Everyone's most anticipated indie animation is out! Enceladus V ep 1 just dropped on youtube!

Cool! Interesting choice to format for phones. But I suppose that gives it the widest audience


Andi a cute. CUTE

Can't wait to see more!

Is alright, I'll watch the next episode...

Last thread storyboard anon mentioned how hard it would be to make more episodes, but I'd recommend doing shorter comics, drawings or rough animatics with the characters. I think when you have a solid enough cast, fans would get satisfied just seeing them in action regardless of how.

Kicking a guy in the balls on a generation ship seems like something that would be really frowned on.

Hey Anon Babble! On break from work. How are we feeling?!

Huh didnt process the name. This is Izel/Andi Anon

All good, very happy with your performance n the pilot

Niiiiice and aw shucks thank you!!!

pretty good. hoping you guys are getting interest from actual studios

Incel I-IV weren't good. Not hopeful about this fifth one.

Why is the screen so small

Wait, that was it? We waited this long for a two minute short that was animated worse than random RT side content? Embarrassing

its meant for tiktok

Explains so much

Fake fan

Is this an ongoing franchise or something lol

It will be

I hate I also had the same thing in mind

cool stuff

Vertical format is a bit of an iffy idea for an actual show. I get that they're trying to appeal to new gen with Tiktok, but I think most would still rather watch shows with a regular ratio.
Overall, I liked it. The character personalities and interactions felt more appealing than stuff you see with other indie animation characters, it has some bite to it. I hope it gets more attention.

I appreciate all the manservice.

I definitely think its a risk to take the vertical format, but it does make it interesting. I can only imagine how harder it would be to make this sequence vertically because you'd have to render way more stuff.

They must have plenty of frozen jizz stored away, but in general I think kicks in the balls are to be frowned upon as part of a game. He recovered much too quickly, that shit hurts in a fundamental way.

Thats some deep lore

Voltron 2

Fuck off.

Its voltron but not cringe

I think shorter animations are the way to go, especially if it's targeting the TikTok crowd
Like a variation between shorter clips and sometimes something longer

If the future people are so smart, he would have had a codpiece.

It's about the quality of the jizz not the quantity. Even if you have loads of back up cum, it's more important that there is a good genetic variety so that a bottleneck is avoided for as long as possible. If Cal's balls get damaged, then that's one point of genetic variation that won't be producing anymore.

I only now noticed the shadowy figure behind the T guy

This thread took a turn

over 100k views on TikTok

I guess the format does work

Thats true, but animations take time, even when they’re not colored. Guess it depends on how fast the artist skills are.

Knowing how stingy they are maybe its better if it stays indie


I don't think that's a lot for Tiktok standards

That's really fun. Looking forward to seeing more!