episode is out, next fight is among us vs fall guys
Death Battle
What would have changed about this fight if Bowser Jr. groped Sage?
3 - 0
Wait, was Rick and Morty really cancelled? Don’t give me false hope…
Who'd be a good opponent for Golbez from FF4?
I'm not ashamed to admit I popped off when the Elite Trio appeared
They going to scale the Imposter to the chudverse that gave Trump the win becuause of Stonetoss. This shit is easy.
Pity, this would be cool as shit.
she goes red and accidentally self-destructs the death egg
Peachbros... we've lost to Bowser.
Look I'm not a mario or sonic autist like most of you are but this episode was very very good and I loved the animation for it
dang, Trips of Truth
Trump is gonna go 4-1
Honestly my biggest takeaway from this video is how much these franchises have continued to evolve and add characters and concepts since I was a kid. It's a wonderful thing, following franchises.
Darth Vader, maybe?
Same. It's definitely one of their top episodes.
Same here, I love those guys.
Dark Masters have basically been entirely replaced by Seven Deadly Digimon in the zeitgeist.
"they're eating the goombas"
Vader feels like he got too many good other fights. But yeah, it works obviously.
chudtoss gets referenced
Please God, just this one before Russia nuke us all
thoroughly entertaining fight
non-retarded reasoning
ample shitposting material
Have they?
Has any Digimon anime even featured all 7 working together?
Also, feel like Adventure nostalgia is a pretty strong thing compared to a bunch of bit vidya roles.
So what feats do Fall Guys beans even have
Do they have any material to go off of?
Bowser being a real king and taking the brunt of the beam to shield his army was kino
How badly will Among Us vs Fall Guys underperform?
Do they get Spongebob feats if composite?
Round of applause for metal sonics back
I ship Bowser and Eggman so them fighting kinda makes me upset...
They can take a lot of shit, that's all I know.
Retards are so pumped by Bowser vs Eggman that they will watch it anyway.
First 3 episodes all had wrong results
4 episode is Fallguys vs Among Us AGAIN
genuinely speaking, are they just trying to kill off this show?
I don't think that's how it works.
it becomes a 1v1v1v1 as they all try to back stab eachother
Dark Masters or the 7 Deadly Digimon vs Organization XIII would be kino
You're going to shit yourself, son.
The only good thing about this fight was Infinite getting BTFO and Metal.
So now that the overrated turtle won, what's next for Mario in DB?
No one cares about Fall Guys anymore and Among Us has no relevance outside of memes.
It feels like the opposite
If Bowser vs Eggman was a handjob
Among Us vs Fall Guys is orgasm denial
The Fall Guy guy is going to fall a lot, isn't he
Relevancy (Gorubejju-sama loses no dif)
Mario VS. Deku
(Mario wins)
These are things you tell yourself, but I'm telling you - you're going to shit yourself, son.
Mario has more characters?
Nero bros I don't feel so good.
And you shouldn't. Swan and Speedy already confirmed the Spardas are literal powerlevel frauds. Unless Ben decides to save again his boyfriend Dante, the Spardas are dying vs. the Bayonetta trio.
The Royal Knights would make more sense (13 vs 13)
I bet sage felt smug as shit when she aimed to hit Bowser's army knowing he would jump in front of it taking the hit, too bad she didn't know about Dry Bowser
How many Bowser simps do you think will get pissed off when you compare Bowser to Trump? The discord server is entirely left leaning so I'm hoping it will be a lot.
Pick one:
Luigi vs Shaggy
Mario vs Sonic 3
Mario and Luigi vs Sephiroth
Peach vs Zelda
Peach vs Barbie
King Boo vs Gengar
Yoshi vs Spyro
Donkey Kong vs King Kong
Bowser vs Godzilla
Superman vs Mario
This guy
Good to know Vergil gets SHITSTOMPED in a fight against Kid Vegeta KWAB
I like the joke, helps that it was already made way back
I still sometimes go back to the Fall Guys reveal trailer, it just has a fun vibe to it.
I love both Mario and Sonic, but I feel like using Paper Mario and M&L as feats is quite dumb considering Nintendo considers them and the "mainline" Mario games as separate worlds.
Still think Bowser wins despite all of that, however.
Sorry bub, only characters who thrive off of the power of friendship can go beyond this point
Bowser vs Godzilla
Why do you hate Bowser
considering Nintendo considers them and the "mainline" Mario games as separate worlds.
That's the thing fucker, they don't
One of the very first disclaimer boxes says that Miyamoto has stated that Paper Mario is canon
Bowser shitstomps most versions of Godzilla what do you mean hate?
They don't through.
As far as Nintendo is concerned every Mario is Mario.
You'd have more luck going for the 'they're all actors' thing.
Only one person can save Sonic's reputation now.
Base Bowser is still a guy you dump into lava or a black hole and he just comes back. Again and again. When Shadow kills Eggman, he dies.
Nintendo considers them and the "mainline" Mario games as separate worlds.
If you count it, maybe K.Rool vs Blackbeard
Nigga even Showa is universal, Heisei would demolish him
Tamers or Classic Sonic?
Cause the only Classic Sonic fights I can think of are Jay Garrick and Kid Goku.
Did they fucking said Yoshi is star level? What the fuck
Mario VS Kirby is a popular one from what I see
Yoshi's slapped someone so fuckin hard they turned into a constellation fucking greek ass god as powers on this dinosaur
What's your top 3 retarded death battle moments?
Mines are
infinite speed Dragonborn
Dimitri = Nuke
Raven > White Room
He’s got a pretty solid star level feat. Technically it’s multi-star level since constellations are made up of numerous stars.
Not enough to even tickle the turtle.
you already got that from the beginning of the subspace emissary in brawl
Kirby (probably) gets slapped by Mario
Meta Knight gets destroyed by Riku
Waddle Dee is demolished by that one Paper Mario Goomba
Zeus trembles to that deviantart abomination
If I tell you all the reasons, it'll surpass the word count.
Yoshi fought a bird on the moon
Nigga even Showa is universal
I'm sorry, what?
It is retarded, but you're really focused on the wrong combatant, there.
Yoshi is just reflecting on the memory of Raphael and resembling a constellation in his likeness. It's a normal scene.
Actually didn't know that, nevermind then. How does it work in Paper Jam then? I always assumed it's explained as different dimensions since I never played it.
I didn't say otherwise, at the end of the day it's a big bloated man fighting against a guy that bathes in the sun with no issue.
Hilariously, if they based results off of Guts vs Nightmare, Guts would have won BECAUSE. THAT'S. WHAT. GUTS. DOES. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. and Nightmare is way stronger than Dimitri barring le multiversal Heroes wank
That star was not there before that dino went fuckin Olympian
So, anyone feel like Eggman's entire 'cool moments' budget was taken up by Metal Sonic?
Mainline and Paper are two mirror worlds with the same events, they have the same history, so everything from one applies to the other and viceversa.
This would be a good one. Sadly, Mario vs Link is a total wash, strength wise. Would still get high views and be worthwhile, though.
Team Rocket does not become stars every time they blast away.
I love both Mario and Sonic, but I feel like using Paper Mario and M&L as feats is quite dumb considering Nintendo considers them and the "mainline" Mario games as separate worlds.
Nope. Here's a scan from the sss remake still intact after that shitty lazy rpg "crossover".
Eggman’s entire ‘cool moments’ budget was taken up by [something Eggman created]
Bowser calls a time out to slap him on the back of the head
No Godzilla is even star level
Bowser rapes him
How does it work in Paper Jam then?
Don't think about it. That's it.
It's like how Mikey can be a detective in one cartoon, then in the next he's a Centurion in Ancient Rome.
Basically it's been confirmed in games that the events of Paper Mario took place with the real Mario, so people typically use the first 3 Paper Mario games for mainline but not Jam and beyond.
It's also not like Bowser can't just fuse with Paper Bowser to get his shit anyways
The speech at the start flashing into his silhouette was amazing. They need to do that in one of the game cutscenes going forward.
you cannot prove this
Wiz was too much of a stan for bowsers magic being superior to eggmans science.
False. For the first part, Paper Mario canon has many supporting arguments to the games.
You're right Bowser still wins though.
No Giga Bowser even in Alternate Scenarios
multiversal chosen undead is way fucking dumber but the infinite speed Dragonborn is just way funnier to me just off the fucking logic they used which still doesn't make sense
I'm just saying, Egg Dragoon and Death Egg Robot mostly felt like giant punching bags.
Infinite got jobbed out instantly and Sage's big moment was using the Death Egg. And none of the other major Eggman robots even showed up.
I just realized why they went with Fury Bowser vs Death Egg Robot
Those are things that aren't tied to one-time macguffins unlike the Dream Stone, Lightman, Star Rod, etc
at least science has the clear speed advantage in this case
The Smash Bros argument is kinda dumb because that's a stage based on Paper Mario iirc
Eggman always loses to magic.
On that note, there's no way Bowser could take Titan Tails. Guy was built to analvore magicians.
That's Smash exclusive, so it's not allowed.
That's a twinkle not a star
yoshi isnt as strong as bowser
Yoshisfags is this true?
Giga Bowser is Smash only.
I hope Bowser kills Tails. It would be a mercy kill to save him from that cringe
Yoshi's Island final boss battle disagrees with you.
Mind you this is the weakest Bowser has ever been.
Yep, Yoshit is a jobber compared to his MASTER CHADio and ARCHNEMESIS' (CHADmek's) SON CHADser.
Soooooooooo there’s a hot adventurer Goomba in the mainline Mario world?
fun fact, baby bowser is the hugest bowser ever seen in the mario games if you scaled their heights, and yoshi pushes him back just by throwing his eggs that hard.
That's not Giga Bowser, that's just Giant Bowser.
How does that hat Goomba get into such a perilous positions in Odyssey, anyway?
Bowser has more living characters they needed to show
That said there was a few more: The Death Egg posing as the moon, and the appearance of the Death Egg Robo with Sage's entry
His back must be destroyed with all that carrying he was doing in this fight.
two different forms
It's just because those are more iconic.
Death Egg Robot was the big setpiece for a big budget Sonic movie. Meanwhile Lightman is relegated to a japan only wallpaper story and Nightmare Eggman is Apple Arcade locked.
Fury Bowser is just the closest thing in canon to Giga Bowser. Star Rod Bowser doesn't look different enough, Dreamy Bowser is stuck in Dream Team which didn't sell that well. And Wonder Bowser doesn't make for a hype fighter.
I already guessed that this would be how it ended.
I liked the part where Boo just laughs at everyone struggling with Infinite.
'different forms'
do exactly the same thing
How did Eggman even get a version of Metal Sonic known for locking him in a closet kek
I'm disappointed in you, Metal! Get back in your cuckshed!
Not quite
Everyone's laughing at Infinite but no one points out how King Boo flees like a BITCH after Metal knocks off his crown
He also took King Boo out of commission, so that's 3 of Bowser's heavy hitters
Besides being big, those are two very different forms.
Just look at Giga Bowser, that has never been in any Mario game.
They equaled Yoshi to the Death Egg. He can legit slap Perfect Cell silly.
uhhhh DK vs Rajang?
Why didn't they just put it back on
Actual weakness
Dying to a spiky rock
Nobody points out how Bowser 90% SOLO'd the entire scene, either.
Also it's based that they finally took note of Star children.
Shame he didn't use this mech instead
Rajang's getting stomped into oblivion but it would be a cool animation
Maybe Rajang vs King Kong would be good
Stellar explanation. Nobody sounds retarded or anything, thankfully.
he's shy don't you know
Real bad showing for Bowser's army. The king literally had to step in the way of an orbital laser and tank it because they're all such lame jobbers.
The king did so because he is a true king and knows not to treat his subjects as disposable
DK dies in 1 hit, 2 hits in the retro games. Rajang dies in 200 hits, and he has projectiles. I think it's pretty clear who wins.
It's because he's uneffected by gravity and realized the perfect solution
Good thing it was Bowser's Death Battle and not his army's, then.
Solo's Eggman AND his army. Sonicfags will never recover.
It was kinda lame how they took Eggman's shit and just destroyed it
I wanted to see Phantom Bowser or Super Bowser or something
No wonder he keeps getting dunked on by every two-bit upstart villain. What's the point of having minions if you can't boss them around?
Another shit Death Battle
What a surprise.
What's the point of having minions if you can't boss them around?
Because they're family
It was pretty weird how the conclusion had Phantom Ruby get downgraded to only making illusions barring Egg Field and Lightman when the analysis had the Phantom Ruby as full on reality warping as opposed to Bowser just having more reality warping mechanisms to keep it at bay
Tbh I think Bowser Jr. was the deciding factor for this one.
They did a really good job balancing the team, it pleased my autism
Bowser tanks Eggman directly while his army floods the small fry from interfering
Jr and Kamek stick by Bowser's side for support, defence and buffs to him
Boo interferes when someone counters Boser's rampage
Thwomp oneshots the guy doing it so Bowser can keep going
Even the Elite Trio personally rugby tackle Orbot and Cubot to stop them nabbing the ruby for an advantage
It wasn't downgraded you just didn't pay attention to the games
Bowser Jr's king boo would have vored Metal Sonic.
bro Boo did his job that's all we needed of him
If Eggman and Bowser teamed up against Sonic, Sonic would still beat them, but I just can't see Mario doing the same and surviving an orbital laser without a very convenient star at hand.
M&L has never been given that treatment. Only Paper Mario was thought of that way, but it kept getting referenced even after Sticker Star, Colour Splash and Origami King leaned into the paper thing.
Mario wouldn't even notice the laser, he'd think it's a light sunbeam
The analysis literally claimed it "alters reality by manipulating perception"
It seems odd to then downgrade it to just "targets perception" vs Wonder Flower's reality warping
Miyamoto confirmed everything is canon in Mario in later interviews.
"alters reality by manipulating perception"
Okay now I understand reading is hard, but that sentence doesn't mean it actually alters reality just one's perception
"alters reality by manipulating perception"
what do you think this means?
Not quite as good as "alters reality by manipulating reality"
Come to think of it, how often does the one who start shit get to win? I know that shitty Toph vs Gaara thing had Toph get a hilariously undeserved win and she was the one who started the fight, IIRC.
If Eggman and Bowser teamed up against Sonic, Sonic would still beat them, but I just can't see Mario doing the same and surviving an orbital laser without a very convenient star at hand.
Mario would likely survive but get blasted back to the start of the game because this all happens in the intro cutscene ala a Mario&Luigi game and then Mario would have to go through the worlds using some new power up to give him the edge and defeat EggmanBowser
Shadow disappeared for 4 months. He was teleported to a different reality.
Jr is much better than that emo bitchass looking computer program. He is the PRINCE OF KOOPAS.
He didn't actually disappear lmao
It should still be enough to warp a few key characters.
Rouge lost connection with him. He disappeared. Look, I liked the outcome of the episode but I think Infinite and the PR were done dirty
It it did though two kings (bomb and goomba) were killed by it
i can't remember if dk has any notable mobility outside of barrels and the coconut gun won't do shit so rajang might be able to blitz him at range with frontier spirit bombs or this
he woke up literally right where he started, and later was the one who told Sonic it was all just illusions. He was hypnotised
Illusions are reality
Moro did a Q&A
The alternate scenarios were his idea because he wanted to animate stuff that wasn't in the actual fight
Hold out hope, bros
After the upcoming dogshit meme MU, we’re gonna get REAL peak fiction
Source: Liam is my uncle
Honestly no shitposting this was a really good one. I'm impressed. Animation, music, characters, research ect was all good. Even the reasoning for the winner makes sense. I have no complaints for this one.
Why are you posting this stomp MU for Mark?
InvincibleCHADS get another free win
Kudos for him
The alternate scenarios were great post-analysis stuff
I hope to see more Moro stuff in the future
I think my only criticism is no one on Bowser's side talked but him. Not even Jr who has been fully voiced before.
So this fight kinda said this is bowser jrs w as well
It only took them 200 episodes to actually live up to the concept. What went so incredibly wrong up until this point?
Depends on if they see Jr's brush as magic or tech
put the thwomp shadow over him
Sage piloted a giant fucking mech that destroyed The End. She gigarapes Jr
Narrator: Actually he was weak.
I would gladly grope sage
Jr actually said "yip" when he jumped into the paint
Jr turns that mech into a book
I'm not we--AAA I'M WEAK I'M WEAK!!
Luke CHADwalker is gonna MINDGAPE your Temu Superboy ripoff
So uh, does Ash get Solgaleo in his fight against Yugi?
Now you remember SMBZ and OMM Bowser.
he only gets Pikachu (and that's all he needs)
They mentioned it as being able to manipulate gravity and being able to conjure a fake sun that was treated as an actual threat that could damage the planet which seems questionable if it's all just illusions
it's all just an illusion...that lets you conjure up just about anything which also affect reality physically and not just through like mindfuckery or something
Sounds like reality warping with extra steps to me at this point
DK massively outstats though
They'll give him Solar System level scaling or something
Pikachu is significantly stronger than Solgaleo anyway, so is the rest of his Journeys team so it's not like it's needed.
Death Battle has given Metal Sonic more respect than the games ever have and likely ever will.
is the only character, in the history of Death Battle, to kill both combatants and take the victory for himself because why wouldn't Eggman try to use him and why wouldn't Wily respond with Roboenza?
it took the rest of Wily's life to create something that could beat Metal Overlord, even then, if they were to have a rematch, Zero would have to fight Super Neo Metal, which is as powerful as Super Sonic is
Metal one shots King Boo, Shadow Mario, Kamek and Bowser, they needed the real superpower of teamwork to beat him, even then it took everything they had, making Metal the single most powerful unit in the whole fight
Meanwhile in the games he's legitimately the biggest fucking jobber in the entire series, I'm not kidding
not first post
why are you failing so often?
They're Metal Sonicfags
Realistically he isn't even the strongest thing on Eggman's side, his Sonic Advance Final Boss machines probably outstat him
Also I'm surprised at no Time Eater in the animation
Yugi’s face when Ash’s mons cry over him and suddenly bring him back to life at full health
Will the Power of Friendship be UNBEATABLE this season?
Pikachu scales to Arceus
Metal Sonic's not a jobber, the only time Sonic's ever soloed him in a fight was Generations (and that was his earliest version from CD brought to the future)
Kek I forgot about this
KO's Bowser with ONE (1) Emerald
Punks King Boo
Decimates the standard forces
Pimp smacks Kamek to the stratosphere
Bulldozes Junior
Slaps Fury Bowser around until he gets a dad + giga star power boost seeing Junior get whooped
May have even still taken Bowser if he had more momentum to copy his and Kamek's data
Hello, you may recognize me as Godzilla, king of the monsters, the prolific creature of the creature double feature and still celebrating 70 years of destruction. I'd like to come out and congradulate Hulk. For the first time since Disney bought Marvel and Fox, he finally appeared in a movie that didn't make the audience want to shit themselves in shame. Congrats on your three second cameo in Deadpool and Wolverine, Green Bro!
jobbed to a door
and a wall
Couldn't even beat Kit.
Yugi will challenge Ash to a Shadow Game and topdeck Exodia, gg
I sympathize with infinite, this fortress was bullshit.
How does this nigga counter Yugi? I have not watched Yu-Gi-Oh!
You know I do wonder if DB will use cards clearly meant for Yugi in the analysis
I guess they wanted to make the battle more grounded vs the verdict, like how Galaxia vs Beerus only had a star blown up, a lot harder to keep the armies around if Eggman erases all of time. I find it kinda weird not to depict the combatants strongest incarnations but w/e
Monster Reborn lmao
What the fuck is a Shadow Game? *flips the table and crushes Yugi under it*
Soul manipulation and removal.
Big green lizard not funny.
Sonic dies to electrified doors too in the same games. And he beat Sonic in IDW too.
Hulk will GAPE Godzilla, mark my words
Why didn't Eggchad install electric doors onto the battlefield?
You and me both.
Everyone who plays Sonic seems to love Metal Sonic honestly. My spic friend loves the fucker and there’s literally a creepypasta where Metal becomes Furnace and constantly tricks and outmaneuvers Sonic.
You think Disney would let him? He's the non-threatening, wise cracking hulk now! He even has a cuckson! Complete with THAT haircut! AND he got emasculated on She-Hulk!
PEDOtor Green...
crushes Yugi
Considering Yugioh protagonists can survive orbital lasers I doubt it
Infinite set himself up for it when he increased the gravity.
To steal the life of its target, it slips into the prey's shadow and silently waits for an opportunity.
It is said to emerge from darkness to steal the lives of those who become lost in mountains.
Should you feel yourself attacked by a sudden chill, it is evidence of an approaching Gengar. There is no escaping it. Give up.
It apparently wishes for a traveling companion. Since it was once human itself, it tries to create one by taking the lives of other humans.
The energy of Mega Evolution awakened it. It sinks into another dimension, where it keeps a patient watch for its chance to attack.
And Ash can box with the mon who moves millions of tons of water with her mind. Your point?
A thwomp can literally doom the entire Sonic universe.
sonic can't touch the SIDES of spikes
Thwomp is covered in spikes.
Man Metal Sonic was on point this episode.
Who lasted longer?
Scratch & Grounder or Infinite?
It's a phalanx formation. It can't really turn so you just ignore it or harass it from the sides, or vertically depending on its movement.
"His body dropped down to the floor, and he got teardrops in his eyes. He grabbed me by my hands and said he was afraid to die. I told him it's too late my friend, it's time to say goodbye. And he died inside my arms, blood all on my shirt."
They can maybe use the cards he gets in Duel Links,Is Dragoon one of them?
Yeah, but Sonic can't touch the sides of spikes that are stationary in his own universe.
millions of tons of water
Neos deflected a planet destroying laser once, and Hassleberry's spirit was comparable to him. Also didn't Sarina's spirit just straight up withhold said orbital cannon from firing? How the fuck are people arguing Gengar can steal Yugi's soul
Hit it in the face.
15 seconds
Scratch and Grounder
12 seconds
Bowsers gonna rekt that sage cunny aint he
Yeah I don't blame him, he oozes coolness
He's got the spinflash in Sonic 3, that kills spiked enemies.
I kinda want to go back to wall level again.
You can only hear, "They benchpressed a DysonVerse within 10000000 Decadilaseconds, that takes 1099999 Toyota Tons" before you get bored of the entire thing
Sage avenges her father and takes down Bowser
Would be kino.
No i need them to calc this thanks
Btw rayquaza vs when
Bowser has no solution if Eggman also had his archie feats, which should be counted if everything sonic is canon just like everything mario is canon.
I knew Robotnik was cooked when nothing was mentioned of the Super Genesis Wave.
Ohoho, no! Mario is'a gonna clap'a those cheeks! Yahoo!
Bowser could only win because they wouldn't allow Eggman CHADok
Gengar should be comparable to Ash’s other mons, namely Pikachu. Pikachu is comparable to
The Emerald trio (has the Red Orb)
The creation trio (casual universe destroyers/creators. Even Dialga/Palkia alone could’ve destroyed and recreated all of reality)
Numerous Ultra Beasts
Nebby’s evos
He loses Chance Time and Super Fury Bowser gapes him
But she's a hologram
I'm not talking about the spiked enemies. I'm talking about the stationary obstacles.
Why are Sonicfags latching onto Archie so desperately? You realize that every item swipe that Bowser had access to would just as easily apply here right? Fucking Kamek could just turn the emeralds into donuts, or Jr could just nab them or send them into a portal.
Bowser uses magic to make the cyber cunny real cunny
This Pikachu STILL lost to a Trip's Starter Snivy
the winrate is around 15%-25% it isn't much high. initiator wins only when it's death battle's favorite precious boy.
That Pikachu was literally weakened by a legendary
King Boo possesses it and reboots Eggman into a chicken
well actually we can wank him to multiversal
Anyways, Horakthy, scaling to the Light of Destruction, Nightshroud, the Gentle Darkness, Yubel's multiversal destruction?
Bowser has no solution if Eggman also had his archie feats, which should be counted if everything sonic is canon just like everything mario is canon. I knew Robotnik was cooked when nothing was mentioned of the Super Genesis Wave.
Super Mario Kun bowser is basically a composite bowser with toonforce and scales above the author himself. He slams.
Because Archie has magic, and destinies, and all sorts of stupid shit. If Bowser's going to use stupid shit then Archie's the only real counter. Ghosts? Animated skeletons? No problem.
He couldn't use electricity but he still had his full power multiversal quick attacks and iron tails
What are kun Bowser's feats?
Wish they did something with it in the games. Guess they must be waiting for Miyamoto to croak she they can go wild.
Losing his electricity fucked with his biology
Multiversal Gengar still swipes Yugi’s soul or just keeps Ash’s team safe in a different dimension. Oops!
tfw you hear the charleyyy and friends theme song blaring in the distance
AKSHUALLY if he couldn't use bioelectricity at all his neurons couldn't fire, case closed
Sage? Bowser Jr's playmate
Unironically just saying that Eggman’s only chance was a non canon, cancelled comic
Well at least you went mask off.
ben 10 lost
jotaro lost
ryuko lost (was made only so shadow would win so eh)
saitama lost (good match tho)
raiden lost
deku lost
vader lost... le again
discord lost
giorno lost
eggman lost
show is made only to shit permanently on my comfort characters ggs I guess
Basically Bardock isn't motivated by some ideological position, but rather by his relationships and by challenge. Even the Father of Goku Bardock is presented as a challenge hungry punk with a ragtag team he seeks revenge for. He'd have an easier time becoming a nicer dude if presented the environment for it compared to a lot of other saiyans.
Team Chadket would destroy that entire dimension btw
Having to play with Jr and Jeffy is a fate worse than dying in battle
Jotaro (P3)
comfort characters
my green bean loving ass wouldnt survive a minute with jeffy
How come every time someone dislikes Archie, theyr'e also rude assholes? All I did was provide you with an answer.
Are you trying to make me never bring up Archie Sonic again? Better men than you have tried.
Gil vs Yukari never
Ikki vs Jean never
Dark Schneider vs Lina Inverse never
nooo dudee!!! you can't feel attached to heroes overcoming adversity and reaching their goals!!!
What are kun Bowser's feats?
tons of toonforce gags + going through every mario adventure ever made (yes the Super Mario kun manga is STILL ongoing, it lasted longer than even the Archie Sonic comics)
Get better comfort characters.
Cool detail when Eggman orders Sage to fire on their own troops, all his robots turn and run like hell while Bowser’s stay. Probably a reference to Heroes when all of Eggman’s Egg Pawns run out of the base in desertion before the final boss.
So after that is tanked Bowser’s whole army stayed by him and Eggman’s left on his own without even Sage or Metal to help
It's the gen alpha way of calling a character your favorite
Weirdly enough that includes Bardock.
Haven't seen the fight, but I'm guessing they wanted to tell a fun story. Considering infinite is stronger than even metal overlord.
Sage is basically emotionless but Jeffy would still make her cry anyway
Who the fuck asked for this next fight? This might actually be the shittiest idea they've ever had.
Yugi activated SORL
Ash loopholes with Snivy’s Attract, Noctowl’s Hypnosis and Gengar’s Will O Wisp, which are status inflicting moves, not attacks.
Bowser is based and fucks Peach, but Eggman still should've won. Simple as.
Godzilla wank is high than Speey/Book of Bill Bill wank
There's hope that the true King of the Monster will beat the koopacuck
They're narcissistic assholes and 2-3 of them are pedophiles. Their brains aren't good.
Oh shit is that Mr L Green Thunder
No it IS. It’s so retarded, noone plays Fall Guys anymore and Amogus is a dead meme only Stonetoss remembers
Don't worry, Sage will get a new adoptive dad.
Bowser is a faggot and fucks Kamek disguised as Peach
Fucks Peach
Are you typing this from your cuck cage anon?
An episode where Mario/Marvin and Eggman became friends and Sage is forced to spend time with Jeffy would be peak
Falls Guys aren’t even a character, they’re just avatars for a player
Still think that's Aang vs Traveler
Yoshi vs Spyro
Spyro has the advantage in my eye
full on natural flight
access the elements of Fire, Electricity, Earth and Ice
Can you blame him?
People like ATLA at least. Who likes either of these next 2 franchises enough to take up a slot?
So are CU and Dragonborn.
I want to know why Rouge was hanging out with Bowser Jr. in one of the olympic games.
I always thought he was a woman when I was younger, and I'm just going back to believing after seeing this.
Again, Billcord just barely won over it
I mean his sister is Kammy Koopa.
literal who anime femboy vs. literal who anime girl
Issei is for Rex Xenoblade
Harem protags
Both "Die"
Has hots for Red Heads with ties to centuries old wars
Gets Power Armor upgrades
That’s a fine fight. It’s not exactly the worst thing in the world, and let’s not pretend that ATLA is as much of a respected franchise now as it once was.
same tbdesu
Horakthy affected the entire Yugi multiverse btw so tough luck on that lmao
Trending #1 on vydia youtube
comfort characters
comfort women
Fuck it, pull that trigger, anon.
Anon Babble
Multiversal Gengar still swipes Yugi’s soul
Milenium Puzzle cancels out soul manipulation. Oops!
Wario and Waluigi being scammed and fodderized by two hobos
Spanish YouTube?
Who'd be a good MU for Sukuna?
Comfort Character
Homeboy is the embodiment of chaos; he's just going to come back anyways - you can cope that way, right?
eggcel hiding behind another giant lizard
You hate to see it.
It's not fine, because Traveler is for FF14 WoL
Taking this at face value to further push my Luigi agenda
Yeah that's just how it goes for Eggman though. His mechs mostly run away from Sonic, thereby limiting the amount of up close and personal they can do. Metal Sonic is basically a crutch in that regard.
She’s one of those types, the kind that has Sweet Sweetback on DvD
The KING of games will OBLITERATE that boy and his RAT early next year, count on it.
The little thumbs up Metal gives when complimented
This is actually quoted in one of the black boxes of the video lmao
Between the "Sage Fire the DeadEgg again!" And Eggman finding out it was transformed into a block they should've done a Scene with Sage calculating millions of Outcomes to show off the alterne scenarios during the fight (Bowser negging the techno organic virus, Lightman being transmuted, Dreamy Bowser Vs Time eater, 500 stars Bowser vs 7 emeralds Eggman, etc)
It was a really good episode
All that Gohanesque build up and Chosen One Tails is still basically just a wet fart. Then again that does map pretty well on to Gohan too.
Erases your save file.
They should've joined forces by marrying Jr and Sage
In that case you could give Sage a bigger tactical role. Like she is the one who advises Eggman to spam the death egg instead of more robots
imagine the train and dinosaur themed wedding at chuck e. cheeses
Who wins?
the one that isn’t a woman
No it wasn't.
bro she would be running up to a ring camera going STOP DARNELL if she fought him lmao
Blue Marvel is for Val Zod.
SuperLois scissors JaneThor.
I wish I could read those. Even if they are stupid gag comics.
The End is a bitchass motherfucker though.
True. That one sucks ass.
Reminder that Eggman tanked that super Bowser punch at the end and it was the block that had to finish.
Yugi then plays Black Hole and casually murders all of Ash's city level fodder
It's becoming quit clear pokefags have no clue what they are up against.
Apparently Cinematic Trailers/Collab trailers have people putting both Among Us and Fall Guys at planetary.
It's as retarded as it sounds.
Kylo Ren!
Or should I say… Ben Solo…
I know your past, your trauma, how you felt so weak and helpless as your uncle turned on you when you needed him most.
I… understand that feeling. Because long ago, I was a weakling just like you.
Let me show you… just how far I’ve come.
black hole
something that basic mons like Gardevoir can make casually
something that normal humans in Pokemon can tank
People who have never watched Singular Point or read Godzilla in Hell
Bowser doesn’t stand a chance against composite Godzilla.
Discord only lost to make Bill lose even harder.
People are using feats to claim that characters have feats
The horror!
Sage is for playdates with Junior ONLY
I can't tell if you're retarded or underaged.
Not a normal black hole since it scales to other, much stronger duel monsters. Nice try though.
sage is the only one junior would let play with his thomas the tank engine
Yeah I didn't really get that in the episode. They already established that Discord can time travel and that he would revive some time after being killed if they somehow managed it. Meanwhile Bill was trapped in cuck jail and all his work was undone. Felt more like a Discord win but then they said it was a Bill win.
They fucked Discord out of D&D spells and made shit up for Bill anyway.
What is absolutely bizarre is that she in Generations is able to somehow charm Eggman's robots.
Singular Point
universal at best
Godzilla in Hell
featless overwanked jobber
Bowser mogs both.
Question when they mentioned the two different black holes. Does the size of the black hole really matter once you are in it? Wouldn't it basically be the same / infinite for both sizes?
Neither. But if you want to explain how feats performed on screen don’t count then go ahead.
I miss tales from the dark multiverse, bring my bros Fuginaut and Sidewways back DC
No, gravity is mass and bigger black holes still have more mass.
Eggman programmed his robots with lust to sexually relieve himself, unfortunately a flaw in their design allows Rouge to exploit that (they are bisexual and not gay)
What? You mean Kratos wank?
And Gardevoir scales infinitely below something like Groudon and especially Arceus. Nice try though.
Sage exists just as Software right?
Like you can't really punch her the same way you can't punch Microsoft Excel, or I'm I wrong?
If I'm right does she have some kind of mainframe or some techno shit that holds her "consciousness" or something
Because otherwise she feels like something you can't get rid off (although I don't know shit about Sonic so maybe she's not that much big of a deal)
He means Pebblethrow.
we know for a fact DB takes into account sizes of black holes for durability
Erm, Pokesisters? I don't feel so good
how about sage?
I-I don't get what you mean, anon
Tell me you never seen or read Godzilla materials with out telling me.
Man I wish YGO didn't devolve into Synchro and XYZ wank, I live for these kinds of designs.
infinitely below something like Groudon
...who is not even as strong as a single egyptian god
and especially Arceus
...who is barely universal and scales to about Zorc, let alone any of the final bosses in GX's final seasons
Nah, I can confirm she doesn't have any (and I mean not a single one) good porn drawings on rule 34.
Once again the Sonic franchise lets me down
Sturdy, prevents 1HKOs
Universal at best
at best
They literally say he destroys universes in that show. And it’s not even him, it’s his avatar in that reality.
using R34 for Sage lewds
You are but a small boy.
He let her play with it once but after she used it to plot out a hyper-efficient railway supply line and transit system he stopped letting her because she wasn't making them crash "like you're supposed to"
So… how the FUCK did Metal Sonic lose this?
It's not something you can possess, it's basically resetting reality. Which, we know Bowser had no answer to thanks to dying and needing rosalina to reset things.
Why are Sonicfags latching onto Archie so desperately
Cause it's where a lot of his crazier feats come from, and arguably is the longest run aside from just the games themselves.
The Super Genesis Wave resets and rewrites reality on all levels. There's no answer to that.
Bowser is a man with principles, he would let her go
She can die if you break whatever robot she’s inhabiting at that moment, it’s how she dies in the main ending of the game if you don’t get the dlc ending
*Kamek turns him into a block*
wait what? post the fight
Wily built him different
Who would WIN
Bowser and his army + Mario
Eggman and all his inventions + Sonic
Wily and all his inventions (including Zero) + Megaman
me gusta
Multiversal Bowser scoffs at that.
It’s a machine in the Death Egg, the same one which Captain Metal possessed. Boo reboots Eggman into a chicken.
but isn't it infinitely dense / mass in the black hole?
No time stones?
Fight Hibiki effortlessly wins
Wily watches in horror as a stray fireball obliterates his entire army, Mario punts Sonic while Bowser beats the breaks off Eggman even harder since Sonic's busy with the Chaos Emeralds jobbing
Black holes do not have infinite mass. They have infinite density.
Sorta but you can potentially take her out if she fully inhabits a vessel and doesn't escape it when its destroyed. Like how she had to maintain control inside of Supreme against The End and died in the standard ending of Frontiers. Then again Eggman revived her.
That wasn't really her approach though so Bowser wouldn't really be able to directly deal with her as she was primarily an army and resource manager in the fight
Snorlax can use Protect and Sirfetch’d can use Detect
Haven't seen it in awhile but maybe they didn't give him all his stuff / wanking involved. Plus there were new games since that ep.
Muzan is the only right choice.
The rest are just spite MUs, although Maaaybeee Sukuna vs Dio Brando (part 1) could also work
Eggman should've killed Jr.
It just comes down to Sonic VS Mario again as Wily/Megaman get hyper raped in the crossfire
Bowser if Eggman killed Jr.
"I like my yolk drippy, bruh."
My comfort characters are Mario & friends. I'm all well and good.
The woman
Muzan is the most likely choice, but Naraku would be fun
Still both infinite is it not feels like a moot point
I honestly thought Bowser was gonna vore Eggman at the end
“Jr girls won’t like you if you grab them without their permission”
“That’s not enough! You gotta tie them up and take them to see your castle.”
Bowser won because of the real super power of teamwork
I hope they do Bowser vs Godzilla in the future. I want the turtle and the hopes and dreams of his simps dead
Bowser won because "outcasts band together", it's the corniest shit, kek.
Sage slaps him and Bowser would give Junior a stern talking to. He would instead suggest
I'm already looking for a good bot to lewd on Janitor, but every time I share some good bots to goon I get the same old "I can't coom go words" shit
Not even the one Shino drew?
Orbot and Cubot and Sage defected
Next is the Sonic vs Eggman army fight, where Sonic’s shitty friends decide they like Bowser better
The reason why Zero is so strong is because Wily dedicated the rest of his life to creating him, that and Super Neo Metal wasn't a thing at the time.
They referenced StoneToss in Death Battle?!
Like that'd stop him.
Not likely. Bowser stomps.
I'm a wordcumchad myself.
I wish there was a free AI chat bot with the quality of claude and no restrictions...
Bowser won because Bowser simps would've offed themselves if he didn't.
Probably when they scaled Guys to the Sea King’s roar when he needed an army of mermaids to start singing to drown out its heartbeat or he would’ve died.
Sonicfags are upset because they don't like being faced with the reality that they too will die friendless and alone
Unlike nuSonic, the superior Mario franchise has no such autism about “canon” or “nipponese vision.”
Its noted that Sage is plotting and likely aiming to fuck em over from the inside and revive her dad. Orbot and Cubot were the only defectors
Bowser won because Bowser simps would've offed themselves if he didn't.
Just like Eggman simps already did?
True, they're already barely holding onto life as it is.
You don't need to project.
The Egg Dealer deserved an appearance
No. That anon was saying that they HOPE they bring him up in Amogus Vs Fall Guys
Idk, eggfags are sounding pretty glum, and saying some pretty wacky shit. I'd anticipate needing an intervention.
2 minutes apart
"Jr! Consent is very important when it comes to women! You can't force yourself into them"
"That's why You have to kidnap her and keep her in your castle until she willingly gives you her consent"
"BUT DON'T YOU THINK THAT'S THE END OF IT! First you gotta marry her before doing anything, so repeat the same process I told you until she willingly agrees to marry you"
Is this the “toxic masculinity” i keep hearing about?
Because Metal's Eggman's best fighter while Bowser is his own best fighter
Eggman's mechs won't last long against Bowser so that's why they had the Egg Dragoon piloted by the decoy
Plus it shows a contrast of the two's strategies and use of resources
Does Muzan have any hope there?
Good dad Bowser. Junior and Sage will be a good couple after like four decades of shenanigans with Sage being kidnapped and Eggman sending a robotic plumber to rescue her
yeah but in every episode of 'talk no jutsu' the 'i will plan to backstab you' types always end up liking the people they're trying to back stab because they get exposed to the wholesome chungus and friendship comradery. She'll be team bowser soon enough when she sees how much of a great guy/dad he is.
Care to share so we can rate it anon?
Eggman hops from mech to mech
Would’ve been cool i guess but it would’ve inevitably end with them all trashed until he gets to the strongest one
Not to mention, if you scale him to his counterpart of Order, Bill has no real way to put Discord down for good. He'll live in everything that desires chaos and since Weirdmagedon creates life that craves chaos and destruction that's infinite lives for Discord. Plus they had to ban Discord from using anything from Gravity Falls so he doesn't instant KO Bill.
Nope. He gets bodied.
Sonic basically did the same thing in Frontiers. Even when she went 'good' she was still 300% on Team Eggman and will always side with him no matter what.
Doctor IVO ROBOTNIK would have won
Can't, at work. Sorry Anon.
This is what made the battle so fucking boring, I hate that this was the focus for Bowser's side. And it's all anyone talks about too. Christ, nobody has good taste.
Only if Eggman gets the Shadow Androids and uses the Egg Dealer to charge them up with Shadow Fever.
Yes it alters your perception and makes your brain believe something is real enough that it can kill you anyway
yeah but sonic is lame and gay and not a based cool chad like bowser who will show her things she's never seen before.
No they're not both infinite. Infinite density does not mean infinite mass.
Black holes have a set amount of mass. They are usually measured in stellar masses, aka how many masses of the sun. A black hole with one stellar mass has the mass of the sun. A black hole in 10,000 stellar masses has the mass of 10,000 suns.
Density is the density of matter. Mass is how much matter exists in that area of space. Black holes can increase in mass when matter falls onto them, or through combining with other black holes.
Reminder that eggman is a HERO.
No he fucking wasn’t he just wakes up right where Infinite left him
What was the most BS Death Battle to you, anon?
the tonal whiplash between episodes is hilarious
what would you have focused on anon. What kind of scenario would you have written with your superior patrician taste?
Skydiving skills would allow him to dodge hitting the giant block and safely land on the ground
You can make an argument in his favor, but it is most likely Sukuna wins because superior AP and actual experience/battle IQ/and versatility.
Now if you really deep and make some calcs that put Muzan's AP even remotely close to Sukuna I can see battle being 50/50 specially under DB rules because that means no Sunrise for Muzan to die out, Sukuna's only WinCon would be complete destruction
Why didn't he just let Sonic fall since he betrayed him later
What was his game plan
Reminder that Eggman faked his death here so he could ambush Sonic like a coward
Bowser is mindbreaking his haters irl
Holy outversal……
Who wins?
It was all part of the plan
Needed him to deal with Zavok right?
Skibidi Toilet won.
The artificial sun thing they mentioned had Tails state this when Knuckles asked if it was fake, it'd be weird if Tails and Eggman treated it as a real attack that causes physical harm when it's just a illusory trick that only causes mental damage
But he immediately showed up with a machine stronger than any of them
And he could have just let Sonic die, escape, and just beat the shit out of the Zetis another time since they were only gonna destroy the Lost World I'm pretty sure
Today I will remind them... What could have been...
Don't the zeti's control machines?
It's so over the top it feels almost like falseflags. If I didn't know Sonic fandom, that is.
I would've either kept it consistent and actually give Eggman the proper Sage rep as well. Or I simply would've cut all of that out. The fight could've easily gotten crazier, the alternate scenarios shown were more visually interesting than what we got. Both Bowser and Eggman had more shit to use.
Simply pointing out garbage.
Mentally thinking you're dead will kill you
Anon when a stellar object becomes a black hole they don't just suddenly gain infinite mass. The MASS stays the same. The density is what changes. An object becomes a black hole when it becomes so dense (matter = compact) that the schwarzchild radius is exceeded and an event horizon forms. The event horizon is the point where the speed required to escape the object gravitational force exceeds the speed of light.
For example, if you compacted the sun and turned it into a black hole the mass would stay exactly the same. It would still have the exact same mass as the sun. All the planets and everything in the solar system would orbit the black hole completely normally as if nothing was different. Except there would be no light or heat so everything would freeze.
I hope we get Regular Show VS Adventure Time at some point. Sure RS stomps hard but it'd potentially be a fun animation.
....the faggot competition.
New thread?
and actually give Eggman the proper Sage rep as well
the “proper rep” where he sent her to kill herself to protect himself?
I guess Wario drew the short straw fighting Dedede and not Knuckles or Shadow since we've now established that every Mario character can blitz a Sonic character
Chances are we could legitimately just get all of these. I would keep all of them minus Emmet, Xaio, and Deathwing
If it were merely a mental attack where believing it's real causes mental harm to the point of death, it seems odd that Tails would claim the attack is part of their reality
Sage's "Kidnapping" are just her willingly escaping to go play at Jr's castle
Eggman sends a robotic plumber to "rescue" her and she goes along because she also doesn't want to be a headache for Eggman
Jr will wait a couple of days to "kidnap" her again anyways
Oh, I completely forgot about that. Yeah, alrght.
Wario is unfair, guy is the most powerful character in the verse
But enough about the western animation industry.
Yugi has Eye of Timeaus
We might actually see this fucker and that’s fantastic.
People unaware that a more massive black hole is weaker
You don't get torn immediately by big ones.
I mean, it's a part of their reality, BECAUSE they're under the Phantom Ruby's control.
If they had some way to shake it off or if someone intervened from the outside to wake them up it wouldn't do anything because it was never real.
Jr goes to help his Dad on a new universal-conquest
Sage gets annoyed because he didn’t “kidnap” her for a whole month
Is this even worth justifying with a real response?
They both treat the robotic plumber arrival as her dad picking her up from her play date with some sparring match thrown in.
Sage upgrades the plumber bot once in awhile to test Junior
claims to be the real Sonic
can only go super
Yugi totally gets lore scaling
Yugi totally gets statement-based tertiary scaling to a merging feat that doesn't actually happen, that involves likely sub-universal realms, and would not have directly killed anyone
Yugi is totally getting FTL scaling despite the fact that everyone in his universe fights in turn-based combat where no one attempts to dodge anything ever
but they're totally not going to give Ash the same treatment, who has these feats through secondary/tertiary scaling where the characters actually fight against much bigger hitters than literally anything in the whole YGO franchise
Insane cope, this is gearing up to be an even bigger "powerscaling obsessed vocal minority gets BTFO by uninvested popular franchise" meltdown than BowsEgg or Ben VS Hal
I wonder if the malding Sonicfags understand that Bowser vs Eggman was an army battle because if it was just a 1v1 it wouldn't have been even remotely close, Bowser would have shitstomped Eggman in base.
Letting Sage live at the end was cool.
Even without the bump from XDU Hibiki still sweeps.
This doesn't sound like Infinite (heh) Tsukiyomi
Yugi has too much bullshit and Dungeons and Dragons esque logic bending to lose.
Ash's standard mons
Swords of revealing light
"lol Monster Reborn makes em a normie or I use spell binding circle lmao"
Tauros army
Chain Destruction
and that's without even getting into the Egyptian Gods or Yugi summoning Exodia or Holactie
Bullshit magic beats insane technological advancement
Not a sonicfag, I'm just tired of every corner of the internet wanking him off. I wanted to see him get taken down a peg for once.
le Ash totally scales to true Arceus wankers already dilating
Live by the wank, die by the wank.
Those are his normal projectiles and the clones like Zavok
If he actually controls people he can do whatever, like how he uses the terrain against the Avatar
Not like they really had a means to kill her anyway and by that point she couldn't cause much trouble since her resources were mostly gone as Bowser's faction doesn't really use much if any tech
SORL is treated as a time stop effect when it’s used outside the card game.
Makes me wonder if they’ll use Jump Force for Yugi.
Bowser's faction doesn't really use much if any tech
Airships and Clown Car?
more like heavy sci fi and network types. Aren't his airships made of wood or something?
Remind me, does Bowser even survive the black hole? I thought everyone basically gets fucked, but then Rosalina steps in and resets the universe.
I legitimately don't under how most of these guys are supposed to be comfort characters, 2 of these guys are full on villains and one of them is a broken shell of a man too, what the fuck?
Neo Metal was playing Roofpiece like Kaido with Bowser's army
Meanwhile sage was busy trying to keep Eggman alive for as long as possible
Eggbros we need to work on our people skills, we caused Metal to have a hard time.
Seriously, soul manipulation shit was Shadi’s whole thing and Yugi beat him twice.
Technically speaking all the key players contributed
Sage activates the Death Egg
Metal Sonic carries Eggman's army
Bowser Jr. prevents Eggman's escape
Kamek steals the Phantom Ruby
King Boo crushes Infinite leaving the Phantom Ruby exposed
Even Infinite got a couple kills, it's just the way he went out that's so embarassing that it sticks out
STOP! I don't want this to become my new hyperfixation!
Jr also activated Fury.
Rare moment when Quantity > Quality. Eggman needed more than just two dependables to help him
... the never gonna get a matchup contest.
Don’t forget Discord’s spell list contains every non land card in MtG.
There's not a single MU against me that I wouldn't be able to sweep
pushes him over
We needed the two of them to fight directly at least once since they’re the respective son/daughter
Plus Junior is like the only character in the Koopa Troop who likes to use tech. Sage could have actually messed with him unlike the others
and magicked Eggman’s mindrape gun, and btfo the Death Egg with Kamek’s staff
IDW didn’t have Sonic yet so a lot of the shit that buffs Metal Sonic like Super Neo wasn’t a thing.
It's cute though
and saved his Dad from getting buzzsawed by Super Metal
What's the most obscure MU you can think of?
Swords of Revealing Light
Attract, Will O Wisp, Hypnosis and even an argument to be made for Pgbite’s Brick Break to rupture it
>Monster Reborn
Kinda like saying using it on a card like Vampire Lord reverses it from a Zombie type
Chain Destruction
Would require a you to give Ash’s Tauros a Yugioh ATK number
with Kamek’s staff
Oh right, good catch. I guess he would be able to do that since Kamek taught him magic
My OC vs your OC
What part of the animation was this from?
Your OC stomps
An option that aids Eggman
Clearly you don’t know how the Egg Dealer rolls.
Ash may get that scaling as well, but he still wont come close to Yugi.
Goku (the 5 Tails from Naruto) vs Superman (from the short story The Reign of the Superman by Jerry Siegel)
I like how they had Eggman dodge Fury Bowser's strike so Neo Metal Sonic took it and cowered with Sage above him vs the Ground Pound while Bowser took the entire brunt of the Death Egg to showcase the difference in loyalty
How would V-Tamer Taichi vs PokeSpe Red go?
Is Taichi the guy who punches Digimon? Yeah I'm betting on him.
Eggman didn't dodge it, Metal fucking punted him out of the way to eat it
that was on purpose too, they listed in the final tally that Bowser won because he protects his team vs Eggman lets his wittle away
Nah, that’s Marcus Damon
Metal scans and replicates Bowser's bio data and then goes super
Why didn't it happen?
V-Tamer Taichi shitstomps because of UlforceVeedramon Future Mode. Future Mode beat Daemon who had fused with Arkadimon in his Super Ultimate Form (which is higher than megas) and Arkadimon could beat Megas even as a baby.
Also, there should've been a bit of Sage controlling all of Eggman's mechs.
Then I do not remember Taichi at all.
Metal and Bowser were fucking war heroes dood, they both sacrificed so much lmao
because thats a scenario where Eggman wins but its only one scenario from a bunch and the majority of the time Bowser would probably secure his win first
Bowser already beat a more powerful version of himself. It would effect nothing, plus. Metal needs time to do that. He cant just do that on a whim.
He's the MC of Season 1
Though we're talking about his V-Tamer version who is different.
Going Super kinda makes copying Bowser’s data pointless, the Wonder Star would shred him with or without it, and if not the Wonder Star then Jr once he finds Kamek’s staff
No idea how that slipped my mind I'm retarded
I mean they show that pretty well with Sage throwing Eggman’s entire fucking army at Bowser as projectiles.
To be fair, Neo Metal with the emeralds would've been all Eggman needed if it wasn't for Jr. causing Fury Bowser, Kamek preventing Metal from copying Bowser and Bowser using the Grand Star to nuke Metal.
Brother was a fucking raid boss.
They do, I just enjoy that they admit they use this as a factor so i’m not just overanalysing it
where the characters actually fight against much bigger hitters than literally anything in the whole YGO franchise
Name 2
Could Percy Jackson solo the God of War verse?
Super Bowser
Yup. Took both numbers and cooperation to beat him
…‘s laundry, yes.
Composite elf vs Composite Dwarf
I hate that you're reminding me of all the fanfic I read of this.....anyways I'm gonna go with no
Percy Jackson’s universe exists within the atom that forms the dust speck that forms the dirt that Kratos’ multiversal dogsled rides across
No, even if we remove lore from the equation Percy is not tangling with the Titans even slightly. He would insta lose to Atlas trying to squish him like he did with Kratos.
Even without lore wank he gets mauled by Kratos.
New thread
If he copied Bowsers bio data wouldn't that make him immune or at least resistant to magic?
No, fanfic Kratos aside. PJ has to be the weakest interpretation of Greek mythology to exist. The gods in it are building level at best.
Yeah maybe
Pretty sure I've heard he's island level 9r some shit because of a volcano/storm related feat or whatever
I am not familiar to how the gods are portrayed in Percy Jackson. GoW pantheons are not on par with their literary counterparts.
Composite Dwarf no question
Copying doesn't replace Metal's capabilities with Bowser's, it adds what Bowser can do to what Metal can already do, which is everything Sonic can do.
If Metal copied Bowser, he'd be able to stack Bowser's giant form on top of his own Super form, which is already strong enough to effortlessly send Fury Bowser flying.
That didn't happen because they wouldn't have been able to beat him if it did, which contradicts the verdict they reached.
Fuck you given me a good idea. Somebody edit this so that Neo Metal's face is luffys and the rest is bowser's armys strongest guys
This was genuinely the cutest thing ever. We eating Eggchads.
Bowser has forms beyond Fury, ones that aren’t tied to his biology and come from items that Metal wouldn’t have. If he went Dreamy or Wonder, he would’ve instantly surpassed Metal’s boosted stats and gibbed him instantly, or just possess him.
king boo can outbullshit most of eggman tech
king boo can posses technology
In the flipped version do you think ming boo scares sage and that gives eggman the drive to win?
Who the fuck is Ming Boo?
Are we rooting for Amogus or Fall Guy?
This has been my most wanted match-up for years
Chinese brother of King Boo - has a funny fu-manchu mustache
I’m rooting for Amogus cause I think it’s the more fun game.
Pretty racist character too, guess the japanese ain't over losing ww2 yet
The HERO Dai is stronger than his dad who halved the power of a continent busting bomb. He's fine.
Hey man, Ming Boo has some cool chinese mysticism magic
How different would be Rooster Teeth era/Kickstarter era Death Battle be, if they stopped using statements and power scaling, and just used on screen/gameplay feats.
Because I played Dream Team and Sonic Forces, none of those guys were moving at the speed of light and destroying the fabric of reality.
What is YOUR ranking of the episodes and this season so far?
The Super Genesis Wave is also slow enough that Dr. Light was able to track it happening. In fact, the most we can presume about the Super Genesis Wave is that when conducted after a regular Genesis Wave it makes those changes permanent and that it can rewind time to a certain degree.
Wait…what? Dude, Dream Team literally has Luigi throwing a fucking star beyond LS and Mario guides it like he’s riding a surfboard.
To be fair, it took five team blasts from Super Sonic plus a boosted Tails and Knuckles to destroy his Metal Overlord form.
I think Amogus wins, they at least have shown actual combat stuff in Vampire Survivors
I don't believe that's canon.
So what are the strongest feats/tech for Amogus? Fall Guys have Mjolnir, Cyberdemons, the Tardis, Star Wars and Star Trek tech...
Quantify, if you can, your intended meaning for this word.
This is probably where "How the player perceives" vs "What's happening in-game" starts to blur because IMO Mario is riding that star at the speed of a plane. But if we're being literal to how stars and light function IRL, then yes he's just clinging on to dear life at mach 1000.
Same with black hole feats, I think they're just portals with a lot of suction since they're not torn in half in an instant. This is coming from a guy who believes Cloud Strife is just Captain America in terms of physical stats, and Kratos is mountain busting at best
They are seen using the strongest weapons from those franchises on trailers and in-games scenes. Also superpowers like Viltrumites or Symbiotes.
Okay this isn’t a “how the player perceives things” issue it’s just you ignoring the feat. Luigi jumps into deep space, grabs a star, and then tosses it so hard that it reaches the planet they were on within a minute.
Falls under crossover content and won't be included, as usual.
Sure, long as you then agree Sage should be deleted while Eggman has to watch.
Could Peach defeat Iblis?
what if Jr. and Sage grew up and got MARRIED
Ming Boo Love you long time
I don't know how they got away with that
Asura vs Kratos sucks.
It's just outdated. It's what Kratos vs Spawn should have been, back then.
of the match-ups I like from this list:
Spy vs Agent 47
I'd like this and will not say who I think will win because I don't know much about Hitman.
F&J vs M&R
Been awhile since we'd had a big 2v2 match like R&C vs J&D. So this would be pretty cool, not really sure on the end result tho given how crazy both RS and AT get by the end.
Kyle Rayner vs Simon The Digger
While I don't think Simon wins since Kyle Rayner is Larten Jesus. This fight would still be amazing to watch.
Ori vs Hollow Knight
I prefer if they saved HK for a fight with Yi from Nine Sols. That being said I'd still think it be interesting to see happen.