Funny comics

funny comics

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Guess which one ends up as a fat single mother.

The problem is that this is the father narrating.

Both need correction.

and your mother was probably working at that age and your grandmother was pregnant at that age

Where's the funny?

Next to the cute

there is some kind of difference

that's the joke

White people drive cars like this...
but Black people drive cars like this!
Fucking peak comedy.

Now k

Is there any R34?

i don't get it, how do you go from this to becoming a father?

people believing that is supposed to be funny

Wait. Do old people still get upset at the sight of a kid looking down at her phone? Thought we'd all gotten used to it by now.

I'm surprised there isn't one comparing some kid needing Vbucks for their game to past kid needing quarters for the arcade cabinet.

When does it get funny?



Do old people still get upset at the sight of a kid looking down at her phone? Thought we'd all gotten used to it by now.

No. I will hate it forever.
I believe we should ban social media for all people under 21.
The internet would be much better and kids would be healthier.

we should ban social media period desu

Would be better but then all those insane faggots on twitter will have to leave their cages and we don't need that.

The one on the right looks like she would marry her high school boyfriend and then be devastated when he divorces her due to her being annoying and useless.



I...I've been on the Internet too long.

It's less "ach, the kids these days aren't appreciating the real world" and more "holy fucking shit the internet and social media in particular has become a hellhole that sucks the life out of these kids and has them committing suicide, their attention spans are shot, teachers don't know what to do because they can't seem to take the phones away, we fucked up by giving them these phones but don't know how to stop this."

TikTok zoomers validated the phone bashing years ago, denying it at this point is just sheer ignorance
Smartphones were a mistake


another stupid funny thread with no funny

What's the joke? That their "daughter" is actually a son taking hormone blockers?

we should ban social media period desu

You DO realize that Anon Babble is social media too, right? Do you want to ban it as well?

I'm just going to say this, not every comic has to actually be "funny".

Some comics get by with just having a "relatable emotional experience". Like, I wound't say that every Calvin and Hobbes is laugh out loud funny but it's still one of the best American Comic Strips of all time.

The daughter is a russian spy.

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True, but if you start a thread with "funny comics" one would expect the comics posted to be funny.
I agree though, just in general comics and cartoons don't need to be funny to be entertaining. This is also why most classic Mickey Mouse shorts aren't very funny, they were more designed to be interesting and fun than necessarily funny.

Cute artist mom

Is one supposed to be superior to the other?
This just seems like differing personalities.

Also calling bullshit. No one played Pog by the time Tamagotchi were popular unless you were REALLY behind on trends. They were years apart.

This reminds me of these stupid creative people comics

Well blow me down, it's actually kind of funny. It just really only needs the first two panels though.

Last panel makes a solid reaction image

Rent free

Mom born in 1995.

Would both

The left is trying to erase tomboys guys!!


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So the father crossdressed as a girl at 13?

Yes, that is what I was saying.

how to stop this

You could just not buy your kid a phone...

No, you idiots, she's saying her daughter is cool and collected and she was a spastic nerd.

You are all wrong is a critique about culture and how the 90s were fun and colorful while the present day is depressing

Damn this kinda got me

Put 'em together and you got a 26 year old.

at 13

Can you read?

this is basically the difference between how generations view their kids/younger gens

Boomer parents:my dumb Millenial kids/Zoomer grandkids are so dumb and don't know things!

Gen X parents: Millennials are pussies and my zoomer kids say weird silly shit but at least they're not millenials

Millenials:zoomers are dumb meanies and my Gen Alpha kids are so much cooler than me I'm such a dork loser