Madelyn Cline Up For Lead Female Role In SPIDER-MAN 4

I really hope it's not Gwen Stacy. I'm sick of that character.

An OC named like Felicia Stacy whose story is a clumsily smushed together amalgam, screencap this

according to Deux Moi

plant story by her fans/reps

felicia has to be played by sydney sweeney

her agent should have been fired for dereliction of duty for taking Madame Web instead of waiting 3 years for this

apparently sydney only did madame web so she could do a different movie

Harriet Osborne, only child of Norman Osborne, whose family business went bankrupt thanks to Stark Industries out competing them.

Probably Gwen

Madelyn Cline is NOT in talks to appear in 'SPIDER-MAN 4'.

They’re looking for a Madelyn Cline *type* actress

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>They’re looking for a Madelyn Cline *type* actress

I've got just the girl

she might have already declined

watch it be another ugly, frizzy haired, swamp creature that can't pass as a female.

We didn't know you acted, anon.

I don't so I have a good chance of being cast.

It'd be a good time in Peter's life to intro Black Cat

She'd be great as Black Cat

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She fucked Pete Davidson. That is gross.

She fucked Pete Davidson.

Which Hollywood starlet hasn't?

He's a gay crackhead. It's all fake showbiz romances. Sad.

She would be the (almost) perfect Felicia, but unfortunately they're going the Spider-Verse route, so we'll get Spider-Gwen a lot sooner than Black Cat, and Spider-Gwen is probably comparable in popularity to Harley Quinn right now, and hype is all that matters these days, so the choice is obvious. Well, at least we had Felicity Jones playing Felicia (but not Black Cat) in Webb's films.

Jean DeWolff.

DeWolff is supposed to be ~10 years older than Peter, or at least look older. And she would never be a main female character in a Spider-Man movie, zoomers don't even know who she is, she's never mentioned anywhere, not in modern comics, not in cartoons, not even in games.

either not a good enough actress or she's too expensive, but i know nothing about her. they wanted an "alison brie type" for she-hulk and went for the cheaper tatiana maslany

Is it true they will also introduce Miles?

Well, at least we had Felicity Jones playing Felicia (but not Black Cat) in Webb's films.

She is sorta Felicia in name only tho. Wish they made her like a criminal infiltrating Oscorp to steal something and then give her a costume at some point. Should have cut out the shitty Goblin they had and used her.

The intent was probably along that line, but they spent too much time creating breadcrumbs for the next movies instead of making a better movie

It is. Spider-Gwen is popular, apparently.


Spidergwen ruined the chracter

Feige said the other day they hope they'll be able to introduce Miles in the MCU after his final animated movie comes out, given that Spider-Man 4 has a release date and BTSV doesn't, I think that's (hopefully) unlikely.

Snarky MCU legacy teen superhero #27383

Wow, just what the MCU needed. Feige is a visionary.

Fingers crossed for Black Cat. About time we got her in a movie (TASM 2 doesnt count)

that would be funny

I hope they don't fuck up Black Cat

there's a chance the romance between spider-man and black cat might be restrained because the actors for peter and mj are dating irl

have you seen zendayas scenes in challeners?