Were comics actually better in the past or are we just sad that time has passed? Are we jaded/nostalgic?

Were comics actually better in the past or are we just sad that time has passed? Are we jaded/nostalgic?

The last time anyone gave a shit about superhero comic books was in the 90s when the speculator boom was happening and edginess was the hot thing. Events like Batman being paralysed, the Death of Superman, and the Spider-Man Clone Saga made headlines.

I'm jaded, but reading some older comics really shows me how bad we've got it now.


You're an idiot. Do you seriously think the industry died because the quality was as high as ever?

Those comics caused the crash. GTFO with your revisionist history.

Eggman and Batman? Shit and finished.

Those comics caused the crash

That's what I was trying to say, you retard nigger. The speculator boom caused comics to become more popular than ever but it all came crashing down.

the past was better, but not by as much you might think

compare that modern comic to silver age capeshit

silver age.jpg - 1851x2676, 872.9K

Was gaming actually better in the past or are we just sad that time has passed? Are we jaded/nostalgic?

Clone Saga was awful thoughever. The 90s were awful for Spider-man

It never really got better for Spider-Man since then.

I literally don't see what's wrong with this

Puts in this much effort to ensure Superman has absolutely no retort for Luthor telling him "I fucked your mother!"

Pure fucking chad

why send supes to earth? why not just let him die on krypton?
guy has a fucking time machine and uses it for the most retarded and overly convoluted plans imaginable

Ugh, many words bad

Oh come on anon, it's retarded but also fun because of how stupid it is. Plus, the drawings and colors are good

lmao this is gold

I think it's both. There's so many masterpieces in the past, but at the same time, anyone saying everything modern sucks doesn't actually read comics. There's still great stuff coming out now.

There's still great stuff coming out now.

Nope. Not from the big two.

They weren't

Not really. Pre 80s capeshit sucks balls

Love the idea of walking up to your wife after she's got done birthing a child and saying "cute tyke, toots!".

Well that's simple, he was smart enough to circumvent paradoxes. There must be a Superman to inspire Lex to go back in time, so he can't just remove him from the timestream. The plan is for them to still have their memories of fighting for years but now Lex will be able to reveal Superman's forgotten childhood memories to him, proving he was his father all along so that he'll hesitate to fight him going forward. Simple!

Both. Batman always was surface over substance and pulp (fast consumed, fast forgotten) but it got dumber when writers either started to take themselve or these character too seriously, or started to grow complacent with their audience (which has its problems). That business is only held afloat thanks to autism, stockholm syndrom and the huge companies that own these brands and keep them relevant by the power of having so much money that they can absord a loss there or there and wait for the eventual jackpot.

Gaming got better and regularly produce gems in various genres, but more formulaic shits with high budget get produced too. Capes comics are a niche and American industry that is dying and do not represent the comic medium as a whole. Video games are mainstream and flourishing, even if the current business model is toxic as hell.

Reading comprehension level: Inner city public elementary school.

What's the point of besting Superman if he's not around to seethe about it?

The 80s, 90s, and 00s are also the past.

god I hate this dialogue. also that makeup is terrible. green LIPSTICK?? disgusting.

Both. The last 15-ish years of comics are some of the worst of times in big 2 cape comics and things keep getting worse. But we're also just naturally getting more jaded and nostalgic as we get older.

If Anon Babble starts getting nostalgic about any DC from the New 52 onwards or any Marvel from around the same time onwards, that's when we know we're just getting old and delusional.

Those comics caused the crash.

Because of speculators. Whether the comics of the time were good or bad had no influence on the speculator boom and crash cycle. If you're judging the stories of the time on the a speculator crash you're an idiot, but people who just hated the 90s comics cling to the crash like it's justification for their hate, while ignoring the actual reasons for the crash. In their tiny minds they see the crash as just having happened because "the comics were so bad nobody was buying them" and you can't educate them. These are the same kinds of people still talking about early Image books like they're the worst superhero books ever got, and completely unaware of how bad things are today.

Funny read, but the art has practically no use.

Comics have always been shit, but in the past there were sporadic gold nuggets. Now it's pure shit.

How were we, by default, not the speculators as well?We as teens were the target audience and many of us got into comics just prior to the bubble forming or during the formation. Wizard and the other publications were nothing like the Comics Journal. The buzz created by the Image founders while still at Marvel was enough to pull in new readers by word of mouth or simply by someone bringing a comic to school. To this day, Mcfarlane won't concede that he was wrong about art being of more importance than the story. Thanks to Cartoonist Kayfabe and their youthful love of the medium, I came back full circle on Liefeld.
Rob has admitted how misguided the Image founders were for putting the cart in front of the horse. From his own words, their books were selling 900,000 a month and then took a nose dive off a cliff. Comic shops lost thousands on preorders because of the constantly late Image books, then more after the crash. Even within the pages of Wizard, the folly of the bubble was clearly explained and how delusional buyers were in real time. The malaise of buying titles out of habit is what led me to try other books not on everyone else's radar and ditching Marvel & Image. It's good that CK covered some of the awful books from this era. Anyone can read in the comments section from the vids how people admit to leaving comics entirely because of the poor stories and phoned-in art. The sad part is that there was a wealth of amazing books still being printed. Fans had this weird aversion to B&W printed titles. We were all to blame in varying degrees. People not holding themselves accountable is one of the major problems with society. Sometimes when there is a modern storytime, the anon will taunt the cynics to shit talk. Open invitation and their near silence says it all.

Were comics actually better in the past or are we just sad that time has passed?

They are the same. it's just nostalgia speaking for you

Anon Babble starts getting nostalgic about any DC from the New 52 onwards

Johns Aquaman and Tomasi Batman and Robin were good.This is a hill I’ll proudly die on

Is this an actual published comic? That dialogue doesn't feel professional. I'll try to polish it a bit, as a writing exercise.

"We're here! The Jenny Rose cafe. The "Heart""

"Oh thank god, I didn't want to start processing everything that just happened. What the hell was all that anyway? What I really want now is a minute to think."

"I'm gonna give you that and anything else you ever want, you know that?"

I removed her calling her her whole name, since it felt odd to me, but I'm not sure. Maybe it's a character quirk we would need more context for.


"On my moms, forever."

This is already as short as it can be.

"Well Mags, how about one more time at the giant heart? We can pretend we're in baby boxing class again."

"Yeah! I'll even let you carry me up there. I fought you about it back then, but the truth is, I always loved it."

"I'm so in awe of both of them. If this is what it's like to date other women, then I applaud all the women that do, because this is incredible. Motorcycle courtship chase? Check. Missiles and explosions? Yup."

""We're just flying together in the sky, heading to a giant heart..." (sigh) If they come back married, I'm going to be so jealous. Always the bride's best archer, never the archer bride."

This is the best I can do, I think. Feel free to correct, critique, or take your own crack at it. I'm not a native english speaker, so it's quite possible I have missed something.

Is this an actual published comic?

yes, it's america #5

That dialogue doesn't feel professional.

becuause it was written by a tumblr diversity hire

This is self-indulgent, self-important trollop most likely written for the trade and intended for slacktivist 20-to-30-somethings who spend far too much time on social media to actually read bother reading comic books.
This was throwaway monthly entertainment intended for 10 year old boys.

intended for slacktivist 20-to-30-somethings who spend far too much time on social media

every page has something to shit on
in a way, it's like gift for Anon Babble

Big 2 were legit better. Spider-man' best run was his first run from 1963-1970s. That's a long fucking run. During that time you see Peter grow from an awkward teenager, to a cooler college guy, to dude going through post-college life. Spider-man comics were at their most popular then when his story was actually this serialized thing that allowed the character to grow. Somewhere along the way that story telling was abandoned for the modern explicitly zombified version we have today. This is a microcosm of the Big 2 who are still coasting off of the successes from decades ago and now provide nothing new or interesting to comics as a medium.

The big problem is that the stories don't go anywhere or change anything. Some character dies? He'll be resurrected next issue. Even the changes don't change anything. It's just the same old shit warmed over and over and over.

Tell a new goddamn story with new characters in a new situation (maybe a new setting), and then when the story is done, stop. Follow the classic arc of a beginning, a middle and an end, and don't drag it out into an eternal soap opera with playground fights.