Previous thread Lesbians don't do scissors for God's sake
Arcane: Caitvi Fight Edition
sexo with viktor's corpse
Poor Maddie
Some do, but it’s overrated in media/pop culture/online.
He looks like someone is giving him the best head of his life
anon realizes real lesbian sex is kinda lame and nothing like what he saw on his pornos
It really took us 4 fucking months to get here?
you're obsessed with the imaginary fictional lesbian sex scene and it's pathetic
Weird how he is consistently fuckable no matter what happens to him. Shame we have to waste so much time on lesbian melodrama instead of getting to see Jayce get it in.
he posted it again
Do you think Ambessa raped his twink ass?
Simping for dykes in general is fucking pathetic
Will they actually give Jinxs hair the chop
if the show wasn't such a shit fest and we could actually enjoy talking about it. but nvm we only got the dykes left.
I just want him to smile again
Arcane if it was good
Are you honestly surprised?
Incels put the act of simply having a girlfriend on this magical impossible fucking pedestal so two girls being each other's girlfriend must be super duper magical and shit. In reality it's two mid chicks living together who barely stand each other and maybe twice a year they have sex.
What are you talking about Jayce will literally have his own ep with AU Viktor and they’ll fight each other in the finale.
A little bowlcut for the girl.
This guy literally talks to himself doesn’t he? Also he reminds me of a crazy dude on Anon Babble.
that's my line and MY corpse to fuck
It's just setting in that Act 3 is very likely to be the hottest piece of garbage ever.
No sex, one or both realizes she wasn't really a lesbian and it was just a phase, infidelity, the usual stuff
they do but she has"pigtails" in her skin, like cloth
Feels good that I'm going to see my main.
have sex yourself before talking nonsense
It's almost as funny as when fujos realize gay sex is actually fucking gross
one or both realizes she wasn't really a lesbian and it was just a phase
This really is the most common one and it accounts for something like 90% of lesbians
we go
Cait can womanhadle Vi and Vi loves it because she's a brat and love dommy Cait putting her in her place
So much better than what we got. God damn it.
This nigga has never seen a vagina lmao
make a big deal about how fascist caitlyn is now
in episode 4 shes suddenly reverted back to "we cant kill jinx because thats not lawful."
Riot outsourcing all the evil crimes on noxians yet again
likely just added to the skin so the silhouette of the character isnt changed too much
Pretty sure the stressed and depressed hair chop is supposed to be bad.
cucks Jace
cucks Vi
will cuck the new girl
She can't keep getting away with it
She's too hot like this. I'm not even horny and it made me feel things
The literal act 1 cliffhanger was Caitlyn pounding her chest and then they gave up on it the next episode. Wasted potential, it was one of the few amazing arcs in season 2 and it went to shit.
I always find hilarious how the stupid leakers always ignore Ekko so they never bother to make the Episode 9 Ekko in regular clothes in Jinx lair in fighting position after using the Z Drive scene fit into their bullshit.
Season 2?
Lame, in my fantasies they bang twice a day.
the amex thing is the biggest load of bs and anons on here still believe it
This is when he says his
you gotta sacrifice something to move forward, imma do my own thang
and he looks like someone beat the living shit out of him, so who did it?
Once episode 7 title drops we'll know for sure.
wasn't Ambessa killed by Caitlyn?
Lesbian bed death, bro.
Lesbian reclaim sex
my sister after my ex
So she views jinx more scarier than cait huh.
I have a question for people that insist that Skye is just a hallucination or a manipulation from a sentient hidden enemy which I don't deny is not a interpretation you can obviously have but with this show nothing is obvious, unless the animators did a mistake here check the scene at pic related, Skye is behind Viktor, he has no awareness of her reaction and she's emotionally touched there, her eyes are shimmering. This is when they're seeing the memories of Singed.
In my mind Viktor was saved from a bad involution towards cold machine by the consciousness of Skye surviving somewhere, possibly in the core and Jayce for some unknown reasons broke that path of synergy between machine and soul now we'll get to see the villainous transhumanist Viktor.
Is this the same anon who leaked 7-9? Looks like a different message
it's not the same anon
no leaker has bothered even trying to elaborate on their bullshit once inconsistencies are picked apart, it's all rp
Still got it
No man.
It's the one that leaked episode 6.
Honestly, it makes it even more confusing that they had Cait attack Vi in a move-for-move remake of her and Ambessa's sparring session earlier and then betray her in the next moment.
That kind of parallelling is done to show a character has finally taken to heart someone's lessons and would be indicative of Caitlyn fully becoming Ambessa's pupil. If Ambessa had talked about something alluding to the her being weak and unworthy of following or that siding with Vi was the right thing, it'd make more sense, but I'm just baffled by it. The only thing I remember Cait saying during their sparring session was that by using force, you overextend and expose yourself.
Is that the convoluted logic they're using? That Cait was waiting for Ambessa to send Noxians somewhere in force before backstabbing her? Shit is so messy.
This show is for young women, why are you watching this?
Cait didn't act like a human at all at any moment of s2.
imma do my own thang
I love how people started calling him the Miles Morales of Arcane, it fits so well
og anon posted his "leaks" on november 14 and this one posted it a day after.
No i wouldn't put act 1 at the top. I don't think we've hit the peak yet that's gonna be in act 3. We've had small respites where a big conflict will resolve but then immediately the story jumps back to climbing to a higher climax. The cait/vi/jinx is one. They have a big battle which resolves a little tension but then cait takes up power and we're right back to rising higher. The following episode showing how the noxus and enforecers have been terrorizing a growingly agitated undercity as they become even more discontent, still going higher and higher. So act 1 and 2 haven't hit that final big bang where everything will start to resolve or "fall". There's still massive conflict ahead for warwick, jayce, viktor, noxus, black rose, etc. We've basically not hit a single point since s1's finale of blowing up the council where things didn't feel like they were barrelling faster and faster toward a brick wall in some explosive manner. So everything's likely to culminate in act 3 where then the characters and setting will begin to resolve to some final conclusion and place of status quo.
and they’ll fight each other in the finale
Only to completely disappear and never be seen again. I find that to be a very unsatisfactory ending for both.
Sorry I should have been more specific. SEX with VIKTOR on SCREEN.
Pretend Like It’s The First Time
Vi tells Cait this so she isn’t cowed by Cait’s ocean of “experience “
no one believes your retarded fanfiction stupid bitch
Real lesbians look something like this
Bobs are cute. Pixies can be cute too, but Jinx's looks like it was done with a pocket knife.
Viktor needs Skype because it’s lonely in space.
its a mindscape nothing in there is real
your mental life is not real
Good thing I don't give a fuck about real lesbians
anri okita
Damn that's a throwback, anons back in 2021 were comparing her to Cait because her dad is asian
Is that the anon who posted pic related?
Lesbians don't even exist in the same sense that gay men do. Men acquire a sexual orientation during or before puberty and it doesn't change for the rest of their lives. Women experience something like that but it can change over the course of weeks or months, depending on the prevalence of potential mates. If there's very few men around they'll start becoming attracted to women and vice versa.
Anon it's not that hard to understand.
As soon as vi said cupcake it triggered a tiny orgasm of warmth in caitlyn's heart which then went straight to her pussy.
Caitlyn wants a strong female who can challenge her but also submit to her every whim.
Vi really needs some of that combat training from Ambessa. Her performance has been lacking.
it's not the same
Imagine being a bruiser and getting bullied by an adc in melee. Again.
rent free
back into your containment chain please
No items, obviously feeding, just report
Ekko never says that though, you faggots just like to misquote
It's called kiting.
what a fag wanting his hecking yuri but getting the ick when compared to the real product
Will they show stripper lady in all her glory in act 3?
I'm honestly baffled the game is popular and has been popular for nearly 20 years, that shit looks like ass
It cannot be just the KDA music videos keeping people hooked
How do you kite with your fists?
Lmao it's not that hard to understand how hack the writing is since they want the lesbos to have the only good ending.
Cait was just thinking with her pussy that's all.
everyone alive and happy
Piltover and Zaun at peace
Jayce and Mel married
Caitlyn and Vi married
Jinx and Isha now officially mother and daughter
Viktor healing people again and rebuilding his utopia
Ekko and Heimerdinger doing more science shit
Vander reopens his old bar and everyone meets up there a few times a week for drinks and revelry
Riot if you fuck us on this I swear to god
It's complicated because it's another thing that they leave up to interpretation but my understanding is that there are two sides to the Arcane. One good and one evil. Viktor is invoking the good and Jayce is being corrupted by the evil but they're both the same so Jayce and Viktor are fighting themselves moreso than each other. Mel does some magic shit with her armor to make both sides dormant to end the fight but the arcane still has fingerprints or whatever everywhere. The fact that they still use hextech kinda ruins whatever meta they were trying to establish. We get awesome visuals out of it but just don't think about it too hard otherwise it starts to feel stupid. Viktor is machine mode by the end so losing the arcane isn't a big deal.
It's all thanks to her.
It would be way more shocking and unexpected than a fatalistic ending.
I didn't know SEHvika was pronounced SeVEEka
If she's in a melee situation and uses her fists then she's not a ranged unit anymore.
Oh this is bullshit. I’ll wait for Friday for the spoilers.
It's been less popular in west, there its average user is a 30 years old stuck with the game because of addiction having reached a point where they've installed a rootkit anti cheat from the Chinese conglomerate just so they can continue to play the game.
The game itself is actually big in China that's where the bulk of their money and raw games for balancing and so on come from. They worship Garen there.
The game is literally free and it can run on windows 98 computers so there are millions upon millions of people who play it purely because of those two factors.
they worship garen
Kind of random.
Eh you stroke my ego with this because it vindicates what I was saying but we'll see Friday.
nerf adc overpowered role
whats Caitlyns endgame?
"Jinx was the coolest girl!"
“Jinx...thanks for becoming a terrorist"
“But I don't want to kill Jinx!"
They have giant statues of him there. Demacia could be in the focus of some season because of that.
It cannot be just the KDA music videos keeping people hooked
It is a big factor, stuff like Arcane as well, but it's mostly just suck cost falacy
Cait does take her lessons with ambessa to heart. She uses ambessa to learn but doesn't fully fall in line with her. And she does use what she learns, she uses guile and ambessa's trust for her to trick her into a defeat which is one of the core principles Ambessa was trying to teach her. But they also defeat her without using any brute force which is what cait is talking about here. Ambessa, like vi, thinks she can use strength to muscle her way through any obstacle, the noxian way. Ambessa even points out that she recognizes and admires the resilience in vi and wishes she could have taken her in for it. But cait/vi beat her here with entirely trickery and zero force at all, something Ambessa likely wouldn't have considered as she states you need all three principles in balance to be truly effective which cait seems to disagree with.
MOBAs are addictive because they're competitive BUT because they're team based and you mostly play with randos, you can shift blame on them for your mistakes. They also have quite some depth while you learn all heroes, items etc. But at this point It's mostly sunk cost fallacy. MOBAs are a lot like toxic relatioship with a nasty gf, most people are so desperate they think it's worth it to continue rather than stop. Barely any new players come into games like Dota 2 or LoL, because sweaties dominate the field. Hell, even Deadlock is losing popularity fast because people just play meta and demand everyone to play meta. They unironically think they'll be esports stars at some point. But regardless, LoL has been losing popularity and bleeding players for quite some time and Arcane didn't really turn the tide. Valorant overtook LoL in popularity this summer for many reasons. It's obvious LoL is on the downward spiral. It basically survives only thanks to whales that have stockholm syndrome and are ready to waste $500 on a character skin
Does jinx die in the end?
How can I analyze a non human, something that acts like a random volcano and make no sense and is not consistent with her past exposition? Just ignore Caitlyn, move on.
30% of games are unwinnable, 30% of games are free wins, and 40% are games that can be won by playing well.
30% Unwinnable: These games are characterized by factors outside of a player's control, such as teammates intentionally trying to lose or extreme differences in skill levels.
30% Free Wins: These games are won because the opposing team makes significant errors or has players who are not trying to win.
40% Determined by Skill: These games are the ones where a player's individual skill and decision-making have the most impact on the outcome. Focusing on improvement in these games is key to climbing the ranked ladder.
Many factors influence the outcome of a League of Legends match, and not all losses are a reflection of a player's individual performance.
Stuff like ZZZ are doing it's job but better now.
Skinner box but with cute anime girls to make you forget you're literally wasting your time.
So you're saying that Caitlyn is bee from "be the bee"?
Aren’t you scissoring dude? Yeah I don’t believe a single thing you said. Especially with Jayce being the evil side…
you will never be a woman
I get Ra's al Ghul/ Bruce Wayne vibes from Ambessa and Caitlyn's relationship, she's a mentor but yet they don't see eye to eye on fundamentals which drives them apart later.
Betrayal was kinda weird as it was done. Plan was brainless, something a 2-bit criminal would hatch. Yet Caitlyn's supposed to be a tactician of sorts
Other take is yet another forced parallel ie Heimer - JayMel where he confesses he betrays him, this time is Ambessa - Caitlyn where she betrays her mentor at the weirdest time
I really wanted to believe the 'sky is a manifestation of the arcane/hexcore manipulating viktor' theory, but after ep 6, I think its just a really fucking lazy way to have Viktor have dialogue in his mindscape rather than just narrating it alone.
Please, Bruce Wayne is like a 200 IQ being, Caitlyn is 87 at most.
In reality it's two mid chicks living together who barely stand each other and maybe twice a year they have sex.
I like your take, sounds plausible but it's depressing so it must be right.
Titles come out Wednesday.
vtuber image
This reminds me of why LoL and all of these stupid games insist so much on making their girls lesbians, it's not some woke conspiracy, quite the opposite actually.
The playerbase is mostly virginal dudes who see the girls as their wives and they don't wanna see them flirting around with the male characters so they bargain it down to the girls being dykes because that's more acceptable. The playerbase doesn't feel cucked and corporate can pretend they're inclusive, win-win.
It's better than western games with their typeA typeB bullshit but it's still retarded.
Every single league of legends friend that I've made had a wife or girlfriend. It's just that women don't play this game. Also the average age of league players right now is that of married men.
The woke shit is indeed mental illness and demonism on the part of Riot.
why are trannies itt pretending to be lesbians
It's been literally every thread for the past 4 months
I knew premier anon was legit. Hope he had fun whaling.
Vander dead
Silco dead
Isha dead
Vander dead again
Sevika will probably die too
She can't catch a break...
That’s for the event not for the screening.
Vi and Cait go back to her mansion
Maddie runs out and kisses Cait
Vi is completely shocked
she has no words
suddenly Maddie runs and kisses Vi too
now both Cait and Vi are shocked
she says something slutty then runs back inside
The playerbase is mostly virginal dudes who see the girls as their wives and they don't wanna see them flirting around with the male characters so they bargain it down to the girls being dykes because that's more acceptable
That's so fucking pathetic on so many levels
No. Why would they kill the face of their brand? Think anon.
He was claiming to see it on Wednesday, that event is in Friday.
Why would they kill the face of their brand?
Because some of their decisions as of late have been retarded, I would not put it past them to kill of jinx off cause it lines up with their current stupidity.
the face of their brand?
If we're talking about Arcane, Jinx is third after Vi and Cait
If we're talking about larger League, slutty fox is more iconic
Jayce isn't evil he's just corrupted just like Viktor isn't Jesus he's just channeling the Arcane. They literally showed this in ep 6 with Viktor's followers looking like void creatures to Jayce.
It is, but when these dudes represent millions of dollars for the bottom line of the company they're less pathetic and more the paying customer who needs to be placated
Then why does everything point to her dying? How do the bitch writers get out of that?
Warwick dies
Right. Which is why they made the login loop for Wild Rift be about Vander in his full wolf form not killing a Jinx lookalike.
why did you made it twice?
If we're talking about Arcane, Jinx is third after Vi and Cait
Delusional, no matter how much screetime Amanda gifted the dykes to flesh out their horrible love story
imagine how many times he knotted viktor
Is this the most accurate depiction of a dyke relationship in media? Constant breaking/making up and lots of physical violence?
I don’t believe you. Try all you want but you’re not doing a good job being convincing.
Slavic Vi
I see no difference here
Well, here we go. You now know why S2 is worse than S1. It's just a part of larger sloppification of Riot
All of these leakers are incapable of giving proof. They are all lying trolls
Lesbian sex is more emotionally intimate and requires more communication which doesn't work out in fiction when people just want to see clam slamming. For example, some women can only handle one orgasm whereas some couple keep having sex until they're tired. Sex between two women doesn't rely entirely on a man cumming which is why you struggle to understand it beyond being "lame".
she says something slutty then runs back inside
Maddman has done it again!
What's with LoL's new pfp?
didnt riot commission a french studio to make arcane?
when they even bother to have sex, which is not often
Men don’t like anything remotely emotional so it checks out. hope Cait whispers how beautiful Vi is during it.
emotionally intimate
So why the cheating and the beatings?
Caitlyn uses the grey again so we might end up seeing her squad fighting together in close combat.
Turns out when they really get to know each other they start despising each other too, go figure
I think he is talking about the writing not the visuals.
Scissor anon is the most blatant troll
possible doesn't mean probable, just look at the games, she's everywhere, LoL, LoR, TFT, fighting game, splash art, merch, skins. music videos, more
what do they do just erase her from everything? it makes no sense from a business plan
the only way I see her dying is a fake-out death where the audience knows she's alive but those inside the story don't know or are unsure of her fate
You're having a parasocial interaction with "us"?
For writing they also commission hollywod washups.
Lesbians create a magical image of themselves and blame the other side when they fail to match it
hollywod washups
No wonder it feels like the dialogue is shittier than the first season.
She’s dying and this is mega cope
I meant the first season as well. The writing team were just random almost no-names from los angeles, just Amanda had the most media experience and she's a "lesbian". it was a writing room with cycled nobodies so that the blame belongs to no one particular.
Maddie looks huge next to 6’ Cait here, or just me? This must be one of those artistic decisions, like her confidence in snagging her commander is symbolized by her larger-than-life size.
They supposedly scale them up or down to signify their relationship/status or the animators are just retarded and do random shit.
Do you have any proof that she's dying?
caitlyns just taller?
Nice trips and dubs.
I think they just got lucky with season 1 and they don't know how to continue from there so they just went with the generic hollywood route.
Eating carpet is one of the best joys in life. I love being a rug muncher and will be till my end days.
Good luck with the throat cancer, sister
A worthy sacrifice
What is your spin on the old storyboard of Jinx being dead along with the writers saying that they have had the same ending in mind all along. Genuinely asking
You do know there’s a vaccine to prevent that, right? It’s mostly girls getting it though. I’d be more concerned about yourself, well, not that I need to since your virginity keeps you safe
Fortiche is an independent animation studio. I dunno if its heads will eventually force its workers to use AI, but when S2 was produced none of the generative AI stuff was sophisticated enough to be used in Arcane s1 or s2.
Good job, maybe one day one lesbian will let you touch a boobie
r/viktormains coping over the time travel leaks
If its good enough for micheal douglas its good enough for me
I'll entertain you since I'm bored. Jinx, their flagship characters dies an undo-able death permanently. Now what for Riot?
Ambessa and Mel fill the void with their minimal money-making potential?
Tell me where they make up the money lost from killing off Jinx forever
Jinx and Silco >>>> Vi and Vander
Vander healed by repeated astral and physical plane knottings
Fund it, 50k ao3 fic right the fuck now, get the fujos on this.
Vi would make a cute guy
her bio dad
I think the show didn’t intend on being canon. They planned it with the end goal being a redemption death for Jinx. Now that it’s canon they are using the introduction of an au to open up the option of other universes where Jinx is alive.
Great, the one we’re emotionally invested in and one that is her “main” appearance is the slain one.
sky watched it all
god i wish that were me
Sky in the background giving Viktor gentle encouragement and advice
Her bio dad was balding
Is there a reason you don’t think her death will happen outside of riot losing money
They fired the character artist for Jayce's new Arcane skin and then they do this. Wow
so she doesn't really "die" and there's millions of AU Jinxes running around. which goes against everything devs have been talking about for the MMO where canon is being unified into a single lore which can be used in the MMO
so will I be able to play Jinx in WR and LoL after Nov 23 when they kill her off are they going to just remove her from the games?
or that's not Arcane Jinx in the moba games?
how do they make up all that lost revenue from Jinx skins?
Don’t listen to anon. Riot is focusing hard on their mmo and due to that they know they can’t kill Jinx. Instead they will have her die but give hints that she is alive
it's real
ooof not a good look for riot
Is this AU Ekko? When he's back saying you have to leave something behind in the trailer he's in the same outfit and hairstyle and makeup that he had when he disappeared
Hated jilcofags (that's why I left) but landwhale vicucks making me vomit, I'd rather be jilcofag
The bottoms are rebelling.
I had the pleasure to make this
Truly one of my favorites! ^_^
Utterly bleak.
a connection made where there is none
heh I know, playing devil's advocate
if one claims she dies forever, I'd like the reasons and what Riot looks like after shooting themselves in the foot as if they hadn't thought of the fall-out it would create
She will almost certainly survive a suicide attempt. What message would the writers be sending if they kill her after that
apparently. guessing the suicide prevention scene is what happens, Ekko returns from the anomaly with his z-drive somehow, finds Jinx who's mid-suicide and saves her with it, his face paint is melted off in this scene so probably from the Last Drop fire,
they end up back at Jinx's lair and he gives her the pep talk and they "catch up" cause those two haven't talked since s1. eventually become allies. probably most of ep 7
I get what regular ekko must be up to, I just don't know what the point of having an alternate ekko will be
soon the shilling on teh 4chans will be automated too
lol brutally get mogged by valorant, that's why they blatantly cutback everything they can
They even pushed Runeterra MMO back in favor of new Destiny/Tarkov game set in Valorant universe. It's truly over.
that's Glorious Sloppification™ to you humie
I remember one LoL skin artist saying they fired him and then the next day offered him a job as a contractor
Maybe bad universe Ekko?
I'm guessing Piltover became some sort of ground zero for a machine singularity/skynet.
My other bet is that we might get Ryze to loredump magic on Jayce and send him back.
riot was the real machine herald all along
Has this been posted here yet
Ryze to loredump magic on Jayce and send him back.
I thought it was AU jesus vicktor telling jayce to kill his universe's jesus viktor before he voids up zaun and piltover judging by the Chinese dub actor picture.
Will we ever see this twink again?
Hold your grandmother's Bible to your breast
Gonna put it to the test
You want it to be blessed
And in your heart
You know it to be true
You know what you gotta do
They all depend on you
And you already know
Yeah, you already know
How this will end
There is no escape
From the slave-catcher's songs
For all of the loved ones gone
Forever's not so long
And in your soul
They poked a million holes
But you never let 'em show
Come on, it's time to go
And you already know
Yeah, you already know
How this will end
For a second I thought her vag was out
Will Caitler and Vi keep maddie as a third?
WTF I was hoping to buy me one of them new skins but now I'd just feel bad :(
syndra comes out in wild rift
she gets an asu
hecarim comes out in wild rift
he gets an asu
warwick comes out in wild rift
no asu
I don't think the "leaks" are true.
Caitlyn is all legs.
I've never played League of legends. I don't even play many video games. Is this show good?
The show is good, especially season 1
Do not play the game, it's still the same trash it's always been.
never goes homo, not once not even glimpse
Based Fortiche Dabbing on Fujos
we are all slaves to nature, blooming as we wither,
but even hardened rocks and painful grudges, can bloom beautifully with flowers.
pushing past mountains,
to let her see me fully,
and tell the beautiful stars,
to shine upon me a little brighter,
to dispel all those grey clouds with that smudge of blue deep in my heart
that even if we are one amongst the millions, we still aim to bloom like a solitary yet beautiful flower,
don't be sad or in pain any longer
don't ever forget
even with our tears flowing that we still have to keep on running forward
to run till even time can no longer be found
and become a free bird flying in the skies
Based Frenchies.
Still shant be buying the new LoL skin thougever
you cannot kill us in a way that matters
It’s truly astonishing how far some companies are willing to go in their relentless pursuit of profit—so much so that they are now discarding their most valuable asset: their people.
Riot, in a shocking display of corporate ruthlessness, has recently made the decision to fire real, dedicated employees who spent years (sometimes decades) building the company, and are now being shown the door in favor of cold, emotionless algorithms that don’t need breaks, healthcare, or a living wage.
As if workers weren't already facing enough uncertainty in the gig economy, now we have entire companies telling their employees that they no longer matter—that their unique skills, creativity, and human touch can simply be replaced by lines of code. The message? You’re expendable. The AI might be able to churn out numbers faster, but it will never understand the passion and hard work that goes into real human labor. Sure, AI can crunch data and run simulations, but it will never understand the nuances of human relationships, the struggles of work-life balance, or the need for compassion
Fortiche is on our side. It's the writers that said no homo
RITO Sociopathy at Its Finest: Let’s not sugarcoat it—this isn’t about progress. It’s about profit—plain and simple
Human beings are just too costly, too unpredictable, and too… human to bother with anymore.
It’s truly astonishing how far some companies are willing to go in their relentless pursuit of profit—so much so that they are now discarding their most valuable asset: their people.
it really is just not surprising at all. A company's sole driving desire, it's core existence, is to make money, a trait that viktor might say derived from "glorious evolution". Just like animals will try and make as many offspring as possible lest be weeded out by competitors, a company that doesn't strive for the complete totality of all money possible gets extincted out of the gene pool.
Who do we think will die? Do we trust leakers?
Its fucking bleak, but I'd love to see how the quality of content. followed by profit, suffers because of this shift to slopification.
Why even bother paying Fortiche as much as they are to make this show? Are they really getting enough new players / skin sales from this to justify it's creation?
But the writers came up with the "affection" line which made many people who didn't gaf about jayvik start liking it.
Who do we think will die?
Ambessa and maybe Heimer
I think jinx will die cause riot hates their fan base like everyone in the entertainment industry.
Do you think Netflix gets to air this for free? Lmao
So let me get this straight. Instead of paying actual human beings who built Runeterra, who gave League of Legends depth, and who made Arcane a goddamn masterpiece, Riot decides to hand over the keys to some soulless AI program? What’s next? AI voice acting? AI animators? Oh wait, I’m sure that’s already in the pipeline.
"bUt Ai iS tHe FuTuRe!" No. AI-generated garbage isn’t storytelling. It's generic, lifeless crap that’s going to turn every champion bio into some dollar-store fantasy novel blurb. You think an AI can capture the nuance of Jinx and Vi’s relationship? The tension between Piltover and Zaun? Nah, we’re just gonna get "Ekko is a boy who likes clocks. He fights people. The end."
I don't know enough about Netflix's profit model to form an opinion. I honestly was under the impression it was more of a flat rate thing on Netflix's part, or something more like Spotify in that they pay the creators fractions of pennies per stream while walking away with the bulk of the ad revenue.
Either way, it surely couldn't be making enough to cover it's production cost. I just can't believe that. Feel free to correct me
Man, why do the gays get to monopolize being vulnerable and having deeper emotional connection. I liked the affection line and it's intended meaning, continuing the season one's theme of 'severing of a deep connection with a brother'
Maybe it was like that for the first season when they didn't know whether it would succeed, but now that they have a massive hit on their hands you can be sure the higher-ups at Riot are not going to just give it away for peanuts.
Yeah this is Riot saying, "We don’t care about quality. We don’t care about storytelling. We don’t care about you, the players, who actually give a damn about our world." They just want to churn out the next big Battle Pass Skin #237 while AI vomits out lore no one reads.
The saddest part? Riot could be leading the industry in storytelling. They could invest in their writers and make more Arcanes, more lore expansions, and deepen the world we’ve been playing in for years. But no, they’d rather cut corners for some short-term savings and long-term mediocrity.
ambessa on the grounds of being a despicable human bean
But they just added her to the game
Yeah companies would often do that for red tape reasons but it does not seem to be the case here
intense melodrama scene
ching chan wonngg~ shi zhiaaooo~
Then I am immediately out of immersion and realize they just undid S1 events to repeat them and they didn't know how to make people care without using kids and rehashing imagery and scenes from the prior season. None of the women will die in this show.
Assuming the leak with half the characters dying is fake how do you think this season will end?
Jinx going a journey outside piltover and zaun. If they are fighting the void beings then they are probably going to democracy to get help.
Jinx will "die" but it will be ambiguous whether she's alive or survived and just gone off the grid
I honestly see no way Ambessa or Warwick make it out of this alive though
sadly like another anon said, the gamers that fund these companies are either addicts that just cant quit cause of habit or similarly gatcha addicts who need to collect to get their fix. my $50 one-time donation for 2-3 skins isn't what keeps the company floating, it's the mega addicts
at this point they can't put it down even if they wanted to, so why make the content any more expensive than it has to be, the players are already hooked. is how corporate would see it
You know what remains unexplained?
The fact that we have normal-looking Ekko in ep 9 as shown in Reed's VO booth leak. This looks unlike the trailer Ekko with a manbun and ear piercing.
Will there be 2 Ekko's?
Icathia 2.0, ambessa runs and Warwick stays to fight and feed on voidspawn.
They're not going to kill champions - assuming that this is supposed to be the "new lore" the characters are going to need to be alive after it. The season is essentially going to end like this - each character gets their arc "wrapped up" such that they become what they currently are in the games right now, or are immediately on the path towards it. So Viktor will not die, he is going to go towards the glorious evolution and even if we don't see it completed it'd be the next step for the games. Basically, imagine the final episode ending with a montage of each character in a slowmo, their "arc" completed, and then a splash after saying "Follow the story of these characters in League of Legends™! Play now for free!"
When I say this though I say it from a writing standpoint, like how can this woman get away with everything she's done? There could be a way to have her live, but almost every way I could think of would feel cheap/unsatisfying narratively or stupid, writing's been off this season so who knows though
Sorry, english isn't my first language but is "affection" ambiguous? The dub and sub in my country translated it to "friendship" as in "It was our friendship that held us together" and I had no idea the original word was "affection" until I saw people freaking out over it on twitter. Can "affection" carry romantic undertones? Caitvi's kiss was censored in my country so I wonder if "affection" is ambiguous enough that it warranted censorship too.
Affection is a neutral word - it can be romantic or platonic. But I would say it is an "intense" word - it implies strong feelings even when platonic.
Anon League of Legends is a chinese owned copy of a map of an RTS game. Their whales fed Tencent & China which in turn grew their influence right back into the states using spies to sleep with politicians and growing their own pharma and entertainment industry.
Nothing made this brand great and you are a fool for investing your interest in a foreign owned brand that don't even care about their own.
Yes to both.
pic rel is a decade old. The lady thought it was Guan-yu or some shit.
I see, thank you for explaining.
10 years old
looks like an old lady
Wtf happened to asian genes?
I know. She's a copycat Zed and just as cancerous.
It is ambiguous, and actually I feel I do see it more often used in a romantic sense here, but for a clinical character like Viktor it's use made sense to me even if it was meant platonically, though I could definitely see people reading into it with how popular they are with fujos so changing it to friendship feels safe if a country wanted to ice LGBT under/overtones entirely
Aw fuck reading comprehension is failng me today going to sleep and cry about how esl I am
Runeterra is a magical land with magical lesbians
oh the spicery
my guess Ekko Jinx are still preparing for the battle at beginning of ep 9, thus neither of them have their new outfits yet.
the battle starts without them, we get the Ambessa vs Cait duel which Cait loses mostly and Jinx/Ekko fly in like Han Solo to save Caitlyn or smt like.
To me the biggest issue with every leak is the lack of Sevika. What do we think happens with her
You know Jinx STILL has to dress as an enforcer and infiltrate Piltover, right? There will be no au. It's an infiltration because Ambessa controls the enforcers, for now. Eventually they will turn on Ambessa and follow Caitlyn.
each character in a slowmo, their "arc" completed, and then a splash after saying "Follow the story of these characters in League of Legends™! Play now for free!"
kek this would be horrible, entire show was 12 hour plug for a toxic moba
But his hair doesn't seem long their either? It looks like the regular Ekko we know. But if that's the case, kind of lame that the final battle also only occurs in one episode.
You are watching a commercial for a bideo game
Canon powerlevels as of Act 2:
S+: Warwick
S: Ambessa, Rictus, Jinx (forma de shimmer), Isha (ultra instinct)
A: Jayce (forma esquizofrenia), Ekko, Jinx
B: Caitlyn, Vi (forma de hextech), Sevika
C: Smeech
D: Isha, other chembarons, Heimerdinger
Wild cards: Viktor (forma Jesus), Singed
KWAB tier: Vi
because Ambessa controls the enforcers, for now. Eventually they will turn on Ambessa and follow Caitlyn
ehh idk, as it stands now it makes more sense Caitlyn returns to Piltover and readies herself for the Ambessa Singed onslaught that will certainly come b/c of her betrayal.
The enforcers have no real reason to heed Ambessa over Caitlyn, just like Noxians are loyal to Ambessa
kind of lame that the final battle also only occurs in one episode.
yeah it's going to be jam-packed in ep 9 which is 50 mins long apparently?
I could be wrong too, I'm just guessing what makes sense from what we've seen officially and real leaked stills
Hey that's the dood who made Fright Night Veigar wtf RITO
So Caitlyn is the top?
kek viktor would be proud
"and those brats were never seen again" must hit different after that
Caitlyn channeling her inner dictator to force Vi and Maddie to make out
Move jinx shimmer down one since she lost due to pigtails.
RITO channeling their inner Viktor
Maddie will be their magical third wheel unicorn that helps them make up when they fight and make out while she fingers both of them.
AU Jinx when?
Ekko is fucking Jinx nonstop. She loves every second of it.
where is this from?
If you watch carefully, the explosion freezes in time for 2-3 frames.
Ekko is coming back. He will rewind time, the cog will roll back into Viktor’s hand, and Isha will be saved.
Based boy savior if true
Wild Rift the mobile game
where do you think
why do they make good looking skins for a mobile game that they dont use in the actual game
idk they show Viktor back in the hex-cocoon of death again so I'm thinking he's pretty much a vegetable until Singed woks his science.
Last Drop Jinx doesn't make much sense if Isha and WW live. I think Isha dead, Viktor and WW bodies both recovered by Singed to be worked on
how do you mean? you can use the skin in the mobile game, they're 2 separate games
it's like a port in process of the LoL pc game, different art and some things
they have skins in the pc game that they dont put in the mobile game? also glorious jinx aint that good
oh wait a minute are you the vex anon who bitches about wild rift all the time?
not even worth arguing i dont even play anymore, enjoy playing mobile games and paying 500 for skins
how long do I have? I will only vote for it if Jinx lives.
tomb raider
The ceremony starts on December 13 2024
she's an adult in the game, in Arcane she's still a minor u sick fuck .
I know we don't have time for this telenovela shit but Maddie and Cait will probably meet in Piltover again. I wonder how the encounter will go down. Make things more spicy if Vi is also there.
No she is 18 after the timeskip.
Otherwise the enforcer flirting with her would be a pedophile, which would be a weird inclusion.
maddie asks if she can join, vi agrees since she just wants to be in caitlyn's life again even as a pet but caitlyn refuses since she wants vi all to herself.
She also seemed genuinely concerned when viktor approached the hexgate germ thing. But then they showed her giant head superimposed against viktor when he mentioned about jayce being manipulated by another voice as if to show the irony. I'm so confused bros
So I went over to r/loreofleague for some leaks and I'm honestly disappointed in the story. I hope that guy is wrong.
the context is he can't tell who she is anyway, or probably thinks she's the bitch who was telling her her pants sucked earlier.
There WILL be time for more lesbian drama
what he say?
the negro saves jinx and has more dialogue with her than vi did in ep 6, all in the name of racemixing and pushing more caitvislop
OOOOO the misery
no spois, i don't wanna have to leave the thread again.
Man, why do the gays get to monopolize being vulnerable and having deeper emotional connection
First, 99.99% of media concerning male relationships is about hetero bros being the best of hetero bros. It's not until extremely recently that we've seen a tiny trickle of gay media. Gays and fujos have no monopoly.
Secondly, this complaint entirely ignores the fact that this is what fandom does—it re-images stories and characters to suit new audiences—and the fact that the existence of thousands of fics imagining Viktor and Jayce in a romantic relationship doesn’t eliminate the original story where they have a wonderful platonic relationship instead. They’ll always have that. The canon doesn’t go away. If anything, the canon continues to maintain its position of power in our society. There’s no real danger of shippers changing the collective way we think about Viktor and Jayce because, for all the attention fujos get online, they aren't Riot.
I liked the affection line and it's intended meaning
Cool, I like it too, and so will 99% of the audience.
Look, fujos are not the reason we're afraid to be vulnerable with our boys irl. The homophobia came long, long before shipping was ever a thing. Our culture mocks men that are sensitive, that are vulnerable, that are sincere in our emotions. It demands we display no emotions other than anger from us, and labels those who don't conform as fags. We treat fags as second class citizens that are to be bullied and beaten and sometimes killed. My uncle isn't even gay, but he was beat within an inch of his life for not killing his emotions, and I promise you there were no fujos in 1958. I was bullied relentlessly for not cutting off all my emotions too, and I promise you none of my bullies thought of shipping when they jumped me. Gays and fujos are not the enemy here.
I rechecked the date. It's on 12 December 2024, my bad.
red tape reasons
It's because it's cheaper for them. They don't need to give benefits, 401k, or PTO. Everything regarding the employee is through the outsourced contracting company (Riot doesn't hire contractors, they have a recruiter from a contracted company contact you). They can also cut you at any time for any reason.
The vast majority of contractors get a raw deal and it's only enticing because of the larger hourly pay they give you, even though you will constantly have to be looking for a new job due to how temporary it is and future hires might actually pass you over because you "hop around" because contracts are only like 18 months max.
I personally know a guy who worked for Riot on contract and they completely fucked him over by icing him out of meetings (they switched to in-office meetings in California while he was hired and worked out of another state) and then terminated him only half way through his expected contract. He worked on the Briar release and basically spearheaded their social media campaign.
lies, slander
"ginkz is kill"
Depends if it ends in a trainwreck or not. If the leaks are real they can fuck right off.
I'm too lazy to write it up so just go over and read it yourself. There's a guy in the thread claiming to have insider info. Here's the link.
Caitlyn's Dad is asian and her mom white, Mel and Jayce are a thing, Ambessa had fun with a white twink, Sky liked Viktor, and Caitvi will be a thing. Race mixing is pretty common in this show lol. I personally don't care though.
Knuckes if Jinx dies
literally 69 anon who says Jinx and WW sudoku at the end, same 'leaks'
A Netflix article prior to s2 said Ryze is the one who teleports Jayce, but I am not sure if it got fact-checked by Riot prior to release
Point is, they squandered jinx and vi for romance. And in jinx's case, they're trying to check off another progressive box for their quota. Even though jinx and ekko have barely interacted in canon and it's ironically sexist to have this man save her. Same with the ish plot with jinx, too- it loops back around to being sexist. And that's just an aside, the main problem is just that it's all sloptastic
Anyone who didn't vote for Arcane to win Best Adaptation is forever barred from entering Arcane threads ever again.
who cares, since they love to kill their main characters so bad, they should kill off ahri for good.
Did you read what abughorash posted in that thread? He talks about some other stuff that wasn't mentioned in the screen shot.
You know when Ekko is talking to Jinx about leaving some things behind his hourglass is gone.
Is Ekko without makeup really so bizarre people think it's an alternate dimension?
However bodies aren't seen, so people can cope.
Jinx is going to the star guardian alternate universe. The skinline prints them money. They already made a shitpost anime OP
its down to Jayce and Time Nigga to fix everything
Malebros, why is it always like this?
Jinx is really the heart of the show isn't she.
no one really cares if Vi lives or dies nearly as much. like why can't it be her that dies?
i was going to say the exact same thing
Vi has had a very obvious, set ending with Cait romance since the start. So there is no intrigue there. She is the “safest” character
When this season is over imma just forget season ever excited and let season 1 be its own thing. Then fill out the rest with my own headcannon to match the league characters.
These hands will be knuckle deep in Cait's pussy
Nailed it
To add to this, over the last few years we've seen a resurgence in the labor movement, and this time white collars are interested in joining the fray.
On top of the immediate cost savings, the conversion of salaried white collar workers to contractors has the added benefit to companies of being an effective union busting tactic: contractors often aren’t at companies long enough to form bonds with other workers and push for changes to the system; and they also fear they could lose their jobs by speaking out.
This conversion of salaried positions to contractors is only going to accelerate, and I fear we won't be able to unionize fast enough to halt this trend.
It fucking blows, we're missing out on so much fantastic art because shareholders lose their entire fucking minds if they aren't squeezing out every last cent of profit this exact quarter, damn all future ones.
vi was always portrayed as the good character and jinx as the one who went off the rails. a happy ending for her would have never worked.
Lesbian sex is all foreplay
he also claims that he got the name for the episodes right
Yeah I get what you mean. This makes Ekko look like captain save a hoe If the writers wanted to set up a romance between Ekko and Jinx they should've either had them talk more in both seasons and have them eventually reconcile, or they should just drop vague hints and let future writers explore their relationship.
this is how he says jinx will die
focus on this you fucking retards, by tomorrow you can tell if hes bsing or no
We never see a body btw so Jinxfags can cope if they insist.
this would create a MASSIVE fucking meltdown here wouldn't it?
Hold up wasn't the mage confirmed to be Ryze?
it's so ass, fk Amanda and this ship bullshit
act 3 spoilers w/ titles, if they match then it's legit
at least I called the Timebomb AU, seems like that's a thing. another Amanda invention I'm sure
No. It was posted in an article on netflix but Riot never stated it.
Lucky Ekko gets to fuck Jinx, he won in the end.
the whole season was just a drama setup for a ship
bro riot fucking disprove it AT 2022, one of league devs was asked if that was ryze he said "no", its not ryze, idk if its viktor but there is 0% chance that is ryze
I'm glad Arcane only ever had one season
when ep titles get released?
Stop crying for Amanda, when these 'leaks' sound like bs, and likely had little to do with real show.
Or will you for some retarded reason trust this leaker when all other leakers through the last few weeks were completely wrong.
It absolutely would. Half of the anons here will get fuck ass mad because the black guy fucked an alternate universe Jinx, the other half would be passed about the writing. At the very least, he's not dating his universe's Jinx. I like the ship, but I didn't want it to happen like this.
Anyway leaks are fake. They did not release the episodes to anybody's yet. Not even to reviewer's.
Only inside production must have access to it and I doubt any leaks will come out after that little stunt leaks in summer.
This is some idiot like last week doing fake leaks.
torture a character for 2 seasons
have her adopted daughter suicide to save her
kill her off
Damn, Amanda really hated that Jinx is way more popular than Vi
so even the dykes are just miserably sitting around in the end? not even their fandom will be happy lmfao. it's just misery porn for everyone.
if its true then i get why reed keeps saying stuff like "maybe in another universe"
The account which published the leaks is not a burner, posts regularly and has been right in the past.
Abandon all cope.
Except that we dont see bodies, I guess.
Why are you so desperate to spread your fan fiction?
Whenever time travel is implemented into a story it always turns to shit…
the cope on here is real but I get it because this is got level of bad atp
The leaks aren't real. The leaks are never real. Stop wasting energy on them. Post how you would tie up the show in a way consistent with its themes.
Don't believe in Vi sitting in Jinx's cell and waiting for sex. Don't you remember trailer sequence when Vi carries out Jinx dressed as enforcer out of a tower? I can believe that Jinx is in jail, but Vi wouldn't just let her go off alone to kill herself, if anything she carries her out herself.
Not really. According to the leaks, he dates a sane Jinx for a year, goes back to his universe and has to save the mentally unstable version of his altnate universe girlfriend.
he's not dating his universe's Jinx
because his universe's jinx will be dating lux in another universe
What are these complaints about? Vi doesn't know that her sister is about to go kill herself lol.
Ekko and Jinx having sex on top of Silco's grave. That would be funny.
Vi carries out Jinx dressed as enforcer
that isn't jinx. idk who it is but im sure that isnt jinx
Ekko and Powder con fucking firmed meaning Jinx would've dated Ekko if she didn't go all le crazy!
Caitvi prison cell sex while Jinx is committing suicide
This board will go insane
45 minutes of straight BBC
Whats her endgame?
It is Jinx, her poweder blue hair (already short) are visible under the cap.
you can see in the trailer she's most likely dead
dont shoot the messenger, only sharing what I read
To fuck Cait? Maybe Vi too?
Ruling class pussy
It would've been fine if Ekko and Heimerdinger got out the same way Jayce did, and z-drive allows Ekko to rewind time by few seconds.
to take over the kiramman house
been debunked for days anon
having sex on top of Silco's grave
In the river?
what? she's literally laying on the ground
Zaun river water is a natural lubricator, the chemicals just enhance the flavor!
if Vi's EQ is so low as to not see Jinx is mega depressed after they all witnessed Jinx's 7-8 year old lil sister get blown to smithereens and instead would rather get her back blown out while her unstable sister may/may not self-harm, then she doesn't deserve much anything
ship or no ship, who does that irl?
wrong reply
is for
First, 99.99% of media concerning male relationships is about hetero bros being the best of hetero bros
This is the problem i was referring to. The 99.99% of best bro media is some of the most stale, narrow, emotionally hardened takes on male relationships. For my entire life consuming an ungodly amount of media these "male on male" best bro relationships almost always draw their "intimacy" from how cool, tough, badass, or hard the bros are. And almost all of the time if a man is being vulnerable without having "earned" it by jumping across a lake of fire, or slaughtering a thousand men, are loosing their wife in the most tragic backstory, then their gay. Like the stories with the most bro on bro platonic intimacy are war stories, when the bros are in the midst of the most harrowing combat or dying from goring injuries, cause men are often written to only explore intimacy or vulnerability with other men when it's packaged with the most heavy of testosterone. I dislike this because theyre actually not being vulnerable, being emotional open and soft when you have'nt been given a giant green light scary and hard.
Our culture mocks men that are sensitive, that are vulnerable, that are sincere in our emotions.
I mean you seem to agree with me? This, i don't like this. But it feels like the response to this that culture has chosen is to have a hard separation between the straight men who'll sit in silence with the bros just having a beer after their wife just died, and fruity emotional gays who exposit their feelings at will. And now when we get stories where a man isn't cold or steeled off with other men, he must be gay. It just feels like people are removing the nuances of these relationships in favor of having clear buckets to sort by. Like good omens is an example of this, the book is less "love story", and more "exploration of a deep emotional connection between two incredibly close friends across time and space". The tv adaptation is they're gay.
Even the episode titles are right, it doesn't confirm that the leak is right too, not to mention it sounds fake at fuck.
Just simply post an evidence image then we'll efinitely immediately trust the leak, no need to tell us episode titles to make it sound believable haha
kill jinx physically
kill Vi as a character
Aint nobody taking that bitch seriously if she fucks her physically abusive cop GF while her sister is attempting suicide because her kid died LMFAO
I am gonna have a field day with the memes. Not only will Jinxfags be mad, the sex scene will be entirely ruined for Vifags because of the context
that's what I'm saying. caitvi fags are gonna be happy and ignore that shit but that's just crazy. they butchered vi's character so hard.
She's a traitor and tries to kill Caitlyn
90% of vifags have been mulling over her character on twitter since act 1 released. This will be the nail in the coffin.
i lol'd so hard i spit my coffee on the Kboard
Somehow Vi is supposed to be a clairvoyant?
Are you ignoring also what's previously written that she makes a commitment to Jinx to run away together but Jinx rejects her?
idk it's not even good for CaitVifags honestly, it makes Vi look like a complete asshole and not in the good way
This. Having Vi have sex with a cop in Jinx's prison cell while Jinx is mega depressed won't look too good.
If true whoever wrote this was a madman.
what else is new this season. this sucks.
Why is Sevika still "relevant"?
Vi was already a pussy whipped asshole who betrayed her sister for pussy. This isn't anything new.
This is bs.
And it's simple to say it is, because Maddie being Ambessa's spy is impossible, when Amanda already confirmed she's a good girl, loyal and angel on Cait's shoulder.
I'm dying man.
So ehmmm
Is this show a tranny win or a tranny -ack?
Heim, Jinx and Warwick are too
don't take a crystal ball to think someone would be depressed after their little sister kills herself in front of everyone
as it's framed here, supposedly Vi tries to help Jinx escape, is tricked by Jinx who runs off to sudoku but Caitlyn was the one who let Jinx get away, CaitVi fuck right there.
tf? Maybe go after Jinx instead of sucking on pussy?
This is a hard cope. That redditor accurately described act 1 and act 2 before. It's over.
when ep. titles get released?
They are accurate
But how can you believe those leaks???
>Maddie traitor
- We can see Maddie on Caitlyn's side in the Act 3 trailer, so she’s not going to be a traitor.
> Warwick's death
- They just killed WW. If they’re going to modify him to be the WW from the game, they’re not going to kill him again. It doesn’t make sense.
source trust me bro
Jesus fucking Christ just kill yourself already.
I don't believe it. Amanda said that Maddie is a good cinnamon roll and is the angel on Caitlyns shoulder.
Ofc she will say that, otherwise its a spoiler. She will post some devil emojis later to make fun of us.
Hey man I'm just saying that we haven't seen the episodes yet and perhaps it's not gonna be as bad as it sounds. From what I read it's also Cait who comes onto her and they share an intimate moment while Vi is sad.
its GoT all over again
all im getting from this is that jinx is the better sister of the 2. vifags continue to eat slop.
which is sad to see from arcane but in hindsight it was bound to happen since they want to be hollywood so bad.
Isha was a better sister then vi
man vi really sucks
Like, graphically?
They need this shit to be able to run on literal potatoes man.
the ships fucked the show. now the forced timebomb crap too, like there was 0 build up to it and they still pull that shit in the final episodes
t. Vi to Jinx
Imagine the countless stream of Timebomb fanarts (both SFW and NSFW) once the last three of Arcane S2 episodes come out. Delicious.
Jinx shoots a bullet into her skull the same moment Cait squirts into Vi's mouth
Where? Because I'm looking at their reddit comments and they had not posted anything between 4 and 13 days ago where leaks for act1 and act2 would be applicable.
Timebomb should've been hinted at, but nothing more.
very nice catch.
S1 was a real thing.
but since S2 is airing, we can see that arcane is no more than stupid usual netflix shit for IQ70 and childs, and selling merch.
it's dead.
fair, I just take it personal cause I knew a suicide, she texted my friend the night before who kinda brushed it off, she jumped the next morning
intervention isn't a joke, sometimes all it takes is a moment to save a life, the regret you feel from not having acted never leaves you
finally some time off work
lets check some news on arcane act 3, my favourite series
act 3 is just some time travel/alternate universe mumbo jumbo and then everyone fucking dies
mfw the leaks are true
Jinx did nothing wrong. Where were your piltie faves when children were being poisoned in the undercity? Even with the ventilation system, viktor was disabled by fumes and present-day enforcers won't enter zaun without gas masks.
Arcane is about Jinx tortureporn and death
are there any cait maddie truthers out here. i love my bbygirl
You get a glimpse of it in a fucking music video in classic arcane fashion
I'm talking about ambessa retard
get jinxed lmao
fortiche animates bullet coming out of caitlyn's pussy
So wait a minute
Amanda just managed to use a quarter of a billion dollar project as a vehicle for her ship? And kill off one of the too fan-favorite characters with it?
and, finally:
saving the world
The mage is Ryze
The majority of people watching Arcane have no fucking idea about what League of Legends or Runeterra are. They don't know (or care) about that lore. Imagine introducing a major character on the last 3 episodes of the series with some major lore drop bombs. Writers are not that stupid. That's not gonna happen.
<3 Jinx <3
Its over bro.
Its all confirmed.
But it being Viktor would be way more stupid. It's not like they'd have to explain who Ryze is in detail.
There's more hints too, but the timebomb stuff should've happened in some future story.
I'm ready to delete my collection of pics and webms and forget about this fucking shit
The 99.99% of best bro media is some of the most, narrow, emotionally hardened takes
Yes, but plenty of good takes on platonic bros exist, and it vastly outnumbers canon romantic takes.
But it feels...
1. Again, fujos and queers are a small minority, even in fandoms. The "people" you're referring to are a tiny group, and you won't encounter them outside specific spaces. And again, Jayvik nsfw won't and can't erase canon. You are attaching outsized importance to them.
2. Most people you encounter irl will never see media that depicts affectionate platonic relationships and think, "wow, they must be gay." Most people saw LOTR, Star Wars, Lawrence of Arabia, Master and Commander, The Terror, and many, many others, and saw best friends they were in canon. The cold hard truth is that heteronormativity is still dominant and will be for a long time.
3. It's not harder and better and somehow more purer to portray a platonic male friendship on screen than it is to make the relationship romantic. It’s not. the history of media is full of guys who love each other and would do anything for each other and then go home to their wives.
4. It’s absolutely homophobic to say a gay romantic relationship would somehow lessen a bond of friendship. And I mean this in the kindest of ways, because it’s not the same kind of homophobia that leads to gays being physically attacked, or laws being written to actively restrict people’s rights. It’s a low-grade, pervasive homophobia that results when the speaker doesn’t conceptualize gay people as a part of a normal, everyday milieu.
5. "Let men show platonic affection towards each other without saying they’re gay” is useless and bad discourse and we should instead focus on gay men not being seen as gross and wrong, because the stigma towards men showing affection towards each other is caused by homophobia.
6. The Good Omens adaptation is an exception. I can't stress to you enough how little gay media there is.
worldending threats
alternate universes
time travel
How did we get from the wonderful S1 character-focused writing to this slop?
Ekkobros won that round. gotta admit they're kinda cute together
Already did, dont want to remind myself of the potential whenever I see my folder
the final nail in the coffin
this is the best depiction of S2 so far
Posts like these not resulting in an instant permaban are why Anon Babble keeps losing users year over year
Writers are not that stupid.
You forget that we are in 2024 where writers are beyond retarded.
keep coping. see you saturday man.
Posting this over and over wont make it true. We have quite a bit of evidence at that point.
Do it if you can. I wish I could. My brainrot is so bad years from now I'll still be rewriting shit during work hours. If Fortiche didn't go so hard I'd be free, but they just had to go and produce a landmark work of animation.
Stop coping. Jinx won the better sister award and vi is trash.
I will post more of Timebomb in the next thread and there is nothing you can do about it. You lost
Who /will cope til the last minute of ep9/ here?
Isn't this guy literally asian? Why are you the embodiment of the meme, bro
sometimes i'm wondering whether this leak thing could be an AI psyop...
ya know... three agencies trying thigs on chans to manipulate people, see how it evolves, etc... and all that jazz.
I wish it weren't true but too many different sources are confirming the same shit.
I'm the real Riot insider
Last week Riot has send fake versions of Act 3 episodes with various alterations among the different parties they don't trust, to see where the leaks come from
Nobody will see the final version of Act 3 until the friday. So all leaks are fake, and now Riot knows where they come from. Someone's gonna get fired. Some "leaks" are just fan fantasies though.
the cowards dont even show her body
Jinxfags i.e. me, caitvifags being shit, jayvikfags cause they dead, wwfags cause he didn't turn into a furry.
welp, eat hearty on Thursday, gravy and the works for Saturday we dine in hell
sure thing Anon Babble bro
No she is 18 after the timeskip.
Otherwise the enforcer flirting with her would be a pedophile, which would be a weird inclusion.
Arcane literally taken inspiration in victorian era and in that time... you just know
Jinx dies fighting WW
What was the point of Isha’s sacrifice outside of just more miseryslop?
By thursday we will know if the epispde titles are true or not
pretend like it's the first time
killing is a cycle
the dirt under your nails
Same, wish I could just let go once S2 ends
schizo babble
Ekko fucked Jinx
This would actually be funny as hell
Would there be anything that could have saved this show or was it doomed since the beginning of season 2?
It was to set jinx on a path to suicide.
You talk like a newfag.
At least AU Jinx is happy with her black husband.
Ching chong, ping pong
Vanderwick will fuck him if he tries
If jinx somehow gets teleported to morgana and she heals her for the post credit scene.
It smells like pagpag all of a sudden
If it's an AU Viktor I'll take it over random new champion drop
I thought it was totally salvageable after act 1 if things got back on track. Now all I can do is cope.
It just needed to stick to the basics instead of trying to finish the stories of multiple heroes.
the internet is nothing but. prob for a while now
at one point there were humans, minority for sure today
Just want you to know: Thanks. Finally someone said it out loud. Actual canon romantic takes are barely non-existent. M/M gets a lot less actual canonicity than F/F even (and the why of that is even worse: fact is F/F is far more accepted by straight guys than M/M is, so it feels a lot less "risky" for companies).
As a bi man currently dating a guy, this... really sucks. Because if there's a situation that's never represented in actual canon for any of the animation series or stuff I like out there, it's mine.
It gets worse because everyone who enjoys anything remotely M/M is immediately labeled a "fujo". Nah, man, I'm just here supporting the idea of Jayce/Viktor too because I happen to be a bi dude who would like to see himself represented/validated as well. But you all don't seem to be ready to have this conversation. It really really sucks.
Damn I just read that thing on Reddit. So all this shit is true?
Yep. Too many pieces fit at that point. And poster has been right for acts 1 and 2
tbf Jinx dying isn't even the problem, it's what they did to get there that is retarded. mc die all the time but there's a satisfying way to write it
had they altered the circumstances of it then mb it could work better than what we're assuming will be a trainwreck
They sound more real than the others
If you're gonna do Caitler fucking commit to it, don't just handwave it away one episode later
rushed breakup to create drama for relationship
rushed reconciliation because the characters have to end up together
they fuck as Jinx runs off to kill herself
This season, man
Ekko bred Jinx. next thread please.
It's funny in a cosmic sorta way.
before assuming its truth just wait for episode names to be released
There’s like a Jayce profile pic trend on Tiktok after what happened in the ending of episode 6 I guess they joined the trend
Obviously, Jayce is right.
funny how jayce went from ok to most hated character and caitlyn went from most hated to ok in just an episode
Never should've been invested into a fucking MOBA adaptation.
And then fags will say “OK ok, MAYBE someone told him the names but he hasnt seen the episodes!”
Its real, man.
You're a guy who takes it up the ass because his uncle molested him when he was 5 and you wanna see yourself on the big screen but are shocked when you realize 95% of people, men and women, find this shit gross.
So you team up with fujos, another subgroup of failed people, to turn a normal friendship gay because you're starved for validation.
legends never die, she'll be back
Ekko dating an AU Powder sounds retarded because why would Ekko do it? Isn't there an AU Ekko there? Wouldn't he be dating her instead? Also if Ekko has settled into domestic life with gf, why the fuck would he want to comeback? He would simply leave his good life and gf behind?
Also it's hilarious how these leaks always step on each other. The previous one said Ekko is transported to a world where hextech didn't exist, but now I have to believe that hextech did exist and Ekko conveniently got some remains? From a job that happened 8+ years ago in universe time?
These leaks can't keep consistent when it comes to Ekko because they don't care to make up a believable lie for him. All they want is another paragraph out describing dyke shit.
Literal zombie cultists hate him.
Ekko is cumming inside Jinx nonstop while Silco's spirit sits in the cuckchair helplessly watching Ekko railing his adopted daughter.
Don't they mention that Ekko gets stuck in this AU world and only Heimers sacrifice can bring him back
This storyboard from BtR already fucking mentioned it. It's fucking real bro
Right in time for the one-episode delayed AU CaitVi sex scene in her jail cell!
Fantastic will be during Caitvi sex and Jinx suicide
Hilarious if true.
The Reddit leaker said that Jinx only escapes but says nothing when she returns with her new hot air balloon to the battle. Complete stupidity
NTA but you dont have to be a genius to guess that it wont be jinx suicide, they can have sex, scene ends, then cut to jinx
cause it was already mentioned, if it is true she will try to killherself but ekko will be the one who convinces her to fight and they arive late to the fight because of it
ig they mean AU Ekko and AU Powder are dating, not Arcane Ekko. so it's back-to-the-future bullshit, worse possible choice imo
the part about Viktor trying to reach the Hexgates kinda makes sense, like how else do we get corruption Beastman unless he touches the wild rune there or smt
I can't wait for the next three final episodes. I want to watch the Jilcotroon kill himself after Amanda officially made Timebomb canon.
I still doubt its legitimacy. What would be the definitive proof to believe him? I really feel like there is no at this point
So this is the average /lolg/tard, huh?
yeah, but all im saying is that him not mentioning jinx at the baloon isn't enough to disprove it
Ekko x Jinx won't happen because Jinx voice actress confirmed the ending will be extremely sad and devastating
You are very stupid
This, it's the act1 cliffhanger
The season 2 equivalent of this
Fantastic will not be the sex scene song.
Source: trust me bro
Jinx and WW dying - alright I guess.
But why would you also write Jayce and Viktor out of the setting?
The ending is extremely sad because Jinx dies. She said fucking no one will be happy with this ending.
Ekko x Jinx is canon in the AU world. Deal with it.
I mean canon Ekko x Jinx is so retarded it would be sad and devastating
You suckers are still falling for the bait of these leak trolls? Unbelievable
Better to accept it and start preparing for the emotional devastation
Gonna be honest, this should have stayed a 1 season thing. The ending of S1 was devastating but powerful. This is just slop.
muh world-ending threats
muh time travel
Deal with it
Yuricucks, amirite?
make protag gay
you are now immune from criticism that your writing feels like its all in service to a ship
Bravo, Amanda.
Amanda will be boasting about muh lesbian ship and reviewers will no doubt be praising it to the heavens ignoring all the obvious flaws.
Nothing changes if we don't push back.
It's mind boggling how quickly opinion changed on gay marriage in my lifetime, and that gives me hope, but we still have such a long way to go. Progress happens in pendulum swings. We saw enormous progress over the last decade, and we're seeing a backlash that will last for a decade or more.
Expect to see even less M/M media rep until this passes. And I'm sorry to say the biphobia present in queer and straight circles will ensure there's little to be no rep for you for a while.
We simply have no choice but to continue scrounging for what little rep we can find. Squinting at text, reading between the lines, looking at it from an angle, we do what we must to not feel so alone. It's a matter of survival, so keep doing it. You'll find others doing the same, and that's how we build community, solidarity. Keep posting. It's not praxis, but it's the next best thing.
Why isn’t Cait raping Jinx?
Just go on grindr if you're lonely and wanna get your shit pushed in, retard
Why is it so hard for these popular shows to stick a landing?
Are expectations just too high? Are people too invested in their own theories? Are writers trying too hard to make things dramatic and complex and they run out of time to develop them?
No one criticizes queers more than other queers. If tumblr was as big as it was before the porn ban there'd be hordes of lesbians using their English lit degrees to post ten thousand word screeds tearing her shit writing apart. Amanda is lucky twitter has a character limit.
I honestly didn't expect S2 to be THIS disappointing, and the way they didn't commit to Caitler is probably the most disappointing thing so far. I thought ep1-4 were good, but far cry from the S1 still.
Seems to be:
A. No proper long term plans
B. Shit exec decisions leading to talent being bled off and deadlines being unreasonable
C. What remains is run by retards.
To be fair to the writers, a satisfying ending is one of the most difficult parts of storytelling. They were fighting an uphill battle and everything you mentioned didn't help
the last one. just a bunch of complex plots with way too little time to properly develop them. plus, add in that riot said fuck you to arcane and basically moved on to the next lol series already.
didn't really want to respond cause i don't want to turn this thread into "examining gay literature", i'd like to get back to discussing arcane, but since the thread is almost dead.
it's not harder and better...
It is. The dominant relationship in media is romance. If you have two character's who show chemistry for one another, 9/10 times they end up in a relationship. Forget male/male platonic relationships, platonic relationships themselves are getting increasingly rare in modern stories.
It’s absolutely homophobic to say a gay romantic relationship would somehow lessen a bond of friendship
no, i don't hate gays. But ANY relationship in media that turns romantic is inherently less then what it was before. Romantic relationships are worthless in today's media because the market for them is over saturated, yes even gay ones. Most people in their real lives in our modern day struggle to have more then a few friends but almost always are in a romantic relationship. Romance is put front and center and culturally worshiped with such reverence that any other relationship gets the back seat. That makes platonic relationships more interesting to me.
I can't stress to you enough how little gay media there is.
Look idk, maybe by a numbers game or if we're talking just legacy media thats still culturally relevant like starwars/lotr but like 90% of the media i've watched in recent years, or even seen in passing as i don't watch nearly that much content nowadays, has either had a gay or queer character. B99, Umbrella Academy, Severance(really good show go watch it seriously), doom patrol, sense8, nimona, Bojack Horseman. I could go on but that's just some off the top of my head from the last like decade before i stopped watching stuff. These are also just the media i either fully or partially watched, I could name more shows i never bothered with but know of. But media with deep close platonic male friendships though? Can't really recall many.
seems like that's all it take to fix mental illness
Just did.
Assuming the leaks are real - what is the message of the story?
Well then, it's uh, simple.
We rape the Arcane and everyone in it.
are CaitVifags actually happy with this version CaitVi, yea you get your ship but at what cost?
Lesbian sex is good for you.
interracial couple (Jinx x Ekko) is good
Literally doesn’t matter. All they need to do is see some smooching, all else be damned.
Install League of Legends and buy skins
If Warwick dies, or if this one leaker is right, then I'm voting for Knuckles out of spite.
Do you even need to ask?
It was never about the show being good for these people, it was always about getting their ship in.
the majority are ride or die shippers but there's already some speaking up about how rushed their reconciliation was. I don't think the sex scene mixed with the attepted suicide will sit right with most people.
Misery is the only way
god she's ugly
I admit it doesn't sit well with me at all. Since S1 I always preferred Vi fuck off with Jinx somewhere and dump Caitlyn rather than the ship becoming canon.
Now according to those leaks not only do they fuck in Jinxs prison cell but also during a moment where Jinx would've needed Vi. I can't be happy with that.
Every moment of theirs this season has been marred by ugliness, negativity
Jinx & WW are my favs in the game and they fkn SUDOKU each other. it's bad enough they made him Beastman from He-Man
my question is, how he die? like isn't he the undying beast or nah not no more cause Rito said fu
Only retards and wizards can do this. You're not a wizard
Amanda the spicy straight never cared about gay people, only riling people up.
”id rather have you hate it than feel nothing at all”
A troll.
Why is there a landwhale samefagging while pretending to be a gay guy?
Dudes don't talk like that, not even the faggiest fruitiest zestiest pillowbiters. This is a fat woman's idea of what a sophisticated gay best friend would sound like.
The biggest winner of all is ryonafags.
Yeah. Though some of these "fujos" don't help either, honestly. Some are fine, but I've seen so much "I hope jayce and viktor kill each other" or "toxic doomed yaoi!!!" on these circles that it just sickens me. All these people needing an urgent psychiatrist appointment aside, as someone who almost lost their partner due to violence of different sorts, it's very hard to find safe (and sane) places to "keep posting" on. But yeah, what you said, basically.
Insider here
Vi dies
Cait dies
Jinx dies
Vander dies
Singed remakes Warwick using the body of the Warden
Heimer and Ekko are never mentioned again
The final 20 minutes is just a slow zoom in on Jayce's face
So an AU version of Powder convinces Ekko that she is good and can be saved? Even though he clearly knows this is an AU where circumstances are way different and in no way apply to the other Jinx? How does that make sense?
Hey, the original continuation of Star Wars Ep. 6 was good. This convinced me that the new movies must also be good right?
That's how retarded that logic sounds. Also it doesn't make sense to accept timebomb in the AU but not pull it off in the normal one. Jinx is dying anyways so what's the harm right?
They did it on the floor. They did it on that chair. They did it while sliding down that spiral staircase.
If humanity doesn't doom in nearly decades my gen will probably be considered dumbest shit ever been, by whom forcibly sublimated, brainwashed, got tnr by gov
Why is there a landwhale samefagging while pretending to be a gay guy?
firs time?
What was the point of Isha dying?
Jinx becoming suicidal.
Jinx was already suicidal before Isha appeared.
Damn Maddie has nice hips.
Yes and then Cait will ride Vi's face on a cold prison cell floor
It's all started by 2012, muh mayans were right, blah blah blah, please someone kill me
To parallel Jinx dying for Vi. Last act of love.
So Jinx dies but it's strongly implied that she survived
no body
How tf did these leakers get access to act 3 already
What was the point of Jinx becoming suicidal (again)?
Yes, but you asked what the point of her dying was.
The point of her existence as a whole was to bridge a period of time where Jinx was more normal, so she can interact with other characters.
She’s really gonna do it this time.
You hit on some good points.
Disagree about the gay romamce saturation, but I agree on your overall point of cheapned romance. But this isn't a new issue. M/F relationships were/are shoehorned into everything, even when it didn't make sense for them to get together. Writers never bothered developing the female love interest, they just figured a women being pretty and near a man was all it took for a compelling romance. It isn't.
I agree that our culture places romance front and center, and devalues platonic relationships. This is part of a larger cultural project to validate and enforce the nuclear family, a highly unnatural amd recent (1950s) invention. It expects our spouses to be everything to us, and we both know that's unrealistic. If we can return to valuing friendships and community we can take the nuclear family off of its pedestal. But swinging at shippers isn't going to do much, you gotta go for where the power is, and that's in hetero relationships and media that portrays it.
Look idk, maybe by a numbers game or if we're talking just legacy media thats still culturally relevant
It is. I'm a millennial, I grew up on shows and films from the '60s, '70, '80s, and '90s. With books that period stretched back to the 18th century. I'm glad there's been more rep in the last decade, but it's a drop in the ocean.
To parallel Jinx dying for Vi
But that never happened. What was the parallel?
Next thread doko?
Best girl better have a big role in the last act
Episode 9 this Saturday.
Cuckshit aside the leak doesn't make any sense because
muh prison seggs
What prison? Stillwater? They're gonna arrest Jinx and bring her all the way from the deepest hole in Zaun all the way to the island prison AFTER Cait turned on Ambessa?
Give me a break
This is just the latest incarnation of
muh cardboard seggs
She's going to die.
Jannie deletes before page 10
so that i can save her
When this thread reaches page 10.
yea the prison/suicide thing is too much I think.
they thought they were being poetic again like the JayMel scene with Viktor dying but dying from natural causes isn't the same as suicide intervention
it just feels distasteful. like people who didn't hate Vi, would now
So when do the episode titles actually come out so we can say for certain whether the leaks are real or bullshit?
Only silco can save her, and you're not him. She's doomed, let her go.
It's not Stillwater prison. I just wonder about the mechanics of how sex in a prison cell looks like
This is even worse than sex in Vi's tiny dirty apartment.
I don't think any of you realize that there will be no happy ending for both sisters. Jinx will survive at the end of the series, however she will not be sane anymore. Vi will become a Piltover lapdog for eternity. That's how Jinx and Vi are currently in LoL.
This. Kek at people acting like she's genuinely invested in it.
There is too much overlap between this general and Anon Babble
it's a derivative of A Christmas Carol where a person is shown what might be in hopes to improve themselves
yeah it doesn't make sense logically given that the timelines are completely different circumstances but that doesn't stop it from being a popular trope
parallels in themselves are not valuable,
the point of character development is that it results in different outcomes for the character
if the character experiences development, but the outcomes are the same it makes the whole thing pointless
Jinx was weak, so she lost her dad
Jinx was strong, but cruel - lost her dad again
Jinx was strong and compassionate - lost her dad and her adopted daughter
in the second case you can say the point was her character had developed in a bad way,
but at this point it looks like her character doesn't matter, the outcome is predetermined
The writers drank too much of that Marvel Multiverse Kool-Aid.
but at this point it looks like her character doesn't matter, the outcome is predetermined
Could this not be a point the writers are trying to make?
your actions dont matter, you are just jinxed
Coping this hard
Can't wait for the Saturday meltdown.
Yeah, some people are just chosen by God to suffer
Lesbian dictatorship couple (Caitler x Vi) always ends in happiness.
If you have a shit life, abandon hope now and just kill yourself. Trying to improve yourself and caring for others will only enhance your suffering.
This thread completely debunks the leaks KEK. Just with this article alone:
Jayce and his mother were traveling on foot through a snowstorm when she collapsed and Jayce cried out for help. The Rune Mage Ryze appeared with a magical blue Hextech crystal, which he used to transport Jayce and his mother to safety. When Jayce awoke, he saw that Ryze left him a blue crystal.
Don't feed the trolls, retards... If any of you really believe Vi would have sex with Caitlyn instead of going after her sister to save her, you're all dumb as hell.
My point is that it can't be used as a believable excuse. Unless they outright confirm the original Jinx also have feelings for him, it will make Ekko look like the dumbest simp in history.
She will try to commit Crime of Passion
the ryze shit has been debunked. stop coping.
all im getting from this is that jinx is the better sister of the 2.
She always was
Do you ship them fr?
Ekko doesn't need to improve himself though. He's the cleanest character in the whole series
let's go of your little sister so she can unlive herself because I love you
I didn't realize Jayvik was THIS popular
The leak is fake because:
Jinx will go undercover as an enforcer for some reason
Ekko and Vi collaborate for something specific
Ekko's Z-Drive probably is needed to stop the anomaly as hinted by Jayce's voice lines
The way he glosses over Ekko's role in the story like he just saves Jinx and that's all he does when we know that's not true from what crew on the show have said about it. It's fake.
Fractured Jinx and Isha in TFT
ngl, kino
They have no shame
The animators deserved better
The fans deserved better
The characters deserved better
S1 is still peak
Jinx will go undercover as an enforcer for some reason
I completely forgot about those shots. But it goes to show the nature of spreading fake leaks even when you work with just a teaser
I thought cait never misses. She missed the kid like 5 times.
will make Ekko look like the dumbest simp in history.
I kinda think that's the idea, everyone gets what they want but no one actually likes it.
CaitVifags get theirs but only cause Vi's a douchebag who let her sister actually kill herself, wonderful
Ekkofags get AU Timebomb but Arcane Ekko is captain save a hoe, you get the idea
narratively, it's history repeating itself due to the characters not learning from the past and refusing to move on from loss. Vander died cause Silco couldn't let go of their past and the loss of their kinship. Singed only made warwick cause he couldn't let go the loss of his daughter. Ambessa is only here fucking up warwick's salvation cause she's searching for weapons brought on by the loss of her son and daughter and refusal to let go of the feud.
Jinx is really the only one trying to stay out of it, to move on, or more accurately ignore, but sevika, and isha, and cait, and the rising tension in the city keeps wrapping her back in. This put's Isha in danger when jinx once again tries to save her family while the world around her is intent on having loss beget loss. So isha sacrifices herself trying to save them in a similar way to what powder did back in season 1 act 3, furthering the repeating cycle.
Jinx can't die because Jinx is perfect
fucking cock, this was for you
Vi will have sex while her sister is dying so better start accepting it.
Finally someone with common sense
My theory is that Vi is carrying Jinx towards her lair here. But Jinx needs to remain undercover cause she's still a wanted criminal.
better start accepting it
Changing the wording, huh?
She's rescuing her, something clearly went wrong I think.
I get that, I mean the concept of A Christmas Carol as a trope where you either see a good or bad version of yourself and try to change yourself to avoid or achieve it.
In this case, he's not trying to improve himself. He thinks he can change Jinx after seeing the AU couple of them. he wrote off Jinx as a lost cause in s1, telling Vi that Powder was lost forever.
seeing what was possible gives him a new-found hope to try to help Jinx in his time, but ofc she's trying to kill herself when he finds her so rewind. would be the *mind blowing* thing that Reed kept talking about in ep 7 in his live streams and whatnot
These leaks are fake. S2 may not have the best writing, but come on... What's written in those leaks would be too lame even for them.
Day before the episodes drop usually a Netflix account post them
If the "big surprise" is just shipbait that'll be fucking stupid, it better be more interesting than that.
the Vi and Powder dolls can be pulled away from the Vanderwick
>Jinx will go undercover as an enforcer
Jinx dies and there's no death song for her supposed suicide action? This is fake.
Leak denying has to be bait at this point
This! Even Isha got a song
it plays a sad roaring sound when you pull them away
Ekko prevents her from killing herself.
She still dies 2 episodes later though.
Timebomb never made any sense beyond fetish shit by trannies
Imagine Vander RAWDOGGING Silco
The cope from these threads is delicious. The leak is true and in four days you faggots will be having a shitstorm from this craptastic writing.
Imagine Warwick RAWDOGGING Silco. Much better.
Stromae - my best enemy, the duet. we all know it's an Ekko and Jinx song but shit, she's trying to kill herself while he's rewinding to save her.
anons posted the french translation in a thread but idek what to search for
mass replying this early in the morning
Insisting that the leaks are true is the real bait.
early in the morning
Not everyone lives in the US, Ameritard.
Have you been living under a rock? There's art with 120k likes and the official League post supporting them already has 28.4k likes. It was posted this morning.
I think the original leak might be true, but the person pretending to expand on it is bullshitting. His other post is obviously bullshit too, there was no caitvi "reconciliation" in act 1. Don't know why it keeps getting posted.
Caitlyn missing all those shots… this is so embarrassing. Somehow this is Amanda’s fault
Actually in 3 days the episode titles will be out and then we will know if the leaks are real or not (they're not and you're all deliciously falling for them)
chinkcel cheering on for fake leaks
But caitvi have a fallout in episode 1 and reconcile again in that same episode.
evil never sleeps anon. Amanda here.
Only the US and China exist
Europoors are completely ignored
Why are you Americans like this?
Umm, if it's from a wolf, it would be called KNOTTING.
ACK-shually I'm polish
Sure you are, Chang
Ah, I see that you're a man of culture as well.
Is there a reason Caitlyn’s outfit is white?
The only person he was rawdogging was Viktor.
act 2 ruined by that stupid out of place chink love song
These 2 are into some weird shit
Europe is Poland
Go back to school and learn proper geography, anon. That's embarrassing.
"Stop wasting and investing your time on imaginary things, deal with your personal life, fucking pathetic retard"
oh that's right, Poland is a shithole
France! I'm french ACK-shually
Sure you are, Chang
we are getting Vi and Cait spitting on, hitting and fucking each other in a cell while Jinx is trying to kill herself over Isha’s death
What did Amanda mean by this?
Preview of what’s to come
when you even piss of the caitvifags, you know you've done something wrong
Yes you are, Chang
That lesbians are fucking degenerates. Honestly if I was a dyke I'd be offended by this
Amanda clearly hates Jinx. There's no other explanation.
How do they even know this if those "leaks" are from here
Imaginations are running wild.
Honestly dunno shit why people think that Warwick arc was good, it's purely atrocious, a child's play level, I could turn blind eye to c-pop if only there's no Warwick
Lel the reactions to this will be delicious. can't wait for Saturday
Female writers are a mistake. Particularly American ones steeped in shipping culture
The leaks are spreading. The xitters are becoming aware of the shitty writing.
Can't wait for the collective meltdown when the Act 3 releases and the leaks turn out to be true.
It's telling that you all focus on Amanda as the boogeyman when Arcane has like 6 writers, all male except Amanda.
streamlines lore, dead characters stay dead
dead characters appear in promotional material evrywhere
can't even stick to their own plan
S1: authors who puts their life on a story and characters.
WW is a casino gambler with golden chains and rings, drinking champagne.
nothing means nothing.
all Riot wants is you to buy shitstuff.
i'm out.
There's even a cute plush of the Shimmer mutation creature
Why does China get all the good shit.
Yes but obviously this is before the release of the series so the person is asking this based on the idea that they broke up causing the pitfighter era. It doesn't make sense to reference that brief moment in act 1. And their reconciliation is far from what you would describe as good. All his answers are extremely vague and noncommittal, he doesn't even confirm that Isha will die even though that would have been a pretty safe guess. Where's his proof of "insider info"?
Jewish demon grinning as she writes a script blacking the female mascot of riot
Isha dying was so fucking obvious why even bother replying to that?
Did she actually say this? If so where, I'm snagging writer interviews for reference
wrong post you retard
Jinx is getting BLACKed in another universe and you can't do shit about it.
Ching chong chang
your soul worth more than a social credit score and a plushie, it's enticing cause it's meant to be
In Anon Babble they would
Really makes you think
Jinx is JUST built for it ya know
We should talk about it more in the next Arcane thread
If you saw an outline of the isha plot in 2022 you'd think it was the biggest joke and an obvious troll
dont worry anon i will simply have the best of both worlds and use a chinese proxy
That's fine, as long as our Jinx remains free from forced ship bullshit. And judging by the hints at the end you're free to imagine she fucks off from PnZ and eventually finds Lux. Works for me!
Daily reminder.
No wonder that board outright stole half of Anon Babble's users
Still all of his answers are non-answers. A literally nothing, seriously what did he even predict?
I can’t find it.
I can see you're a landwhale virgin but das right,
storyboard artists resigned to create their own studio.
Page 10 SOOON
New thread
a LAB.
not specified beyond what we already know
Not true, it had to do with Felicia getting killed. He didn't even mentioned the weird implied romance.
Isn't Vi talking to Jinx in prison in that the act 3 preview?
But desu their talk disproves these leaks cause it's Vi trying to convince Jinx to fight for Piltover.
Whats the name of the studio? What are they working on rn?
sry forgot to mention it
The real kino gay ship was Jayvik all along.
Not really, she was abviously a plot device, but quite often used in the media. It's funny how Anon Babble is the only place you people believe this garbage leak. Wherever you go on reddit you can see it's easily debunked and proved fake on way too many levels. You know, I could tell you I have an insider there too and jayvik are having a blasting sex scene with Vik receiving a hilt of Jayce's hammer before Jayce blows his head off which stabilize the arcane and cleans it up from a corruption...
Jinx will die so she won't be able to go anywhere.
No one's talking about the other interesting death, Caitlyn and Mel kill Ambessa together. like really?
how tf does bean sprout who couldn't dodge a hip throw and mary sue Mel kill the leader of house Medarda in combat? bitch literally fought death and won
Putting Jinx graffiti at the end credits is an obvious "not actually dead" sign.
But it's also stupid and corny and not going to happen because these leaks are fake as fuck.
I don't believe that you retards are discussion fake leaks
It's funny how Anon Babble is the only place you people believe this garbage leak
It's one and the same troll over and over again. This leak was already proved fake plenty of threads ago. On top of that, act 3 won't be screened until friday.If we will get any real leaks, it will be just a few hours before act 3 premieres officially on Netflix, just like the last time.
Disproven how? If anything the teasers and the other ‘leaker’ confirm shit.
I'm still on the fence about the original post, but there's zero credibility to the reddit poster.
Wait what? What Reddit poster..?
The one supposedly giving more details about it.
complains about forced ships
posts lightcannon
lel at least Jinx and Ekko had the line from the game
he just has one line
Lightcannon has several you know.
Do you really want a list? Ok, here we go:
1. Vi is running with Jinx on her shoulders during the final battle.
2. Vander is dead and will be revived by Singed.
3. Viktor is dead and will be revived by Singed.
4. Crystal was given to Jayce by Ryze.
5. It's impossible to create z-drive in a world without hextech.
6. The "eyepatch" for Caitlyn is actually a monocle shooting device created for her steampunk design, it's very old.
7. Maddie is confirmed to be one of the good guys by Amanda.
8. Caitvi did not reconcile in 206.
9. Amanda said there's a nice surprise for Caitvi shippers in 207 which means the episode will not be AU only.
10. We see Viktor's "zombies" being taken by arcane, not used in war. What we can see are Noxus soldiers boosted by Singed.
Name one
You mean most women are bi
That person she’s carrying has an ass. It’s Cait who does get hurt.
Lux even makes boring beautiful!
Don't worry Lux, you know I'll be back.
This almost breaks my heart, Lux.
Don't forget... to miss me Lux.
There's even more than that.
Cait has a different outfit and long, dark blue hair. It's Jinx.
Well no shit that seems real
The writing has been telling you dumbasses that Vi is kryptonite to Jinx. Without her Jinx is better off.
add "no one had seen act 3 yet, it premieres this friday shortly before coming out on netflix"
I'll be honest with you these sound more believable to me than the other titles, especially with how "I won't fail, I swear it" was repeating in Jayce's head as he shot Viktor, and we're definitely going to be seeing much more of him and where he ended up after touching the Arcane, I mean, that's much more plausible than something that sounds like it was made to make caitvi fags seethe with cope about how she was already fucked by maddie
That’s the creators actually. Amanda said there was a lot of meddling. Even she hated it.
Amanda said there was a lot of meddling.
Citation needed
This plus it also kinda doesn't make sense from a writing perspective why Maddie would actually be Ambessa's spy when the scenes with her and Cait alone were always her encouraging Cait to push back against the Noxians and that she's the one in charge.
Sure she says they set up the fortifications "to keep us safe" but she immediately follows that by going
"You could call it all off, reestablish the council, all you have to do is give the order"
When Cait pushes back she goes
"Okay Ambessa!"
telling her she's letting her influence her thinking too much, Cait goes on about how important Ambessa is and how grateful she is to her and Maddie goes
"YOU'RE our leader, the enforcers, Piltover, they follow YOU, I follow you"
Why would Ambessa want to stoke this independence? What would she gain from someone close to Cait in her ear telling her she's the one in charge and doesn't have to listen to her? Literally what would she be doing all this for? Ambessa wants to keep Cait angry, she WANTS her isolated so she can stew in her anger and have her judgement be obscured, and if not that only surrounded by people that feed into her hatred and distrust of Zaun and her need for vengeance against Jinx, Maddie is doing literally the opposite of these two things here, WHY would she be doing this on Ambessa's behalf? If she's really a spy it's the shittest writing I'll have seen in quite some time
I thought we agreed that AU didn't count
I didn't agree to shit. If we're talking main universe, they have one line together in LoR. Ekko has one or two more, but at least Jinx actually talks back to Lux.
This means Jinx is straight AND AU Ekko wouldn't have grown out of being the dorky nerd he was as Little Man so it's a win for losers everywhere actually
when you got schizos with pass they literally auto astroturf themself and it seems like people care but they really dont, its just a ruse