Same joke repeated ad nauseum
"Satire" that's way too on the nose
Cartman getting screwed over in the most infuriating way possible
Definition of trash. It's like someone took Cartmanland and decided "Hey, what if made this unfunny."
Same joke repeated ad nauseum
"Satire" that's way too on the nose
Cartman getting screwed over in the most infuriating way possible
Definition of trash. It's like someone took Cartmanland and decided "Hey, what if made this unfunny."
it took you that long to drop South Park???
Pajama Day was what did it for me.
That episode was just lazy and since I've already seen the adult versions of the kids have an "ending" it felt like I didn't need to see more after that. It was the perfect time to drop the show for good.
You ever have one of those shows that you absolutely detest but can't stop thinnking about. For me it's South Park.
God that show sucks so hard.
Matt and Trey are hacks.
Only people who watch it mentally stunted redditors
*Seethes for the next 24 hours*
I dropped SP around 2016-2017. The episode's sound was mixed weird with the sound over the dialogue and the episode wasn't good enough to want to rewatch. I think it was around the Cartman X Heidi arc.
drop a show for good
for good
still thinking and talking about said show
youre obsessed
Unironically. For some reason, I just can't get it out of my head.
Wake up
"Today I won't think about South Park Today I won't think about South Park Today I won't think about South Park."
My brain: God I hate South Park so much. It hasn't been good in 20 years.
Once Amy showed up, it just wasn't the same anymore
Not cartoons but I found it weird how Amy went from "female Sheldon" to "Wannabe Penny" in like just a couple of episodes.
I think it was going downhill way before that. I honestly started losing interest after season 6 (didn't find the characters fun anymore). Season 10 was hit or miss, with each subsequent season having more and more misses. Season 15 was the first "trash season"
Episode 2 ruined the whole thing they had going in the pilot. They all started out as aloof cartoonish parodies, and then they all immediately turned into cynical assholes for the rest of the show.
The Family Tree episode of Big City Greens. Up until then the show was mostly alright. The characters became more jokes than anything in the later seasons but it was still tolerable but that episode was just so bad I couldn't stomach going in again. Didn't help that the segment paired with it about the trading card sucked too.
>Cartman getting screwed over in the most infuriating way possible
You're not supposed to root for him.
Honestly yeah, people say they miss the crazy grandpa Rick but he was really only like that during the pilot, he immediately became a cynical jaded asshole after that. The pilot and Bushworld Adventures are the only things that get Rick and Morty right.
You're not supposed to root for him.
Which only makes me root for him more to be honest. Besides, I unironically don't find the "good guys" (Kyle, Liane Cartman) likable AT ALL. At least the show doesn't pretend Cartman is anything other than an asshole.
Hasn't been good since 2005
Cartman getting screwed over in the most infuriating way possible
What do you mean? That was one of the better parts of the episode, Butters pulling one over Cartman is always entertaining since he's usually the designated butt monkey.
I think the recent wave of “Cartman didn’t deserve x” says a lot about nu-Anon Babble and how they unironically relate to Cartman.
He's a lolcow. You laugh at them when their decisions backfire and they have nobody to blame but themselves. It's like CWC. You're supposed to point and laugh at people like this
The show has already been in a sharp decline from season 4 or even mid season 3, but this episode was probably the most annoyingly unfunny episode made (there probably was more that were even worse after this, I wouldn't know). Season 2 was probably the best season, still felt fresh and arguably somewhat experimental, it felt like there was actually some semblance of energy and passion to it. Now it's just mind numbingly dull and low energy with nothing but animated lips, constant lame plots about his super annoying kids and Bob's an even bigger pushover, and all the jokes are seemingly just lame puns over and over again from everyone. The songs have fell flat too. The second I saw a bit of the movie trailer have the kids sneaking around a junkyard or something, I instantly knew it would be lame and quickly forgotten as a movie. I've heard they recently replaced the voice actor for the tranny character for an actual tranny, which I find ironic as characters like Tina and Linda most certainly aren't women either.
Also everyone seems to hate Gene the most, but honestly Tina's the worst character, Gene at least somewhat acts like a kid and tries to do the right thing often, Tina is super annoying even for her age while also acting shitty constantly and seems to have become the role model for tumblrites. Heck I hate Louise more than Gene too, her snark got really grating over the years, it became less and less charming to constantly hear what grown adults think are clever witty burns come out of a 9 year voiced by a shrill middle aged women.
You people are so fucking weird about this show
Bob’s Burgers was so repulsive looking that I could never get into it, even uglier than the Squigglevision stuff H. Jon Benjamin previously worked on
You're supposed to laugh at them, not with them stupid chud
Back reddit, tranny
I guess I hate the fact that Liane had part in it too, even though she's the one who raised him to be like that.
I think for me it might have been the Amazon episode only because I was just getting bored of South Park.
I dropped South Park when they stole entire swaths of dialogue, verbatim, from collegehumor for their Inception episode. Not to mention everything else in that episode was just plain unfunny
I picked it up for a while and I kinda enjoyed it because I have a soft spot for xenofiction then the later season had some interconnected plot and for some reason the instant an episode introduced the concept of a universal translator so that different animals could talk to each other i for whatever reason instantly lost all interest cause to me at least it felt like they just dumped an interesting idea about how all these different animal sort of life in their own worlds and cultures and such
I thought it was hilarious. Maybe you should take another mental health day.
Inception episode
That episode is garbage and that's the season I started to hate more episodes than like. Anything after "You're Getting Old" feels incredibly stale.
I dropped Helluva Boss after the first part of the season 1 finale.
I'm not sure it was THE last episode I watched from Adventure Time, but Marcy and Simon was the point I thought "what the fuck happened to this show?" and I didn't bother for much longer.
for me it was breaking up finn and fp for no good reason
This. I dropped the show before that.
That Regular Show episode where Mordecai fucks up the camping equipment before he goes camping with Margaret made me lose interest for some reason.
Regular Show
Dropped it after wedding episode, and haven't watched any episode after that. I've heard that the last season are pretty good, but I just can't face to watch it.
South Park was on a steady downhill trajectory since the Imaginationland saga, but season 18- where they started doing constant running gags and callbacks and intertwining jokes between episodes- was my jumping off point. I got to episode 5 or 6 and was suddenly too put off and bored with the whole thing to continue. Haven't seen a single episode or special they've made since.
season 20 would have made you seriously depressed. Good on you for dropping it at season 18.
why must they cling to the tegridy farm skit?
I don't think it was a particular episode, but I stopped watching Squidbillies when they announced Early's VA was replaced by Tracey Morgan of all fucking people
I refuse to watch any of season 13, I doubt I missed much anyway
Also, Plantasm from Aqua Teen Hunger Force. I know they made 5 more episodes after that, but if they were anything like that wet fart of a movie, I'm glad I never saw them.
The American Dad episode about that REAL unfunny annoying intrusive Chinese commercial Funghau or some bullshit like that. Basically throughout the episode this annoying Chinese guy would interfere with the actual story to add in filler for a Chinese Commercial and all the American Dad characters act like this Chinese Funghau douche is cool. The actual story of the episode is shit because Stan is abusive as usual and it ends with him and Francine getting lobotomies because Stan is that much of a pile of shit.
For some time I already found myself hating the characters from American Dad for being unlikable especially Roger who is shit incarnate. But that stupid episode made me quit the whole show. Can't believe such a shitty series such as American Dad is still getting new episodes.
At least the ending was kino, not many cartoons in the last 10 years can claim that.
Trey thinks that fusing Randy and "DUDE WEED LMAO" humor is the funniest shit ever and it doesn't seems like that's going away. Even when its not tegridy related the last specials managed to find a way to include Randy in both B plots where he's just repeating the same joke over and over again like it was a fucking Butch Hartman cartoon
honestly thats my gripe with modern SP, it's just the same joke repeated ad finitum
South Park was on a steady downhill trajectory since the Imaginationland saga
Imaginationland sucks ass dawg
Such was Penny's Stacey power, it brought back Amy's teen side.
I currently don't have issues with any cartoons, except how bad the Scooby-Doo franchise is.
However, I can't get 13 Reasons Why out of my mind, it lives rent free. I gave out when they didn't stuck with Clay jumping off the side of the road and Tony carelessly abandoning him at his house.
Dude, just don't try to kill yourself again.
And that fixed Clay! Two years and it refuses to leave
Betty, Adventure Time.
I was already pretty detached from the show at that point after the stretch from Escape from the Citadel and Breezy, but Betty was just so fucking shit on a conceptual level that I could just really never respect any of the writing put into AT after that.
I don't care what you guys say, I love South Park. It's like an old friend of mine that's always there for me. I've been watching it since I was kid, I watch it still in my late 20s, and I'll probably keep watching it until Trey and Matt retire it and/or die.
Everything I've heard about it since
PC Principal
Trump Garrison
Randy weed farm
makes me very glad I quit, yeah. Seems like Trey and Matt wish they could be done with it too.
Imaginationland sucks ass dawg
I never said it was good! But everything after that was steadily worse. Honestly it started getting mediocre around S8-9.
That's how they always did it. Did you watch the same joke for 30 years before suddenly deciding "HAW HAW DICKINBAWLS" was sophmoric?
He'll drag his dick through broken glass to get to Paris Hilton's diseased meaty coochie, only to turn him down without a word.
Colorado show. Don't like it? Make your own.
Seems like Trey and Matt wish they could be done with it too.
They really don't. They were already very wealthy men before they signed that deal with Viacom for a bunch of new seasons and specials. They could have told Viacom to fuck off and ended the show.
I think they are very aware that at this point, they are old enough that South Park will be their entire lives' legacy and so they want to keep it going for as long as they can.
At first they thought it was genuinely funny but now they pretty much just keep it going because they know a huge segment of their fanbase despises it and THAT makes them laugh. One of the specials, I think it was Streaming Wars, basically confirmed this when they did a bait-and-switch of Randy getting rid of Tegridy and going back to the "old Randy".
It was a mutual need. Viacom desperately needed content for their shitty service and Matt and Trey needed more money to burn on buying and renovating Casa Bonita.
Oh yeah, I forgot they needed capital for Casa Bonita lmao. Still, I don't think they would have signed on for another 10+ years of South Park if they didn't still enjoy making it on some level.
Did you watch the same joke for 30 years
Nope, I just watched what I wanted then stopped when I wanted to. I'll make fun of your faggot zombie show and you can sit there and seethe.
Dropped somewhere around the time this guy fucked a human.
Is that like a regional term like pop for soda or bubbler for drinking fountain
they pretty much just keep it going because they know a huge segment of their fanbase despises it and THAT makes them laugh
Ah, the classic spiteful cunt routine that seems to be prevalent in Hollywood these days, of course.
For most shows I'd agree, but South Park has a long, proud history of deliberately pissing people off so I think fans kind of know what to expect.
ur seething! SEETHING!
Don't project your thin skin onto me.
The april fools joke with asses of fire was funny. This just sounds dickish. But I wouldn't know since I didn't watch the special.
Oh, the bait-and-switch was hilarious imho. They did this funny but sort of heartfelt song about Randy going back to his roots
And of course, the climax of the special involved him reverting to Tegridy Randy to save the day:
Shut up faggot, you're more annoying than him.
What are you, sucking his dick?
This doesn't concern you. Make like a tree, and get outta here.