"PB isn't a bad person guys!!"

Openly stole from Finn and Jake's treehouse claiming it to be "taxes" despite them not being members of the candy kingdom

Was going to wipeout the Fire Kingdom in all its entirety despite the fact only one fire person sid that they were going to attack the Candy Kingdom

Crushed the Rattle Balls robots for being "too dangerous" despite making them that way

Created Goliad

Furiously tips her fedora by disrespecting the wizards and making fun of their belief in Magic

Brave New World style ruler; implants microchips in the teeth of her citizens in order to monitor them

excuse me chud, they made an episode where marceline said she was mean before making out with her, so that means that this point was completely addressed in the show and there's no reason to complain about it anymore

she also shit talks the other princesses behind their backs in typical roastie fashion

Don't forget:

Using Finn and Jake as knights/personal bodyguards without giving them any kind of monetary compensation, because she knew very well Finn simps for her.

She used retardant juice against the members of her family that she built herself, just to have total control of the kingdom.

Yeah and that's what makes her so hot.

We know

women, especially LESBIAN women who are cute and valid btw, are not bad people and can do no wrong chud

God forbid women have hobbies.

payment via exposure

self-defense it was still bullshit only her mother was morally spared by the writers

Bubblegum should've been the final boss in AT. It makes sense considering she ordered Finn to kill The Lich. She would want someone who's a bigger threat than her out of the way.

PB isn't a bad person.


Isn't that Finn and Jake's fault? They weren't good teachers.

Goliad was inherently authortarian and pragmatic, thats all on PB.

yeah they did kinda acknowledge it but they portray it as more "fun and quirky and smart" rather than something bad

Yes. Goliad had the wrong influence but dictatorship was in her DNA thanks to PB.

Day of the guillotine can't come soon enough for Bonnebell

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People will act like Adventure Time has lore or real subplots, but at the end of the day it's still a very simple comedy show. Princess Bubblegum is a comically unreal character.

Brave new world style ruler

Well i guess she does create her citizens for specific roles sometimes. But other than the dum dum juice they were made from, does she give them drugs and electro shock therapy to kwep em docile?

Why doesn't Finn just rape Princess Bubblegum?

We don't need characters to be good, we need them to be interesting.

All she did was make the world a better place.

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does she give them drugs and electro shock therapy to kwep em docile?

Yes she does this to both Lemongrab and Lemongrab 2 in the Explore the Dungeon game. His reconditioning chamber is a copy of the one she tortures him with

Okay sure, but she has a fat ass

PB still thinks she did nothing wrong and as she's also hot she must be raped.

Does PB still loves her aunt?

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The Empress claims domain over the grasslands, and as such Finn owes taxes.
Preventing the Fire Kingdom from attacking was a move only someone who was wise enough to see the danger they posed could make.
All Rattle Balls were dangerous. She had to do what needed to be done.
Goliad is contained with Stormo.
Wizards deserve no respect.
Her citizens are retards. they needed it.

Cope faggots

how about not posting AI-slop of her then?

that time she mockingly laughed at the mermaids for beaching themselves out of loneliness

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Made her even more attractive imho

Forcefeeding PB dum dum juice to turn her from an evil dictator into a harmless retard sex slave

What kind of candy/confection would Dum-Dum'd PB turn into?

She'd return to her Season 1 personality.