What say you about a historically accurate Road To El Dorado remake?
What say you about a historically accurate Road To El Dorado remake?
here's what I say in music form
What say you about
Learn English.
You first
I'll honestly take her hips over her bare chest.
nooooo my heckin kids movie has to be accooooooorate
cool opinion
when the ESL gets overconfident
i prefer jaguar chel
Yes, we know Anon Babble hates breasts and loves anything related to ass or feet more because of the dominance/emasculation factor.
you got a uncensored version?
breasts are literally for babies
Hiding the bottom half of her, the reason I even jerk off to her
If it's historically accurate then El Dorado wouldn't exist.
And ass for pooping and feet for fungal infections, callouses and disgusting bacteria. What a stupid logic you have, retard.
Historically accurate
El dorado is a mix of aztec and mayan culture plus there's magic and also animals that seem to be unique to that place. Also they speak English/Spanish
I don't think that means anything.
googoo gaga?
What are the historically accurate characters of the giant Jaguar spirit construct Tzekal-kan possessed, and used to chase the Spaniards through El Dorado? What are the traditional native garbs of the people of El Dorado, as told through a musical with a wacky horse character?
Covering these lustful hips
I say old chap, you have made quite frustated response
I'd say it won't happen.
Sounds good. How about live action?
When did people become very sensitive about nudity? In the film Zulu you get to see topless tribal girls
If it means tits then yes.
Go north for 30 miles find the pool of gold, drain said pool of gold to get the gold, go home.
Kind of a dull movie.
Read the actual story El Dorado was just a place where they custom to put gold dust on the new king, and have them bath in a small pond. Fast forward a few centuries and the pool had accumulated about 5 full bars of gold on its bottom. Pretty nice haul really, for a weeks trip.
How many times did you repeat third grade, Jamal?
Every time I see posts like this, I get an uncanny feeling that the person typing them is ESL himself and is just projecting his insecurity onto the first post he can’t understand. Here, in case you need help with English:
No Fun Allowed
I've never understood the naming "safe for work."
Like even with a job where you can mill about online or whatever, you'd get in trouble for having anything inappropriate up like the picture on the right regardless of if you can see the nipples. What a fucking weird concept.
Nice rear.
History Channel disagrees about that.
I think I like the one we got better. Not topless, but the loincloth is so much better.
Dont get a boss who's a prude then
Is that even an historicaly accurate depiction El Dorado, anyway? In the movie that city is mesoamerican but the real life legend of El Dorado comes from Colombia.
both are ugly
no thighs, less hips, waist, and lower stomach/above groin.
More Boobs. FULL boobs.
This kinda seems like a hard choice.
Her thighs and lower stomach is HOT though...
Do You lose with either choice?
Which do you choose?
A skimpy outfit covering the bare minimum while showing off curves is hotter than simple bare tits.
Wrong, a normal topless female character would be the best thing ever. Especially with the fun happy jiggling of old cel animation detailing.
Is that even an historically accurate depiction El Dorado, anyway?
The fact that El Dorado is a fictional place means probably not.
In the movie that city is Mesoamerican but the real life legend of El Dorado comes from Colombia.
Your point being? The Incans lived in what is now Peru.