
Okay I just binged the final season. Loved it. Catra and Adora were so cute together, and the finale felt like it hit the highs it wanted to, didn't stumble at the fnish line, didn't fuck up or pull a Voltron/MHA.

Can we have a thread? I know I'm 4 years too late, but idk I'm watching it now and I want to talk about it. Why does everyone here seem to hate it? Did anyone like it?

Goku stands naked right behind a chained up Catra, the shackles on her hands being strung up from the roof.

Goku is standing behind her, naked, his cock now fully erect.

You ready? Let’s fight! This is something Vegeta told me I could never do, he calls it “fucking a woman”! I’ll show him!

Goku suddenly shoves his fat cock inside of Catra’s pussy

Catra cries out in agonizing pain

No way! How does this feel so good??? Very odd but I’m liking this!

Goku then begins to thrust back and forth, stretching out Catra’s pussy and making it bleed.


Surrendering already? But we’re just getting started!

Goku thrusts faster, gripping Catra tighter by her frame.


Yeah yeah yeah, less talking, more fighting! Fight me back!

Catra just continues to cry out and all attempts of flailing out of his grasp are futile.

Oh man! This just gets better!

Goku slams into Catra’s back side faster and faster, his body starting to glow.

Catra is just wailing out at this point, not even saying any discernible words.

Man… what is… what is HAPPENING?!!?? GRAYAAAAH!

Goku goes Super Saiyan as he busts his godly seed inside of the damaged cat girl.


Catra’s heart sunk with horror as she realized that she could become pregnant with his foe… however…

Wow! Take that Vegeta! I managed this fight move after all! Why does it feel so GOOD though??

Catra then yelped in terror and confusion as she felt her insides expanding. Goku wasn’t finished with his climax. With his powers, he was unloading shot after shot of his cum inside of her womb.

Catra screams out as her belly continued to inflate.


No way! I ain’t finished… HNNGH…! YET!

Catra’s belly begins to creak loudly as it gets bigger and bigger.


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Why does everyone here seem to hate it?

because the ending sucks, everyone forgives Catra like it was nothing, even Glimmer, who would be the one least willing to forgive Catra for her mother's death.
Adora shouldn't end up in a relationship with Catra, not after all the shit Catra put her through for 4 seasons.
God, Catra's redemption feels so fake, even more so since the first thing she does when she sees Prime is betray all of Etheria to save her ass.
Prime feels weak as the final villain and less bad than Catra, who almost killed everyone.

HELL YA! What a fight!

Goku ejects his last load inside of the heavily inflated Catra.

Then skin of Catra’s belly suddenly begins to tear as her insides begin to push out.


Catra’s torso then suddenly exploded, with skin, golden cum, blood and guts spilling out all over the place.

Catra held in place for a moment from the shock, then suddenly went limp, her body now freely dangling down, her eyes left open, beginning to glaze, her last breath escaping her mouth.

ALRIGHT! I GOTTA TRY THAT MOVE AGAIN! Gotta find this “Adora” she mentioned, I wonder if she will be stronger!

Later… (Post credits scene)

Well wait Beerus! You’re telling me that it wasn’t a fighting move? I was having sex? That’s what sex is? Man… no wonder why it felt so good I guess… but why would Vegeta tell me to try that?

Beerus faceplams

voice acting youtubers arent going to voice this mate

because the ending sucks, everyone forgives Catra

That's a personal problem on you, anon.
You have no concept of unconventional love or of forgiveness.
Get over yourself.

Everyone wants to do a Zuko redemption arc, but everyone forgets that Zuko never wanted to hurt innocents, he was exiled for not wanting to see suffer his people, he didn't even want to hurt Aang, he just wanted to hand him over to his father and show that he found the avatar.
Catra's arc doesn't work because she constantly hurts innocent people and doesn't care, she even admits that she knows they are on the evil side and doesn't care, and she admits it in the first episode!

or of forgiveness.

I understand forgiveness, but I will not forgive the person responsible for my mother's death, much less if I am locked up because of that same person.

It was pretty great

can we have a thread?

see and know that we can't.
the anti-yuri schizo squad just can't allow people to talk about shows that don't agree with their politics.

but I will not forgive the person responsible for my mother's death, much less if I am locked up because of that same person.

MY mother's death

Wasn't your Mom and it's not YOUR forgiveness that matters here.
Get over yourself.

because the ending sucks, everyone forgives Catra

So it was a christian show?

So it was a christian show?

Christians have their limits.

It seems like you want to ignore the problem and not face it.

I felt so bad for Catra during the whole show. She embodies that "a child rejected by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth". As much as Adora tried to be a good friend and supportive and comforting, but she couldn't outweigh all of the damage and abuse Catra suffered at the hands of the horde and Shadow Weaver. It's awful to see her spiral so far into the depths of despair and destructiveness. She never wanted to be evil or commit atrocities and murder everyone, but she was driven to it by grief and despair, and believing that she was worthless. That the only place she could find comfort was in grabbing power and trying to have as much control as possible.

Seeing her start to mend her trauma and move past it was so satisfying. Catra's such a complex, layered, and well-written character, I was really surprised by how earned her redemption arc felt, especially after the "holy shit she actually opened the portal".

We don't hate Yuri, we just hate Catra. She should have been executed for her crimes.

She never wanted to be evil or commit atrocities and murder everyone

to not want it, she seemed to not care and enjoy it.

I don't hate yuri. I hate yurifags.

Ooh nice a Catra thread!

She-Ra was one of the few shows of the last decade or so to genuinely make me happy from beginning to end. Not perfect, but Jesus I needed that.

The pain and suffering of the first four seasons makes all of the cute 'softer Catra' scenes so much better. The whole show was a slow, slow burn, but fuck it burned so good at the end.

I think basically every fan of the show, including Stevenson, agrees that Catra's redemption needed more time. But it's hard to look at the final season and see eps that could be cut or altered to give more time to "Catra repairing bridges." It's one of the problems with our medium, you're stuck with the number of episodes you've been approved for. A novelist can go "tch, I need another couple chapters to do this justice" and write them. Someone making a cartoon just has to swear and compress things as much as possible.

I know I'm 4 years too late, but idk I'm watching it now and I want to talk about it.

Oh hey, someone that missed the threads when the show ended. Meaning you missed Stevenson going "I wrote some 'fanfic' and put it on AO3, see if you can find it."
It's "Don't Go" by Annacharlier. I'd link it, but Anon Babble hates AO3 links.

dont go.jpg - 288x450, 22.95K

It's funny how all these faggots ignore all the bad things Catra did just so they can maintain their gay fantasy.

War crimes
Abuse of power
Reckless endangerment
Psychological abuse
Attempted regicide
Attempted mass murder
Attempted world domination
Attempted cataclysm
Mass destruction
Abduction & kidnapping
Unlawful imprisonment
Aiding and abetting
Illegal use of weapons
Crimes against peace
Crimes against Etheria
Altering reality (unintentional)

Catra 100% deserves this. Adora? No.

abuser hooks up with her abuse victim

didn't stumble at the finish line

It deserves to be as forgotten as Voltorn. Hope that new live action show is a hit.
Based Goku

Altering reality (unintentional)

This was intentional.
Entrapta warned her that they had to stop the entire project, Catra knocked her out and sent her to die on an island.

Why does everyone here seem to hate it?

Going by drawthread content it's one of Anon Babble's most popular shows, and there was plenty of good fun in threads when the show was airing. But there's some anons that would rather spend hours posting how much they hate the show than let other people have some fun in peace.

But there's some anons that would rather spend hours posting how much they hate the show than let other people have some fun in peace.

Same thing happens with Sonic stuff here and other things, it is inevitable. Better to just have fun anyway

I think basically every fan of the show, including Stevenson, agrees that Catra's redemption needed more time

It's THE fundamental issue with the story and a shadow it will never escape. And it's a problem of their making because THEY chose to make Catra do all this when they could have...not done it? Nobody said Catra has to do these things, there was no studio mandate that I'm aware of saying she has to be that evil.


Don't confuse porn with popularity.

Queer show

one of Anon Babble's most popular shows


some anons that would rather spend hours posting how much they hate the show than let other people have some fun in peace.

Unironically everything would've been fine if Shadow Weaver took Catra with during her escape. Even if she dumped that annoying clingy pussy immediately afterwards.

I also still don't understand why Adora didn't kidnap Catra.

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Watched the first two episodes and skipped everything except the Catra and Adora scenes. Loved it. What’s the best episode I missed?

Rape is bad but honestly, is deserved for someone like Catra

I still say that Prime feels like a secondary villain, he didn't do anything that Catra hasn't done or tried in previous seasons.
It's the cliché of "look at the new villain who was always behind everything", which never works.

Sketched some more Catra art recently.

NSFW warning for nudity. Surprised the original catbox is still up.

I cannot stop drawing Catra.

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That's a personal problem on you, anon

It's not. The ending was so ass that the fandom split into two.

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Best mom or bestest mom?

I don't know, the series doesn't do a good job of showing that Shadow Wever is Adora's adoptive mom and Adora doesn't seem to care much.
As far as I know, she was only "less" harsh with Adora, but she still turned her into a child soldier like the rest.

Season 4's "Protocol" and "Mer-Mysteries" are on my personal list of episodes you should watch

Your drawings are good. I'd recommend you start drawing other shows as well to improve your skills.