So that’s why Inside Out 2 was a success!
So that’s why Inside Out 2 was a success!
Lightyear was dogshit from top to bottom and wasn't really made for anyone.
IO2 was aimed squarely at young girls and made all the money.
It's not that difficult to figure out.
Inside Out 2 made money because people like moe lolis. It's that simple.
look at the archive
people here thought lightyear was guaranteed to be hit because it's toy story and acting passive aggressive to anyone who said it looked bad
every time
If anything she is more gay in the second movie though? The first one even had the boy crush
Jesus, who are these marketing teams? Lightyear failed because literally no one wanted it.
Disney leadership sounds like a nice job, fail to sell what should have been the one slam dunk IP installment of your meaningless career and still get paid for blaming the gays
Lightyear and Strange World were boring. And just looking at Starwars it's clear that Diseny can't do science fiction
Is Disney healing?
Yuricucks BTFO!
Be honest: who even asked for a non toy story Buzz Lightyear movie? Their only chance was to adapt the Disney cartoon series but Pixar hates it for some reason
Diseny retconned that this Buzz movie is the one that Andy saw and got into Buzzlightyear and not the animated series
Diseny sucks for that one.
only anti-trust laws taken seriously will ever 'heal' that purely evil sadistic polluting monopoly monster.
Continuous notes
See this feels like it's the problem with a lot of the internal staff. You shouldn't need continuous notes. You should need one company form that says DO YOUR JOB.
Yeah, well Disney thought Star Wars was a money printer too and look how that turned out. How they keep managing to mess up easy wins is beyond me. It's like the kid who manages to strike out at tee-ball.
I thought IO2 kind of sucked and was shocked at how much people LOVE it. Like, I expected it to do well because it's a sequel to a well-liked Pixar movie, but there are people praising the writing. I thought it was a retread of the first movie but "NOW ALL FIVE OF THEM ARE INVOLVED AND THE CAST IS TWICE AS BIG!". It was like, Ghostbusters 2 levels of just doing the same shit again.
It's like the kid who manages to strike out at tee-ball.
Not that there is anything wrong with that.
Right guys?
Nature is healing.
I'm sure your parents still love you....
LOL, they are retarded if this is legitimate. Their retardation just shifted from "insert a gay kiss to be successful" to "make sure there's nothing gay to be successful". Lightyear was garbage and nothing gay or straight could have saved it. Inside Out 2 was OK and Riley having a crush on that ethnic ice hockey player (I lol to this day at that multi-culti hockey team) would not have made it worse. Between the shitty progressive activist writing, uglification of characters, ethnic representation and gay stuff, gay stuff is legitimately their smallest problem. Only Anon Babblefags reee about it to begin with. Gays were always around, normal people are much more annoyed by random girlbosses and blacks in 14 century Europe-inspired fantasy.
so same as always?
Lightyear was a mid-pandemic release and also there was no budget for marketing.
Wherever they are...
but she still gay and I don't think that's the reason it was less of a garbage movie than Lightyear, oh and kys.
Go Woke, Go Broke
Go Hetro, Get Richo
What kind of mongrel accent do you need for that to rhyme
a story can be utterly absurd and surreal if it's GOOD (like all david lynch films) and it really doesn't matter at all what a story is composed of and there are countless examples of good storytelling with bare bones and odd, 'unrelatable on paper' protagonists like Wall-E or a zillion other strange premises that somehow work. Storytelling is easy as shit, children do it (Axe Cop, one example) and overworked parents rattle off good stories to their kids every night. The problem isn't storytelling which is for humans similar to breathing (it's impossible not to do it in many cases) but selling, branding, merchandising, promising something to an audience that has to pay dearly by comparison to having a conversation with a real person in your life through potentially wasting your time or paying for a ticket. That's a whole different aspect of presentation (What is this about, why should I care, and what to I have to do to get anything out of this?) These are traditions, every commercial or 'properly presented' story for large audiences promises to deliver on a comprehensible traditional form of storytelling but even if you told that story perfectly delivering on the promises people would be disgusted because you're not doing anything interesting, just regurgitating an older story or the same story seen before (Abrams Star Wars, too many examples to count). So you need to deliver on a promise with a twist, surprise, and transformation remarkable enough to be worth the price of time, attention, and money. It's more than the easy and natural and reflexive pure storytelling of asking a buddy how their weekend was.
Media monopolies don't have time for that. Outrage, political camps that foster artificial division (both sides always serve the corporate masters) and hate watching is more lucrative than delivering on the traditional forms and dealing with all the difficult creative artistry especially when you can't trust artists to not always subvert capitalism.
Trump won
Could it be that when writers aren't allowed to make something gay, they have more time to make it good instead?
Anon Babble out of nowhere
touch grass
Trump lost
I’m glad someone finally had the balls to stand up against the LGBT Mafia honestly.
have a dogshit plot after the first 1/3
make the epic twist be time travel
have no real external villain Zurg
end it on a wet fart about accepting change and loss
"oh yeah it was the gay kiss we cut out of the Chinese and MENA release"
Disney is run by retards
I don't know why Lasetter hated the series so fucking much, except that it was comedic and not "toys with toy problems." Like no shit, the original character is some kind of Silverhawks space cop guy. He's not going to contend with the same problems as Buzz The Action Toy.
But if you do that, middle managers can't justify why they exist. They have constant notes, feedback, and input to assuage their own fears about "market fit" even if a story can't and won't "meet a moment" you're guessing at 2 years in the future. If they have notes and the movie does well, they insist it's because of their notes. If they have notes and the movie does poorly, they assume they should have had MORE notes. It's so fucking tedious.
a combined 10 seconds of a gay couple in an otherwise dogshit theatrical release
Dumber than the average Disney Adult
The only movie worse than "Lightyear" was "Strange World" and the gay shit was completely incidental to them sucking donkey balls. "Strange World" was like 90% hasing out emotional conversations in hallways, in a movie about diving into a world-giant creature. Fucking unreal.
Not really. The gay kiss was genuinely overblown. They somehow in the end made a 1 hour 45 min kids movie feel like it was easily double that due to being so boring.
I've heard someone say that he and some of the other guys thought of Buzz as more of an old fashioned scifi serial played straight, but that's probably just hearsay.
It's funny how so many thought the black girl was going to become a girlboss but the movie dumpsters her right away.
Inside Out 2 is still a bad movie though
That’s your opinion
I could see that, more of a "Clutch Cargo" thing than anything episodic.The video game opener for "Toy Story 2" would support that. Like he's a Space-Man Spiff, not leading an ensemble of similar cops. But that's also not what the average person watches any more, or even did 20 years ago when the show aired. Anything this side of "Exo Squad" calls for ... you know, a varied cast? A cut and thrust, an end-goal, a beach episode or two? You think people would settle for less than "Sonic Underground" now? Like come on.
Don't get me wrong, for show-in-a-show stuff an old-timey serial is probably fine. But if you want a Buzz Lightyear show, I don't think it'd be much different than what we got or it'd be cancelled in under a season.
You know! Like "Family Dog!"
It's weirdly both according to the director. Like the animated show was the Real Ghostbusters equivalent to the Lightyear movie and Andy's Buzz figure is from that cartoon.
I kind of liked the ragtag crew kind of stayed that way. They became a little more competent, but didn't suddenly carry the day by reversing everything about their characters. But everything else about the movie was just a long smelly shit.
It's easy to stand up to the mafia when you are the mafia.
I just rolled my eyes the whole fucking time people were asking about this Buzz versus Toy Buzz versus Cartoon Buzz. We have like 6 kinds of Batman, no one asks what Batman's about. And even assuming we've "only" had 30 years of Buzz, there were several adaptations of Superman and Batman by the 60's. No one gave two shits. This parts-making stuff is the most Reddit shit.
Lightyear bombed because it's advertised as the movie Andy would've watched.
Toy Story takes place in the year of it's creation, 1995. A Buzz Lightyear movie in 1995 would look like those cheesy Batman & Robin/Batman Forever-type movies [or at the very least the Star Trek movies]. That's too slick and clean even by '95 standards, and looks like an MCU movie.
The 'same sex' kiss was one thing, but the movie was stupid as a whole. Nobody asked for a Buzz solo movie, but some dumbfuck executive answered the question nobody asked and here the fuck we are.
Touch shaft, dyke
Both were awful movies.
Nobody asked for a Buzz solo movie
Parting out IP into different IP you can market-segment differently is the one goddamn thing Disney does. Think: that's why we have "The Mandalorian." It IS good, it DOES diverge from the Skywalker family arc, it DOES flesh out the world, and adults DO watch it even if they'd never be caught dead watching a Clone Wars live action property. However, you can't just expect to part out characters from "Toy Story" and expect 30-somethings to show up in Space Command cosplay. This is beyond the Disney executives' comprehension.
The pacing sucks, the jokes were unfunny, and the new characters don't make sense with what the original established.
I'm surprised Anon Babble liked it at all, considering they weren't huge fans of the first one
Not that there’s anything inherently wrong with lesbians but is one of your writers his a yurifag you have to reign them in or they’ll kill the story
When you have teams of animators who feel like they can do whatever they want with someone else's multi million dollar animated movie budget then it really does only prove why we do need middle management looking over everyone's shoulders to make sure they do shit right. There was that whole thing about the movie needing to go into crunch time and this was somehow bad on the animators because they didn't do their jobs right the first time. If I mess up at work I need to fix my mistakes that day. Animators and "creatives" for some reason all think they're beyond basic job shit.
Yeah this was the real issue. Maybe Pixar has a stick up their asses about the Star Command series, but you know what? KIDS LIKED THAT SHOW. This fucking sci-fi adventure movie lacked adventure and the sci-fi was dreary as hell (and largely made no sense). Just because they TOLD us Andy loved this movie as a kid doesn’t mean any real kid was going to like it, and they didn’t, as proven by the bad office.
The story was also a rehash of the first movie. I’m shocked more anons didn’t point that out.
What's even the point of anons wanting a lesbian to be straight? Let's be honest here, if said lesbian were straight, she would go after a chad as any other girl, not after a virgin Anon incel. So, lesbian or straight, you'll never have a chance with that girl.
>"oh yeah it was the gay kiss we cut out of the Chinese and MENA release"
It specifically was not cut.
Speaking at the film’s London premiere on Monday, Lightyear producer Galyn Susman confirmed the studio has refused to comply with censorship requests, including from Chinese authorities. “We’re not going to cut out anything, especially something as important as the loving and inspirational relationship that shows Buzz what he’s missing by the choices that he’s making.”
Disney had decided that they refuse to make censored versions of their movies anymore. This meant that a number of Asian and African countries chose not to release the movie at all, resulting in the loss of all potential revenue from those markets (most importantly China).
Same thing happened with Strange World as well.
China was always a false god.
Yeah, you'd think that they would do something more interesting with the world now that Joy (and Riley by extension had matured) but no. They just introduced a new emotion to just do the same thing over again.
The frustrating part is that this world has so much potential for storytelling, but they don't capitalize on it at all.
Hell why focus on the boring cardboard-slate of a character Riley instead of writing a new more interesting kid for the sequel?
The hatred Pixar feels towards Star Command directly led them to make their biggest flop ever. Let that sink in.
China likes dykeshit but only if it's hot
Woke doesn't exist anymore. Woke is just a word used by marketers and Zoomers. If woke media is good, it's still a success. But if you build your entire movie around the fact that it's woke, the result is shit.
If you base your entire movie and marketing around the fact that your character is gay or black instead of the adventure of that character, you fucked up and are behind the times. And it makes your plot seem not worth mentioning if your main focus is on skin color and sexuality. Disney does that CONSTANTLY.
Disregarding all of that, I hate how Riley looks. She looks tired and fucked up.
Also I might add, if you constantly throw gay sex scenes at me, I'm losing interest in that shit. I can tolerate your gay characters, but don't fucking expect me as the straight audience, which is still in the majority, to be into that shit.
same-sex kiss
That's going to require further source backing this claim. Otherwise, it's bullshit propaganda.
Woke is a verb; not an adjective.
I'm pretty sure everyone didn't like the blacks making the main character the inferior being
Toy Story-verse Anon Babble where people wonder how the fuck such a kino cartoon came from such a dogshit movie
Yeah seriously everyone talks about the Lightyear gayness but I've never seen a single screenshot on Anon Babble. I bet it's some interpretative shit, like with trans Gwen.
Don't you mean
All Het, All Set?
it's more like when they aren't forced to make something gay
Anon Babble loves to be contrarian
breaking news
It really is there but it's extremely minor. Everything to do with the gay stuff amounted to 30 seconds of the run time.
You are correct, if this was an adaptation of star command with the og voices I would have watched it
I start to buy the theory they do it on purpose, especially since Indiana Jones 5
Sounds like real life Anon Babble
Buzz Lightyear movie
Multiple black women when the ideal number is zero
same, i was confused at first but then shrugged because its just a cartoon
the MGS saga is filled with retcons because Kojima tends to forget shit he already established or simply changes his mind and most people didnt care
When you have teams of animators who feel like they can do whatever they want with someone else's multi million dollar animated movie budget
I say to you plainly: that's never been the case. Animated movies in particular require the kind of script approval and strategy that prevents a lady "Ghostbusters" situation.
they didn't fix it immediately!
The pipeline very likely meant that whole elements of the movie, from rigging to lighting, meant they didn't get feedback from test audiences for months, maybe upwards of a year. It just isn't fucking plausible to do rewrites in short time. This isn't like fucking up a report at work and coming back the next day.
I would say it's very convenient to blame the middle part of the process, the animators, when audiences usually fucking hate whatever first-round studio-approved script came out. ESPECIALLY convenient for studio heads that are now scrambling because their shit stunk.
Of course its extremely minor, like the nudity in Oppenheimer. Everyone crying about 3 seconds of woke is just as much of a fucking retard than Zoomers seeing 3 seconds of tits. You're the same fucking bunch. You should fuck in a collosseum for everyone to watch.
Not "wat". I've only seen whiny posts about it but never the scene or a screecap.
But it isn't contrarian with this case, no one liked Lightyear and seemingly everyone loved Inside Out 2
Every so often I'm reminded of that quote (attributed to Stan Lee): "People ask all the time who pumps Batman's tires -- fucking no one does!" Gist being, to the story it doesn't matter. Even if "in real life" those are essential processes, you should just take it as read, the tires aren't flat, Batman "or someone or something" did it.
To your point, most people don't really care if backstory changes. Jack Nicholson's Joker killed Thomas and Martha Wayne, had a whole traumatic speech and everything. The Joe Chill of "Batman Begins" is probably just some random mugger. Unless you're a Trekkie or an autist (sneezed, excuse me), most people just shrug.
It's at a wedding anniversary party for a lesbian couple, a colleague of Buzz who ages at normal speed while he keeps flash-forwarding on his test FTL flights. It's fucking nothing. There's no reason to attribute its failure to that, especially if they released it almost entirely on Disney+ in countries that aren't that upset by gay shit.
They didn't bother making the hero and the villain a different person. In a property with a ready-made SUPER EVIL VILLAIN, ZURG. They couldn't even cop to really why future Buzz is "all evil and stuff," just that he did and probably with murder. No reason to really believe current Buzz would ever become this shitty evil one. Just completely vanished up its own ass, "for the tweest."
IO2 wasn't even good, it was coasting on the first movie's goodwill. Toy Story already squandered all of that with TS4.
Movie told to tone down the gay shit
Makes over a billion dollars
I just hope Disney picks up on this.
Star Wars IS a money printer despite being pure dogshit for the past decade
SWfags are some of the most braindead consumers around
Don't we all
oh no a blink and you miss it scene that was removed for international audiences ruined this mediocre production
Only the old shit really sells. Everything else clogs up Ollies around the country.
Mandalorian still puts baby yoda on bumper stickers across the country.
Yeah, I just don't get it. This and "Strange Planet" sucked balls so hard I completely forgot anything gay was included.
I don't think you could make a movie about an exciting space adventure staring a strong daring man a success in 2024. Even if it was good, a story about personified emotions and self discovery just fits the vibes of the time better. That's not to say the former wouldn't find an audience, it would just be dudes in their 30s and 40s.