Questionable Content
May's Boobs!
uau zero hardship fantasy millionaire gang where marigold has zero excuses for acting llike a brat!
Where the FUCK are DOCTOR LOLI and the SEXY BIMBO GOOBOT, jefffphhh??
Yeah, that was a really annoying development where Jeph had her and Claire's mom just become wildly rich snd succesful out of nowhere, and them never do anything with it except show that she bought a bigger house. Like imagine you have several million dollars and you just continue to hang out going to the coffee shop with your lesbian robot pals
wait, why is May so damned short? she was huge before. and momo is too tall. i think geph forgot how tall theyre all supposed to be
There's some literal throwaway line in one of the anual appearances of these characters where someone just greets her, "Hi, Tall Momo," implying she just got a taller body at some point. Heaven forbid he draw a character that doesn't conform in some way to one of his fetishises
Momo got a new, taller chassis at some point.
Is Jeremy so disconnected from how regular people live that he writes about rich people doing yoga as slice of life now?
I do like how everyone's wearing coats, meaning it's fall/winter, indicating an actual progression of time.
That bag clearly says doritos thougheverbeit?
Anon, the kind of person who makes a bunch of money and immediately ditches their social circle is called an asshole.
I don't understand what this comic is about or doing
Is there meant to be a joke or something
Must be Doritos flavored donuts. Or donut flavored Doritos.
Notorious criminal Jeph 'The Barber' Jacques strikes two days in a row!
What? You think you're too good to read a comic about nothing? What are YOU doing, huh?
I don't understand the last panel. If Marigold doesn't use conditioner, wouldn't it make sense to be the thing to throw at May? How does that make sense as a punchline?
I wanted to complain about a Vtuber doing a stream while showering makes no sense, but that is sadly probably a real thing.
Registered with the ATF as destructive devices
Whenever I find myself in an existential quandary full of loathing and self-doubt and wracked with the pain and isolation of my pitiful meaningless existence, at least I can take a small bit of comfort in knowing that somewhere out there in this crazy ol' mixed-up universe of ours there's Dbaru posting titties in a Questionable Content thread.
Oh yeah, I forgot about the atrocity that is Tall Momo.
Its supposed to be a "ha ha so random she threw something she shouldn't even have on hand" joke, like if someone was fighting in the middle of the woods and pulled a steel folding chair out of nowhere. Conditioner was just a dumb choice of object because she lives with other people.
Yay! Roboobs are back!
imagine you have several million dollars and you just continue to hang out going to the coffee shop with your lesbian robot pals
Okay I'm imagining that very reasonable response. Now what?
since when the fuck is may that stacked?
you know that if that was an affordable option, may would ABSOLUTE get literal milkers to spray people at random.
positively delightful
Since Sven bought her a new body that he didn't get to fuck.
honestly compared to how her new chassis was originally that seems smaller in the bust
What would you do with your old body after getting a new and better one?
godDAMN do I need those in my mouth
My stomach struggles to digest anything more complex than chicken and rice, my hand has had a blistering rash on it for most of the past decade, my leg never healed cleanly after I broke it as a child leaving me short and with a limp, and my eyes are so frequently inflamed that I genuinely forget what it's like to see without blurry double vision. I'd throw this carcass into a fucking woodchipper and throw the woodchipper into a second larger woodchipper.
Hacks has a type, and that type is big fucking titties.
I'd fuck it to assert dominance.
It's been done. Some have even done shower streams with other VTubers
burn it as a sacrifice to myself, for power
I miss that crappy old body. If her old self and her new self appeared before me, I'd make a beeline straight to Midget May and pound her lifeless husk in the leg socket.