Pic related is trending on social media with hundreds of thousands of likes

pic related is trending on social media with hundreds of thousands of likes

usually I'd be sad that such cynical art is doing rounds

given what happened to Finn I'm just glad most people see Finn as someone who could land a marriage with PB in the first place

And predictably some of the most popular comments are bitching that PB is gay and would never date Finn or any man lel

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It just looks like meh comic using AT characters to me.

Where is Jake's ink coming from?




Straight marriages can do that.

Sadness, Heartbreak, Death of Dreams, Divorce! Isn't it funny and relatable?!

This world is sick and entertainment is strange and weird to me.

Finn was adding to her mass daily

Shut up peter puffer

Beetle Moses is trash. It's just cynical pop culture references but not in a Mad Magazine way, more of a Family Guy/Robot Chicken "we only half care about this" way.

Humans have been using humor to cope with suffering since the dawn of time

It’s true like that classic joke about the woman taking an apple.

And predictably some of the most popular comments are bitching that PB is gay and would never date Finn or any man lel

In fairness, PB has been pushed LESBIAN LESBIAN LSEBIAN for a long time since AT ended.

Kinda like how everyone see Harley Quinn as only a lesbian now.

how is Jake generating ink here?

i've never heard that before

I like to think Jake is just the chamber. I'd rather think that then Jake is using poop as ink.

Yeah like what's even the joke here? Sad middle aged divorce.... but Adventure Time! Fucking lame.

would never date Finn

tbf, she wouldn't. And I don't know why you'd even want that.

Yeah. I wouldn't be surprised if the person who drew it (and most of the people liking it) stopped watching the show long before it ended and aren't even aware that PB ended up with Marceline

Why are PB and Finn married if they weren't endgame

Why and how is Finn using Jake as a pen and why does Jake look happy about this

Why is fucking Lemongrab the one officiating the divorce

Why did this unfunny comic apparently go viral

I'm not even an AT fan anymore and this comic is still raising so many questions in me

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I assume this is some alt universe, because HW should obviously take PB's place. Assuming they even have a marriage.

Like a rat

they don't, when finn is an old man he's alone and dies alone. they have an open relationship so forest spirit can keep banging her

You have no taste carpet muncher



I didnt finish the show so i dont know whatever lore makes this not funny, but i chuckled.

I just like the "You got this buddy!" energy of Jake being the pen, its dumb humor.

no u.

Being married to Finn added centuries to her appearance

Is his middle name really "the"

PB and Finn aren't compatible. They would get bored of each other. PB needs someone who can challenge her, verbally spar and banter with. That's just not Finn. He's a very soft guy. He needs someone who can match his chill, adventuring vibes. The writers got it right. Fintress and bubbline just make more sense.

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Everyone seems to forget this comic is syndicated in newspapers, ergo it needs to make sense to octogenarians that saw 17 seconds of an adventure time episode one time when their grandson was over. Finn having the arm demonstrates that mr. beetle moses here is clearly just powerleveling

PB needs someone who can challenge her, verbally spar and banter with.

Nobody who's said this has any experience with relationships outside of TV, movies, and fanfiction.

Everyone seems to forget this comic is syndicated in newspapers

prove it, fag. I don't believe you.

Excuse you. Being able to have that fun back and forth is important to me, and I feel like PB is the same. Obviously not a substitute for sincere, honest communication, if that's what you're getting at, but an important ingredient nonetheless.




Wtf is this a Henry VIII style divorce?

We've had FAR more basis for Finn and PB being on the same wavelength than PB and Marcy before the massive 7-season long rewrite to turn that in reverse so Bubbline can happen. Even in later seasons you could write episodes where Finn and PB just hang and not have it come across as OOC, whereas any Bubbline episode suddenly had both PB and Marcy act like standard issue Tumblr lesbos and not like themselves.

Forgot pic

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