Why does this look so cursed?
Why does this look so cursed?
Marvel Naruto?
You're bitching about a black April again?
Naruto and TMNT
If you mean just that page then I'd say the background is really jarring since it looks like a real photo with a filter and some color adjustments. Photo referencing isn't inherently bad but the photorealistic forest being in EVERY panel makes the contrast with the characters more obvious since there also isn't enough done to make them harmonize.
There's something really perverse about taking Naruto, the product of a single man's mind,who worked hard to have his creation rise to the top of Japanese comics and become universally recognized, and having his characters drawn by a lesser artist, intermingled with a corporate owned property that took independent creators' work and warped it in countless permutations until it barely resembles the original. That isn't an April O'Neil ever conceived by the original creators. It's an April conceived by committee, to appeal to a demographic told to them by a focus group
Naruto isn't a masterpiece, but this is an insultingly hollow product
I truly believe America is an affront to art itself.
Why is it always the stupid looking hobo dreadlocks
The backgrounds are weird and April just doesn't fit.
That said if it was just art of the Naruto Cast I'd say its good
Dragon Ball Super.
Boruto: Son of Naruto
Lol I miss edgey Linkin Park crawling in my skin Sasuke
I think the creator of naruto cares more that he's getting paid for this if anything.
Another page
I truly believe you are being a giant gaping pussy about something as normal as a crossover that happens all the time in comics, cartoons and video games both in Japan and the west.
Tsunade is in this
They'd better not have nerfed her tits, I swear to God.
This looks 100x better than Ikemoto’s art, though it is worse than Kishimoto’s.
Ikemoto is the worst of Kishimoto's assistants. I guess his better assistants were too busy trying to get their own manga published or whatever.
Oh, well, I'm pleasantly surprised. Not as big as they SHOULD be but better than I would have dared to hope.
It doesn't have Tayuya, does it?
single man's mind
Shakespeare didn't create Romeo and Juliet, he just came up with his own spin on a story that was popular at the time. Who Framed Roger Rabbit was a VERY loose adaptation of a novel, vastly improving over the original work. Now don't get me wrong, I don't approve of the corporate-approved element in this, but the notion that Naruto is inherently superior to anything that's been reinterpreted repeatedly by different artists/writers... well that's a load of bunk.
did this come out then?
Turtles who are flipped on their back DO need help to get back up
I'm confused what about to Naruto in the fourth panel. Why did he fall on his face?
Honestly this lmao. Naruto has been cashing out for decades.
Naruto was always awful slop for zoomers.
It having a crossover with fucking IDW Turtles works perfectly because both of those things are awful and attract the worst audiences.
Because crossovers are soulless cash grab garbage made by and for brainwashed corporate drones who equate familiarity with quality.
Probably because you don’t understand of what “cursed” actually means
Sakura is a cunt in any world you find her in.
Naruto, the product of a single man's mind
Tardwrangled by his editor, so demonstrably false. His twin brother has yet to succeed as a mangaka, there isn't a better case study for what being in the right place surrounded by the right people at the right time can accomplish.
Everyone at that village aren't even black, they are Okinawan, but amerilards can't see a tan that they steal it and takes it as black.
In a perfect world, we would get a Kinnikuman Crossover, but is better to let the anime take off from second season in january, and mainly because WWE wrestlers are watching it again.
tsunade's milkers are unscathed
Tsunade is Hokage, yet Sasuke is still in the village, wearing his early outfit even
My autism is flaring up.
Shut up fags
Naruto is as much of a corporate slop as TMNT, Kishimoto doesn't own it, Shueisha does he could die and they would still be able to churn out sequels or whatever if they want to makes money, his input is irrelevant, Boruto is in fact exactly that.
The truth hurts.
Is she going to rape sasuke
What truth?