
Looking back on it, Matt was a retard and the execs were bigger retards. Darcy is the most well known thing about Marcy so considering this wifi the benefit of hindsight, they should have fully committed to making her evil

Sasha should have also been evil that slowly turned more Anti Hero'y as the series progressed. Keep her destructive behavior but make it so she needs to tone it down just a little to stop Marcy

Imma be honest, I just can't figure out how these kinds of isekai can end with "and they became normal adults with normal jobs"

Marcy was made out to be a literal polymath prodigy, capable of learning an ancient languages, redesigning and improving the infrastructure of cities, swinging around on fucking crossbow ropes to kill deadly monstrous shit, and when she gets back to normal world she just becomes a nerdy webcomic author?

Not to mention Sasha, the oft-proclaimed "tactical genius" who lead a rebellion and apparently learned to swordfight with crazy proficiency at 13, becoming some kind of youth counsellor

And Anne who the entire world witnessed go super sayin and actually save all of humanity. there's zero chance she could just live a normal life working at an aquarium or whatever. She's got to be the biggest celebrity on the planet.

Talk about being a former gifted child who peaked in middle school. All 3 of these kids were fucking gods and then it's like it never happened.

Marcy was made out to be a literal polymath prodigy, capable of learning an ancient languages, redesigning and improving the infrastructure of cities, swinging around on fucking crossbow ropes to kill deadly monstrous shit, and when she gets back to normal world she just becomes a nerdy webcomic author?

It’s because she is Autistic

You clearly weren't paying that close attention to the finale then. When Marcy and Sasha are driving to the Amphibian Exhibit to meet up with Anne, Marcy straight up does not have a real career path. She went thru intelligence burn out where instead of getting a high paying job as a scientist or an engineer she unironically takes commissions for a living

This gets ignored because Anne dying and reincarnating basically dominated discussion until the threads were autosaged to Anon Babble

Marcy is taking commissions for a living because this is how much she hates the real world. She became the one thing she always feared. A normie. A normie Wagie.

That and she hates her parents. Amazingly, this neither gets addressed directly or elaborated on ever again when Anne drops off the letter

bully your friends

kidnap them

go on crazy adventures and treat all the people around you like npcs and thier lives as a game

betray your friends

get stabbed

get tortured

get a time out in scary darkness

get saved by your friends

they forgive you for everything and promise to still be your friend and take more special considerations because of your autism from now on

grow up to waste your genius and make obscure webcomics instead of curing cancer


The reason why the isekais end that way is because the things they learned can't be applied in the normal world. Marcy is a turbo nerd and may know a lot about a fantasy world's magic and mechanics, but she's not going to bother learning about real life. There are people in the world who know the entire lore of Bionicle but won't know what to say when you ask them about their own country's history, or how to repair a car. Sasha isn't gonna use her devious planning and sword skills in daily life, and Anne's powers were gone after the finale.
There's also the fact that the girls CHOSE what they become. Marcy chose to follow a creative career, Sasha chose to help others and Anne chose to work someplace familiar. The show doesn't say that they couldn't do anything else if they didn't want to, they're not shown as failures who flopped school and are just working at these jobs due to desperation. They chose this path and are happy with it, what else could you want?

bully your friends

Never happened

they forgive you for everything and promise to still be your friend and take more special considerations because of your autism from now on

Well also because, as you said

get stabbed

get tortured

get a time out in scary darkness

They drifted off anyways and all that jazz probably didn't help their relationship in the short run


She absolutely 100% bullied them! She manipulated Anne and Sasha into doing shit they didn't want to. She forced Sasha to play nerd games she hated and made Anne do illegal actions.

10 years after alien invasion in a densely populated city that everyone fucking saw

world is exactly the same


Explain what should be different then.

Everything you fucking faggot.

Like what? Can you even name two (2) things that should have changed and why?

Reality is stranger than fiction

Probably an authoritarian police state
More Religious fundamentalism because they were proven right

I feel like the proven existence of aliens would make people question religion more than reaffirm it

I don't need to. It's obvious to anyone with even a fragment of a neuron that every single aspect of life would change after an ALIEN INVASION. You're either hopelessly stupid or willfully ignorant. In either case, kill yourself.

What? People like Alex Jones have been talking about an alien invasion for years

authoritarian popo state


Religion was proven right

The cyborg newt religion?


The protect people from aliens who could kill us all

Not gonna waste any more time on you. When I say "kill yourself", I sincerely, genuinely hope you do.

But they came at us with everything and still got beat by a 13 yo. No they couldn't kill us. They can't even get here anymore.
Also also, I don't see how becoming authoritarian helps you fight ayys.

Killing Anne was completely unnecessary

also, I don't see how becoming authoritarian helps you fight ayys.

NTA but authoritarians always capitalize on fear of "the other people" to sieze copious amounts of power, we literally just saw that in the USA.

But it's not authoritarian over there... Weird.

Term hasn't started yet dumbass

The dude literally said hes going to use to military to execute mass deportings lol

gets dicked down on the weekends in-between cashing in on webcomic donos

Living the American dream

Why didn't the Core just crush Anne and Sasha with Marcy's phat ass?

How much does she charge?

dykes don’t get dicked

Marcy's orientation depends entirely on the whose paying

Marcy is straight as fuck

Straight up gay.

Arguing about a fictional character's sexual preference when no evidence exists either way is kinda weird senpai

Are you fucking retarded? Anne and Sasha literally shared a blanket at Marcy's sleepover and Marcy fucking sat there and watched them do it

You're out of your mind if Sasha doesnt want Anne all to herself who threatens genocide...twice to two different civilizations of Sentient Amphibians for one human girl? Thats insane.

I have never seen a gay asian girl. They all seem to cant get enough of you know what

Marcy was not only all knowledgeable on nerd shit tho. she excelled at school with ease, specifically maths and science (I cant remember if physics too) If anything, you might say the lack of passion in these fields pushed her to her webcomic, as she shows zero joy or interest when she excels at school, put she loves to apply her knowledge on the shit she likes. That might be why her webcomic might stand out among the usual shit you fin in webtoon today. She easily has the talent and drive to come with an intricate story and world

Yes because there are mass amounts of people there illegally and they're causing hecka problems?

Are you guys unironically anti trump?

Not canon.

would post that image of Sasha with maga hat but jannies will delete it lol...

Yes, because I think vaccines actually work

they're eating the cats and dogs

and this is why sowing fear amongst idiots is a sure bet for any wannabe authoritarian. they'll believe anything about "those other people" you tell them

that art is really from that retard Javi? Did he finally learn to draw properly?