Concept art of Colin Farrell as the Penguin before they decided on the prosthetics
Thoughts? Looks cool but also seems like a generic mobster
Concept art of Colin Farrell as the Penguin before they decided on the prosthetics
Thoughts? Looks cool but also seems like a generic mobster
Should have dyed him blonde to go for the full Emperor Penguin getup
Why did it have to be Colin Farrell?
Also here’s concept art of the riddler. Before they cast Paul dano I guess. Looks like guy Pearce to me
Interesting he has a more masculine butch look here, not the pencil neck he was in the movie
That's literally Tom Hardy
Reeves wanted him because of his performance in In Bruges, and from the concept art clearly he was initially gonna just look like Colin Farrell
It was pretty late on they experimented with the prosthetics and when it turned out pretty well they rolled with it. Definitely helped him get a more unique performance too
Plus he actually seems like a larger than life character thanks to the club foot, weird face, huge gut etc. there’s basically nothing to make him the penguin from these initial designs. I get Matt reeves wanted it to be “realistic” but come on
Glimpse of joker
I really hated the Joker tease at the end of the film. Especially since they were going for such an unimaginative and tired take, judging by that deleted scene.
Hopefully they'll change it up if Keoghan's Joker has to appear again.
Bruce was also clearly meant to have the more standard playboy persona early on too based on this
Yeah it sucked. Would’ve preferred just Barry keoghan except he’s super pale than the elephant man mixed with Heath ledger we got
Also batman could have had grappling guns built into his arms instead of the standard grappling gun.
Cool idea. Why not, he has tasers already so why not have some grappling arms
Can be used for traversal and combat
We don’t see this in the movie but they must have built it. Sticky explosive gun. We see him stick one of the individual explosives by hand, earlier he detonated like twenty to break the glass in the stadium so presumably that’s when he would have used this
Inspired by the Arkham games seems like
If Keoghan was made up like Conrad Veidt then I think that could work. Really, I just want to see a 'Man Who Laughs' Joker, no matter who's playing him. I'm fucking sick of the dark n gritty n hyperrealistic scarred and diseased look.
left looks closest to the penguin and the one next to it is too menacing for the first film
Concept art has more traditional cape glider, so hopefully he develops this in future movies rather than sticking to the squirrel suit
Rescuing flood victims
I guess maybe the intro fight would’ve happened on the train instead possibly
Really loved the way Gotham looked in the movie. Design and architecture was fantastic. Great mix of some huge metropolitan city with old gothic structures intertwined
Apparently it’s a mix of Liverpool, Chicago and New York
so glad the final film wasnt this brown
i can see why it got changed batmans entrance is better when you can only hear his foot steps coming from the dark also fights in compact spaces are kind of overdone
I think the original plan was just to have him with a fatsuit to look bulkier
He looks skinny here which is probably why they gave him the cigarette holder
The actual riddler costume was very consistent early on. Just played around with his logo and glasses a little
Very Zodiac killer here
Reeves really loves Azzarello's Joker, huh?
They keep reusing the same gross lips design at least even in concept art.
They did a fantastic job on it. Lot of character even though it's meant to be grounded, which just massively shows up Nolan's complete lack of effort re Gotham in the Dark Knight Trilogy. It's a very close runner up to the Furst/Burton Gotham from '89 imo.
I also appreciated how close The Penguin stayed to this vision of the city.
his hair was originally not covered
I think it was Paul dano who came up with th plastic covering it (also probably a smarter thing to do to not leave evidence like stray hair behind)
Yeah, obviously they had less budget in the Penguin for that kind of detail but it was a good look at the poor devastated slums and shitty areas we aren’t really gonna see in a Batman movie much.
Also cool how the Carmine home was basically outside of Gotham. I think they established Gotham was in New Jersey in the movie
More Gotham scenery
I'm convinced Riddler: Year One and The Penguin were absolutely flukes and we should never expect something good out of the BATMAN EPIC CRIME SAGA ever again.
I thought this was Netflix one piece
it would have looked weird being the only thing not covered too
probably the scene where selina asks batman what he looks like
i thought it was a bit odd how they made it seem like no rich people live in downtown gotham either
this gotham is one of those cities which i wish were real purely architecturally
Why the fuck would that be on Anon Babble? Kys.
What i didn’t like in The Batman’s plot it really made up with with its Art Deco lighting style. Penguin was great with how they kept that for every single dark or nighttime scene, felt actually much better than what they did in the film somehow
What’s the name of the building penguin owns in the finale?
Is this it? Can’t remember
Riddler: Year One
Hang on, this was worth reading?
Shame the Reevesverse is probably getting canned due to Gunn not wanting a competing batman to his interconnected universe one
They already delayed batman 2 and I doubt we will get more than that.
La Couronne
more films/series should do that. Only time it was dark and hard to see in Penguin was when they were burying the bodies in episode 2, and that was intentionally to give Oz a morbid look from the reflections
zaslav would have written off the penguin if the reevesverse got canned
Abso-fucking-lutely, Anon Babble has been gushing about it since it came out. Where have you been? I'll storytime it ITT when I'm done doing something else.
Maybe, I figured it was either too far in production already (as in too many contracts already signed) or it was a test to see how popular it would be (and I haven’t heard amazing things about it’s ratings despite how acclaimed it was, might get more over time though)
Can’t even tell what’s going on with Batmans belly here. Looks like a wrestling championship belt or something
Why would it be canned? They've long-since announced that Part II is in the works and that Gunn's version of Batman in the new DCCU will be separate and distinct from Battinson
Anyone care to explain what “throwing sticks” or “bo shurikens” are?
I think I read maybe the first issue back when it came out but I didn't follow up on the rest.
So does this mean Dano is going to become a classic comic book writer now too?
throwing sticks
Probably what Nightwing uses in Arkham games for a projectile.
Anyone else remember when the pics of the stunt double in the costume leaked and we all thought it looked terrible? Movie magic huh, looked good in the movie
Also was his cape cgi for the bike scenes or something?
They usually cgi capes for stuff like that because it could easily get caught in wheels and shit
Seeing him switch from british accent to new jersey accent was bizarre
I didn’t notice it much, thought he did a great job overall
Maybe one of the shouting scenes towards the end had him slip a little into Irish
Nothing about this looked good in the film. Every design sucked.
No reason whatsoever to think this
Why didn't they just hire a short fat bald man
Because they know they can't get shorter and balder than Danny DeVito
Have you ever been kicked at the speed of light Batman?