Are you excited for Lana Longbeard? This show looks AWESOME!
Are you excited for Lana Longbeard? This show looks AWESOME!
if by awesome you mean ugly, yeah
bean mouth
Will they murder, pillage and rape? If not, no.
No. But I will say I like the bullet guy's design and I feel the main character could look better with some tweaking.
Vicky the Viking for gay people
This show looks AWESOME!
check your eyes.
This can't be happening we white males are in charge here
I always sigh when I see that the main character is a girl. Not that I hate girl characters, but I know that all discussions of this show on Anon Babble will just be about porn and nothing else.
Anyway to answer your question, no.
not a chud but—
I never said that
but I know that all discussions of this show on Anon Babble will just be about porn and nothing else
Is it better to be completely forgotten or to be remembered solely by people who want to pork the main character?
by the sweat on our brows
the winds on our side lads, that's all we need!
Are you excited for generic beanmouthslop #7457436734908?
No, I'm not. Won't watch it, won't post about it.
Both have the same effect of nobody watching your show
At least the porn may entice some pervert to watch the show, even if only for an episode or two.
Beanmouth is an instant boner killer.
They should just stop making new Steven Universe seasons.
I absolutely loathe this particular tint of pink itfucking burns too look at.
Has there been any cartoon besides Hilda that has actually tried to capture the Viking/Norse mythos and spirit?
Making it easy for the audience to consume the same product
My Pagoda senses are tingling.
The whole color palette is garish as hell. I could forgive the artstyle but as a whole it just hurts to look at.
I'm getting really sick of this homogenized pre-chewed modern cartoon style. These characters just look like they were made in an industry-backed character creator by now.
everyone likes Pizza
lets make everything Pizza
oh woaps, our employees only know how to make Pizza now
Lana Longbeard
Doesn't have a beard
Is her crotch hair supposed to be the "beard"?
Is her crotch hair supposed to be the "beard"?
She has a big, neon pink bush.
Nothing in kids shows is allowed to look cool anymore. No toxic edges for our poor children, everything has to be sanded off and look very nice and friendly.
Now here's our cartoon about a bunch of characters that are based on raping pillagers.
To this day I can't fathom why specifically western cartoons follow this trend so hard where everything has to be round and soft and colorful. I know it's not all of them, but there's an alarming number that follow the trend.
Does Riders of Berk count?
Another soft PC cartoon
Are y'all actually gonna watch it or are y'all gonna not watch it and then pretend to care about it when it inevitably gets cancelled.
Look at who is making cartoons today vs who made them pre-2000. In a push against masculinity, positive masculine values and associated aesthetics were flushed away as well.
It just really bums me out because there's a lot of talented people who could make something amazing, but any unique concepts gets grinded down and sanitized from what it once was.
I actually used to work as an animator, let me tell you that most people worth their salt tend to fuck off to do their own thing eventually. We have reached a point where talented people are starting to withhold their best ideas, even if it means never realizing them as quickly.
Guess that's why indie animations are really blowing up now. Such a shame the industry is in the pits like it is over here.
Look over to the videogame industry to see the consequences of bleeding talent, 2024 was full of incredible bombs that any sane, competent person could've seen coming mid-development. Not gonna happen when your only stewards are clueless hollywood money types.
Watched the trailer.
The girl has the exact pesonality you'd suspect her to have, like the last 5-10 female protagonists.