if you remember the world not being such a shithole then you are actually a fascist
If you remember the world not being such a shithole then you are actually a fascist
I remember every city looking like it'd been hit by a nuke because of '08. Giant cracks in every building, missing letters in store signs. You'd get groceries from Dol ar T ee. Good times.
Maybe? We'll probably never really know what these things were supposed to represent, thanks tot he clusterfuck making that season.
The world was so much less complicated and awful when mommy made me sandwiches with the crust cut off and I watched cartoons all day
Thank you for proving OP right.
I remember people in the 90s and early 2000s complaining how everything was too expensive and broken.
People who had pleasant childhoods are fascists?
They were right.
I wish we had another 08, if the same kind of crash happened I could buy a house outright with cash I have instead of being unable to buy one until the day I die
You’re going to suffer and die no matter the era
your enemies are numerous and always have been
they are physically stronger than you too
you are made of flesh and bone which is historically weak
you’ve made plenty of mistakes with your life
And yet we still press on. That fills me with hope.
Stuck in a crappy apartment.
On the verge of just jumping out the building.
Think back to 2004.
Go to my brother's place.
He graduated as an engineer and got a job within a few weeks.
He closed on a house, and looked like he was going to get married to a real sweetheart.
Told him I was going to have a house by the time Im his age. He told me he'd help me move. I was ten.
It never happened. It will never happen.
I remember when I had hope for the future.
What's particularly shitty about the world right now, honestly? It's looking a good bit better than the last 100 years.
Three things can be true at the same time
the world is awful
the world is better
the world can be better
Here’s some animation in this Anon Babble thread
What's particularly shitty about the world right now,
Do you really want the answers to that, or are you just baiting?
From a strictly material perspective that's mostly true.
1924 was, however a time when the average American had far more friends, was more likely to be married, have children, and secure housing. We had it harder on the outside, but easier on the inside. Despite technology being more advanced since then and in some cases BECAUSE of that advancement we are more isolated, anxious, depressed, cynical, and insecure both financially and personally. What we really need is to leverage the strengths of our circumstances to skim the cream of history and preserve what we used to do better.
Why did they do this but also portrayed the gooback future as being horrible?
Genuine answers, and if it's "there are trannies in my video games" I'm gonna laugh at you.
I fucking knew it.
NTA but that is part of a larger issue, but if you're out there chasing them then more power to you.
Struck by a pandemic that hasn't left, but has become the new norm.
Retards are running the country, and will be swapped out for even more retards.
The world is on the verge of atomic war due to three flashpoints we cannot keep our fingers out of (Taiwan, Israel, Ukraine).
The Corporate Dystopia is strangling the world.
Global Warming is happening and almost no one is doing shit about it.
Mainstream Media(Movies, Comics, Books, Music, Shows, Video Games) are absolute garbage.
The Healthcare Industry is so crooked that you can and will go into debt for the rest of your life because of an accident.
I will never be able to own a home.
I will never be able to have children to raise because I am horrified by what the world has become.
You tell me.
aging population
wealth transfers
harder push for censorship
less Christianity
more garbage cartoons
obesity rates
taxes for more bullshit
starving kids in Africa despite trillions from charity
Epstein Island
encouragement of ugliness
dumber graduates
normalized mass thefts
burning of institutions
destruction of small businesses
no fault divorce
So on and so forth
I remember the world not being a shithole
but it was neolibs who ruined it
What’s this channel and why doesn’t it have threads? youtu.be
The countries being run by self serving retards, environment being polluted, and population aging are just truths that occur throughout history. These aren't new. There's no memberberries to eat, these things were just as bad "back then".
That’s true but it still needs to be hated as the ugliness it is. The government is evil and treacherous but now it’s gay and stupid too. Unless homosexuality and unintelligence has always been the norm?
Because the point wasn't "PAST BAD" like some retards here think, it was that if you look back and cry about how things used to be you'll never advance or move forward. It tracks with Goobacks because things changed when they worked towards change, but ultimately people would rather get in a pile and bitch about shit being broke.
Speaking as objectively and apolitically as possible, the 1973 oil crisis and 2008 recession pretty much gave the US economy a permanent AIDS debuff. So objectively speaking, the economy is much worse than ever before (excluding the fucking Great Depression obviously), it's not just boomers being boomers. Also the Overton window is the biggest it's ever been since the Vietnam War.
The world is "better" in the sense that deaths from cholera are less common, but that doesn't negate there being a fuckton more wealth inequality and higher economic barriers to basic shit like owning a home and being able to reasonably afford children that was just the unquestioned norm for all of human history but is now basically an economic luxury.
I have experienced death first hand, and it terrifies me. I long to remember a time where I had that last shred of innocence.
>less Christianity
That's a good thing
>obesity rates
About to plummet once Ozempic loses the patent for semaglutide
thank you anon
Not a comprehensive list but.....It's harder to thrive in America than ever before, boomers and the few remaining silents are spending whatever wealth they have on everything but their families, most major cities are finally feeling the long term effects of decades of unchecked corruption, the nation itself is literally collapsing since no one ever bothered to look up the term "preventative maintenance", we're facing multiple drug epidemics, everything you need to live and work is expensive, everyone is lonely and slowly going insane, and it constantly feels like the fabric of society is breaking down. But hey at least I can look at cat videos right?
You’re welcome
That’s a good thing
Oh yeah, baby, tip that fedora while children get their hormones fucked up and babies are murdered
loses the patent
With the big pharma? No way!
babies are murdered
Fetuses aren't babies
It's always been bad, but it's never been worse.
babies are murdered
But enough about the church
That’s what whores tell themselves to make them feel better about using their bodies to get what they want in exchange for society’s destruction. Abortion has always creeped me out because it’s pushing the idea that human life is a commodity that can be destroyed for convenience.
less Christianity
The moment that Trump was elected president and the evangelicals started worshipping him like he's the second coming of Christ should have told you that it's all a scam.
compared to millions of abortions
Way to fall victim to news cycles and their smoke and mirrors.
I’m happy Trump is in because of all the seethe from the left. I will acknowledge he’s just a man that can only do so much for the country with his human talents.
With Trump elected president again you don't get to complain about this anymore
Human life IS a commodity that can be destroyed for convenience. Always has been, always will be, and every war in the history of mankind is the proof.
Yeah but it shouldn’t be SUPER FUCKING EASY to do it. These people have the value of human lives too skewed in their favor. Also, I don’t want harlots to escape the consequences of their actions because they’ll keep ruining society.