What is the most embarrassing superhero death in comics?

Taylor had Dick die to another rock in his Titans run

Lex Luthor challenges Superman to a public debate if Superheroes should be stopped or not.

optimistic, Superman agrees, but Luthor manages to get the masses on his side and they turn on the Superheroes.

angry mob confront the superheroes, who hide in the Hall of Justice.

Batman opens the door, being like "Hey guys, now is the time to make the right decision, think with your heart."

angry mob kill most heroes, mutilate Batman, sets him on fire and he's presumed dead for years.

Well that was kinda stupid. And cynical. And aged like fine wine actually.

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The whole premise of the general public hating/turning on superheroes is stupid in general. Supervillains aren't going to just stop because the heroes are gone. Maybe, maybe you could get away with in in a 1 on 1 scenario, like if they just turn on just batman or superman for doing something over the top. But the idea that everyone disagrees with the idea as a whole in dc/marvel universe is ridiculous.

This is TLKOE right? That genuinely sounds retarded lmao.

Image/Mars Attacks crossover did it best, handing over the only people capable of stopping the evil fuckers trying to take over the world isn't gonna stop thek lol.

Cerebus did it first

I really dont get this premise the way its set. The whole Absolute Power shit was already nonsensical, this is just moreso

The funny thing is this is one of those comics that youtubers who make shorts try to hype up. I just like how no matter how shit a story is they'll try and make it sound like the greatest thing ever

The whole Absolute Power shit was already nonsensical

Most readers liked it though...

I dunno, I love TLKOE but I can't deny it's edgy and cynical. But on the other hand, edgy and cynical in pop culture got refreshing to me, in times where everyone pretends that issues can be discussed.

Probably this. Maybe not embarrassing but just why.

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It's not shit, but Batman of all people having enough hope in people to attempt to discuss with them is REALLY out of character. But it doesn't matter, it isn't canon and maybe I forgot some plot points. In the end, it's basically DCs "Old Man Logan".

But I know what you mean. You mean Comics Explained. Where the dumbest shit like a Joker gas zombie invasion happens and he's like "DUDE THIS IS AMAAAAZING!". And the way he hypes Xmen even though its the most boring and annoying shit.

You mean Comics Explained

He's a good example of it. Most comics moved on to just doing shorts where they all start off with "do you know about the time X did X". I Remember there was someone who actually tried to hype up Civil War 2 of all fucking things.