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Arcane: Crazy edition
Sex with prostitute Powder
What was Sevika doing during episode 6?
Probably masturbating whilst being unimportant.
The more parallels I'm seeing of Isha with Powder (even using 3 crystals for the bomb) the more appreciative I'm getting on her role in the story.
Might just be cope but I think I'm okay with it if it means I can enjoy the story. Episode 5 is proof the writers can still be trusted to end the story well.
Post Vanderwick
swimming in the harbor
on that note, does anyone have a high quality screen of Jinx in the enforcers outfit?
Forgot pic
coming in new thread
it's another fujo gay faggot moderator
I'm tired, it was good weekend goys, hope you burn in hell for eternal
baby-making activities with viktor
Isha was part of the group hug because it's 'Powder' hugging Vander along with 'Jinx'
Did she even try
She did say she wasn’t ready to be a mom, looks like learning to cut hair took a backseat in priorities.
She wasn't kidding when she said she'd be a horrible mother.
Was he right?
riot has had lightning in a bottle with arcane's hype for 2 seasons now. if they fuck it up by continuing to neglect league and making 0 progress on the mmo, im gonna be sad
Bravo, Riot.
Ekko is so lucky to have Jinx as his wife.
Absolutely not. Almost all sorts of evil committed comes from a place of genuine care. The exceptions would be stuff done for individual greed.
Writing an alternate script in which Zaun vs Piltover was still the A plot and this werewolf dad trash was strangled in the crib.
Season 1 Ending
Jinx's attack on Piltover is seen as EVIL and horrific
Season 2
Jinx is largely seen in Zaun as a hero for her act of bombing Piltover's council
Noxian black woman born with super special power that the black rose wants to control by any means
Truly the writers are breaking new ground here
If I can't cry like a bitch to works of art that move me, I don't see the point of being alive
>Jinx's attack on Piltover is seen as EVIL and horrific
For Pilties. Zaunites would've been seen cheering even in S1.
Riot Games, LoL and Arcane just can't stop winning.
tfw Isha jumped and the animation style switched
I had one of those involuntary "you are about to start crying" inhalations the second it switched to the montage from her perspective.
This show needed way better music tracks.
Will he finally go full Machine Herald in act 3?
Was he right?
Vander isn't off the hook either. Guy was running a protection racket and owned a bar, but he couldn't afford to send his kids to a half decent stylist? Even in prison there's always someone who'll give you a good fade for some cigs
It would help if they didn’t upload the wrong song into the final production:
what this anon said, and also the major change to Jinx's image comes after she gets back at Caitlyn for flooding Zaun with poison gas
okay but what about when pic related is happening and they're all
He turned into Ted Kaczynski.
my beloved twitch watching everyone from his embryonic tank
Absolute kino cameo
Isha will not be Twitch
Silco looks like Vander's twink boyfriend.
Riot's CEO just posted this
Remind me which scene that plays in, anon. My memory is hazy.
Also fuck Signalis.
Fucking kek. Can they do anything right this season?
More like Twas.
Dissappointed with Viktor arc in s2, should have just let him die in the council attack.
Can they do anything right this season?
Heimer blowing bubbles out of his turret for the zaunbabs.
I was referencing the boys night out. It was a bad joke.
Also fuck your whole ass.
No thanks, Jayce. I'm not Viktor.
Here lies HeimerDonger
He blew and died.
the tone of this fucking faggot is so snide it's enraging
they were comrades
she's a mass murderer, an arsonist! a monster!!
They had too much story for two seasons then. The script needed at least five more rounds of edits
Will he finally go full Machine Herald in act 3?
I hope so
of course he will. he's dead and the doctor was "right", evolution is the only way.
Jayce killed what was human left in him. When Viktor re-alives again at Singed's hands he'll be heartless, cold, unfeeling machine being out to mechanize all of humanity cause they're weaklings, just like lore Machine Herald
She got great head game though.
The pacing of this season feels so fast despite it being all over the place.
They probably could’ve easily done a 3rd season with all the stuff they’re squeezing into this one.
Yes, embrace the machine
is God's greatest joke that Ahri mains funded the entirety of Arcane's production and yet Ahri doesn't appear even once
Have they updated the other bios..?
Jayce killed what was left of the human in him
tfw will never see cute cultist Viktor ever again :(
When Viktor re-alives again at Singed's hands he'll be heartless, cold, unfeeling machine being out to mechanize all of humanity cause they're weaklings, just like lore Machine Herald
i hope Singed remembers to give Viktor a butthole at least
Apparently, these are Viktor's lines from Act 3. Is this supposed to be au/future Viktor asking Jayce to kill main timeline/present Viktor?
I feel like these confirm the leaks, bc this seems like a convo they'd have in the astral space or whatever before disappearing.
In jayce's case yes, it was love that was ultimately at the root of his post-breakup rage
According to the leak au Jayce died in the explosion
they will finally get a honeymoon.....
I bring you Act 3 Spoilers.
Felicia fucked all three to get them on the hook
She's a smart cookie
so after deckard died heroically fighting for silco's cause, he just let singed take his corpse to cut off his head and desecrate it as he pleases?
Pretty sure this scene will more likely be Viktor talking to Jayce in the future AU he was sent to.
Probably found the world fucked up and Viktor realizing he fucked it up, with them coming up with the idea to send him back in time and to kill the past Viktor to prevent it.
The "You should go, Jayce" is them deciding who should go back to try and stop this future.
again,what I read here was
we have budget for five seasons yeah, but we're not wasting any more cent on this show that has champions we don't care about. These writers have to finish their shit now so we can use the budget of the remaining three seasons on CHAMPIONS WE ACTUALLY CARE AND WANT TO PROMOTE
"wo... yi wei" implies being wrong/mistaken
about being able to end suffering. like he was being naive about it (ie perpetual suffering is the human condition)
Deckard was a bitch and died like a bitch.
That is Viktor.
Silco was the groomer the undercity needed...
Looks like it tracks with the translation in the picture, then.
Deckard was a punk (derogatory), whose hot-hotheadedness was detrimental to the cause. He was of more use dead than alive.
so after deckard died heroically fighting for silco's cause
Deckard didn't give a shit about Zaun. He was at best a hired goon.
I think so. He said "...after solving every problem" but present! Viktor didn't get to complete his work, so that Viktor must be from an AU where the arcane destroyed everything or the future where, again, the arcane consumed and destroyed everything. It'd explain why Jayce was losing it and kept saying "I won't fail. I swear it."
Watch it be about shit gay ionia.
Jokes aside, Silco looks straight at Vander before turning to her when Felicia mentions she's knocked up so there's atleast a hint of something.
Or Future Viktor is in Jayce's mind with him.
yea the translation is correct throughout, there's just nuances in the Chinese that aren't directly translated, like "yi wei" implies erroneously
If I were translating it I'd say " I was mistaken thinking that I could....."
if he was we would've seen him already. or maybe he's shy lol but it would be kinda cute...
bro was on a mission fo shore
Why did leblanc call mel sister in episode 5?
wtf happened to that hammer?
Oooh so this is a post glorious evolution speech about jayce's actions making viktor realize human emotions being the root of suffering. It checks the fuck out with his game lore
all jayce did since he came back was for love for viktor, even if it wasn't his viktor
it's already canon. i can feel it
Vi has Ambessa knocked out and alone.
Just leaves her there.
Why not kill the bitch? Did she read the script?
If this is actually true then there's no excuses for S2 being this trainwreck in terms of content, they just fucked up hard for some reason
The song playing during that moment is called "Vow" which further confirms this theory.
My guess is that future Viktor made Jayce promise him that he would destroy the hexcore this time even if it meant killing him.
yeah, that's my take. he's telling Jayce humanity is weak and he should leave him be, cause he's about the SkyNet every living creature he can with his newfound powers.
on a quest to gloriously evolve all creatures into a mechanized form devoid of suffering or weakness
The weirdest part of season 2 is how aimless Jynx is. She has no goals or motives, she's just been carried by the flow of the plot to wherever.
This image of her in the season 1 finale reminds me of the final shot of House of the Dragon season 1. Unfulfilled promise.
about to*
When Viktor re-alives again at Singed's hands
I hope he revives but not at Singed's hands, dude is the creator of freaking everything, it starts to get old after a while
No, he's saying "I mistakenly thought I could put an end to the suffering in this world". He's admitting he was wrong the whole time.
silco's little jacket hung up inside vander's huge jacket
It honestly does feel really similar.
Season 1 of HotD ends with Rhaenyra fucking pissed looking ready to start the war.
Actually she wants peace and drags her feet doing fuck all throughout season 2.
Season 1 of Arcane ends with Jinx going completely off the deep end and launching a massive terrorist attack, setting her up to be the new antagonist of Season 2.
Actually she's more sane than ever since the time skip, everyone loves her for some reason, and she's a good guy now.
Jinx smelling Vander's jacket
What the fuck Silco bros... in all the fan fiction I read Jinx is obsessed with Silco's jacket after he dies, not Vander's.
CaitVi don't deserve a happy ending, their plan was retarded
between the two of these idiots, they couldn't figure out to kill either Singed or Ambessa both who were incapacitated easily. tf you think they're gonna do when they come to their senses after being betrayed, just go home peacefully?
Damn that means goodbye Sky. The closest thing he has to a gf now is his hand. HE'S JUST LIKE ME!
The weirdest part for me is that she was actually given a reason to act, finally got into it, and just when it looked like she was actually going to have some agency the writers ditched that arc and sent her off somewhere else completely.
Warwick is the best part about this series and he's the only reason I've been watching up to this point.
Whatever finally gets him to his glorious evolution.
honestly I wouldn't be surprised if this was another case of animators putting in something the writers didn't intend
like trans gwen in spider-verse
The first time I watched it I thought it was Silco she was sniffing and thought it was cute. On the rewatch, none of that scene made sense. Why would she think Silco would accept an apology from Vander about the drowning if it wasn't attached to an admission that Silco was right? Silco made it very clear that Vander's true betrayal wasn't the drowning, it was rolling over for the pilties and giving up on Zaun.
A more nuanced translation would be
I once mistakenly believed I could bring an end to all the suffering in this world. Yet, after solving every problem, what greeted me ahead was nothing but a vast, fog-shrouded loneliness. It was only you who could help me truly see this for what it was.
Everyone conveniently forgets the about the Dancing Noxians.
Hexcores can’t melt steel beams, it was an inside job.
There is literally nothing wrong with this. I want stories about all the champs not just this small circle that exist in this one region.
Yeah, I also thought it was Silco's jacket she was smelling, but it doesn't matter, because at the moment they're focusing on Vander so it makes sense to have her miss him and not Silco (who she spent other moments this season missing). And for the letter, I also don't get it, but maybe the implication was that Vander wanted to meet with Silco to both apologize for attacking him and also coordinate some kind of plan to get independence for Zaun while minimizing casualties and keeping the girls safe. I don't know, that's all I can think of.
does anyone have the an upload of act 1? i'm a bit late to the party
Why would she think Silco would accept an apology from Vander
Because she was projecting hard. It wasn't deliberate, but in that moment she was telling Vi that they can forgive each other and go back to being sisters again, just like old times
"I once believed" also implies a mistake. It means he doesn't believe that any longer, and people don't knowingly change from beliefs they consider correct to ones they consider wrong.
Holy shit how did I not notice the hairstyle.
ok so this has to be Future Viktor, right?
He's admitting he was wrong the whole time.
and that the doctor was right, that evolving beyond death and suffering should be his goal, which is the Machine Herald's take on humanity, that they're weak because of the human condition of suffering.
the other way I could read it is, suffering is necessary part of the human condition, trying to snuff it out is silly.
but that doesn't explain the part about "Jayce you should leave (me be)" as if Jayce was trying to intervene in GE Viktor's new plan and GE Viktor tells him you shouldn't try to stop me cause you showed me that being soft and a hippie isn't the way
Have we seen this scene from the trailer yet?
How many times has Jayce fucked everything up for everyone?
It's probably not double digits, but I think it's 2-3 times at least and that seems like a lot for one dude.
Also Ambressa is a lot less interesting than Silco. I'm surprised she got a character in the game.
He barely even looks human if this is what it's gonna look like in Act 3
It's basically Vi's perspective of what happened in season 1 act 1.
Vander tried to kill Silco for fucking up and getting their friends killed. After some time apart Vander reflected and realized that it was also on him for leading people into it.
Jinx thought that if Silco saw the apology early enough aka before he became a hardened criminal that Vander and him could have buried the hatchet.
It was only years after becoming a father that Vander lost his edge and Silco became edgier. By the time of the show they were both past the point of no return. Vander wanted to maintain peace so the kids could grow up "safe" and Silco wanted to finally gain freedom at seemingly any cost
Good. If they so much as insinuate that Warwick might be gay I'm going to Riot™.
Warwick was a mistake. That shit derailed two good plotlines into the garbage.
If Riot is consistent, we'll probably get some sort of leak for Viktor's VGU on Tuesday when dataminers hit the new patch
Jinx is seen as a hero for gassing Piltover in s1e3, not for blowing up the council. I doubt anyone in Zaun cared too much about the council apart from being pissed about increased enforcer activity (and increased gang activity due to Silco's death), but blowing up the Janna statue to flood the air in Piltover with the same shit the people of the undercity were forced to breathe all their lives was a huge symbolic act.
Oh nevermind I just found it in Episode 2
Read the rest of the sentence Also, he's not saying "Jayce you should leave (me be)", he's saying "You should leave, Jayce" which is why I think this is future viktor talking and not our viktor.
unfortunately they've already foreshadowed Singed reviving VIktor with WW's blood in ep6 during their science bro evolution vs fate chit-chat
Singed tells Viktor straight up that he can infuse WW's blood into Viktor to make him Wolverine and not lose energy when he works his sorcery and hippie Viktor refuses to sacrifice Vanderwick to gain this power.
Singed then threatens Viktor before he walks out of the commune. Once Viktor is dead, he won't be able to refuse SInged's offer cause well he's dead
After some time apart Vander reflected and realized that it was also on him for leading people into it.
That's the thing though, Silco wouldn't accept this. The idea that the bridge attack was wrong and they should try to live in peace with Piltover is exactly the thing that Silco considered a betrayal, not the drowning.
People think Ekko will convince Jinx to help fight through a heartfelt speech about family, loss and hope
He will actually convince Jinx by telling her about the good word of Our Lady Janna.
Jinx cries as she accepts the word of Zaun's savior
Cait and Vi break up and both become housewives to Broadchested, honest men
Jinx becomes a nun at the end
Let's see
Made a scientific marvel with his best friend that led him to getting his own mentor thrown out so he could advance it
Neglected his friend for his duties and Mel leading to the Hextech Core growing unstable from further experimentation
After the rocket, break the promise he had with his friend and try to play God to bring him back to life
When his learn "Oh no we fucked up", sticks a runestone into his wrist and upon finally being given an exit from the arcane suddenly 180 on everything and decide to destroy it all regardless of consequence
Killed his best friend in his most vulnerable moment in a fit of madness which not only did not magically fix the issue but in fact made everything worse
Jayce has arguably caused more problems than fucking Jinx at this point
He's supposed to be mostly machine. The show Viktor is an entirely new character who just has the same name, they share nothing else in common beyond being scientists.
the leaks are true and jinx dies in a stupid 'redeemed in death' moment
more problems than fucking Jinx at this point
Jinx is a good girl. She just didn't know that, after decades of abuse, Piltover picked the exact moment of her attack to decide not to be dicks.
nta but you're ascribing a lot of future tired vander to past revolutionary vander when really their falling out was just where their paths split. If they had reconciled soon after they probably wouldve still been in agreement over most things but with so much time their trajectories took them too far apart.
the Chinese here is "ni (ying) gai zou le, Jayce"
which means "you should leave" as in leave this place or leave me
but "le" implies past tense, like it's something you should've done already, a completed task, as in "why are you still here, you should've left already"
At first I thought that was a weird ending, no epilogue and shit, but then I understood it’s kinda dumb to make an epilogue when most characters are dead anyway. Very curious to see how they justify Arcane in LOL, probably will say it’s just one of the many AUs of the multiverse, hence Arcane canon and LOL canon are technically compatible.
Don't forget
Buying illegal materials from a questionable source
Conducting hazardous research in a domestic area
Commiting criminal acts to continue criminal research
He's literally a mad scientist
Watch episode 4
Finish episode 6 I'm sad now
The act 3 Amex premier is tomorrow yes?
yeah this is the take. i'll stick with the chinaman sorry jayce apolagists
If jinx dies, I'll just accept that the arcane ending is not canon and the actual league canon is an AU where all the champions are alive.
You can't have two canon universes. The whole point of a canon is that there's one unique timeline where every single event of the story aligns to. If you have two different universes, then only one is the main canon one and the other is just another AU.
I thought it was in 4 days time?
AU shit plot might be true
kill me
isn't it on friday?
I dunno, they posted this schedule before Arcane started on Twitter, then deleted it cause I guess they didn't want it spoiling anything.
The first part mentioned the Legendary Jayce and the date it was added to the PBE, which was later than usual, so Viktor's rework will probably do the same thing and only come to PBE on the 26th when the season's over.
less than one week and then it will all be over
i'm not ready bros
Some shit already won’t make sense. Caitlyn will be missing an eye in canon but somehow her base skin has both? Not to speak of Jayce’s corruption thingy. Also I genuinely wonder wtf will happen if they kill off Jinx. Make some wannabe Jinxer canon Jinx?
That’s the LA fan premiere, the Amex thing is different. Some anon claimed to be going.
I'm unfamiliar with that example, I'll take your word for it.
But ya, once people are reading your writing, or watching your show, they're going to read what is on the page, not what you had in your head, or what they conjecture you had in your head.
From the writer's perspective, that simply means: if you want the audience to get something specific out of your work, you'd better make sure that thing is actually there. And if you write something ambiguous, you'd better be okay with people exploring all of the possibilities, even ones that you'd never considered.
This goes doubly for animation, where a single glance or expression can completely change the meaning of a scene. We know the writers never intended for Jayce and Viktor to have that sort of chemistry, nor for Silco and Vander to give off bitter exes vibes. But the animation department knew what they were doing, and put in enough signals for people to pick up on. Thanks to them, gay readings of their relationships have textual support, and it's silly to get mad at people that pick up on that.
In the Silco/Felicia/Vander case, I'm mostly joking when I say they're a throuple. But I'm also kind of not. Vander was looking at Felicia like he wanted to eat her up. Silco wasn't looking much at her until she got to the bar, but when he did look it was with such softness. One could interpret this all as Vander and Silco having unrequited crushes on her at varying levels of intensity. Or maybe they're just really good friends. Maybe they've all fucked at one point. Maybe they're still actively fucking. Who can say? All we have is what's on screen, and the animators ensured their work could support several interpretations.
zaunites don't know they were seconds away from peace before jinx fucked it up, for all they care she was just lashing out at a tyrannical government that's been oppressing them
This. Some anons would just believe anything these "leakers" say here
Rito tries to fix and streamline their lore with $250 million tv show
Makes it worse instead
jinx will die but powder will live
Whatever. LoL lore and story and characters were always a mess. Consider us lucky we got Arcane S1. I'm more interested in what they're cooking with a Valorant movie. Unlike LoL, they've been carefully and precisely building the universe of that game since the beginning. So maybe it won't be as messy.
Oh, so you're one of the pre-bridge drowning camp? I haven't seen anyone put that idea forward in a long time, it makes some things simpler but but it also makes a lot more things a lot more complicated. I just don't see anything that could have driven Vander to drowning Silco short of a major loss for the revolution, like Felicia being killed in the bridge.
Jinx's attack on Piltover is seen as EVIL and horrific
Only by filthy pilties who don't know what it's like to work 16 hours in the mines and still be forced to watch their children go hungry
That's because the leaks are fake as shit. No mention of Mel despite her heavy involvement into Act 3
No mention of Warwick being in the cocoon
No mention of Jinx's blimp and her reconciliation with Ekko noted by him having her signature graffiti on his clothes in the official trailer
Leak even mentioned arcane zombies when it's really shimmer fucking zombie Singed created for Ambessa. The recent preview trailer blows the shit out of that crappy leak.
So why did Vander start melting once Viktor died?
Oh, so you're one of the pre-bridge drowning camp?
NTA but Vander's apology letter says he lost his head after Felicia died on the bridge. Then there's the flashback that has eye-intact Silco throwing a molotov on the bridge, and later seeing Felicia and her husband's dead body.
Pre-bridge drowning truthers have no leg to stand on anymore.
But ya, once people are reading your writing, or watching your show, they're going to read what is on the page, not what you had in your head, or what they conjecture you had in your head.
It's even more complicated here because the script alone isn't the show, and Fortiche takes quite a lot of creative liberties in their animation, see . That's how we end up with shit like Jinx clearly being horny for Silco in the show while the writers deny it every way they can.
all the people that he healed died, he was infected with viktor aids
Oh yeah I guess so, if you count the mental stuff
it was singed you fucking retard
Oh, I should have remembered that the letter mentioned Felicia's death. When is the molotov in the flashback? I must have missed that.
Remember when Faker made his first appearance and proceeds to Faker all over Arcane? That was a good Arcane season 2 episode!
The absolute state
Animators love Jinx ryona
Wtriters love torturing Jinx by killing her loved ones
Poor gal can't catch a break
Yeah it won't be messy, it'll just be bad.
here's your $250 skin for a dead character
I'm still alive though.
episode 5, from 17:10 to 17:20
they gotta make up for giving away version 1 for free somehow
Feels like each act should've been 4 episodes. They're trying to pack in much more stuff into each episode than S1 ever had to
Oh, so you're one of the pre-bridge drowning camp?
no? i think vander attacked silco after the bridge. But the vander who attacked silco wasn't all like
teehee i like enforcers now
the second the bridge riot failed. He wasn't suddenly ideologically opposed to silco, he probably still believed in "the cause" but they fucked around in a bad way that got people killed. They asked people to show up with oil and then those people lit themselves on fire.
This season is reminding me of the final season of game of thrones on how bad it is.
Why not? This episode was mostly with Vander at the centre with Vi, Jinx and Silco in the orbit. He's her dad too. The theme of the entire episode was bittersweet over what could've been.
And I say this as someone who did not like Vander at all.
This. Shooting the council was based. I think you have to be retarded to think those people were innocent, seems like the writers really did have both sides-ism brain
The weirdest part of season 2 is how aimless Jynx is. She has no goals or motives, she's just been carried by the flow of the plot to wherever.
So basically how Jinx has always been. Driven by her emotions, psychotic delusions, and split-second decisions. The most she ever planned ahead for was making her rocket launcher for Silco.
Why didn't Viktor defend himself?
Yeah, ultimately they were brothers. THere's a very real chance Silco would've chosen to reconcile. Just like Vi and Jinx are struggling with it. It's basically a caution to Vi and Jinx to not let the same thing happen to them.
The second the bridge riot failed, Vander was against direct action and thus ideologically opposed to Silco. Being against violence with Piltover is exactly the same as being against freedom for Zaun.
He didn't think Jayce would actually do it. He trusted that Jayce would be too "good" to pull the trigger there and would instead talk.
Oh, it's like two frames, no wonder I missed it. Thanks.
uhm...cheesed to meet you??
Why is every lesbian relationship on this show so shallow and toxic? The way the original two "got together" was frankly not good, but in season two every possible cliche is on display and I can't help but wonder if this is being done on purpose, but can't figure out why. I know that the time frames depicted up to now are far longer than in previous seasons, but for fucks sake.
Why can't western shows show a well develop, healthy, long term lesbian relationship just being a part of the world, is that too much to ask?
Rest of the show is great, but this really bothered me.
Warwick was fine but too soon. Or really everything else was too late because everyone spent Act 1 jerking off and going nowhere.
Main stuff we haven't seen from the trailers are AU Ekko from pic related and all the stuff that seems to be happening during the Noxus invasion.
Still thinking that they're hiding something BIG. Like, an episode of AU stuff could make sense, but probably split between mostly AU and partly catching up where Act 2 left off.
But then we only have one big action setpiece in the trailers, which may actually be Episode 8, not Episode 9. Perhaps we haven't seen ANYTHING from 9 and there's some huge twist hidden because of it.
KEK talk about not giving a fk anymore. how do you fuck that up when the leaks had the final cut seemingly
add ep 4 intro montage to the list of bullshit they changed for the worse, not just the song but wtf is this times new roman bullshit here?
I think we're up to like 6 edits at least
Silco isn't even for direct action anymore either. He spends the rest of his life amassing power through more bureaucratic means or flying under the radar of enforcer action, whether that's through keeping his empire and business mostly in zaun or by having the sheriff in his pocket. He doesn't ever again lead an army or a band of zaunaites against piltover. He tells vander that shimmer doesn't need to beat piltover, just scare them into leaving them alone but even then he never goes head to head with them using it. He's upset when jinx actual does a direct attack on topside, killing enforcers, but softens to it when she shows him what she plundered cause of it.
Silco would have likely agreed with vander, had they ever talked or reconciled, that the bridge was to brash, to bullish, for no tangible benefit or reason.
It's just displaying realistic lesbians, don't worry about it.
nah, look at the songs again, ep 9 is 100% final battle with 3 songs, Ambessa's, Come Play team up and epilogue, where Caitlyn gets her peepers skewered.
ep8 is prob the GE Viktor v Jayce battle with CaitVi and depressed Jinx in the first 1/2
Maybe ep7 is the AU stuff, ep8 is when the sex happens, and 9 is the battle + epilogue.
Yep. And this is a radicalised Silco after years of cutting contact with Vander btw. Things could've definitely been completely different had Silco and Vander managed to reconcile.
You guys keep forgetting that this show is made for women
It’s making me want to rewatch S1 just to make sure I’m not crazy for liking this show.
If I was trying to introduce secondaries to Arcane at this point in time I’d be kinda embarrassed.
this "warwick" imitation is the worst part of this season and it is so bad that it also made season 1 worse.
We are slowly recovering from ‘bury your gays,’ and ‘make your gays miserable’ is a pitstop to lesbian nirvana.
Warwick was great right up until 5 minutes after he was introduced when he suddenly "sees the light" when he confronts Jinx. Fastest character nosedive of all
Blood sniffer. The nose knows.
It's part of the path to his glorious evolution. Shedding the last part of his human self will make him even stronger
cause he's a tree-hugger at this point and basically can't anyway, he thinks violence can be avoided by lofty ideals like no weapons allowed
whelp, wrong buddy. hammer time mfkr
I still have hope act 3 finishes his transformation to full wolfman.
Why can't western shows show a well develop, healthy, long term lesbian relationship just being a part of the world, is that too much to ask?
So you don't want drama in your drama series?
got distracted by the sexo beard
The two alternate universes are a cute little way to explain the lore in a multiplayer pvp game, but I can't imagine anything but a corny Marvelslop tier narrative built off it. Only thing I can see interesting is whatever's going on with Omen
Ep 7 definetly has to cold open with what happened to Ekko, Heim and Jayce.
This would give viewers the context on why the fuck Jayce went Postal and start setting Ekko and Jinx's reunion
The damage is already done. What's the point? He already ruined Jinx's story, sending her back to the state she was in during Season 1—confused about who or what she is. Him remembering that he's Vander not only made Vander's death less impactful but also undermined Silco's. In Season 1, Vander's death started the whole Powder/Jinx arc, while Silco's death brought closure to that storyline. Now we have to rehash all of this again. It's almost like the writers were more focused on pandering to x normies instead of crafting a good story
Its amazing how so many great series all end up having a horrible “final season”
It definitely will, this seems to be how they like doing stories. Right after some big cliffhanger or story event, they do a flashback or complete changeup of the scene
yea I knocked Felicia up. Twice. And what, Silco?
Fk you, she was mine. I'm gonna go riot on the bridge. And I'm taking Felicia with me.
Oh I wish a nigga would
It all makes sense now brother
Maybe, but it feels like that doesn't lead to an ending that makes sense as THE END for this series.
I'm thinking
Ep 7 - AU stuff and fallout from the Isha nuke as people prepare for the big invasion, with the major action set-piece being AU Jayce's backstory
Ep 8 - War prep and the big invasion happening as the big set piece, with Jinx coming in and everything, ending with something going horribly wrong with the Wild Rune
Ep 9 - Whatever the Wild Rune does (AU portal, Void Portal, Black Hole, whatever) requires everyone to work together to stop it, leading to tragic sacrifices and whatnot and ultimately they succeed and establish a loose peace as we get a short epilogue showing the new status quo
whatever arcane is done, next show is confirmed to be set in shurima
one of the reasons i can't get into caitivi: caitlyn is so fucking boring. she can't even be a proper hitler. at least in season 1 she was kinda charming and wasn't making that resting bitch face all the time
Anybody could post a webm of Jinx bitchslapping Vi in episode 5?
Nah, next show should be Noxus during the Ionian invasion to carry off the Singed, Ambessa, Mel, Black Rose, etc. stuff that this season teased.
Even if it's a different studio and writing team, it'd be the most sensible to try and carry over the audience.
Meanwhile, also give us something light, like a Star Guardian anime from some cheap anime studio.
There's no way Vander would go along with shit like murdering Grayson to put a bribable sheriff in her place.
If Jinx had remained full crazy, she would've almost definitely been forced to fight Vi to the death. This way it's a safer bet to assume she lives to the end. Can't kill off any League champs, you know.
The show needed better everything honestly.
Season 2 has been a fucking letdown. Act 3 really needs all this garbage to finally payoff.
you're ascribing a lot of future radicalized silco to past revolutionary silco
we don't know how extreme silco was in the old days, but the fact that they were incredibly close friends, points to them being closely aligned in their beliefs. So what i'm saying is that they likely could have mended the small gaps that were starting to form between them, had they both tried, but with so much time separated and not being on good terms those gaps grew into massive unmendable crevices as they took different paths in totally opposite directions.
Jinx had remained full crazy
??? season 1 literally ends with Jinx accepting who she is and stopping the voices, shes not longer crazy. Season 2 ruins this by undoing her progress and making her confused again.
Nah they would go the artsy fartsy route and kill jinx just to add shock value.
The thing is if jinx dies then the next series will have people question if the main character is going to die in the end and if it is worth watching.
thought he was aiming at some kid behind him, no doubt
You're right, it's a great example of animators having a say in the text of the show, and the necessity of communicating with them to stay on message.
Jilcofags get a lot of hate on here and other sites, but they're correctly picking up on vibes that were being put out by Jinx, especially in the early interactions in Act 2. Where they go wrong is saying Silco reciprocates, because he (thankfully) doesn't reciprocate those vibes in any way, shape, or form*. He allows Jinx to invade his personal space, but he never invades hers. If I'd stopped watching after Jinx hugs him in her lair, I would've concluded that Jinx is so isolated that she has a one-sided crush on Silco.
In later episodes those vibes are dropped by Jinx, and the sincerity of Silco's dadgirlness is confirmed. This shift recontextualizes her earlier behavior—the touchy-feely climbing all over him stuff in act 2 seems to be because she's emotionally stunted, and Silco makes her feel safe enough to keep acting like the little kid he took in.
None of this was intended by the writers. They were clear about Silco being girldad from the start, if this was a novel Jinx would've never put out those crush vibes. But animation is a collaborative art. The writers didn't have tight control over the visuals, and the animators were free to add their own framing to the script. Without knowing about the miscommunication, it looks like the show wants us to think that Silco was a groomer to get us to hate him even more, then later find out he's actually the dad that stepped up. It's a neat subversion of expectations, and adds to the themes of not taking appearances at face value. None of it was in the actual script, but it doesn't matter: viewers will only ever see what's on-screen.
*idc what jilcofags write or draw. It's all playing with dolls, it's not that serious. It's not until some try to argue that they've textual support for a sexual relationship that I get mildly annoyed.
Is it not obvious the next series will be both Noxus and Demacia? They're the main ones that keep getting hints.
jayce pulled his cock out as distraction
we can only hope it's so neatly wrapped up
will still be rushed af unless there's some serious exposition in 7-8 that explains why any of them should put aside their differences in the middle of a war to fight some slime creature from the deep
Why do people keep mentioning an AU? What leak did I miss?
It's wherever Jayce was, and where Ekko/Heimer still are
Garen and Katarina romance will be kino. Lux will die in the end though so shit series.
Piltovan Ekko and murdering hobo Jayce so there's some sort of alternate dimension or smth like that
At this point he's still blinded by his "peace and love" philosophy. He hasn't had a chance or been shown by the world that singe is kinda right about the vulgar, hateful, evil nature humanity is capable of.
So what is Viktor trying to accomplish especially if he would use all his power to bring back Vander?
pls don't touch my girl Sona Riot
we don't know how extreme silco was in the old days,
Extreme enough to incite riots and throw molotovs.
yes but vander was at a same level of extreme
Is Demacia getting hints?
Yeah, but Vander pussied out once he saw the results and drowned Silco for not being a bitch.
there are some Demacian characters in the new TFT set
explore the arcane and do whatever good he can. He already thinks he should've been left to die. He probably didn't predict that his death would kill everyone else.
So do people with Amex have access to act3 sooner? Must have missed the answer
Yes. Take Viktor himself for example. He wanted to use hextech to do good but went down the corrupted pathway which killed sky and all those Zaunites. After all he’s only human.
yea but he only had a minor pussying out. That they took a step too far, and silco likely would have agreed at that point.
and drowned Silco for not being a bitch.
he drowned silco cause he was spiteful over the large personal loss of close friends and he still hadn't taken culpability that he was just at much to blame as silco
Ekko has a way bigger BBC than Miles
god damn she looks like a dyke
Vander pussied out once he saw the results and drowned Silco
Now we know it was a lot more personal than just an ideological difference. He went feral and tried to drown Silco because he blamed him for Felicia's death.
Fujos and Yuriniggers on track to ruin Demacia next
make it stop
His hexcore fed on the life force of his gf so in a morbid quirk of fate he uses the life force of his new body to feed the many John 6 :53 style
The fact that Vander thinks fighting Piltover is a thing that someone can be "guilty" of is proof that they have irreconcilable differences.
Endings are famously hard
For every good ending there's like 6 terrible ones
So is Viktor being manipulated by the Void?
The fact that Vander thinks fighting Piltover is a thing that someone can be "guilty" of
what? when did vander think or say that? He still doesn't like piltover, he just doesn't want to pointlessly get all his friends, family, and people he's trying to save killed in fruitless massacre.
are you a different anon? go read my other long and short, silco came to the exact same understanding as vander in spite of them never reconciling. Even after decades of growing apart on ideology they both think that fighting piltover head on like they did was the wrong approach.
Why did leblanc call Mel her sister?
still unclear but likely sister as in they share arcane talents. birds of a feather vibe
same as Silco calls Vander brother even though they're not blood-related
I'm sad bros
They just got him back
How could he do this to them
Man of the future? More like man of the fucking BITCH ASS FUCKER FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU
it was literally singed's doing, jayce had nothing to do with WW going crazy again
How are they going to release an arcane Warwick skin when his in-game model looks so different from the arcane model?
Are they really going to enshittify his in-game model just to fit into this naked vampire on steroids model?
Maddie is not fighting Ambessa.
Ambessa already knows that Cait is a traitorous little bitch. And in the preview we see Maddie spotting for Cait. And it looks like Cait is shooting at Ambessa's forces. If Maddie really was a spy then why not just assassinate Cait right there instead of letting her kill your troops? Ambessa only has her own personal company of soldiers. She's not Darius or Swain or The Faceless. She doesn't have access to the whole of the Noxus military. Plus she's broke so she really can't afford to lose more soldiers.
Where does Mel's leaked noxian look fit into the act 3 leaks? What about the Leblanc scene from the trailer that we haven't seen yet? The one that looks like it takes place in the same Ionian palace where Ambessa beheads the princess.
Maddie is not fighting Ambessa.
for Ambeesa mb
hope act 3 finishes his transformation to full wolfman
That will NOT happen, just look at his new league icon. He will look like his league icon in Act 3, because that's certainly not his Act 2 look in that icon.
Warwick will die without ever transforming into a full wolf. They simply ruined this character.
Oh ok. I thought she said sister because she was still talking through Kino's voice. Was the puzzle with runes there to trick Mel into revealing the secrets of her amour?
Realistically speaking she went back to try and wrangle the zaunites after they saw she and jinx saved them from stillwater hold . I.e. she is basically the silco now , I think ...
imo it was some kind of litmus test of Mel's powers, like only mages can solve it
you can see her unconsciously trace a rune on the floor so it's something innate
posters in bg
Ambessa and her guard using petricite to negate hextech
Stillwater guards playing that one game with demacian pieces
There's maybe more but those are the ones I know.
Ambessa and her guard using petricite to negate hextech
Heimer was manipulating all of them with reverse psychology
Don't recreate the magical cataclysm that I also caus- I mean witnessed years ago boys. Let me explain to you step by steps how you should NOT do it in the correct order
Oh ok. I thought she said sister because she was still talking through Kino's voice. Was the puzzle with runes there to trick Mel into revealing the secrets of her amour?
insert heimerdinger with giant chad cheekbones dot png
the sequel should be a murder mystery with Jhin
Would you rather the Baralovers take the lead?
You're still missing the point. Silco hasn't given up on violence. He kills Grayson, blackmails Marcus, and tries to blackmail Vander into becoming Mundo. Vander is done with violence after the bridge. He makes deals with the enforcers. The rift between them has nothing to do with the drowning and everything to do with the way they each handle the situation with Piltover.
They'll focus on Noxus next since we already got familiar them in this show.
Ekko seems to be using the x-drive here. This place looks like a war zone, not like the place where Jinx was saved from suicide
Noxus has their fingers in everything. There's no need for a Noxus show when you can have a Piltover show, a Demacia show, an Ionia show, etc, and spread the Noxus story through all of them.
What those white stones are, I assume.
He can use it more than once you know. It is odd the quarter-true leak doesn't mention how Ekko uses his z-drive during the war though, seems like that would be major.
So Darius and Yasuo it is then?
Extreme enough to incite riots and throw molotovs.
That's a step up from writing letters and holding a sit-in, but pretty tame for a radical liberation movement. Vander's a little bitch that pussied out very early on.
Is yasuo in noxus?
The chemicals inside him after he gets hurt do that to him
Look at his cinematic in normal league
He just sometimes just become lava
Actually kinda a good point.
All the Noxus invasion stuff has been clearly during the daytime, but this seems to be overcast/nighttime
May lean more into the idea that the noxus invasion happens, but then something bigger blows up and leads to a totally different final conflict in episode 9
what stones?
I don't think so but I know those two are a popular m/m ship in League of Legends.
Post it.
Any Noxus show would basically HAVE to cover the Ionian invasion and Swain's rise. It's the same kind of "establishing conflict" that P&Z are going through in Arcane with Zaun's independence.
Not sure how you could possibly balance the Noxian and Ionian stuff though. There's so much to cover on both sides.
new character gets ridiculously elaborate and cool design, possibly the next playable LoL character
is a complete loser that gets humiliated over and over before dying
was it wasted
The stones on rictus's spear.
I'm calling it now, the Mel that returns in act 3 is leblanc. Arcane likes to give us a taste of things before they become important. It's happened with Ambessa beheading the girl and then the possibility of jinx bringing caits head in episode 109. We see her capability of taking whatever form she can inside the prison Mel's in
I remember Christian talking about how Finn saying theres bigger fish than silco was really important and that they didnt have a chance to address it in season 1. What do you think that was about?
So if we get a Noxus focused show next which characters do you want to appear?
This Gigachad is a must.
Christian is a retard, he's on Twitter right now talling about how ackshually Vander's death created Jinx and therefore saving Warwick means saving Powder or some shit. Which not only completely undoes her s1 development for no fucking reason but also makes zero sense because we know Vanderwick is dead leaks or no leaks, and if the leaks are true and she kills him again anyway.
silco ultimately didnt matter to jinx
she loved vander as her dad
silco was just a caretaker
she never really considered him family
Riven. Because I can't think of any other Noxus characters that aren't complete fucking assholes.
Darius, Katarina, Talon, Swain, and LeBlanc. I do not care for the Morde storyline. I want them to take a different path and make it not romance drama focused, give me assassins and combat
Which is insanely retarded and undoes both her and Silco's S1 arcs. It also undoes her act in S2 where she's obviously mourning his death to point where she's haunting his hideout even when she doesn't need to.
Then there's no reason to stay here.
and make it not romance drama focused
Good luck with that.
You want LB but not Morde? My guy, LB exists to stop Morde. It's literally the end goal of everything she does.
No one, he’s an idiot
I don't know her lore really, just that she was hot in the games. If that's all she does then yeah skip out on her
Except for 99% of the time when he's safely locked away and she fucks around in Noxian politics because she's bored.
The Adventures of Swain and Draven, absolutely.
nope it makes perfect sense. silco was evil and ugly and stinky
was it wasted
No. His character design tells you exactly who he is and a lot about the world he lives in. He also had a small but significant role in the story, it's fitting that he have the same main character energy as all the other notable MCs and side characters.
Show has gone to shit. What do?
Pick a different show to watch.
move on
or pick up a pen and fix it yourself
Wait for next show. Avoid these showrunners and writers.
But I was genuinely looking forward to season 2. Even played a bit of lol again (game still sucks)
Lmao, bruh their next mc will die in the end while the lesbo side characters get a happy end.
Game of thrones all over again.
I should just gouge out my eyes since they're clearly not working at all after I missed this
Vander hadn't given up violence after the bridge on account of trying to drown and kill silco. He just gave up the "fighting piltover head on" violence. And you keep jumping back and forth between who they end up as and who they were. To say the second the bridge riot failed, vander became a staunch pacifist is kinda surface level reading. It likely took time for him to be worn down and become the completely "different man" he was in act 1. Time raising kids. Time passed before an eventual deal with a precocious sheriff. Time that's implied by silco's
I hated you, but you kept my respect. Until you made peace with them.
If vander instantly changes tune so drastically right away then there wouldn't be a period of hateful respect. Silco would have just as instantly changed his opinion on vander.
Funnily enough, vander, after becoming disillusioned with fighting piltover head on, eventually begins working with the sheriff to secure a more stable life in zaun.
But then when silco comes into power, and who similarly avoids conflict like vander, he to begins to work with the sheriff to secure more freedom and progress for zaun.
Even at their most different, they were still really similar, so i think it's unfair to say that before they became so different they couldn't have reconciled and forged a completely different path.
And the thing that finally brings Silco directly to where vander was in act 1, is his adoption of powder.
Oh it all makes sense now, brother.
It seems like having and raising kids was the big thing that radically changes BOTH of their perspectives. Not just one botched revolution attempt.
RiotGames' Arthas for a new show, make it before blizzard could pitch their own show to overshadow it from the get-go.
That would involve going Alternate universes since normalfags don't know the timeline yet.
Without any direct connections with arcane it wouldn't even be that important.
Noxus characters are all sociopathic psychos though, besides Riven and sometimes Darius
Hmm, true. They could just adapt that game with yasuo and ahri and that would be enough.
After their new music video with young Abessa I fear their next show is going to be about Noxus.
Imagine the smell
zaunites don't wash their clothes
easy on the racism
he unironically smells like salty milk and coins
I think zaunites do the best they can
I think Viktor is the type to go a week without changing clothes when he's focused on work
As much as it would fit the torture porn themes, I don't know if we have enough screen time for Viktor to make the decision to leave Sky and then go through with it. She's going to be revealed as the void entity manipulating him so the break is clean and quick and we can get back to will they wont they dyke bullshit.
Watch act 1, think it was worse than any episode of s1 but still okay
Watch act 2, hate every single episode, absolute fucking drivel
Come to 4chinz, check the threads, Anon Babble and Anon Babble hate it too
Get a chance to talk to my friends about it
They all loved act 2 and thought it was as good or better than s1 and that I just hate fun
Jayce is unironically correct in trying to kill Viktor and stop whatever the fuck he's doing. His visions were clear enough that things under the surface are more insidious than they appear, or the path only leads to catastrophy. It'll be revealed in the first episode of the next batch, guaranteed, and is also where we see Ekko and Heimer
Can anyone post the song list again?
nta but I don't understand what you mean. Jinx can have multiple parental figures, it's not a "she can only really love and mourn one of them" situation. She just has 3 dads. And personally, at no point have i felt like they were "undoing" jinx. Jinx is permanent. Warwick is permanent. Even if they "saved Vander".
There's some salvation to be had but what they are now will always be a permanent indelible mark on them. Jinx will never be powder again just like Vander will never not be some form of fucked up warwick.
Side note, but i really like how the whole family are fucked up monsters. Jinx and Vanderwick have their monstrosity on the surface, it's the first thing you see but really it's just skin deep. Deep inside they actually have good hearts and mean well but they've been so thoroughly thrashed by life that they have all the scars to show it. Vi on the other hand, she looks good on the outside but it's all rotten deep down.
Did you explain why you disliked it
I'd just like everyone to take a break from shitting on Riot and S2 to acknowledge that Jinx still uses the same straw her mother did over 20 years ago.
man your Vi hate knows no bounds
waste not want not
I don't actually hate her. It's just funny to shit on her and she makes it too easy by being a dumb meat head.
I actually agree with you, I was more responding to the insinuation that Silco was irrelevant to her. I do think the focus on WW has become a huge disservice to the rest of the show though, their story was done when he died, if they're just doing it to get a heartrending mutual kill ending then it's lazy and disappointing writing. It's also a lazy way of getting Vi and Jinx to reconcile.
I like your observation of Vi, I think it's very true.
My one and only wife.
I like this season much more than the first.
Jinx saved that one cringe enforcer from Warwick
wait until he gets his hands on that big Noxian guard
Yes, they insist that it doesn't feel rushed or out of order, that introducing a character just to kill her off for cheap feels a handful of episodes later is okay, that the reason for and method of Isha's sacrifice made sense beyond a callback to s1e3, that Jinx wasn't cheated out of character development in her Che Guevara subplot that got sidelined for vanderwick, that the introduction of vanderwick himself doesn't undermine Vander's sacrifice in s1e3, that starting the act off with Cait and Maddie sleeping together and then apparently forgetting about it and never mentioning it again doesn't seem weird, that Smeech having more screen time so far in S2 than Ekko and Heimer put together is okay, etc.
I'm watching a League show because it's connected to the game so I like seeing the characters grow closer to their game incarnations as time goes on.
I know it's not the case and she actually had major interactions with Vi in particular but did anybody suspect at first that Isha didn't fuckin' exist at all, that Jinx had just Tyler Durdened her little ass into the physical plane?
Me with star wars shows
I get you
not too much kino this season aside from the Felicia flashback
No, that possibility hadn't crossed my mind until I read your post.
Yes, honestly, but then I realized Sevika kind of acknowledged her from the beginning. It’s still so fucking crazy to me that Jinx took isha to the mines to find Vander, it was all so they could hug at the end and include isha lmfao
no but I feel stupid now for not thinking of this
It was all so Vi would have another opportunity to batter a child.
nah, maybe I would've considered it if she looked more like little powder and/or vi.
Jinx had to take Isha to the mines to earn back some cool mom points after Sevika let her play freedom fighter.
KEKEKEK i couldn’t believe they actually had her hit her and draw blood again like with powder. and the fact that they kind of went with it as if it was normal afterwards
reemember when Vi's ulti was called Assault and Battery
Jayce literally touching the word ARCANE
I actually feel really bad for that girl on twitter. Imagine one of the creators of your favorite show sets you up to get hate like that, and despite his lies being obvious, everyone in his replies just eats it up and comes for you.
Of course the fandom is ignoring his tweet admitting to ashnikko that they used the wrong version of her song for the show mere hours before his little bitch rant.
what girl?
when you look at Anon Babble for 3 secs
mention on that site that the narrative goes to shit every time it focuses on Vi and Cait
get told that this is a show about Vi and Cait and to fuck off
amazing how shippers ruin everything
They changed it?
yeah it's called Cease and Desist now
Weren't Vi's gauntlets able to create a shield? Where has this been so far?
Wait so if I'm understanding right some fans are mad that there are only 2 seasons because the writers wanted to explore other regions?
on cooldown
normally I’d say the less seasons the better considering how many shows have dragged their shit out for 10+ seasons but this show needed a third season. the pacing is shit and the creators yes are focusing on selling league skins and tie-ins for other regions so they lost focus on the plot trying to connect their spinoffs to the show.
Do we have an official timeline? I'm kinda lost.
She did it one time and she's possibly too dumb to understand how did she do that.
If this season isnt two seasons of story smashed into one, it's just notably poor writing compared to the first season. Neither is good, people just want to know why either way.
The weird parasocial shit calling the writers by name and fixating on their sexuality is a little much if you ask me.
They're more mad at it being 2 seasons when this season has felt like a rush job that needed more time to cook. Nobody was upset with season 2 being the last until they noticed the quality drop when this season released.
Yea im still undecided on warwick. I actually like vander being warwick and I've actually really liked what we've had so far in s2 but we'll see where it ends. Cause on one hand vander being ww but then just being fully gone would feel like really? you're just not gonna do anything with that? With vi and jinx? what was the point?
But at the same time the writers going
Hey guys remember vander?
Cool awesome sweet vander?
Did the ultimate sacrifice for his kids, vander?
He's dead again.
feels a tad manipulative. I don't think it's lazy writing for Vi and jinx's reconciliation though, having to come together with someone you don't like for something greater then the two of you makes sense and vi being forced to see that, with isha and ww, there actually is still a girl deep in there who still cares. It forces vi to contend with if "powder" is really gone and all that's left is a roaming manically psychotic broken monster or if she's just "different" now. Again we'll see how it's handled in the last 3 episodes.
i think part of how Christian is getting off the hook (Amanda too, for that matter) with fans is because of the weird idea on social media nowadays that artists are a uniquely oppressed class. they know fortiche has worked hard on this and assume that since Christian and Amanda work on the same show as them , that they must also be a part of this underpaid underdog group lel
shitting on the lore of the game that made this possible in the first place is an interesting choice for the show to make
Well said anon
Without knowing about the miscommunication, it looks like the show wants us to think that Silco was a groomer to get us to hate him even more, then later find out he's actually the dad that stepped up.
How do we know there was a miscommunication between writers and animators? I'm shocked something that seems so purposeful to the plot would be a mistake/oversight, the 'was powder groomed' seemed like the underlining hook for Act, trying to fogure out what she has became and how much Silco played a role in that
the fake leak that got posted here isnt fucking happening.
Oh my gosh yes. I’ve noticed this too. Every time someone complains it’s “they work so so hard, you must appreciate every decision they make” as if we all don’t have fucking jobs. You’d think theyre child laborers working in Nike sweat shops.
Did I mention the leaks you colossal faggot?
Literally this kekekek
To be fair to Fortiche here, they haven’t doing anything wrong in this specific scenario but like goddamn. Animators being involved doesn’t mean the product can’t be critiqued, especially when the critique is of the writing not the animation itself anyway.
It’s so weird though. If anything like Across the Spider-verse happened bts, it was Christian and Alex’s fault and Fortiche suffered, not some shadowy Rito higher-up that hurt all of them. They don’t realize c&a ARE riot
Riven is a must for sure
When people diss CL or AO, the fanbase falsely perceives that you're also dissing the artists at fortiche for some reason.
His visions
Yeah the void does that to you. Jaycesimps your man is sick, he needs help not your excuses
mentally you did so basically yes
Riven would probably be the protagonist considering they'll definitely continue making the series female character centered.
as we predicted months ago, the general criticisms even among normies bold enough to speak truth and get ratio'd are that the pacing is super rushed and s2 feels like they're just info dumping through MV to get it over with. which is valid
then that turns nasty, like you guys are just corporate greeding and just want to pump out as many shows for skins as you can, dgaf about the character stories or fans etc
he actually thought he'd get a proper Warwick when Riot has been completely open for years about how much they hate non-human looking characters
Yeah. I know the “small indie company” is a meme, but I’m really tired of them acting like “smol beans”. His own words are biting him in the ass and the deflection has been downright distasteful.
Do you mean that I can have hopes for an Akali series?
They made him look more human because otherwise there'd be no way for Jinx and Vi to recognize him.
There is a reason Isha blew up his face. Singed will just replace his head and we'll get classic Warwick
That wouldn't make a difference as neither of them recognized him in the first place. Vander recognized Jinx and she had to insist it was him while Vi was trying to punch his face off. Nothing would change if he had the wolf face as long as he could still speak
What the fuck is going on with Netflix Brazil?
They are based
Their intern probably knew about the caitvi sex
They post shit like that regularly, its part of their marketing strat there.
Jinx <3
This, social media accounts just post whatever they think will be popular
How do I cope with the fact they didn't deliver on Caitler and warcrimes?
dw, she'll be using the grey on noxians according to the preview for the next act.