Cartoons are in a new dark age...

Cartoons are in a new dark age. Which of the big 3 networks is going to make the hit that puts cartoons back at the cultural forefront?

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None of them. Enjoy your Netflix/Hulu/HBO subscription.

Influencers are literally the only media kids six and up consume, and the half dozen games they play.
Under six is endless slop on Youtube Kids generated by Indians.
That's all there is to Gen Alpha childhoods.

Why can't they make shows that appeal to kids?

They tried and they didn't care because influencers and India slop. Now they're making shows for age 20 somethings disquied as "kids shows".

Like the prior dark age, it's because the medium of transmission is outdated and companies are shutting down things to stay afloat, and only approving brands. In the 90s, this went from very restricted broadcast channels on saturday morning to full-scale, 24/7 channels committed to these programs with large cable fees to pay for new programs
The next era is not coming from Nick/CN/Disney. The next era is coming from a new means of distribution, which might be streaming coming strong but likely will be online availability
The problem is, autists "animation fans" on Anon Babble/twitter/reddit/etc physically cannot watch animation not by Nick/CN/Disney or otherwise shilled. You need to convince these autists first they need to let these children channels goes and find new content and routes of distribution

The problem is, autists "animation fans" on Anon Babble/twitter/reddit/etc physically cannot watch animation not by Nick/CN/Disney or otherwise shilled.

This. Post a topic of an obscure indie cartoon, you're automatically called a "shill" with people assuming you're the one who made it for about 10 replies, before it's buried and archived to make way for the same dozen shows full of coom drivel and/or politics baiting.

I don't really think they did. They made a lot of shows trying to appeal to parents. They didn't really make shows that a kid would decide to watch.

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Cartoons as a whole? The future is amateur projects online.
As for broadcast TV and big media? Is there a term for when a dark age ends in complete, irreparable collapse?

Kids are still not going to watch it unless an influencer says so, which is rare.
Children's media is dead.

Children's media is dead

I mean, is that really a bad thing, though?

when it's replaced with twitch, youtube, tiktok brainrot probably.

They still know how to make a popular kids cartoon, they're just not doing it because industry retardation

sure as fuck wont be disney pushing woke garbage that only burns money further. And CN is completely fucked like shit has already been gutted and sold off its dead Jim just move on CN no longer exists.

all that remains

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They have been there is Big City Greens, Kiff, Hamster and Gretel, Max and the Midknights, The Patrick Star Show,

The only way that it could actually be a net benefit if there was some parental group that procured videos ranging from letsplays to animation and released a "schedule" to follow for kids. (Which wouldn't be a 24/7 one, because a good parent group would actually encourage parents to be with their kids rather than set them in front of a screen.)
Something like that would require going on a website and actually following what's been set as pretty good.
So all in all, it's not gonna happen, which is tragic.

Quick, someone make a montage edit of past Cartoon Network era shows with a vaporwave/synthwave filter on it, set to MGMT’s “Little Dark Age”

procured videos ranging from letsplays

which is tragic.

Anon what you just posted being allowed to happen would be a fucking greek tragedy that furthers the redditardation of children drastically

new dark age

That would require the one we've been in since 2006 to have ever ended.
Sorry to say, boyo, but cartoons and by we are fucked.

Toonami is our only hope since its making CN irrelevant.

I grieve in stereo

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None of them, the big hit is going to come from some random dudes uploading their toon to youtube

lul but anon have you seen modern anime, bro history is not repeating. anime will not save western animation/channels/wtv.

Because they'd rather cater towards gay 20 somethings (who are starting to become gay 30 somethings)

the stereo sounds strange

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and if you try to hide, it doesn't go away

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If you get out of bed and find me standing all alone

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Open-eyed, burn the page, my little dark age

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Most likely one of the big studios will buy up something from YouTube. That will get moderately popular, and then others will try to imitate that same success by also buying up some YouTube content crap.

Most of the showrunners are more interested in making content for fellow 20 something twitter friends, that are mostly poor imitations of 2002 era anime.

You're a decade late
Ever heard of multi-channel networks?

dude those give no funding to shows and grift people with terrible for life contracts while leeching 80% of the channels profits because stupid fucking retards sign the worst contract possible

the big 3

making anything revolutionary again

making anything again

Enjoy your slop shop Vizvieworks shit

You should be beaten with a leather belt for your comment.

sorry xis nobody on the bald man glasses website wanted to validate your fotm autistic troonslop obsession you can always vent to us abt it in vc

The end of this dark age will come from the indie scene, and at least one of the big 3 will collapse before that happens. Maybe Youtube will reorient its monetization rules and and we'll get something like what Cartoon Hangover tried.

On a related note, what does the animation scene look like outside of the US? Healthy?


People forget Toonami wasn't just for anime. It was a good place for action western cartoons, which is getting too uncommon nowadays now. Primal was a hit atleast. Invincible Girl might be interesting.

As for anime, nothing will ever surpass the hype DBZ made. DBS was good fun but it didn't shook the world nor made newspapers. Its not the 90s/00s anymore.

anime overtook western cartoons in terms of western viewership a long time ago man. i imagine the majority of zoomers and millennials worldwide watch at least a few anime shows a year, or at least the biggest most popular ones.

Everyone on earth is going to watch Steel Ball Run when it comes out and nobody is going to watch another American cartoon ever again. How did we lose so hard?

When I say "procured" I mean actually procured. Like Shadow of Israphel or Race To The Moon - Blue Team. Not aphmau or that crap. Even getting those people that played doom with the Home Improvement avatars (I forgot the name).
Because if the entire thing about the cartoon industry going downhill is kids aren't wanting to watch cartoons, at least have the stuff that isn't cartoons not be the lowest common denominator stuff and actually be looked at.

verification not required.

Gen Alpha are basically zombies at this point. I shudder to imagine what they'll be like as adults.


The people who founded MCNs are legitimate psychopaths. Literally anyone was able to do that back then and make money off of other people's hard work, some even gaining a stronghold over people's IPs.

I heard rumors that there are plans to reopen some mental hospitals in response to their sheer level of retardation.

You're an idiot, and probably responsible for the garbage. Stop thinking about trannies.

CN might bounce back under Ouweleen but for a while there they were ran by a backwards-thinking team playing Hollywood Kingmaker instead of filtering for guaranteed hits, thinking the brand had the power to turn any one of their friends' shows into a globally beloved sensation when instead people just stopped watching and left when they didn't like what they saw. Turns out in the era of internet competition, you have to compete, especially if you're a TV cartoon channel and not live action or cinema.

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not really this is really basic jewery that has been used for centuries if not millennia.

Its fucking insane when you read into them forcing contracts for life without people realizing what they are signing and also lying about the amount the mcn will take. So the user gets literally 20% of less and is unable to do fuck all. Till people started suing just to fucking get out of the contract, they still lost everything. Early youtube was truly absolutely insane with grifters making so much god damn money. tech savoy jews became millions for life in a matter of months while also instilling fear and control over people fuck even a lot of minors over bullshit if not illegal contracts. Till once again people took it to court and a jugde went lmao this is illegal the contract is now void but you get nothing bro.

The mentally unstable people running it wouldn't haven anything to offer, only promised connections that will make you popular, which never happened, and you can get those without a network anyway.

I really hope action cartoons for boys and girls make a comeback.

loans/funding.... you know what with embezzling and stealing money from people. tricking people they will be famous if you sign for this 5m loan to grow your channel. Sign it and then realize wait its been 3 months where the fuck is my money?

What money silly you said you would give us 5 million dollars in content as we manage your channel >:3 *rubs hands*

fucking god knows why youtube even allowed MCN they caused massive fucking damage to the brand for ages.

Everyone's lost the plot on what kids actually want to see. There are still "kids shows" but they are obnoxious and bright hamfisted shit that kids hate because they can tell they're obviously being pandered to. Everything else has leaned too far into the philosophy of "let's make something parents will still enjoy" and ended up at "let's make something ONLY parents will enjoy"
What kids love more than anything else is feeling like adults, so you need to make things that convince them that your show is more mature than they should be expected to understand at their age. The Digital Circus is a prime example of this- it's pretty objectively made for kids, with its marketable characters and bright colors and explicitly stated morals, but because it has real-world concepts and characters that talk to each other like human beings and not JRPG NPCs it's doing gangbusters cause kids are utterly convinced they're watching something mature and edgy.

A long time ago was asked to be part of one. I researched the founder and found a lot of drama, low quality content and sleazy behavior related to him.
I said no, then he wrote me a lengthy email about how big and successful he was, how many connections he had, supposed big names that joined his network and how I'll never become big without his help, and all the negative stuff about his was from 'da trolls'.
I was only someone with less that 200 subscribers making a few gaming videos on my spare time, there was no reason for him to care that much.

The Digital Circus is a prime example of this- it's pretty objectively made for kids, with its marketable characters and bright colors and explicitly stated morals, but because it has real-world concepts and characters that talk to each other like human beings and not JRPG NPCs it's doing gangbusters cause kids are utterly convinced they're watching something mature and edgy.

i don't disagree completelly, but you just described a perfectly reasonable and enjoyable show.
being "deep" is overrated, and not the reason people look fondly on things, there is a reason kids want to feel mature, is because they seek to understand themselves and life better, a very human feel.
Maybe the reason is succesfull is not because is tricking anyone, and just being a honest production for a change.

Will children's channels go the way of Saturday morning blocks?

anon i...

It's crazy to me that those even existed. I could see something like a "you pay 10 dollars a month for entrance to a discord (or I guess skype back then) server and we'll find thumbnail artists and have a schedule registry for collabs" not whatever the fuck it ended out being.