Ted Turner is 86 today

Stupid hippie ruined television forever, fuck him for having such a large influence on cartoons and letting television monopolies create and destroy themselves.

Thought he was dead

How severe is his dementia now?

I appreciate him for having Cartoon Network created to dump all the cartoons he ended up with.

Holy shit this cunt isn't dead?

Thank you for killing WCW

Dude, he was the reason kept it for so long until he got overruled from that AOL merger.

If you don't know anything about Ted Turner he comes across as some old-school media mogul and a Stan Lee "grandpa" type figure for cartoons, but the more you learn about him the more he kind of comes across like a piece of shit.

Captain Planet literally has several episodes that are thinly-veiled promotions of eugenics.

"Ernie doesn't like monsters!"

Reminder that Callie Briggs was haunting his pants.


comics and cartoons?

Never forget that two weeks prior to his death Orson Welles himself said to fellow filmmaker Henry Jaglom, "Don’t let Ted Turner deface my movie with his crayons"

Are you rarted?

Newfags out.

Why'd he change his name to Ted from Timmy?

Why were film "purists" so pissed about colourising a black-and-white film.

Happy birthday, Mr Turner

Kal-AOL Turner

When films were only black and white lighting departments had to work much harder to find the right lighting balance and stylize the visual feel of shots. There was an entire aesthetic technique called chiaroscuro about stylistically utilizing high contrast visuals and that absolutely influenced black and white films (especially in moodier genres like film noir or proto-horror German Expressionist movies.)

It actually wasn't as cut and dry as you've been told
Frank Capra (It's A Wonderful Life) was actually interested in colorizing Wonderful Life in the early 80s, but given the complicated public domain status of the movie the company involved decided that they could just do it without giving him shit because the movie is technically PD

I didn't even know Capra was still alive in the 80s.

died in 1991


doesn't know swat kats lore


Happy Birthday Captain Planet

did he finally colorize the moon though?

Colorization was the biggest nonissue scandal since Iran-Contra, and Ted made some good points about colorization in his autobiography;

It was okay for people to write negative things about me just as long as they spelled my name right—and I really didn't think we were doing anything wrong.

After restoring original black and white prints the colorization was done on a duplicate video copy, so the originals themselves weren't altered, and by breathing new life into these old movies we attracted audiences that wouldn't have seen them otherwise.

Besides, movies had been altered ever since they were first shown on television. To fit a square television, widescreen feature films had to be squeezed and clipped, and they were edited for content (such as removing nudity or obscene language), and some were even sped up or slowed down to fit precise time slots on TV station schedules.

What we were doing wasn't any worse than what had been going on for the past thirty years and besides, if a viewer really didn't like these changes, he could turn down his TV's color knob and watch it in black and white!

That story actually isn't true from what I've heard

Is he genuine or is he a secret scumbag like the usual billionaire?

is he a secret scumbag

He's one of the most out-in-the-open about being a scumbag of all of them.

scumbag television executive

depends in your vision anon, some people says elon is kino and other people says he is a scumbag

Colorizing old movies is evil, and Captain Planet is demonic. He will go to hell when he dies.

nobody has posted the comic yet

Anon Babble is truly dead

I thought he was getting 86'd today.

thinly-veiled promotions of eugenics

What? I recall a couple "hey maybe don't have _MANY_ kids" environmental message outros. But not "stop reproducing and don't have kids". I actually recall Wheeler getting shit on in the episode when he suggested the people living in poverty that they happened to visit in their solar powered jet shouldn't have kids, and Wheeler is the designated wrong one who was instantly shit on by the others.

Cartoon Network

TURNER Classic Movies

There's a number of people that can be blamed for killing WCW. Ted Turner is not one of them

He's probably the only cool billionaire

Ted Turner is in fhat special category of people who I can never remember whether they are alive or not. Like Bob Barker, Jimmy Carter, and Mel Brookes

Cool enough to be a little to progressive for a billionaire. Aside from all his tv programming. He apparently thinks America is so far behind the rest of the first world nations to not have universal Healthcare. Even 3rd world countries offer universal Healthcare to foreigners.

I'd thank him for phantom 2040

Jimmy Carter

That man is barely considered alive. More like a living corpse they wheel out every presidential election. It actually hurts seeing people like that being carted around like props.

America could afford universal healthcare if we stopped giving money to NATO.

yeah you sit in that cuck chair anon

i didnt know there was this much lore surrounding him