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Arcane: Sisters Edition
because his powers can kinda ruin a lot of the depression bait drama
They need to give us a good reason why he can't just go back in time and save Vander from Singed/Viktor from Ambessa/Jayce
I think we need a scene where Jinx and Vi eat other's ass.
Voidbugs can be heard when he splashes Salo
Time Nigga if you can hear me, please save this show.
Would you eat one?
Purest form of love nanodesu
Ew, but zaunites don't bathe.
Are there any good older siblings in Runeterra?
I came when i saw daddy Jayce not going to lie, it's all i wanted this act, next act we eat good aswell from the preview
Shen? He's good to Kennen/Akali i guess at least, Zed is just a piece of shit
Salo also doesn't breathe, while they deliberately made Jayce's breath visible.
Viktor's whole base is full of insectoid motifs and the corrupted hexcore and Viktor's visions in S1 looked voidy.
The void has set up incursions via prophets in the past
Kai'sa's mask has some similarities to the creatures Jayce sees
Based on the face Jinx is making, no. I don't how she's gotten this far with the habit of shoving random shit in her mouth.
Jayce was locked in a realm where he had to play Solo Ranked as Jauce for an year
I'd be homicidal too
Seasoning is essential for flavor
Because it doesn't say anything that can't be deduced. If they wanted to be believable they should mention Mel's powers or something that we haven't really seen.
What the fuck was Jayce's problem?
that explains why Jayce is wigging.
leading champs that guarantees the next show will be kino
So what happened to Jinx's mental illness between seasons anyhow? I thought Singed's operation was supposed to have made it even more intense, and yet she's barely been showing symptoms.
He hates communes and free healthcare
not to mention the leaked trailer where Jayce says they have to fight "for humanity itself", and all the build-up with Heimerdinger saying the Hexcore looks exactly like a doomsday weapon. this shit was cursed from the start.
It's a well known scientific fact that crazy women become sane after achieving motherhood
So is Orianna real?
Silco's death quieted the voices down until it didn't
Isha silenced her voices, she said it herself Isha is like having glasses, big sister stuff and understanding why Vi acted the way she did i think
Victor's commune was in his lane.
She was faking it all along.
Post Jinx sideboob.
If they really wanted to be believable they would give an exact line of dialogue, but they won't do that because most anons are retarded at writing dialogue and the fake dialogue would be all too obvious.
Did you not watch Act 2? We get a lovely scene of her dad reading a story to her while she takes a little nap.
Yes, pls show him finishing his job thanks to Vander, i don't want to see everything he has done in his researchs being wasted on Ambessa
considering Jinx's shimmer treatment gave her a heightened resistance to toxins, probably not
Hottest Man Alive Stars Murdering People, Making Him Even Hotter Somehow
We hear her voices going silent at the end of s1
She started hearing them again when Isha got kidnapped no?
People have been speculating Shimmer has some void shit in it, and when Viktor took shimmer and his blood mixed with the Hexcore, it became that typical voidy "purple organic memberane with holes all over it" material. And this is also what he saw in his visions.
The people who Viktor has been healing, Salo included, are Shimheads or have shimmer in their system. So I think these things are related.
Maybe Jayce touched the pure arcane energy and Jayce the void-influenced version or something like that.
she really looks like a crack whore here
I've seen men with bigger honkers
Yes and until that they were silent
"I don't remember"
"I was just able to watch it once"
"It's all fuzzy idk"
Anyway, when are eps 7-9 titles coming out? It will confirm if the other anon/same(?) actually watched act 3
If they go anywhere with this they have to either sort of forget that Jinx literally bleeds shimmer or reveal that our girl is the antichrist
Why are women like this?
As long as Viktor doesnt touch her, she is (maybe) fine. Hextech seems to be the catalyst.
So assuming they do other LoL style shows, could Jinx and Vi cameo in those?
She just needs someone to show her the light!
If this is true they can just separate shimmer and hextech and continue using both? There must be a reason hex ech is still used in the future, Heimerdinger using it for his turrets and stuff, or they find a more stable version that doesn't fuck up reality
be me
waited for the next batch the entire week
finally binge watch it on saturday
do nothing else, just kinda daydream, watch few scenes again and again, shitpost on Anon Babble in arcane threads
sunday is full on detached mode
Ill be a zombie for the entire week, why am I like that. I didnt even get high or anything
Cute BPD girls just cant stop winning.
Losers seething.
I don't see any lies here.
that hairy arm
the average woman is hornier than what men can conceive of
Powder didn't deserve this life
Same, then next week i will need to find another show to obsess over
This feels unreal
Man jinx need to eat some more
the guy is right
Vi's brain is to smol to figure out how to make shadow puppets. She'd get mad she doesnt understand the perspective and punch the wall.
You're out of uniform, Cupcake, show us the abs.
They speak no lies
No, she is perfect.
Cait when Jinx kills her mom
Sevika when Jinx blows her arm off
the Fireflies when Jinx shoots their friend in the spine
Vi when Jinx kills her dad and her brothers and bludgeons and kidnaps her and makes her think she decapitated her girlfriend and tries to shoot her with a rocket launcher
Silco when Jinx murders him
Far too many living children, and that's before Isha's happiness and unconditional love for her crackwhore mothersister made him chimp out even harder.
I'm a man sad over Isha fuck you tourists
yeah, I get that especially as a fellow slav but poor desperate kids getting sexed is like a millenia-old tradition
I just feel like this is a very slav comparison to make, that's all
because they're based
Compare any scene from s2 to this 1 minute clip and watch it get mogged.
Viktor realizes humanity fucking sucks because of Jayce
No. Never.
he got hit by malza's skill 3
Soon: Ekko when Jinx puts his friends on a commemorative mural.
Guys how are we feeling about act 3. After it drops, it's over for good.
Just post the tweet
Brackern don't have shit to do with hextech anymore
Void's gonna be involved for some reason
I actually hate the Arcane world building so much, why the fuck is this now canon.
They had to do it or Seraphine would have been a bad girl
uuuhm, thats a xeet? Dont deadname it?
They better end Jinx's character perfectly.
If she would show even the slightest shred of remorse that problem would be rectified.
the gatcha Jinx skin has got to be shark-hoodie Jinx right? if they kill her off that's even more insult. here's your fav, we killed her, now buy her skin for $250 lel
WW gets ARcane Beastman skin imo, there's already an avatar for it, as does Viktor get his glorious evolution skin update
Would have been kino if Caitlyn was dressed like this.
Theoretically this makes the champion pool more interesting, because now they can pull from characters don't necessarily have to "currently exist" (seriously, what the fuck is going on with Camille), but every big world change has honestly been for the worst. The character changes are alright though.
7716 minutes until act 3
Brackern don't have shit to do with hextech anymore
I don't think this is something to get mad about desu senpai. Not that it was bad, but it wasn't a huge thing either.
>Void's gonna be involved for some reason
This is dogshit though, let the world be a world. It's kinda shit when literally everything is part of the same grand scheme, there should be breathing room for smaller scale, non-existential threats like Piltover/Zaun politics. Allah forbid they also tie in Mordekaiser via the Black Rose.
It's just like in my fanfics!
Ekko when Jinx murders his friends and enjoys it
viktor healing my very hard penis with his mouth
Stop dudefying monster champs, riot. New Thresh was a sign of things to come
Why isn't Cait wringing Jinx's neck again?
Sure, the Brackern change technically isn't a big deal, but hextech lore still loses something from it, without anything filling up the hole. There's no real reason to do it, it's a pointless change. I do wish things were kept small scale, yeah. I really don't want to see The Void in this show.
seriously, what the fuck is going on with Camille
still don't know if I should be happy or sad that she won't appear in the show
season 2 is kind of dissapointing, so it/s probably for the best
because Isha is there.
If she plays it cool then Vi will sit on her face before taking her first shower in 3 months
She'd get bodied
1. It's been months
2. They have bigger fish to fry
3. At that moment all the zombies are losing their souls
You should ask nicely, Jayce
thinking she can take on Jinx
when Vi couldnt last 1 second against her
This is the reason
Creatures called "Watchers" try to destroy the world using a sentient symbiotic artifact that saved a person it fused with regardless of their will and attempts to use them as a viechle for it's goal
seriously, what the fuck is going on with Camille)
Timeline's gonna get shifted by a lot, most likely.
Aatrox is the oldest Darkin and cares about his fellow Darkin.
Nasus loves his brother even if Renekton is fucking crazy.
Darius actually loves Draven, which is crazy considering who Darius is. And who Draven is for that matter.
Ornn loves Volibear.
She's been tirelessly going after jinx thinking shes been up to no good and she just found out jinx has been farting around with a child and trying to save her dad with vi. She's realizing she's been wasting her time and that jinx is not the monster she built up in her head
"I mean, yeah, sure, she ruthlessly shot one of my friends in the back right in front of me and has blown up countless others, but this retarded ship can still work somehow!"
It's so weird knowing that all these characters are older than her now. Also why's Viktor gotta be Void related, just let him have his thing.
The watchers aren't doing shit. Lys is doing her job well, even if she's catastrophically autistic.
I'm still not sure about how I feel with Vander being resurrected as an eldritch monster. I know they've teased it since S1 but it just feel way too fantastic to have the girl accept that thing is their dad.
Vi bodied her both times and only “lost” because Isha interfered
Say hello to your next A League of Legends Story protagonist.
tell me you've never touched a woman without telling me
watch Vander die a 3rd time
Did they run out of concepts? I'm sick of this shit
check it, flaming skull and a floating jaw, barely even a face. pretty fuckin' sick right?
hmmmm, no. redraw it, give him a man's face, marketing wants to sell to a wider audiences
WW bros coping hard, there will be no werewolf WW in Arcane
Vi was getting fucked in the big melee until Cait shot Jinx, which was actually sorta unbelievable because Jinx lost her guns but Vi had the gauntlets on
what's your favorite line from the series?
For me it's
"Why is peace always the justification for violins?"
Such a deep line. Violins don't need justification, they're a beautiful instrument, and yet people always need to justify them with peace.
Warwick design looks like shit
I'm still mad.
They could keep her an old lady and just have her gain her augments when she's older.
I refuse to watch it. His design is awful enough but his personality makes him insufferable.
The women I touch usually bathe and shave
The Most Toxic Yuri in the Franchise
The Most Toxic Yuri in Arcane
She is perfect.
That is some truly awful art.
God forbid a mammal has hair
Cope, lmao
It's just changing shit for the sake of it. It's so bizarre.
imagine the sex
she looks like a faggot
best I can do is 4-seconds
Vi was getting fucked in the big melee
They were going pretty even the entire time. Jinx was gaining a bit of an edge when Cait shot her, but it was back and forth the whole time. Unlike Cait who was getting unequivocally ass fucked by Sevika and won by pure luck.
This is such a stupid fucking post, but it still made me laugh heartily.
You can still touch yourself to all the regular warwick porn
I'm ashamed to admit that it took me way too long to realize that the big glowing eye isn't actually the Watcher's face.
Don't worry, just like how Vi, Caitlyn, and Jinx barely resemble their in-game personalities, Ezreal will be a brooding sad boy desperate to prove his dad wrong about how he'll never amount to anything.
Looks like a tiktok masc lesbian
Yone. Like yes technically he fought his brother to the death but after that they're friends.
the mental illness is really the result of her guilt for the death of Vander and her friends.
Getting a child to care for gave her a reason to live and focus more on the living than the dead.
Ekko just rewinds 4 sec over and over to watch Isha repeatedly kill herself
Why are blacks like this?
She's realizing she's been wasting her time and that jinx is not the monster she built up in her head
Jinx almost blew her up in a bombing that killed several other enforcers and is directly responsible for a terrorist attack that killed her mother.
I think a show with him and kai'sa just like the cinematic would be great
jfc it just keeps getting worse
all of s1 and s2 was to introduce the real big bad, the Void, in the last 2 episodes
i laughed at that post a lot louder than i should have...
This one kinda makes sense, in that if you want the invention of hextech to focus on champions instead of having them (just) be users of it, you need to shift Camille by necessity. Riot seems to be wanting to make the world more champ-centered, which I'm not sure how I feel about.
Jinx saved Cait's life. It's not that deep.
She was raised by a skelly who thinks a shot and cigar is a nutritionally complete breakfast
Well yeah
But in her defense
She was sad
implying tiktok masc lesbians actually look like fuckable twinks
we aint got a world that good
they're not doing the original design
I kms
resurrection is the theme of the season
Viktor and all his followers
Kino (but it's fake)
but the lesson is gonna be that they all used magic shit that brings more harm than good in the end. there's no turning back, expect only bigger fuck-ups if you try.
jinx is not the monster
she has the highest on screen murder count, besides maybe WW, and that count includes Cait's mother
Why did she swallow it instead of spitting it out?
"Its a show about found family"
Everyone in the found family dies
Probably only Vi lives
LMAO, guess found families are fucking trash
Jayce somehow managed to become even more of a chad.
Killing invaders is not murder.
Yeah Jinx so I watched the footage a few times, and counted about 19 ways you could've saved Isha. To be fair, about a dozen of those were mostly prevented by Vi, but the rest were all on you.
We literally have a void prophet champion, why make Viktor into the same thing? That's why I'm betting on this not being the void, because the rest of the writing is frankly a little better than that
cloud tiddy
Enforcers are legitimate police force of the city state, it's not their fault zauniggers actively try to turn their place into no-go zone
I just dont know what else it could be. Its dumb to make it look so visually identical but have it not be the void.
Post the jiggle from s1 when she kicks the machine
dude, c'mon, it's clearly the void
they teased it since the beginning with the heist explosion and Heimerdinger's reaction, but nobody wanted to listen because they were too busy with their irrelevant human drama.
To be fair, regular biological families die at the same rate, if not more. Every major zaunite had their real parents die off screen before their adoptive ones.
void prophet champion
He doesn't understand shit about the void, Malzahar know it's the void, Viktor doesn't
They're a gang paid for primarily by the Kirammans. Nobody in Zaun voted for them. Nobody in Zaun has any political representation at all.
The enforcers are NOT a legitimate police force. They're the private military of crony capitalists.
women shave their arms
anon you're telling on yourself
Yeah, but they're still fulfilling the same role, aware or not.
Viktor is already cool by himself
Arcane actually builds on him and makes him cool
Suddenly it's Void related
He's just a shitty mix of Malzahar with Kassadin
Beyond lame.
There will be no living with you people when the Caitvi sex scene drops. It'll be wall to wall trolls vs yurifags. Nothing will get discussed.
Yeah, that's why he will end up shouting about evolution in the next act when he will stop using Void bullshit powers after Piltover beat Ambessa
The city-state is ruled by wealthy Pilties who placed themselves in charge. They are not there by consent of the masses, and are therefore illegitimate. Enforcers are an occupying force. They must be resisted using any and all methods.
I'm more excited about the JinxVi sex scene desu.
true kek
i really don't get why they needed to have void plot at all
it seemed that show was, besides more personal conflicts, about class struggle and challenges and moral dillemas associated with technological progress, Viktor's glorious evolution would have found a better place in the plot in a form closer to original one
Jfc where is it said in the show it's void? Stop getting pissed at shit that hasn't even happened.
These threads became unusable shortly after S1 because of yurilosers and jilco shitters. I've always expected the cycle to repeat.
counterpoint: democracy is gay and cringe
They were so close to Viktor's speech about humanity being actually really fucking good and showing his disillusionment with everything, but they piss on it if Void's involved.
I am holding on to hope that it isn't, but it's slipping.
And all the Zaunites that she's killed in service of Silco's shimmer empire? Was that also super noble?
DV had more repercussion than this scene
But now all they talk about is BDSM caitvi
So that plot point was resolved rather abruptly....
I like Mel and Ambessa as characters, but we really, really, REALLY did not need a fucking "Mel has super powers and the black rose wants her" plot in this on top of everything else
They're not gonna touch on the void. They already touched on the corruptive nature of the ARCANE but it seems the direction they're going to go is Viktor becoming a Singularity.
Act 3 Viktor scene
His body is repairing itself using the flesh and steel of his followers + Warwick Juice courtesy of Singed
Followers enter his mind palace
He begins eliminating the humanity of his followers
Skye speaks out in horror
Viktor looks at her and says "I'm sorry"
Skye straight up gets deleted from the hive mind
Viktor 3.0 comes out
It's pretty obvious that Viktor or Singed is going to do something to Orianna to turn her mechanical. But since Orianna is a league champion they can't just make her Viktor's goon, she needs a plot hook for fans of the game to characterize her.
One thing I noticed on a rewatch is that Singed is able to deduce exactly what is happening to Viktor. While they were talking he grabbed Viktor's hand forcefully for no reason. I wonder if Singed knows that Viktor can read minds and is trying to direct him to a certain path towards Orianna. Maybe Singed's efforts will be for Orianna to become his ideal lifeform.
A creature free from the sickness of death due to being machine, but able to evolve and better itself.
Singed seems like the type of father who would revive Ori but then leave before she could confront him so that she wouldn't be bogged down by the presence of him.
Call me crazy but I think Jayce is future Viktor in his body. The way he acts, even how he talks in the preview. It just doesn't feel like Jayce.
When I saw this I laughed so hard, honestly based of Riot to cuck Vi and Caitlyn shippers like that.
So that plot point was resolved rather abruptly
whitch wasn't. kek
so what's LeBlanc's goal anyway? is she here to fight against the Void? I thought she was plotting against Mordekaiser who has nothing to do with the Void, right?
Its dropping in the same batch as the Jinx death scene.
Jinxfags will be on suicide watch, Vifags will be celebrating the sex scene.
Next Saturday will be wild
I don't feel like watching act 3 now that Isha is gone, also episode 6 just felt like a mess.
me too
If Maddie doesn't have sex with Vi I will not be satisfied.
She is just recruiting Mel, probably.
Jinxfags will be on suicide watch
Vifags will be celebrating the sex scene
Next Saturday will be wild
she was there to grab Mel and kill Ambessa, at least
They didn't even try.
yeah, fuck that
the whole sequence in that prison well is just awkward and unnecessary
Would be a twisted end for him.
Mel breaks free from the prison
Leblanc jumpscare
Surprise! that was the true test! You're officially a girlboss
Here's an infodump on why you're special! Hope it doesn't shatter your world!
Here's an invitation to our club!
Her actual brother is presented with a knife
You want to be a bad bitch or a bottom bitch?
Mel kills her brother
End of Act 3, Ambessa retreats in shame
Becomes chained by magic
Mel shows up
Hello mother
And then it cuts to Noxus and credits
She's just generally scheming, and also plotting against Mordekaiser. In terms of the show, the black rose (and noxus as a whole), is constantly making and looking for super weapons or people powerful enough to be super weapons. Mel is powerful, possibly due to whoever her unnamed father is, so LeBlanc wants her.
What if there is no sex scene?
oh my god, this shizo might me onto something...
So was it Riot's intention to cock tease us by hiding some characters' faces for an extended period to make us think they're a champion only to just bombshell drop Orianna out of nowhere?
The hexcore's heals via augmentation. Salo was a biometal dude at that point doesn't mean he's with the void camp on the contrary:
To be a mortal touched by this power is to suffer an agonizing glimpse of eternal unreality, enough to shatter even the strongest mind
Oh wow that sounds like a certain hammer wielding fella
I'm not a purity fag so I don't care. I knew Caitlyn was a player since the brothel scene.
Now that Arcane is the official lore, there is no way Jinx is going to die. Or at least stay dead.
I'm willing to bet that at best, she will die and Ekko will do his only chronobreak to save her.
out of nowhere?
People guessed that one mid-season 1, anon.
There will be. It’s the last act and we haven’t gotten one and who else is it gonna be besides Caitlyn and Vi
That's not why cait is hunting her down, you braindead tard. She thinks jinx is inciting the violent pushback piltover has been experiencing from zaun. She's not after her to specifically take her to trial for her past actions, though of course that route would be implied if she didn't just outright dome her
I get sad easy, but Isha did nothing for me because I expected she is just miserybait since the second she appeared.
And I can also say that about the hug and any other happy moment in this show - ever since S1 I know they will pull the rug so I feel detached.
The only happy emotional moment will be between Vi and Cait, everything else is bait. And I dont feel about that one either because it was never at risk.
Mel was so much better back when she was being politically shrewd and conniving all by herself.
He also has Viktor's amber eyes. while the present him doesn't have them.
I'll be honest, I've barely been paying attention to Arcane and surrounding discussion, the only thing I picked up on was Vander being Warwick.
AU Jinx and Ekko.
All of the small-scale, personal story threads built by S1 are culminating in an asspull Noxus enemy for Piltover/Zaun to rally against in lieu of a satisfying earned resolution for the characters involved. Characters are teleporting around the setting and alternating motivations and personalities at whirlwind speed determined by plot convenience. The writing is complete GOT-ification, just happening in one season instead of spread out over 4 of them.
Animation still great at least
The wild runes are mentioned to be on the places where boundaries between dimensions are the thinnest to have a narrative excuse to introduce the void shit
AU Jinx and Isha
I love Caitlyns VA's quirky accent
I think they're going for a thing where The Arcane is actually the flipside to The Void. They kept going on about "two sides of the same coin" and all that, and it'd fit if the Arcane is void-like, but more focused on creation over destruction.
The Wild Rune/Anomaly could be some intersection of the two though. Viktor said it was perfect creation and destruction at once.
Jinx derangement syndrome. I'm not asking what you personally think about jinx, I'm saying that cait is realizing that she's not JUST an alpha terrorist. She thought she was being a criminal mastermind directing the jinxers and such, but all while she's been hunting her she's actually just been hanging out with vi trying to save their dad together.
To be fair, I didn't pick up on it myself I only saw the theorising early on and it made sense then.
the tv show is the tv show and the game is the game
why are people so obsessed about "canon"
Is there ANY chance the sex scene isn't Caitvi?
I am out of copium
The TV show is now the game canon, anon. The characters in the game are the characters from this TV show.
Is mister leaker telling the truth?
May I ask wtf is going on with Jayce's hammer? It looks different.
I've lost any faith it's not gonna be the turbodykes
she killed rival gang members
the only victims with a claim to innocence are the firelights, and even that's iffy when they go out of their way to attack her group.
I forgot most shit from the first season...What were the theories about her?
Sex scene
I'm actually surprised Caitlyn isn't more angry at Vi for getting all chummy with Jinx after their fallout happened BECAUSE Vi chose Jinx over her.
Dogshit fanfiction tier plotting, please understand.
eh, it's Vi convincing Jinx to fight not Echo in the trailer. Why would Caitvi be in a jail cell...
Go back to your cult, Salo
I'm sure that's coming in act 3
Trust the plan
The theories were pretty much what we've seen in season 2. That she's Singed's daughter and the reason he's doing all of this
Skye straight up gets deleted from the hive mind
Maybe Jana will save her, who the hell knows. Maybe cait and vi incurring the wrath of a literal god (ep 3) will be brushed over the same as everything this season
could singed ever be redeemed
Caitlyn can't be mad. She left Vi broken and sobbing knowing she had nothing else in her life. Her getting mad at Vi for going to Jinx would be absolutely cruel and retarded.
Kids can cover their eyes.
He's still destined to make Not!Napalm for Noxus to use against civilian targets when they invade Not!Asia, so I'm going to say no.
I just want my baby back.
That's the main point. Why would he say Caitvi happens in an unrelated location if he could have said they'd fuck in Cait's office had he only seen the teaser. It makes no sense and that's why its likely true
There is no sex scene and Jinx doesn't die
Huh, what exactly pointed towards that? Neat how people figure it out though. I was completely blindsided though.
season so devoid of good character even reddit is starting to miss and appreciate Silco
I actually think it was Skye in there. I know I'm probably wrong but she was way too helpful and kind to just be a manifestation of an emotionless cosmic force manipulating him
considering the fact firelight went out of their way not to cause any unneseary casualties while fighting drug dealers they are tottally innocent in this
He doesn't need to
Reunited soon.
I'm happy Viktor had his nerdy black girlfriend, and now I'm unhappy that that's probably going to be taken away from him.
Nah, Singed is getting mindbroken by Viktor next act.
Viktor will form a protective cocoon
Singed will pump it with Warwick juice to perfect his transformation
GLORIOUS EVOLUTION Viktor will come out
Proceed to "heal" Orianna as thanks
But he doesn't care about the subjects humanity anymore so, the result is just the emotionless Orianna from the game
Singed left devastated by his daughter being back but not actually
Viktor: "Your sadness is foolish, I just made her perfect as you made me."
Singed goes full breakdown
Singed, no! Jayce is gonna go apeshit if he finds out that you managed to unkill a child!
I just don't think it would work while fantastic is playing in the BG.
Fuck no. Besides Mordey, Thresh, Eve, and Aatrox he's the most evil motherfucker in League.
that thing consumed her, so it probably knows how'd she act
Once again, could have been solved if she found out she had orphaned isha in one of her attacks. Ooo the misery
Odd how Vi is considered a big fish when she's brought to Ambessa.
The Void
The Mist
World Runes
just how much world-ending threats are there in that universe? how is that planet even inhabitable?
rough around the edges, but kino
Is there anything so undoing as a daughter?
I miss Silco.
You are missing The Watchers
only legends will get (on) this team
they often cancel out each other
how is that planet even inhabitable?
it barely is, and that's a recent development
Because she's the only one that could make Caitlyn betray her. Ambessa needs Cait in her orbit.
got attached to the worst character in the show because they're in the shape of a child
I really don't understand normies.
she looks so cute as a loli
Would Singed really care though? He wants his daughter back and admits that Viktor is a higher lifeform that has conquered death. It seems like he would be fine with his daugher being an emotionless robot so long as she was "alive"/autonomous
His Quest led him astray of any trodden path
His own shadow dissolved to darkness
Now the only course was forward
The only warmth, a dream of her waltz
Aatrox literally cannot be killed by anything, including gods, and wants to end reality.
vi losing her hometurf
There's also
Aurelion Sol
Primordial Demons
how is that planet even inhabitable?
The world ending threats are all in stasis/locked up/biding their time. Your average person probably hasn't heard of any of them outside of myths, barring the mist which is very real.
They created Void so their effect is still counted
spirit viktor and spirit skye
i really can't see another reason for jayce having that leg thing, that's 100% viktor's
you're missing the darkin and asol's+his constellations
included in the void
Full circle.
Viktor cucking Singed out of his entire life's purpose and turning his daughter into a lifeless automaton is the reason he becomes number one napalm exporter
This would actually be kino
The multiverse will make all leaks true
That's part of The Void
Singed seems like the type of father who would revive Ori but then leave before she could confront him so that she wouldn't be bogged down by the presence of him.
His goal is to bring her back so she can lead a full, happy life. He seems like he would understand that all the awful shit he's done and the humanity he's sacrificed in the process would be an impediment to her peaceful life.
Actually, thinking on it... if they're going to do new shows set in other areas of Runeterra, they could tie them all together by having one of the recurring storylines be Orianna going on walkabout in search of her father so she can get closure.
"Hello, large hairy man! What is this, F- Fr... Freljord? Did I say that right? Snow is pretty and it's cold as shit! I love it! Have you seen my dad? Bald skinny man made of meat? Burned face, spooky eye? Probably followed by a cloud of toxic gas? No. Cool, cool. Hey, do you think a polar bear will let me ride it?"
So if AU shenanigans aren't real then explain the Ekko in Piltovean clothes in the trailer.
in a prison cell. in front of children.
Amanda's degeneracy knows no bounds
and honestly I can see there not being a sex scene just as easily. CaitVi have their spat in the library and reconcile but there's no time for actual intimacy cause the attack from Ambessa happens all in a flash.
and Fantasic song is just a make-up song, like Remember me was a flashback song for Vander
well I don't play the game so I don't care.
but didn't they say that everything is canon? meaning both the show and the game lore coexist even if they contradict each other?
It’ll cut to an ad for their new Valorant Netflix original
understands hextech
doesnt understand mirrors
I always find it funny that every leaker would make up the most outlandish shit but not a single one was brave enough to confirm that stupid sex scene never existed. They were all cowards.
the sex scene between mel and jayce was also very tame and possibly all aged
Lightning in a bottle.
KEK wp
Have you met anyone studying STEM? Many such cases,
Amanda said it's her favorite for a reason. Also arcane has the sex trigger on Netflix still.
Well the point would be Viktor misunderstanding the desire.
Hell, he'd probably make her a ballerina like her League version specifically so she'd still dance for him. But there'd be no warmth to be found in it cause it's no longer really his daughter. Singed may not even consider her alive at that point.
Adding onto it, after getting rejected, maybe Orianna would be confused as she was made purposefully to have someone to dance for. Instead of dealing with this robot girl's dilemma and developing emotion, Viktor just gives her "THE BALL" and is like "here, have this instead, it's just as good as your father".
This is really just bullshit but honestly I do wonder if they'll somehow still give Ori "The Ball" in this incarnation cause it's so stupid.
That's why Demacia are the good guys. Magic and everything attached to it is inherently too dangerous to exist.
cait has had time to think and reflect on her actions and to look at ambessa as an example of being merciless
Spiky skills profiles is a sign of autism
Me too. Hell, sprits are canon in the LoLverse so beyond just her consciousness being trapped in the hexcore I'd like to believe the hexmagic is able to tap into the spirit dimension as well not just the arcane and the void
Ella said in the most recent con she went to that the ending is just 5/10 sad for Jinx so cope faggot
but there is a sex scene...
Just be glad that he wasn't alive for this season's writers to get a hold of him.
This can mean anything. A heroic death is a good ending for a terrorist.
Besides, nobody has sourced me up on that claim.
the mastermind out-masterminded. I like.
1. Amanda said there will be a sex scene
2. Amanda's favorite song from the soundtrack is Fantastic
3. Amanda saying she can't wait for us to see what scene the song plays for
Common all the signs are there...
Jana chose jinx and not cait or vi, how's that make you feel?
They're still stupid as fuck for antagonising mages as hard as possible and spending no effort to understand magic when every other nation uses it like it's salt. Demacian collapse is inevitable and deserved
Ekko X Heimerdinger
His writing in the flashback got him an enormously positive reception on all the relevant social media sites
Paint the Town Blue was such a waste of an episode, I hope Jinx really does die in act 3 and it happens in episode 7 so we can move the narrative along to literally anything else.
Not to mention Mel's nothingburger side plot (no doubt for the sole sake of her girlbossing uselessly in act 3 but this time she has powerz) and the Cait's Ginger sidepiece, so she's still around to waste what little precious time we have left in act 3 on more drawn out lesbo hand wringing.
t. Vi tranny doesn't understand the feeling of love, compassion, and protection for innocent young girls
what are you talking about?
I still want to believe the old theory that Jinx "dies" in a fiery glory saving Cait for Vi's sake and everyone thinks shes dead, but at the very end cut to the back of a young woman living in peace, in a cabin on a sunny beach far away, humming dear friend across the river, cut to black roll credits.
What the fuck are you talking about? Do you have a source of the interview or not?
I hope they become sisters again....
The way the game lore works is that it's always evolving and changing, but I think recently they've hit a pretty stable spot where not many major things change. Every piece of side content that came out under the League name would basically be its own alternate universe with some changes to the lore, but you could still infer stuff from each one if it didn't contradict anything. However, due to Arcane's popularity, they decided that going forward, anything that now comes out under the League game will be properly unified in one canon lore. This means that Arcane is fully canon. Obviously this leaves a lot of contradictions with characters in League, but those are going to be cleaned up eventually by changing their lore to match up with Arcane. My issue is that I just find Arcane's lore less interesting. The previous stuff is going to be erased.
but everything revolves around Jinx...
Bro it's a nation founded by refugees of an apocalypse brought on by mages. Of course bitter hatred for mages and magic would be engrained in their DNA.
They did for a brief moment at Viktors hippie cult hideout.
yes! you could see genuine worry in her eyes when they saw the hextech germ
Sorry, it's already confirmed Jinx dies to my penis
I mean it's understandable, but still stupid.
Cope, we're not getting an Ekko episode
falls from the sky
no backstory
doesn't even talk
blatant plot device to make jinx more sympathetic to the normie audience once she suicides
"dawww but she's so cute, she's a child!"
Slop scarfing tard. Vi is the weakest character of the main cast, btw.
Can someone explain to me what happened to the mercury hammer? It looks like it fused with Viktor's staff.
Man if those ass leakers are true, I’ll hate the ending. 3 years for this shit..? And wait for the press to call the ending “extraordinary” and “emotional” or “bold” along with some subvert expectations bs, etc.
And plebbit? Oh boy they will dig that shit.
Did Jinx always have this much sideboob visible or am I finally coom brained?
normal women don’t shave their forearms. being concerned by a little bit of hair there is faggot behavior
Nah, her tits got bigger this season. I'm sure of it
In Arcane? Yes, she's been a sideboob machine since Happy Progress Day.
The ball, a semi sentient pet that Ori has
Deckard... why are they running
jayce is right about everything. viktor or whatever was controlling viktor was creating a bunch of void things mimicking humans.
Probably started lactating for Isha
Jinx watches a blue haired child playing on the beach
Reads an article about how Ekko has cured homosexuality with hextech
"Heh... they really were a league of legends"
warwick going fiery is such a strange and specific thing to have just guessed. given ekko and heim are just gone currently i also wouldn't be surprised by the AU shit
Can someone post the screenshot of how Jayce sees Viktor's followers?
In the final fight, Jinx fights Warwick and both fall down with unclear fate.
She has said that anyone close to her dies (in this case she kills Vander).
Jinx has a lot of people dressing and acting like her so Vi copes she maybe lived.
Vi was known to always be looking for Jinx in her old lore, so maybe that's recontextualized now - she is not looking for her because she is a criminal, she desperately wants her sister to be alive.
We dont have a concrete answer as to what happened.
c'mon anon, there's no sex in a prison cell, you can clearly see Vi and Caitlyn arguing in the library prob in Caitlyn's mansion
they'll probably bang in Caitlyn's bed again like s01e08 or whichever one it was, haven't watched it in a minute
Vi and Jinx's mom is pregnant
Makes it two other dudes' problem because she knows she'd be a shit mom
What the fuck was her problem?
VI needs her REAL sister
Yes, then Jayce came (in Viktor) and ruined it all (it wad deserved)
y-you are gay beacause you're not into disgusting things that can happen to women
really dude?
Dumped it onto them for all the threesomes they were having.
Why the fuck would Cait and Vi fuck in Jinx's jailcell? Why would they even be in or near a jailcell when they're shown to be in Cait's Manor in the preview?
So Christian confirmed on his twitter that they fucked up and put the wrong version of PTTB in the episode. This would have never happened in season1.
it really do be like that
It's called being the Zaunite bike. Vander and Silco were her pimps
Vi and Jinx's dad might be the most cucked man imaginable.
zero plot relevance. They should have just made it so the mom doesn't know who the father is
the entire purpose of the plan with Vi and Cait was to stop Singed from injecting bad dragon lava into vw
cait shokes him out then they just leave him to wake up unhindered and do it anyway
They are writing scenes first and forcing the story to arrive there no matter how dumb which is always annoying.
He was a hardworking brown man defending the fruits of his labor from a thievin blond blue eyed white colonialist
I am sorry for your country
ep 1- we see desperate zaunites begging for Jana to save them
ep 2- we see caitlyn and her strike team depicted as a literal monster when smeech and his gang encounter them
ep 3- ashes to blood, the song that plays during the jinx vi fight literally is a prayer to Jana that says "the blue bird is with me." Jinx's face is literally placed next to the face of the relief statue of jana as she attacks vi and cait. And then she survives the encounter she designed to kill herself (implied she was aided by Jana)
Are you people speedwatchers or someting...
disgusting things that can happen to women
it’s not normal to shave your forearms. unless you have pcos or are from certain places of the world and have massive tufts of black hair there there’s no reason to. it’ll grow back more coarse anyway. how is that even a turnoff for you? better yet, how do you even look at that first thing when staring at women?
in the old lore, this bitch wants to fuck the shit out of warwick
forced disney shilling
Trash, hope you didn't spend too long on that.
Everyone thinks Jinx is dead
She's in SEQUELBAIT land working on a gadget
Mechanical feet run up to her
Orianna who is a young girl walks up to her
Jinx hands her the BALL
They hold hands and walk into the distance
women need to have access to modern manufacturing technology to be real women
literal tranny mindset.
NuWarwick got ROBBED...
Jinx is the messiah
This is the most unsurprising twist possible
predictions for the finale:
jayce is correct, viktor is a threat to humanity
heimerdinger and ekko are cooking up something crazy in their weird hyperbolic time journey in the hexgate core
ekko will use his time jesus powers to change something about how act 2 ended, and set the timeline vaguely on the track that it is in normal league
mel's b plot leads into a teaser at the end for the next series, about noxus, the black rose, mordekaiser, and maybe demacia or ionia (demacia pls riot)
just leave him there
Did you miss the part where they got jumped and distracted? They were a little occupied when Singed finally got his opening, and Singed only got his opening because of Jayce showing up
Caitlyn should be having male and female concubines.
They were both pumping cum into her every night, that baby was their responsibility too
Jinx and Warwick travel together at the end of Arcane
There's supposed to be some healer that can fix anything
Camera pans to Mt Targon
Assuming Jayce was in the right and Viktor really was just turning people into Voidslaves, what was he doing with Vander/Warwick? It really did seem like he was treating him so what was happening with the lava and shit?
Damn, she is just like me fr
her face looks like Felicia's
this kekekek. they act like faggots upholding the most ridiculous standards. i get wanting women to shave their armpits/having that preference but forearms? deranged
boring and lame
Actually peak, Riot do this one instead
i wanna be one
Connol was an absolute beta male and those kids aren't even his own
Jayce is future viktor though.
disgusting things that can happen to women
but it's just forearm hair
I am not even the previous anon but holy kek
Take a cue from Caitlyn, I'm sure she wouldn't let some arm hair stop her from getting puss
What happened there?
Viktor thought he was helping warwick. Viktor is benevolent, but the powers he's using are not. heimerdinger pretty much warned him, if you use magic then everything goes to shit in one way or another.
Ekko uses the Z-Drive to cure Cait's PilterAIDS permanently and completely remove the Mel subplot from the timeline.
How about Vi not killing Ambessa and the next moment Ambessa just strolls out.
So it looks like VIktor actually is healing people but is rewriting their minds to be peace loving and "enlightened".
The fact that he has the ability to bodyjack them means that they only get "free will" up until he feels like removing it.
As Kanye West said
boring and lame
Literally what everyone was saying about Piltover/Zaun. In Riot we trust.
The most fuckable Arcane character
But again, what exactly was he doing with Vander?
God that pissed me off. I saw someone complain about it on xitter and people were saying vi is so morally good that she can’t kill her. As if it wouldn’t benefit literally everybody in Piltover AND Zaun
Demacia would just be a remix of Arcane with the mage rebellion.
Noxus, Targon of Bilgewater would be the best bets.
You forgot Xerath, when it comes to being an evil asshole its hard to top a guy who used magic to abort babies and then betrayed his best friend for power.
ionia is weeaboo wank off shit. demacia is way cooler.
They killed my baby and Sunday they are gonna kill my other baby wtf is this shit show I didn't sign up for this I just heard the animation is very good fuck you
This post is more homosexual than fucking a bear
the random blond dude they hopped up on SHimmer's decapitated head is turned into Orianna's Ball
That'd be fucking hilarious.
There's also a drawing jinx did on a boulder in the temple where they fight depicting a small blue bird in the mouth of a monsterified vi.
Fiddle? Nocturne? Kench? Any of the void assholes?
Ekko fixes everything
He still makes sure Isha dies because Jinx needs to be fighting in League instead of being a stay at home mom
These libs are gonna kill Jinx off on Saturday. There’s no way they let her live. Redemption by death shit because she’s a terrorist but Caitlyn will get off the hook despite unleashing the gray on civilians, getting civilians beat within an inch of their life, and letting a foreign power in
He's just pulling a Terminator. Viktor's going to make Skynet and he has to stop him.
Only unlike the Terminator, Jayce ignores the people and goes right for the job.
Skye's involvement in this season has been so uncomfortably forced, it would have made more sense if she were a malevolent projection from the hexcore, but instead shes just a weird over correction for her lack of personality in season 1.
Demacia would just be a remix of Arcane with the mage rebellion.
Unless they downplay it to subplot status while the main plot is about Demacia changing with the times while contending with Freljord and Noxian incursions.
singed experiments
isha turns into furry
just like vander turned into furry
isha becomes teemo
just like vander became warwick
This scene was only there for the sake of lesbianism
welcome to the club
the only problem with this show is that its actually going to be 20 years before they are able to explore all of league's areas. they all have some interesting stuff going on.
Maybe ionia on its own, but the ionia/noxus conflict is cool and involves multiple cool characters like Swain, Riven, Zed, and Yi. The only worthwhile characters in Demacia are Sylas and Galio, fucking right me.
Ekko permanently turns into a kid because time shenanigans
Viktor sheds his humanity and becomes PnZ number one enemy
Singed gets Mindbroken by Viktor turning her daughter into toaster
Jinx dies but not really, she comes back even crazier than before with nothing left of powder
Vanderwick dies, his body is recycled by Singed and turns it into canon Warwick
House Medarda gets purged for real and Mel becomes black rose property
Jayce becomes a husk of his former self and now spends his days trying to stop Viktor from evolving all of Piltover
There, the ending for your beloved characters
stop speedwatching
I like the original one, not some cheap copy
When all it took for Caitlyn to betray Ambessa was to be called cupcake will never not be funny
I remember everyone agreeing that Piltover & Zaun was the most obviously adaptable setting for a story desu. It's going to be Noxus & Ionia, or they've wasted a bunch of this season shoving a Black Rose b-plot that has done fuck all for the story
He was touching Vander in his most intimate parts >///<
bro garen and lux, j4 and shyvana, MORGANA AND KAYLE. demacia is awesome
Shurima season
Follows Cass hiring Sivir to take her into the desert for ruins
Spoonfeed watchers with lesbian subtext and Black Rose/Noxus lore
Every now and then they find an artifact
Flashback to Azir and Xerath in life
Ezreal trolling around ruins with his uncle
Gets seperated and falls deep underground
Meets and is saved by Kai'sa
Kassadin being a loner, sexbait warrior looking for someone
Malzahar being mentioned
S1 ends with Cassia stabbing Sivir, Azir waking up, Kassadin and Ezreal getting the right and left gauntlet of whatever
Purest form of love
Fiddle and Nocturne aren't really evil. They're just manifestations of mortal emotions. Kench I'll give you but he's only really a threat to you if you're retarded enough to take his deals.
Void is hit or miss. Most are too simple and animalistic to be considered evil. Belveth and Malz are evil though, yes.
When you put it like this, somehow this theory sounds more believable
ah yes the things we do for love
That's the copy, this is the original.
Anon please, be serious.
Fun character, but not one I'd want to see star in a series.
Morgana and Kayle
Okay, I'll give you those two.
From what I understand lesbians hate it because it paints Cait as fickle and promiscuous.
teemo is a yordle, thats not how it works.
two retards fighting: the show
Ionia is obnoxious mary sue land and Noxus is obnoxious edgelord land
Chat is this real?
The construct-creatures bit is super fitting
She makes me so horny
I watch Arcane with a friend and we toast to Silco's memory at least once per every episode
S2 still mogs your average marvel slop
Yeah they just want to confirm Caitlyn is a lesbian. I for one am relieved it's finally confirmed.
Ionia is fucking lame. It's just fantasy Japan. The entertainment industry is FLOODED with at shit right now and I really don't want to see it in this.
j4 and shyvana
only if they include a sex scene and retcon it so smolder is their son and that's why he's autistic
I'm only interested in the Vastayans. They're sexy
I will only accept jinx blowing herself up if she somehow messed up with the bomb and accidentally sends herself to morgana's place for the ending.
Why do people and the subtitles call him Warwick but nobody in the show does?
Honestly was waste of frames and money... Cause that Maddie and Caitlyn scene had nothing to the story and special after ep 6.
Dunno what writes were thinking. Was only for shock value that became irrelevant.
Nah most of them knew she was a player. The Vi fags are mad and just want Vi happy. Cait lesbians are just happy she's a confirmed top.
Back up
Shurima> Freiljord> Demacia> Noxus> Ionia> Bilgewater>>>>>>>>>>>> power gap>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shadow Isles
I noticed there are barely any webm from act 2 like there actually were no memorable scenes holy fuck
I got one am thrilled that he will be remembered as the superb villain that he is. I expect to see him on some top lists.
yuumi is only good for getting fucked by human men
What if the next show takes place in Piltover and Zaun???
Singed is a genius mastermind and master manipulator. He made himself get caught by Ambessa, refusing to confess at first until Ambessa came back with a deal, as he had anticipated. He then uses Ambessa's army to reach Viktor, his only hope to reviving Orianna. Kino.
It's only to confirm that Caitlyns interest are exclusively in women but idk why we needed that either
It's to show how Caitlyn is with other women. How detached she is, unlike her time around Vi.
there's this spin off game based on the show called League of Legends, and his name mentioned there
Doesn't Mel tell the Cat Tranny to "look into Amara" or something like that? What if the Cat Tranny gets turned into one of the Black Rose shadow things? Since that's what Amara was.
We knew that in season 1, they didn't need make a point out of it. Lazy writing.
You were inches away from being based as fuck, but Bilgewater > Ionia. Otherwise that is the perfect ranking.
freljord is way more interesting than most people give it credit for. also i like that nunu is basically the main character of the entire region.
Jarvan being pushed against a wall by Shyvana who is in Heat
Destructive shots of the room from their love making
scene settles on the outside of his chambers with massive thuds, Jarvan groaning and Shyvana grunting with effort
Door opens, Shyvana struts out of the room with a big smile and pep in her step
Walks past a confused Garen who was on his way to talk to Jarvan
Door opens again, Jarvan limps out and leans against the door before sliding to his knees
i unironiucally dropped league when this shit came out
what the fuck were they thinking?
human part of Viktor wanted to help Vander but his powers are evil, it makes people those voidslaves.
Firefang Warwick was Singed's doing, he creates the serum back at Ambessa's Noxian camp and the palm device with the 3 needles in it was to be injected into VandeWick to destroy what's left of his mind and transform WW into an undying beast forever. Caitlyn kinda stops him but he regains consciousness and stabs Vanderwick with the serum while everyone else is distracted
His cannon got breadmolds bruh you can't convince me he's on humanity's side
OG Shadow Isles was cool until Viego existed
As opposed to generic European fantasy land, with added magic racism because no one has seen that one before?
Ok cool but nobody calls him that.
It's the year 2050
Riot is about to finally show a mass war with The Void and the rest of the nations
Everyone who is still alive to fight The Void begins to show up one by one, Marvels Endgame style
They even decide to bring out Alternative Universe characters to show off the different skins, even for characters that have already died
NPC background character pipes up "Wow everyone here is on a league of their own"
Ezreal quips "What're we, some kind of League of Legends?"
Movie ends, happy ending, whatever
Next Riot Project, a poorly dubbed documentary on Faker's rise to fame starring literally any other Korean because they have the same hairstyle
Implying Catranny wasn't already Black Rose
A lot of people thought she was still bi. Guess they wanted to destroy all of that nonsense. While also showing that no one can make Cait's heart flutter like Vi.
i assumed that singed managed to get his bullshit into him while the void screams were happening, rather than it having to do with viktor getting his hole gaped by jayce
viego was cool until they made him a champion
Where is the source of Ella saying Jinx arc is 5/10 sad?
and who else is it gonna be
LeBlanc and Mel
That's why its second on the ranking.
Does it fucking matter? You think sane people give a flying fuck about wether cait is bi or a lesbian?
I like the Frejlord's champions, but I don't care for the region as a whole. Ashe? Cool. Tryndamere? Cool. Voli/Ornn? Cool. Lissandra? Cool. Udyr? My king. But I just don't care about their tribal war plot whatsoever, and the region doesn't feel like it has much else (Lissandra's lore is very interesting though so it still has that).
Has screentime
Does nothing
The Pilty patrol was cleary a marketing stunt. These fucker's are just there to help along Vi and Cait but Fish guy is legit doing nothing
Anon Babble not being able to use webp is annoying
She told it to me in bed last week after we made love
If arcane was based they'd go there
Multiple characters have had official names without being addressed directly, why do you only care now?
This is going to sound absurd but I can't get over how Arcane Jinx's face looks like my late aunt. Not to mention she was a bit of a jinx too with the same ratchet quality. Miss her though.
Why is Leblanc's magic red when it always was yellow and purple?
at first i thought it was Swain's agent before black rose showed up
It's funny finding out that Silco was a decent person earlier in his life.
5/10 only? Is Isha actually alive?
Yes, they do. But again, it was also shown to reveal how detached she was before seeing Vi again.
yordles are special, unfortunately
if she were going to turn into one i'd imagine it'd have to be ziggs, actually
honestly i kind of wish they brought up heimerdinger's kind of a hypocrite, given that yordles themselves are an inherently spiritual/magical race that literally cannot die
unless arcane's shitting on that lore too
I'm sorry for your lost
LeBlanc isn't every member of the black rose, and the black rose has ties to hemomancy. We likely are not seeing LeBlanc's own magic, but the magic of other members.
freljord also has anivia, nunu, ornn, and the whole dark ice plot
Does nothing
he's there to look pretty, and he did the job well. What more could you want?
Its made up, there is no source of her saying that.
And no, both of them die
wild magic only fucks with mortals though. yordles aren't mortal.
None of league's regions are original or interesting
that the king gets dragonussy on the side, that alone is worth making the series
samefag, no one believes your act3 leaks.
I just want to see Jinx sexually bullying Vi
Isnt this just a fan theory
Not anymore.
Mageseeker made it canon
Yes, they do.
Lmao, dyke
I am not leaking anything, I am just using common sense
The aesthetics are weak. Most of it is just
Dude, ice!
Lissandra and the gods carry the region in that aspect
Thanks. It's been about 15 years since it happened but I was close with her growing up. She was a bit of a black sheep in our family for some reason. Also was paralyzes in one leg because she got roofied at a party. It's what killed her eventually due to remaining seizures. I remember she also squared up with her neighbour where she raked them and had to deal with the police for a bit.
I did find it funny that Ambessa told Cait she can't date her co-workers.
but I'm straight...
I don't find this believable. Caitlyn fucks another woman and doesn't think about Vi once and I'm supposed to believe that she's down bad for Vi. Hell no
lorechads gone
chads gone
only landwhale femcel xittertrannys left
It happened billions times and still there's no more worse fate than this I wish it wasn't Arcane
I miss Silco.
Freeing Zaun was more interesting to me.
Sejuani is also the secret hottest LoL girl. She hides it under that armor and helmet but she's a fucking babe.
sure is. just like CaitVi
never ever pander to shipperwhales
How would you rate season 2 episodes?
For me
The hottest lol girl who hides it under her armour is indisputably Leona. Pool Party Leona is the hottest skin/splash in the entire game bar none
hotter than Sona
hotter than Ashe
hotter than Ahri
hotter than Kat
Caitlyn = physical lust
Vi = emotional love
The only reason Cait likes Vi so much when she's around is because Vi is hot.
hotter than zoe
Only one of those champs is actually hot, but I'll let you guess which one.
Yours is accurate. Jinx is fun and all but 4 is almost entirely focused on her and it suffers for it.
Jinx and Orianna bond over the fact that their dads are both monsters and become friends
It's cute.
He keeps failing to kill victor and the hexgerm keeps sending him back to finish his quest. He flattened salo without hesitation so he could speedrun to the viktor bossroom
"I won't fail"
"I swear it"
It was fun as a gimmick for spirit blossom, it was fun as an alt for ruination, but it's baffling to decide that's what he canonically looks like now.
sure, but it feels dumb for people to not call him out for being a faggot about magic when he is a literal magic being that reaps the rewards for it with little downside
maybe it's meant to be a parallel, someone in a place of privilege that finger wags at people for trying to break the status quo too much (in this case hextech would have the ability to fully buttfuck the world as they'd know it, but nevertheless)
now that I think about it I wonder how much heimerdinger is gonna get fucked by the arcane in general, unless they genuinely don't care about that part of the lore outside of cute little furries
post top 5 hottest champs then fag
"We're drowning our baby in bathwater" -quote from BtR about writing act 3.
what if we find out she was thinking about Vi?
Personally, my harem would be
Wow, more people think future Viktor is controlling Jayce's body. Even his hammer look's more like Viktor's staff.
but Caitlyn is gay.
random thought: Isha and Vanderwick both die, Singed takes Vanderwick's body back to the lab, drains his blood which is used to revive Viktor who is reborn as literal God Hand.
He revives Orianna as "thanks" to Viktor, and then dead Vanderwick turning him into Arcane Beastman, adding both of them to his new army of voidslaves, which he uses for...???
Jayce has a brace, and he hobbles a bit. I wouldn't be surprised if it is Viktor and Jayce died in the anomaly.
For me its:
Bonus based on personal taste: Taliyah
Shan't be taking questions based on the face I'm objectively correct.
damn Jayce really did get the worst storyline...
a councilor with...peculiar taste
Cait tries to imagine Maddie is Vi
Maddie is too much of a painslut to wimper and flinch like Vi did
jayce isnt future viktor are you guys retarded
Civilised part of me wants to call this cringe, but a deeper, base part of my mind knows that it is based. Truly, the duality of man is within us all.
He doesn't act like Jayce at all though.
Maddie cries when Cait inserts 2 fingers
...Vi used to be able to take 4
Maddie refuses to talk dirty
... Vi used to call me a whore and spit in mouth
Maddie gives terrible head
...Vi used to eat my ass until I begged her to stop
KDA Evelyn
KDA Evelyn
KDA Evelyn
KDA Evelyn
KDA Evelyn
How can you say you love someone when you refuse to give them your heart?
Base skin is hotter if I'm gonna be real with you.
they're all gay
gooks get the rope
viktor in jayce's body
imagine the jacking off
Ezreal's just a really shitty fucking character, which is absolutely insane for one of the faces of the game. It's like his rework was handled by somebody who despised him.
She never fucked Vi though...What anon is saying that she imagines she's fucking Vi instead. Kissing her instead.
I suppose in Singed's case his wife may had to have done it literally.
Ambessa is such a shit villain I'll be surprised if I ever see anyone using her in League matches
speaking of, did his wife die or did she ditch his bony ass?
Viktor would prob just keep dating Mel...Just so everyone think's he's Jayce.
remeber when SnK was the typical motw (mystery of the week) and millennial quirky tumblr weebs shill it to gut? like 10 years ago? remember when SnK gone to marvelslop tier bullshit and fans got mad?
remember what happened to jjk demonslayer csm?
remember when fags shill it to gut even edgerunner is one of the dullest story ever made?
and in 2024, Arcane did the same thing
we always shill it to gut the most dime in duzen, an 'entry level writer' you can imagine and got mad to him when he can't write shit bc he ran out of masterpieces to copy
It's time to move on, people, just go watch 60~90s masterpieces all over and over again
They are coping since caitlyn dropped everything to help vi and get her some zaun pussy. She just couldn't resist having a strong woman under her again.
Reminder that if you think Ahri is hot you are a fucking furry and deserve the gas chamber.
Muscle mommy gooners will flock to her
It's almost as if dropping the class war in favor of muh werewolf dad faggotry was an awful idea.
Okay, now I see why they had to reaffirm Caitlyn is a lesbian. She has a lot of fanboys, wow.
Why not samira since she is also has muscle?
Cait gives Maddie a safeword so she can get rough
Doesn't even last 5 seconds without using it
"Vi can at least take pain..."
not only Mel would know the different but also viktor is a fag
Caitlyn is such a top it's insane that people think otherwise. Even Amanda stated is dominate.
Compare the two champions and ask that again.
Good Job Anon! I notice too
Wild how Jinx nuking the council is a big nothing. Even Caitlyn has apparently gotten over her mom being blown up.
refer to the chart
She's hot
Didn't Viktor want Sky...
Muh dad muh sister muh mom muh brother
has been the focus of the show from the start. You're in the wrong place for politics
a straight man's idea of a buff mommy
Kinda funny how Sevika and Ekko are the only people who still care about the class war.
Both, but i like her all out hair better
Knowing Mr. Reveck's shit luck, she probably died during childbirth.
Cope furfags. First against the wall.
Back my day, Anon Babble would vilify you mongrels off the site.
This is not a Kda skin retard
That's the problem when you introduce reality altering eldrich threats to a story. You lose focus on the individual character drama which makes the show worthwhile.
i'm really starting to sour on season 2, and it makes me a little sad
so much of the plot is getting eaten up by miseryporn and suggestive scenes that it feels like the shit I actually care about (hextech, black rose, etc) isn't getting enough time to be fully developed
I know the core of this show was always meant to be the vi/cait/jinx core with everything else falling by the wayside, but atp I just get annoyed by how much they take up in comparison to everything else
Probably this.
Or maybe she left after finding out about the lengths he went to in order to keep Orianna alive.
Jesus Christ, that anatomy is all kinds of fucked up.
Kind of a shit plan if his goal was Viktor because he could have walked into that camp at any time. More like both joining Ambessa and finding Viktor were him being an opportunist than a mastermind
They are seething that she's a lesbian. It's fun to watch.
Sky stop writing fanfiction and go be lonely somewhere else
"Vi can at least take pain..."
posts a clipe where Vi is not taking pain well
Not furry
This image is furry propaganda
Mel would still fuck him cause Jayce body.
Don't worry Vi's into it
Caitler arc ending because Ambessa is such a shit villain is infuriating ngl
Me not caring about the sociopolitical ramifications of Cait and Vi lezzing out and instead fantasising about dykebreaking the both of them.
Vi sure does get wet alot when she gets hit.
viktor has eyes and affection only for his lab partner
Act 2 felt messy and rushed (as did it in s1) well see if it's better or worse than act 3.
newfags please
In a better season (ie without the Vanwick dogshit and cringevengers slop) Ambessa would've been a fine antagonist.
that image is correct, not furry is not a furry
i just want jinx to be happy
Imagine the smell after the CaitVi sweaty sexo
Caitlyn commits numerous war crimes
gets a happy ending and only loses an eye
Jinx goes through miseryporn every other episode
dies protecting what's left of her family
Great ending. Love it
if they won't let Jinx happy then I have to write a Jinx fanfic where she's happy.
this. Vanwick memberberries wasted so much fucking time in act 2.
She will. In the afterlife with her adopted dad and daughter.
ep6 mainly but after you watch it 2-3 times and with a theory about what happened to fill in the gaps in the script it gets a little better.
Leak is bs
really, and yet I see him looking at Sky with such affection...
One of the most blatant downgrade in the writing are the dialogues. S1 was "show don't tell" and it's the complete opposite in S2.
When Singed is asked why he's doing all this by Cait, he answers
For love
Why does he need to say this out loud. He is going to show them his daughter. The audience is not stupid and can guess with the context it's for love.
Another example is when WW saves Jinx from Ambessa's goon. He says "Don't touch my daughter!". Again why say this out loud? It sounded cringe and Marvel tier it's completely unnecessary in the context of the scene.
her brother's name is kino
Don't touch my daughter
This one is fine IMO. He's getting close to fully being Vander again, why wouldn't he say that? That's exactly the kind of thing people say IRL, it's not even quippy. At best you could argue it's more natural to say "her" instead of "my daughter"
I miss the old days when we theorise about Vi killing VW bcs he asks for it... AND WHAT WE GET --> THE FUCKING KID COMMITTING SEPPUKU FOR NOTHING
fuck you Amanduh
jinx's happy ending is an isekai to the star guardian universe
Heist show with Twisted Fate and Graves as the main character
We already got a cinematic that proved this would be fun and kino. Keep the gay shit to a minimum, and you've got gold.
lol more like
Japanese RPG
Wow look at these amazing diverse landscapes I can explore and enjoy
Western RPG
Wow look at these amazing diverse genders I can explore and enjoy
I keep hearing the Isha song, can't even understand Mandarin just wish this chink would leave my head.
I've been on this website for longer than you've been alive, zoomer.
have you have been socked in the gut when you weren't ready?
where is the gif of Vi being impressed after Cait punched her. It was in the second act right?
Why does jayce have viktor's eyes?
How do you speak Mandarin? Isn't that a fruit?
inb4 muh dragon's dogma
It's shit, only thirdworldshitholespics like it only because you can customize white loli
Why does he need to say this out loud
The audience is not stupid
19% of the the population reads at level 1 or below
33% at level 2
You think too highly of the average viewer
come on now
It's shit,
Put a modicum of effort into your bait.
I'm not going to keep humoring your false intellectualism in a Anon Babble thread, you boring contrarian. Go get your (you) fix somewhere else.
>It's shit,
Put a modicum of effort into your bait.
people took the "viktor is jesus" meme to heart and actually think jayce is evil for trying to stop the influence of the hexcore/wild rune
How do you speak Mandarin?
Like this: "Yu mo gui gwai fai di zao!"
That's a nice cope. We should live by your example.
>Put a modicum of effort into your bait.
don't talk to it like it's a human being, anon
that only lets it grow, like a mold under your desk.
Man, I miss that show.
don't talk to it like it's a human being, anon
that only lets it grow, like a mold under your desk.
said by esl spic
I would have given him a different kind of hole
this is activating some Captain Simian and the Space Monkeys level repressed memories
what the fuck is this from? Jackie Chan? Xaolin Showdown?
have you ever read harrow the ninth
superior scottish bloodline here
not only can you fuck off
the *nglish can fuck off too!
jayce became not only a schizo but also a know were this is going
"Another will at work." wtf does that mean Viktor?
superior scottish bloodline here
not only can you fuck off
the *nglish can fuck off too!
bigger tiddies than jinx
As much as I desperately want to see Cait and Vi finally admit they love each other, I'm far more interested in where Viktor's arc is going. I didn't really see any of this coming. His astral persona living in bliss with Skye's ghost is fascinating.
So what the fuck is the name "Warwick" supposed to even mean?
The Peanut Patrol
something about building up to 1:40 just makes me feel things
yeah usually internet brazillian & mexican pedo defense alliance has 10k bigger tits than lolis
he thinks Jayce is possessed or otherwise being influenced by something
They are being influenced by the same entity. Jayce is being 5dchessed into wounding victor so he finally sheds his humanity and then glorious evoidlution can commence.
calm down jayce
They made up the character like 15 years ago man there ain't no fucking rhyme or reason to his name. Same thing as "Twisted Fate" the magical Gambit copy.
watching the mind-broken schizoid
"nooo let me assign you a race to argue with waaaah"
"you're also a tranny in this scene btw"
Okay but what's my motivation?
then maybe that crazy anon is right. It could be future Viktor in Jayce's body, trying to fix his sins.
man we're actually gonna have to wait another 3-4 years for the noxus show aren't we?
superior scottish bloodline
so your spicmother raped by scottish like by 10? pretty dark
The only part I really fucking hated across all 6 episodes so far is Sevika fighting the little rat dude, with an arm she immediately jobs to Cait with only to THEN immediately lose it without a fight to giga rune blade guy. We just had to get some music video scene for her new arm, just for the arm to not matter at all.
At least he has the lore explanation that he changed his name because his river tribe sucks major ass and he wanted to be cool. What the fuck is Warwick's deal now that he's an Arcane?
my danelaw dad raped an english sometime in the 11th century
once again, I'm sorry I don't fit into your race strawman outfit. I guess you'll just have to argue with a white person for once, or you'll just keep crying "bwown!! BW-BW-BWOWN!!" like the idiot child you are.
Jinx can peanut my patrol if yaknowwhati'msayin'
nice english Eduardo
I figure it'll be back in Act 3, they were just in too much of a rush to get to the prison.
Singed is a 12 year old boy inside an old man's body
who could have foreseen this cutting rebuttal?
Good lord! I hope he at least gives that old man a reacharound.
no new thread?
What kind of ancient will would be controlling Jayce? The wild rune? A demon like Camphor or Fiddle? The arcane magic?
I hate that the first thing I thought of was the Indian old man rape video
I need to stop coming to this fucking site
he doesn't know legendary midget actor Warwick Davis
file deleted
Cait hits her once
she cries
Cait beats the absolute fuck out of her
witty one-liner
Yeah, the honest truth is that the writing simply isn't at the same level as season 1. Then again, they spent 6 years on that shit.
an entire season about a wild runes going fucking crazy in a highly populated area
No Ryze showing up
Shit show
We're near the image limit. Felt like it would be polite to let people post on-topic images, and it's not like that retard deserves a reaction.
nice try
He fucked off in the beginning.
You seriously can't discern the difference in situations? VI was crying because it hurt. She was crying because the only person she trusted on the planet had just insulted and discarded her.
I don't get Tranny Janny
We got this retard shitting up the thread for two hours and he isn't banned, but make the new thread a little early and instantly pruned
Ryze is after the World Runes, he is too busy trying to save the world to worry about one city
file deleted
was it porn?
sorry you can't look at the pikachu anymore, I hope you saved it
but make the new thread a little early and instantly pruned
Didn't know? only one of mod trannies allowed to make new one
That's why every Arcane generl full of vicucks seething to hetero
Both Jayce and Viktor fuck black women
What did Riot mean by this?
Wild runes, not WORLD runes. If world runes were being fucked with Piltover would be wiped off the map.
Jinx is younger than Mel but looks twice her age. Black don't crack.
Heimerdinger's ghost appears in front of Jayce after he murders Viktor.
"No Jayce. I have see what happens if you go down such a dark path. To ensure Piltover's future and that of its people, you must slay the negress pussy or else it will fall."
delete the stupid pikachu wat image to stay on topic
some dipshit replies with the pikachu wat image going "What was picture?"
I swear to fucking god, you people.
Black women are the master race
Imagine getting into a drinking game with Vi.
Jayced and Rosepilled
no pussy or ass can compare to a delicious hexcore thighjob
Mel is filthy rich and has access to rhinoplasty, lip filler, cheek implants, chin implant, jaw shave, brow bone reduction, buccal fat removal, botox, and eye lifts
Jinx breathes in smog 24/7
New thread
Cait! Quick! Look up "Dick," and "Grated" in the medical dictionary!
Jayce! What happened!?
Time is a factor, Cait.
It'd be more woke to make them fuck black girls than eachother
>delete the stupid pikachu wat image to stay on topic
>some dipshit replies with the pikachu wat image going "What was picture?"
I swear to fucking god, you people.
go fucking kill yourself tranny
see I called you throwing that tranny shit out 20 minutes ago
good to see you're finally catching up
right hows that gonna go? Vi got stabbed in the ep6 ending and Caitlyn will also get stabbed and lose an eye
They can’t kill off Jinx if they want to sell that gacha skin
Riot CEO just posted this
the "other will at work" is Viktor's original humanity
always meant to be two seasons
ok then the s2 writers are just not very good