Death Battle

3 - 0

Shitfinite lost

13 Colonies vs Britain

(NO FOREIGN AID, that includes the native American Tribes)

Kino matchup.
How can we wank Cliff so he doesn't just get one-shotted?


The Trifecta of Bullshit Losses goes to Ben, Discord and Eggman.

three time LOSER

Imagine living with yourself lmao

He'd unironically question his existence because characters he likes lost an internet battle show

I might not be happy with the results, but I'm not that pathetic.

Discord? He won.

I didn't say shit about me, I said imagine living with YOURself. My standards are higher, pleb.


They didn’t even use the strongest version of Hal.


Bill could’ve ended the fight immediately by forcing Discord into a deal.



All things considered he'd probably revive later that afternoon. Still a retarded outcome.
Standards so "high" that you'll consider ending it the moment a character you like loses, kek.

Didn't use base Ben at his strongest, let alone any other version

Discord feeds off of Bill's bullshit

Infinite...Is a retard and deserved it

I like how Bowser protects his minions rather than attacking Infinite here. Also I am glad we have gotten post battle aftermath animations.
The only thing about the animation I wasn't a huge fan of was Alfred's Eggman. His voice felt a little too... deep isn't the right word here, but rather maybe like coarse? Regardless, he just didn't quite fit the role. I do have to give him kudos for trying for the role.

Base Ben at his strongest is uni, if we’re being generous. Base Hal in general is multi at least since he could fight with Parallax who had enough energy to reset the entire DC reality.

None of those are characters I like. Characters I like don't lose, unlike you. I couldn't imagine being so shit lmao


Base Ben had so much random upgrades at his disposal that makes the Omnitrix much stronger, and he has dealt with multiversal shit as well.

I don't disagree about the other two, but I feel like they handled Eggser pretty well. I think the Bowser victory conclusions lend better to an idea that not all fights need to be stats. If the same standard applied backwards, then we would probably have seen Ben and Discord victories.


Amuro Ray vs Optimus Prime.

I'm not even mad that Amuro lost, I'm mad that they gave Amuro his starting mobile suit instead of the Nu-Gundam.

If you're gunna give Peak Optimus, then give peak Amuro instead of his starting gear.


Cliff unfortunately doesn't have as many direct showings of holding his own against heavy hitters, but there does seem to be a fair amount of indirect stuff. There's a new respect thread out there with him holding his own against Amazo, Metallo, and Aquaman. And I guess there's this, even if it's obviously bullshit and there's no way he should have "physical capabilities on par with the likes of Superman".

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I'll be honest, that was my least favorite part of the battle. Eggman and Bowser's portrayal for the most part was alright, but their "big" moments character-wise I didn't care for at all. And considering that's what the battle seems to hinge on, I just can't find the battle to be that good.
Can't comment.


Puke in my mouth.
When the hell did Cliff ever fight Amazo?

All fusing Alien X with another alien would do is make Alien X.
All mutating Alien X would do is make Alien X
No “upgrade” would’ve changed the fact that he’d still just have Alien X, nor does it change the fact that due to how his universe’s timeline works, Hal could kill him at any moment in time in the past and it’d impact his future. That’s what happened against the purple fucker who swapped past and future Ben’s consciousness.

Byrne must not have got the memo that Cliffs brain got vaporized during Morrison's run.

Ah, misread the feat thread, my bad. But the Metallo one does seem legitimate.

Bowser vs Eggman hit a million before a day passed, a true return to form I suppose.

What is the Potis Altiare

Ben's Omnitrix can fuck with time to react to it being taken off

Ben's timeline has split off a million times, because there are a fuck ton of different future Bens

Again, Ben has dealt with other multiverse threats

Alien X would've genuinely been enough, and the rules of Ben's universe prove it.

Alien X at best made a copy of Ben's universe. This is a feat Green Lanterns canonically pull off as a training exercize.
Also one past; many futures confirms 'time huh' as valid.

Sonic Rush has Eggman fuck with two universes

Mario Galaxy has Bowser conquer planets the size of a house

If I had a time machine, I'd go back in time and tell McDuffie to not make Alien X

Furshit 'universes'.
In Galaxy the entire universe was CONQUERED, not 'fucked with'.

Britian in this time cannot hold an interior population that doesn't have want or need of them. The loyalist cause had lost favor in the minds of to many people and those trends were not going to turn around. the revolutionaries will flake apart into cells camping in woods with time if/when the back of any standing army is broken. Dissolving the geographically smaller free state/Boars was a herculean Vietnam-of it's time like effort for a much more dominant and industrially built up Britain. Reconquest of the interrior isn't really possible for Britain after the muskets started firing. 1776 was the final political act. Yes, you could keep fighting after that, but pre-war status quo was no longer possible.

It was a screw job for sure. The outcome was simplu because Bowser was the favorite.

In the end all Mario vs Sonic arguments end being "Toonforce Vs serious" setting

Neither setting qualifies as 'serious', furfaggot.

Whatever you say, scalie.

Killing Ben in the past creates a timeline where Ben is dead, but doesn't affect Battle Ben

Alien X has dealt with multi-dimensional manipulation

Omnitrix reacts to anything done to it anyway, on the level of The Big Bang the split second it happens

you think I'm disgusting? W-wel y-you're j-just like me

No, furfaggot. Nice of you to admit it, too. Now rope, immediately.

Bowser won because DB is on a payroll by the big oil

Eggman has the power to affect the fabric of two universes

Bowser sends his army to take over shitty planets that are tiny

Wiping out one past means all future branches die. Sorry, your rules. Shoulda made a more robust verse.

Pretty sure Washington's army would be dissolved without foreign aid. I agree it'd dissolve into militia waging a guerilla war, but with Britain full on colonies? The colonies would not stand a chance in the long run.

illiterate non-player

Bowser used magic to instantly CONQUER the entire universe, fuckwit. Meanwhile, EggFRAUD is only able to 'fuck with' some shit and accomplish nothing. You rep this LOSER.

The Omnitrix LITERALLY got bypassed BY a time altering ability that REQUIRED both Ben’s to use their watches at the same exact time for past Ben to have access to his future aliens. It gets fucked by time shenanigans and that’s without getting into how it also lost to someone dimensionally hacking off Ben’s watch arm, something that a GL could very easily recreate by sucking Ben’s arm and arm alone into their universe.
Having a timeline with branching paths means nothing when the timeline you’re in can still have its future impacted by the past via time travel, which, again, is what happened with Paradox.
Alien X would still pale in comparison to Parallax.
The Omnitrix couldn’t react to a dude swinging an axe because that axe wasn’t trying to harm him. It has ways to be bypassed which are piss easy to replicate, have you even watched the show? In fact, better yet, it couldn’t react to Ben getting shot with something that reverted his time back to when he was a child, and that was AFTER he had Master Control AND it altered the fucking Omnitrix itself. Jesus fucking Christ, it swapping between aliens when trying to find one that can contain the Big Bang means fucking nothing when it gets fucked over by sneak attacks, surprise encounters, or non lethal attacks. Keep in mind that the swap episode happened in Omniverse too, and the Omnitrix did not defend Ben against being swapped despite the guy literally reaching for his watch.

altering the past makes new timelines


Eggkek lost
Chadvok would've won

Alien X

Gets retconn'd like a bitch.


Tells retconns to go fuck themselves.

The winner is obvious.

Pushing two universes apart to create a new one is a better feat.

Discord losing is fine because he repeatedly fucks around and founds out.

Not when they're shit universes. Nothingness has no friction, so it's nothing to push universes apart, anyway. Subtle vibrations keep them apart normally. Non-feat.

Reminder that Sage is now in the hands of Bowser and his army
Being the daughter of the man who brought so much ruin to his kingdom, he knew the perfect punishment for her
She was imprisoned, and forced to be Bowser Jr's personal anti-virus software.
They keep her confined to his tablet after downloading her onto it
Every day she keeps Jr's tablet free of malware, and reminds him to not visit shady sites and to install a popup blocker
Eventually she grew to accept her fate, and befriended Bowser Jr. in a platonic and non-sexual way. She still softly reprimands him for going on sites where he shouldn't, but sometimes they like to talk about shared interests like Undertale. Sage often recommends fanfics and AUs to Jr. after scanning them to make sure they are PG13

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Metal Sonic beat them both last time

Now even stronger than before, he loses to one of them

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Bowser is stronger than Metal Sonic

beat them both last time

Anon, you really are illiterate.
Tell me you're falseflagging.

No I'm just retarded lmao. I forgot it was Wily before, must have got confused with one of those death battle casts before or w/e those mini things were.

Still think Metal Sonic would clap Bowser though.

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I accidentally fell asleep.
It's from Mario Party 5. This is the credits and most likely how the DD looks visually without bowser trying to destroy it, countless dreams. It is said to hold all dreams in the universe (Even ghosts can sleep and dream proven by Luigi's Mansion and other games) Dream Depot itself states it's endless in translation. And future dream is one of the dreams that show up and states it's universe sized in the story manual, so that equates to all the dreams in the dream depot to be universe sized.
In short, there can potentially be millions to billions of universe sized dreams in the endless Dream Depot while base bowser and base mario also scale to that cosmology.

I mean, he kinda did? Only Bowser got better, so.

When the fuck did Eggman get that Super Form they were talking about that let him 1v1 Super Sonic? I've not read the comics in a while.

They seem to be intent on shitting on Sonic, like when they redid Sonic vs Mario and nerfed Sonic for "realism" just so Mario could win.

Tell me your most wanted MUs and who you think would win

Goku vs Superman for the 37th time. Superman would win.
Joking aside, Illidan from Warcraft mite b cool. Not sure who he'd be up against though.

Vic Viper vs R-9
I think the Vic Viper probably wins.

Bring me Bitchzan!

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Discord lost? Am I being Mandela'd right now? I remember faggot triangle losing that fight.

Him vs Xiao from Genshin Impact was on the fighters ballot, it's probable to happen at some point. I don't know who wins or why that's a MU.
Jack Cayman vs Travis Touchdown, I'm pretty sure Travis stomps but it's something I've wanted for over a decade now.

Rayquaza vs Jackie Chan.

Jackie Chan wins.


I'd really like to see Santo vs Taker, even if I'm pretty sure by Death Battle's current analysis Taker would probably win.

They're also going to treat Naruto vs Luffy as realism vs toon force. It's coming.

You spelled Bowser King of the Koopas wrong there, champ!

why that's a MU

I suppose it's because they're both demons who hunt other demons.
It was practically Bowser vs Metal Sonic. Always feels like they downplay the fact that Super Sonic (and all Super Forms) can travel at the speed of light and time travel. But it's fine, he was fun to watch.

I don't care about the winner. I cared about who looked the coolest in the fight. sorry I'm not schizophrenic

Sonic can. Metal never did that.

He's used Chaos Control multiple times.

Shame he never got to use chaos control. Like, come on, I don't care if Bowser could dispel it, that's an iconic move that needs to be used.

Chaos Control doesn't send you to the past or future. Sonic did that in Sonic CD, Metal was taking a ride from Eggman.

Chaos Control doesn't send you to the past or future

It did in 06, with just 2 Chaos Emeralds.

How the fuck does someone end up calculating this?

I suppose it's because they're both demons who hunt other demons.

But Illidan's not a demon. He's a night elf with demon powers.

Really? Nothing makes sense in Sonic.
Why didn't Shadow use it to go back in time in Sonic Forces?

schizophrenia out of FUCKING NOWHERE!!

And the coolest in the fight was undoubtedly BOWSER, King of Koopas!

06 retconned itself. how the fuck would sonic or shadow know the chaos emeralds can go through time, if the game that established they can do that erased itself from canon, making that crucial information lost to time

No longer the case.

Sonic has always been known retard bait, anon. Normal people don't think about it.

Since Archie Sonic vs Goku doesn't really introduce anything new to the table, what about Composite Shadow vs Vegeta?

Discord sacrificed himself to lock Bill in some dimension, so he was seething even though he won.

He turned into a Demon when he sucked off the Skull of Gul'dan, both mechanically (his type changes to demon and in WoW he's tagged as a Demon) and in lore.
Well they used 06 for power scaling in the video, so they should include everything from that game including the time travel.

SXSG ultimately confirms Sonic 06, especially Mephiles and Solaris weren't remembered by Shadow and Sonic due to the timeline self retcon.
Chaos Emeralds still have the possibility of time travel, but no one in the sonic cast knows it anymore.
Also Silver has been confirmed to time travel by random portals in his future telling him where to go to fix anomalies.

No. Sacrifices count as a W.

Given Discord will reconstitute before Bill can even think about escaping, I consider it a Discord win.

Are we going to be talking about Shitnic for the next 2 weeks? Have mercy please.

Poor Memphis stuck in a rod existing outside of reality.

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Well 06 is still canon, but it is no longer canon that you can use Chaos Emeralds to time travel. Silver travels through random portals now.

Metal Sonic could easily take on Bowser if the writers weren't biased

The rest of the army is taken care of by Sage controlling Eggman's army and insanely powerful mechs

Eggman sits back and supports his kids by throwing out the magic MacGuffin items and using his dummies as bait


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Fall Guys and Among Us are free and cheap, respectively. You could alpha up and play and talk about them to drown out the furtards.

I tip my hat to you Neo Metal. You earned your crown against the odds you were against.

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Lmao, why didnt he just move? That stupid jew.

What I just like when he talks about tilted towers whats that got to do with trannies? Is the guy who voiced it a troon or something? Does that mean Eggman's announcement is bad too now?

He also killed Jr.

He actually killed Bowser too.

remember that she's currently plotting something. Perhaps she helps Bowser install new technology for the Koopa Kingdom as means to hack it and take Bowser out from the inside.

He had no chance the second they started including toonshit from fucking Mario Party of all media. Just like when they gave Donkey Kong toon powers from the old 3d cartoon to justify him beating Knuckles.

It's a 3 minutes fight. He would just steal screen time from other characters.

tilted towers

Speaking of those, does Fall Guys get Forrnite scaling?

Jr survived to the end, anon. Sage is now his bodypillow.

Weird DB didn't give Eggman the Master Emerald and Time Stones. Neo Metal Sonic amped by the Master emerald, Chaos Emeralds, and having the time stones would have put up a better fight.

NTA but Yes and yes zoomoid
SHITml jokes and trannycube shit are hereby BANNED FROM THESE THREADS.

Weird that DB showed bias towards Nintendo for the 983rd time

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Schizo theory time:

the only reason they didn’t do Super Eggman was because Bardock already went Super Saiyan just 2 episodes ago

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Power ups don't stack like that in Sonic. In fact it's been made pretty clear that these stones reject each others.

Always was, retard.

SML and snapcube are the TFS abridged of Mario and Sonic

why didn't i figure this out sooner

They really need to bring Moro on more. Dude can't make some kickass fights.

What's SML?

We had Metal doing it for him. The fight would still be playing today if they animated everything these characters had since the beginning of their games.

It's because only one can use the Emeralds at a time, and Metal Sonic needed to carry him, then MS lost the Emeralds. Oops, not enough baskets for these eggs!

Yes. Even the animator confirmed Metal had the potential to solo Bowser and his army. He was for sure the strongest singular unit on the field.

In what comic did this fight happen?

Sage got the emeralds back immediately tho

He teleported them far away from him just to shoot that laser too.

After they jobbed.

only one can use the Emeralds at a time


We actually do get shown a hypothetical finale as part of the breakdown. Lightman gets turned into a Goomba.

They said that Bowser’s other power ups would just cancel out Eggman’s so bringing them up would be moot.


aka abilities and feats that the characters have

Maybe if Shartnic wasn’t a money shredder he could afford more canon party games that give actual feats.

Metal wasn't near him when he used them.

It's established Robotnik no friends to share with lol

this shit made me jump
didn't think nintendo would put a fucking screamer in their bing bing wahoo

Those extra scenarios are horrible practice. It's just them enforcing their opinion down people's throats with more controversial opinions. Just one outcome is enough, unless they're planning on showing scenarios where the loser also wins.

keep the mario vs sonic memes coming, this is glorious

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Absolutely hilarious

more Shartnic games of any kind

No. Please no.

I thought that was the implication when they showed Nightmare Eggman. Personally I like extra post match mini animations. At the very least something like orbot cubot and sage aftermath. The little aftermath animations from the old seasons were fun

How accurate is this?

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Eggman’s pretty stone is just an illusion maker and his pet time eater needs two pilots. Bowser meanwhile has fifty billion reality destroying, altering, and restoring items that blow them out of the water


Sonicfags are insane.

it's adressing points like "why didn't X do Y" though

The Master vs Ultraman Belial

Too kino for DB, and Tigre would likely win

Infinite had a pretty weak showing here. The only chance Eggman had was Metal Sonic and they lowballed him.
I liked the old animations they used to have post episodes, like when Shao Khan got psycho powers from eating M Bison's soul.

Been awhile since I watched both but didn't Tigre do a flash esque around the world attack?

Supaidaman when his giant city-destroying mech gets atomized by Batman’s 20,000 decibel radio

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Can't forget troons that enjoy cuck shit

Eggman’s never had the time stones or Master Emerald. That’s why, numnuts.

What's one match where you felt the winner got disrespected just as much or more than the loser?


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You mean like Chris Chan? Or Sonic Fox?

kys pedophile

Talbain vs Sabrewulf

holy cringe

this a whole new level of cringe

Interesting projection from the fandom that commissions porn of all its underage characters. Kill yourself, rather, and do so IMMEDIATELY.

Yes, by showing their reasoning. Which might be wrong too. It's just more holes to poke.
Wait till it happens to a favorite of yours then.

CHADser would never engage with prostitution. He is a noble king and a good role model for his children. BEGONE, slanderer.


Magic>Technology. Keep crying about it, because I ain't gotta explain shit!

mentally retarded lolcow

literally who

Again, you don't know the extent of his power. The Time Eater actually did what he did.

They both have the same power sets and It's debatable. Yes he can time travel and mess with you in the future or past, and consume time, but all his "entire universe" destruction is completely off screen and the one 3ds statement, maybe a main game statement and and some off game statements. Visually he sucks you up in portals and puts you into a timeless space that he likely created himself.
There's many Sonic stages still intact and not completely erased, so his range of where he can travel tracks, but the erasure doesn't. He could have just warped some stages in this timeless dimension he created.
Even when defeating Time Eater, Modern and Classic Eggman are still in this location, which further implies it's something like a timeless pocket dimension and not the entire universe/timeline being shut off.
(I'm just saying this since you tried to downplay Culex, this is just speculation downplay, he could very well be as strong as you say)
In the SMRPG story manual, Culex is a confirmed Master of Time and space. Culex has entire timelines in his grasp from beginning to end, can see your past, present and future, can consume space and time, and become the concept of antimatter from matter. Base Mario, Bowser, Geno, Peach, and Mallow were battling him in between dimensions where movement shouldn't even be conceptually possible. Also Culex scales over everything in SMRPG besides the main cast in base beating him. Culex also said he rules over all creation in the japanese text, which can give him high scaling arguments with Mario cosmology. Which could likely imply he could contend with the God Star Road, maybe even beyond, though this is up in the air.
Seems like it's both going mostly statement vs mostly statement here for Culex and Time Eater being "ENTIRE TIMELINE" level.

kill yourself pedophile

Both are magic. Eggman would lose to Rick, a far better cartoon scientist.

Your fandom!

Dude's a borderline rapist and sexual offender.

He had it for five minutes

Oh wow…

Do sonicfags really?

Stop talking to yourself, pedo furfaggot. Just kill yourself.

Not to say you're wrong, but the most Eggman did with the Master Emerald was turn it into a glorified laser cannon, and he already has multiples of those.
Him having access to the Master Emerald would not change the outcome, either positively or negatively.

State incorrect fact

Be corrected

lmao well ur gay xd

Man I was just correcting you, calm your tits. Master Emerald wouldn't have done shit.
Correct. At most he could have used it to fire the death egg instead of the chaos emeralds, but with Metal Sonic out of the picture he wouldn't have had any use for them anyway.

Longer than Bowser has the dream stone or pure hearts

I don’t think they had Alfred as Eggman, unless he changed his name to Arthur.

I ain't no sonicfag, I'm just a bowser hater

showcasing their reasoning is bad

you'd rather have them say "Bowser won cuz he's stronger" and end the video?

He doesn't kidnap the lady he's pining for to show her his cool castle and win her over, only doing anything after properly marrying her.


Shadow Mario with Black Paint solos Neo Metal Sonic btw.

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No it isn’t lmao.

Oh I must have misremembered. Regardless my other points stand.

Bowser fags posting cuck shit

A tale as old as time

Jason vs Michael

There is also the factor that Maria, Gerald, and Omega don't seem to follow the whole "freed by speed" conclusion that the Tails' reached.

More Nintendo bias from Death Battle

Pathetic. They were afraid to reference Supreme High Robotnik who was Immortal, Invincible and could send people back in time to before the universe was even created.

Shadow Mario held back and TANKED 7 chaos emerald Super neo metal sonic without any amps

paint gods...

Jason VS Michael.

sad eggman lost, but at least it was a pretty neat fight and close cut; GGs mario fans, Sonic still wins tho


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or you know maybe Culex is just full of shit
I mean you never hear about this dude again, for someone who's supposed to be such a big deal

Akuma Khan.



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Metal Sonic beat Wily and Eggman, this worked specifically because Roboenza made Eggman lose control of him so he could absorb the Egg Fleet.

If Culex is full of shit about timelines. Time eater is too. We also don't hear about Time eater anymore when people claim he could "retcon and recreate the verse"

How many Trees of Power fruits are we giving Turles? Is he also getting his Evil Saiyan form?

It’s an art piece I think, but it had some story to it.

we know what comes next

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I hope they redo Tails vs Luigi so we can see THE GOAT fulfill his DESTINY.

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or you know maybe Culex is just full of shit

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So what's exactly your cope as to how this isn't a completely pathetic thing to do? Do you "self-insert", as the three-meter fire breathing turtle or something? Lol

Junior pretty much always standing in front of his dad whenever he is on screen, only ever behind him when he is KO'd and Bowser is going to bat to protect his entire army


It takes at least two emeralds and two people using chaos control for it to be able to make time portals


It is funny that Shadow Generations didn't have stages from Shadow the Hedgehog or Lost World. Lost World is a lot more understandable given that none of its stages were hyper memorable.

My favorite wins his popular MU so I don’t care lol.

Titan Tails has greater knowledge of the universe's workings, and can manipulate the fabric of reality.

Titan Tails is also capable of absorbing the power of others and make them his own

Titan Tails was the ultimate power in the multiverse

Realistically who could beat him?

Get that cringe outta here.

Why did powerscaling communities survive the publishing of Medaka Box?
They can't read?

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Stop responding to yourself, fag.


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More Nintendo bias from Death Battle

It would be Sega bias if they went with your option. DB only used the mario games.
AOSTH Eggman and Game Eggman are different versions. Also they even brought in lightman super eggman for scenarios even though that is questionably canon since it has no game appearance at all, and also a what if story

A bunch of wall level skills is impressive


They mention the reason he didn’t use that is because it took like a month of setup for him to be able to do it in the first place

Okay here's the thing. Titan Tails is effectively impossible within the framework of Death Battle. Even if they did use Archie Tails, the form is a combination of all the Tails across the multiverse. That would be the mother of all exceptions to the no outside help clause. It would be like if Ultraman showed up to help Superman because of Cosmic Armor.

AOSTH Robotnik and Game Eggman are different versions*

I was just shitposting with PINGAS Robotnik lad.

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Same reason it survived Yogiri. People that didn't just ignore it tried to treat it like a puzzle to crack and went mad. Most people either knew better or refused the premise.

So Amogus is going to win right?

My bad YTP chad.
I even got RoCHADnik mixed up with Eggjob, had to recorrect.

Barring goofy crossover shit, yeah

Even if they do crossover stuff, Amogus is in Vampire Survivors and can get abilities that create blackholes or destroy reality.


How the fuck will the Amogus and Fall Guys even fight?

Like a puzzle to crack

Jesus that's sad, like they literally look out from the panel and tell you "I beat her because I'm newer and that's how all shonen works"

You never hear about him again because Square Enix owns him.


Yes. Especially when it's just to back up how right you are by only showing other scenarios where the winner wins.
I don't want this to be a thing in other episodes.





Somebody pointed out it probably didn’t have Shadow stages because the only canon ones are Westopolis and the Final story stage.

Amogus can die Fall Guys are indestructible.

Deku vs Asta

Final Fantasy Battle Royale (I dunno, I'd guess Jack or Bartz. Maybe Lightning)

Asta got disrespected because they gave him Deku.

Hmmmmmmm, something tells me you wouldn’t say this if Eggman won.

Haha, I know, I know, but… I just got this particular feeling from you.


when the crossover scaling is sus

It should have been Asta VS Mashle. Battle of the Muscle Wizards

Amogus will vent and do sus imposter things, Fall guys will use stage hazards I guess?
Pathetic. I use Sole Solution to create a black hole, Crimson Shroud to be invincible and Gorgeous Moon to turn you into an experience gem.

Nightmare Eggman was doing good shit against the Star Rod. So that’s nice at least.


Yeah, that Zoro shit is something he's literally never done in the entire manga
Feels like it was just there cause "Hurr durr, everyone says Black Clover is derivative so we'll just copy other shounen"

I agree with the main outcome and loved this episode. I don't agree that Bowser would survive the time eater. He doesn't have the feats to beat him.

for once the animation IMPROVED the story board rather than the story board just being better lol

They only have so much time for a fight (and natural scripting to lead to all those forms), of course they went with the more iconic Death Egg Robot over a form you only see in a Japan only wallpaper story.

I'm getting my 3K back betting on sus.

Time Eater couldn’t even trap base Sonic, retardkun.

Dream Stone or a Grand Star would be more than enough to take out Time JOBBER.

Who could each fight?

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Okay, but if we used other Eggmans/Robotniks, how would it go?

Top 5
1. Snake vs Sam
2. Goku vs Superman 3
3. Bowser vs Eggman
4. TJ vs Balrog
5. Sauron vs Lich King

Crewmate when a Fall Guy zaps them into the race course dimension when they start are viewing monitors (they will be eliminated and come out last place)

Sonic takes itself seriously and has stupid nonsensical bullshit characters that can create and destroy universes, exist and consume every moment in time simultaneously, travel faster than light, time travel, distort reality and a bunch of other dumb shit

Mario is much more lighthearted and has toon force wish macguffins that can do whatever the game says Bowser is doing while losing to a fat italian with the power of love or kindness

It wasn't like the Mask vs Deadpool, no matter how ridiculous and gay Sonics powers are you can't beat cartoon logic.

Because Sonic was immune to it for some reason. Provide me a reason as to why Bowser should be immune to timeline deletion.
You can't.

Sonic wasn’t immune, retardkun. Sonic literally hugged a tree.


he's a Star Child

Mario literally has everything you said for Sonic and MORE. Stop coping.

Do you think a big cool dragon fight could work?

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Wanna bet on that?

So he was a baby at some point. There you go, not immune to the time eater.
In fact that's the whole reason why he went back in time. To protect himself from harm.

Why didn’t Time Eater just “erase” Super Sonic?

Provide me a reason as to why Bowser should be immune to timeline deletion.

Dream Stone and Star Rod, and battling Culex base form.

implying Sonic just came into existance as a teenager

Sonic is retarded brainworm shit for arrested development retards to take seriously. Mario is magical whimsy for actual kids. There's no contest.

This and Metal were the only good thing to come out of the battle.


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Bowser is a Hero of Light and can wield the Pure Hearts, which can restore all existence from total erasure

Sonicfags realizing that their JOBhog was performing feats and getting scaled to shit that Mario pulled off three generations ago

He did. Sonic was just immune. Is Bowser immune to timeline deletion? Post proof or shut the fuck up.

Deathwing vs Alduin would be pretty fucking cool.

just trust me on this bro. I don't need to show you any feats

Mario verse has multiverse/alternate timeline arguments as well as linear timeline arguments.
Sonic verse is similar, with games like Sonic 06 but also Classic Sonic not messing with the timeline after witnessing things like Shadow and time eater early on.
Mario also has this with them interacting with their time travelling baby companions for a multitude of games, in sports, kart, and m&l against the shroobs (it's always confirmed to be time travel)

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He did

No he didn’t lol. Time Eater didn’t try to erase anyone, in fact. Sonigger cope.

Sonic lost to Mario

Eggman lost to Luigi

Shadow lost to Mewtwo

The entire sonic franchise is on fraud alert. How can we recover?!

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Composite Sonic vs Composite Goku
It's the only way.

Remind me why they changed the Mario and Sonic fight.

Its Sukuna vs Muzan vs AFO on who can first turn into a blob and or baby.

Might aswell do it that way.

Because the first one was cheeks and used archie stuff while downplaying Mario in MvS1
The second fight downplayed both Mario and Sonic in MvS2.

Composite Sonic smacks just because of SGW scaling. Unironically composite Goku only gets up to multi+

Goku isn't NintenDONT. We need a Sonic character to beat a Nintendo character. Also forgot to mention that Knuckles lost to Donkey Kong.

Heroes and Jump Force mog the shit out of Archie.

They retconned Sonic's win against Mario by nerfing Sonic in the rematch because they...wanted to?

Knuckles lost to DK

Eggman lost to Bowser

How long till they come to take back Tails vs Luigi?

We need a Sonic character to beat a Nintendo character.

That's Tails (he will be put on fraud watch soon and Luigi will stomp him)

Isn't Composite Goku a real person because of God Fusion? He's pretty much boundless. He's also stronger than Zeno from absorbing the Universe Tree.

Death Battle scales characters to their highest except when they decide they don't want to do that.

Duke Nukem vs Serious Sam

Except Sonic lost tho anon...
The power of Chadzer >>> superform wank

Segaint coping over Nintendo chads.

Play the fucking game.

this was done by a Mammoth Mogul, who no character except Titan Tails (a one-off character created by massive contrivance and bullshit and "prophecy") scales to.

Bowser literally only won due to Mario bias, Eggman's arsenal is more powerful.

Touch some fucking grass, sonicfattie. All Time Eater did was freeze people it ate into statues, he never "erased" shit. People he doesn't eat, like Eggman and Sonic, didn't get frozen, because Sonic held on to something and didn't get eaten.

NTA, but he doesn't erase anyone in the game. We never see him wipe away the universe to, Time eater just creates portals to his timeless zone. At best you can say he has time freeze hax that affected sonic's friends

Nah, it's time to move on, instead of dwell on defeat. Mario has surpassed you - deal with it.

first time featuring a Baki character (they already said they had no interest in doing Baki vs Ohma)

and to top it all off, it’s Homelander torture porn i.e. free views, especially after the election

There’s no way they’re not doing it now

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Mario's arsenal is turning things into balloons
Baloon hax >>> everything and anything Eggman has,

Mammoth Mogul said he can't kill Sonic though so Sonic scales to him making Sonic multiversal+

JF and Heroes also fall under “multi+ at best”
One word, V-Tubers

Yeah the only way Time Eater can hax freeze you is if you enter his portals.

That was a retcon by Ian because Ian self-inserts as Sonic. Mogul had factually never been Sonic's enemy before Ian's run, he was only Knuckles and Tails' enemy. In Tails' fight he does kill Sonic and he does it extremely easily, it's Tails that defeats him.

It's blatantly obvious they have bias after the Sonic vs Mario rematch, but aside from Metal Sonic nothing in Eggman's arsenal had a chance against Bowser.

even classic sonic and classic tails wasn't effected since they didn't get portaled, while modern tails did, time eater is fraud incarnate

Omniversal tree

Sooooooo he’s at the same level of strength as he is in the games, making Shartchie worthless?


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Homelander is for Captain America tho. Slamdunk 8 million views in a day.

Neo Metal did his very best

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Archie Sonic doesn't scale to Peak Mogul, only Titan Tails does when fused with the multiverse.

Cap loses that and they would never let that happen


No he doesn’t lmao. He can comfortably scale to Iron “city lifter” Man and Spider- “light beam dodging” Man. Homelander is, at best, supersonic and building level.

Cap wins easily and they'd profit mightily by doing it.


Can lift the Helicarrier.


Can't lift a plane.


Virtually bulletproof.


Destroyed by conventional firearms.

Can lift the Helicarrier.

Wait WHA?

Peak Sonic > Peak Tails.

Also didn't Sonic literally destroy a Universe/Zone by simply clashing with Knuckles?

Even if you want to pretend that Mario is galaxy level he's not even close to that.

So this is the 3rd fight in a row DB gets wrong.

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Turned into a block

I agree with Metal Sonic being the one to take down Bowser, but with Eggman as the support giving Metal power ups, it's not even close.

CHADvok would solo Bowser and his army

CHADser eviscerates the zetis.

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By the FACE GOD, GIORNO? GIORNO GIOVANNA, the EL CAPO of PASSIONE, from the global hit JOJO’S BIZARRE ADVENTURE, which has had INFINITELY more cultural impact than my OWN SERIES?!? What are you DOING here? HUH?!? You’re gonna use GOLD EXPERIENCE REQUIEM to DRAIN me of ALL my WILLPOWER, rendering me unable to use Lagann to ANY capacity, reducing my power level below that of a FARMER WITH A SHOTGUN?!?THEN, you’re gonna get my RAGS OFF, then use your stand to grow a bamboo plant to grow INTO ME, skewering me ALIVE?!? Then with me held in place, you’re going to FUCK Yoko right in FRONT of me, while using GER to open my eyes each time I try to look away?!? THEN you’re gonna use GER to undo NIA’S DEATH, after I EXPLICITLY SAID I wouldn’t do it, and then have her fall in LOVE WITH YOU FOR SAVING HER LIFE, while she SPITS in my FACE for leaving her for DEAD?!? THEN you’re gonna bring BRO back to life TOO, AND YOUR FRIEND BRUNO?!? And then you’re gonna have Bruno use ZIPPER MAN to put ZIPPER on BRO’S BALLS, which Bruno then proceeds to FUCK IN FRONT OF ME like some BOTCHED TRANNY PORN?!? THEN you’re gonna MUDAMUDAMUDA me for 7 WHOLE PAGES, putting me into a KEK LOOP, FORCING me to watch my WIFE, BRO, and BRO’s WIFE get FUCKED IN FRONT OF ME by EVERY POSSIBLE MAN IN THE MULTIVERSE?!? OVER and OVER, for ALL ETERNITY, even AFTER Pucci resets the UNIVERSE?!? WELL, WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK I AM, BUT A HUGE KEK?!? YABBA DABBA DOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!

Shadow didn't enter any fucking portal. He was dragged to the white void with the universe.

Archie literally confirmed that Turbo Tails >>> Super Sonic, and Titan Tails is even stronger than Turbo Tails
he destroyed a small obstacle course that was entirely located inside a hole in the ground which Sally could see by looking down from

Sonic is a weak fag and does not scale to Mogul

They can't use Archie Sonic (except when pitting him in a guaranteed lose against the king of bullshit himself, Flash, of course) because ̶i̶t̶ ̶g̶o̶e̶s̶ ̶a̶g̶a̶i̶n̶s̶t̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶i̶r̶ ̶b̶i̶a̶s̶ he's a different character.

It's fine when they use cartoon Donkey Kong surviving a bomb going off in his face to give him literal immortality so he can beat Knuckles, though!

that's why he wasn't frozen. The only thing the time eater can do to freeze you is suck you through a portal. If it doesn't then you're unfrozen, same with Classic Tails and Eggman

guts vs samurai jack (jack wins)
aang vs yugo from wakfu (yugo wins) but now i don't want it with the way death battle does scaling

Jump Force has meta fiction shit and Heroes is well beyond multiversal.

Why is it that every time someone says “X fight was wrong” they also just blatantly ignore shit that the other character has which is leagues stronger than whatever their opponent has?


Nolan has easy scaling to star busting guns which blow Bardock’s scaling out of the water.


GER has zero showcasings against resisting reality warping in canon, and outside of canon he gets destroyed by it.


Bowser has numerous items and abilities in BASE that fucking rape Eggman’s entire arsenal. Even if you point to SHARTchie scaling Bowser has so many ways of turning Eggfatty’s weaponry and Emeralds into blocks that it makes no difference. Archiefags are fucking roaches holy shit. Mario and Bowser in Galaxy alone would molest 99% of Eggman’s army between the games, comics, and dogshit comics like Archie.

Useless retard shorthand

I know his current most popular matchup is a Genshin character but I personally want to see Illidan fight Estinien from FFXIV.

Nolan has easy scaling to star busting

Nolan would die if he spends too long on the surfade of the Sun. Literally in the the comics.

Even if you want to pretend that Mario is galaxy level he's not even close to that.

Game Mario universal at least, he can get to multiversal easily, you could say the same for Game Sonic.
Archie Sonic has never fused with the multiverse.
And Are we really scaling Archie comics vs Game Mario
If that's the case we should bring Super Mario Kun (Composite adventures, on a still ongoing manga extreme scaling to multiversal and beyond + tons of Gag toonforce feats + scaling above authors themselves within the story)

How do you "portal" entire dimensions, you dumb fuck.
How do you even escape something that gets you in the past?

You are starting to really pissing me off.

Use Archie Sonic

Literally every single wincon for Bowser still applies because neither Eggman nor his weapons have any feats against resisting transmutation or being swiped

Also why aren’t you bitching about them using that one Sonic show to say that Knuckles could make volcanoes erupt? Hmm……

Archie Sonic doesn’t even have any feats that put him near universal, let alone multi.


fall guys vs among us

Not even gonna watch this retardation.
Give us Kratos v Asura or Simon vs Kale

Also why aren’t you bitching about them using that one Sonic show to say that Knuckles could make volcanoes erupt?

Because Knuckles also survives multiple point blank cartoon explosions going off in his face but they ignore it.

Well I don't see any for Goku, either, fag.


I accept your concession
He never "portalled" entire dimensions, nor has this ever been said anywhere but your mentally stunted piggy's imagination, he portalled small stretches of land and singular levels, most of which was only 1 house at a time

How do you even escape something that gets you in the past?

Same way Bowser did before: timetravelling to then.

You are starting to really pissing me off.

I know, because you're so pathetic facts make you seethe and cry, like most sonicfags

Doesn’t change a damn thing because he still scales above the gun that could make stars go pop.



Doesn't Sonic scale to omnipotence?

doesn't Amogus get Castlevania scaling thanks to this game?

Not unless you think talking to someone is "scaling"

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they ignore it

Oh you mean like the explosion he caused on one of Eggman’s mechs that they literally scale him to and then explain that all he did was blow up a small ass portion of the damn thing? That cartoon explosion? The one that was 0.0000000000000000000000000000001% the mass of the thing they were on?

Doesn't Sonic scale to omnipotence?

Show Fleetway Sonic beating omni viewer. He had to trick god robotnik using his ego to win that fight when that robotnik could have killed him at any time.

That's Brit Sonic.
His main power is making Jap purist seethe with his bantz.

Just because you refuse to acknowledge them doesn’t mean they aren’t there.

Quantify this 'Castlevania scaling' abd explain what is done to Amogus to arrive at it.

single game villain is never relevant again.

Pretty sure that applies to just about any of the rpg/Paper games unless your names Fawful aswell.

There are Donkey Kong Country arcs in this manga, how do they adapt those? I've always wondered, Mario still gets involved right?

Yes he did.

Unironically, without scaling shit, game Knuckles only feats of strenght are wall level in base.

Dragon born passing out and made out to be the bad guy

Nobody is presenting them, fag. Onus is on you to prove what you say. And I see no feats for Goku. Guess you lied.

no he didn't. If he did you'd be able to show a scan or image where he portalled a whole dimension and not just a house or a level. But you can't. He can't even erase them either, just freeze them LMAO

No, I'm talking about them using "feats" of him surviving pie bombs going off in his face in the comedy cartoon to explain his durability, while ignoring Knuckles doing almost the exact same thing in the Sonic boom cartoon.

Point to these durability feats then. Let’s see them, come on.

Knuckles punched the Super out of Super Sonic.

same game where Super Sonic intentionally dies to pillars and drowning

You have yet to prove Sonic doesn’t get gaped.

Can't lift a plane

He literally threw a jet in the comics.

So this is the 3rd fight in a row DB gets wrong.

DB is basically just bad fan fiction at this point.

God... you're stupid as shit.

That's because of the heat (a weakness of the Viltrumite race) not because of the sun's "AP" or something

Which weighs less than a plane.

Zenos and Eald'narche are both contractually obligated to fight someone from WoW.

And you're a typical sonicpiggie who cries and seethes when people live in reality instead of your self-inserter headcanons

I don't give a fuck about Shitnic. You talked retarded shit about Goku being this and that with nothing to show. Prove it or suck dicks, fag.

literal wall level explosions

Wow. Just, wow. I’m trying my hardest not to laugh at you but, wow.

One day they're going to have Daisy kill Sally.

They used DK surviving even smaller explosions to explain his durability in the death battle.

More like scales to impotence, lmao got em

you're just mad sonic lost

Why would i be mad over the fact that db is retarded? They can't help the way they were born

No he didn't, he couldn't even lift it, only a part.

I know Bahamut vs Deathwing is a somewhat popular XIV vs WoW fight.
I'm not really into MMOs, so can't tell you any other matches.

This. When Bowser can turn shit into blocks sonic wouldn't lose, he'd get STOMPED.

The Tails' hypothesized it was because of the Sonics' speed. It doesn't really work out for Shadow Generations though, since Gerald and Maria are a normal old man and aids having girl. Omega is also weirdly enough spared. Black Doom too. It just doesn't seem super consistent now.

He can lift planes though. He just didn't do it during 9/11 because he would have broken it.

I admire gag mangaka for how they can keep going without having to focus too much on plot. Though Mario-kun obviously has it laid out for them with adaptations of games but they still have to make up new gags on the fly.

i'm retarded too

Sorry to hear that anon.

no proof

By his own admission, he can't lift a plane.

Stormblood Zenos can fight Kenpachi, fuck figuring out one for Endwalker Zenos

You’re trolling, right? There is a LITERAL Captain America clone in The Boys that is basically Captain America but bulletproof, and even he couldn’t beat Homelander by himself.

Black Doom is the reason Maria and Gerald are there. He caused that particular time anomaly to lure Shadow.

aang vs yugo

I was thinking of a different dragon-related guy for Aang

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Endwalker Zenos vs Old God Juice Garrosh Hellscream if they want to do a "MMO villain fightman using dark powers" theme.

All of Sonic's friends who we have to rescue from petrification were sucked through a portal.
Meanwhile Classic Sonic, Shadow, Modern Sonic, etc. weren't sucked into portals. That's all.

By his own admission, he can't lift a plane.

That's not what he said at all nor was that ever implied.

Endwalker Zenos vs Deathwing, they can have a lil fight in their human forms then Shinryu vs Deathwing.


Soldier Boy =/= Captain America, rard. Now sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.

Wouldn't it naturally be Endwalker Zenos since that's where his story ends.

i'm a sonicfag and I can confirm absolutely all of us are this obese, weak and pathetic

He said so to Maeve - 'I can't fucking do that!'

Soulja Boy just Superman's that hoe. He then cranks that Soulja Boy.

Because if you read the fucking comic, he would break it since it's literally flying and putting too much pressure while it's in motion would break it. Cope.

Are you retarded? How the fuck does an expy from another comic have any say on Cap’s level of power.

Endwalker Zenos dogwalks Bleach as a Verse and the only other battle junkies come from Dragonball which Super dogwalks 14 unless you legitimately want to take Gilgamesh's wink wink nudge nudge at Dissidia as fact which goes completely against Meteion's clear power ceiling.


that's also what he said in the show, to be fair. Should be obvious, he doesn't work on cartoon physics

well none of the other villains pretend to be the outerversal god of space and time and matter and anti-matter

Cliff is steadfast, courageous and stubborn just like Ben. But usually Ben is written as successfully shouldering ridiculous burdens and hanging on no matter how badly he gets beat down.
Cliff... Just kinda gets trashed a lot, because writers know his body is literally expendable. He often does a job no one else can do or serves as a distraction in a time when a distraction can save the world, but it's not nearly as glamorous as Ben's gig.

Garrosh would get shredded, thats hardly a fight.

Entire timelines were sucked into the void. Stop being stupid.

Eh if DBS can have characters who can destroy more Universes than the amount their setting has, I don't mind everyone in 14 being Multiversal+++ because of Exdeath or something.

How the hell did we go from:

Homelander gets beaten by Omni-Man


Homelander gets his ass kicked by a guy who gets his ass kicked by Batman


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Entire timelines were sucked into the void.

show this, sonicpiggy. The most it ever sucked up were singular levels. Characters like Classic Tails and Gerald and Maria and Omega were not, and so were not frozen.

That's the pretty clear difference when you look at the cutscenes. Only the people at the party who got succed into wormholes got turned to stone.
Everyone else: Sonics, Shadow, Silver, Metal Sonic, Gerald, Maria, Black Doom were moving just fine.

Dragonflight gave DW through that fake DW fight in Aberrus some moves atlesst for human form, this could work.

Pretty much everyone calls foul on Batman beating Cap and it was just because it was a pity win for him since he'd be the legendary 0-4 otherwise

Sonicfags now claiming Time Eater wanked to "timelines"

Proof? I'm not seeing a single shred of evidence to back this claim up.

Leftoids coping that the Drumpf parody loses

Welcome to comic book scaling.


Batman beat Cap before he fought the others though. I don't think just you and your echochamber are "everyone", Cap has lost to Batman's stealth before in their crossover

Satan father of lies detected.

BRO Eggman wanted to erase ALL of his previous defeats. This feat single handedly could've prevented Bowser from ever being born.

DB just gave Bowser a pass and let him fighting the time eater on equal ground. With a McGuffin that could've also been locked in the void, the way he did to the chaos emeralds.

Batman should've won every matchup.

Who would be a good match for him?

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They could scale the old gods and hype their power up, but yeah. WoW doesn't have much for Zenos that's both thematic and a fair fight. The only real WoW vs FF14 fight that'd be entertaining are Deathwing vs Bahamut and maybe Anduin vs Alphinaud. Xal'atath is currently too featless to be a good match up for Emet-Selch, maybe in a few years, assuming the writers don't have her go full retard.

Black Doom was doing his own thing. He has been in the white void for longer than anyone else growing his power. Maria and Gerald were there with him.

When Time Eater tried touching even 1 (uno) Emerald he got BTFO and had to run.

I'll take the fact you still can't show Time Eater erased timelines as proof you made it up. Pathetic, go outside you sonicpig

This feat single handedly could've prevented Bowser from ever being born

not a thing Time Eater has ever been able to do, he can only suck people through portal to freeze them.




Marx from Kirby



yeah and they weren't frozen because they weren't vored through the portals. Same with classic tails, sonic, shadow, omega, so on

Mario vs Arale would be cool

Shut up tard tuberfag before I make some degenerates knowledgeable about your oshi.

Do tell

My oshi is a 1view who debuted on a ripoff app of a ripoff app of Tiktok. You don’t know shit, nigger. Also, she gapes Superman and Goku via boundless Vtuber scaling.

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For WoW i generally would say to throw League of Legends character at them, those are roughly in the same category i think.

I get you're illiterate, sonicfatty, but this page doesn't have the word "timeline" in it.

So you literally DID make it up! LMAO holy shit that's pathetic

And I’ll still find her ass and make fuckers on Anon Babble (not that one) find out about her. TRY me.

Who could Garrosh fight? I'd say Grimgor Ironhide, but that isn't a match that's an execution because nobody beats the one true git.

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So she loses to Ironmouse in lore AND views?

Reminder, Time Eater got BTFO trying to touch ONE Chaos Emerald.
How many Power Stars does Bowser have?

Dr Mario, Dr Bowser, etc.

Paper Mario (at least only the one from PJ, not the previous pm games)

Baby Mario, Baby Luigi, etc.

Classic Sonic, Classic Tails, and questionably TailsTube

The multiverse/alternate timeline indicators.


Jobs to AIDS after Twitch takes all her ad revenue and she can’t afford medical treatment anymore

Don't forget, the dream depot is basically a Mario multiverse.

Damn, Captain America beats Homelander THIS easy?

still not seeing the word "timeline", sonic piggy. Leave your mom's basement and take a reading class please

Where does that say it erased a timeline? In fact, where does it say that it even destroyed the past.

That hasn't stopped stomps before, but if we want a more even fight then maybe Sion or Darius from League?

But it never rewrote the past at all.

Who wins?

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I've seen Emeperor Joker and Loki for Kefka as well.
I get why people would want Oersted, but I kinda prefer Ganondorf or Nightmare for Garland.

“dooooood, time eater, like, erased whole timelines from existence, this would totally mean my blue furry self-insert for mentally stunted obese manchildren would beat up the funny turtle”

“when did he erase a timeline? W-well…he just did OK???”

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Your oshi loses to a terminally sick beaner who gets British cock on the daily... Sad

What is an oshi?

Entire timelines were sucked into the void. Stop being stupid.

No, portions of the same linear timeline was brought into time eater's zone through portals, not the entire timeline itself.
Modern/Classic Eggman still are in time eater's pocket dimension even after he's defeated

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Not exactly. Captain America can't throw his shield thanks to one anon here.

Zeti? Intergrated as a client state into Bowser's Army. Egg Bosses? New bosses for Bowser's castles. Belle and Sage? Given a loving father in Bowser

Just portions would be more than enough. Like, removing the portion where Bowser is born.
BOOM, done.

Sion would be good if Garrosh gets to roid out via Old God juice, Darius if its just Garrosh without.

Just portions would be more than enough. Like, removing the portion where Bowser is born.

No all he could really do is bring baby bowser to his pocket dimension. Baby bowser is no slouch either.
Reminder baby mario characters consistently scale with adult mario characters too.

he posted a 'jak

That means I win!

If eggman could only conquer a planet even with his abilities and tech
Bowser being able to conquer the galaxy with his powers and army makes it sound like eggman just has a stronger opponent base to fight. Meanwhile bowsers galaxy is just a buncha weak shit.


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Sonic space is actually even weaker.

Time eater getting negative diffed by a baby bowser


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When has Bowser conkered more than a fucking country at best? Galaxy? Those planets were small as shit.

Bowser Jr is going to have so many friends to play board games with

Shroobs vs Black Arms when?

I just want Kamen Rider (Double, Geats, or Decade but that's big lazy) to fight someone and win for the kino justice. Maybe Blue Beetle since he's a rider ripoff at this point lmao

Baby Bowser also has the sundream stone that ALSO grants wishes. IT'S OVER.

Black Arms

Xorda from the Archie Comics



Cosmos's plant people

Proof that they can exist in a timeless void?

b-but Sonic

You can't latch these creatures to Sonic's own feats.

alas, blue thwomps have been erased by mario canon.

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One way to erase Bowser

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MFW Naruto beats Luffy

MFW no face

The salt is going to be biblical, but yeah I think they'd give it to Naruto if final forms are going all out.

3/5 aren't even canon

Wisps without some gadget or furry to inhabit get no diffed by Orbot and Cubot

Proof that they can exist in a timeless void?

You can't latch these creatures to Sonic's own feats.

Never did. Base Bowser fought Culex in between dimensions with no time or space.

Bowser's timeline wasn't frozen there. That's like saying Sonic is acausual because he fought Solaris.

Nope, doesn't work like that.

Sonicfags can’t read, are underages, AND don’t play their own games

This has not been a good week…month…year…decade to be a Sonic fan.

Bowser's timeline wasn't frozen there.

Culex has the power of the timeline.

That's like saying Sonic is acausual because he fought Solaris. Nope, doesn't work like that.

Then he's not acausual for fighting Time eater.

One time in the future they do Amy Rose vs Peach

Amy can match Sonic's speed and has strength rivaling that of knuckles

Yes but you see in this mario spinoff game there is the cooch stone that can erase all love from the universe or some shit and when Bowser used it some npc said he could conquer the universe with it and peach was on the same continent as it for 12 minutes which means she can utilize its full power so she wins

It'd be funny.

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Culex has the power of the timeline and all creation*

Do I look like I play garbage games? But fair is fair. I just don't believe Bowser would beat that thing.

yeah but a Kaiju fight between Titan Tails and Dreamy Luigi would be cool

Mario Party feats and toolkits being on the table is a fucking can of worms

Amy is for Sakura. Or Sarada. I dunno anymore.

He doubts the cooch stone scaling

Its multiversal do your homework

Bowser's timeline wasn't frozen there.

there was no time there

GT Goku

Fully Charged Mega Man.

If Bowser is stil there that means there is. The guy never finished eating shit. Much like Solaris.
The TE took pieces out of the timeline so his power was proved.

I hope THWOMP'd Infinite becomes a meme. Its fun

SGW ain't shit as a feat. Sonic only reversed it because it is like a Chaos Control.

Damn. Another thread where I lost badly. I wish I picked my favorite verses better.

That's Fleetway British Asshole Sonic

Overlord or that guy from Dark Messiah?

Ash vs Yugi will be the tits. I can't wait to rail on YuGiTurds the same way Mario fans are railing on me in this thread. NINTENDOMINANCE

Ki can be used to produce heat too.

Those “spinoff games” are more influential and well adored than the most successful Shartnic title btw.

If Bowser is stil there that means there is. The guy never finished eating shit. Much like Solaris.

The TE took pieces out of the timeline so his power was proved.

You're coping and making stuff up. There was no time there with Culex, Mario and Bowser just adapt. Just like you say for Sonic.

Didn't Archie Sonic also hijack the writer position before?

It's weird, if I had a nickel everytime a platformer mascot fought an alien invasion in 2005 I'd have two nickels.


Who gets shit on more by DB, Sonic or Dragonball?

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What Archienic's foes have against This?

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No, Shadow also gets pulled in by the Time Eater's doing. The cutscene where he grabs the fake emerald has the time eater do something in NEO with the flash affecting Shadow since immediately after the flash Shadow is in White Space.

Did Sage use voicelines from her game or did she have a VA? same with Metal Sonic and Infinite

Vampire Survivors had crossovers with Among Us and Castlevania.

Shame Amy hasn't used super yet. At least from what I recall

They already have him set up to go against Revan.

Definitely Dragonball. SHITnicfags are just delusional.

Narutobros... we are next...

So describe how scaling is transfered. What feats determine this alleged 'scaling'.

Your Finger the Hedgehog's one and only appearance


Damn Durge is fucked, he doesn't even get to level 20 to cast Wish.

Baki or his dad losing to Kenshiro

N. O.

Imagine going through all this just to job to Omnipotent Verti-Cal and Horizont-Al

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for the longest time I thought the Dream Depot shit was from M&L Dream Team since it sounded like RPG crap but it's actually from some random Mario Party game and the "infinite universes" are actually just a few game boards that are 100 meters square at most

for the longest time I thought the Dream Depot shit was from M&L Dream Team since it sounded like RPG crap but it's actually from some random Mario Party game and the "infinite universes" are actually just a few game boards that are 100 meters square at most

Nope the credits of the game you can see a the infinite universes circling around each other, Future dream alone is already specified as a endless universe.

>Amy can match Sonic's speed and has strength rivaling that of knuckles

The Sonic girls having such inconsistent depictions is so weird because if you take the best from several appearances like Death Battle often does, Rouge, Blaze and Amy are essentially just better versions of the male characters. Rouge case by case has Tails and Knuckles skill sets combined and Blaze and Amy are essentially Sonic with extra shit (specially now that Amy can go super too).
I don't think any of this is intended. But I also don't think Joker being one of the strongest SMT entities is intended either.

Unless the cops get involved.

why does this comic assumes the reader's white? kinda ableist if you ask me


Eggsissies… we must kneel…

Loses to Bowser because of a mini game in mario party 36

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calling everything vore

Why do people do this

So we still sleeping on Bowser vs Shao Khan?


Bowser would wreck Shao Khan

Why would we want this? Shao Khan has basically one instance where he does anything super crazy.

The Dragon balls would literally be a liability mid fight.

So Mario's lava is multiversal?

Why is Sniveley riding with Rotor

I don’t see the appeal and they have nothing in common beyond wanting to take land.

Lava damages independent of durability

Mario's lava can kill a multiversal being like Bowser

In Mario 64 Mario can touch it with merely a small burn


Sonic's water is also multiversal

Mortal Woke shit

No thanks

they are dreams, they're not really "universes"
when you dream you go to space, you don't actually imagine the whole universe in your mind

Bowser without any special items or his army would solo the entire Mortal Kombat universe as collateral damage when warming up for a boxing match against Eggman (they in the Olympic games)

Only the one time. Every other instance of lava has seemingly not been lethal to Bowser.

This thing jobbed the instant someone who wasn’t Sonic started attacking it

they are dreams, they're not really "universes"


when you dream you go to space, you don't actually imagine the whole universe in your mind

You're equating our world with fictional worlds.

Sonic water vs Mario lava is Thales vs Heraclitus all over again.

Peach is no slouch. I remember playing Super Princess Peach as a child and she could create Earthquakes by stomping with her Rage mode.
Also she has some cool transformations in her new game

Turns Bowser into doublemint gum


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Didn’t she get the vibe scepter or whatever at the end of Super Princess Peach?
Now she’s got all the shit from Showtime though too.

Didn't Archie Sonic also hijack the writer position before?

Never specified as canon. It was also never tied to a story . It was a "help me the viewer" out of nowhere.
Even at maximum wank, you could say there's an Author Sonic with zero feats other than being the author and a Archie Sonic with feats but cannot escape the comic.
(which for most verses, would be an ohko since the featless Author Sonic can fanboy over the Comic Sonic and make him win.)
(Mario kun Bowser still wins since he's basically a gag character with composite scale feats that can also escape and has beaten his own author and can change the story himself)

you're the one affirming they're universes, your the one that has to back it up
in the game they're dreams, that's it

New thread

Lava yes, but not Mario Lava.

He'd be a better ruler for Outworld than Krippled Khan, Shao, or Mileena.

He isn't funny anymore, unlike my King Bowser.

Mario lava vs Sonic water vs DBS laser gun vs Kryptonite

Who wins?

you're the one affirming they're universes, your the one that has to back it up

already did

in the game they're dreams, that's it

They say their universes as well as dreams.

DBS laser gun since two of them are stage hazards and Kryptonite is most effective against certain foes

All kinds of kryptonite?

Man I haven't watched this since The Mask beat Deadpool and they got it right for once. What's new and-

Giorno lost

Nah I'm out again.


Bro Giorno has a gang, and they'd definitely have Intel on Joker before this shit went down. Only Joker's friends seem to count though.

Jokers friendship / social links / reputation provide a tangible benefit without them having to be there though.

How the fuck would Passione know about Personas if they exist in the meta world which they have no access to? Stop giving my second favorite part a bad name by being retarded.

Most of Giorno's friends are dead.

So do their buff spells but they didn't get to use those.

Skibidi Toilet won.

Amazing Digital Circus victims.

Smiling Friends' catamites.

I learned a new word today.

Shit Arale already did

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So Mario and Arale both stomp Sonic then.

I don't know about that but Eggman's oshi is Inugami Korone, you can never go wrong with Korone.

This is 100% irrefutably true btw. Mario Party games alone eclipse Sonic in relevance and influence.