There is an alternate timeline where he never died and the world was a better place.
There is an alternate timeline where he never died and the world was a better place
It's possible, but at the same time he was also constantly involved with projects that floundered and failed to attract any audience, and he wanted to get the Muppets on board with Disney even back in the 90s. He might have just became a sad burnout trying to recapture the highs of his early career.
What have I become...
my sweetest friend?
Everyone I know...
goes away...
in the end...
Everything he worked on or was working up prior to his death went downhill after he left. Sesame Street, Dinosaurs, etc.
There’s a very real possibility that him living would have prevented Critical Role from becoming a thing and thus kept D&D (and ttrpgs in general) from being overrun with normies, and in turn preventing tabletop tropes from infesting every form of media.
It's also possible he might have lived on and made really cringy political opinions on twitter or whatever. A lot of celebrities who died early probably would have had their reputations tarnished by modern day politics. Nobody wants to see a Sesame Street episode where Kamala comes in and the entire cast starts worshipping her.
Then you'd probably have people like Michael Jackson unexpectedly wearing MAGA hats. It would just taint their purity it's almost good they died young. I'm glad I never had to hear Robin Williams political opinions.
Henson was born in 1936 so there's a good chance he wouldn't live into the SM age anyway. He'd be at least 80 by the time Trump was first elected. Although he could still be alive in 2024 the odds would be greater than not that he wouldn't.
tfw Kurt would've trooned out if he were alive today
he was always a rather liberal guy politically so i believe he would have done all that if he were around today
speaking of sesame street and politics isn't it weird how the Obama family would show up in children's media all the time? I don't remember any other president showing up in kids media as much
We all die one day, anon
"Kurt would've been trans!!!!!!" is merely denial of the unfortunate reality that he would've instead become an annoying-ass Twitter lib like Mark Hamill or the like
Mark probably also should have died in a plane crash 20+ years ago.
Flight 11 or 175?
The Obamas were very popular
he didn't take good care of himself and was prematurely aged by the time of his death so i don't think he was ever going to attain Shatner level of longevity
He overworked himself to death, like a lot of creatives who are really into their work
I've thought this exact same thing. However, another 10 years of Jim would have been nice.
Pic-related, still the best summary of the Obama era.:
Obama got a Nobel Peace Prize before he even got into office. Meanwhile Trump actually did something HUGE and brought peace to North and South Korea and you KNEW he was never going to get that award. What a complete farce.
Cutting out the fat so it's easier to understand. That's the Obama admin. Media and everyone were dickriding him hard as fuck and pretending he could do no wrong when he really was doing plenty wrong
Then you'd probably have people like Michael Jackson unexpectedly wearing MAGA hats.
I knew the King of Pop was always based. Would love to see Michael denouncing BLM as the grifting hatemongers they are.
I'm glad I never had to hear Robin Williams political opinions.
yeah but generally I'd fine the appearance of a political figure and especially painting that figure in a positive light in a children's show to be indoctrination so why did the Obamas get a pass? I mean this question is completely rhetorical we all know why Obama is treated different
anon shows everyone he has never seen a single episode of Sesame Street in his life
Jew me, sue me
Everybody do me
Kick me, kike me
Don't you black or white me
Can you imagine a song like this going mainstream nowadays? They'd never allow it. No wonder they had his Jewish doctor kill him.
I watched it before as a child when it might have a random celebrity but wasn't infested with them like now. Sure it'd have it's politics but it wouldn't be as hamfisted as nowadays.
Melanin mostly but note that black conservatives like Clarence Thomas and Tim Scott are subjected to high tech lynchings
did you not see Elmo's dad telling him about the BLM riots?
I can't. They censored the version you linked to.
Can you imagine a song like this going mainstream nowadays? They'd never allow it.
They didn't allow it back then either. They dragged him out and made him apologize.
Michael would've been all in on BLM. But also probably All Lives Matter too and not get what the controversy was either way.
Apologies here's an uncensored version:
All Lives Matter
Michael Jackson was too pure and innocent. He wouldn't be dragged into political sperged he'd just say "well of course all lives matter! we are all God's children". It would be the least offensive statement possible but people would twist it to hate on him.
Big Bird was on the flight logs
It's good he's dead so you can put words in his mouth like that.
The real question is what would James Brown think about Build Large Mansions
No need to apologize, anon. You didn't censor it.
It's late and I can't really think of a good way to word what I'm trying to say - the censorship in the version you linked to just makes it obvious to me that I can't imagine a song like that going mainstream today.
Judging by your comment I'm assuming you're rushing to think I'm making a political statement. Read my post again, I'm not. Michael Jackson saying "all lives matter" is perfectly in-line with his character when you strip the quote of all it's political connotations.
Imagine this is before BLM. Imagine race doesn't exist. Imagine you're just an innocent, almost child-like mind like Michael Jackson. "All Lives Matter" sounds pretty reasonable outside all of this current day political hysteria right?
I'm glad I never had to hear Robin Williams political opinions.
you guys were too young for the 2000's weren't you?
Yes the fact that the original link was censored just reinforces the original point that they wouldn't allow the original message of the song.
It also helped that the Obamas were a more or less normal family, with no noticeable drama in their personal lives. There was no problem putting them in "family friendly" media.
"All Lives Matter" as a statement didn't exist prior to BLM.
Michael Jackson was too pure and innocent. He wouldn't be dragged into political sperged he'd just say "well of course all lives matter! we are all God's children"
That's what I mean in regards to that and BLM. I don't think he'd go much further investigating the BLM group, he'd just think the sentiment was important. But MJ also really disliked police brutality so I think it'd be easy for him to fall in with that. Unfortunately, he wasn't the best at investigating for himself(otherwise he'd still be alive
I'll never get a pupeteered version of Dinosaur Train
fuck this gay earth
Obama was 100% overcooked and sucked off for doing absolutely nothing. That being said, all Trump did for Korea was get them to talk and maybe sign a couple papers that immediately got tossed out the window. If anything, their relationship is worse than it’s ever been since the Korean War. NK has publicly revoked their stance of reunification and is taking the Iran approach of basically saying “we exist to eliminate South Korea”
Not the point. My grandmother has basically zero knowledge of current political faggotry but if someone were to ask her "do 'all lives matter'?" she'd probably say "OH OF COURSE!" because she's just nice like that.
I get why "All Lives Matter" might be offensive within the context of American BLM culture but imagine how weird it seems as an outsider looking in. Imagine you're just a random guy from fucking Laos or whatever and you're learning that agreeing that "All Lives Matter" is actually offensive. You do not know the context, you just hear that phrase is offensive. You realize how weird that is?
He killed himself by overworking. Dude was a workaholic and perfectionist and had way too many Ls in a row that led to him being stressed while sick and refusing to stop. Felt like he was destined to die with the way he treated himself.
I don't think you realize how high tensions were at the time. South Korea was legit worried North Korea was going to send rockets or even nukes to kill them, then when Trump walked in things suddenly got more chill.
It's similar to how everyone was terrified of nukes going off during the Cold War but nowadays we've become a bit more relaxed over such a thing happening.
The Reagans were also very popular and appeared in kid's media. The Clintons sort of tried, but people knew Bill was a cheater before he got elected so that always hung over him. W Bush really tried early in his presidency(remember, he was, somewhat unfairly, critiqued for reading to kids on 9/11) but between being a war president and his own daughters' public mishaps, they never really continued that.
One big thing about the Obamas was also that they came into the white house with fairly young children, so that gave them a bit more of a connection than other presidents who had older children