An independent toy maker and part time teacher could afford this house in southern california in the 90's

an independent toy maker and part time teacher could afford this house in southern california in the 90's

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Rugrats doesn't take place in SoCal. They get regular winters with snow.

I always assumed it took place somewhere in the Midwest, like Ohio or Minnesota.

Rugrats doesn't take place in SoCal.

There is an episode where we see the state flag which is the California flag. Don't forget taking road trip vacations to the grand canyon and Vegas, something that would be a lot simpler from California.

>an independent toy maker and part time teacher could afford this house in southern california in the 90's

I cannot stress this enough. The 90s were genuinely the high point of America.
Capitilism worked properly.
Culture worked properly.
My biggest problem in the 90s?
There wasn't enough hours in the day to party.

Pics for proof?

Didi is a jew.

But then why SoCal and not Jefferson

On that note, what did Chaz, Betty, and Howard do for work?

In the one where Larry and Steve are house painters one suggests to paint the house black and silver and the the other one says "Yeah, Raiders colors!".
Raiders were back in Oakland in the 90s.
Large swathes of SoCal were Raidernation because the only other option was the San Diego Chargers, who suck

Is that not the house from the Simpsons?

Garage is on the wrong side.

Didi probably has wealthy connections through her own family.

Their house is Spanish architecture, which is a Californian staple.

Who honestly cares? You aren't supposed to know the parents through their day-to-day lives. You're just supposed to see them through the eyes of the babies.

The Simpson house has a more traditional sloped roof, and no iron wrought fence in the front.

Didis parents were dirt farmers in Eastern europe.

Their house is Spanish architecture, which is a Californian staple.

You don't see a lot of that these days.

The correct answer is that Didi's jew parents, who were wealthy enough to escape Europe and live alone despite neither of them working, are likely wiring her money every month. At least, that's the realistic answer.

The real answer is probably that Stu isn't as much of a complete failure as he seems, kinda like how Johnny Bravo does fuck, but it's not as funny to show that. Stu makes some money with his inventions and designs, because he can clearly afford tools and materials to keep doing it, and also it was the 90s, so everyone could still afford a house as long as they had some income.

failed toy-maker

created Reptar

He was a successful toy-maker experiencing "inventor-block."

Anyone with multiple toys in production is well-off. The only evidence you really need of it is that Didi let Stu watch tv all day for 3 weeks straight before getting annoyed when he hit his bubble-blower slump.

He didn't invent Reptar.

Yeah he clearly had to have SOME successes under his belt given the guy can create an artificial intelligence in her garage WITH A BOX OF SCRAPS


Here it is, from season 1.

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Chaz was mentioned as a bureaucrat of sorts, not sure for Betty, and Howard was some middle management position.

They don't have to live in SOUTHERN California there's an entire state with multiple major areas he could live near that does have snow in the winter

I'd got to imagine after Paris he's doing well, dude designed a giant fucking robot.

What's with the roof? It looks like the middle part won't drain its lower than the angled areas.
And what are all those little things poking out right before the roof line?

Their house is Spanish architecture, which is a Californian staple.


Yes, even in SoCal.

Those are wooden pegs meant to mimic the original method of construction
These homes used to be made with mud which was heavy enough that it would need extra support through wooden beams
The look of the tiles being above the actual roof is commonly done to avoid paying the extra money making a sloped roof and there is likely a small hole or two at the corners to allow for drainage

In one episode, Didi mentioned they visited Wisconsin, and they had strange accents.
There's no way it's set in the Midwest.

Reptar was very much a thing before him. He just had a license to produce the Reptarmobile.

It does, but it probably doesn't stick for a day. Even Hawaii gets snow on their mountains.

you forgot to mention their heritage. Guaranteed trust fund babies.

So? Good for her

Lou makes a killing at weekly russian roulette games.

No wonder most western shows are basically sci Fi/ fantasy, cause that's more believable than the main characters owing a house like that.

I've lived in SoCal for 30 years and I've seen it snow once. They're probably closer to NorCal

The show didnt take place in these days

To make it even weirder: Drew mentions Stu and Dee Dee just came over "from Akron" in one episode.

I always thought his WWII father inherited that house to Stu because Dru got his own money and rich hot wife to take care of himself.

I don't remember at all where Rugrats takes place, but it's entirely possible to get a great house if you're willing to trade up certain amenities. I was helping a friend house hunt and he's struggling to find a place under $1700 in the metropolitan areas of MA and CT. I keep telling him he could go into the more woodsy areas and find houses for $200k - $400k. He'll have three times as much property, a reasonable rent, at least an acre or so of land and the main downside is that he'll have to commute to work every day for 45min to 1hr. He doesn't want to do that. He also wants to be closer to stores, restaurants, and general night life stuff.

I had a whole convo about how he can easily adapt and substitute lifestyle changes like instead of ordering out all the time, he learns to cook, which will eat up his time and make him less bored so he won't want to go out late at night. He can pick up gardening as a new hobby. He can adjust by going to monthly town events that are usually set on weekends in afternoons. He just doesn't want any of that.

I know stuff like Rugrats and Simpsons get pointed at for, "ONE MAN COULD AFFORD THIS?" and they were set in the 90s, where the economy was very different. But it really isn't impossible to live very comfortably on a modest budget.

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The Simpsons also isn't set in California. Cali niggas are so used to Weimar levels of inflation a single two-story home seems like a palace to them.

Stu was a widely respected engineer and designer who was on speed dial for major corporations throughout the show, the only thing that kept him from a seven figure salary was his reputation of being hard to work with. The man built a giant motion controlled Reptar using mid-90s tech, he was never destitute, if he ever wanted to he could've taken a six month job for some big tech firm or construction company and made more than Drew did in a decade, which is pretty much what he did for the Rugrats in Paris movie.

Nigger it snowed here in Temecula like 5 years ago.
And have you ever heard of Mammoth Mountain or Big Bear.

Nickelodeon is in California

That was probably the same year it snowed here in Burbank. And I wasn't counting mountain towns because they're clearly not in one.

Burbank, to be precise.
There's a cool looking bridge there, and the Knickerbockers building

My family bought a house of similar size to that in Chicagoland for under 200k in 1991. My mom was a hair dresser and my dad worked as a bond trader making a bit over 100k
Right before the bubble burst in 07/08 it was worth about 350k

Don't post if you have nothing to say.

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bot post

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Stu wasn't just making analog toys, though, he had some tech know-how. He could've realistically parlayed that into working into something like educational tech and apps fora company, in a supervising position..and he'd hate it and quit after a few months or years and just sell home made toy on etsy or something.
A few residuals and Didi probably carry his pension.

It was always weird watching cartoons set in places I know. I'm in Texas and Jimmy Neutron apparently takes place in Austin, which Retroville is based strongly on. When they're searching for the Bahama Quadrangle, you can see on that map of his that they start in Austin and go out from there.

The Knickerbockers building is in Hollywood

They were Jewish so yeah

Didi is jewish, I think multiple times they allude to the house belonging to Lou

he was literally building robots and having international contracts with major firms, though. Tech we can't even do today.And getting in on the 90's is the ground floor of many tech jobs. Having Roboreptar for Euro reptarland would be a major mark in his resume. He wouldn't need to actually adapt to any skills because he'd basically be in a do-little position brought on by past prestige. It's very common in tech jobs for Gen Xers to be in supervising positions when they can't actually do the work the people they're in charge in can do.
But I'd agree, he wouldn't last in such a job, but mainly do to his own personality than lacking in a resume.


I dont think is lou's house because he ended going to retreat home

Thats what we used to do with old people in the US.Take their house.

Didi's side is Jewish.

Capitilism worked properly.

There was a short term economic boom with the deregulation that led to private equity firms. Also the fast food wars made great deals for consumers. It's not so much it was working properly, we were actually at a rigging point that start to make things worse.

pretty sure the official reason is that Lou sold his own house to cover the initial payment and that's one of the reasons he lives with them

basically the same explanation The Simpsons had except for the grandfather being allowed to live with them instead of getting dumped off at a shitty retirement home

Stu's well enough known to get design deals with the Reptar franchise.

I'm not sure what to call that architectural style, whether pueblo revival, mission revival, territorial style or what but NorCal doesn't have much of it, whatever it is. Weirdly, I live in Delaware and there a street in my area where several of the homes on one side are that style.
Nigga, that's a turtle.

rugrats was an EXTREMELY jewish show.

No, it's clearly a roast turkey.

You forgot that part where Stu has secret work contracts with a weapons R&D company

Ingest your prescriptions.

Let me guess: Stu reminds you of your dad and Bubblegum reminds you of your ex?

I heard Stu made a toy that was really successful and he got royalties from it, and in the show he keeps trying to make another one.