

Do you actually think it's for you?
Or are you worried it's having issues flying and might crash into you?

It's pretty common after torrenting.

Fight it

Tell em to fuck off.

What's the context here? Why is Robin getting smaller?

Did you record a football game without the express written permission of Fox?

Fox AND the NFL.
You have to have BOTH!

N-no I only got permission from the NFL

We keep going backwards, Marty!

I'm Sheldon and this is my wife Gwen

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["Come Hither" growl]

That's what you call a cat-calling growl noise? What an educational closed caption.

I'll check one of the guys that likes to draw OP girls, surely there isn't even more great Yugi-OH MY GOODNESS.

Sounds more like Lowenthal to me

Bender dating the Planet Express ship is both ambitious to try and get to work that I can see it being an early-ish season episode like this, but also such a weird and kind of dumb idea that I could see it being a desperate Comedy Central episode. I guess it makes sense it falls under Season 4 as sort of a half-way point between being a new show with fresh ideas, and starting to take what they can get with ideas.

Why does Ross not just eat the other five?

Maybe they're saving it for sweeps

I finally get this joke now. I just recently read about how Friends would have "supersized" episodes and it would have something to do with sweeps/ratings. So she was saying they could be saving it for a ratings trap plot.

I often see people suggest Lowenthal should have the title, but what was he besides Sauske?

Was it just me or was Robin’s dialog in tonight’s episode delivered way out of the normal style?

He was that one guy in MÄR who was apparently based off of Peter Pan.
He was Suzaku.
He was in that Gundam series that we got.
Admittedly, those weren't the main protagonists, but neither was Sasuke. I mean, except for when he was.

I was actually going to mention that but figured no one would've got what I meant. She said something like "I left it with Rebecca" in one scene and it was like she was awkwardly half-yelling with the wrong emotion or something. There were a couple other lines that were weird.

And the Prince in the Sands of time trilogy, was even apparently set to return in that remake that poofed out of existence while the rest of the cast was apparently being recasted

Alright, I need sleep.
No extra nonsense for me to say this time.

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Suzaku's kinda of a main protag
The story does circle around him and Lelouch

Man this stupid argument subplot with Dale and Bill is so cheaply written. It feels like a preschool cartoon with them parading around the street yelling hate about each other to everyone else with shit like "boycott dale gribble"

I don’t know what the issue was, it’s like she forgot how to do the delivery she had done for 500+ prior episodes

I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed at least. Maybe the voice director fucked up or something along those lines.

Hold the fuck up, this swimsuit got animated?! It's one of the outfits I love seeing her in but was only ever in promo art and games and shit.

I already forgot any of that, but I think some of the lines from when they fell were a bit weird.

Speaking of the One Piece anime, I stopped watching for about a month thinking I'd come back to marathon the new eps, then I find out they went on hiatus til April. This time, THEY took a break from ME

Smell good, megumi does

Which is also strange, because Dressrosa is the point the anime hit speed dubbing where they were blowing through whole arcs in a few weeks. So multiple episodes should have all been done same day. I guess we will see next week if she sounds off there, if so, maybe there was a pause in the dub from last weeks episode to this week and she wasn’t back in the groove yet

megumi stinky
nezuko stinky
toonami stinky
i stinky

good night

They're giving the gift of more mermaids in return.

Interesting to see how it'll go then, yeah.

Demarco IS brat

Imagine getting Tom Petty for your show, making the worst character for him, and never giving him a single good line for multiple seasons.

Technically there's still anime being made, just not new stuff.

I wonder if we'll get any holiday marathons.

Later everyone. I like IFG and I liked Unicorn.

They'll force an IFG marathon eventually.

The boy in IFG is designed so poorly, his horrendous proportions and being taller than the teenager Andy is just fucking stupid.

"New" Kai episodes for Thanksgiving.
IFG for X-mas
Mashle for New Years

its called style, also hes from a chad bloodline

hell to the yes

Ah, Marguerite. My guilty pleasure.

Damn it, I hate finding Halloween stuff after it's over.

One final witch Robin to keep those spooky feelings.

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Time to hit the hay after a long night of silly shows. Feeling quite a bit more chipper now, as long as I'm occupied. And boy if there wasn't a lot to occupy some time these past couple of days. Mashle is still fun so far, exorcists are still blue, and Robins are still best girls. Things are right. Wonder what the thanksgiving marathon will be, that's coming up soon.

Weather keeps changing, temps keep dropping, and festivities are approaching fast. Hope you fellas got good stuff planned out. I'm planning to appreciate the holidays extra hard this year, for reasons. Especially because there's at least 2-3 people I need to help keep an eye on. May the heavens help them. Catch all of you here next Saturday. Wherever the masked one is, I salute you. Cherish your girl, hold her in your heart, and have a gift. Tonight gave me some fierce, fierce cravings. Later.

Mashle isn't funny.

I used to be funny, but then they changed what funny was. Now what I am isn’t funny anymore and what’s funny seems weird and lame. It’ll happen to you!

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