Death Battle

Why is Finite so fucking weak?

Because the makers blatantly hate everything about sonic

as they should. imagine simping for sonicshit

that was a multiversal thwomp btw

Because he's an ultra jobber and forces is a bad game.

The TRUE tallest of mountains
The TRUE roughest of waves
The TRUE toughest of terrors
The TRUE darkest of days

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thread deleted

This is a CHADnic board.

Mario WARPED you



Anyone got a webm or gif of bowser firing his grandstar powered breath at metal?

Will Boruto's impending victory redeem seriouschads against toontroons?

Couldn't you argue the Grand Star can reset the multiverse too with the same arguments people make for the Time Eater or Solaris?

yeah, but we don't even need it

No, no, supporting evidence is good too.

I'm serious. Stop making fun of Eggman and Sonic or else there will be consequences. I really hate bing bing wahoo fans ans you're starting to piss me off for real.


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Everything Sonic <<<<<<<<<<<< literal shit

Redo the match and say that Sonic won, or else this amazing badass deep serious multiversal sonic character will cry about her ptsd and triggerwords until you do

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This is ALL Tails fault. If only he had gotten better feats over the years!

This ugly bastard is the reason we don't know how Eggman got out of the white space. Flynn would've probably said he invented an outerversal gadget out of thin air and blew the whole thing to atoms.

don't shift the blame, SHITdow. You introduced the very concept of edgy-tryhard chaos powers, but all you amounted to was a punching bag for Sonic to beat up and "inspire" with his fortune cookie quotes
If you were actually powerful then Metal's chaos control would've been able to solo. It all comes back to you


Bring me Gon from the hit piece manga, Hunter x Hunter.

Mario toddlers are literal søiboys that spend most of their time playing children games or being annoying faggots online.

i knew it was his fault, it's always his fault

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Every time Bowser has EVER heard about a magical artifact, he's stolen it and used it. That his immediate reaction after Chance Time is to crush the Phantom Ruby instead of using it or eating it or fusing with it is all the evidence you need that they knew Bowser needed to be constantly handicapped to make the thing worth watching.

as a sonicbro i can confirm that absolutely all sonic consumers are like this

Hey retard, Infinite never had the real ruby with himself.

But enough about Sonic fangays

Who can take on this team?

It was the real ruby in the fight. Or he could've stolen the real ruby next, or just used the prototype same as Infinite and Avatar did

Says the annoying faggot samefagging the thread with gay animu avatars.

It shouldn't have been and the real Ruby was inside this robot who was inside another robot.

Eggman gave him the real one just before.

He never did that. He knew Infinite was disposable. His plan was always to kill him in case he failed.

Well, that changed.

There's only one way to change that.

It is worth noting that when he drops down in the Death Egg Robot he says everything has been going according to plan. If we take that at face value, he planned for Infinite to get killed.

Killing Infinite forces him to be absorbed by the PR.

then obviously Thwomp is so powerful he prevented that

Things changed. Deal with it, autist.

How does it feel knowing this is likely the best DB this season, and everything else is gonna fall short?

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Yeah, Eggman changed his mind and decided to go at Bowser with everything he had.
Try to deal and be less of a faggot, kay?


Mario fans enjoy fun video games and making jokes online

The issue?

I really hope you're not implying Frontiers and Infinite weren't total dogshit.

Sony is buying kadokawa

Gamerabros… we have a chance

Disappointing as fuck, I actually got a bit down after rewatching for like the 50th time knowing the rest of the season won’t come close

Giorno Vs Joker was an 8/10, so as long as the other fights retain that level of quality or higher I’m fine with it.

There are already fanfics of the aftermath and Sage doing what she can to bring Eggman back

Sonicfags constantly bark up the wrong trees

Get smacked the fuck down over and over again because their stuff isn’t comparable to higher level powers

“Th-they just hate Sonic…..”

Maybe stay in your lane.

Yeah, that's why he won against Mario, the most popular video game character ever, dumbass

The fights are lame, gay shit, with awful music in them, i just care about the facts

Billy Mayes vs Phil Swift when?

Oh wait, that was the old version, they released a new version where he stomps him lol

Bowser gets mind raped effortlessly in the new game

The fight ended when Infinite used his power.