Arcane Season 2 Act 3

According to the leaks, will I at least get to see Singed "fight" in the final battle? I want to see him on super steroids, running around, tanking hits and spreading poison everywhere.

All I've seen so far is him getting choked out by Caitlyn and he just acts as the "upgrade guy" for the evil team. He feels so weak and sidelined. I want him to fight directly in some scenes at least? Will we get them?

AU Singed is the hooded mage that gave lil Jayce the hex crystals screenshot this

But will we see hSinged actually fight?

Jayce got the crystals from him back when he was younger.

I'm pretty sure Singed went battle mode later on, when the Noxian invasion of Ionia starts. He will create Sion and probably come up with his roid potion (perfected shimmer or something) there.
Too bad we'll never see it cause there won't be S3
I'd kill to see Demacia clash with Noxus

ambessa gets attacked by Vanderick at full bloodlust mode

gets MILDLY inconvenienced and only suffers a small scratch

What kind of retarded fucking plot armor is this?
Even Jayce and Mel needed a Targonian forcefield shit to survive a nuke at point-blank range

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Because Ambessa is built different.

le multiverse

possible parallel timelines that both do and don't exist at once > multiverse of earths separated by cosmic plastic wrap

Bros aint no way Ive been here non stop since August up until the release of act 1 and I hear everywhere that one of the worst fucking leaks that came out of here is actually real?
Fucking hell bros it cant be real, of every leakers that talked to us this one had to be real???

I don't know why i never expected Warwick to be the designated champion death but it's really obvious in retrospect.

Warwick to be the designated champion death




Timebomb bros! Do you feel it? Our black King Ekko is going to save Jinx through the power of interracial marriage!

The look in S1E6 that gave the fanbase an immediate idea of the love lost between them

The Enemy music video pairing them

Jinx in 2XKO's spolight having Ekko as her designated partner

Jinx and Ekko being framed together in multiple TFT promos

LOR (a failure of a game) making no mention of them, therefore not tainting it with their failure

All the leaks point to Ekko being the one to rally Jinx

Some of the leaks (probably not true) confirming timebomb agenda

It's gonna happen. Even if they don't kiss a charged conversation would be enough for the fanbase to lock it in.


Everyone says Season 2 is a huge drop in quality from Season 1

Been trying to get my brother and his girlfriend to watch the show for years

They can't make it past the episode 4 despite trying multiple times

Tell them Season 2 has some good fight scenes

They eat that shit up and binge all the availabe episodes

They ask me for a rundown of what happened season 1 since its so boring

I don't understand people. Like none of this shit is that hard to follow along with. Yeah, Vander being Warwick would be a surpise if you had no idea about the lore/theories but come on. Season 1 was peak intrigue for an animated cartoon.

It's better than Invincible and Vox machina for sure


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Don't care. Caitvi forever. While the season needed a whole nother act to actually pay off it's plotlines I'm just content that my girls get a (somewhat) happily ever after.

She was in the way, not the objective.

<3 Jinx <3

Maybe they are adults and you are a child. Have you thought about that?

Too bad we'll never see it cause there won't be S3

No S3 was said in the context that they want to do different shows in the LoL setting. Which doesn't exclude Singed being in them.

No matter what bullshit Jinx does there are no real long-term consequences even though the narrative tries to shill the "b-but I'm a jinx" meme

In fact all female characters are totally insulated from any sort of fallout

Mel takes a direct hit from Jinx's nuke, but she has le magic

Mel gets kidnapped and put in a magic jail but she also knows le magic

Warwick RIP&TEARs his way through literally everything in his way to track Singed's blood, Ambessa gets knocked down with a scratch

Cait & Vi drama doesn't go anywhere. Violence? Vi getting back with her sister who killed Cait's mom? The whole Piltover/Zaun tension and Vi being in Enforcer clothes? They kiss and make up

Even Sky turns into a wise magic ghost instead of simply getting vaporized

Male characters get maimed, permanently scarred by explosions, killed, suffer relationship breakdowns and disagreements with long-term adversarial consequences

Do I need to say it?

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She is not beating the dead allegations :(

Le reaction pic

It's okay as long as Singed can salvage her uterus and ovaries from her bleeding dying body fast enough.

why do these arecane threads moving so fast? why is IP counter disabled? i am sure some of these are the samefaggot posting off coodlown to jerk off the chink company's subsidiary show at this point

legends never die

rimming viktor

Doubt at your own peril

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why is IP counter disabled

Anon, I...

Caitlyn made Vi take off those disgusting STD ridden handwraps

they removed the counter from every board cause now the faggots with pass can samefag and shitpost without getting called, basicly enabling even more manipulation to happen

If the cast of Arcane were just playing a character in the show, what would their actual personalities be

all you had to do is just pour seed of love and make love, babymaking, 'tradwife'ficate Jinx

ex-twink silco rejected it

What could have been-

Hollywood AU

I Know What You Are

IP counter got killed some time ago, welcome back from whatever cave you've been hiding in

Only latino hunks get to taste the hexussy

What furry animal will she get turned into?

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hamster, she's future teemo

that's really piece of art-no homo

Am I the only one that doesn't hate the leaks? Jinx dying at the end was expected by everyone and they can't have Warwick running around killing everyone after the show ends because he's too big of a threat. I also dont give a fuck about Caitlyn or Vi, their shipping fandom has put a sour taste in my mouth about their characters. Can't even watch a scene of them together without being reminded of their retarded fans.

Viktor will wake her up and turn her into Blitzcrank

He knew sticking his dick in crazy would've just gotten him killed off faster

They look sad.

imagine the sex

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I think best case scenario for Maddie is she just die in the battle, because I want 0 minutes and 0 seconds for the remaining runtime wasted on meme love triangles.
There is way more important shit.

does it not seem out of character Singed is responsible for the deaths of dozens of Noxian soldiers and Ambessa works with him without even caring about that

vi's braindead lines making me want to rape her to gut - no homo




Is there more ship names from Arcane that I'm missing? What is Vander x Silco ship called?

Considering how rapidly Jinx is deteriorating, her death would be a kindness.

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Random soldiers' lives are expendable but minds like Singed's aren't.

No, it's a very Noxus thing to do.

The overall goal is more important. She'd be mad about Rictus, though.

A weapon demonstrated it was useful enough to kill dozens of noxian soldiers. Ambessa is the type of person to see that and want to wield that weapon

The Jayvik separation was written so abruptly that I didn't feel anything watching it.
Viktor simply went like "we were friends. K. bye"

They've never been more than friends but retarded fujos can't comprehend male friendship.

So is Harley Quinn or Jinx the worse person

Exiled from the empire and stripped of rank and belongings

Moved to major port city known for its efficient logistics via Hex Gates

Declared martial law and placed a puppet politician on top

At this point, I am surprised Noxus itself hasnt intervened to get rid of Ambessa.

When will it be Mel's turn?
She's going to have to come back to deal with her mom at some point, right?

they sort of are, black rose is noxus on some level

She's already back before the final battle vs. Noxus.

They seem more concerned with Mel being stolen from them, whatever that means

reminder that there are 3 different "leakers". the nov 14 anon, nov 15 anon, and the reddittor who is most likely just a troll

Writers went out of their way to establish how unfixable Jinx's erratic schizo behavior was. The whole first season had her struggle between her Powder/Jinx dualities as a core storyline, ending explosively when Silco's death causes her to conclude that she's better off accepting her autismo than fighting uselessly against it.

Comes across a kid, adopts it and dotes on it like a mom.

Just like that, she's pacified. Vi couldn't fix her. Their childhood friends couldn't fix her. Vander couldn't fix her. Ekko couldn't fix her. Silco could only keep her in check by steering her aggression in useful directions, and it blew up in his face. The Firelights tried to whack her and failed. The martial power of Piltover and a military intervention from Noxus couldn't catch or kill her. The chembarons couldn't leash her after Silco was gone. As it turned out, all Jinx needed was to experience motherhood.

Imagine how much suffering and devastation could have been avoided if Silco had bit the bullet and simply fucked a baby into the beyond-groomed petite slut with DFC and tight little tummy and pneumatic pump hips. Jinx would have been fully his, anytime she got distracted he would just pull her off his desk onto his lap and fill her up with another creampie to breed the hallucinations and spikey painful thoughts back out of her skull. In the show's current canon his plan of an independent Zaun would have succeeded and he'd be returning to his home from a long day of wrangling chembaron politics to Jinx already naked on all fours in a jack-o pose with her ass thrusted up in the air giving him a perfect view of her clean-shaven psycho pussy, which is now no longer a pristine pink slit but a slightly browned and roastie puffy cunt from having already given birth twice. Her once-petite and borderline-flat tits have also swollen enough to hang under her like udders. Jiggly leaky B-C cups. But Silco had to be a fag and cum in tissues instead and people died as a result.

There's no real consensus. Vanco, zaundads, and silco x vander are used at roughly equal rates

I just rewatched s1e3. After 2 arcs of the s2, it feels like I was watching a real kino, too perfect for reality. It’s as if every detail, frames, are in their place, sound work, everything is perfect. Those guys who founded the new studio are geniuses

I miss the old timid academic twink Viktor
I hate the new soulless robot man Viktor

This is not real this is not real this is not real

Wait till you see what Singed did for Noxus in their war against Ionia. Singed released a chemical weapon and mustard gassed both Noxus and Ionian soldiers who were currently fighting on the battlefield.

A League of Legends champion, Riven, who used to be one of the captain leading the Noxian army to the war, was one of the survivors of the war who then deserted her post and became an exile. Noxus doesn't give a shit about the wellbeing of their people. The strongest thrives, and the weakest gets weeded out. That has always been their motto.

Keep in mind that after Singed gave her body the shimmer treatment it had the side effect of both making her body able to create more eggs but also causing her to ovulate constantly. Those hormonal bouts of frenzied ovulation horniness girls experience? Yeah Jinx feels that 24/7 and because of shimmer it even makes her eyes glow purple when she's aroused

you will be happier when you stop caring about how other people play with action figures

Previous thread:

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i miss his twink self too, at least we saw a last glimpse of it in his weird mental astral plane thing

When he says “cardboard sex ain’t happening” I wonder if he means no caitvi sex scene in general or just that particular leak was bullshit (which was obvious).

he's so cute here I want to breed him and stick my fingers into his pretty little mouth

Vi forever the sloppy seconds

Imagine the UTI

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But that leaker posted on the 15th
Doesnt that mean that the leaker on the 14th has everything right for act 2 and 3?
Is there anything proving he might be wrong?

Noxus' national philosophy is a pseud's idea of what 20th century fascism was. Just pure Survival Of The Fittest[TM] and everything is judged off of Darwinian utilitarianism. Some random soldiers dying is an acceptable tradeoff for securing the kind of scientific mind Singed has. Like mentions, unless a retcon happens, Singed is on his way to participate in one of the biggest canon events in the LoL "plotline" where he gasses a whole battlefield. This is like saying the Allies poaching Nazi scientists wasn't worth it because some soldiers died from weapons they made during WW2.

Is Wasteland playing in the background? Doesn't sound like any of the other leaked songs

The one from Nov 15 is the real one. The other one is a troll from reddit, trying to sell his stupid fanfiction.

In the end Cait will realize that the best way to neutralize Jinx is to fuck a new child into her. Obviously Jinx won't want her Piltie pig spunk in her womb, so Vi will have to pin her down.

Skill issue

I would drink Silco's spit out of that filthy countertop Zaunite underbelly bar goblet thobeit

reminder no one cares about your samefagging

Timebomb alive and happily married in AU world.

A troll who had early access to act 2?

Mel's brother in the jail dimension was a fake, most likely genuinely dead, so Jayce needs to breed a baby into Mel to continue the Medarda and Talis lineages

Vi and Caitlyn can't get each other pregnant no matter how bad they want to, in desperation they'll turn to Jayce, Cait's friend since childhood/someone Vi acknowledges as dependable, to breed them as a surrogate father

The only way Jinx can canonically be kept pacified is when she has a child to mother, but Isha is gone and she'll be scarred against adopting another orphan. She needs one of her own. Councilor Jayce Talis, who at this point has already

Hobo Jayce needs to time travel so he can fuck twink Viktor, I'm sure that would solve a lot of problems

Maddie's VA is a troll

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Man these threads have gone downhill

Horniness decreases as the day goes on

Its so pathetic milking the only relevant thing your character does that much

Did you screenshot a google image?

Where to go to look at good Jayvik fanart?

it's not a 5V5 it seems.

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Maybe the tiny hexcore is a singularity of its own and the bigger one is its enemy.

Singed collections abortions like fall leaves and baseball cards.

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I am tired of this negress already. How much are we going to have to tolerate her in next LoL show?

Literally ANYTHING in Zaun with pipes of chemicals going to their face/nose/mouth

Urgotbros we're so fucking back

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TV ones have better discussions but they're so slow.. my broken reward system craves the dopamine from constant posts instead even if it's damaging me further.

I think she's going to die and Mel will have to take over House Medarda

Type in their names in the search bar, or jayvik, and sort by top
The problem is most artists don't tag their work or mention the characters by name, so this method misses the top tier stuff. You used to be able to go into an artist's likes and find great works that way, but Musk in his infinite wisdom killed that feature.

ayyyy my man back on the grind fucking around with chemicals and shit. enough noxian bullshit, back to carrying the show single-handedly after the dyke drama and jayce/viktor shit fell flat

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Tumblr is great for this and the tag system makes it easy to keep hornyscrolling/doomscrolling

It's because s1 emulates real camera work as if it's a real movie/documentary and it also shows you the life around not just a close up of their faces all the time to reduce the animation budget.

Because of the xitter refugees

Trvth nvke: if Silco was dressed in rags and was poor instead of a magically-empowered mob boss none of the troons on xitter would give a fuck about him

I have no idea how to use twitter
How can I search for people coping and seething about the leaks?

If an attractive character wasn't attractive people would no longer be attracted

Alright Einstein any more deep insights

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just leave this thread open for a few hours while you go do something else, once you come back other anons will have harvested the salt for you

heimer sacrifices himself

warwick and jinx kill eachother

jayce and viktor time paradox themselves

I'm not buying this leak on the mere ground of how many champs die. I can see one or two fakeout "never found the body" situations, but not killing off over half the roster

Key words

jinx cell

Anon Babble leak

Harley Quinn is also a slut on top so her. Dumb roastie.

Don't, you will be physically repulsed by how retarded they are

there are no leaks fucking handicap

My leaker says that Jinx will consoom gallons of Shimmers and become Psycho Hulk. Then she will fight Caitlyn and Vi in a 2v1 deathmatch. Vi will attempt to calm Jinx down to no success while Caitlyn keeps making the situation worse by making fun of Isha being dead, which makes Jinx become more and more angrier. As Jinx becomes really, really mad, Jinx easily overpowers Vi and Caitlyn in the fight.

As Jinx was about to smash Caitlyn's face, a time disk hurled straight towards Jinx and completely stopped her movement. A sudden triumphful OST played as hundreds of portals opened, revealing countless League of Legends champions led by Ekko stepping out, who appears on time to stop the Noxus armies from expanding and taking over Piltover and Zaun. Ekko gazes upon the battlefield, takes a short breath, and then he shouts "CHAMPIONS ASSEMBLE!" and he and the rest of the League champions charge straight towards the Noxus armies led by no other than Ambessa. Then they won and lived happily ever after.

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Legends of Runterra? But that game has some delicious timebomb as well.

RITO told them to shut it down

Its so fucking over LMAO

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Nooooooooo these fuckass leaks cant be true bro they're so shit

Didn't Amanda say Caitlyn was going to find out it was Vi's group who caused the building to explode?

The irony is that what you describe is the literal vision of 20th century elites, from Anglo-American establishment, it's in their books there forever stored.
That vision became part of broader literature and media which is what influences normies to have the same ideas, why do you think so many people think they'll become the robot in the future and nor be purged if they do what they're told to do... as it happens the late 20th century and early 21st elites talk about that, not that the previous one weren't all about killing the 99%.

it's Warwick without head on the left.

it's over, it's true


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Ekko gets to fuck this hot manic pixie white girl


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Grooming, hygiene, and fashion are 60% of attractiveness. Rarely have I seen an incel post a face so hideous that a shave, a haircut, and some well fitting clothes wouldn't save them.

Just provoking the vi fags kek

wild rune shit will happen and all the main characters will learn how their fates were intertwined. Biggest twist will be that Isha was the illegitimate child of Caitlyn's mom and Victor

You saw a volcel post

Jinx and Warwick "die" by falling to their deaths

That's an obvious faking out to still have them appear in the game the way they are, but this would also mean that, if the leak is right, Heimerdinger is the only champ to flat out unambigiously die which is such a strange choice to make

seething tranny

redditors believe "leaks" from here

another redditor "confirms" them and just adds more details to the leaks

another redditor "disproves" them by posting the edited Spanish Netflix image with the episode names, showing they dont match

the last one is now being quoted as evidence that the first set of leaks was false

This shit is more entertaining than the show.

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Card. Board.

95% of incels are volcels then
4% are incels that could be volcels if they lost weight
1% are true incels

Doesn't Ambessa also die?

Total Jinx Plappage

Its not, Yordles are immortal. They respawn.

jilco is peak dobeit

Those leaks can't be real cause the sex happens here

the show ends with jayce fucking viktor's ass on their honeymoon

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Heimerdinger in the person she fell in love with. They have eternal rest together.

In the alternate timeline where Riot didn't send an overseer to reign in Fortiche in time and they made Silco x Jinx canon, would (you) rather be Silco or Jinx?


I just finished watching Edgerunners because it was recommended to me after Arcane and I thought you wrote "the show ends with Jayce fucking Viktor's ass on the moon" and had to consciously re-read your post twice

Ambessa is betrayed and killed by Mel

Heimer sacrifices himself

Jinx and Warwick fates are a big fat "maybe"

no fucking clue what the "disappearance" shit witth Viktor and Jayce mans, apparently they time paradox each other or some whacky shit like that

Are Vi, Cait, Ekko and of all fucking people, Singed, the only ones to walk away from this alive?

Heimer likely stays for some reason so he's presumed dead, be could be brought back. Just speculating tho

but if the leaks are fucking fake and they are getting out of control in a subreddit which people from riot uses why they simply dont say "hey guys, its false calm down"

Killing off so many champions is a bold move.

If you can count Mel as a champion then her too.
Also Sevika lives apparently.

strong argument against them yes

The permutations regarding what can happen are fairly limited at that point.
So its probable some of the stuff is right, or if it is wrong - saying all of it is wrong further narrows down the probabilities.
If we assume they are fake and they confirm they are fake, tomorrow someone will come up with more leaks which are closer to the truth and so on.
Best to just shut down the discussion so that it doesnt snowball out of control and then deal with the fallout if the leaks were true once the episodes are out.

that will happen too at this point


They added Warwick to the character list

"A beast of Singed's creation, Warwick’s primal rage clashes with the fragmented humanity that still lies within the creature—can Vander be saved beneath all the pain?"

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Ekko fucked Jinx btw

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In act2 her skin looks less paler

Same shit, nerdboy. Now give me your lunch money.


this is the lowest effort edit ever

That's to be expected, Silco isn't around anymore to force her to eat something vaguely resembling a healthy diet for a growing young lady. Realistically her gut biome is probably a wreck.

That or they are true and want everyone to shut up.

If I was Silco and Jinx was crawling all over me like that every day I would

Its real. I am the leaker, trust me.

Looking back on it, Jinx really looked at her happiest when around Silco

You know he did

you would encourage her interests and love her unconditionally? same :)

Hf he did did he would not have end up killed by her

invents shimmer, directly contributing to Silcos rise to power in the undercity and turning it into a massive shithole

Silcos rise to power directly contributing to the Vi/Jinx drama

saves Jinxs life, makes her even more unhinged and she nukes the council, Piltover goes full fascist

kidnaps Vander's corpse to turn him into a werewolf mutant for shits and giggles

tells Viktor how to use shimmer to use the hexcore to cure himself, and directly contributes with his talks to Viktors "humanity is a weakness" philosophy and according to the previews, mutates him even further

allies with Ambessa and assists with her war on Piltover/Zaun by shimmering out her goons

in short, is basically directly or indirectly responsible for almost all the conflicts and problems the characters encounter

walks away SCOT FUCKING FREE to gas up the Ionians

how the FUCK does he do it?

Question is, will we see a timebomb kiss in the AU world?

Magic chemistry grindset is beyond our comprehension

The story was obvious that Silco aggravated her mental illness and Amanda confirmed that much that he manipulated her.
She was as happy as a prisoner in law with his torturer could be after snapping.


Wtf is Seraphine doing in the current timeline? Is she watching Jinx blow shit up and trying to rhyme domestic terrorism with world peace?

how the FUCK does he do it?

He locked the fuck in and got an A+ in OChem

Sex on the prison cell floor... wish they'd be more specific about who tops/bottoms

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In Episode 8


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Silco is fish poops by now

CL answered a question about the hexcore and the anomaly.

Q: What is the anomaly and why is it keeping Viktor alive?

CL: There is the hexcore that has somewhat of its own agenda and mind, and reacts to Viktor in the beginning and tries to save him. The anomaly? I don't wanna say too much because we're just up to the second Act here but it is the work of Viktor.

Cait is the one who starts it. So I would guess she’s body worshiping Vi.

spams the thread with images since it started

offers 0 meaningful input

troll or schizo?


Seraphine is a dream Caitlyn had once.

Your bait was bad, it's not worth a real reply

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There is no way Vi would be able to know what she’s doing. Of course Cait will be the dominant one and lose control when Vi flips her.

he's not intelligent enough to care and adjust around unintended consequences but Sevika is

Amanda confirmed

Refuted a long time ago. Bad try, vicuck


I didn't mean that simple scene, learn to think autist. I meant in general, pay attention to the show.


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Oh, sorry then. Didn't know I was answering to mentally retarded

Is Ekko gay? Why doesn't he have a girlfriend

Inb4 "he's saving himself for Jinx"

crime boss document

looks like it

He had a crush on Powder but now it seems like Riot is steering him towards Zeri (who is kinda Poweder but normal - inventor Zaunite girl who fights gangsters)

depress Vi, in a tanktop no armor.

Holy shit your on to something anon.

Cait gets to run her fingers down that long red mane.

how the FUCK does he do it?

Wouldn't you do the same for your little girl?

I want to get Jinx pregnant

Just another person undone by a daughter.
Jinx is the latest addition to the list.

Amanda Overton

Amanda joined the team of writers for Season 1 that worked on the story and scripts in 2018, after which the writers moved on to their own next projects. When the writers room reconvened for Season 2, Linke and Yee brought Amanda in to work more closely with them and the production and animation team on the first season, serving as an executive story editor.


Current Universe Ekko gets dropped off a portal

Firelights look at him

Good AU Ekko walks in behind

"Keep to your own dimesnion!"

"Fine, I don't even like it. Its the asshole dimension"

"You can't just waltz into my dimension, try to kill me and take my place just because I happen to have, better hair, more money, Powder as my loving wife and research assistant and of course..."

"Plot relevance!"

Arcane fandom be like


where the fuck is ekko

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I miss when he was simply autistic, not an autist


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We'll see how long she can stay smug for when the entirety of Piltover's enforcers are running a train on her

My dad works at Arcane and he confirms the leaks are true

I loved funny and smug Jinx for the brief time we got her. Back to the schizo suicide train, cant have too much fun in this show.

I believe it 100% now, this was the most accurate information.

Rusty should've gone to turkey

Bitch runs on shimmer, she’d drain them all and then make fun of them

cum on! shoot faster

Use that coom energy!

How old is Jinx right now?
As of the end of season 1 anyway.

It makes very little sense for the kid to off herself.
Should have been an accident

What does lol twitter pfp mean?

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How old is Jinx right now?
As of the end of season 1 anyway.

They're all around their 20's iirc

Wasnt there some porn comic with this comic where futa Vi and Cait try to break her but she drains them both?

Its some social media viral marketing thing asking if people think he was right or wrong to kill Viktor

Suppose to be referencing the cap vs iron man style civil war happening in arcane fandom right now where people are anti jayce vs pro jayce

Not possible, surely there are no coomers in this thread, surely the post you replied to wasn't making that exact reference

Too late

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He had a gf but Jinx killed her.

They wouldn't right?

Docking with Heimer

tags: interspecies, interracial, age difference, dubcon, docking, older man/younger man, knotting, friends to lovers, prostate milking, come inflation, wet and messy, large cock, size difference, size kink, race play, breeding, multiple orgasms, mind break, twunk, daddy, first blowjob, loss of virginity, rough sex, overstimulatation, rim job, animal traits, crying, begging, stomach bulge, breathplay, not beta read

not beta read

kys kys kys kys

grown ass men fucking crying about Isha

Millennials are, without a doubt, the softest, cringiest, most pathetic generation

That would be kinda kino
The fallout would fuel me for at least a month.

How many times will Vi get beaten in Act 3?

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Crying irl with tears and snot, all red in the face? Or having fun overreacting online?

i can get behind this

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Posts like this remind me of people who think Terrifier is lame because they watch gore videos

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It was just more miseryporn, and at that point I am disengaged from it all. Checking out some reactors - I am not the only one, everyone knew the family will be broken apart and Isha’s death wasnt a big surprise.

ekko and his daughter

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Tears and snot online.
Its a literal cartoon character.

I get that people are shipfags and needed to find a guy to stick with Jinx who wasn't her dad or sister, but I really don't get why they think he'd have any sort of relationship with Isha. she died never knowing him, and if she met him he'd just be another of Jinx's enemies.

Doesnt look like it

leaks drama as if people have never seen another Riot product outside Arcane

Bro if anything ever actually leaked we'd see it on big bad bear or other channels that regularly cover LoL leaks.

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You keep proving my point

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People like making "what if?" art and stories

in brasil

Everyone dies


Thats what happened in the end of 206. Expect ekko with his crop top to show up and save them.

Makes sense, Brasilian favela monkeys see Zaun and probably yearn for it as an idealized romanticized society the same way weebs yearn for the mystical oriental land of Nippon.

Once Vander came back Silco was forgotten :)

What if every leak is wrong?

If caitvi isn't end game. That building may need to be evacuated due to the melt down.

Ekko's dialogue with Jinx.

no Singed
no WW
no Arcane

I for a fact know mine is 100% correct

you're crazy, there's no dubs in here

Its just you, schizo

I haven't seen a single dub, Mr. Checkem.

Vi looks so sexy


That's gotta be a scene in Act 3 or I'll eat my shoe

It has Vi's act 3 tank top and Caitlyn's turtleneck, so it could be. Also this is like super gay, they're definitely endgame.

I'll be going. First thing I'll do after getting home is tell you all how shit it is if no one beats me to it.

Thank you anon we’re counting on you

Seraphine pictures in the last drop?

Warwick would be the most retarded character death because he's a beast that survived death once and has inhuman regeneration.

Vi's hair is very long. How long is the TS between act 2 and 3?

So who is this letter to Sevika from? It was on the board in Silco's office in the League client game, pointing to the docks where Silco took Jinx.

Did any of the leaks say anything about Jinx's suicide attempt in the Last Drop?

Jayce did nothing wrong
killing children and twinks is based

Ekko, his masterplan for the Firelights involves BLACKing Sevika out of commission

Viktor is right

I will make posts that they are both real AND fake so that nobody knows for sure

I can't believe Amanda thought she was recreating Silco&Jinx with Ambessa&Catherine
That's just sad

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Sevika IS black

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Who the fuck is Catherine

Who the fuck is Violet


Gay sex

Every single leak including ones that are clearly trolls has said that Jinx will attempt to kill herself before Ekko intervenes

No. Those faggots only say Ekko saves her which is the most obvious thing after the preview only a retard would miss it

Original Anon Babble approved characters for Arcane.
I really like how anons here fleshed them out before they straight into their dictator arcs.

character has a lot of melanin

called Mel

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Well it's gotta be someone interested in Zaunite independence, since the letter talks about realizing Silco's dream of Zaun achieving diplomatic recognition as a sovereign nation. The issue is that... actually doesn't leave many people. In S2 it's clear that the other chembarons only went along with Silco because he was the top dog and was tardwrangling them into doing what he wanted. Jinx isn't writing that letter, she's not motivated towards Zaunite independence either, she was only carrying out Silco's orders because of personal loyalty and affection towards him. It can't be Vander because he's semi-dead at the time this takes place. It's not Ekko since he's got his own plan of forming a wholesome chungus 100 sub-society of Zaun mainly for refugees away from the chaos, and is probably uninterested in working with Sevika who he knows mainly as one of Silco's enforcers. Singed? Singed was only in it because Silco would sponsor his chemistry experiments and now that Silco is gone Singed goes over to the Noxians like the local university's physics department head panhandling for funding.

Maybe it's supposed to be some random background Literal Who character?

Women shouldn't be put in those situations to begin with, their conscience tells them to at least tone it down a bit.

6 million ionians? idk seems a bit much

You're thinking too deep and far. None of them do that.

I also dont give a fuck about Caitlyn or Vi, their shipping fandom has put a sour taste in my mouth about their characters. Can't even watch a scene of them together without being reminded of their retarded fans.


It's Chuck (formerly Thieram) joking aside i can't think of a single person, all the goons scattered after Silco died.

The version of Jayce that returned is one that didnt fall in love with Mel and was Viktor's boyfriend instead.
Thats why they leave together in the end.

You know on a rewatch, I think the leaks are true about Jinx dying to take down Warwick.

When they fought in episode 4 she tried to take him out with the grenade also. It's kinda Jinx's think to go out with a bang

Chuck will RETVRN in Act 3 as the new banner-bearer of the Zaunite independence movement

S2E9 will show that he gets a happily ever after with Sevika

She's got a thing for trying to blow herself up to pieces

WW didn't die from arcane explosion, this pitiful bomb won't do shit with his regeneration abilities.

Is there anyone who really believes those leaks?
They sound so unlikely to me but idk

Singed? Singed was only in it because Silco would sponsor his chemistry experiments and now that Silco is gone Singed goes over to the Noxians like the local university's physics department head panhandling for funding.

Oh shit, actually Singed makes perfect sense. He'd know where to meet up, he'd be the kind to manipulate Sevika, etc.
The letter is also right besides notes from Sevika choosing a place to do her speech, deciding on the statue of Vander.

Fucking imagine if Singed coaxed Sevika into organizing hard so that he could pull off his test run of Warwick.

Possible options

In the show

Ekko. Sevika was a known figure when they were kids and its pretty obvious that she's always been about Zaunite independence/equality. Which is why she betrayed Vander for Silco and stayed loyal to Silco. She is about the cause by any means necessary

In the lore

Renata Glasc. She was supposdly the woman behind Silco. I.e. the one who made him his money. Silco's operation dealt with trafficking and keeping the fuzz off the other chembarons. Distribution probably required a business woman who could package and sell Shimmer products to interested markets


Miguel. The guy she would apparantly fuck at the brothel. Remember, Madame Yordle said she was a regular

Why does almost every song lack the gravity of season 1's ost? Besides Sucker and To Ashes and Blood I don't see myself listening to any of this shit.

why is his iq so high

Now that I'm back from the whole day, motherfucker, I doubt it too

Reminder the leaks haven't been refuted so far

I listened to Renegade and paint the town blue a lot. But I always had a soft spot for woman punk/gangsta rap

:) these minigames are sweet, they give you time to digest the fuckfest that is s2 and just wind down to appreciate the small in-world details

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what is that

Too much high energy rap and punk. Hellfire is shit and I don't get why people like it.

Part 3 will come out the Tuesday after Act 3 is released

Will probably be Jinx fixing up her airship to take off

We might get some Ekko crumbs

Timebomb fans! BELIEVE

Imagine this mural being destroyed if caitvi isnt endgame

The musicians for this season are unironically trying too hard

you people have gotten more annoying than caitvi fans

The shimmer? Singed

The chemtech berserkers used to terrorize Piltover into accepting Silco's demands? Therefore also Singed

The hextech? 50% Singed('s pupil who Singed tutored as a child)

The hexgates that bring Piltover trade prosperity, which draws Noxus' attention?

The drug epidemic causing Ekko to make his hippie refugee commune?

The hexcore, Viktor combining it with shimmer, and Viktor's brainwashed cult, etc?

Vanderwick's entire existence? Jinx's purple-eyed enhanced reflexes and temporary strength?

Holy fuck the entire plot of Arcane is an upside-down pyramid with Singed at the bottom, what the fuck. Literally everything underpinning all the events are the result of something he did or created or helped create.

I just love tragic, angsty love stories in comics

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He is the best character

Why didn't Cait put a bullet in his brain right then and there?

Yes they have

They're trying to be evangelion so hard

NTA but all Cait probably knows is that this is some old guy who helped Silco make drugs to pay for his daughter's cancer treatments, it's not exactly instant execution stuff

Jayce was stuck in a time loop trying to kill/save Viktor

Welcome back Kaworu from Evangelion

Jinx's purple-eyed enhanced reflexes and temporary strength?

Jinx would literally be dead rn if SinGOD didnt save her btw
He isnt just underpinning the plot, hes responsible for Arcane plot existing and continuing at all

Not my Caitler.

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If they make this shit canon when Ekko has been completely absent from Jinx's thoughts in every episode but 7 I'll be so pissed. I don't understand how anyone could want this or allow this. Any opportunity they could take to show Jinx cares about Ekko even a little is never spent on him, she only ever thinks about Silco, Vi, and her brothers.

he also made WW go berzerk at the end of s2ep6. no berzerk WW, the isha kid doesnt suicide

I don't understand how anyone could want this or allow this.

yumes really need a win since jayce/mel got forgotten

Why would she? A side character like her can't kill the main character like that without consequences and she knows it.

Singed is the MC of Arcane

Deepest lore

Depends on where you do it, on a stream or video for views/internet clout? I would say something is wrong with you then.

Reminder that Jinx, the teenage genius who reverse-engineered hextech in a Zaunite basement. doesnt understand how mirrors work

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Because What Could have Been is impossible to follow. Seriously nothing was ever going to match up.

It's called whimsy/punk

She doesn't care

Ten was so much better than Dana it's not even fucking funny.

whimsy punk

This is the most "white woman" thing I have heard since live, laugh, love and cottage core.

You're right. Its infuriating


Can fight

More emotionally available

CatxBat vibes

Some things are too beautiful for this world

Isha's really gone, isn't she bros...

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It was like... the most obvious thing in the universe

see your sister being cute/silly

is probably the reason you made it to bed at all and not for the first time

immediately start choking her

Vi is a piece of shit.

Only reason Jinx would be gloomy enough to burn down the last drop would be with Isha gone, if she were alive but Vander gone she wouldn't be that suicidal. Time to accept this.

Playing jinx fixes everything act 2 and the last drop is really a cozy place. Shame they didn't do more with the place.

Have you talked to engineers? They're just like that (autistic)

Guys I found another one!

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You guys do realize the sex scene will be Mel&Jayce again, right?

Rewatch the preview

If Singed didn't exist, nobody tutors the young Viktor and (presumably) sets an undercity sewer rat like him up for enrollment in the Piltover Academy of Sciences. Without Viktor helping him fit together the other 50% of the puzzle, Jayce never succeeds in completing hextech, and commits suicide by jumping out of that window that rainy day. Caitlyn loses a dear childhood friend. Without the hexgates, Piltover remains a moderately wealthy but otherwise normal coastal trading city-state. Noxus, gearing up for a grand expansion abroad into Ionia, doesn't spare them a second glance.

If Singed didn't exist, there's no shimmer. The undercity has other drugs probably but nothing this potent, addictive, and dangerous. Without shimmer giving him a competitive edge in the druggie market and the potential to weaponize it, Silco's master goal of Zaunite independence never takes off because he doesn't have the muscle to browbeat all the other chem-barons into a semblance of unity. Vander keeps running his bar and the kids keep doing retard shit, either dying in an accident or fight or managing to grow up mostly healthy. Jinx is merely an unstable white girl and not a master bomber. Vi probably takes up underground boxing like she does in S2. Without shimmer, Ekko doesn't go off to form his own secret refugee camp.

Cait, losing her best friend since childhood and being depressed, ends up in some arranged political marriage. Uses her """job""" as a detective as an escape from the stifling upper-class demands and the pressure to produce a Kiramman heir. A dying dove in a gilded cage. [BAD END]

Viktor, already crippled since childhood with some sort of degenerative disease, simply gets worse. His disability fucks him on the Zaunite labor market and he has no special training to justify hiring him as a tech genius. Dies young and penniless. [BAD END]

Jayce kills himself. [BAD END]

Kinda lame end to the conflict

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forcing yourself not to see the / just so you can find something to get mad at

least schizophrenic redditor

And all of it -ALL OF IT- was in service of the singular goal of curing Orianna.

The Lady of Clockwork is the single most important character in Arcane.

Literally what he said to Silco when they met to negotiate. I called Noxus being the final baddie in s2 right then and there. I also called Jinx’s death, so lets see if I was right about that too.

I wrote this
(This is a lie)

Don't worry they're both into it

Jinx is especially perfect in episode 5
What a cute schizo

I love Vi so much it's unreal, bros.

Hey sis! I heard that Piltie whore dumped you

And you never got to seal the deal either?

I bet you wanted to just pull her long hair and finger blast the soul out of her

But you can't!

It's just you and me now Vi

You would never lay your hands on your sisters tight pussy would you?

I mean, even if she was into it

It's wrong right?

It's the lesbians

yeah, Jynx and Maddie


she did no such thing, she stole Jayce's book where everything was written

Why is Salo si weirdly distorted through the Wild Rune rings,?

Why does Salo have no visible breath in that cold core room? Whereas Jayce does.
Are the people Victor touched just dead?

This but Jinx
Vi does nothing for me.

"Predictions often weaken the experience they aim to foresee. When we predict an outcome, such as the winner of a fight, we preemptively reduce its impact. If the prediction proves correct, the victory feels less surprising, and if it’s wrong, the disappointment of our mistaken expectation can overshadow the event itself. In both cases, the act of predicting diminishes the full potential of the experience."

Mel simply keeps doing councilor shit. Without Noxus breathing down her neck, she probably has a smoother time of things than in canon.


The other councilors don't get blown up by Jinx.


Without shimmer on his side for both revenue and as a weapon, Silco is stuck in endless chembaron turf wars and unable to achieve supremacy.


Sevika spends the rest of her life as hired muscle/true believer for Silco's cause until inevitably she gets careless enough, unlucky enough, slow enough or old enough that she loses fights instead of wins them and bleeds out in an alley somewhere.


Without Silco achieving supremacy and looking to consolidate his grasp over the entire undercity, Vander continues to run the Last Drop as its proprietor and an unofficial lawgiver to his little corner of Zaun. His topside connections and natural brawn and charisma help him live decently long and healthy by Zaunite standards, and he probably actually gets to live to see the 4 kids grow to adulthood.


Milo and Claggor, assuming they don't slip and fall to their deaths or die in any of the millions of ways ordinary life in Zaun can kill you, grow to adulthood. Probably get jobs and girlfriends or something.


Vi takes up professional boxing and most likely enters some underground competitions and fighting championships. She has inexplicable tard strength even without the hextech gauntlets so does decently well. The head trauma builds up over time though and she can't form complete sentences without slurring her words by the time she's 40. Which is above the average Zaun life expectancy anyway


Jinx doesn't blow up her family and go full schizo as a result. Powder will be a slightly off-her-rocker mechanic who does odd jobs fixing shit. Builds wacky machines in her spare time, but only as a hobby.


Benzo doesn't get killed, runs his store until obesity and heart failure kills him.


They are void constructs which retained the memories of the original.

this dude literally created his account 2 days ago and only commented about the leaks, he seems just as much sus as the leaker

She did reverse engineer it. None of the other Pilties can figure it out because all Hextech research was conducted by Jayce and Viktor.

Even with all the assistants, left over notes, documented studies that were in the lab they can't do it.

Jinx was able to figure out HOW Hextech works through Jayce's notes and create several working concepts usign it.

Ekko had Heimerdinger who was able to explain/tutor it to him.

Source or is this your theory?
Makes sense also with the flashes Jayce gets later..

I like Vi, but Jinx is clearly the best girl

Powder is way above average as an engineer, I think she could go pretty far. Viktor did.

After all, she figured out tech that Ambessa is mad the greatest minds left in Piltover cant put together (at the cost of their lives).

Just a theory based on the setting.


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If people had told me after season 1 that Huck and all the other shimmer addicts would be turned into drones for some hive mind i would have laughed, but I'm not laughing now. Every man woman child down there are now dead in Zaun's own Jonestown.

It's going to be so fucking delicious to finally see Singed mindbroken when Viktor finishes his GLORIOUS EVOLUTION due to Singed injecting him with WW goo and then "heals" Orianna for Singed.
Completely discarding her human emotions while doing it of course, so the result is just a lifeless dancing doll. All of Singed's work going poof just like that.

And when Singed objects and says it wasn't supposed to be like this, Viktor will only respond

Doctor, why are you upset? She's as perfect as you made me.

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She just has a lot more character, charisma and agency.
Vi is just… stumbling between loyalties and punching people. Shes a bit retarded.

Stop asking for explainations and watch this mandatory 30 min caitvi sex scene, we also ran out of time to explain other stuff for some reason.

Powder's schizophrenia gets worse as Mylo continues to bully her, and eventually she snaps and bludgeons him to death. No one is really gonna investigate the death of a random Zaun urchin, so it just becomes this thing Vander's family doesn't talk about, until Powder is old enough to be gently kicked out. WIth no support system, no enemies to direct her violence at, and good looks unmarred by being a crackwhore, she seduces and murders random men.


I can't say I'm a fan of her tumblr-dyke style and attitude but the fact she gets beat up so much (amongst other things) really has activated an "I can fix her" neuron.
She's cute in a pathetic way.
As for Jinx, well, she's an adorably stupid nut.

Yeah why the fuck are people so excited about hellfire? The lead singer sounds like a red neck from the Deep South

We know Caitlyn

Ekko never gets pushed to the fringes of society and motivated to form an anti-shimmer refugee commune hidden away deep underground. Seemingly already adopted by Benzo, he'll take over the store after the fat man dies. He leads a less influential but also far less violent life. Maybe he gets Jinx?


Thieram AKA "Don't Call Me Chuck" AKA "Chuck" learns to mix drinks under Vander's tutelage and becomes the best bartender of the Lanes.


Maddie simply dykes out with some other chicks. Without an undercity in open rebellion, her time as an enforcer is spent mostly using her uniform and Sc*ttish accent to woo cute Topside girls.


The fish guy enforcer doesn't die.


The shield guy enforcer dies of liver failure after years of overdrinking without any greater purpose for him to dedicate his life towards.


Tranny catgirl doesn't get Councilor Salo as a client because he never gets his legs fucked by Jinx's rocket and there's no shimmer drug for him to abuse anyway. Her salary is much lower as a result.


Sky never becomes Viktor's aide and never gets vaporized by the hexcore. She spends her time as a respected and reliable lab assistant at the Academy.


Heimerdinger continues to AFK and fucking around with poros and shit.


Without Piltover's burgeoning trade wealth and technological advances serving like a big bright shining beacon that says "RIGHT HERE, CONQUER HERE" Ambessa and the Medarda clan never have an excuse to leave Noxus after whatever political shit went down. She dies in Noxus, just one more weakened noble house falling prey to the vultures and going extinct in the cutthroat politics of the imperial core.


My nigga Blitzcrank never gets built :(


Forget about Jinx, man Singed really fucked things up for almost everyone. Orianna should have done the world a favor by not dying.

Cait's too busy being a rug-muncher with Maddie.
Vi is fair game.

For now.

more like as they enter puberty jinx hatefucks milo

So, the redditor who confirmed the Anon Babble leak as true can't be trusted as of now. Is that correct?

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Is it Vi getting beaten up again?

Nigga I am not gonna be an investigative journalist for 15 sources of leaks online
Just watch the fucking cartoon on Saturday and post memes or shut the fuck up

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Sounds like a whole load of bs

yeah, he just copied the Anon Babble "leaks" and added his own fanfiction

Singed used to be a famous alchemist from Piltover
There's zero chance that Viktor got to go to the academy simply because he was a clever kid who liked things with gears in them
Jinx would be impressive but without the Singed personal connections + nepotism she never gets out of the undercity

And when Singed objects and says it wasn't supposed to be like this, Viktor will only respond

Doctor, why are you upset? She's as perfect as you made me

One finale tragedy to end off the tragic story of Arcane?
That'd be fitting and depreasing ending, absolute hell for everyone, even the guy who fucked the world gets it.
I'd be amazed, honestly.

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Is there an exact timeline for season 1-2?


It's pretty blatant they're setting up for an Arcane S3 set in Noxus with how much time they're spending teasing Black Rose/Noxus politics in an already overpaced season instead of tying up plot threads. So this would actually be a really neat way to justify the mostly-reasonable Singed we see now becoming the guy who commits the Ionian Square Gassacre. Viktor's shitty resurrection job on Orianna drives Singed towards even more extreme methods, and Noxus has not just resources but more explicitly magical lore for him to tap.

Also soul sacrifice is a thing in the Runeterra setting, Shurimans + Shadow Isles are built on it. Inb4 the Ionia gas attack is Singed pulling the trigger on a mass casualty event like some Full Metal Alchemist-type soul sacrifice ritual trying to bring his daughter back, the culmination of his desperation.

watch the Afterglow Q&A about act 2

Writer asked why he wrote such a heartbreaking story for Isha

"Its just a terrible reminder for Jinx that she will never be able to escape this"


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Sounds reasonable.
Leaks were fake anyway.

Ionian Square Gassacre

yeah ok this made me laugh, retardkino

"she's actually cursed just not coincidentally misfortune"

So they really are going to kill her because it's the only way she can stop jinxing everyone huh?

He's trolling. The only leaks that could be real are these ones and only because they described episode 6 accurately before act 2 was released. But then again some influencers and journalists were given early access to act 2, so it's totally possible that our leakers watched episode 6 and the teaser for act 3 before the official release and are trolling us.

Did Singed actually gas the chinks personally or did he just make the weapons for Noxus and then Noxus military used it to gas the chinks?

Jinx grows up alongside her abusive older sister and never knows Silco's pure and true love


Sounds like thats the arc they are setting up.
She is just incapable of ever being happy, best she can do is die for something good because as long as she lives - anyone she cares about will suffer.

Vi was a good sister

Silco's pure and true love

Silco was grooming her

Silco was a pedofile

Awful, just awful.

Vi is even more gayer.

Silco waited until Jinx was 18.000000000001 years old before popping that hymen and breeding her bareback you slanderous cancel culture Twitternigger!

Not a problem.

Y'know, the way the Act 3 leaker talks about Episode 6 is kinda off/vague. Like, Ambessa & Cait do track Warwick to the camp, but it's cause Singed does it for them. And Ambessa does technically invade the camp after finding out they betrayed her, but not in a "I found out and now I act" way but in a "I full on fell for it and got betrayed, now I act" way.

Makes me wonder if, even if the leak is real, the way he worded the other stuff is wrong/misleading. Like Maddie working for Ambessa the whole time. Maybe instead she's working for the Black Rose or only worked with Ambessa after Cait said they'd fight her.

Like a game master who has a personal vendetta against one of the players, bending every rule to get him killed.

Singed fans slowly but steadily becoming the most annoying posters here

I like that Arcane includes completely platonic male/female friendships but of course some weirdos always have to take it out of context cause God forbid a man and a woman be friends only

One of my main gripes about this season is that the Black Rose was completely confined to Mel and Ambessa's arcs. I wish they had more degree of influence in Piltover's story since they admitted they've been there for awhile. Missed opportunity for LB to not weasel her way into Caitlyn's arc.

only hope is he rewinds to s1 and the end credits roll

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Its purely to tease the next season, releasing 2030

Maddie could still be LeBlanc

Silco is a smelly and ugly doodoohead and a pedofile and he is creepy because of his gross eye . He is bad

Anon, I... am LeBlanc.

I dont usually give a shit about that, but honestly - what an awful message for people suffering from depression who always feel like a burden.

I really think it would be fun if Singed did get Ori back and then for the rest of the franchise he's just got this seven foot tall clockwork teenager following him around.

"Oh! Puppy! Papa, can I get a puppy?"

"You have a puppy at home, love."

"Twitch isn't a puppy!"

"Twitch is better than a puppy. He has a crossbow and the cerebral cortex of a thirty-year-old factory foreman."

"...but he keeps reading me his anti-Piltover manifesto! It's so badly written!"

"Well, dear, he didn't have thumbs until a few months ago. Tell you what, we'll go to that nice petting zoo in Navori if any of the animals survive the gas."

"Yaaaay! I love you, papa!"

begging for this to be bait

What is the point of doing this to a character. Isha was already stupid as fuck, is it just to punish the audience for liking her? They're setting her up as if she has some shitty x man power for killing people in her orbit, and even that would be more interesting than whatever the fuck this shit is

Instead of REAL terrorist with agency jinx kino they just want us to watch her suffer and take L after L, and for what?

I don't give a fuck about that but it's such a weird decision. "Asckhually it's FATE" is such a copout, the only times it works are in genuine mythological tales, anywhere else it feels corny as shit. It also devalues all the actions and events going on because instead of the stakes being seeing a character struggle and potentially break free of whatever the bad thing is, it's just "oh actually the bad thing is fate and the character is fated to always have the bad thing"

I'm not good at articulating this so as an example: it's sadder if a character mistakenly did something that caused their friend to die, VS if the character was always gonna cause their friend to die just by existing.

I would say they hate Jinx but if they hated her they wouldn't give her writing this much attention so i really don't get it.

I feel the same way. That montage of Jinx being happy and content for once with Isha just to rip it away, reinforcing that she's nothing but the physical embodiment of a "jinx". Makes me feel like shit and not in a "that's such good writing!" kind of way.

Its just miseryslop.
In the Isha case it was very poorly executed so it prompted people to point it out, but the whole show has been leaning on it since S1.
Nothing good ever happens, except maybe Vi and Cait get together. Everything else is just a setup for misery.
You get to pretend you are super "mature", critics glaze you, and you generate social media buzz about how dark the show is.

He was always super Viktor to me

and turning it into a massive shithole

It was already a shithole. Shimmer brought an actual economy to the undercity for the first time

Just to take advantage of the Jinx-related circlejerk going on but did Fortiche have any big staffing changes between S1 and S2? I'm asking because outside of the animation which is still stellar, some parts of it genuinely feel like it was made by a different team.


Heimer didn't know how to make hextech either. This is why he doesn't participate in the production of it and has to be shown the new breakthroughs after they're ready. Which means that if Ekko builds something, he figured out mostly on his own

but the whole show has been leaning on it since S1.

I think it made sense in S1 because we always knew it was going to be two seasons and you need things to get worse before your characters can make things better. The fucky part about S2 is that the characters don't really make things better and are contrived to have everything get worse

Plot full of holes

Overheated pacing

Blatant in-your-face trope abuse

Stop noticing things. Vote ARCANE for Best Video Game Adaptation chud

I can't believe this bargain bin trash is in the same series as season 1
The more you think about it, the more you compare, and the farther the gap between them seems. I feel like a fucking retard for ever being excited for this.

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I agree with you, but it doesn't even come across as fate, Isha is given far too much agency in the scene for that. It makes no sense on any level.

I think he could crack it during the timeskip.

Either way, the reason Jayce had Jinx as a requirement for peace was becasue after the Bridge attack he was spooked by the idea that she could figure out how to use it.

An anon a few threads ago pointed out how when Isha was doing her self-sacrifice and suicide bombing, Vanderwick was not near Jinx at all. Which really fucked it for me. Isha killed herself because the writers needed her to die so they could justify Jinx going insane again, and they fucked the execution.

2 of the storyboard guys left after season 1 but the company grew from 15 to 250 during s1 development. Surely it cant fall on 2 people. They even threw out Christian Linke's initial plot that set s1 back 3 years.

Usually people going against their nature and choosing to do good instead of it coming to them naturally is an admirable quality, but here it's just futile.
Yes, it kinda shows that effort and "growth" dont mean shit, you are just cursed.
She became a symbol, she busted people out of jail, she took care of a kid, she pulled her sister out of alcoholism to try and repair their relationship with their father, she even helped Caitlyn vs Rictus.
But none of this matters, she will always be a jinx, everyone she loves will always suffer. So fuck it.

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Could it be one of those situations where too many cooks spoils the soup? It might explain why S2 feels all over the place sometimes.

Yeah, it's fucking stupid. Jinx's daughter decides to murder-suicide Jinx's father because he went crazy and hit her while he was killing bad guys, and now Jinx is a safe distance away from him but not necessarily a safe distance from the explosion.

Tell you what, we'll go to that nice petting zoo in Navori if any of the animals survive the gas.

I don't know why, but this got me cackling.

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It's a writing problem though, not an animation problem. Fortiche is still on top of all the Fortiche stuff, it's Riot that's dropping the ball.

Hey Powder, can you give me a hand with my asshole real quick?

gigaKEK, Rito kills half their main cast and the lore sub blows up, what did they think was going to happen?

Hopefully they make a bridging the rift for season 2 that explains their development.

I like that the pacing was so rushed this season they could barely afford any time to show Jinx and Isha's relationship developing. So instead they shoved a quick montage with sad Chinese music of them smiling together right before Isha killed herself for no reason whatsoever. It's such a brute force method of heartstring-tugging(or maybe heartstring-yanking is better here) that it's almost not insulting.

Hey we know we made the fact that Isha existed purely to die extremely blatant from the moment she first showed up and also didn't develop her beyond a plot macguffin, so we're gonna smash you over the head with the emotional beatstick at the literal last second so you feel sorry for her committing suicide to protect Jinx from a Warwick who isn't close to her at all, not attacking her, and is in fact surrounded by and actively fighting Noxian soldiers

supposedly Jinx, Warwick, Ambessa, Heimer die. Jayce & Viktor fuck off into deep space together.


Riot confirms Arcane is canon and the main timeline for the universe in 2022 after Arcane's continued legacy

The Frenchmen and their love for misery leads them to tell a book open- book shut story about Jinx

Kills off Jinx and Heimer

Redesigns Viktor

Ruins Hextech by making it radioactive


Lore subreddit is going to shit itself

New thread

s1=original star wars


Amanda is Lucas.

You understood those scribbles?

nah. Jinx likes spics and women, just like her sister.

Some of it was legible, some seems like grasping at straws.

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What is this? A whiteboard for doctors?

What the fuck does book open book shut mean anon

I'd assume he means her story was over before it ever began.

No way Mel doesn't get BLACK ROSED at some point, she would not have a good end or become a leblanc

after silco turns out fag all of these zilco posts just looks like sweet fagther & daughter wtf? am I brainwashed

ONK was ass

Arcane is following in the same footsteps

Then goes on to be responsible for like 50% of the backstories in the League of Legends

Singed is literally fucking unstoppable

Writer asked why he wrote such a heartbreaking story for Isha

"Its just a terrible reminder for Jinx that she will never be able to escape this"

and yall think Jinx lives through this if they did exactly as everyone predicted? killing off the obvious plot device.
writers want Jinx doomed into oblivion

She either dies or fakes her death and leaves to do cameos in the other series as the depressed lonely wanderer afraid to get close to anyone.

vicucks seethed to jason & silco "he's canceled blah blah blah" and it turned out he's ex twink & lives well & his love to jinx was pretty normal father's love (you know he's gay)

did Fortiche have any big staffing changes

Genetic changes occurred on 80% of the global population.

heard this from guy I know who said he saw *some* of it for feedback purposes

Sounds reasonable.

as reasonable as my uncle works at netflix/Riot and told me everything.
we've no more reason to believe this random over reddit/Anon Babble leaker, neither have proof other than "I heard/saw"

everyone took IQ lowering injections and art will be mostly slop from now on


only if they change the title to "Vote Arcane the Best MiseryPorn Adaptation"

Are there any Chad Vitkor, Jinx and Vi edits?

how do people guess phrases on wheel of fortune? it must be impossible

it was from the Bridging the Rift vid youtube so there's more than one angle of it, in Amanda's writing studio during an interview
they blurred out most of it for obvious reasons cause much of the plot was on it

they interviewed many of the writers and staff in a documentary for Arcane, Amanda here was one of the main writers who they interviewed in her home
she had much of the plot written out on her whiteboad in her office, most was actually blurred out in post-production in the video except that one part

How can 1 man be so kino?

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