happy international men's day, Anon Babble. let's talk about the original man (who's apparently a shitty dad that hates his own kids but whatever)
Happy international men's day, Anon Babble...
I have a coupon for buffalo wild wings, is that enough to get on Adam's good side?
Untrue, he only hates the disappointments
Hopefully everyone finds a Lute of their own.
There's not a single good father in the Helluvaverse. It's just a Vivzie thing.
One can dream...
Millie's dad is kinda ok, arguably father of the year relative to his environment. Every other dad either has Brain Problems (Blitzo, Stolas, Lucifer) or is a sociopath/scumbag (Crimson, Cash, Paimon). Actually Ralphie (Murder Family) might've been a decent dad aside from being a Satanic cannibal, his kids seemed to like him at least and I imagine they're still with him in Hell since Martha's shacking up with Mayberry.
we are all gonna make it
There’s God technically, I’d argue He counts
at some point, we have to track down Viv's father and ask him wtf is her problem with him. It's actually ridiculous how many daddy issues are in these shows
wings? no, get ribs instead
this even includes the second born because fuck you
Friendly reminder that Adam was unironically correct and they should just wipe out demons the second they manifest
They cute
the average sinner is a murder, thief, rapist, cannibal, slaver, etc
but Adam is the bad guy for wanting them in Heaven
So why did Adam make a deal to excuse his ex?
My headcanon is Adam's deal with Lilith is she gets to have her beach vacay so long as she doesn't interfere with the exterminations and their secrecy was also a part of the deal.
I'd be surprised if they introduce Jesus and don't give him daddy issues.
Nice try, but you can't get me to turn on BASED Adam by pretending to give a shit about whatever's going on with Lilith.
What style of bbq ribs is his favorite?
Maybe, maybe not
You think Adam was stoked when he had a burger for the very first time?
He’s actually a great dad
Hell yeah
Explain why. Headcanon does not count
NTA but because I said so,
They should just destroy Earth. No Earth means no people, no people means no sinners.
Just destroy everything.
Characters who own a Lute of their own:
Anyone else?
since Martha's shacking up with Mayberry.
They're Satanists, therefore most likely are polyamorous
All this food talk makes me hungry dammit
Bet you he was over the moon when he arrived in Heaven and realized he could eat as much as he wanted. I imagine he knows a lot of cooking, baking, grilling, and every other kind of preparing food as people got into Heaven, they brought recipes with them that Adam took to with gusto.
He certainly was. When Adam was kicked out of Eden he could no longer just take whatever plant and eat it, he had to be careful with things like thorns and he was forced to till a harsh land to farm.
She is a deranged murderous psychopath who cannot see or hear reason.
But she is hot, Seraaaa…
So beautiful
So in other words, a typical woman. The only difference is, Lute is actually loyal.
when she wanted to go back for an immediate exterminate Adam got to stop so the demons won't catch on to what they're doing
when Adam was going to pick a fight with Charlie and Vaggie she got him to stop
when Adam was going to blab about the exterminations she got him to quiet down
She's completely capable of listening to reason.
She's completely capable of listening to reason.
Maybe she was before Adam was shanked like a prison snitch, but not after.
That makes Lute even more appealing. Schizo hallucinations aside, a woman loyal to the extent that she'd genocide all of Hell just to avenge you? Now that's hot.
disabled veteran
mentally broken from the war
a bunch of her sisters in arms and even the only person who ever gave a shit about her are dead and no one cares
judged by her countrymen who don't know how awful the average enemy she fought actually is
got demoted and her rank was handed to the nepo baby
her superior who greenlit the fight is now dismissive of her entire life's mission
It's completely understandable why she's pissed beyond reason.
Her side had a winning streak that had been going on for millennia and the moment they take their first loss she immediately decides to throw the board off the table. She's not supposed to be admired.
I'm not going to side with literal demons, Viv.
based so-sayer
Got demoted
What? Lute is in charge of the exorcists now, she even tells Lilith this.
yeah but the sinners deserve it so that makes it okay
In the one of the leaked season 2 episodes Lute's promotion was handed over to Abel.
He doesn't know
Tbf I never got the vibe the exorcists cared about each other. The others were never really mourned over
When are the demons gonna get off their ass and out up a fight though
It's less of a demotion and more like being skipped over for a promotion by the dead boss' son. She only assumed she would be in charge because, you know, that would actually make sense. As far as we know Abel has done fuck all for however many millennia while Lute was second in command.
God, the venom in Lute's voice in this scene. She's so sexy when she's angry (ie all the time).
Oof, poor Lute.
Lilith spearheaded the resistance movement (it was always known but the leaks confirmed it even more)
Logically she'd be the last demon to give up and go to heaven, that's quite sus, don't you think
I'm interested in knowing what her motivations are. Does she really care about Adam's scumbag progeny? Did she just feel spurned after getting banished to hell and all she wanted was to chill in a less horrible place? I guess just giving that to her would deflate all her desire for any kind of revolution.
Why are Lilith's facial features always obscured? It's almost as if they're trying to convey something...
She's the medusa?
I don't think she ever cared. Just like how Adam is a douche, she's also a cunt. The only difference between them is Lilith managed to fool her family into thinking she cares.
More like she's not actually Lilith, but Eve. The real Lilith is Rosie.
I'd rather she'd be a complex character than Stella-adjacent
You and I both know Viz would definitely make her a bad mom.
What did you use to translate this?
Lilith gave birth to a goat.
google translate
You're right on that... Nobody expected (leak spoilers ahead)Rosie to bad (well, I'd say it's still too early to deduce that she's a total scumbag, she's still probably one of the better overlords of the roster) when Viv's arts of her showed her being wholesome with Alastor