Bart? Bart?

Bart? Bart?

Huh, what's the matter?

I had a bad dream. Could I sleep in your bed?


I'll give you a candy necklace

Climb aboard

Thanks, Bart.

Less talk, more sleep.

How does Bart chomp down ten candies at once without needing a drink of water afterward? And how could he nod off to sleep with all that sugar in his system?

this would never happen with siblings IRL. more like you'd tell your sister to get lost and probably punch her in the head.

a "Candy Necklace" is when you cross your legs around the boy's head and push your pussy against his mouth

nothing sexual!

them who thinks having a sister is like a hentai are obviously people who never had one. is more like a Three Stooges movie actually.

It was always apparent which Simpsons writers had siblings (or were themselves parents) and which ones didn't because, like, Groening, Jean, and Scully were always good at writing Bart+Lisa interactions but other guys like Bill Oakley clearly had no idea how siblings or kids in general operate.

It still is when you're teenagers except then you get to plow all your sister's friends.


First I got an idea to write BartxLisa incestuous dubcon fanfiction and now I see this, it's a sign.

Seek medical help

get out, sex having normie


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Now, why on Earth would they need to go and write something like that on the storyboard?

attention girls: your junk is confusing

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When I was ~16 still living at home my parents got into a huge fight that turned violent and ended up with the police being called. That same night my younger sister slept in my bed and we just wrapped ourselves together and searched each other.

It's been more than a decade but I still think about that night often.

That same night my younger sister slept in my bed and we just wrapped ourselves together

Aw, that's sad but cute-

and searched each other.

this anon is Mexican

nothing remotely sexual

this is why Family Guy is better. They know it's hot, we know it's hot, there's no reason to be a fake-ass repressed puritan, you're not fooling anyone.

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I've always wanted an imouto.

I'm not an anti-incest puritan but neither Bart nor Lisa, Chris, or Meg are attractive.

I've been meaning to get that fixed..

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It should be legal to kill incestfags

you will never have an alternate dimension rule 63 twin sister to cuddle-fuck and watch junk with

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it should be legal to kill you. brother/sister incest is objectively hot and everyone knows it.

Brown hands typed this post.

japan and southern usa aren't brown dumbass

I don't like incest all that much but I think it's cathartic when a typical bitch of a fictional sister puts out after extorting years of emotional labor from her brother.

Like everything else, it's fine and sometimes hot in fiction and gross/harmful irl, why is this hard for people to get?

Something is wrong here, didn't Lisa joke with her friends about the bad smell in Bart's room at the sleepover scene?
Suddenly she wants to sleep in his bed.

doing the joker laugh irl

gross/harmful irl

you're gullible as fuck if you think consensual sex between teenagers is harmful. that's literally how and when all normal people lose their virginity.

I'm talking about incest, that's definitely not how the vast majority of teens lose their virginity. Unless you're just taking the "like everything else" part too literally.. I was mainly referring to things generally seen as perverted. They're okay in fiction (sometimes hotter due to being forbidden) but usually there's a good social reason for the stigmas existing irl relating to real life concerns.


Unless you're black or Mexican of course in which case your teenage sister is just another hole you can make use of.

I used to get scared at night and sleep in my little sisters room until I was 17-18 because I can sense spirits at night. I would also sleep in my stepdad's and mom's room and my stepdad would get pissed because could never fuck my mom while i was sleeping on their floor. "WHY THE FUCK IS YOUR GROWN ASS SON SLEEPING ON OUR FLOOR EVERY NIGHT GODDAMIT?!"

even to this day at 28 I sleep with a night light

If only I could draw fanart of this.

Guatemalan automobiles

I can sense spirits at night

Okay not memeing, you have schizophrenia and there are pills you can get prescribed for that.

Pinecest still best

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Incest is bad, mmmkay?

Who has the cutest feet, Mabel or Dipper?