I'm sadly to announce that Sumire lost the Boruto bowl.
Desth Battle thread
How’s borutos dad doing? Will he beat luffy?
He did, if you’re talking about the war scene casualties are inevitable
Fuck off retard
Can they solo The Boys individually?
Who solos the verse faster?
It looks like he is gonna go after all
Is the long night finally over?
Another deleted thread and you still won't stop treating Death Battle like your personal Anon Babble general?
Laugh. LAUGH.
how dare you hug my crush in front of me, who we haven't seen in 3 years
Woman moment
Hulkbros… Godzilla has Monkey Ball scaling
projects woman onto a preteen girl
Pedophile post.
look at him
He also got digimon scaling recently
3 - 0
mariogods keep erasing the /dbg/ timeline out of existence
You’re late
death battle cast is applying mistranslations and headcanons to Baki
Island level Yujiro
Looks like a Nikocado plushy in thumb lol
When is tails’ win going to get retconned?
Next Sonic fight should be Sonic vs Goku.
Sonic loses a third time or Goku loses a fourth time (5th if you count Goku black)
Do it
Fuck yeah. Make them both full composites, too.
So why was King Boo immune to the phantom ruby anyway?
You need to shut your stupid mouth or you will have no more threads to spam on
King boo's the true master of illusions.
Illusion Powers working on a master of Illusions
It's like when Kurenai tried to put Itachi under a genjutsu.
Meme magic bros! What have we done?!
Gravity illusion on a ghost
King boo
has his own illusion powers vs the phantom ruby
mind theoretically couldn't even be touched in the first place
impotent RAGE!
I guess that makes sense. I guess Infinite was just too WEAK.
It wasn't so much the ruby but how he was using it. He was using it to enhance gravity crushing which means jack shit to a ghost. He then used a THWOMP for added effectiveness alongside the super gravity to crush Infinite.
A mix of King Boo being a troll and Infinite being a dumbass who didn't use the PR to its full potential
Sporticus won the cast.
He was comically stronger while Yujiro was a fair bit faster with high ends while slower with mid and low ends.
It is funny how that is just canon. Infinite is CANONICALLY a dumbass with how he uses that thing.
As expected.
We need a DBCast of every (Saban) Red Ranger 1v1ing Homelander. I want more Homelander bullying
I kneel
That’s random as fuck my dude
Homelander is for Captain America.
Homelander is for Captain America.
Anime isn't Anon Babble you stupid bitch
If this fucking nothing character had more games and lore to him we might have tipped the scales
Fuck you King Boom boo.
gets PUNCHED by knuckles
Never was a real member of the Eggman Empire
Outerversal punch capable of wrecking ghosts btw
That's just how it played out in the animation. Effectively, Boo and Infinite would stalemate, but Infinite is such a jobber that he would easily lose in a stand off.
Could DCA Superman make it through Dragon Ball? I feel like he would probably do pretty well with learning ki, but that he'd probably end up jobbing to Monster Carrot.
Haha, funny anime girl do the cartoon eyes.
Traditional Heroes beating the fuck out of Homelander is peak, and Power Rangers in verse are peak examples of traditional Heroes especially the Reds.
Nips aren't traditional. Captain America is.
This is why knuckles was the resistance leader in Sonic Forces.
your level of retardedness/fanboyism is outerversal
I made this because I thought it was funny.
Homelander loses to Whiteman. He's twice the speed of light.
Otto who the fuck is Whiteman?
Guy I might have to make a rumble channel for when I make a video about his history because I think youtube will shitcan me over him.
At least king boom boo got a human design this year, and was in the background during TSR.
Wasn't he a ghost in an Egyptian base? Why does he look like that?
So how does a tier list for mascot platformer villains go?
Now I want finite to get his back blown out to a thwomp like pic rel or dio road rolla
With Swankery on:
Greedy from Ristar is star level.
Pig King from RKA is planet level due to being an AI inside the Pig Star.
Rez from Gex is large TV level or dimension level if you're REALLY generous with how you interpret his story.
memes from Anon Babble
You know those were actually from Twitter right?
Yeah but I got them from Anon Babble.
Dude, you're a teacher right?
Citing Anon Babble as the source is like citing Wikipedia
Is this really such a big deal for you?
why are people so against the idea of sam and max or banjo-kazooie on db? theyre my bros
Not really
I just think citing Anon Babble as the source for the OC this place didn't actually make is pretty fucking retarded
If I don't get a 2B vs Eve battle by Torrian, please let Moro draw it. He's the guy who did Bowser vs Eggman.
What other battles has Moro done?
Stitch VS Rocket Raccoon
Phoenix VS Raven
Martian Manhunter VS Silver Surfer
Bill Cipher VS Discord
Gojo VS Makima
Not him but you took the time to clarify you didn't make the memes yourself but didn't stop and think Anon Babble didn't actually make said memes and miscredited as a result
That's pretty dumb
Bowser Jr.'s friend and playmate who teaches him how to jailbreak his tablet
Bowser Jr cosplying as Master Chief and Sage cosplaying as Cortana. Easy math.
co made some of them because I made one of them.
why are you so interested in seeing children fuck
I said Power Rangers not Super Sentai you ignorant uneducated shit.
I changed it.
Thank you.
Bring me The Batter, Brad, Ib, Madotsuki, Omori, and Alex YIIK
Uh? One is obviously a hologram and the other is a lizard. Age of consent doesn't even apply in this situation.
i think you should be beheaded
Is Sage just a hologram or can she interact with physical beings? I feel that Jr would be very unhappy with having a non interactive girlfriend.
You vs a woodchipper
The fictional stuff doesn't matter. What does matter is that you're getting off on the idea. That means you have a real attraction to children.
Take your meds you schizo. I currently only fap to 70 year old grannies. They got the largest asses.
Kind Dedede chad btw.
and also ESL
Woah I never thought I was taking a test
Jr. and Sage are for being platonic friends like their fathers outside of Death Battle
It was inevitable.
Can any pedo defeat the wood chipper?
They use party games like mario party to scale Bowser
They didn't use the Olympic games that let Eggman beat him in boxing
okay, now you deserve it
fuck off, retard
Halofags being cringe as fuck once again
Samus solos
doctorshit pretending he isn't an Xboxfag
Hal Jo-
t. Eric
That's ocre.
HOLY HEDGEHOGS!!! Is that THE one and only KING BOO??? Huh? What’s that my GHASTLY LORD??? Y-you’re gonna TRAP and BETRAY me in an INFINITE cuck painting to show me what REAL power is?? SPEEDIN’ SHADOWS, Y-you say you’re gonna POSSESS and CONTROL my boss’s ENTIRE mechanical army, forever tainting their PURE, COPPER wiring and PRISTINE code with your OOEY GOOEY ECTOPLASM like they’re nothing more than CHEAP, SHODDY, USED UP WHORES?????? EEEHHHHHHHHH????? T-TRAILBLAZING TAILS, y-you’re gonna use the Phantom Ruby to give me pair of FAT, SWINGING tits and a PLUMP FAT ASS that’s going to get RAILED and SLAMMED endlessly by an INFINITE amount of pent up THWOMPS on top of the CRUSHED RUBBLE of my own teammates, all while having the ENTIRE Sonic crew watch and laugh at me???? Golly…what else can I say except…YABBA DABBA DOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! IM SUCH A WEAK KEK!!!!
Shut the fuck up with your forced shitty meme
Bowser vs Eggman confirmed to draw dimes
How will this effect booking?
More Mario?
More Sonic (Ben must be lamenting Shadow vs Mewtwo not winning)?
More army fights?
Another Moro animated fight?
Hopefully another Moro animated fight. Guy went above and beyond
More Mario?
More Sonic
This is the most likely outcome, even if it's probably only partially relevant.
More army fights?
Unsure. Probably not actually a factor.
Another Moro animated fight
This is what probably actually drew people. The animation was great.
Akatsuki vs Espada. There you go, no need to thank me.
At least 3 members of the Espada solo Akatsuki through sheer AP that can only be matched by Prep Time Karin, Suicidal Deidara and an Obito that exists after Akatsuki is disbanded.
So? Since when have stomps prevented a match from happening? We literally just had a stomp match.
Bowser vs Godzilla should happen.
Wasn't he a ghost in an Egyptian base? Why does he look like that?
King Boom Boo's lore episode in TailsTube.
Does amogus have an answer?
1 Grand Star = Mario verse reset
If we use what Sonicfags use for Maginaryworld with Dream Depot.
That means this effects millions, potentially billions of universes possibly infinite.
So there are 20 total Grand Stars in Mario verse.
That means Bowser's Maximum Power Blast when lowballed is 20 million universes.
This mon right here stops any of Yugi's instant kill spells.
Sturdy makes the Pokémon unaffected by one-hit knockout moves (instant kills)
Brain Control, Change of Heart, or another mon steal spell
Thanks nerd lmao
Its not just any fight using Mario or Sonic. Bowser VS Eggman in general was a great match for both and, more importantly, was an army battle. It had a lot of stuff and multiple fighters involved which made it more interesting both in discussion and animation.
I could see Moro getting more fights if he's up for em. He's top tier
does anime Sturdy work the same way?
I could see more army/group fights and Moro. I think we'll get Warhammer 40k at some point.
For me it's Wile E vs Tom
Fuses him with Mamoth Graveyard causing him to decay
Won't work
Breaking the rules of the card game
That's a penalty
You fool that just makes him stronger
Good luck getting to him behind his 1 GORILLION Kuribohs!
I'd like to see him do Eldar vs Protoss or IoM vs Star Wars Empire
IoM VS Star Wars depends on the nature of the battle.
If its a ground battle, Star Wars gets hyper raped barring maybe EU involvement. Space / galactic battle Star Wars stomps by virtue of hyperdrives.
Unless we go with War in Heaven or Golden Age of Tech where shit can get screwy.
Earthquake would hit Yugi
Yugi lives in Japan. Earthquakes are nothing to him. In fact, he likes them.
Pokemon Earthquakes are so strong they get episodes banned
the move Earthquake, alongside similar moves such as Fissure and Magnitude, have not been used in the animated series since this event.
Yugi lives in Japan. Earthquakes are nothing to him.
Holy shit.
The coolest would probably be a ground battle with Star Wars EU, with a space battle above the planet
Also even ghosts can dream, proved by the Luigi's Mansion games.
(Dream Depot calls dreams universes multiple times in the game too)
This is what the dream depot visually looks like in the end of Mario Party 5 credits, protected by the Star Spirits.
When lowballed to the maximum, Bowsers Full Power Grand Star Blast is 20 universes.
It would force him to stop attacking
Besides the ash lifting Cosmoem meme doesn't ash have actual solid strength feats with being able to throw a whole tree and lifting larvitar? I know yugi has the crystal armor thing though.
Yeah Ash does have some goofy physical feats on his own like tipping a car, running on walls, chucking logs like they're nothing and other stuff like that.
but again Duel Armor kinda beats that out
Calling it now
They're getting Moro to do Ash vs Yugi
Yugi summons Exodia
Ash brings out Pikachu
Exodia! Obliterate!!!!
"Let's do this Pikachu!"
Volt Tackle VS Exodia Punch
Hope so. Get him to do all the big ticket shit.
but again Duel Armor kinda beats that out
wasn't that just VR?
I would like with how Ash has his friendship with his Pokemon, Yugi and Yami Yugi/Atem can just talk to each other. Since Yugi even ended up a better duelist than Atem, it would be cool to see him strategizing.
I need Bowser vs Dedede now for the sheer insanity.
I need Bowser vs Dedede now for the sheer insanity.
"no grand stars?"
As much as I like Dedede can he even keep up with bowser's bullshit? Like dedede's heavy hitters, assuming its an army battle, would be meta knight and the halberd maybe?, dreamland + nightmare in dreamland cast, A shitton of midbosses, and bandanna waddle dee. And dedede gets mind raped every 2 games and has nothing to cheat time from what I know
Maybe? Been awhile since I watched or read it. Knowing them they'd alternatively just scale him to tanking god card attacks or something during shadow games
Infinite is the king of jobbers
"Pfff Bowser? I fought that guy before, and beat his ass! Bet Eggman will win"
"Oh... He... He didn't do that in his fight against me..."
"Y-yeah, it was obvious Bowser's gonna win, he fought me after all... Hahaha... I'll return to Gerudo Valley before he looks this way"
take another world
Add it to the fold
Until it is cold and sterile for the empire
Keep emotions low
That's the way to go
Just obey and keep it till you're old and lose your cause to die for
Give up, Give up, Give up, Give up, Give up, Give up, Give up.
Is there's ever is gonna be enough?
To make up for what you've done
Is there's ever gonna be enough?
To bring back the ones you love!?
Ganondorf tries Gloom and Malice shit
Bowser or Kamek just magics it away
Ganondorf tries killing curse thing
Bowser comes back as Dry Bowser
No holy magic tho bowser ain't got htis
What even is holy magic in mario universe? Is it like Peach's heart magic? Because isn't the star rod originally peach's?
No holy magic tho bowser ain't got htis
Bowser is a star child, he's holy by default. Ganondorf is dead.
Even if he wasn't Grand Stars come from the gods.
he has two NLFs
holy fuck we're cooked.
NLFnon... you will be fraudchecked
Bowser is a star child, he's holy by default.
His magic is specifically stated to be dark
Mario in SMRPG made a wish to the star road that he will always be able to rescue peach.
So if we're wanking NLF, then Mario and Bowser at least can't die to ganon (being able to rescue peach means Bowser always has to kidnap her)
Yugi is penalised for breaking the rules of his own game
King of Keks...
Bowser is a star child, he's holy by default.
His magic is specifically stated to be dark
Bowser punches him with his holy fists, or uses Godly Stars to win it.
Gonna be real I loved Bowser vs Eggman but it had one really big let down, a disappointment, a weak point.
And that's the music.
It was not catchy or memorable or interesting or even fun. The narrative of the fight and the animation and even the script were all 10/10 but the music left no impact and that's a real damn shame it's sad.
Bowser is a huge show off with a heavy metal rock theme going on for him for years. And Eggman has some really catchy techno songs.
Together it should have been some crazy fusion of styles and it just wasn't that.
It was no All Mights vs Might Guy, no Goku vs Superman, no Scooby vs Courage, no Discord vs Bill, no Omniman vs Homelander, no Batman vs IronMan level of OST.
If they ever re-release it with a better sound track it will legit be one of the best Death Battle episodes ever, it already is, but it would actually be perfect.
And that’s a good thing she will have a new boytoy soon enough
The Marioverse has no shortage of villains. It doesn't specifically have to be Bowser that kidnaps Peach.
… so they can CURBSTOMP me…
He doesn't like the track where Yates got the fucking Bury the Light guy to sing it
What is wrong with you?
You're wrong, the biggest disappointment was that Bowser won.
Bejitabro btw
Just wish his name is Link or change Ganon's name. DONE
The best part about this comment is that I have no idea what you're talking about and I can neither refute or disagree with it because I don't know if it's real or some random shit you are making up.
The soundtrack was so damn forgettable.
It went well with the choreography and the vocals were the guy who did Vergil's theme
Change Ganon’s name with the Star Road
DMC5 Vergil's theme is Bury the Light sung by Victor Borba
Victor Borba sings Game Over
Is the mess with Baki scans the reason why they haven't put it on DB yet?
The Marioverse has no shortage of villains. It doesn't specifically have to be Bowser that kidnaps Peach.
That might make literally every Mario villain not able to die. Or at least there will always be one villain that can't die.
That might make literally every Mario villain not able to die. Or at least there will always be one villain that can't die.
Yeah, WARIO.
they never gave Eggman stuff from Prime which is sadly canon
where was Eggman Gran Hijo De Puta Morado who is powerful enough to IDK I never watched this shit
King dedede is an actual fraud. I'm sorry, Wario slams.
If he was actually smart or a team player he could've done some crazy buffs and protection for Eggman and Neo Metal. Like Bowser isn't immune, so he could've used it to save Super Neo Metal from getting firebreathed.
But nah he's the "tallest of mountains" so he had to try and beat them all up himself, including the one guy he can't do shit against
And now it's time to discuss parallel universes
I never caught that but it's actually a big brain move.
Infinite vs Homelander is now on twitter
But Ganon also has his own army tho, depends on which version of him we're discussing.
If it's the Gerudo Ganon he has a few allies and minions.
Found another Swords of Revealing Light counter
Ash can use an attack on the hazards. Which does not technically fall under “declare an attack” since in Yu-Gi-Oh, you can only “declare an attack” on monsters, not spells.
The kratt Brothers could kill homelander
Can't he just have Bulbasaur use Gust to blow them away?
An attack is an attack it doesn’t matter what you’re targeting.
A Dedede Army fight would sadly just boil down to a meta knight, dedede, and maybe kracko. Atleast the halberd and kabula are cool...
Not true. See, in Yu-Gi-Oh, declare an attack means
A player declares an attack by targeting an opponent's monster or announcing that the monster will perform a direct attack. This can only be performed during an open game state during the Battle Phase, and doing so automatically starts the Battle Step.
Nothing about targeting a Spell/ Trap card
Yugi attacks spells once during duelist kingdom, when he has Stone Soldier destroy his own moon spell. An attack is an attack.
Duelist Kingdom rules don’t apply to the kater vwrsion, as seen by how Joey can’t summon level 5 and higher monsters.
Going by the words in SORL and the defiitnion of “declare” an attack. Either way, Ash has ways around it.
At that point, you’re making up rules and definitions for the game that don’t exist. You can’t attack spells. But Ash can.
swords of revealing LIGHT
wind will blow them away
Should Atem use Black Magician, or actually summon his best friend Mahad himself like in Dark Side of Dimensions?
I say summon Mahad
They'll probably do a combination of Duelist Kingdom rules and Ashnime fuckery like him destroying Trick Room with X Scissor
Nobody tell this guy SoRL isn’t even Yugi’s card, he has Nightmare Steel Cage as his stall card.
Well you see, the pen is mightier than the sword, and what are pens made of? Feathers of course! Feathers which can blow the wind, like a powerful gust. So Bulbasaur can use GUST to BLOW AWAY THOSE SWORDS LIKE THE STROKE OF A PEN!
If Ash can destroy Trick Room with X-Scissor,
Then can he destroy Nightmare Steal Cage with a flamethrower ?
I think they meant it substituting as MST which does blow away spells and traps
No monsters can attack while cage is up.
It’s 2 turns of spells only effectively.
But it means declare an attack what if Ash does nothing but Pikachu decides to attack on its own?
Once again Yugi’s card is Nightmare Steel Cage which states “This card remains on the field for 2 of your opponent's turns. While this card is face-up on the field, no monsters can attack.”
Teleport out of the Steel Cage/ Phase out a la Gengar/ sneak out through the gaps
I think I have a new fave character crossover
What is the first word in MST?
I love them as friends doing dumb kid shit together
Being in the cage doesn’t matter, but the card belongs to Strings not Yu-Gi.
It kinda does, it’s the thing trapping people
It stops monsters that are outside it from attacking to it’s just symbolic.
How do you even measure a turn in a real time battle
I would assume it would be based off Yugi drawing.
Mystical...you do know Pokemon moves are Elemental right?
Atem keeps attacking Ash with Berserker Soul
Ok but this battle isn't based on rules with turns right? So doesn't that mean Yugi or Atem can just draw yolo style or choose not to draw at all?
There is, to my knowledge, nothing in Bulbasaur's gust that makes it magical or otherwise able to affect magical items or abilities. It's just a normal, strong, current of wind.
Traditionally 1 turn is 6 seconds in D&D
. It's just a normal, strong, current of wind.
that is infused with the element of flying, see here his Unfezant using Gust
Wait a second, can't Ash just wait out until Yugi's out of cards to draw?
He loses the game by default as a result of drawing up all his cards
Still not an antimagic feat
Pretty much yeah, honestly I’ve just assumed the fight would follow Millennium World rules where there were no rules.
Yeah, that's if he plays by Duel Monsters. Last Arc shows you can summon spirits into the real world which is what Pegasus based the game on. Like how Blue Eyes White Dragon comes from some foreign girl in Egypt that Seto grow fond of, and this obession stayed with his Japanese reincarnation, Seto Kaiba.
That's just back tracking after your incorrectly thought it was just "normal strong wind"
All Pokemon are based on a form of power that has come to be called Infinity Energy. It is the very fundamental typeless form of energy that all Pokemon use, are made of and generate and their types are the form that energy manifests through. So in essence anything a Pokemon does is by default infused with their magical energy.
Moro animates Ash vs Yugi
We get alternate scenario endings during the analysis
Regardless of where the magic "comes from", is there any evidence that pokemon elemental attacks affect the world in any way outside of just being that element?
For instance, say I had a magic torch I could light by saying a specific word. Despite being "magic" it functions as a normal torch except for being able to dismiss and turn it on in such a way. From what I understand, pokemon abilities are the same way.
Definitely and has fun potential since we know unlike bowser, Junior is into tech and more modern stuff even his brush is technically tech though probably some type of magic tech.
sage and bowser jr will kiss after their 26 episode anime arc of betrayals, hollow companionships, regrets and angst. (orbot and cubot will be having a blast with the bowser army comparatively, i don't think they ever liked eggman and were under a lot of peer pressure).
This place has become infested with twitter and redditors
Has been for like 5 years.
I don't know if Pokemon has gone that deep on how their magic works. There's the anime, the games, spinoff games and several different mangas so there might be some version of Pokemon where they go into more detail.
But many Pokemon moves cause magical reactions that are not the result of the physical properties of what the moves do on the world but the magical properties behind the move.
And a lot of moves have BS in them, the direct attack moves are simple but then there's shit like Sunny Day which...makes the sun brighter? Do control the Sun? Or just makes the light in the place seem harsher? And a lot of the utility or interrupt moves too.
Let me give another example, Sing. Sing is not a physical manifestation, it's just a song. But there's magic behind the song and that puts those who hear it into Sleep. Sing is also a Normal type move which means it has the energy of the "Normal" type and what the fuck is even that? It's weird, and that's Pokemon basically.
What does matter is that you're getting off on the idea. That means you have a real attraction to children.
Yes Anon and enjoying violence in GTA and Mortal Kombat makes you enjoy violence in real life
String theory soup and matter splatter galaxy raise this Mario Grand Star feat high in dimensions too.
could Bowser and his army take on Dracula and his Creatures of Chaos?
When Lowballed: (No 11D-12D string theory soup, but still potentially at least 4D-5D with matter splatter)
I like all the fanart of Bowser Jr and Sage becoming friends. Sad, they didn't have any moments against each other in the battle
Bowser could magically seal Dracula away.
I'd rather see Drac take on Lucifer and his forces from Ghouls & Ghosts.
The only form of combat you could give them that'd work is Sage hacking Bowser's tech
The clown car wasn't used and the Paint Brush being operational was essential for Fury Bowser and the Shadow Mario cameo (and the Paint Brush being hackable is kind of vague being a potential magitech area)
Sports games give Jr a non Egadd paintbrush so he's shown he can use non technological brushes to do the same thing
I don’t know if 18 seconds of no attacks really helps Yugi
Magical Leaf
The user scatters curious leaves that chase the target. This attack never misses.
Bowser's Fury was also a non-e gadd paintbrush, Kamek probably copied the magitech for jr after studying the original lost one.
Sports games give Jr a non Egadd paintbrush so he's shown he can use non technological brushes to do the same thing
I think he just covered the emblem with his own
Do these guys unironically have anything that could make the fight pretty crazy? I know they have other media, and I have seen some Planet Level Among us shit if the crew takes that seriously.
Yeah. Never misses. Magic
Actually sounds like something that makes sense, bowser jr even gives her a real body with his magi tech stuff. Maybe a semi real form, and he's given sage as a advisor/companion but he genuinely thinks of her as a friend til she betrays them to bring eggman back. Poor kid thought they were really friends now but she'll do whatever for the eggpire
honestly crazy no one thought of this friendship pair before this death battle
Ash vs Yugi isn't gonna have any blood
I'm not up to date with the Pokemon anime or what Ash has on his team but there are a lot of underrated hax in Pokemon.
Moves like Protect, Fake out, literally any boosting move and Baton Pass, After You, Follow Me,Friend Guard, Attract, Encore, Roar, Wide Guard, Reflect, Light Screen, Tail Wind, Counter and Mirror Coat, Extreme Speed, Magic Bounce,Cursed Body, Sucker Punch,Sturdy, Magic Guard, Disable, Perish Song, Curse, and anything that fucks up with the Accuracy stat. There are also so many field effects.And several Pokemon have unique immunity to some types. There's also the RNG bullshittery like Crit or Flinch. There are also all the status conditions and the status effects. Toxic + Leech Seed will drain someone very fast, Burn will neuter their offense, Paralysis can make them a sitting duck. I'm really just scratching the top of the iceberg here but it's all a moot point if Ash doesn't have any Pokemon that can abuse those or does not use the strategies that take advantage of those. Also is this 1 vs 1 ? 2 vs 2? 3 vs 3? More than that has never been done before it might as well be a battle royale like Bowser vs Eggman, is that what we're expecting? Because in that situation the different Pokemon utility moves might really snowball. Imagine everyone just using growl, it just debuffs the shit out of all enemies everywhere at once into basically no attack and that's only a super basic combo with nothing special.
Back in my day Ash would just go "Pikachu Thunderbolt, Charizard Fire Blast" and that would be it. So I think Pokemon as a franchise might be able to stand a chance in this fight but I don't know if Ash has what it takes.
It doesn’t have an emblem in Super Sluggers, it’s just a different brush, but I believe that might be the only time it hasn’t had the E Gadd logo.
No, it's going to be a low budget basic meme fight full of jokes and shenanigans for a while, the amongus will try to kill the fall guys in many funny ways and fail until the fall guys get serious and obliterate them in a very comical way. It won't be a serious battle, it's more of a joke filler episode.
Um if you don't wan to fuck eight year olds there's something like, wrong with you
Kill yourself.
If you enjoy playing a game where you suck off men then you're probably gay. If you enjoy playing a game where you screw children then you're probably a chomo chester. Digital cops and robbers isn't beating your meat to drawings of ten year olds.
Digital cops and robbers isn't beating your meat to drawings of ten year olds.
But Anon, "It's the thought that counts"
Yes, but what about thing that has nothing to do with sexuality?
Do you masturbate to killing people in GTA?
Do couples who do rape fantasy roleplay into and approve actual rape?
Playing shooty video game man with children is no big deal. Playing lolicon with children gets you sent to prison.
Sex is gay as hell, I only care about battles
Playing lolicon with children gets you sent to prison.
Yeah because that's actual pedophilia with actual kids
When real kids are involved, that's when you actually get serious
Young love = sex
Anon, get your mind out of the gutter
I need more art of these two
The rape play is fantasy. The underlying hetero or homo attraction is real. If you fantasize about a hetero rape scenario, you're a heterosexual with a fantasy. If you fantasize about a homo rape scenario, you're a homosexual with a fantasy. If you fantasize about a lolicon rape scenario, you're a pedophile with a fantasy. That's three fantasies and three real sexual orientations.
If you fantasize about a hetero rape scenario, you're a heterosexual with a fantasy. If you fantasize about a homo rape scenario, you're a homosexual with a fantasy. If you fantasize about a lolicon rape scenario, you're a pedophile with a fantasy.
You know that girl obsessed with Randy Marsh is a lesbian when it comes to real people right?
Wish DB would be more open to using specific incarnations of characters more often. MawS Superman vs IMAA Iron Man would be a fun fight.
Dedede’s hard carried by scaling. He helped Kirby fight a Master Crown-empowered Magalor, who was rewriting the entire universe. And helped Kirby fight Dark Matter.
Dedede could probably carry himself well (especially if we put Meta Knight at a similar scale), but a fight would need to dial back a lot on Bowser’s army, making the whole thing feel kind of pointless after the insanity we got in Bowser v a Eggman.
Also, some other guy did K. Rool v Dedede. youtu.be
Realistically I could see Bowser getting a rematch with Ganondorf. Bowser could actually hurt him now, and TotK Ganondorf’s Secret Stones draining Bowser are a viable win con.
They're a cute pair
Oh god, me too.
I'd like to see the movie version of the Avengers vs the movie version of the Justice League, or something similar.
Use the Justice League cartoon version vs something else.
Or just in general branch out into more versions of characters than the ones we have seen over and over.
Do Star Wars but only use the movie canon and nothing from comics. Or try something related to the power rangers and not only the first show or transformers and not G1. Hell I will even take those warner channel live action hero shows just to see something different even as a joke.
Using Archie Sonic felt like a step in that direction at least.
Indeed they are also got the whole evil dads but they care thing going as well. Which adds to them being not completely fucked up kids.
Evolution Goku vs Turkish Superman
I've seen people want Noku to fight Donte
can someone explain to me how bowser would ever hope to defeat the time eater
Wishing him away via Dream Stone or Star Rod
but how do those scale to solaris
time eater=super sonic=solaris
Joseph, Johnathan, Jotaro, Josuke, Giorno, and Gappy solo with ease. Johnny might have trouble since a good number of supes can handle Act 4 via getting rid of his horse, but ultimately even 1, 2, and 3 are more than enough for basically all of them. The only one I’m not sure of is Jodio, although he can theoretically just set up a slaughterhouse by splashing November Rain’s water everywhere and then making a fake call to trick the supes in there.
Yeah now that I think about it DB is the type of guys to scale Dedede insanely high, especially with dedede being able to consistently puke kirby to orbit. But seeing Dedede and Meta knight work together in a death battle would be great but idk what a fair match up would be.,,
They used canon games and not non-canon crossovers
The issue?
They give me KO and Dendy vibes
Bejitabro btw
Hasn't the Time Eater been destroyed in pretty much every game it show sup in? It's basically a cosmic horror Eggman managed to put on a leash and turn into his own monster but it tears apart all of reality every time it's unleashed and the Sonics quickly have to put it down until next time. It doesn't seem like a regular part of Eggman's arsenal even if he wanted to use it, it only shows up during collab games with classic Eggman as well.
Remember those people calling infinite an insta win? I wonder how they feel right now.
Ok damn now I see it exactly lol
Durable naive normal kid
Autistic emotionally/socially stunted smart kid
death battle uses characters at their peaks
and as we know from shadow generations, the time eater can just go into the future if he wants, so he could get the phantom ruby/sage/etc that way
would have been interesting if we had a scene of the time eater sending bowser into a level from his past, that would have been cool
there's time travel in mario too tho, it's not something that is normally used except in a few games where it seems to be very casually easy to do
i feel like a being that can completely erase spacetime, leaving nothing but an empty void, is probably greater than someone who can just travel through time
but then again idk how mario time feats work
the issue is time travel itself, if someone can go back to change something and someone else can go even further to change that it's just a chain reaction of timelines and paradoxes
for sure a primordial monster that can wipe out events from the timeline is stronger than any magical pipe or book that can work as a time portal but the time travel issue remains
How did he even lose if he could just wish away Mario and Luigi?
Love how everyone skips to the Ash vs Yugi debate since no one cares about memeslop shit
I've warmed up to the match since they confirmed they're just going all out with crossover scaling, it'll probably be fun.
what does ash’s team scale to? movie arceus seems pretty weak because he jobs to a meteor
You see Mario is the hero so he always wins because that's what heroes do.
just realized that with the time eater eggman could make bowser refight mario and that could be a path to victory lmaooooo
Why doesn't Yugi just teach Ash how to play the children's card game?
Bowser and Mario have worked together vs common enemies.
Based on past history I think this would most likely lead to a Mario + Bowser team up vs Eggman
he should really just learn to stop messing with time to avoid getting stomped by tag teams
but consider eggman could collect multiple versions of himself from throughout time to counter this
of course bowser can just use the double cherry to multiply himself too
I guess it depend if you want to lean torwards anime logic or more towards game logic, or even maybe composite. I mean I would assume Anime logic Ash cant scale that high, maybe like large building or something. He has actual pokemon legendaries like nagandel and solgaleo, and a mega + ash greninja
Eggman doesn't know who Mario even is
Prep time on both sides changes A LOT
Because the one time he tried doing it, he got interrupted by heart magic
he didn’t know who silver was probably but he still got him to fight sonic
that's his thing he teams up with other characters and somehow gets them to fight sonic but they eventually realize what's going on and team up to beat him
phantom ruby>create mario>ez dub
Mephiles made Silver want to kill Sonic, I don’t actually recall Eggman and silver ever interacting in 06, but regardless the whole reason he went back in time was to kill Sonic.
sonicfags are hiding behind Mario now
what i’m trying to say is eggman doesn’t remember 06 because it got erased from the timeline at the end of the game
finding mario should be way easier than finding 2 characters (silver and mephiles) who don’t even exist
kiryu from yakuza vs any of the GTA protagonists just choose whoever can be wanked up higher
hard to deny mario objectively beats bowser, and eggman objectively has multiple weapons that would make bowser fight mario
eggman could make bowser refight mario
This is fudking GOLD.
The clones the PR can crate are wall level.
also to anyone saying mario would choose to not fight bowser, the clones created by the ruby obey eggman regardless of the original (like the shadow clone)
yuuuuup i’m thinking this new mario meta is hard to beat
How would Bowser fight if his timeline was destroyed? The TE could lock away the instance where Bowser got the whatever Mcguffin he was going to use to kill him. Or lock away the moment he was born. And so on. How's Bowser going to wish away shit back if he doesn't exist?
if they're fake marios they would not be that hard to beat
remember mario is kind of just a guy he conveniently happens to stumble on the right power up or the right ally or the right switch to beat bowser
in terms of raw power he's always shown to be much weaker than bowser but he makes up for it with determination, ingenuity and luck
Might be part of it. Even the hitters blow was blarant mistranslation.
but what if it was an army of marios
The TE could lock all those mcguffins.
b-but he can't touch them
You can't scale the chaos emeralds to them.
This is at minimum universe level. With the added Bonus that would force Bowser to travel alone in past to fight two Eggmans that could put Bowser's shit against himself.
eggman is already multiversal from his mech in sonic rush that could destroy two universes at once
Kamek steals those weapons
Makes Eggman fight Mario AND Sonic
the part where boomstick says “oh eggman empire conquered the earth, but bowser conquered most of the universe!” like eggman didn’t completely erase the whole universe in generations cmon
still fodder, give them at least some power ups
make it an army of a variety of marios
ice marios, fire marios, hammer marios, etc
emerl/sage learn how to replicate kamek’s magic instantly upon seeing it
make bowser fight mario and sonic AND kamek