What’s your favorite army battle?
Death Battle
3 - 0
Gremlins vs Critters.
Wanna play God-Zilla?
Here I thought I would beat you. Oh well, I kneel.
Give me matchups for Anon Babble's newest Queen.
By the FACE GOD, GIORNO? GIORNO GIOVANNA, the EL CAPO of PASSIONE, from the global hit JOJO’S BIZARRE ADVENTURE, which has had INFINITELY more cultural impact than my OWN SERIES?!? What are you DOING here? HUH?!? You’re gonna use GOLD EXPERIENCE REQUIEM to DRAIN me of ALL my WILLPOWER, rendering me unable to use Lagann to ANY capacity, reducing my power level below that of a FARMER WITH A SHOTGUN?!?THEN, you’re gonna get my RAGS OFF, then use your stand to grow a bamboo plant to grow INTO ME, skewering me ALIVE?!? Then with me held in place, you’re going to FUCK Yoko right in FRONT of me, while using GER to open my eyes each time I try to look away?!? THEN you’re gonna use GER to undo NIA’S DEATH, after I EXPLICITLY SAID I wouldn’t do it, and then have her fall in LOVE WITH YOU FOR SAVING HER LIFE, while she SPITS in my FACE for leaving her for DEAD?!? THEN you’re gonna bring BRO back to life TOO, AND YOUR FRIEND BRUNO?!? And then you’re gonna have Bruno use ZIPPER MAN to put ZIPPER on BRO’S BALLS, which Bruno then proceeds to FUCK IN FRONT OF ME like some BOTCHED TRANNY PORN?!? THEN you’re gonna MUDAMUDAMUDA me for 7 WHOLE PAGES, putting me into a KEK LOOP, FORCING me to watch my WIFE, BRO, and BRO’s WIFE get FUCKED IN FRONT OF ME by EVERY POSSIBLE MAN IN THE MULTIVERSE?!? OVER and OVER, for ALL ETERNITY, even AFTER Pucci resets the UNIVERSE?!? WELL, WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK I AM, BUT A HUGE KEK?!? YABBA DABBA DOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
Shouldn't most versions of Sonic.exe take this? He does have a better body count.
Mario lava vs Sonic water vs DBS laser gun vs Kryptonite vs Kirby Apple tree
Who wins?
Who could Omega job to to continue the Sonic bashing streak?
The Hand vs The Foot
Loses to Bowser Kun and Mario Kun.
Lain of course
Here’s an idea:
Doom demons vs WH40k demons
Doom demons stomp because of lore wank, though.
Android 16?
Through I guess he'd fit Gamma better.
All kinds of kryptonite?
Does that include the new Critters movies because I think they now have Crite/Human Hybrids
17 maybe? He killed Gero and Omega wants to kill Eggman
Question, what prevents Butterfree from Sleep Powdering Yugi’s entire team and himself?
Ewoks vs Na'vi (vs Apes)
Dr. Gero vs Dr. Eggman who wins?
They did what now?
Mario lava just melts everything ez
Glad0s vs Mr House
Critters: A New Binge.
It follows Chris a high-school senior who is having a good life until a bunch of Crites land on Earth trying to look for a missing Crite. He and his friend try to report it to the police but they think it's fake. The Crites successfully kidnap them and tell Chris he's actually a Crite/Human hybrid and his mom had sex with the president Crite at a Y2K party.
It’s not very good
Goku would get KO'd by half power bugs bunny
It is very frustrating to conclude. If you sanity check things, then Eggman loses to Gero. If you use insane scaling calculus then Gero loses to Eggman.
Pick any kill spell.
Pick any stall spell.
The fight ends the moment Yugi plays black hole, raigeki, wabaku, magical hats, mystic box, etc, etc. That's not even getting to how Yugi can mind crush at-will since Ash will refuse to play jenga with him and will instead try and kill him with his pets.
I want a Anon Babble match. Puppet the corpse of Deadliest Warrior. Take the models from Total War, they got models for both and their armies. Take their armies from the Siege of Alesia and the Battle of Guandu.
I don't know much about Yu Gi Oh but doesn't Yugi need to be in an actual card duel to use his cards? How is he supposed to win if Ash just orders a Pokemon to immediately attack?
Thank god Yugi got protagonist powers, or else there'd be a high likelyhood he bricks turn 1.
Why are you posting an Arale victim?
Heart of the Cards is top decking as a power.
Arale victim
You replied to the wrong post.
Bowser gets assaulted by that?
Goku vs Bugs Bunny would just be Bugs Bunny getting hurt over and over again while Goku is just running his daikon field. Bugs would eventually get fed up and then try and challenge Goku to a fight. Goku would say he doesn't want to hurt Bugs and Bugs tells him to hit him as hard as he can. Goku hesitantly agrees and then suddenly just gets literally all of his power ups and fusions at once and before Bugs can tell him to stop he gets Super Dragon Punched.
Then Bugs blinks, doesn't feel anything, checks himself to see if he's alright and sees he's a ghost, "Well I guess I got what I wanted."
Arale victim
I think in one of the movies he was able to use them for real in a magical zone and Bakura once made a low-level monster card come alive briefly. But they either let him use his cards for real like in Jump Force or it's going to be a boring fight that he'll still win because of season 0 powers.
"Hey Ash, play Candyland with me."
"No. I want to have my pokemon kill you."
"Okay penalty gamu."
Ash has no answer to penalty gamu.
Trips confirm heart-of-the-cards scores another win for friendship this season.
Yeah, I know. It's not really a weakness.
It's just a concession made to let characters run sub-optimal, but hype decks.
Nope. Goku would get KO'd instantly by hammer wielded by Bugs.
Friendship is on a streak this season. Do Fall Guys have friendship?
Arale running faster than Sonic
Meanwhile Thanos lost Death to Mario.
Chadrio always wins.
Killer Clowns vs The Martians from Mars Attacks
Ancient Egyptian Magic. That's all you need to know
Can someone make this but for Kratos?
Fairy's Hand Mirror (Legacy of the Duelist Yugi has access to it) redirect to Ash, or Butterfree
Nuh uh, it doesn't count as a spell, it's an attack
Spellbinding Circle to intercept the attack, and prevent it from being used.
Yugi could also just Horn of Heaven (Another Legacy of the Duelist card) it, but he'd probably save that for something he felt was a bigger threat.
Legacy of the Duelist gives Yugi access to a ton of cards - it's presented as recreations of anime duels, but since you never see whole decks in episodes, they filled these decks with cards to make them playable.
I think no. It's one of those 'throw a bunch of dudes into a wacky courses where you get hit by swinging bean bags' right?
You can't just say that without posting pictures, links, or at least episodes. Either way, I think The Critters should win.
Bardock lost though and he got Super Saiyan because power of friendship.
It was more so because he was pissed at Frieza (and Chilled by proxy).
His friendship force wasn't as strong as redemption arc Nolan's friendship force. Nolan was fighting to protect the planet of his bug friends.
Ash loves to compete; he's not going to turn down a shadow game
But DB characters act OoC all the time - look at Superman or Batman killing!
Personality traits like overconfidence, or lack of self-control have been cited as factors in Death Battles before, and Ash would absolutely challenge Yugi for his 'King of Games' title.
Spongebob and Popeye have already burned up the toonforce humor. Bit has ran it's course and it would be funnier to watch the toon lose.
They don't have the guts to make the entire fight a two player game of Monopoly.
Your tears are already good comedy. Bugs wins.
the whole episode is them playing the Pokemon TCG
Post a matchup with a toonforce character and a serious one where the toonforce actually loses. Inverse Saitama vs Popeye, if you will.
And why was he pissed? Because Frieza not only had his friends destroyed but also was planning on destroying everything and everyone else Bardock had ever known. That frustration over not being strong enough to protect that which he cared about is what launched him beyond.
Superman vs Popeye
Kinda has to be a villain toon or at least a toon that has a dickish streak that makes it funny when they lose too (like Bugs and Daffy).
Is friendship poised to lose one of the upcoming fights?
If you don't allow DC scaling, I think Luigi beats Shaggy.
Maybe Spongebob vs Comics Aquaman?
Friendship will be destroyed by Amogus jokes.
Flash vs Road Runner
Giorno (or Joker, if you don't think he's capable) vs any non reality warping toon is a hard mog. I think Lucash as none of the previously described, but I'm not sure
Stonetoss will win. Chuds stand with Chuds. Friends forever!
Counterpoint: You can argue that Bowser vs Eggman works as a prediction for Ash vs Yugi. Namely, what happens when it’s one person with an army vs one person with a more proactive and convenient army.
Let’s say it works on Duel Rules, Yugi needs to draw the right cards (which he can with Heart of the Cards obviously) but he does have the problem that he can only play so many cards at the time unlike Ash who has access to his entire arsenal. Raigeki/ Chain Destruction/ Black Hole: Mirror Force on the Tauros Army? No reason Ash can’t recall a Pokémon go save it, they’ve done that before.
Starting hands work like having six cards in your hand, for probability’s sake, let’s say Two Monsters, Two Spells and Two Traps.
Say he gets SORL, Spellbinding Circle, Black Hole and Cards of Sanctity to play last and gets to play a monster.
That’s still only one monster/Normal Summon. Say he does the Tricky Combo or used Dark Magic Curtain along with Bond of Teacher and Student for the dynamic DM/DMG duo. In terms of resources, Yugi only has so much at a time and even with the Heart of the Cards, can’t actually use them all once.
Think of it like how Hal beat Ben, Ben’s aliens could do a lot of things but Hal could do everything in one form. Well, Ash can do everything he does with a flick of the wrist rather than drawing.
Say Yugi goes Millennium World where he’s basically a spellcaster (in a world of memories), problem is still there in that while Ash’s Pokemon are sapient enough to make their own decisions, Yugi’s Duel Spirits need to be taken out of his own Ba/Life Points which you know, he’ll eventually run out.
Plus, in that world where they used the cards in ghe real world, you can DODGE attacks, spells and traps so all those previously used . Swords of Revealing Light? Now Ash can dig under it instead of playing by game rules with practical battling like in an anime battle.
Wile E Coyote vs Thadeus B Sivana
So, are you saying Pokemon>Duel Monsters, as slaves>tools? So Digimon is at the top and beats Yugioh, as friends>slaves>tools
Popeye stomps.
Cry harder anti-toonfag.
A matchup like that doesn't exist.
Where is this from ?
if you forget Lucas's plot manipulation, he's esentially a watered down bugs bunny, which is actually defeatable.
"muh chuds!!!"
Go back to BlueSky.
I can't hear you over the dip vats.
Ash who has access to his entire arsenal.
That's disingenuous, Ash cannot just call upon his entire roster of pokemon without access of a PC; he's not going to start with all of his pieces on the field, and he's not going to be carrying armfuls of pokeballs that could be destroyed, or stolen.
At best, I could see him with a massive bag, but he'd have to shift through it for the pokemon he wants.
If I recall, his current Pokedex is connected to his PC
Doraemon Vs Felix The Cat
I'm waiting for that one anon who claimed Cap can lift the Helicarrier to post a scan because that's far beyond anything I've ever seen Steve do
I am glad that there weren't any references to Trump in Bowser vs Eggman. I was partially expecting them to compare one of them to him as a joke or something.
That's certainly a boon, but I imagine it wouldn't let him just dump his army of taurus on the field at once; he'd have to send them out manually, or scoop up armfuls, and toss them out - it's a manual operation, and at that point, you're experiencing opportunity cost of actions - that time sending out one tauros could be better used sending out a better mon.
Luffy vs the mask
Counterpoint, you forget the fact that anyone can open a Pokeball. Ash sends out one, Pikachu sends out another, the following two (say Bulbasaur and Infernape for example) use the Pokeballs
That same anon thinks Homelander didn't throw that jet with one hand in the panel that shows Homelander literally doing that.
The Mask stomps.
You're giving Ash all these benefits, and expecting Yugi to operate under the six-hand opener, one card per turn? He might as well be free-playing cards from his deck, with how Ash is blatantly doing whatever he wants.
He can go right ahead. Of course that take sway the former guaranteed of a shadow game into a more free for all. Magical Cylinder redirects Pikachu’s attack? Donphan rushes to tank if? Mystical Hats? Grabite uses Draco Meteor to destroy all of them since? Spellbinding Circle? Squirtle uses Rapid Spin to get rid of the Hazard. So many minds vs one. Or two in Yugi’s case.
Isn’t that how the shadow game works? Yugi HAS to play by certain rules or it’s not a game
Has anyone done "I thought you were stronger" with the Thwomp?
”Man, this is almost as bad as the time I was trapped in White Space.”
Yeah, I don't see a chaotic mess like that happening - the fight would be more structured, both parties trying to maintain some decorum, and not go full retard by vomiting everything onto the field.
Ash doesn't whip out multiple mons, except against Team Rocket, or big bad legendary pokemon; in the context of a competition against someone perceived to be on the up-and-up, I could see him matching Yugi's summons, but it's not going to be another army battle where both sides vomit everything onto the field at once.
Both parties have to obey the rules, but having one side doing whatever the fuck they want isn't going to slide.
I hate that people like you even need to even worry about such a thing since neither of them are remotely like Trump, yet at the same time I can't even blame you because modern day culture is so trash.
Leave base Thwomp to me, Infinite
That’s because Ash has no cards and it doesn’t work unless you recontextualize Polemon to fit Yu-Gi-Oh rules
Have we ever seen what happens when Yugi challenged a non duelist to a game of Duel Monsters?
Yeah Duke Devlin, he won after seeing the game played once.
I mean, this meme was on the front page of the Death Battle sub yesterday
Giorno could achieve the same outcome by turning a Thwomp into a butterfly and reverting it back to normal over Infinite.
He didn’t challenge Devlin to a Duel Monsters shadow game, Delvin challenged him to a Dungeon Dice Monsters game
I hope they get MONO for more animations in the future. Dude's based and even got them to bring back post battle clips
I'll concede that you're right on Duke challenging him but I'm still going to contest that DDM isn't DM
Sonic lost to Mario
Eggman lost to Bowser
Knuckles lost to Donkey Dong
Shadow lost to Mewtwo
I hope he's the one doing Ash vs Yugi. Every few months we get a banger, and in between we get acceptable mediocrity. Or in the case of Asura vs Kratos and Aang vs Genshin, probably something bordering on outright bad.
Mario lost to Sonic first
Luigi lost to Tails
Bowser lost to Ganon
Wario lost to Deedede
Soon to be Retconned
Nintendo vs Nintendo
Sega is on full fraud alert.
Trunks lost to Silver
Wiley and Eggman lost to Metal
Luigi lost to Tails
Mario is 1-1 with Sonic
Amy beat Sakura
Both Mario and Sonic have pretty respectable showings. Not DC levels, but that’s just kinda impossible with how that usually goes.
Sega has never beat Nintendo
You mean Ramona. I don't blame you for getting it wrong that was such an out there episode
Sega has never beat Nintendo
Luigi VS Tails and Mario VS Sonic 1 Anon.
Amy vs Ramona was a terrible matchup. Plus, what was Ramona supposed to do against a character that can run superfast?
Again it was a really random episode. It was like Lucy VS Carnage levels of "what?"
We joke about Infinite (as we rightfully should) but does anyone think Infinite might somehow return in the games and redeem himself from WEAK status in the future? Even Mephiles got to show up again
The point of contention, is what ruleset would be used. I imagine it would be akin to Action Duels, but without the spells/traps being pickups scattered around the field; I like Equips/Consumable items being presented as the equivalent to Spell/Traps, because that gives both parties some means of interacting with the other's stuff; since Yugi can straight up luckhax cards, he's going to have equal accessibility as Ash has to items, like Revives.
Like, say if Marshmallon Glasses were some intangible magic that couldn't be manipulated outside of actual magic, there isn't much Ash could do against Marshmallon, but if you present it as an equip equivalent, that allows Gengar, etc to use Thief/Trick/Knock Off to get around it, and in turn, allows Yugi to use stuff like MST to pop equips.
Reminder this is what a female thwomp looks like.
Ah right. Episode is mogged by the Sprite Riot version anyways.
I don’t know about giving Ash items, mainly because well, he’s never used them to my recollection
Anyone made one of these for King Boo/Thwomp and Infinite yet?
Now that Bowser has won who should he fight next? I'm thinking Steve.
He’s used like, a few potions after battles and that’s it. Also Mega Stones and Z Crystals.
Should have King Boo on the left, he's the one with arms.
I’m sorry, this made me smile
Better question where is my "I AM A SURGEON" but Infinite going "I AM NOT WEAK"
My HERO loves you
Don’t Z-Moves bypass Protect? By that logic, can’t Rowlet break through the Swords?
Wario lost to Dedede
I still call bullshit, Dedede had no wincon, and neither did Wario - that shit should have been a draw. Wario literally comes back from vaporization when he's blasted with light in his Zombie form; within three frames, over 60% of his body is fucking gone, but he just pops back into existence fine.
You know duel spirits are sentient right? Dark Magician was Atem’s court magician before he turned himself into a duel spirit
Swords prevents attacks akin to timestop, it's not really protection.
Yellow Luster Barrier (i forget the actual name, but it's the same card art) was what Panik used for protection, and Swords of Revealing Light was what kept his Castle of Dark Illusions floating in the air, once the flotation ring broke
To be fair, the Ganon vs Bowser fight was before they started including spinoffs. Ganon's got better magic and durability while Bowser is stronger, so it makes sense that Ganon would be able to beat Bowser since Bowser doesn't have light magic/holy weapons. Bowser literally couldn't kill Ganon so the stat differences didn't matter.
Now if Bowser stole the Triforce from Ganon using chance time? Ganon would auto-lose.
If I recall, they need to be especially strong Duel Spirits to act on their own volition lkke Guvel. Like I wouldn’t say for certain, Captaoult Turtle has shown the same level of competence as Bulbasaur. By that logic, Eggman’s robotss own displays of intelligence should have made them equal to Bowser’s Koopa army in terms as opposed to Eggman having been forced to micromanage an entire army
Yeah but that was early anime, the rules changed for the game. Like how Call of the Haunted doesn’t do that infinite revive as zombies thing anymore in the later depictions.
Wasn't it also before Galaxy to give more cosmic feats?
75% (25%) accuracy.
It's kind of hilarious how many cards have anime only effects for narrative purposes that can never be used in a real world game because it would be fucking busted
Pokémon stats don’t translate to the anime, otherwise Pikachu should be useless
Half the time, he is.
Beat that Gigantamax Charizard. Somehow. Can aim for the horn of a Rhyhorn, can use Counter Shield which doesn’t exist as a move
It makes more sense than you think. Trump's people all love him and Kamala chews through staff because apparently she's a massive dick behind closed doors. That mirrors how Bowser is actually loved by his goons while Eggman has to make his own friends because no one wants to work with that asshole.
Also, they did a pisspoor coloring job. Apparently Rhode Island didn't vote for either Bowser or Eggman.
Yeah but that was early anime, the rules changed for the game.
It prevents attacks for three turns, and it's presented as time stop in the anime - I don't see how that conflicts with the in-game effect.
I guess you could cite a more recent episode of the anime, where it's presented as some sort of barrier? SoRL prevents the attack from ever being initiated, while Protect just makes it miss
Something malicious is brewing
vampire survivors scaling is IN
He’ll just challenge Ash to the chloroform sheet pull game.
the power of destruction vs the power of invulnerability.
Honest to god… I’d rather have more fun kids game MUs than disgustingly autistic ones like Doomsday vs SCP or Kratos vs Asura
FF14 Scaling is in
It is treated as a time stop any time it has had to show up in anything outside the actual card game. In Jump Force it can stop Goku from moving.
Both Galaxies were out at the time (2016), but so was Skyward Sword, and SS made Ganon a reincarnation of an evil God with access to evil divine powers.
TotK Ganondorf might still have a shot with the Secret Stones. He can passively sap Bowser's life force while transforming into a giant dragon and just winning through the DoT. He's no longer immune to non-holy weapons, though, so Bowser could actually hurt him.
Dude even kuriboh is a sentient being, they can all think for themselves, GX has an entire arc about it.
Question, can it be argued that much lie Fire Spin, Stealth Rock and Leech Seed, SORL is considered a binding move?
And thus removable by Rapid Spin?
It is a fucking time stop
It traps people but it doesn’t stop them from moving from being knocked around so not really a time stop
Where is that said? Because even in Jump Force, it’s not actually stopping time, it just surrounds the opponent.
And why would they use Jump Force anyways when they don’t use Smash for characters like Eggman and Bowser? It’s clearly more of a hazard
Your death will feel even flatter than a pancake, jackal.
SorL is considered a binding move
It doesn't target a monster specifically like Wrap, etc it targets the whole enemy field.
It would be more akin to a field effect like Trick or Wonder room, except one-sided, and it can co-exist independently of other field effects.
Yeah, looking through the anime, it was also presented as a fucking retarded electrical barrier in GX (It didn't even have a top - you could just jump out of it???).
Well neither does Stealth Rock in doubles of triple battles
Any toon vs Bobobo
Stealth Rock is a fine comparison, but you can't rapid spin, if you can't attack.
He has dark burning magic
Oh well that changes some things, also the real thing Ashfags should be worried about is anime lightforce sword, it’s an unreactable 4 turn banish since the anime version is a counter trap. Yugi can banish Ash’s Pokémon before they even leave the ball like he did to Obelisk.
Is this considered a Jack off?
Fall Guys only get costumes from crossovers
Steve is for Terrarian.
Well that would be considered a random card, which I believe in this case would be a random Pokeball.
Which is...? What feats do they perform in this crossover?
No they will scale Fall guys surviving the contests to WoL's Echo precog.
They won’t use it, but yeah it functions different in jump force than it does in ultimate stars ds where it froze people for a bit instead of just locking them in hit stun.
Yeah forgot it was random, but the puzzle basically takes care of that, though it’s not a counter trap in the anime either it’s a quickplay spell so it can be reacted to by “spell speed 3” equivalents.
Rapid Spin can’t be used ON Yugi’s monsters since that’s what “Declare An Attack” means “targeting a monster to attack”. But it technically can be used on Squirtle itself since in the Pokemon anime, attacks in on end self have been done (See another Turtle Pokemon, Ash’s Torterra)
Unless Cataclysm has a devastating effect on The Tick, the latter would win due to his stamina and invulnerability. Even if Chat Noir manages to dodge and use clever tactics, The Tick can simply hold on until he manages to defeat him with a decisive blow.
the Tick is for Earthworm Jim
Conjuring galaxies only to implode them, killing death, deleting beings from existence, becoming literally invincible, destroying the fabric of reality. A regular run of vampire survivors.
Cynthia could stop an attack from Dialga, Cynthia is weaker than Leon who is weaker than Ash, Pikachu even boosted his power mid-fight.
As far as power goes, Ash is no slouch anymore. Z-Moves can also not be reflected.
Among Us vs Fall Guys is going full composite apparently
Everything and anything goes
Ash can just do-
nigh-invulnerability actually
Yugi doesn’t have that card, but Bandir Keith does
So this fight is where all the crossover scaling posters are gonna have a lot of arguments to support them (like the Godzilla vs Superman and Hulk poster)
Imagine some game gives Yugi a Shining Sarcophagus deck before that fight, I think it’d be a pretty decent update for him.
It all depends on how SoRL is interpreted, and how much movement is allowed - It's inconsistent as hell, and ultimately at the whims of how the Death Battle crew chooses to present it.
Looking at all depictions, there is some limited movement in most examples - monsters can switch from attack to defense position, but something like spinning gears slow to a stop (Yugi vs Atem) while under the effects. Squirtle could probably get into his shell, but I couldn't see him mustering enough speed to spin.
Doesn’t he have that in Duel Links?
A regular run does not end that way.
I'm going to end the Ash vs Yugi debate.
How do you handle cards like Exodia or Holacite which straight up win the game automatically on summon? Even discounting them Obelisk can have infinite attack points and Ra's Phoenix mode can destroy anything it chooses and while under a Shadow Game Ra can also destroy your soul while doing so.
Ash has no counters to these.
With Joey it’s more of a pain thing, Ash seems he can handle pain
fights with no relationship to this one
Please be less retarded.
I don’t know, but if he does Ash is proper fucked
fights with no relationship to this one
yeah like just how half the people here had a meltdown over Joker winning against Giorno due to non canon game just because "it's in the multiverse maybe"
Question, what prevents Ash from targeting the terrain?
The Daleks are for the Imperium of Man.
The glasses redirect the attacks to it iirc.
This one
How do we even scale Yugioh monsters to Pokemon? Like Yugi has a bunch of Magicians and I've yet to see anybody figure out how to scale their attacks.
Ash could maybe handle direct attacks from some of the monsters. Not for Holactie and Exodia though. Those should just be gg
How are they going to do that? The crossover shit is just them in costumes. They aren't blowing up moons like the imposter in vampire survivors.
Ash being able to tank an attack which does INFINITE damage
The crossover shit is just them in costumes.
Rick Sanchez would beat Goku with prep time
Don’t forget that ability is also a boardwipe, it basically just guarantees a direct hit
Crewmatesissies?? Fall chads are gonna gape us.
There's a 90% chance the first 2025 fight is Kratosura
How does that make you feel going from Bowser vs Eggman to Reddit the Episode to that?
Pikachu is stronger.
Oh no, Venom!
Creates an entire galaxy and then causes it to implode
Reddit the Episode
That’s Kratos Vs Asura. Amogus Vs Fallguis is a funny little shitpost, which is fine.
Anything is better than the dumpster fire that were the first 2 episodes this season.
The God Cards are mainly building level in terms of feats
It's kind of impressive that every single JJBA episode that Death Battle has done has had the wrong conclusion. It takes dedication to the bit when they've been doing it for almost a decade.
Sonic rightfully wins btw
...on opposite day.
based sonic the hedgeGOD
Kenshiro vs. Jotaro was right. But yeah, Dio vs. Alucard, Tanjiro vs. Johnathan and Joker vs. Giorno are all reversed.
Master Duel sets Demise, King of Armageddon at casual planet vaporization, and Obelisk is beyond him.
...when it comes to the shitty game competition
Forgetting King in Black scaling
You don’t wanna use lore, we still have Lanturn scaling
You pretty much start here (see .webm), then go with the fact that the crewmates and imposters can all get any weapon in the game, and thereby scale to Castlevania high ends like Dracula. Then you have to go with The Director boss fight and Sole Solution attack animation implying galaxy level scale.
As other anon's said this is pretty different from Fall Guys characters just getting costumes.
Mattering in Death Battle
Why would they get it? The Fall Guys costumes don't offer powers.
After watching both Fist of the North Star and Part 3, I came to the conclusion that Jotaro should actually win even without the ridiculous scaling they gave DIO in DIO v Alucard. Star Platinum with max time stop is just that strong. Being able to tank a building falling on you still puts you below the durability necessary to tank Star Platinum's max power.
Jotaro Vs Kenshiro
Johnathan Vs Tanjiro
DIO Vs Alucard
Giorno Vs Joker
You’d have to be retarded to say otherwise. I’ll give full on explanations for each.
Is that canon to the anime?
If they're not giving Hulk Titan Hulk for Godzilla what's even the fucking point other than to just feed Hulk another loss?
I will never take the opinion of someone who says DIO beats Alucard seriously. You might as well try arguing that the Earth is flat, we never landed on the Moon, dinosaurs were placed underground by Satan, Mohammad rode to heaven on a pegasus, and 2+2 = 5. 1500x FTL DIO is just taking the fucking piss.
I say that as a huge JoJo fan. DIO has as much chance vs Alucard as Homelander had vs Omni-man.
Titan Hulk didn't really amount to anything.
TOBA Hulk is still his top.
It’s more so that musou tensei just lets Ken phase through basically fucking anything, even fighting spirit based shit like ki blasts or something like that
I suppose not, but I'm just trying to cite thresholds for power, in a series that that's difficult to peg power levels down.
Like Five-Headed Dragon is 5000 attack, and can physically overpower Obelisk, but it dies to magical knives being thrown at it, from a gameplay perspective
Any army vs army matchups for heroic characters or protagonists?
The two army fights we had so far were from villains who have henchmen
where did the krillin cuck meme originate from lmao. Like what specifically happened in that scene for him to do that pose and when did some anon make it about him being a cuck
DIO doesn’t need to be MFTL, FTL, or even LS to beat Al, you edgelord retard.
A-actually I LOVE JoJo!
Yeah right uh huh. Anyways Al has zero ways to get around time stop and TW far outclasses him in speed. This, on top of the fact that DIO was at full power after draining Joseph so he’d have access to his P1 scaling and abilities which outclass Al in strength and durability as well, effectively means that no matter what Al does, he’d never be able to hit DIO. Considering the fact that you probably mega wank GER makes me think that you’re just some redditard who got into the series when it was popular.
opens sonic fandom
looks inside
Bruh, Sonic did NOT win. Quite rightfully, the LOSER of all time.
Bowserxisrs... We just got debunked...
Man I kinda hope they do costume scaling when they eventually do a Kitty fight just so it can be as stupid as possible.
Does Olimar vs Papa Smurf count?
Do you really want Ash to lose game Pokedex statements and manga legendary scaling?
I see gameplay, not feats.
What exactly can Alucard do? He's not physically stronger, he's not more durable, he's not faster. His hypnosis is pretty moot. The best argument is Alucard's immortality.
And for the record, no one cares if you're a JoJo fan or not.
Feed Hulk his first WIN, you mean. Godzilla can't really do shit to him but make him stronger.
A being that exists in multiple timelines is suddenly MTFL
This guy is retarded
When I was a kid, my understanding was that the hedgehogs weren't attacking him in every timeline ever. It was one hog per time, one for the past, one for the present and one for the future. Is that not what it is? I don't think Solaris was supposed to end the entire multiverse either.
I don’t watch Jewtube. Form your own thoughts please soniclobotomies
Alucard is actually much faster, stronger, more durable, and has more hax. DIO has no way to kill him, especially not before sunrise. Alucard stat checks DIO and then some, even assuming the mind control doesn't work for whatever stupid reason (DIO never showed resistance to mind control)
It would be ridiculously dishonest even by their own standards. Pretending a crewmate obtaining Death's scythe and the Vampire Killer is the same as a Fall Guy dressing up as Venom without altering his abilities in any way is deliberately misleading.
It also seems kind of pointless. If you're letting minor crossover appearances dictate scaling, then both series scale to everything in Fornite and tie.
Olimar is for Crazy Dave
nta, but Alucard's toolkit of illusions, and phasing through world geometry is his strongest asset, allowing him to initiate attacks from unpredictable angles; Alucard has superior combat experience as well, meaning he'd be likely to employ these techniques once he realizes he needs to take Dio seriously; I do not see Dio going 1,000,000,000:0, without against such a versatile toolkit
He's just wanking the hell out of the Sonic verse like he's Swan wanking DIO.
Solaris wank
Into the trash it goes.
Fall Guys are fucked by that criteria.
Alucard stat checks Dio
Ok, I'll play along. Why?
You didn't click the .webm?
I mean I'm open for arguments to it. But the whole past present future thing I seriously thought was the big deal. Sonic has never erased someone from existence by hitting them before either, he's not hitting baby Mario when he hits Mario or something like that.
guys uhhh let's just not pretend DIO can unendingly infinitely heal himself and even empower just time stopping and fingering alucard okay? he can't do this a bajillion times with each ts getting longer (see part 3 when he stole joseph's blood)
that said, Giorno should have won.
Their own feats make them pretty much indestructible. Amogus are not indestructible.
One group can die, one cannot. It's pretty simple.
That's unfair based on scale alone.
Dies to a Thwomp
Jack Frost
Almost kills Giorno
Does Jack Frost solo all of the Sonic verse?
It is. The whole game only exists in 1 linear timeline too, just past, present and future like you said. But Eggman called “past present future” timelines in english instead of timeperiods (japanese seemingly did not distinguish these) so ever since sonicfags have been uppity despite the game having nothing to do with timelines
i mean Solaris is fucking killed at the end by creating a new timeline, he doesn’t exist outside of or in every timeline, just the one and if you make a new one without him he’s fucked
DIO is barely able to destroy a road roller at max power. He's building level at most. He's also not exactly that fast either. The World can punch really fast, but DIO himself isn't 1/100th the speed of light.
can unendingly infinitely heal himself
he got crumpled by his leg getting busted, and stayed put until the sun came up - he does not have straits-tier regeneration
What cannot die can be contained.
Justice League vs Avengers
We just learned their using EVERYTHING
And you're pretty much going
They should use nothing but the source material.
DIO can't infinitely heal himself without having fresh blood. He also can't heal off any and all wounds. Jotaro knocked him out and waited until sunlight finished him off because he couldn't heal from traumatic brain injuries because he couldn't drink blood anymore.
His best speed feat is catching a bullet that could catch up to a jet. DIO’s best scaling feat comes from Silver Chariot cutting up a beam of light before it could react. That’s double digit Mach speed vs relativistic to LS.
Al’s best scaling feat comes from moving a ship with his mind. DIO scales above P1 vampires who could cut off cliff faces and he himself could destroy cloud formations, and even if you go ahead and scale Al’s physicals to him moving that sea of blood, DIO can scale to the volcanic eruption in P2 via Joseph.
more durable
Lmao. Just no. Dio could take hits from Johnathan AFTER he got boosted by Zeppeli and outmuscled the same guy who cut the cliff face. Al’s best durability feat comes from “surviving” a jet crash.
more hax
In this case, quality surpasses quantity. Time stop and hypnosis alone would win DIO the fight with ease. Being able to phase into the wall means nothing when DIO can stop time and stare down Al to immediately control his brain.
I thought the ending retcon doesn't actually kill Solaris though, isn't that what Sonic or Elise said?
I’m down for it. I don’t even read the manga
but DIO himself isn't 1/100th the speed of light.
He flicked Hierophant Greens lightspeed attacks at him without even using a stand.
Gamenic Sonic learns Eggman's dead.
Gets a little sad but moves on.
IDW Sonic learns Eggman's dead.
Gets really sad because he always wanted Eggman to become Good One Day
It sounds unwieldy and thus unlikely. I don't think they're going to research like 20 different games. If anything, they'll get surface shit, but be scaled to their own games solely.
Show me Watapon fighting for itself with a level of strategy like Bulbasaur
Opinion discarded. You are retarded if you think a lower grade vampire is going to dominate an ancient vampire. From vampiric lore, willpower, and just the fact Al is an eldritch mass with no actual standard biology there is absolutely no way "muh hypnosis" would work from common sense.
b-but he never showed resi-
Weak argument and neither did Dio so I'd put Alucard dominating him as more likely again by previous mentioned common sense following vampire lore.
Stick to The World. That's the real argument for him winning. Arguing for hypnosis just makes you look like a retard
he got crumpled by his leg getting busted,
he didn't suck blood to heal. he actually got his leg cut by glass but instantly healed it after killing the lady at the knife store.
DIO can't infinitely heal himself without having fresh blood.
he cannot, yes, that's what I said. nothing impedes him from time stopping and sucking alucard's blood though, which is what I said. just finger alucard like he did in the DB animation in his last time stop.
also vampires get passive regen so the reason jotaro used the sun to kill dio off was because the sun is the only permanent death vampires in jojo can get. that or hamon.
It, like a lot of modern bad DB jokes (not counting people spouting actual gibberish as "jokes"), comes from TFS' Dragonball Z abridged where they turned Maron from the Black Mist filler arc into an insurance agent that was just with Krillin to find evidence he committed fraud by dying on Namek and then coming back to cash in on it.
No they did not think of the logistics of the joke.
corrections just in case:
I'm aware Jotaro busted his leg on the last seconds of his life. It didn't heal because regen is not that fast. DIO said it himself.
Also to add, literally read what I just said. Vampires do get passive regen, but it's way slower than active blood sucking regen.
Congrats child you is smarter than that debunker.
That's still the opposite of what was suggested.
But I do think they need to put some sort of limit on crossover scaling because otherwise they deadlock with Fortnite scaling.
Holy fuck no one gives a shit about “vampiric lore” you gay fucking nerd. Jesus Christ this is why I hate Hellsingfags. Anyways, until you give me an actual reason as to why hypnosis wouldn’t work when Serena could get mind fucked despite having Al’s essence in her, you’ve got Jack shit.
Al could hypnotize DIO
If he was faster, sure. But he’s not, and DIO can easily just, you know, stop time.
What if Bowser put on the super crown and Bowsette strangled Eggman with her thighs?
Need a Death Battle between Fallen Heroes.
Hierophant Green
Light speed
It's like you miss the point of Jojo. The only actual arguably lightspeed Stand was Hanged Man and there is a narrative explanation of how they literally could not keep up with, requiring to rig the scenario to force it into eating shit.
The point of Jojo is coming up with strategies to work around busted powers and/or stats.
I don’t see why it should matter, the Gods only get up to stuff like city or building level in the anime which I’m fairly certain something like Alain’s Charizard can match
I meant to say Kiryu fight not kitty, but he’s a costume in FotNS Lost Paradise.
It is incredibly dishonest to do, but I do think it would be funny in that instance.
The only actual arguably lightspeed Stand was Hanged Man
Explain Made in Heaven.
Oh, I thought you meant Hello Kitty.
You know damn well they would take the final threat level of Starship Hulk as legitimate and put Titan Hulk on the same level at LT
Plus they already downplayed TOBA Hulk to shit in Broly. They can't give Hulk a pity win going back on their previous episode like they did by wanking Base Thor into RKT tiers of power.
They're going to go back on their previous episode and wank base Hulk aren't they?
It was over 10 fucking years ago I'm 27.
lmao this. also SP and subsequently TW gets scaling because SP is just shy of punching MiH when it's at immeasurable/infinite speed. that's just how much ftl SP and TW are.
I don't think he's including relative movement during time manipulation as speed.
DIO doesn't scale to Silver Chariot. He's shown no feat of speed anywhere near SC. He can stop time, he can't move FTL. Alucard being able to catch a bullet going 1,500x the speed of sound puts him way above DIO in speed.
Al’s best scaling feat comes from moving a ship with his mind.
That still puts him above DIO who, again, going all out can barely bust a road roller. We're talking several times the power required.
Lmao. Just no. Dio could take hits from Johnathan AFTER he got boosted by Zeppeli and outmuscled the same guy who cut the cliff face. Al’s best durability feat comes from “surviving” a jet crash.
The jet crash is actually above destroying a cliff. We're talking something that's building level vs something that is city block level, in power scaling terms.
In this case, quality surpasses quantity.
Alucard has both quality and quantity. DIO has timestop and some general vampire bullshit. Alucard has effective immortality, wallhax, better mind control, and etc etc.
Anon its not even just vampire lore. On pretty much every logical front it would not make sense working as Al has superior willpower, experience, and doesn't even have a standard brain to influence. It's the same reason why Dio's CHARISMA parasites wouldn't work either.
The fight is literally just "Can Al somehow beat or get around The World" VS "Can Dio kill Alucard enough without fucking up with said broken ability". Well excluding Alucard going level 0 for some reason where Dio can just punk him of course.
Made in Heaven builds up speed over time and was shown to be too fast for Jotaro, who is on par with DIO, to do anything about it outside of time stop. He got blitzed by something that hadn't even hit half the speed of light at that point.
She'd use her tits to clap them on Eggman's head, disorienting him.
hadn't even hit half the speed of light at that point.
Jotaro could BARELY see MiH when he time stopped and noticed it at the palm trees (suggesting he was moving at the speed of light/faster than light based on human perception of light)
come on stop being disinginuous there's no way you can't scale SP to MFTL.
It's like you miss the point of Jojo
I don't see how this misses the point. I could have missed the mark on lightspeed Hierophant Green but it's still a B tier in speed which is only one rank below the lightspeed A tier.
I guess the next random one will be Conker vs Shrek.
DIO doesn't scale to Silver Chariot. He's shown no feat of speed anywhere near SC.
Star Platinum did, in fact both aren't far from one another speed wise. Isn't this ludicrous? Star Platinum is explicitly light speed whilst Dio was even said to have the "same kind of stand".
It’s not watapon but they clearly can think and have feelings
The vampire's regen isn't that strong, either. DIO couldn't regen any of his body after he was decapitated in Part 1. He was still alive as a head, but he couldn't regen his body so he had to steal Jonathon's. His natural regeneration is pretty slow, and ANY brain injury or injury to his mouth would stop him from recovering.
That’s a filler arc in a virtual world, how is that standard or showing they can battle ?
Goji-Cuck bias
Dismissed, Eggmanxisters.
I'll wait and see what Death Battle actually says. That post isn't exactly a source of usefull information.
They have a hard enough time researching singular games and series, I'm not eager to see the amount of error they incur trying to first research and then assimilate from 20 or more full series. It sounds practically impossible.
I'd rather have actual good ones than shit ones, autistic ones, or ones that feature kids/toddler shit.
They didn't use TOBA Hulk in Broly. That's Devil Hulk. TOBA Hulk destroyed two firaments (Instances of the multiverse in Marvel) in a row in a disconnected timeline.
This is from after he killed everyone else.
What's weird is that one guy who betrayed Speedwagon in Part 2 showed better regen stuff than DIO when he became a vampire.
Reddit the Episode
But we just had Bowser vs Eggman
Popeye stomps.
Are the stat marks really solid when the narrative says something else?
Silver Chariot Speed: A
Hanged Man Speed: Also A
but Hanged man was massively beyond Silver Chariot's speed per Polnareff's admission
She could wind up and knock his block off with those things.
The anime is where all the stronger stuff comes from anyway no? May as well.
Dio scales above P1 vampires
Bruford was a zombie, not a vampire and you can't just say Dio gets feats that scale above that, just because he reanimated him - that's bullshit, and Dio has never accomplished anything similar. That Water Tower that Kakyoin got knocked into crumpled, and the Road Roller endured a flurry from both fighters for several seconds - there's no fucking way either of those are mountain-level.
Nuke-tier SRSE cutting the clouds was visual flare, and not meant to be taken at face value, when all other instances of SRSE are far, far below that calc - it's an outlier used by disingenuous wankers
Dio can scale to the volcanic eruption in p2 via joseph
No? That's ridiculous - the eruption stemmed from Kars striking the stone with hamon, and focusing it into triggering the eruption. How the fuck does that correlate to a Dio feat of strength?
More Durable
Correlating Phantom Blood Dio tanking hits from Johnathon, with Stardust Crusader Dio is disingenuous - Dio in Joseph's body gets torn apart by glass; his best feat post-Joseph draining, is shoving his finger into his head, woaw.
One, thinking it would work in stopped time is speculation, two Alucard also has hypnosis feats, three, Alucard has feats to show he resists mental manipulation; you can screech, and scream about how seeing through illusions is somehow different from resisting mind control, but it shows he has a level of mental fortitude, that allows him to see through attempts at imposing control over his mind - that's what illusions are.
Know who doesn't have any mind control resistance feats? Dio.
he couldn't regen his body
because he was hit with hamon techniques you absolute mongrel. alucard does not have any power that replicates the sun.
His natural regeneration is pretty slow
correct. it's fairly slow depending on the recency of blood drank. see when jotaro breaks DIO's hand in timestop and it takes 2 seconds to fully regen. (he had drank the lady's blood before this)
ANY brain injury or injury to his mouth would stop him from recovering.
don't see where this comes from, I suppose from when DIO says Polnareff could have landed a killing blow on him. I think this is missunderstood thougeverbeit and it's meant that he would be put in a weak situation long enough where Jotaro and Polnareff finish him off. It's not like he can't regen the injury, it's that it would be too slow when he was fighting 2 dudes full on
She jobs to the Eggstuffer
She can swing 'em around and barrage him with 'em.
Kind of hard to believe to be beyond his speed when Silver Chariot explicitly moved in front of Hanged Man as it was moving. Anime makes it ridiculously blatant but if you don't want to take that then Silver Chariot STILL reacted to light speed.
Because Straizo was straight up a superior vampire to Dio.
Not even speed of light either. Almost.
Dio doesn’t scale to Silver Chariot
You have to be joking at this point. You have to be. DIO doesn’t scale to the guy who Star Platinum beat the shit out of? You serious? I’m not even going to bother engaging with you.
zero arguments as to how Al can resist mind fuckery
Al having “willpower and experience” means nothing because those aren’t examples of him resisting mental control. You can’t explain why he can resist it because he can’t, god occult faggots like you are disgusting to talk to. Don’t you have a blood letting ritual to get to?
You’re forgetting the part where SC HITS HM BEFORE IT CAN REACH ITS DESTINATION TWICE. Holy FUCK all of you should kill yours- actually wait, edgelordfags WANT that. I hope you all have long and prosperous lives.
Straizo was also adorable.
Thrall with the Horde vs Grimgor Ironhide with da biggest WAAAGGGHHH
"INFINITE IS THE STRONGEST" nigh-featless wank when he lost to a nameless random civilian that didn't scale anywhere 3 different times.
KEK. Eggman copers are brainless.
Provides examples of why mind control wouldn't work
N-no arguments!
SHITfinite kneels before the true tallest of mountains
You're trying a bit too hard
he doesn't know the speed on light inside water is considerably lessened
he doesn't know jolyne did this explicitly so pucci gets tired (his speed is directly tied to the amount of physical effort he has to exert. levitating and flying exerts no effort which is why he can move at FTL+ in the palm tree example)
She literally says it then and there. Pucci can't keep up not because of his speed, but because of his human limit.
How to debunk light speed Jojo wank. Read the manga lmao.
Reminder that Eggman BETRAYED and TRAPPED Infinite after he jobbed to Sonic and the Avatar.
I thought that just kinda happened on its own because of Infinite jobbing and Eggman just didn't really care.
a statement by a human is to be considered absolute truth despite two (Jotaro and DIO) stating their stands were light-speed or faster than light
Polnareff, bleeding and hurt was reading a rough estimate of HM's speed. but lmao ignore context you can unwank if you speedread
That sounds pretty nice, actually. Orc fight.
Not to mention Black Doom just casually replicates Infinite's reality manipulation in Shadow Generations and it's not an illusion of any sort with him. (Also Eggman does not get Black Doom, they aren't allies).
JoJowankers can't read.
Are you implying Jotaro isn't a human now?
Illusions are the attempt at imposing one's perception over another's consciousness, forcing them to see things that aren't there; as Alucard has shown himself capable of seeing through illusions, he should have a mental fortitude feat that allows him to resist mind control - they are both mental influence feats, no matter how much you shit, and piss your pants that they're not.
Alucard awakening in oblivion, and pulling himself out of a state of 0, is also a mental fortitude feat whether you want to acknowledge it, or not.
Dio quite literally has none.
What are the capability feats for Dio's mind control, exactly? He brainwashed a dumb kid, and a psychopath - he has not mind controlled a vampire lord, of 500+ years.
Know who doesn't have mind control resistance feats? Dio
Being susceptible to Alucard's illusions, means he can affect Dio's mind.
I don't think Eggman even knew or gave a shit he lost, all the prototypes return to Eggman at the same time, it just happens to be right around when Infinite loses.
Look at all the Toonkeks coping LMAO SuperCHAD mogs all these little BITCHES
Is this official English?
Jotaro is a human, you absolute buffoon, the point is that a human estimate can be wrong, but if 1000 people think one thing and you think another maybe you aren't correct. My point was 2>1
Reminder that Infinite's last fight in the series is a reskinned Phantom Metal Sonic fight that was in the same game. No super forms, no flair, infinite just got thrown in the garbage.
The narration doesn't agree with me therefore it's wrong
amazing retards coping with a mistranslation. this isn't even the best argument for light speed, just use Made In Heaven/Red Hot Chili Pepper scaling and get absolutely shut down
Maybe not a serious one per se but
Those literally aren’t examples, those are ASSUMPTIONS why it wouldn’t work, and they make zero sense because killing yourself a million times doesn’t mean that you’d somehow be able to resist having your brain scrambled. It’s inherently idiotic.
Nah I’m just stressed at work and taking it out on retards.
Know who doesn't have mind control resistance feats?
Alucard. In fact he has negative feats against it, because his essence couldn’t immediately protect his own vampire offspring from being mindfucked.
Serena could only see through those illusions by manually turning on her Third Eye, it wasn’t automatic so there’s no reason to assume that Al’s would be either. He has zero feats against automatically protecting his mind.
ooooh okay lmao thanks anon
Polnareff was able to duke it out with Star Platinum no problem on the speed front
Says there's no way he could touch Hanged Man and had to rig events so he could preemptively strike at the only available route he himself layed out, comparing it to almost light speed. Point being its real fucking fast and beyond his stand's capabilities normally
Nah Star Platinum is totally on the level of Hanged Man's raw speed
If Jotaro was even 1/10th lightspeed he could make it from Tokyo to Cairo in under a day.
speed of punches, reactions, and fighting = speed of movement
your hellsingkek ladies and gentlemen
Red Hot Chili Pepper scaling
Electricity is not the speed of light
Why did he do it
Powerfags don't know how actual physics work.
Then why electricity makes the light switches turn on?
takes one (1) uno google search
This is just being purposefully ignorant since the two of them literally state that HM IS light based on their deduction.
Jotaro can punch 1/10th of light speed but the rest of his body can’t move that fast because…. Because he just can’t okay!!!!!
Literally everyone: “Stands are LS”
Completely misses the point that Speed of Light =/= Infinite Stamina (see MiH swimming)
The only thing that gets Jotaro going is marine life. Having a wank is JoJo tradition too.
It doesn't really change the point that HM is an exception. Silver Chariot, who is on par if not better than Star Platinum on the speed front could not keep up with HM in the slightest under normal conditions.
I don't think stands are lightspeed. I saw someone say Araki misunderstood the difference between light and electricity, and that Star Platinum is the speed of lightning but not light. It makes a lot more sense.
but the rest of his body can’t move that fast because….
Because then we'd have no story, what are you, stupid?
So what's the difference between fiberoptics and regular wire cable, then?
under normal conditions
In a literal speed duel SC outspeeds HM. Twice. You’re a fucking idiot.
It is weird. So bizarrely enough, Solaris has a physical manifestation of his will that the trio could destroy. Solaris also either doesn't have the desire or the capacity to speak, so we don't fully know what his desires are. He makes elk noises instead. After getting his will destroyed, Sonic and Elise are sent back in time to the lab where he was experimented on and he is subsequently snuffed out.
This is getting into head canon territory, but it is possible that Solaris as a combined being didn't really want any of this to happen. After having his will destroyed, he wants a permanant death (as otherwise he would continue to revive), so he sends the duo back to prevent him from being experimented on.
So what about Mephiles? The individual identity of Mephiles may have desired existence and believed that his will would exist in Solaris, but Solaris seemingly had more omnicidal desires.
Trying to imagine Mephiles' perspective, imagine that you are born angry and in pain because of all the people around you. You then get your ass trashed and sealed away. For years and years you are just filled with this anger and no outlet, permanantly blueballed and totally aware of it. You have a plan to get back at everyone and you eventually make it work only to be subsumed within a greater being you hadn't accounted for. It just wants to destroy and you are still robbed of your ability to make your foes suffer.
And you suddenly stop existing at all. But you still feel and you're still aware. Consumed by nothingness and trapped with only your thoughts of what if and if thens, eventually your rage and frustration evaporate and all thats left is a desire to exist.
Wait why did I write most of this?
Whatever. Solaris is weird. Core was his will. Sonic and co blew up core. Sonic and Elise were sent back in time (by someonething?) and snuffed out the living flame before it could be experimented on.
lmao you can't for your own good be this retarded. electricity propagates in every direction, just like light. the point of cables and fibreoptics is to contain it and lead it to one particular place without the energy itself dissipating.
Jojofags can't even comprehend their own story
Nigga it aint DC and dragonball kek
Immortal Hulk was a mistake.
I liked the part where eggman gets sucked in by bowser, and him running gave him more distance than the jetpack lmao
It's probably the most KINO fight this decade. My one and only complaint is the voice acting.
You’re right, it isn’t dogshit.
There were a bunch of fun things in the animation. So much soul
All the little nods to other stuff like Snapcube, SMBZ, and popular quotes
The interactions with the minions
The character moments like Junior pretty much always being in front of his dad, Sage being a good daughter, Infinite jobbing, and King Boo being a troll not giving a fuck about gravity manipulation and using THWOMP for added effectiveness + comedy
Stuff like the Goomba running for the fumbled phantom ruby only to stop part way realizing he has no arms
I have NO clue how Ash is even supposed to beat Yugi unless the researchers are somehow just as retarded as Ash is.
Super powerful attacks on Ash's side
Magic Cylinder.
Ash attempts to fight Yugi head on
Duel Armor.
Ash attempts to outsmart Yugi using his walnut-sized brain
Millennium items.
Ash sends out a super strong Pokemon like Lucario, Pikachu, or Greninja
Brain Control/Swords of Revealing Light.
Can Ash summon Arceus or something? That's the only way I figure he has any shot barring extreme Gengar wank as Yugi is capable of actually summoning his setting's Arceus
Magic Cy-
Duel Ar-
Millennial It-
Brain Con-
Except RHCP's speed depends on how much electricity he has absorbed; you can argue his PEAK is light speed but it's a conditional state that can be depleted; when he's not juiced, he's using sub-light speed electricity and that's where the science begins to get dubious.
Let us not forget that they don't MATCH his speed, so you can't scale a character to it when they get hopelessly clobbered
I got my ass kicked by light speed, which means I am now light speed
Can Ash summon Arceus or something?
No, he can't.
Yugi has that too AND Heart of the Cards
Magic Cylinder.
Z Moves.
Duel Armor.
Ash is stronger.
Brain Control/Swords of Revealing Light.
Power of friendship easily overcomes attempts at mind control.
Dialga is stronger than any Yugioh monster and Cynthia herself can stop a Roar of Time from it.
Chili literally, LITERALLY wasn’t even THINKING about stepping up to Jotaro until he had absorbed the entire town’s electricity. He stated himself that he was only confident enough to fight him when he was at his peak, and even before that Josuke fucking outspeeds him both before he’s fully powered and when he’s charged up.
It's taking a technical franchise where characters need to discern the strange fighting styles of the opponent (hence, bizarre), and fight intelligently, to reducing the franchise into who can hit with more fuckatons of tnt - it's ridiculous.
cue to when josuke's crazy diamond was outpacing and keeping on par with light speed RHCP for like 5 seconds and THEN felloff
Right? Doesn't really make sense. Yugi should have fought another card or game player. Ash and Yugi really have nothing in common. Could have atleast used the Pokémon TCG trainer or something instead. Pokemon TCG vs Yu-Gi-Oh sounds way more entertaining honestly. That or have Yugi fight Nicobolis or something.
Hmm, maybe Araki shouldn’t include tnt shit and fast fucking speeds if he wants a sub bullet level verse?
Josuke wins through trickery and misdirection, he doesn't speedblitz statstomp RHCP; managing to hold his own for a couple of seconds doesn't mean he can operate at light speed at all times; it's the opposite of that, if anything.
Friendship is also the theme of Yu-Gi-Oh!
Yujou literally means friendship which Jounouchi points out in the first chapter
It's even a goddamn card in the game
managing to hold his own for a couple of seconds doesn't mean he can operate at light speed at all times
the point wasn't that if they could for how much, the point was being if they COULD at all. I accept your concession.
pokefags STILL need to rely on le creation trio scaling
scaling in pokemon is fucking retarded and fans need to accept that
People don't write with the expectation that autistic nerds are going to neurotically pick apart every single detail, and make ridiculous fucking claims like dio shoots nukes from his eyes, and other retarded shit.
Yeah uh huh. Hey remember how Araki says that Heavy Weather could destroy the entire ozone layer?
Oh it is stupid, but it is also stupid in Yugioh. Exodia literally jobbed to Zorc despite his supposedly infinite power. Not that it matters, humans in Pokemon are so consistently strong I'd argue Yugi/Atem couldn't kill Ash anyway.
Yeah, I know that, dipshit. My question, if you can read at all, was what's the difference between them, not what is their basic function. You have no business calling anybody retarded, moron.
Exodia jobbed to Zorc because his summoner was an old ass man, and dying when he was summoned.
Idk how so. That net is likely make of ariados silk. Pokemon Humans are also physically stronger as fuck. Some are even stronger than Machamp who can casually throw other Machamp into orbit.
It is also the primary theme of Pokemon. Which is drilled into your head ad nauseum non stop for every game. Ash always overcomes with friendship power.
Exodia literally jobbed to Zorc despite his supposedly infinite power
That's only a gameplay mechanic for the Card Game Pegasus made. Lorewise, the Gods are better, especially the Creator of Light
could at all
An upper limit of light speed for five seconds isn't the win you think it is, and it sets the large majority of the series at below that light speed. If juiced RHCP caps out at light speed, and thinks he has a chance against Jotaro at that point, then that puts Jotaro's own speed into question.
No more gods
No more graves
Are you friend or fiend?
No more life
No more death
Somewhere in between...
Dodging, Duel Armor isn’t canon/ Aura, Gengar, Greninja and Pikachu have resisted mind control before and Rapid Spin
I can buy that, because the stand's entire gimmick is weather hax; this wouldn't translate to destroying a city with a punch, or the man being able to shrug off bullets, however.
RCHP at his peak THINKS that he can take on an old ass Jotaro who hasn’t trained his stand in years
“Yeah guys this totally disproves LS+ Star Platinum and it definitely doesn’t prove it”
How is it possible to live while being this stupid?
Went ahead and made my prediction since there's not much to talk about concerning them. Sus to the max! Tubular! We're hip with the kids!
the differences are too large to explain in a single post and since you're obviously seething given the amount of insults you're using it's not worth my time. to sum it up quickly though, fibreoptics trades bandwith (amount of info transmitted/speed) for cost opposed to copper cables. speed of electricity is faster in fibreoptics but speed of electricity in a vacuum is equal to lightspeed, so nothing has changed, because speed of light also changes depending on the medium
not even 2 days old
already more views than JoKEK vs GiorBLOW
The Bugfucker and Monkeyboy are next.
But enough about every Jojo part after 3.
Exodia literally jobbed to Zorc despite his supposedly infinite power.
Exodia was keeping up with him. It was Solomon who jobbed because his Ba was not enough to keep Exodia (Ba) up.
These monsters are either born from humans' Ka or naturally from any spirit in any of many dimensions of yugioh
every JoJo part after 3 isn’t dogshit
I agree. Although 2 is good.
Shut the fuck up pedophile.
Not dogshit
I don't think any match is going to surpass it, not even Godzilla vs Hulk. I think this is the peak.
SBR was the peak and it's all been downhill since.
Correct. Don’t tell me you fell for the Reddit opinion of the part being bad because the ending was mediocre.
triptard hates it
And that’s how I know it’s good.
How does it feel being more retarded than a tripfag?
Maybe don't be an insulting loser and you won't get insulted back, you retarded fuckup.
My question only came because every population in the west was sold fiberoptics across their nations for billions in taxpayer dollars in the 90's, with the selling point being 'high speed internet'. But it appears there's no actual difference in speed. So now I want to know what we were actually sold, because it's not what they said it was.
I don’t know, Ash vs Yugi has a decent shot. It’s Pokemon which usuaully does pretty well.
Ash vs Yugi
And you will shit yourself over Amonguys lol
God dayum nigga it’s getting heated in this bitch
next match is so shit it made the threads slower
An ftl stand having a chance against a """x1500""" ftl stand... oh but he didn't train, so he's not at the top of his game
damn, talking about letting yourself go. jotaro getting tagged by bug-eaten is embarrassing, even if the relativistic shots were perceived in slow motion, it should not have been able to tag him if he was ftl - he would have closed the distance, and popped the rat instantly.
Even the guy that got hyper salty is surprised.
Wouldn’t know since I’m smart enough to have taste.
Kind of true
The "i'll crush you" from metal sounded rough
They flat out said in the last ToC poll they hoped Hulk v Godzilla didn’t win because they didn’t want to see Godzilla lose.
This was also before the Godzilla vs DC crossover comic though.
So it’s a bit up in the air, but I’d say the odds are certainly not in Hulk’s favor if they were willing to make it a Kickstarter goal.
Shame because the big guy was done dirty in Hulk v Doomsday and again in Hulk v Broly.
At least Zimaut gives us Hulkfags good stuff.
Lmao I love how the only argument you have is using numbers that no one agrees on. Thank you for your concession. We’ve been talking about how SP and other A stands are LS this entire time, so I have no idea why you’re pulling the 1500 card now when it hasn’t been relevant whatsoever.
They didn’t give Megatron Marvel scaling for beating Doctor Doom
Somehow I will hold back the tears when a fall guy falls on Amogus.
Will Sage appear in Amongus VS. Fallguys?
the only FTL stands are
made in heaven
the world and star platinum (via time stop)
notorious BIG (in an extremely specific situation)
tusk act 4
It seems the odds are actually in Hulk's favor. Don't know how you arrived at the opposite of what they directly say, but.
They talk now
They talked before, even had their own language.
This is some Full Moon shit.
Omni-Man vs Bardock is who's number is bigger
Giorno vs Joker is simply if he can counter GER or not
Bowser vs Eggman is an army battle, the first one in 12 years which means it utilizes multiple characters and their abilities alongside how good their leadership and teamwork is, compositing both of them, is longer than most modern fights, uses fucking party mechanics like Chance Time and newer things for them like Sage and Super Neo Metal Sonic
That probably doesn't even scratch the surface. This fight has a fuckton more going on for it than the prior two and most DB's in general. Ones that are simple number games like any Dragon Ball fight is fine but when you go into this with all the abilities, armies and even THE SUPER POWER OF TEAMWORK you have a truly unique fight. Helps that they get extra creative in the fight with Kamek and those pipes and CHANCE TIME and them playing rugby with the Phantom Ruby.
Anyway, Bowser Jr fight when? He's one of the best characters.
They're going to take the writer saying the beam had kryptonite in it to nerf Superman scaling for Godzilla.
Because it shows the lengths at which people wank stands into ridiculous caricatures, and it results in pushback, where the feats are viewed with more scrutiny, and with the idea of outliers in mind. I do appreciate you being one of the more reasonable ones that denies x1500 mftl ridiculousness, however.
Look, shit goes downhill for both.
Look at Secrets of the Mogwai
It won't matter, anyway. Hulk just absorbs radiation.
Maybe the fight can instead be over which franchise fell off harder?
Critters. The production values on a New Bunge were just sad
It’s a shame because I love the first two. I’m pretty sure they beat the Gremlins if they’re allowed to grow to full size.
Said they didn’t want to see Godzilla lose
Said this before Godzilla one-shot Superman
If DB specifically doesn’t like an outcome, I can certainly see them rigging it to feed Hulk his third L in a row.
Why would she?
Showing her planning revenge on Bowser
I don't think there's like, actual interconnectivity between death battles? maybe as one-off jokes, but I don't think they take place in the same 'verse'
Okay I love Bowser Vs Eggman but let’s not pretend that people weren’t treating it like a one sided stomp in favor of one or the other like how every other fight is seen here.
It does actually. Universitas and Sole Solution do galaxy busting attacks, the Infinite Corridor bypasses durability, the Crimson Shroud reduces the amount of damage taken down to 10 from any attack, and with a Pummarola the gives them a passive regeneration capable of ignoring anything but massive speed blitzes, and presuming it's the Crewmate, his Report weapon picks one enemy type and outright kills everyone of them in his vicinity. And he still has five passives to go, and that's presuming he doesn't have the arcanas that allow him to gather all the Arcana and weapons and items(given enough time), which with those he could gain Power of Sire(Dracula's power), the Alucard Shield(summon a legion of Castlevania's Alucard), the Santa Javelin(Nibelung Valesti) or the Clock Tower(literally firing off all the things in Castlevania's Clock Tower). Beans have... being in Fortnite, and running on an obstacle course.
Which I kind of think is the core problem with this fight since it was announced years ago. Even without crossover scaling, the Imposter can eat all the Beans and there is jack and shit they can do but run.
calm down or I'll use my deaging beam on you
They flat out said in the last ToC poll they hoped Hulk v Godzilla didn’t win because they didn’t want to see Godzilla lose.
Lmao. Pussies.
The moment they announced both sides were getting composited mcguffins, people were saying that Bowser stomps via Star Rod, etc
One of the alt endings has Bowser using the Star Rod
Another has him turning Eggman into a goomba with a Mcguffin
bro just has more hax, and everybody saw it coming
What a soft head you have.
It was a match on the last community vote, and it was both very popular and one they said they wanted to do. If you've noticed, two of four matches so far are previous community votes. There's nothing else to it, certainly not an irrelevant Superman comic.
I called you retard once, you clearly got struck with that one to reply with 4 in a single sentence lmao. but it's besides the point really
it IS higher speed internet because there's more information being transmitted per square meter, is all. but the actual speed of the transmission remains about the same
Who are you referring to with that last line?
How would your favourite character respond to this attack?
Omni-Man vs Bardock, he says it’s gonna beat their viewpoint which seems most likely
I’m pretty sure they beat the Gremlins if they’re allowed to grow to full size.
I don't see why not since they did that in their original films.
HOLY HEDGEHOGS!!! Is that THE one and only KING BOO??? Huh? What’s that my GHASTLY LORD??? Y-you’re gonna TRAP and BETRAY me in an INFINITE cuck painting to show me what REAL power is?? SPEEDIN’ SHADOWS, Y-you say you’re gonna POSSESS and CONTROL my boss’s ENTIRE mechanical army, forever tainting their PURE, COPPER wiring and PRISTINE code with your OOEY GOOEY ECTOPLASM like they’re nothing more than CHEAP, SHODDY, USED UP WHORES?????? EEEHHHHHHHHH????? T-TRAILBLAZING TAILS, y-you’re gonna use the Phantom Ruby to give me pair of FAT, SWINGING tits and a PLUMP FAT ASS that’s going to get RAILED and SLAMMED endlessly by an INFINITE amount of pent up THWOMPS on top of the CRUSHED RUBBLE of my own teammates, all while having the ENTIRE Sonic crew watch and laugh at me???? Golly…what else can I say except…YABBA DABBA DEE!!! INFINITE KEKING FOR ME!!!!
hey.... you might be going a bit far with this, anon.
you might be going a bit far with this
This one is tame compared to the bacterian or gardevoir one
Other than being plain awesome, Bowser vs Eggman has hype from the Mario and Lugi RPG, Sonic x Shadow Generations, and Sonic Movie 3 to keep the momentum.
stupid gay dog
Infinite did send Eggman a Sonadow file. I'm not kidding.
So it was all about laying groundwork for 5g microwave towers on our dime.
infinite is gay
Bardock and Nolan are such a weird pair in retrospect. I still feel like Bardock should have gotten the win, but I can recognize that the way you would justify his victory is all about cross scaling. It is valid, but it isn't super satisfying from an outside perspective.
Nolan on the other hand ends up in an even stranger position where we never see him go all out. His feat spectrum goes from seemingly high city-country to high planet. Characters in Invincible get stronger over the course of the series, but never in a way that we can really draw comparisons of ability. I don't think there is really any avenue to give him a satisfying victory because his weight class is so vast.
Someone has to get Robert Kirkman in the hot chair and ask him if he meant for Nolan to be a casual planet destroyer and if he fights as fast as he flies.
5g solos all fiction btw
Infinite's Japanese VA has voiced in Yaoi drama. So has Shadow's. Sonic's Japanese VA got caught tweeting gay porn. Classic Sonic and Tails artist likes to ship Sonic with Tails despite their relationship suppose to be like Piccolo and kid Gohan. Sonic is just a gay franchise.
Sonic probably has at least considered groping Tails honestly
Infinite's Japanese VA has voiced in Yaoi drama
uh, based homo?
also i am a vegetabro
Sonic is a gay franchise
This suddenly explains all of the images I see of Sonic with a fat ass.
One more. Jason Griffith has voiced in the Boys Love Anime Gravitation.
theres no way thats real proof?
One more. SA2 is heavily based on Please Save My Earth according to Maekawa. Which is a shoujo manga featuring transexuals and multiple gay kisses
Mhm, yeah, I keep stumbling upon these - very troubling, Sonic isn't supposed to have a massive pair of clappers, but it keeps cropping up.
One more. In the japanese script of Sonic Battle, Gerald says that before she died he surgically transplanted Maria’s soul into Shadow. Meaning Shadow is a man with a woman’s soul, a tranny
Maekawa ships both Shadria and Sonadow
No he said that it just contains the same radiation as kryptonite does.
Anon....do you just want to fuck infinite?
Just saying that outright is a bit less weird
i imagine if they were a throuple, sonic would only be in it to fuck maria and laugh about it
is this the one bl anime with kino music, no?
Damn, DC is THAT powerful?
Yep. MC is part of a boy band.
Kishimoto is the only straight who guy works on Sonic
He's also schizo, hears Sonic voice in head and won't stop until he makes a good Sonic game
Explains so much.
yeah thats based
Not quite. Shadow and Gemerl were both given souls by Gerald because he didn't want them to just be weapons by the hands of the government.
the chad schizophrenic
Wasn't there some G1 fag that said Infinite would carry Eggman's team? Kek.
Shitfinite said this
No I just like yabbaposting
Okay, I know of the whole 'Krillin Cuck' meme, but Bacterian was one of the matchups where he came out on top; twisting it into some weird thing where he subs to the guy he beat is strange-
Okay, so it IS a fetish thing, then.
There was.
Parasite vs Rogue.
Who sucks the other more? Also sex.
Okay, so it IS a fetish thing, then.
Its about cucking so yeah
Please, the erotic homosexual tension in these threads is bad enough as it is; we had straight up ERPing a few threads ago.
New thread
Being fair, Infinite has the overall best weapon on Eggman's side. Infinite aside, Lightman was also heavily hyped before the episode dropped.
The real reason is more meta. The current dominant group of Sonicfags hate Forces to an extent the previous group hated 06, so Infinite had to get fucked so Neo Metal (who's much more popular with the current group) could get all the attention.
Parasite sucks everything Rogue has in a second from a mile away.
Parasite vs Absorbing Man has a little more fight to it.
well no it's just that King Boo btfos him so hard