We'll have new episodes until Thursday.
What do you think about last night's episode?
We'll have new episodes until Thursday.
What do you think about last night's episode?
No link yet?
probably tomorrow morning or hours from now ,depending on your t' zone
Thought it was okay but liked the Luna episode from monday a lot more. I'm unironically excited for that new comic they just announced too, I'm digging the cover, but then I'm kind of a sucker for rock and roll and I like Sam.
I watched the Kara episode and have a lot to say about that one. I'm reading the posts from the earlier thread more closely now that I've watched it and I can see why it got people excited. Very cool episode and intricate.
I thought Lisa's episode was fun, thought it was cute that Lincoln gave his little sis a convincing suit.
thought it was cute too, lots of screens i want to take
Episodes with the little sisters do pull at my heart, and get a pass for learning basics lessons in life.
Did no one upload the last 2 episodes yet?
Canon BLori
What are tonight's episodes about?
To Help Lori out, Luan gets her a job at the Burn Bean, where Luan is the Boss
Luna is just great everyone loves her it's easy to make a good episode or comic about her
Luan is a bean
I guess not
youre right
there is one but that latina isnt it
Post it, I can't recall
I miss Savino.
Episode was good. They are really branching Luan out beyond comedy , first with theater stuff and now this. She was way better at business here than her past job try. Lori getting upset made some sense, since she's not used to a younger sister being in command, but her pettiness was a little too much at a point where Luan's pettiness later was justified. Alright episode, though.
Any links for the new ep
Review incoming so skip the text walls if you want: You know, it's funny I said a couple days ago that as great at is it to have Lori nearby, even though she's really close, she still won't be able to participate in late night Loud House hijinx, and how that was a shame, yet that's exactly how this episode opened. Not only that, but later in the episode (it's the little things) she stepped right into the house with Luan when they got home instead of waiting out on the doorway like some stranger. And then took back her old role as boss sister!
Man, this episode made me so happy. Not just because it's good, because it is, and not just because it's a sister-pair episode which I have a big soft spot for, and not for any of the other the fine qualities it has in general, but simply because it really feels like a, like I said before, like they're truly committed to truly bringing Lori back into the fold in the best way possible and it gives the overall feel of things so much.
Great episode. Beautiful backgrounds as usual, ditto colors, the early morning drive to work together with the sisters made for an especially peaceful still frame. The whole thing was wacky enough to be funny but not cloying so, measured so as to not to blunt the intimacy of what is ultimately a pretty personal story with pretty personal stakes about familial, hierarchal relationships.
Was Benny in it either as a cameo or a single line? Or at the very least mentioned?
Double post
You know, I really hesitate to jump the gun or anything like that, but to me this season has really felt like a renaissance in the show's average quality. I don't want to say it's as good as the first four seasons yet but it's already better than seasons five and six, and by the end it might be better than season 7 which I already thought was breaking ahead from the previous two. All the good stuff I'm seeing, the sister stories, the quality of the ANT ep I saw, how much is being set right in the meta and how renewed and reaffirmed the classic formula feels, I gotta be honest, it's really hard not to get excited. It almost feels like a silver age. I'm really, really digging everything about this season. I hope I'm not just being a victim of the moment since I do have to catch up with a few more episodes but this one really scratched me where I like it.
Not only is Luan/Lori an original pairing, their chemistry and the dynamic was wonderful. It's so interesting to see Luan acting more professional after she fucked up that Burpin Burger job, and it's a real trip to see her giving Lori orders, I knew right away that was going to be the conflict in the episode. I thought it was a really wonderful, low stakes day in the life type episode overall and Lori coming back to babysit and flex on Luan in retaliation is both hilariously immature and perfect Lori, she's such a bitch but I love her so much.
only caught like the tail end of the episode so i didnt see much but it didnt look too bad
me too anon
As for the premise: felt it was a sharply written, character-based plot that got its juice from the established power dynamics that they've shared previous to this all their lives and which the viewer understands intuitively as big sister/little sister and, while I'm admittedly averse to change in long running sitcoms, watching Lori and Luan drive to work together that early morning was an image that stayed with me. This episode had a smart concept that I think they executed really well on, sort of like the Lori as a waitress for her dad ep but with a little more pathos because of the other stuff involved.
Again, I'm almost afraid to ask if the rest of season 8 is this good because I feel like I've hit on a streak of good episodes, I watched Karaless yesterday and thought that was great too. In fact, I wrote a review for it as well but I don't want to flood the thread so I'll just wait for you guys to discuss this new ep first. Like I said though, I do want to talk about it. Today's episode was so personally satisfying to me I'm actually hesitating to watch one of the extra eps I missed out on, could just vibe on this one all night I think.
if you get rid of the spaces you can cut down how long your post is
The sister paring was good.
You think we’ll see him in any real way in season 9 (or should I say the 2nd half of season 8) or do you think he’s getting demoted to extra?
I like the pairing because of how well they compliment each other but have been on edge since Undercover Mom set that dangerous precedent by retconning Chaz away.
quit doing this shit
He's messing with you. Benny is in a phonecall with Luan in this ep, you don't hear his voice but Luan's complaining about the price of a new unicycle tire: "Fifty bucks! Can you believe it? Talk about INFLATION!"
messing with you
no he wasnt im sure it was an honest mistake and he missed it if thats true
doesn’t know kino when they see it
Maggie is never coming back, get over it.
Good im glad, that bitch is overrated, has nothing to do with what i was saying you moron
Looks like my Solar Opposites taking up his schedule theory is correct.
still just a theory, could be any number of things
You know, I think you're right anon, and you have a good mindset. But I didn't think it was too mean a practical joke anyhow even if it had been.
You know what, for being an asshole troll I’m going to reveal my nuclear option plan.
I highly doubt it’ll happen but if Luanny is either retconned away or broken up offscreen then I will make the cringiest fanfic possible where a depressed Benny an heroes. I will then spam it everywhere that even remotely discusses TLH, even tweet it to actual show staff. I will make it so that you can’t avoid it when looking up TLH and the end goal is making it the Loud House equivalent of 177013.
Don’t like it? Well you ship hating trolls should’ve held your tongues and left me alone! If I have to launch this nuke you only have yourselves to blame.
As for the rest of you that aren’t trolls I apologize. But their reign of terror has to be stopped. Hopefully I never have to resort to this.
is there decent substitute for kimcartoon yet?
It ends with .si now. But I don't think any streaming site is reliable with Loud House uploads.
yeah, sorry I forgot about that.
I guess the Luna, Lisa, Luan and Lori episodes really suck since no one upload the links.