How To Train Your Dragon Live Action
Finally it’s valid as art because it’s real youtu.be
Fucking WHY???
Is it because every moderately-successful IP MUST be milked dry until the public no longer wants it?
Too scared to show the black Astrid in the first trailer
They have a whole section of the new theme park dedicated to it.
Because normies are retards with bad taste
Why isn't there a shot with her? I thought outrage marketing was real?
I know the live-action remake shit is an attempt to re-sell old animated movies to the Chinese audience, but even they are getting tired of this shit. Is this gonna be the last wave, or are we doomed to see live-action remakes until the end of time?
It's DreamWorks turn to start shitting these out for a bit. Expect remakes of Shrek, Madagascar and somehow Kung Fu Panda in the next decade.
hey at least it seems to be sticking close to the OG material, designs seems decent
aaand of course
Live action
CG dragons.
Really why would I watch this? When I can just watch the first movie.
not even a reinterpretation/alternate take of the book but a worse copy of the animated movie
Oh come on
Really why would I watch this? When I can just watch the first movie.
There still exists a massive stigma against animated movies, so Hollywood can still trick people into rewatching movies since it's the first time it's been made "for real" in their eyes
Is there some kind of tax or royalty loophole that saves you money if you turn your animated toy franchise into a live action toy franchise?
Shrek with Mikey Myers wearing a giant green fatsuit
Smash Mouth guest starring as various people, giving them their second acting credit after Rat Race
Could be fun for the shitpost quality. But they'd probably go full retard and cast James Corden.
It's not though. It's not real. Dragons don't exist. Cartoon are for children, and this isn't? Are we going to see Vikings torn in half. You know the worst part, I'm not even being sold the same movie twice. This movie will have changes and none of this will be good.
It's like being the third person in a human centipede. Your being fed someone else's shit.
I can't wait until she finds out about all the pig art Astrid is featured in, I'm sure she'll be delighted.
You know the lead singer of smash mouth died right? Drank himself to death.
Ah yes, the historically accurate black viking.
Damn, really? I wish somebody once told me.
Odds on her being the only viking with braided hair?
There still exists a massive stigma against animated movies
Really? That sounds Far fetched.
nico only looks black when they give her ethnic hair
She is so hot bros...
this is what butthurt mutts actually believe...
True she looks more blatino here
Why is she the only one who's been race swapped?
1:1 remake, for what fucking purpose? Wouldn't it be easier to just take the old movie, re-render it ink and release it as it? Why waste money on shooting the same exact thing, but with live actors?
This shit smells like money laundering to me. Or some CEO wanted their kid be a in a big movie, so they made this.
It really isn't, boomers and gen x still consider the entire medium baby stuff and refuses to see it unless a child asks for it.
You have no idea how much the mere possibility of someone calling these people childish paralyzes them with fear, the entire identity of these older generation is that they're very mature big boys and big girls and that letting yourself be vulnerable to fun is a humiliating crime.
Genuine tools the whole lot of them.
They also released this picture
People are defending this in the comments saying "she's a quadroon she's basically white"
Because we have to have one mixed race couples and hiccup and Astrid are the only couple in the film
It doesn't even take place on earth, if you want to go down the realism path there are a lot more issues, like how the fuck do you have humans that happen to be almost exactly like real viking era humans instead of developing an entirely different aesthetic and culture.
She could honestly pass as Astrid if they just gave her a blonde wig.
Are same -race relationships completely haram in Hollywood these days?
I'm pretty sure HTTYD takes place on Earth?
I say one more generation of bleaching
Sage to date but she does not get the rank of white
Welcome to 2024.
No. Only W-W. B-B A-A L-L are all okay. Also any combot of BAL with W, specifically female W.
My biggest concern would be dragons being seem as volatile beasts when they take less effort to tame than a stray kitten.
Like, they were born domesticated or something
Hopefully the best thing to come from all this is more inkershike art
This ruins the movie right out the gate
Indistinguishable from whites.
Ayy lmaoo
that happen to be almost exactly like real viking era humans
They really aren't, when you think about it. They don't go on viking raids to rape and pillage. They don't even go on long trading voyages. They don't make blood sacrifices to Thor to save them from their plague. All they do is fight off dragons that want to eat their sheep, because they're island-bound sheep farmers instead of Vikings. All they've really got in common is being white people living on a northerly island that braid their beards and build houses that look kind of sort of Norse in style. It's all very shallow aesthetics that could more easily arise at random.
It hasn't even been that long...
Released March 21, 2010
Fuck me.
Spiderman had three different versions in less than a decade so it's not even the worst case of re-shit
I thought outrage marketing was real?
It was at one point but it only took 8 years for studios to realize its dumb. Being labeled as woke now can be the kiss of death for a film.
uncanny face
She's the definition of mixed heritage and pass as nothing or everything depending on who you ask, which is what Hollywood loves.