How do we stop people from not watching cartoons?
How do we stop people from not watching cartoons?
adding female characters with big boobs
I truly believe that we are in the darkness before the dawn. Japanese animation is more popular than ever, independent animation is a burgeoning industry. The market for creative, new animation is growing, and it is a matter of time before western players/companies catch up. Might take a while, but I'm optimistic.
Making cartoons that people actually want to watch would be a good start.
Could be, like the early PS3/360 era in gaming that killed most AA developers and only AAA games were around until the indie boom on PC/Xbox live revived the industry again.
What specifically happened in 2018?
Adventure Time ended
Do the studios not do audience testing and surveys anymore?
^test audiences during pre-production
I know Nickelodeon is obsessed with them. I don't know where they're finding the kids that are laughing at Middlemost Post and Ollie's Pack though.
What's the unit of the Y axis here? I'm trying to figure out how closely this mirrors the general collapse of cable television since 2010.
Average viewers on thousands. If you're looking for relative rankings, Cartoon Network is the 77th most watched channel, below Oprah Winfrey Network and The Weather Channel
Ban Skibidi and The Amazing Digital Circus. It's that simple. Kids shouldn't watch this shitty propaganda, they should watch normal cartoons.
Japanese animation is more popular than ever
What's it like still living in the 2000s?
independent animation is a burgeoning industry
Most of those "independent" animators are grifters though.
The market for creative, new animation is growing
It's not. Fewer and fewer kids are being born in the West, and kids are the only relevant audience for animation. In the East, the demographic situation is even grimmer.
they probably just hire californian fuckheads as their test audience instead of just random kids.
why dont they just air or upload pilots and ask their audience to give feedback or review the engagement on them?
no one makes normal cartoons
cable cartoons are propaganda too
No, just generally how much is explained by overall decline in cable vs the channel itself. Since cable is down by 50% over this time period I think.
make cartoons that are cool and appeal to people other than californian softies
make cartoons with appealing character designs that people will actually want merchandise of
make cartoons a little bit edgy again. Adventure Time and Regular Show were "cool" because they were aimed at older kids and had some edgy elements for the time
give creators creative control, let them actually do the things they wanna do
except for the creators that wanna make a show as their therapy session or mouthpiece
greenlight ideas that are imaginative and fun, stop making creators do shows about kids going to school
There's a lot more than this, but it's a start
I've heard too many horror stories. They don't have a culture that can make another Adventure Time. Cartoonito sounds like a dumb idea from a market standpoint but it really is just management playing to their strengths. They made a new style of cartoons for a decade with a new crop of talent, it came off as uncomfortably campy and infantilizing instead of garnering an all-ages fandom, and these are now the people with a decade under their belt.
cartoons are all filled with ethnic disharmony and lgbtqp's and try to tackle "muh serious irl social issues" these days. the people making them forgot they're supposed to be making shows for kids, not for themselves. remove all that shit and make a whacky, fun cartoon for your actual market demographic and maybe kids on these kids channels will start watching cartoons again. or maybe it's too late and these channels are dead because cable tv is dead, and kids will just keep watching skibidi toilet on youtube instead, I don't know.
shows about kids going to school
this so much
stop making creators do shows about kids going to school
Honestly, you can still do that, but make it a cool kind of school, and no, having the same gay and lame shit as a normal school but with like, a ghosthunting aesthetic, is not cool. It has to be appreciably different from that in order to actually be interesting, none of that stupid sitting in classrooms while the teacher "teaches" about ghosts.
Make better cartoons. The viewer is always right.
Cartoons have always been propaganda. Up to the 60s, cartoons where full of ads. Then cartoons where forced to have a social message. The in the 80s they could back to having ads and cartoons themselves turned into full on ads (GI Joe, Transformers, etc) You aren't mad that cartoons are propaganda because all western cartoons have been propaganda. You are mad because you don't agree with the message.
Now that I think about it, nobody in middle school was talking about Adventure Time or iCarly. The only show I remember everyone worshipping was The Big Bang Theory. The CW was better at targeting 11 year olds than CN.
I didnt think nick was the most popular. i thought disney was
The PSAs were how they got away with the full length ads in GI Joe, Transformers, Thunder cats, and the other toy shows. The funny thing is Hot Wheels made a full length commercial in 1969 and other toy companies said it was unfair and that is why a show like GI Joe was illegal in the first place.
Based on how fucked up later Xers, Xennials, and early Millennials are on branded nostalgia, allowing those 80s toy cartoons was a huge fucking mistake. They should've stayed as comics.
Kids don't watch tv anymore. They watch paw patrol on their mom's phone on youtube or play minecraft. Why watch nickelodeon which is 50% spongebob and 50% paw patrol when you can watch whatever you want? Not to mention anime and youtube kids aislop
>give creators creative control, let them actually do the things they wanna do
>except for the creators that wanna make a show as their therapy session or mouthpiece
Why don't they just reair old Tom and Jerry and Pink Panther episodes?
I bet kids will like them more than modern trash.
Adventure time is Mainly liked by Latinos and Arabs my nigga
By not measuring success by cable television?
Or do you got a graph proving that other tv channels are going steady.
Hell I bet even boomer fueled FOX continues to drop.
This, this is the answer. Make cartoons sexy again
News channels specifically all doubled in viewership since 2010
low birth rates?
So every Tuesday and Thursday, the official Pokemon channel on Twitch streams episodes of the anime for a few hours
How come other companies don't do that? Out of touch execs? Broadcasting rights issues?
They're still watching cartoons but not on TV. I thought we went over this. Television has been dying for years but channels aimed at kids are dying even faster. CN's main demographic are late teens and twenty somethings these days.
You might have down's syndrome
Probably just don't know. Reach is a tough problem to solve, and I think the best way to fix it is to break up Big Tech. Then again, that's my solution to everything.
last year: 2020
not inflation-adjusted
Maybe we should try airing more Teen Titans GO!
It's a circle, we'll be going over it until the channels are defunct. Kids don't watch cartoons because they watch YouTubers because kids are stupid, which is why the cartoons are actually secretly for adults but if adults don't like them it's because they aged out of it and it's just a kids show.