Do you think they're gonna dedicate another season to this, or is even Trey bored of this schtick? I mean, he thinks Tegridy Farms is the funniest thing ever, so maybe he doesn't get as bored of his own gimmicks as we do.
Do you think they're gonna dedicate another season to this, or is even Trey bored of this schtick? I mean...
And in the chance this thread gets deleted cause of the OP image, FUCK TEGRIDY FARMS!!!!
Make an arc of Randy in Bolivia making Coca (No relation)
Nah, they're gonna do some plot about RFK banning the weed grow at Tegridy Farms for some health violation and they confiscate all the hemp. Then it turns out the worm in RFK's brain is an alien that has been controlling him and wanted to harvest all the Tegridy weed to fuel him for thousands of more years or some shit.
You'll be fucking lucky if Kyle or Cartman even show up in that episode.
Parker and Stone will 100% be continuing the Trump/Garrison schtick.
the absolute based thing to do would just be drop it completely and have actual Donald Trump as the president this time
Why does the background have so much detail down to the individual keyboard keys? Why is Garrison's body have so much depth and form to it? Why is the ice cream prop so specifically drawn? This is so ass, dude.
canadian trump becomes the us president to get revenge?
It was construction paper at first, now the use flash.
The better question is how Matt Stone and his assistant going to defend/shill Israel genociding Muslims.
I legit hope they just do their usual both sides suck shtick this time because I don’t like either
I think it’d be funny if he just quits the moment he’s elected in universe because things have gotten too crazy for him
You act like we'll get another season. It'll just be another two or three specials that probably won't even touch on him.
You think they’ll make elon jokes with how much he dickrides trump
Doubtful I mean did they do anything with Biden?
I really wish they kept to the old style. When it looked like everything could plausibly be done with construction paper it gave it a unique style, an added comedic element and just looked more pleasing given that it justified the janky character designs and animations. Since they switched to this style everything just looks so sterile, and the characters look out of place in their own show.
Every episode with the exception of the pilot is computer animated.
Elon was already on South Park and unlike most celebrities was treated completely fairly.
I really do think he paid off TV shows to put him in and make him look "good". He did the same thing on Simpsons.
That is a good point, Boco. We will just get more specials because CC and Matt and Trey don’t want the SP episodes going to HBO Max.
The thing about Elon is that even though he's cringe and Reddit (and now you can bitch about his politics) he's objectively accomplished a lot of shit. Like, it's not even that he's a finance bro or a software bro, he builds rockets and cars and robots. You have to give him his due even if he's offputting to you in other ways.
That and laziness. Oh, sorry, they're "too tired" now.
It's kind of surreal to think how, in the optimistic good timeline where we colonize the stars, a guy who will be looked back on as historically important as Columbus or Oppenheimer or Aldwin was a cringey Redditor who collabed with PewDiePie and Rick and Morty.
Funny you should mention Columbus, apparently he was a major shitheel too. That's why you have people trying to turn Columbus Day into Indigenous People's Day.
T. Colombian
Maybe they have a Palestinian refugee kid show up and Cartman wants some fight between him and Kyle since "didn't your people come from there".
they got good weed though
I like Tegridy Farms, fuck you. Got to watch Randy murder Winnie the Pooh, so there's that.
dedicate another season
Bruh, a "season" of South Park these days is literally just a handful of episodes. Even if they did go that route, you're looking at having like 3-4 episodes tops for the seasons. And that's only assuming that they're not just going to do a 1-hour special and call it a year. Either way, you'll be fine.
Elon's only accomplishment is that he hired a PR team good enough to convince people he's some genius inventor and not just a rich guy bankrolling companies run by more intelligent people. He's not Bill Gates building computers in his garage
The entire season is going to be cutting between Drumpf Garrison and Randy's weed farm, with no other plots or characters, and the finale is going to be a live feed of Trey Parker executing Matt Stone with a shotgun before turning it on himself.
Yeah the season long jokes are horrible, shit like tegridy farms should've been a single episode.
Not funny, didnt laugh, didnt enjoy
He's not Bill Gates building computers in his garage
Anon Babble here, you fell for Gates's (actually Jobs's) PR
death to FAGMAN, hail GNU
I really do think he paid off TV shows to put him in and make him look "good".
I don't think South Park would tolerate that. Matt and Trey also had more than enough money even back then.
Twitter/X is more popular than ever and advertisers recently came back
has a position in the United States government and advises Trump
net worth went up $26b in the last year
Nigger you don't have to like him, I don't, but to say he isn't successful is ludicrous
it's funny how the post 2016 political climate has gotten so fucking clownish that most comedy series don't bother parodying Trump as often as Bush and Obama were parodied.
Either the writers see him as too low-hanging fruit (which is odd because he's the fucking president) to write cutting criticism or they hate him to the point where they can't even affably rib him like they did with Bush II and Clinton
most comedy series don't bother parodying Trump as often
o rly?
don't bother parodying Trump
People will disagree with you but for the wrong reasons. Imagine these people so obsessed with one man the way Kiwifarms is with Chris Chan. They hate him but they talk about him ALL the time, look for updates about him, cling to everyword and trend him wherever they can and complain people are 'shoving him down their throats." Now add on that the only time these people want to see him in a 'parody' is either him being proven wrong in some straw man cartoon OR being violently hurt in some pseudo sociopathic """"""""""joke"""""""""". I'd imagine some of the people in the creative industry are probably sick of catering to these people, even if they agree with them.
They use 3D Studio Max.
Did drawn together ever make bush jokes
anon, he didn't say he wasn't successful, just that he's not accomplishing most of those things himself, just putting his money behind them. He's not a creator or an engineer, he's at best a tycoon.
yes zoomer, believe it anon, making fun of the president was really common in cartoons for decades.
what in the world happened to this show
claiming that Trump wasn't parodied as much as previous presidents is ridiculous
Probably as quick jabs but not an entire segment dedicated to them. Their thing was wordplay and fast jokes vs. skits.
The difference is that Bush jokes were during the pre-TiVO and streaming days of TV, so you actually felt those eight years of jokes. Lil Bush came out one fucking year before he finished his second term and at THAT point people were saying, "We're still making fucking Bush jokes??".
With Trump, we got a condensed amount of jokes crammed into a short period of time so after just one year, people were screaming "ENOUGH". Bush jokes were a light bulb that got to slowly get dimmer and go out while Trump jokes were forced to run at a higher wattage and burnt out into sudden blackness.
I drew a detailed visual demonstrating the saturation and exposure of Trump and Bush jokes.
Also, Obama didn't really get jokes. Boondocks was the only one who went for actual mockery. Everything else was just passive cameos or soft mentions, like the South Park episode where Obama and McCain are robbing the White House or whatever it was.
B...but it's weed bro! Weed is funny, and cool, and if everyone were to smoke weed the world would finally have world piece! Weed solved covid 19!
both sides fuck each other up, everyone in that war(from a political side) are horrible people.
Just a reminder that the current era of the war started because Palestine kidnapped and killed several hundred Isreals and still keep several of them locked up up to this day.
Then Isreal responded by firing back, sometimes accidentally hitting civilians because Hamas were hiding in civilian buildings. But they didn't care because Palestine didn't care about the hostages.
It's fucking war and everyone outside of these two nations says "just stop fighting bro...but we're not going to help you with that" like with fucking Ukraine and Russia.
No one has any actual solution to stopping a war, but complains anyway
The Specials are 100% CC and Paramount+. Parker and Stone just agreed to do them for a couple of extra zeroes on their renewal re-up and have openly stated in the two part Streaming Wars special, that even though fans can come up with a ton of ideas for the 30 specials they agreed to do, that they themselves are "all out of ideas" and don't want to do them after taking CC's money and now scrambling to find new ideas for them because they are creatively bankrupt and actively resent the show with a passion.
Paris Hilton will never have sex with you, OP.
We could build the holocoaster this time.
you can argue that trump is parodied more angrily or by more high profile shows, but you could basically expect a Clinton parody for years and Bush as well.
Only one I can think of is something like
Captain Hero: I have heat vision, x-ray vision, and like our president, no vision
How can parody a president who does and says ridiculous, outright absurd and laughable stuff on a daily basis? SNL is the only place you can do something with him and that’s because you’re airing just days after the fact so it isn’t as dated to make jokes about certain things like it would be the time any other production could put out anything.
Then Isreal responded by firing back, sometimes accidentally hitting civilians
They’ve killed thousands of women and children and outright targeted aid vehicles and workers, anon. After 13 months of consistent and rampant killing of civilians in massive numbers you can’t claim it’s an accident. It’s clearly intentional. There’s a reason they’re being accused of committing war crimes.
B-but Hamas
Israel has consistently kept sabotaging negotiations because the hostages are just pretext to wipe out the area of Palestinians so that they can take it over and fill it with Israeli settlers. That’s why they’ve expanded it to bombing Lebanon. For fucks sake the Israel government has had official debates about whether or not it’s legal for Israelis to rape Palestinian prisoners. Israel uses captive Palestinians as body shields.
There is no condoning of Hamas attacking civilians but anyone who isn’t brainwashed should be able to tell that in this most recent open air hostilities between the two there is a disproportional difference between Hamas and Israel in terms of their power and Israel is clearly the one in control and more interested in just murdering people than finding a peaceful solution.