ITT panels that didn't age well

ITT panels that didn't age well

how many zionist writer @ marvel?

hoping my favorite jed mackay, hickman ,gillen are not one of them

you think the guy who wrote this hates Israel for blowing up Muslims now?

At this point, unsolicited opinions on Israel would be positive ones.

Supposedly OP's panel was meant to be a shot at the author of Fables, so that may have already been the case

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I think it's funny how annoyed the guy is. He doesn't even know what Israel is but he instinctually knows that the guy is a fucking moron.

Wait, is it real? I always thought that it was an edit!

another reminder that current israeli arent the original inhabitant of ancient israel, arab christian and muslim on levantine region have more rights to claim that land and they are descendant of jews that appears in bible not Ashkenazi jews (slav who recently convert to judaism)

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Then why did they bring up the MRA bullshit? I didn’t really pay attention to the manosphere back then, but I’m pretty sure most of them weren’t exactly happy about the continuing existence of Israel aka Jewland.

they're real tough guys

how did they end up there, surrounded by enemies?

heh, well...

lol, take away Muttmerican money, guns, and technology and see how “tough” those little bastards really are


Every time the discussion turns to the genetic make-up of Ashkenazi Jews, pro-Palestinian groups start to walk away from the conversation.

What you need to know is that the Ashkenazi are the "artsy" schizophrenic parasites. Typically found in Hollywood.

Whereas the Sephardic are the slavers. They really have a call to enslaven.

The Sephardic tend to be more logical than the Ashkenazi.

Ashkenazi - liberals
Sephardic - neocons

Now that jews are confirmed genocidal maniacs, will modern liberals just admit the nazis were right all along?

The Sephardic jews were kicked out of Spain and Portugal for bringing in slaves to undermine the local economy.

So they moved to America, set up shop in the South (warm like Spain), and started selling cotton.

That's why "Monsanto" sounds Spanish. Isn't it amazing? History living and breathing all around you.

So Driving Miss Daisy isn't realistic

Hollywood was built and financed by the jews. The jews have always owned Hollywood.

So who gets to decide what the plantation owner looks like in the movies?

those pro palestinian group are libshits who believe if you went to genetic route then they cant have highhorse on chuds anymore because genetic indigenous are same talking points from european nationalist

Slave owners were mostly gentiles. Sephardic Jews owned some slave ships but largely didn't own slaves themselves since most were merchants and traders rather than farmers.

Nay, jews essentially owned all of the Atlantic Slave Trade and the cotton industry. Jews made up 70% of all slaveowners.

The thing is, it was the Africans who enabled everyone. Why didn't they sell other things? The economy of many African kingdoms was based on slaves. The 1619 project should demand reparations from the African kingdoms, not from the Europeans if we go by their logic.

Gentile slaveowners just weren't as rich as jewish slaveowners, much like today. They usually owned one slave who did the cooking and cleaning. A lot more comfier than being raped on a plantation. If they hadn't bought the slave, then this job would've gone to an Irish person.

I think Thai workers in Israel have reported that 82% of them have been sexually harrassed on the job.



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Ancient slavery tended to be a lot kinder than Colonial (jewish) slavery. There was usually some kind of exit. Often you could buy your way out, which also meant you could somehow earn money as a slave.

Ancient people tended to use slavery to punish those in debt, those who committed a crime, or prisonners of war. They weren't looking to inject a foreign people into a foreign land to undermine the native population out of a deep, unquestionable hatred for humanity.

Cooks and maids that were still slaves weren’t being raped!

Holy cope.

wtf i love chip zdarsky now

kek. this

If literally all Jews in American during the 1800s owned slaves they literally wouldn't have even made up 10% of slaveowners. Why do you think modern-day black Americans all have English/Scottish surnames and basically no Jewish ancestry? You don't see black guys going around with names like Jamaal Levy. Do some actual research instead of believing infographics you read on Anon Babble or Twitter.

It's getting hard for me to post for (((some reason))).
Anon Babble has receipts! As in old ads hawking fresh black slaves from the (((Leven))) family.
And many jews adopted gentile names. The (((Monsanto))) family (of the Monsanto corporation) owned slave ships. They were slave traders.

I think Californians will skin themselves before Monsanto pays a dime in reparations.
One of the black ladies on the View is a sephardic jew from a slave-owning family.

You watch her bleat on about stupid, woke garbage every day, you dumb shit.

I just want to remind you that slavery was never legal in California.
But that won't stop them.

I wonder what all these people will do now that they know the majority of America actively despises them
I mean they can't even pretend they represent the silent majority, the REAL silent majority has spoken.

And were you thinking of the same thing about the republicans four years ago when Biden won? Two years ago when the red wave failed to appear? Or are you just saying this shit now when it’s convenient for your narrative.

There is no past

Your facts end where their feelings begin, remember? They can't be proven wrong, evidence comes down to logic, cause and effect- that's old, regressive shit that disproportionately benefits those damned Old White Men. Even if all evidence proves me wrong and the whole world disagrees with me, my feelings mean more!

20 million votes were faked, dumbass.
They're literally still "counting" ballots as we speak.


No, now nazis are bad only because they hated trans people or something