BCB — Bittersweet Candy Bowl

Oh boy I can't wait to see how Lucy makes this all about her. Since Paulo and Daisy look like they're about to be shoved into a Paisy-shaped then I'm looking forward to Volume 9 being a huge pity party for Lucy.

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I won't turn down Lucy degenerating into a pathetic little ball of misery again. She certainly deserves it. But I'm pretty sure that Taeshi is talking about Mike here, first and foremost. We know she can't stop tormenting him for too long. Maybe Paulo and Daisy if their relationship crashes and burns, but that writing choice would be dangerously close to based for Taeshi.

feeling empty inside

I'm sure plenty of people will be willing to fill that emptiness with their DICKS

Damn right

There's a quick and easy way for Daisy to feel a lot better and all it takes is her getting over her self-slutshaming

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Strange. I feel nothing.
I only stick to this threads because this comic made me feel something. I've been ecstatic then the kiss has happened in the Eternal Flame. I've got enough memorable and sweet moments from different chapters to keep reading this thing. And this is supposed to be a big moment. Why do I feel nothing then?

Because you subconsciously realized that Daisy screaming I LOVE HIM in an empty Burgertron should mean that Paulo heard her, even if he is in the back. So the plot is only happening by Demiurge fiat.

Never worked in a kitchen? Shit's noisy.

Because there is nothing of substance behind Paisy. Mike and Lucy don't have a mountain's worth of issues between them but an entire range. Yet they still share a basic sense of chemistry. The dysfunction is a feature which offers at least some bile fascination. Paisy exists because the plot says it does. That same plot ignores the myriad problems that would actually liven up the ship, like Paulo's vision of Daisy as this innocent untouchable little sister running up against her desire to suck fat Somali dick. Since the plot ignores that sort of thing, there is no reason for the couple to stay separate. It's a foregone conclusion. There is no point in dragging it out so the ship overstays its welcome.

Because it doesn't make sense at all. Paulo is like 10% of the things she describes him as, he's thinking of him like a Mike she would fuck instead of the fuck up he actually is, they have NOTHING in common aside from lust for each other (supposedly, Daisy isn't awestruck from his as she is from the track team, and Daisy is his literal last option), Paulo is in no position at all to be in a relationship at the moment (mom issues, got rejected by 3 different people in a row so he's not thinking clearly if he says yes to something with Daisy) and Daisy could really do better than Paulo

New BH

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How long have you anons been reading this thing?

Been a bit since ive been here, but I hope everyone's doing well! Shit's becoming chilly honestly, given it's november. Here's a lil something I made recently - I dont really ship this, but there was this cute lil panel I saw and I felt like redrawing it.

since may this year! Binging it felt really nice, honestly.

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The colors and tones in this page are really nice. Nice and homely, cozy even.

Oh man, for a decade at least, I think.

Cute drawing, anon!

thanks! feels nice to get random bursts of inspiration honestly - havent drawn anything bcb in...months, ngl.

How long have you anons been reading this thing?

far to long back when homolust was a good webcomic still and we barely knew of the trolls. this shit is like crack, you keep telling yourself. just one more puff whats the worst that can happen just one more little rock thats all.

since eternal flame.

y'know, the weird thing is... bittersweet candy bowl is a story i never really had an opinion on. i think it's the first and only story i'm completely indifferent towards. yet i keep reading it and sometimes go back and reread chapters. it's odd.

hmmm the bad webcomics page should be updated its very very outdated. needs all the wonderful new lore from discord and etc funny shit/seething. hilariously this is the third result when you google bittersweet candy bowl wiki.

I started on exactly this page. Really interesting lens to get a first impression through since I basically had the same perspective of Mike that James did. I think that's why I'm more sympathetic to him than people who suffered through all his old bullshit at the normal, excruciating webcomic pace.
I know Anon Babble hates it but I think the art is pretty and the melodrama is juicy and I just find this self-destructive obsessively-people-pleasing indecisive friend-alienating miserable retard cat to be one of the most personally relatable characters I've ever seen.

Let's take bets, when Daisy shuts up about Paulo to Lucy, and Lucy goes back to talk to him, will he fuck her a second time before confronting Daisy?

The comic has been sabotaging all potential alternative ships so no of course not. The square peg is being jackhammered through the round hole.

Paulo's dick is square?

Two characters that have liked each other the entire comic are going to get together

UGH so forced

Daisy is literally making up a version of Paulo that doesn't exist to justify her attraction to him

Paulo "likes her so much" that she has no idea why she's mad and instead of asking her begged the walking plot device to solve everything

This is considered an organic pairing

paulo will take his break lucy will grab him to the washroom. he'll coom in 5mins raw inside her. she'll push him off walk up to speak with daisy.
when paulo and daisy are taking lucy will get up.
sluuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrp a long glob of cum will go down the middle of her legs super slowly till it hits the floor then all of it will come out quickly and you can hear it hitting the floor with a small splat. and she'll smugly smile at daisy while paulos face turns to shame and horror. lucy will grab daisys drink and whats left of her burger and walk out whistling. as daisy starts crying loudly and paulo is freaking out trying to hold her saying he's sorry lucy just grabbed him and forced herself on him.


Because this is clearly just a case of "the author wants to be done with a plot point"

Around New Year's Resolution

Binging it felt really nice

Agreed, though a pit in my stomach forms when I think it took over a decade to make. and to wait for.

The entire comic...? Are we reading the same comic?

You again?

Binging it felt really nice,

oh yeah it feels like after 5 mins of shooting up heroin shit felt amaszing then oh god the stabbing pain and you start puking everywhere
and youre hooked wishing the updates were as good as the first time you get no more rush only vomiting

Two characters whose chemistry is just cycles of idealization/devaluation don't make a good ship

Yep. Paisy sucks. It's worse than Mucy, at least Mike and Lucy were near the top of each other's priority list, not bottom or below the bottom.

i cant imagine what it feels like either - i assume moments like eternal flame must have been agonising to wait for haha

it does make me wonder if i should just do a massive re-read of the whole thing to see how i feel about it now, since i had a lot of incorrect assumptions about the cast when i was first experiencing it.

stop hurting yourself anon you can quit you are better than this, stop letting tae poison your mind

break free you can do it

I thought about subbing to get a page early during the James/Mike stuff before I realized it's just a one-time fix and then you either keep paying just to keep up or take a week off when you unsub. Diabolical monetization scheme.

Daisy didn't give a fuck about Paulo that way until he bought her a milkshake and showed a reluctant interest in anime.

bought her a milkshake and showed a reluctant interest in anime

What else do you need, bro?

could be worse, we could have to deal with so much god awful furry oc's from cringelords paying retarded money to get them in the webcomic like furry artists do. thank fuck shes not a furry, bet what happened to toby fox made her 14885 consider never allowing this add in something that looks cute only to find out after taking the money

that said oc is a anal vore scat feral cub fursona of some ultra degen and people now fucking hate you because this person is notorious in the scene and because you are not a furfaggot you didnt know better and you cant remove shit because they will unironically sue you and waste thousands if not tens of thousands in court because mentally ill furfags do shit like this all the time

Just because you didn't get it until it was spelled out for you doesn't mean that was the first instance
Taeshis one of the most heavy handed writers out there and one of the most obvious ships actually sailed over /bcb/s thick heads for 18 years, you all are actually braindead lmao

Do you think Daisy will bring up the Mike kiss?

Thanks anon I gagged a little.

Ignoring your hallucinations and desperate need to browbeat your betters into submission, the only hint of the ship came strictly from Paulo for the longest time. And even then it was stuck in cryosleep for most of the comic.

Thanks anon I gagged a little.

fucking faggot procreation is based and high test as fuck women love getting their cervixes blasted with coom and letting it melt inside their vanal canal shits full of a bunch of hormones that makes them very very happy and love the person who coomed in them

No, but I wish she would just so Lucy gets pissed off.

Something that doesn't sound like an Anon Babble post

this guy bought me a milkshake and seems interested in anime, should I book a wedding in January?

Rule34 comment section looking ass reply.

How are you going to consider yourself better while you get filtered by a retardedly simple furry comic

ywnba enjoy the hiv turning into full blown aids within the next 5 years and aging by 40 years within the next 10 from all the surgeries hormone abuse and antibiotics/etc meds

How can I explain it to someone who got filtered by a basic statement, as if their brain shorted out on visual contact with the words?

Consistently? Since New Year's. Before then yeah I read it on and off during high school way back in 2011

These anons get it. Paisy consists of two morons settling for their last option because they've alienated their first, second, and third choices and are too impatient to wait. It's not fun-toxic like Mucy, or sabotaged by le demiurge like MikeXSandy, or boring-but-wholesome like AbbeyXJasmine. It's just a depressingly chemistryless ship.

Also none of them show any sign that "this is the one" without forcing it. Paulo has shown to be a skirt chaser and put his dick above whatever relationship he's in, and Daisy has a story of getting what she wants and still yearn for something else, and if you put them together you have a guy that knows about flings and is easily swayed by a nicer pair of tits and a girl who excuse him while thinking "but what if..." while sighing about the chances she lost

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It's obvious that Sandy has to go eventually because she's distant and inauthentic and everything that's bad for Mike, but it's so fucking excruciating knowing it'll be literal years before that happens. I started reading last year and at first I didn't get why Anon Babble was so negative about the comic but Jesus Christ I cannot imagine reading Eternal Flame as it came out, waiting weeks/months for it to unfold, feeling like there was actual progress being made, only for Mike to fucking go back to this fucking bitch.