big ass
firm ass
tiny ass
Choose one western men
big ass
firm ass
tiny ass
Choose one western men
Preferably? Tiny ass Realistically? Big ass
I choose the entire series of Steven Universe because all of it is ass.
I only want an ass if it can’t shit
Amethyst's fat fucking titties is what does it for me
big ass in hentai
tiny ass in real life
do they poop?
all of them are problems but the purple slampig is probably the best out of the 3 for me.
They're all garbage, but it makes me wonder if their body has any bacteria in it. do they wash their coochies? I think not, but does it smell like unwashed pussy?
They're essentially beings of light produced from the gem.
they can all shapeshift but they can't change their personalities so I'll go with amethyst since she isn't insufferably self absorbed or have terminal oneitis
Those cheeks are phat as hell and I know it
Ruby's is best
for me it's garnet
likes having a big butt
New headcanon unlocked
I choose the Middle Way.
this is my wife
I wish she'd ride me like that, man...
Pearl is the whiteman’s choice. Only brownoids and Jews (Americans = both) like big monkey asses
Tiny ass. There's something satisfying about fucking a twiggy girl - they feel more fragile, almost like you have to worry about breaking them.
Any size (you) want ass
Tiny ass, because the best ass is the one attached to the one you love. Otherwise it would be big ass, no contest.
A homosexual trying to convert others through an appeal to groupthink racism. As insidious as it is bizarre.
Amethyst > Garnet (only because I want to fuck Ruby) > Pearl
If they eat. Amethyst is the only one that actively eats, so she's the only one that really takes shits.
pearl in a heartbeat
Not Amethyst because she consumes trash and most likely hazardous waste and shits it out
Toss up with Garnet and Pearl because walking threesome or a potential sex doll is a tough choice
With her help, I will become the 5th diamond: dick diamond.
Love the little purple jellybean
Garnet all day erry day
She’s so great
What do you mean "realistically"
This frame.
Absolute peak of Amethyst.
Fuck me, I always assumed this was just a big tiddy edit. Goddamn.
I would let Garnet ride me until my pelvis is noting but hamburger meat and bone dust
Nah she’s got it going on
Insane how steven could fuck any rock alien he wants easily, But he chose an earth pajeet and got rejected by her in the end. Biggest cuck in any cn show. ( Atleast mordecai and finn got something eventually)
If Steven choose the gems, who would it be?
It makes me feel so deflated that WeirdIsFun has only drawn her once.
Probably Amethyst.
They felt the most connected out of the bunch imo, plus she was the first gem he fused with.