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I don't get it. What's even "Cartoon Cartoons"

What’s funny is nothing of value was lost

animations by animators who don't know how to draw

into the trash

A shorts program from decades ago. Some of the shorts it aired went on to become popular shows.


The Good Boy Report

Dang! It’s Dracula

Hungy Ghost

I can already tell it’s a Mashinima-esque fucking trash can and Warner Bros took it out. They probably stopped them from selling the IPs elsewhere out of embarrassment rather than legitimate business practices.

One one hand, being screwed over like that sucks.

On the other hand, those are some ugly ass shorts. Who picked such ugly shorts?

Cartoon Network is one of those "personality fit" companies nowadays. They don't care about how well you can draw, they just want to hire people they can hang out with and who will do what they're told.

If you know what the audience wants, where's your cartoon?

I am the creator of Skibidi Toilet.

"Hey, you know what people like?! Mindless trend chasing!"

You are such a moron, holy shit.

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like Nickelodeon

what a bunch of dumbfucks

Anon more kids know about Skibidi Toilet than Moongirl. Nobody is watching shit on TV anymore. I had my cousin ask me the other day recommendations for old cartoons because he hated what was on these days.

All these pilots look like shit anyway, well that Louie Zong cartoon looks cute but thats it.

Actually companies witholding works they got people excited for and screwing over creatives is really funny and based lol

fucking kys

People only wanted Harmony & Despair.

Second time something like this has happened. Cartoonstitute

Good get fucked all this woke trash should be forgotten

You didn't even get to see them you braindead motherfucker.

At least they released most of those shorts.

I can tell they're woke trash

>Actually companies witholding works they got people excited for and screwing over creatives is really funny and based lol

This, but unironically.

Did that spanish show about a girl and her robot ever came out?

Its been in development hell since 2019. Maybe they have a chance now.

Its really cute and I hope it gets released someday. Now that's a show I'm excited for. Not this animated soap opera bullshit.



Even if you would've hated all of the shorts (which you cannot know), this is about the principle. This is a scummy business practice that you should be against if you care at all about commercial art and animation.

How many potential showrunners decided to to be indie after seeing this?

Me, for once. If networks are going to fuck you over in every step, you don't need them.

Blah blah blah. They all were pandering shit anyway. If we lose 50 woke cartoons for like 2 great cartoons then so be it.

Also didn't Andrew Dickman abuse his girlfriend?

This has nothing to do with politics retard. The internet has destroyed yor brain.

I'm not american, and I'm a native english speaker.

If we lose 50 woke cartoons for like 2 great cartoons then so be it.

That's not how it works. Losing these doesn't help another show get made. It's just a loss.

Woke this, woke that. If everything is woke, nothing is woke.

Less shitty cartoons means the execs will be desperate to pick up the good shows. its happened before in the late 80s and early 90s and it will happen again.

These cartoons all just look like they lack any series potential.
"Pig in a Wig", really? I mean seriously? Shit should be a 20 page children's book, not something that can last 50 episodes on TV.
I think this is a huge problem with modern networks, and them cancelling this program is another symptom as to why we even get shit like this to begin with:
These shows all look so fucking boring because creators have no incentive to pitch something they're more passionate about. If networks are just going to take the rights to your idea, why pitch ANYTHING you actually give a shit about? Why put all the hard work and effort into making a pilot for your "dream project" if there's a huge chance it will only stay a pilot, an unreleased one at that? Might as well hold onto that idea and pitch "Hungy Ghost" instead. Meanwhile indie creators get to make the exact thing they want and keep the rights.

They're already not picking them up, they should at least release the shorts like they said they would. Personally, I wanted to see Hungry Ghost. For CN to promote it and not even show it is just really shitty.

This is impressive. How do you guys never give up spamming this shit

I forgot to mention I'm trans btw uwu

One one hand, being screwed over like that sucks

This is pretty fucking common, actually. For example, a friend of mine was in a band. They thought they finally hit it big when they signed with some major label in the early 2000s. They toured with some absolutely huge bands as the opening act, recorded their contractually obligated two CDs then... Nothing. The label now owned their music, they couldn't release it in another label and worst of all, outside of a political compilation album with big name bands, /the label never actually released either of their records for some fucking reason/. And they're hardly the first. Reluctant goth name Sisters of Mercy wanted out of their contact with Time Warner so badly that they temporarily changed the name of the band from Sisters of Mercy to Screw Shareholder Value – Not So Much A Band As Another Opportunity To Waste Money On Drugs And Ammunition Courtesy Of The Idiots At Time Warner and recorded a "new" album, Go Figure. One track is literally another one from an older album backwards. Time Warner accepted it, let them out of their contract and never released the album. Tori Amos' first album with a full band, Y Kant Tori Reed, was also never officially released. Thus is just what companies do to creatives. They try to own your soul.

National Black Justice Coalition

What the fuck do gender pronouns have to do with justice?

Why work for these pedophile executives with a long institutional history of screwing creatives over? It's like making a deal with the devil.

That's all you have is a twitter post.

man, CN is STILL butthurt that they don't own Ed, Edd, and Eddy, aren't they?

you clearly dont know a thing about politics anon, thats a massive point in current politics.

Should have brought Genndy, Craig and their other CN veterans from 30-20 years ago to do new shorts instead of these no talent CalArt millennials.
This was a mistake and also false advertising

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You're mad that you have a small penis aren't you

Too bad this happened. These all look great.

Everything of value of was lost. We need new cartoons!

The shorts could be amazing and it wouldn't matter. Warner has decided to double down on existing IPs instead of daring to make anything new. It's a sad state of affairs.

They're old though. We need new cartoons by new people.

They forget that all their most famous properties started off as originals. Everything does. Without originals, you can only regurgitate the past.

Honestly half of these have the same problems as the ones in OP's pic. So many of these have no fucking series potential whatsoever
The only difference is that in the mid-90s they were all ripping off Hanna Barbera or Ren and Stimpy, whereas today they're all ripping off anime and whatever other softboy crap millenial creators like.

too wordy

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This, Or try branching out to other countries like Japan or Eastern Europe.

They let Pen make a new 20 minute pilot because he's Pen, I guess.

So many of these have great series potential

Rangeban all blatant political baiters for a month. Both sides. Please, I would like to have a real conversation.

No, kill yourself

Would love to see all of these cause they look great.

So much appeal to a lot of these shorts, so it's shame those incompetent execs are shelving them.

When they/them invent neopronouns like xe/xim and ze/zir it always sounds ridiculous, like an alien language.

We need new cartoons!

all 3 of us? dunno about the other guys but mines definitely average as fuck

Anon theres nothing interesting on TV these days aside from Smiling Friends. I see why they're removing this shit on masse because no one is gonna watch it and people praising it on Twitter/Bluesky won't do shit, didn't do shit for Owl House and it won't do shit now.

Its over. Either the industry has to change and support actual cartoonists or they'll go bankrupt pandering to these losers who can't even make eye contact with a store clerk.

No amount of gaslighting will change it.

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Too much potential to be wasted like this. Shame on CN.

I'd want all of these to be a series.

why do you keep samefaggin bro

Because they gotta gaslight themselves and everyone. They know nobody cares for their shows anymore so they gotta play make believe.

Its the funniest shit.

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It was a collected/brand name for anything that original going on at CN at the time in the 90s and early 00s

Those all look awful. Cartoons seem to be stuck in a thing where nobody's gotten the message that it's not the mid-2010s anymore.

Accordions Geoffrey

Looks unique enough but idk if it'll sustain a full pilot. Maybe little shorts between shows on Boomerang or smth.

Dang it's Dracula

Leaked clip of this looks nice but that concept art in the pic isn't really a good first impression, it looks a bit boring there. Could go both ways.

Hungy Ghost

Booooring. Animatic for this one leaked a while back and it was the most middle of the road thing ever. To me, boring is worse than being merely good or bad.


Cute. I've seen the creator's other work and it's impressive but a long form animation done entirely with yarn and felt sounds like a fool's errand.

Mouthwash Madness

Meh. Designs are cute but that's all it has going for it for now.

Scaredy Cat

I wrote this one off the first time I saw it thanks to the concept art looking fugly as sin and not in JJ's usual good way. After JJ posted a clip on his instagram I was all on board, looks like it could be a ton of spooky fun.

Fruit Stand


Off the Menu

That's more like it. Feels like it could only really hold its own for a pilot & not so much a series but it'd at least be a great pilot, that artstyle rocks.

Well, all those cartoons looked like ass anyways.

you're laughing. western cartoons are dead and you're laughing.

Animatic for this one leaked a while back

I missed the leak, checked the archive and the links are dead. sad.

They were warned for years that pandering to these guys wouldn't work for the long run and now look. Hundreds of dogshit cartoons that Twitter/Bluesky mfs pretend to care about are getting axed out of existence.

The All-nimal

Looking forward to this one, at least aesthetically. Nick Edwards' work is a mixed bag for me, everything he's made looks VERY distinct but with super hit or miss writing like his Uncle Grandpa episodes.

Buttons' Gamezone

My personal most wanted. We've been overdue for a good dumb looking grossout cartoon for a while & Buttons looks just diseased enough to be perfect for that. I only wish they kept the joystick nipple.

Tib Tub

Yawn. Animatic for this leaked and it was much like Hungy Ghost in that it was the most humdrum autopilot cartoon I've ever seen.


It's been a decade. Can we invent a new style that's not this?

Pig in a Wig

Was looking forward to this one til I saw some leaked model sheets & now I'm just wondering where the hell it went wrong in development. All that charm you could barely make out in the concept art just went out the window.

Good Boy Report

I like the comics this is based on so I feel like I'll enjoy the animated version. Heard it'll be little 2 minute shorts instead of a pilot so that's a good approach to take, now we just need to see them stick the landing.

Maude Macher

Kali's work has always looked good & I like her music so I'm excited to see it fully animated. Could be a fun little musical time I guess.

Harmony in Despair

This could either be charming or the most obnoxious Spongebob wannabe happy character in the universe. No idea which way it'll turn.

Wayback Machine may have caught them. I know the ones from the first thread they leaked in were saved so you can find them there.

The only way those creators learn to create things that aren't shit are to be given the opportunity to be told their work is shit. Warner once again burying prospective animated releases because of ego/greed is going to continue stifling creativity in an industry that desperately, desperately needs it.


Cartoon Network.


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They were, nice. Thanks

Most of them got off on laughing at me after rejecting my contributions, why should I care? When my life was falling apart as a teenager after seeking to raise the level of animation and discover how to make work that actually entertains, all I got was hostility and things like demands to make a long cartoon. I got that for many years after too as animation folk preferred to be manchildren stuck in their mistakes.

Where’s the proof of your interactions & contributions to their work?

kitty bobo status?

labels sometime sign bands they think will compete with a band they want to push. They then just take the IP and squat on it so the band dies.

please tell us your great original idea.

What idea do you have Anthony?

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this entire thing is actually about me

Main character syndrome must be suffering

The entire point of these kinds of programs is to encourage new talent.

The vets saw this whole program getting screwed from across the lane and didn't bother.
This too. New blood needs more chances.

Only because someone "accidentally" let it go live before they could shut it down.

so we lost toddler shows? oh no lost media fags are in shambles

Well that was back when they had the old Hanna Barbera studio and they also kinda mentored under veterans and honed their ability while on the job. Nowadays it's just executives looking for the newest thing they want to be a hit.

encouraging new talent by only hiring millennial writers larping as artists.

Have we gotten any proximation of when the ones that did make it will drop?


No, you're right, the way to encourage new talent is by only hiring guys in their 50s and 60s who passed their prime 20 years ago. That's sure to end the drought of endless rehashes and remakes and inspire new intellectual properties and new creative teams.

Oh no, it’s been great having a healthy and highly developed sense of identity instead of going into the industry and disintegrating into yet another instance of a stock personality like LGBTQ Ally Socialist, lowcaps Anon Babble-adjacent queer, or crew member of a slightly wacky show whose creator complains it’s not as popular as SpongeBob.
I post my work on WOYA and the webcomic thread.

Yep. And have them train the next generation of artists. Glad to see we're finally eye to eye Anon.

Seems a lot of you don't know the meaning of 'biting the hand that feeds you' or 'cutting off your nose to spite your face'

The "artists" in LA could learn this phrase.

At this point my mind/soul is perfectly calibrated to living off of shit expelled from the souls of others, like a dog. Too powerful to be a concern for me

Or a dung beetle, like in a great dril tweet. Love laughing at his jokes at work & he made a painting with my best friend

You sound like the most insufferble type of person. Not surprised they laughed at you.

Damn, it's weird to think kids up here don't know about it
I mean it was almost 30 years ago yeah but it's how majority of CN's biggest shows back in the 90s/early 2000s even started

threatened by Warner Bros

Bullshit, why on earth would WB give a shit if these projects aired elsewhere as long as WB got a cut.

Ah yes a Catholic, that’s correct. I actually believe in the value of suffering, which motivates a lot of people to avoid my form of creativity because they prefer to be manchildren consuming unchallenging slop.

Same reason Nickelodeon hoards pitch ideas they will never use.

cannot beat the "main character syndrome" allegations

And what reason is that ?

Am I supposed to be jumping through hoops to please your eyes? No, just feel like you’ve won and get the therapy and sense of dominance for you/your connections masturbating.

Eliminate the seeds of competition.

Prevent competition.

How many potential showrunners decided to to be indie after seeing this?

"Hey since yknow billions of people are watching videoes on the internet you think it would be smart to bridge the industry into the global network of internet artists and creator driven projects?"

"Oh fuck everyone not collecting a check in Burbank? Okay then"

Network media deserved to die and that rats need to go down with the ship.

They already tried that in like 2007 or so with Cartoonstitute. Initially, it was going to be in the same vein, Paul Rudish's short Three Dog Band was one of the very few that got some sort of release. When the new guard at CN went back on the program, that was the straw that broke the camel's back. McCracken and Tartakovsky both left in 2009. Rudish would later go on to do head the much beloved Mickey Mouse shorts a few years later.

They all came out in some way, the creators slowly uploaded them to YouTube in the years following the cancellation. And CN eventually wound up dumping the Cartoonstitute shorts online in 2017 via their On Demand service, minus Joey to the World. That's the only short so far that just hasn't been seen above potato quality.

Adventure Time.

Frederator produced the Adventure Time pilot, not Nick.

Pendleton Ward pitched Adventure Time to Nickelodeon first. When they rejected it, he went to CN. Watching how wildly successful it became made them livid, so they set a policy in place dictating that they would own the rights to all IPs pitched to them, whether they intend to produce them into shows or not. If you won't succeed with them, you're not allowed to succeed anywhere else.

It's a shitty policy, and AT ultimately never posed a threat to the multimedia juggernaut that is SpongeBob. I guess Warner Bros. is following suit with the corporate pettiness.

He pitched it to Nick, but they didn't make the pilot. Why would they pay for the rights of a show they had no intention of making? That sounds like nonsense, and Frederator/Pen would never have agreed to that. It's different when you've paid to produce a pilot internally already, and then deciding not to sell it just in case.

Even in the interview, Villard doesn't say he got "threatened" by WB, he just says he pissed them off by pitching his short to Nick without involving them. CNS actually wanted to make a few of these shorts into shows for other networks (the creator of Dang It's Dracula mentioned this awhile back), with the caveat that CNS remains the production company and WB keeps the IP. Obviously, no one bit

So they wanted a similar situation to Right Now Kapow, where Warner Bros makes a show that airs on a Disney network?

Yep, exactly

has CN actually said they won't be releasing these or are people just assuming based on them being silent about it for awhile? because CN has a lot of finished material they're sitting on that they still plan on putting out eventually


They probably will eventually, I imagine the strategies they had got fucked up with the merger

The show that made Nick have a stronghold over IPs was actually Doug. Nick used to be very lenient, letting the creators keep their show if less than 65 episodes were produced. Doug only reached 52 from Nick, so the creators went to Disney to get more episodes made. After that, they became hard-asses to ensure that never happened again, that creators would no longer own even failed pilots.

That's the only short so far that just hasn't been seen above potato quality.

Which sucks because that was the best looking one. I love Craig Kellman.

Also the John K drama convinced Nick to open their own animation studio and sharing the rights instead of buying only from third parties (Spumco, Jumbo, Klasky-Csupo, Joe Murray Productions, Frederator)

he doesn't know